Hyundai H-CMMD4040 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Hyundai H-CMMD4040, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Hyundai H-CMMD4040 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Hyundai H-CMMD4040. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Hyundai H-CMMD4040 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Hyundai H-CMMD4040
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Hyundai H-CMMD4040 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Hyundai H-CMMD4040 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Hyundai H-CMMD4040 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Hyundai H-CMMD4040, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Hyundai service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Hyundai H-CMMD4040.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Hyundai H-CMMD4040 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    H-CMMD4040 MULTIMEDIA DVD RECEIVER WITH MOTORIZED 7  TF T DISPL AY AND BUIL T-IN TV-TUNER Instruction m anual       DVD   7      TFT   ?[...]

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    2 Dear cust omer! Than k y o u f o r purch asi ng our pro duct. F o r saf ety , i t i s stro ngl y recom m ended to read thi s m an ual caref ul l y b ef or e conn ecti ng, operati ng an d/or adj us t i n g the product an d kee p the m an ual for ref eren ce i n the f uture. Table of contents T ab l e of con ten ts .................................[...]

  • Page 3

    3 Im portant safeg uard s · Usin g t h e device at tem perat ure bel o w -10º  m a y cause the b reakage o f t h e device. BEF ORE USING PLEASE HEA T UP THE P ASSENG ER COMP AR TMENT TO THE RECOMMENDE D TEMPERA TURE! · Read caref ul l y t h ro ugh thi s m an ual t o fam i l i ari ze y oursel f wi th thi s h i gh-qual i t y sound s y stem. · [...]

  • Page 4

    4 Installation/ connection F i rst com pl ete the el ectri cal conn ecti ons, an d th en ch eck them f or correctn es s. Insta ll at ion opening This unit can be insta ll ed in any dashbo ar d h a vi ng a n o pen in g as sho wn o n t he p i ct ure. The das hboa rd sh o u l d be 4.75  5.56 mm t hick in o rder to be able t o support the un i t. 1.[...]

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    5 El ec tri ca l connection Am plif ier jack s[...]

  • Page 6

    6 Caution: Do not in t erchange the co nnecti o n o f t he wiri ng!!! F or s ome ca r m ode l s you m ay need to m odify wirin g o f the s uppli ed power cord. C ontact y our au th or i zed ca r deal er bef o re i n stal l i n g t h i s uni t . Using the I SO Connector 1. If y o ur car is equ ipped wi t h t he ISO connector, t hen connect t h e ISO[...]

  • Page 7

    7 Panel controls Front pa nel 1. PW R/MO D b utt on Pres s POW ER button t o turn the power on, press an d h old f or 2 sec ond s to turn the power of f . 2. Adj ust an gl e +/- 3. TFT di spl ay 4. W IDE button. Pres s i t to ch oo se scre en f orm at - 16:9 or 4:3 5. RESET b utt on 6. OPEN button. Pres s i t to open di spl ay 7. EJECT b utt on 8. [...]

  • Page 8

    8 11. SET butt on (Mul t i -f uncti o n al key ) 12. Navi gat i o n knob (AF, TA, PTY, EON) 13. PL A Y/P AUSE b utt on Us e t h i s butt on to start pl ay b ack. Pres s i t to pause pl ay bac k. 14. R PT b utton Us e t h i s butt on t o pl ay cu rren t t rac k repe atedl y . 15. INT button Pres s it to start i ntro pl ay i ng (10 second s). 16. SEE[...]

  • Page 9

    9 Rem ote control 1. MOD E b utt on 2. POW ER b utt on 3. BN D b utt on 4. Di recti onal b utt ons f or m enu sel ecti on 5. ENTER b utt on 6. STOP/R EVERSE button 7. A MS/P AUSE button 8. ST b utto n 9. LOC /PL A Y b utt on 10. VO L +/ - b utt on 11. PB C button 12. OSD (On Screen Di spl ay ) butt on 13. Di gi t area 14. P ANEL ANGLE ADJUST but to[...]

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    10 24. A UDIO b utt on 25. GO TO b utt on Changing the bat ter y 1. Pres s t h e catch an d at the sa m e t i m e pul l out th e battery tray . 2. Ins ert the 1 x li t hi u m batt ery , type CR 2025 3V batt ery wi t h t he stam ped (+) m ark f aci n g upwa rd. Ins ert the battery tray i nto the rem ot e control . Warning: S tore the b att ery wh er[...]

