Hyundai H-CMD7075 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Hyundai H-CMD7075, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Hyundai H-CMD7075 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Hyundai H-CMD7075. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Hyundai H-CMD7075 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Hyundai H-CMD7075
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Hyundai H-CMD7075 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Hyundai H-CMD7075 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Hyundai H-CMD7075 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Hyundai H-CMD7075, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Hyundai service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Hyundai H-CMD7075.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Hyundai H-CMD7075 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    H-CMD7075 DV D/MP 3/CD R ECEIV ER D VD /MP3/CD -   Ins truction m anual [...]

  • Page 2

    2 Dear custo m er! Than k y o u f o r purchasing our produc t. F o r saf e ty , it is stro ngly r ec o mme nded to read this manual c aref ully b e f o re c o nnec ting, ope rat in g an d/or adjustin g th e product and keep the man ual fo r r efe rence in th e future. Tabl e o f con ten ts Tab le o f c o n ten ts ...................................[...]

  • Page 3

    3 IM PORTANT SAFEGUARDS Usin g t h e device a t tem p er a tu r e bel ow -1 0º  m a y ca u se t h e br ea ka ge of th e d evice. BEF ORE USING PLE ASE HEAT UP THE PA SSENG ER CO MPA RTMEN T TO TH E RECO MMEN DED TEMP ERA TUR E!  R ead c arefully throug h th is manual to familiarize y ou w ith th is high-quality so und sy ste m.  Dis[...]

  • Page 4

    4 I ns t a l l a t i on/ C onne c t i ons Fi r st comp l et e t h e el ect r i ca l con n ect i on s, an d t h en ch eck t h em for cor r ectn ess. Installation way (metho d 1) It is an an ti-thef t in stallation w ay . Th e chass is we ar a metal s liding hous in g. Ple ase have the w irin g c o nn ec tion o f the pow er supp ly , spe akers and an[...]

  • Page 5

    5 Installation way (metho d 2) Installatio n using the s crew holes at bo th side s o f the u nit. 1. Se lec t a pos ition w here th e scre w h o les o f the main unit are fitte d fo r aligned , and tighten the sc rew s at 2 po sitio ns at eac h side. U se eith e r tr uss sc r ew s (5 x 8m m) or flush surface screw s (4 x 8mm), depe ndin g o n t he[...]

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    6 Co nn ectio n sch em e:[...]

  • Page 7

    7 Using t he ISO Connec tor 1. If y our c ar is e quip ped w ith the ISO co nn e cto r, then co nn e ct the ISO co nn e cto rs as illu strate d. 2. For con n ect i on s wit h out t h e ISO con n ect or s, ch eck th e wir i n g in t h e vehi cle car eful l y befor e con n ect in g , in cor r ect con n ecti on may caus e se rious damage to this unit.[...]

  • Page 8

    8 Co ntro ls descript io n Front pane l 1. OPEN BU T TON Pres s it to remo ve the f ront pane l. 2. TA B U TTON In R AD IO mo de pre ss it to activ e the T A f unctio n. 3. SCAN BU TT ON In R AD IO mo de pre ss it to start prese t statio ns sc ann ing. 4. PTY / CLK BU T TON Pre ss it and ho ld f o r 2 se co nds to set c lo ck. In R AD IO mo de pre [...]

  • Page 9

    9 7.  / R PT BU TTON In menu us e it to mo ve to the right. Durin g pla y back press it an d h old f or 2 sec onds to star t r epeat play back. 8.  / INT B U TTON In men u use it to mo ve upw ar d. Durin g pla y back press it an d h old f or 2 sec onds to star t i n tr o play back (ab out 10 sec onds each tr ack). 9.  / RDM BU TT ON In me [...]

  • Page 10

    10 R otate it clo ckw ise to increas e the v olume lev el; rotate an ticlo ckw ise to de creas e the v olume lev el. Pres s it rep eate dly to s ele ct the mo de : VOL => BA S => TR E => BA L => F AD => L OU D => L OC => S T => EQ. R otate VO L kno b to adjus t e ach mo de. 20. LCD (LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY) 21. Dis c slo t 22[...]

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  • Page 12

    12 Gen eral o peratio n s Rese t t he unit Ope ratin g the unit f or the f irst time o r afte r r eplac ing the c ar batte ry , y ou mu st res et the u nit. Pres s O PEN butto n an d remo ve the panel, the n pr es s the R ESET b utto n to res to re the unit to the o riginal fac tory se ttings. Powe r b utt on Pres s any b utton to turn the unit o n[...]

