Imetec Bellissima B7500 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Imetec Bellissima B7500, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Imetec Bellissima B7500 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Imetec Bellissima B7500. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Imetec Bellissima B7500 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Imetec Bellissima B7500
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Imetec Bellissima B7500 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Imetec Bellissima B7500 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Imetec Bellissima B7500 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Imetec Bellissima B7500, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Imetec service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Imetec Bellissima B7500.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Imetec Bellissima B7500 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    [Z] 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 T ype C8501 220-240 V~ 50-60 Hz 50 W T ype C8502 1 10-127 V / 220-240 V~ 50-60 Hz 50 W 14 13 12 1 2 10 MI000549.indd 1 21/04/11 19.30[...]

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    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MANUALE DI ISTRUZIONI PER L ’USO DELLA PIASTRA PER CAPELLI Gentile cliente, IMETEC La ringrazia per l’acquisto del presente prodotto. Siamo sicuri che Lei apprezzerà la qualità e l’afdabilità di questo apparecchio, progettato e prodotto mettendo in primo piano la soddisfazione del cliente. Il presente manuale di istruzio[...]

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    2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 A VVERTENZE SULLA SICUREZZA • Questo apparecchio può essere utilizzato da minori di età superiore a 12 anni, da persone con capacità siche, sensoriali o mentali ridotte o da persone inesperte solo se preventivamente istruite sull’utilizzo in sicurezza e solo se informati dei pericoli legati al prodotto stess[...]

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    3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 superiore ai 30mA (ideale 10mA). Chiedete al vostro installatore un consiglio in merito. A TTENZIONE! Non utilizzare il presente apparecchio nelle vicinanze di vasche da bagno, lavandini o altri recipienti contenenti acqua! Non immergere mai l’apparecchio in acqua! • Dopo aver rimosso l’apparecchio dalla confezione, control[...]

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    4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 di mancato utilizzo dell’apparecchio. • In caso di guasto o di cattivo funzionamento dell’apparecchio, spegnerlo e non manometterlo. Per l’eventuale riparazione rivolgersi solamente ad un centro di assistenza tecnica autorizzato. • Se il cavo di alimentazione è danneggiato, esso deve essere sostituito da un centro d[...]

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    5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CONSIGLI UTILI L ’apprendimento veloce della modalità di utilizzo della piastra per capelli permetterà di determinare esattamente il tempo di applicazione per ottenere l’ef fetto desiderato sui capelli. • Assicurarsi che i capelli siano asciutti, puliti e senza alcuna traccia di lacca, schiuma per capelli o gel • Pet[...]

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    6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Senza cover: per ottenere styling liscio, ick e riccio Cover V olume Sleek (12): per ottenere un liscio voluminoso con movimento Cover S-W ave (13): per ottenere un’onda morbida Cover Luxurious Curl (14): per ottenere un riccio composto e uniforme ISTRUZIONI DI UTILIZZO • prima di inserire o disinserir e i gusci accertarsi[...]

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    7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 REGOLAZIONE DELLA TEMPERA TURA La piastra per capelli è dotata di un sistema digitale di regolazione della temperatura . Ciò consente di regolare la temperatura della piastra in base al tipo di capelli e allo styling desiderato. 140-160°C: consigliata per capello di struttura sottile 170-190°C: consigliata per capello di media s[...]

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    8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 SPEGNIMENTO AUT OMA TICO La piastra si spegne automaticamente dopo 1 ora dall’accensione. PULIZIA • Spegnere l’apparecchio premendo il tasto (5) e staccare la spina (9) dalla presa di corrente • Attendere che le piastre (10) siano fredde • Pulire la supercie delle piastre riscaldanti (10), delle scocche riscaldate (2) e[...]

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    9 9 9 9 9 9 9 HAIR STRAIGHTENER INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Dear customer , IMETEC thanks you for having purchased this product. We are certain you will appreciate the quality and reliability of this appliance, designed and manufactured with customer satisfaction in mind. These instructions for use have been drawn up in compliance with the European Standa[...]

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    10 10 10 10 10 10 10 SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • The appliance may be used by children below 12 years of age, by persons with reduced physical, sensorial or mental abilities or persons lacking experience only if they have received prior instructions concerning its safe use and if they are informed as to the dangers related to use of the appliance. C[...]