  • Page 11

    11 General operation Rese t th e un it Opera t i ng the un i t f or t h e fi rst ti m e o r af t er repl aci ng the car ba tt ery , y ou m ust res et the un i t . Pres s t h e RESET b utt on by us i ng a bal l -poi n t pe n or a si m i l ar t ool to restore t h e uni t to the ori gi nal f actory setti ngs . Power bu tton Pres s POWER/M ODE b utt on[...]

  • Page 12

    12 - BALA NCE co ntro l Pres s t he VOL 4 ti m es, t h en rot ate t o adj ust the b al an ce l evel . - F ADER con tro l Pres s t he VOL 5 ti m es, t h en rot ate to adj ust th e f ader l ev el . - LOU DNESS con trol Rotate t h e kn ob cl ockwi se t o acti v ate L OUD ON, rot ate anti cl ockwi se to ac ti vate LOUD OF F. - EQ con tro l Rot at e the[...]

  • Page 13

    13 ST selector Duri ng the radi o m ode pres s t h e ST b utt on o n the RC to swi t ch l ef t spea ker/ri gh t speaker/ stereo. Adjust angl e Pr ess t he Ad j u st angle +/- butto ns o n t he f ro nt panel o r bu tt o n o n t he RC to adj ust t he TFT Pa nel an gl e t o y our nee d. Screen se tti ng Pres s t h e WIDE button o n the f ront pa nel t[...]

  • Page 14

    14 Digital tun er Note: RDS (Radi o Data Sy stem ) servi ce av ai lab il i t y vari es wi t h areas. Pl ease un derstand i f RDS se rvi ce i s not av ai l ab l e i n y o u area, the f o l l owi ng serv i ce i s not av ai l abl e, either. Band se l ection Pres s MODE button t o sel ect Ra di o m ode. Pr ess BND butto n o n t he RC o nce o r m o re t[...]

  • Page 15

    15 AMS (Auto Me m ory Store) f un ction · Preset scan: pr ess AMS/ PAUSE o n t he RC t o scan a ll pr eset st a t ions in t he mem o r y o f t he cur re nt band a nd stay on each m em or y stati ons f or ab out 5 secon ds. The m em or y l ocat i on i n dicator on th e LC D will fl ash duri ng t h e pro cess . To sto p preset sc an , press thi s bu[...]

  • Page 16

    16 PTY (Program Type) 1. Rotat e the nav i gati on kn ob to ch oo se PTY f un cti on. Th e prev i ous PTY type i s sh own. 2. Press PTY once again to enter t h e MUSIC type or press t wi ce to enter t he SPEECH ty pe, t h en use butto ns 1 - 6 to sel ect the des i red pro gram t y pe (see the f ol l owin g t ab l e). 3. Wh en PTY i s se l ected, th[...]

  • Page 17

    17 L oca l/Distance Control In radi o m ode, pres s t h e  LOC /PLA Y  button o n the RC to sel ect l ocal or di stan ce recepti on. a.  LOC ON  sh o wi ng on the di spl ay , m eans l o cal recept ion i s t urned on; b.  _DX_  showi ng on the di spl ay, m eans distant recept i o n is t urned on. Local an d d istan ce recep t i on [...]

  • Page 18

    18 Glossary PBC (PlayB ac k Control) P l a y Ba ck Cont rol is a m e n u reco rded on t he di sc wi t h SVCD o r VCD2.0 f o rmat. For t he di scs cont ained PBC, i t can p layba ck inter act ive so ftwar e with t he menu di sp laye d on T V. An d if the d i s c co nt ains st ill images, i t can pl ay back h i gh def i ni t i o n o f stil l im age. [...]

  • Page 19

    19 Disc operations Discs f or pl ayback · Thi s uni t can play al l di gital audi o CD, DVD/SVCD/VC D/HDCD/MP3/MP4/W MA/CDDA / Pi ct ure- CD/JPEG/CD-R/-R W/DVD±R/±R W. · The f o l l o wi ng f i l e ty pes are supported: A udi o f i l es: MP3 (*.m p3) W M A ( * . w m a ) Vi deo f il es: MP4 (*.avi , DIVX3.11/4.0/5.0/6.0 an d XVID) M P E G 2 ( * [...]