  • Page 13

    13 Sou nd se tt i ngs Pres s SEL butto n shortly and repeate dly to s ele ct the mo de : VO L => B AS = > TR E => BA L => FA D => LO UD => L OC => S T => EQ. R o tate the VO L kno b o r use V OL +/- b utto ns to adj ust e ach mo de.  VO LU ME: 0 0, 02,......, 4 4, 46  B ASS /TR EB LE: - 6, -5,......, 0 , +1, +2,.[...]

  • Page 14

    14 R a di o ope r a ti ons No te: R DS (R adio D ata Sy stem) s ervic e av ailability varies w ith ar eas . Pleas e unde r stand if R DS serv ice is no t av ailab le in y ou ar ea, the f ollo w ing se r vic e is not av ailable , either. Band select Pres s the BA ND b utton o n the f r o nt pan el o r B ND /SY S b utton o n RC repe atedly to se lec [...]

  • Page 15

    15  Aut o me mor y s t or e : press A PS b utto n o n th e p anel f o r mo r e than 2 se co n ds to enter auto sto re mo de . The radio will auto matically sto r e the 6 s tr onge st availab le s tatio ns to the 6 pres et memo ries o f the c urr ent b an d. To sto p auto sto r e, p r es s this b utton again. St e r e o/ M on o mode Pres s the[...]

  • Page 16

    16 PTY (Pro gram Type) 1. Pres s PTY/CL K b utto n o n the pane l to ac tivate the PTY f unctio n. The prev io us PTY ty pe is sho w n. 2. Press PTY/ CLK on ce a ga i n t o en t er th e MUSIC type or pr ess twice to en t er th e SPE E CH ty pe, t h en use butt on s 1 - 6 t o select t h e de sired p r ogram ty pe (s ee the f o llow ing table ). 3. W[...]

  • Page 17

    17 Discs o peratio n s Disc gl ossary PBC (PlayBack Contro l) PB C is a menu r ec orde d on th e dis c w ith SV CD o r VCD 2.0 f o rmat. Fo r th e disc s c ontained PB C, it c an play bac k interactiv e so f tw ar e w ith th e me nu display e d o n TV. And if the disc co ntain s still imag es, it c an play bac k high def inition o f s till image. T[...]

  • Page 18

    18  Max. nes ted dire cto ry is 8 le ve ls  The max. alb um numb er is 9 9  The max . length o f e ach trac k is 99 minutes 59 s ec o nds  Suppo r ted sampli n g frequency fo r MP3 disc: 8 KH z – 48 KHz (44.1 KH z pr efe r ably )  Suppo r ted bit-rat es o f MP 3 disc ar e: 32 - 320 kbps (128 kb ps pr efe r ably ). ?[...]

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    19 Loading/ eject a disc  Tu rn the po w e r o n.  Inse rt th e dis c w ith th e printed s ide f ac ing upw ard into the s lo t.  Pre ss EJ ECT b utto n on the pa nel to ej ec t the dis c. In serting t he SD / MMC card / USB dev ice Inse rt th e M MC/ SD c ar d o r U SB de v ice into MMC/ SD co mpartment or U SB so cke t. Then the[...]

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    20 Slow playbac k (f or DVD/ VCD) Dur i n g DV D / VCD pl ayback pr ess t h e SLOW butt on on th e RC to execu te th e SLOW fun ct ion . Wi th each con secut ive pr essi n g of the S LO W b utto n, the play b ack s pe ed d ec rease s: X1/2 => X1/3 => X 1/4 => X 1/5 => X 1/6 => X1/7 => No rmal. During s lo w f o rward, pres s the P[...]

  • Page 21

    21 Changing an gle (for DVD only) If DV D disc suppo r ts multi-an gle play back, press A NGL E button on RC to play im ages in diffe r e nt camer a angles. If discs doe sn 't sup po r t multi-angle play bac k, this f unctio n will no t wo rk. If no ope ration w ith in 1 sec ond, angle de sc r iption w ill disappe ar . Selecting the subtitle ([...]

  • Page 22

    22 MP3 overview No tes o n MP 3  MP 3 is s hort f or MP EG A udio Lay er 3 and re fe rs to an audio co mpres sio n tec hn olo gy standard.  Th is pr oduc t all ow s playb ack of MP3 f iles o n CD-ROM , CD-R or CD-R W discs.  The unit can read M P3 f iles w r itte n in the f ormat co mpliant with IS O 966 0. Ho w ev er it doe s not[...]

  • Page 23

    23 Sys tem s etup Pres s SETU P b utton o n th e R C to display se tup sc ree n, use  , ENTER butto ns to s ele ct the des ir ed item: Sy ste m, L an guage , Aud io , Video , Digital. System setup TV system Se lec t the TV s y ste m in th e s etting me nu (PA L o r NTSC) . Screen sav er The s c ree n save r appears if disc sto p las t mo r[...]