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    11 11 11 11 11 11 11 installation technician for advice. A TTENTION! Do not use this appliance near bath tubs, wash basins or other water containers! Never place the appliance in water! • After having removed the appliance from its packaging, verify its integrity based on the drawing and check for any damage caused during transport. If in doub[...]

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    12 12 12 12 12 12 12 • The device must only be used on human hair . Do not use the device on animals or on wigs made of synthetic material. • Use a dry cloth to clean the appliance. Do NOT spray hairspray with the appliance switchedon.Thereisariskofre. MAIN INSTRUCTIONS DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLIANCE AND THE ACCESSOR[...]

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    13 13 13 13 13 13 13 USEFUL ADVICE The quick understanding of the modes of use of the hair straightener will allow establishing the exact application time for obtaining the desired ef fect. • Ensure the hair is dry , clean and without any trace of hairspray , hair mousse or gel • Comb the hair ensuring there ar e no knots • Start str[...]

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    14 14 14 14 14 14 14 USER INSTRUCTIONS • before inserting or r emoving the shells, ensure the plate is cold; • insert the shells (12, 13 or 14) making them slide on the bodywork (2); • connect the plug (9) to the mains; • press the button (5). The functioning LED (4) goes on; • select the desired temperatur e between 140°C[...]

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    15 15 15 15 15 15 15 ADJUSTING THE TEMPERA TURE The hair straightener has a digital temperature adjustment system. This allows the plate temperature to be adjusted according to the type of hair and the desired style. 140-160°C: recommended for thin hair 170-190°C: recommended for medium hair 200-230°C: recommended for thick hair It is recommende[...]

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    16 16 16 16 16 16 16 AUTOMA TIC SWITCH-OFF The straightener switches off automatically 1 hour after being switched on. CLEANING • Switch off the appliance by pressing the button (5) and disconnecting the plug (9) from the socket • W ait for the plates (1 1) to cool down • Clean the surface of the heating plates (1 1), the heated bodywork (2) [...]

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    17 17 17 17 17 17 NOTICE D’EMPLOI POUR UTILISER LE FER À LISSER Cher client, IMETEC vous remercie d’avoir acheté cet appareil. Nous sommes certains que vous en apprécierez la qualité et la abilité car il a été conçu et produit pour vous satisfaire en tout et pour tout. Cette notice d’emploi a été rédigée conformément à la nor[...]

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    18 18 18 18 18 18 CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ • Cet appareil peut être utilisé par des enfants âgés de plus de 12 ans, par des personnes dont les capacités physiques, sensorielles ou mentales sont réduites ou par des personnes dénuées d’expérience à condition qu’elles aient été préalablement instruites sur l’utilisation en toute[...]

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    19 19 19 19 19 19 dispositif ne devra pas être supérieur à 30 mA (l’idéal est 10 mA). Demandez conseil à votre installateur . A TTENTION! N’utilisez pas l’appareil à proximité de baignoires, lavabos ou autres récipients contenant de l’eau ! Ne plongez jamais l’appareil dans de l’eau ! • Après avoir déballé l’appareil, [...]

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    20 20 20 20 20 20 • En cas de panne ou de dysfonctionnement de l’appareil, éteignez-le et n’essayez pas de le réparer par vous-mêmes. Pour l’éventuelle réparation, adressez-vous uniquement à un centre de service après-vente agréé. • Si le cordon d’alimentation est endommagé, il doit être remplacé dans un centre de serv[...]

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    21 21 21 21 21 21 CONSEILS UTILES L ’apprentissage rapide quant à l’utilisation du fer à lisser permettra de déterminer le temps d’application pour obtenir l’effet désir é sur les cheveux. • L ’apprentissage rapide quant à l’utilisation du fer à lisser permettra de déterminer le temps d’application pour obtenir l’effet [...]

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    22 22 22 22 22 22 Cover V olume Sleek (12) : pour des cheveux lisses mais volumineux Cover S-W ave (13) : pour une ondulation souple Cover Luxurious Curl (14) : pour des boucles rondes et uniformes MODE D’EMPLOI • avant de mettre et d’enlever les accessoir es, vériez que le lisseur est froid ; • insérez les accessoir es (12, 13 o[...]

