Imetec No-Stop Professional Eco manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Imetec No-Stop Professional Eco, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Imetec No-Stop Professional Eco one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Imetec No-Stop Professional Eco. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Imetec No-Stop Professional Eco should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Imetec No-Stop Professional Eco
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Imetec No-Stop Professional Eco item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Imetec No-Stop Professional Eco item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Imetec No-Stop Professional Eco alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Imetec No-Stop Professional Eco, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Imetec service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Imetec No-Stop Professional Eco.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Imetec No-Stop Professional Eco item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Istruzioni per l’uso Operating instructions Instructions pour l’emploi Instrucciones de uso Instruções para o uso Nav odila za uporabo !"#$%&'() *+,#' Használati utasítás Udhezime perdorimi FERRI A CALD AIA BOILER IRONS FERS CENTRALE V APEUR CENTROS DE PLANCHADO FERRO COM CALDEIRA P ARNE LIKALNE POST AJE -./01!(20(30456 [...]

  • Page 2

    TYPE F4101 230-240 V 50 Hz 2300W DA TI TECNICI TECHNICAL D A T A DONNEES TECHNIQUES DA TOS TÉCNICOS DADOS TÉCNICOS !"#$%&$%'()*+ !,% -./0123'4- 51/.13 6789+,%'+* + !), !"'*#"$+' !",$%," GUIDA ILL USTRA TIV A ILLUS TRA TIVE GUIDE GUIDE ILLUS TRE GUÍA ILUS TRA TIV A GUIA ILUS TRADO 8:%, );$%&ap[...]

  • Page 3

    IT 1 %8 !GE9%)$%'("G': LE8)'*":'M"GG)'+'K +:* +%+ Gentile cliente, IMETEC La ringr azia per l’acquisto del presente prodotto . Siamo sicuri che Lei apprezz erà la qualità e l’affidabilità di questo apparecchio , progettato e prodotto mettendo in primo piano la soddisfazione del cliente. Il present[...]

  • Page 4

    IT 2 + ;;"G!"$9"'8E::+'8%KEG"99+ k ' o T X ` U ' R Y Y R O X Z Z [ P ' Y T p ' X ` ` X O X' T U P V P WW R U ' SR' Q P _ O P ' S P ' X U q ' ` TY X O P O X ' R' n ' R __ P ] ' S R ' YX O ` _ X ' Z _' Z R Y R Z PU q ' e[...]

  • Page 5

    IT 3 T ` R U ' ` X ' r ' ZR S T U ] ' `X ' Z P ' ` _ ' ` X ^ _ P' a P ` P d P V P ' S P' d a n n e gg i a m e nt o o se v i so n o p er d i t e d i a cq u a . k ' * Y ' R a XO ' OP Q `` ' VL R YY RO XZ Z[ P 'S RV VR ' Z _e XW P _ X ] ' Z _ UO VV R[...]

  • Page 6

    IT 4 %$*%K+9%)$%'%6()G ! +$!%' L ’apparecchio è predisposto per funzionare con acqua del rubinetto, tuttavia se l’acqua della regione dove abitate è molto calcarea, mescolate l’acqua del rubinetto (50%) ad acqua distillata e/o demineralizzata (50%); in alcune z one vicine al mare , la concentrazione di sale nell’acqua è molto e[...]

  • Page 7

    IT 5 PREP ARA TIVI Suddividere la biancheria da stirare secondo i simboli internazionali ripor tati sull’etichetta applicata ai capi o , in mancanza, per tipo di tessuto . Iniziare a stirare i capi che richiedono la temper atura più bassa per ridurre i tempi di attesa (il ferr o impiega meno tempo a riscaldarsi che a raffreddarsi) ed eliminare i[...]

  • Page 8

    IT 6 Riempimento del serbatoio durante la stiratur a K( Quando l’acqua nel serbatoio scende al di sotto del livello minimo , si accende la spia di fine acqua (7) e il ferr o smette di produrre v apore. K( Alzar e lo spor tellino serbatoio acqua (1) e riempire con acqua il serbatoio (2) e vitando traboccamenti. Al termine dell’operazione abbassa[...]

  • Page 9

    IT 7 M%$"'E!%:%99) Spegnere l’apparecchio pr emendo l’interruttore di accensione (13). K( Disinserire la spina (14) dalla presa di corrente. K( Attendere il completo raffreddamento del prodotto prima di riporlo; non è necessario svuotare il serbatoio dell’acqua. NO TE: k' 8X' ` P' YO Xa XSX' SP ' __' [...]