  • Page 24

    24 Langu age setup Setting the o n-screen display langu age Sel ect t h e la n g u a g e t o be used for t h e on - scr een d i sp l a y. Setting the au dio langu age Sel ect th e la ng ua ge to be used for th e aud io. You ca n sel ect a p r eferr ed au di o f r om t h ose in clu ded on th e DVD vi deo di sk . (T h e scr een on your p l a yer m a [...]

  • Page 25

    25 Digital setup Output mo de Se lec t the o utput mo de: LINE O UT : Co mpress the input s ignal. Th e v olume is s mall. RF REMO D : The v o lume is large. Dynam ic range Wh en you select t h e comp r essed m ode a s “l i n e out ” , sel ect i t t o ad jus t t h e comp r essi on pr opor t i on a n d g et t h e di ffer en t comp r essed effect[...]

  • Page 26

    26 Anti-th ef t sy ste m This unit is equippe d w ith a slide-d ow n de tachab le and mask panel. Panel can b e de tache d and take n w ith y o u, helping to dete r thef t. Detaching the front p anel 1. P ress the PW R b utto n to turn the po we r o f f . 2. Pres s the OP EN butto n o n the fro nt pane l. 3. Pus h the pane l to the right and then p[...]

  • Page 27

    27 C l e a ning Disc s holdi ng  Dirty , sc ratched o r warpe d dis cs may cau se s kip p ing o r n o ise .  H andle the disc o nly b y the e dge s. To ke ep c lean do not to uc h its s urfac e.  Di scs s h oul d be st or ed i n t h ei r ca ses a ft er use t o a voi d scr a t ch es.  Do not e xpo se disc s to direct s unligh[...]

  • Page 28

    28 T r oub l e s hoot ing g ui d e Sy mpt om Cause Sol ut i on No p ower . The c ar ignition is no t o n. T h e fu se i s bl own . If the po w er supply is properly conn ected to the c ar acc es so r y sw itch the ignitio n key to “ACC”. Repl a ce t h e fuse. Di sc ca n n ot be l oa ded . Pr esen ce of disc i n si d e t h e p l a yer. R emo v e[...]

  • Page 29

    29 Specif ication Specificati ons are subject to change withou t notice. Mass a nd di mensi on ar e appr oximate. General. Po w er supply : 12V DC Curr ent consumpti on/Fuse: 8A/ 10A & 1A Maximum pow er output: 50Wx4 c han n els Dime nsio ns (W x H x D) 178 x 51 x 178 mm Wor k i n g t em p er a t ur e r a n ge: -20º  - +60º  FM S tereo [...]

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    30   !              .         ?[...]

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    31               ,          ?[...]

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    32   /            ,          .      ?[...]

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    33                        ,  [...]

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    34             ,       4  .  [...]

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    35   ISO 1.           ISO ,      ,        . 2. [...]

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    36       1.  OPEN    ,             [...]

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    37               . 8.   / INT   [...]

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    38      ,       . 20.      21.   ?[...]

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    39  1.  MODE 2.  POWER 3.  BND/TA/ SYS 4.     5.     ENTER 6.     STO P/R EVER SE 7.  AMS/RPT 8.  ST/ PROG 9.  LOC/A[...]

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    40     RESET (   )        OPE N.       RESE T ,      [...]

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    41                              B A N D / S U B ,                                  .    ?[...]

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    42     :    RDS (        )         .      ,    [...]

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    43               :      APS  [...]

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    44   TA (      )                   (ON )  (OF F). [...]

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    45      PBC (      )      –     ,      [...]

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    46             ?[...]

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    47    US B/ SD/ MMC       MP3   U SB  (   ).     SD / MMC, 2  1 (SD/MMC).   U SB[...]

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    48  SD/MMC     .    /        ,      PLAY/ PAUSE     ,   [...]

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    49               R        AMS/ RPT   ,[...]

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    50          DVD  . 1.     SUB T IT LE           ?[...]

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    51   VCD     GOTO,         .          ,      ?[...]

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    52    3    3   3               MP EG 3               [...]

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    53       CD-R  CD-RW,     MP3             ?[...]

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    54     SE TUP          ,        ,    ?[...]

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    55   : INT E RLACE-YUV.          . 4:3 PS :  ?[...]

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    56        1  8: (1)       . (8)         .   [...]

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    57        .               DV D    . (         ?[...]

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    58                       .   :         ?[...]

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    59            .      ?[...]

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    60              : LINE O UT :      .    . RF[...]

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    61                    .       ?[...]

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    62          ,                      [...]

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    63                       . ?[...]

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    64                   ?[...]