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    23 23 23 23 23 23 RÉGLAGE DE LA TEMPÉRA TURE Le fer à lisser est équipé d’un système numérique de réglage de la température. Cela permet d’en régler la température selon le type de cheveux et la coiffure que l’on veut obtenir . 140-160°C: conseillée pour cheveux ns 170-190°C: conseillée pour cheveux moyens 200-230°C: consei[...]

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    24 24 24 24 24 24 ARRÊT AUTOMA TIQUE Le lisseur s’éteint automatiquement 1 heure après avoir été allumé. NETTOY AGE • Éteignez l’appareil en appuyant sur la touche (5) et détachez la che (9) de la prise de courant • Attendez que les plaques (1 1) soient froides • Nettoyez les surfaces des plaques chauffantes (1 1), des coques c[...]

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    25 25 25 25 25    Α γ απητοί πελάτες, η IMETEC σας ευχ αριστεί για την αγ ορά τ ου παρόντ ος προϊόντ ος. Είμαστε σίγ ουροι ότι ?[...]

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    26 26 26 26 26               [...]

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    27 27 27 27 27                                ?[...]

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    28 28 28 28 28                    ?[...]

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    29 29 29 29 29    Η γ ρήγορη εκμάθηση τ ου τρόπου χ ρήσης του σίδερου μαλλιών καθορίζ ει ακριβώς το χ ρόνο εφαρμο γής που χρειάζετ αι για την επίτευξη τ ου επιθυμητ ού αποτ[...]

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    30 30 30 30 30   για να έχ ετε τ ο ίσιο, ick και σγ ουρό styling      για να έχ ετε ένα αεράτο ίσιο με όγ κο     για ν α έχ [...]

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    31 31 31 31 31    Τ ο σίδερο μαλλιών είναι εξοπλισμένο με ένα ψηφιακό σύστημα ρύθμισης της θερμοκρασίας . Κάτι τέτοιο δίνει τη δυνα τότητ α ρύθμισης της θερμοκρ[...]

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    32 32 32 32 32     Τ ο σίδερο σβήνει αυ τόματ α μετά από 1 ώρα λειτ ουργίας.     • Σβήστε τη συσκευή πατώντ ας για μερικά δευτερόλεπτ α το πλήκτ ρο (5) και βγάλ τε ?[...]

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    33 33 33 33 MANUAL DE INSTRUÇÕES P ARA O USO DA PRANCHA P ARA CABELOS Estimado cliente, IMETEC gostaria de agradecer -lhe por ter adquirido este produto. Estamos certos de que irá apreciar a qualidade e abilidade deste aparelho que foi desenvolvido e fabricado para colocar , em primeiro lugar , a satisfação do cliente. O presente manual de [...]

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    34 34 34 34 ADVERTÊNCIAS SOBRE A SEGURANÇA • Este aparelho pode ser utilizado por menores de idade, superior a 12 anos, por pessoas com capacidades físicas, sensoriais ou mentais reduzidas e por pessoas inexperientes somente se previamente instruídas sobre o uso com segurança e se informados sobre os perigos ligados ao produto. As crianç[...]

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    35 35 35 35 superior a 30mA (ideal 10mA). Peça a seu instalador um conselho sobre isso. A TENÇÃO! Não utilize o aparelho nas proximidades de banheiras, pias ou outros recipientes que contenham água! Nunca coloque o aparelho na água! • Certique-se, após desembalar o aparelho, da integridade de todos os componentes co[...]

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    36 36 36 36 • Em caso de defeito ou funcionamento irregular do aparelho, desligue-o e não viole os lacres. Para os consertos, dirija-se somente a um centro de assistência técnica autorizado. • Se o cabo de alimentação estiver danicado deve ser substituído em um centro de assistência técnica autorizado pa[...]

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    37 37 37 37 CONSELHOS ÚTEIS A aprendizagem rápida da modalidade de uso da prancha para cabelos permitirá determinar exatamente o tempo de aplicação para obter o efeito desejado para os seus cabelos. • Certique-se de que os cabelos estejam secos, limpos e sem qualquer tipo de laca, espuma modeladora para cabelos ou gel. • Penteie o[...]

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    38 38 38 38 Sem a capa: para obter uma modelagem lisa, ick (efeito "ao vento") e em caracóis Capa V olume Sleek (12): para obter um liso com volume e movimento Cover S-W ave (13): para obter uma onda solta Cover Luxurious Curl (14): para obter um caracol bem formado e uniforme. INSTRUÇÕES P ARA O USO • antes de inserir ou desin[...]