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    20 Playing / pausing To en sure goo d sy stem perform ance, wai t un t i l t he un i t f i ni shes rea di ng the di sc i nf o rm ati o n b ef o re pro cee di ng. Press the PLA Y/ PAUSE butt o n o n the f ro nt panel o r LOC/PLA Y on the RC to st art t he pl ay back. Pause In pause m o de press t he PLA Y/ PAUSE butt on on the f ro n t panel o r A M[...]

  • Page 21

    21 Repeat playback Pres s t h e RPT button o n the pan el onc e o r m ore t o rep eat the pl ay b ack: · For VCD/CD/M P3: di spl ay appears RPT ONE => RPT OFF · For DVD: di spl ay appears RPT CHA P => RPT TI TL => RPT AL L RPT i con wi l l appear o n t he di spl ay . Random playback (f or CD/VCD/M P3 di scs ) Duri ng di sc pl ay bac k, p[...]

  • Page 22

    22 3. The VCD starts pl ay i n g t h e sel ected t i t l e autom atica l l y or pres s PLA Y/ P A USE b utt on t o c onf i rm t h e sel ected t rack f or play back. 4. Pres s ST OP b utt on to return to m enu. 5. Press PBC again t o ex it men u. MENU s el ector Pres s  ,  ,  ,  b utt ons or rot ate nav i gati on knob to sel ect the des [...]

  • Page 23

    23 On-screen display Pr ess OSD butto n. T he d i sp lay shows single tra ck e lap sed t im e, s in g le tra ck l e ft time or enti re d isc lef t time. Pr ess i t agai n, t h e di spl ay sh ows DVD/VCD/MPEG4/CD m o de, the track bei ng pl ay ed, t he am o un t o f t h e whol e di sc. Us i ng the TITL E (f or DVD onl y) 1. Press TITLE t o di spl ay[...]

  • Page 24

    24 M P3 ov erview Notes on MP3: · MP3 i s sh or t f or MPEG A udi o Lay er 3 an d r ef ers to an audi o com pressi on t ech nol ogy stan dard. · Thi s pro duct al l ows pl ay back of MP3 f i l es on CD-ROM , CD-R o r CD-RW di scs. · The unit can read MP3 files wr i t t en i n t he f o r m at c o m p liant w i t h IS O 9660. However it do es not [...]

  • Page 25

    25 Notes on cr eating your own CD-R or CD-RW containing MP3 fil es: · To enj o y hig h qua li t y sound, we reco mm e nd co nver t i ng t o MP3 files w i t h a sam p ling freque ncy o f 44. 1 kHz an d a f i xed b i t rat e o f 128 kb ps. · DO NOT sto re m o re than 448 MP3 f i les pe r di sc. · For ISO 9660 - co m pl i an t f ormat, t h e m axi [...]

  • Page 26

    26 DVD setup Pres s SETUP b utton on the rem ot e c ontrol to displ ay DVD setup scree n. Use t he cur sor bu tto ns to sel ect t he desi red o ptio n o r item . Pr ess ENTER b utto n to c on f i rm opti on . L angu age s etup Setting OSD Language Press the cursor but to n and the ENTER b ut t o n t o sel ect t he desi red l anguage: Engl i sh, Ger[...]

  • Page 27

    27 Setting DVD Menu Language Sel ect a ki nd of l anguage f o r the m en u o f DVD di sc f ro m t h e l an guages wh i ch are contai ned i n the DVD di sc: Engl i sh, Germ an, F rench, Span i sh, It al ian , Dut ch, Rus si an. V ideo setup Setting TV Displ ay type 4: 3PS (pan scan): It is adapt ed to t he TV with commo n size. The l e f t and r i g[...]

  • Page 28

    28 Sett ing P asswor d Th i s i t em i s o ri gi n al l y se t as l ocked status. Under thi s status, we ca n not m ake the sel ecti o n on the  RA TING  i tem or chan ge t h e password. If y ou wan t t o se t t h e  RA TING  , pl ease i n put t h e passw or d o r t h e o ri gi nal password  0000  (if y o u set i t f o r the f irs[...]