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    39 39 39 39 REGULAÇÃO DA TEMPERA TURA A prancha para cabelos é equipada com um sistema digital de regulação da temperatura . Isso permite regular a temperatura da prancha conforme o tipo de cabelo e a modelagem desejada. 140-160°C: aconselhada para cabelo de estrutura delgada 170-190°C: aconselhada para cabelo de média estrutura 200-230°C:[...]

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    40 40 40 40 DESLIGAMENTO AUT OMÁTICO A prancha desliga-se automaticamente após 1 hora de ligação. LIMPEZA • Desligue o aparelho pressionando a tecla (5) e retire a cha (9) da tomada • Espere que as pranchas (1 1) estejam frias • Limpe as superfícies da pranchas aquecedoras(1 1). dos revestimentos externos aquecidos (2) e da empunhadur[...]

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    41 41 41          У важаеми к лиенте,IMETEC Ви благ одари за закупуванет о на този продукт. У бедени сме, че ще оценит е[...]

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    42 42 42                         ?[...]

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    43 43 43                      ?[...]

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    44 44 44                      ?[...]

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    45 45 45   Бързот о възприемане на начинът на работа на пресат а за коса, ще ви позволи да определит е точно то време на прилож ение, за получаване на ж еланият ефект вър ху к о[...]

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    46 46 46   за получаване на г ладка , обемна или флик прическа.        за получаване на г ладка и обемноподвижна прическа.[...]

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    47 47 47         Преса та за коса разполаг а с цифрова сист ема за регу лиране на температура та, Т ова позволява регу лиране на темпера т урат а на пресат а,[...]

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    48 48 48    Преса та изключва авт оматично 1 час след включване то.   • Изключет е уреда кат о натисне те б у тона (5) и изключет е щепсела (9) от е л?[...]

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    49 49     Vážený zákazníku, IMETEC Vám děkuje za zak oupení tohoto výrobku. Jsme přesvědčeni, že oceníte kvalitu a spolehlivost tohoto přístroje, navrženého a v yrobeného s pr vořadým ohledem na[...]

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    50 50                       ?[...]

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    51 51                  [...]

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    52 52               [...]

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    53 53   Ry chlé osvojení si techniky používání žehličky na vlasy vám umožní přesně stanovit dobu, potřebnou pro dosažení požadov aného efektu na vlasech. • Ujistěte se, že vaše vlasy jsou celkem suché, čisté, bez laku, pěny anebo gelu na vlas y . • Ro zčešte vlasy tak, aby ste od[...]

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    54 54      pro dosažení jednotných a upra vených kudrn  • před vložením anebo sejmutím násadek se ujistěte, že je žehlička vychlaz ena; • vložte násadky (12, 13 nebo 14) jejich sklouznutím na těles[...]

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    55 55    Žehlička na vlasy je vybavena digitálním systémem regulace teploty . T oto pov oluje nastavit teplotu přístroje na základě typu vlasů a požadov aného účesu.  doporučeno pro jemné vlasy  doporučeno pro středně hrub?[...]

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    56 56      Žehlička se automaticky vypne jednu hodinu po jejím zapnutí.  • V ypněte přístroj stisknutím tlačítka (5) a odpojte zásuvku (9) z elektrické zástrčky • P očkejte , dokud se desky (11) neochladí • V yčistěte povrch zahřív aných desek ([...]

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    57         У важаемый клиент, компания IMETEC благ одарит Вас за приобрет ение настоящег о изделия. Мы уверены, что Вы оце[...]

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    58                  [...]

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    59                     [...]

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    60                    ?[...]

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    61   Опыт, кот орый вы быстро приобрет ет е в использовании распрямит еля волос, позволит вам точно установить время, необ ходимое для т ого, чт обы у ложить волосы. • Пре?[...]

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    62       для получения г ладкой укладки, локонов и завивки        для г ладких пышных волос с во лнистым эффектом [...]

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    63     Р аспрямите ль для волос оснащен цифровой системой регу лировки темпера туры . Она обеспечивае т регу лировку т емпературы распрямителя в зависимост?[...]

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    64     Р аспрямите ль авт оматически вык лючат ся через 1 час после включения.   • Выключите прибор нажатием на кнопку (5) и вынь те вилку (9) из э ?[...]