  • Page 29

    29 Anti-the ft system Rem ove th e panel 1. Pres s the POW ER button to turn the power off . 2. Press OPEN b utt on t o fl i p down t h e pan el . 3. Gen t l y press the ri ght si de o f the pan el . 4. Pul l the pan el out . 5. Pl ace t h e panel i nt o t h e case and t ake i t wi t h y o u when y o u l eav e t he car. Re m ove the un it 1. Re m o[...]

  • Page 30

    30 Handling discs · Di rt y , scrat ch ed o r warped di scs m ay cause ski p pi ng or noise. · Han dl e t h e di sc onl y b y the edge s. T o keep cl ean do not to uch i t s surf ace. · Di scs sh o ul d be sto red i n thei r cas es af t er use t o avoi d scratches . · Do n ot ex pose di scs to di rect sun l i ght, h i gh hum i di t y , h i gh t[...]

  • Page 31

    31 Troub leshooting guide Sy m ptom Cause Solution G ener a l No power T he ca r ign ition is not on. T he fus e is blown. If th e p ower supply is pr oper ly c onnect ed to the car access ory switch the igni tion ke y to  ACC  . Replace the fus e. Disc Disc ca nn ot be loa de d. Pr esence of disc inside the pla ye r . Rem ove the disc in the[...]

  • Page 32

    32 Specification General Po wer suppl y : 14.4 V DC Curren t consu m ption: Max . 10 A Ma xi m um power out put: 60 W x 4 ch annel s Com pat i bl e f o rm at s: DVD/SVCD/VC D/HDCD/MP3/MP4/DivX/M PEG4/WMA/CDDA/Picture -CD/JPEG/CD-R/ -R W/DVD±R /±R W pl ay back D im e nsi o ns (L x W x H) / wei g ht: 192 x 178 x 50 m m / 1.75 kg W o rki ng tem pera[...]

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    33 Specif ication s ar e subject to ch an ge with out notice. Mass an d dim en sion ar e appr oxim ate. Au dio s pecifi ca tion Max i m um o utput: 2 Vrm s (+/- 3 dB) Frequency respo nse: 20 Hz - 20 KHz S/N rati o(A-v td): 85 dB Separa t i on 80 dB DSP sound ef f ect: Cl assi c, Ro ck, Po p, Fl at Lin e out Output: CD m ax 2000 m V TV TV b ands VL,[...]

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    34   !             .                ?[...]

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    35   ·             -10º         .   [...]

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    36    /                  ,     ?[...]

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    37       [...]

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    38  :           !!!                [...]

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    39   1.   PWR/MOD.       ,        .     ?[...]

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    40 9.  . 10.    [1-6] 11.    SET (        ) 12. ?[...]

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    41    1.  MOD. 2.   POWER. 3.   BAND:           ?[...]

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    42 21.    ZO OM (   DVD/V CD     ). 22.   SEL -       . 23. ?[...]

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    43         RESET ,     ,   ?[...]

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    44   VOL 2  ,      . -    ( ?[...]

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    45     PO W ER/MODE       MODE   ,       [...]

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    46    :   RD S (         )        .   ,     [...]

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    47 ·     : -    (   ). -         1~6. ?[...]

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    48  T A (     )       T A,        ?[...]

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    49  EON (  )     EON    EON,        ?[...]

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    50       PBC (    )       ,    ?[...]

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    51       ·        CD,DVD/SVC D/[...]

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    52    1.      . 2.          . 3. ?[...]

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    53           9  :  +[...]

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    54    GOT O         ,    ,       ?[...]

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    55     BND   P AL/SECA M/NTSC.     BND ?[...]

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    56     (     DVD   ) 1.   TIT LE,     [...]

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    57   3     3: ·  3            MPEG 3        ?[...]

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    58    CD-R  CD-R W ,    MP3 : ·              ?[...]

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    59  DVD   SETUP ,      .     /    , ?[...]

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    60         ,       DVD-  ,             :   ?[...]

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    61                      «    ».     [...]

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    62     1.       ,  POWER. 2.   OPEN,    ?[...]

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    63 ·           .            ,  [...]

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    64             .  ?[...]

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    65            : 14.4    :    10       : 6[...]

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    66                      .  ?[...]