  • Page 10

    IT 8 www . T enacta Group S.p .A. Via Piemonte 5/11 24052 Azzano S. Paolo (BG) IT AL Y T el. +39.035.688.111 F ax +39.035.320.149 MI000757 1111 (MMYY) La spia pronto vapor e (5) non si accende oppure il tappo di pulizia caldaia (12) perde acqua. Il tappo di pulizia (12) non è stato avvitato correttamente . Assicurarsi che il tappo di pu[...]

  • Page 11

    GB OPERA TING INS TRUC TIONS FOR THE BOILER IRON Dear customer, IMETEC thanks you for pur chasing this product. W e are certain y ou will appreciate the quality and reliability of this appliance, designed and manufactured with customer satisfaction in mind. These instructions for use hav e been dra wn up in compliance with the European Standard EN [...]

  • Page 12

    GB SAFETY W ARNINGS " ! T h e a p p l i a n c e m a y b e u s e d b y c h i l d r e n w h o a r e a t l e a st 8 y e a rs o ld , b y p er s on s w i t h r e d uc e d p h y s i c al , s en s o r i al o r m e n t a l a b i l i t i e s o r p e r s o n s l a c k i ng e x p er i e n c e o n l y i f th e y ha v e r e c e i v e d p r i o r i n s t r [...]

  • Page 13

    GB " ! A ft er h a vi ng r em o v ed th e ap pl ia nc e f r om i ts p ac k ag i ng , ch ec k th e i nt eg ri ty of t he s up pl y b as ed on th e d ra w in g an d an y p re se nc e o f tr a ns po rt da ma ge s . If in do ub t, do no t u se t he a pp li a nc e an d co nt a ct t he a ut ho r is ed s erv ic e ce nt r e. " ! D o no t le t ch [...]

  • Page 14

    GB Do not use water fr om dryers, air-conditioners and rain w ater . The boiler may contain some water as each product is tested before being put on the market. It is recommended to place a cloth between the iron and the fabric when using the iron for the first time. It is r ecommended to dir ect a jet of steam into the air bef ore starting to ir o[...]

  • Page 15

    GB PREP ARA TIONS Sort the laundry according to the international s ymbols shown on the labels; if these ar e missing, sort according to the type of material. Start to iron the garments that requir e a low er temperatur e so as to reduce idle time (the iron requires less time to warm up than to cool down) and eliminate the risk of burning the fabri[...]

  • Page 16

    GB Filling the reservoir while ironing !" When the w ater in the reservoir is less than the minimum le vel, the no water LED (7) lights up and the iron does not produce an y steam. !" Lift the reservoir water fill cover (1) and fill the w ater reservoir (2) without overflowing. Once finished, low er the water fill co ver (1) completely . [...]

  • Page 17

    GB END OF USE Switch the appliance off b y pressing the ON/OFF (13) button. !" Disconnect the plug (14) from the socket. !" Wait f or the appliance to cool down completely befor e putting it a way . The reservoir does not hav e to be emptied. NO TES: "! If the appli ance is not t o be use d f or se ve ral w eek s, empty the w ater re[...]

  • Page 18

    GB www . ? *&09(0!I+.8/!DJ/ J=J !!! K$0!E$*L.&(*!AM11!!!N;OAN!=PP0&.!DJ !E0.%.!QGIR!!!3? =H S ? *%J !T2UJO2AJVWWJ111!!!# 0X!T2UJO2AJ2NOJ1;U MI000757 1111 (MMYY) The steam (ready) LED (5) does not light up or water leaks fr om the boiler cleaning cap (12). The cleaning cap (12) has not been tightened correctly . Make sure the [...]

  • Page 19

    FR INS TRUC TIONS POUR L ’EMPLOI DU FER CENTRALE V APEUR Cher client, IMETEC v ous r emercie d’avoir choisi ce pr oduit. Nous sommes certains que vous apprécier ez la qualité et la fiabilité de cet appareil, conçu et fabriqué afin de satisf aire le client. Le présent manuel d’instructions a été rédigé de manière conf orme à la nor[...]

  • Page 20

    FR CONSIGNES DE SECURITE " ! C e t a p p a r e i l p e u t ê t r e u t i l is é p a r d e s m i n e u r s d e p lu s d e 8 a n s , p a r d e s p e r s o n n e s a y a n t d es c a p a c i t é s p h y s i q ue s , s e n s o r i e l l es o u m e nt a l e s r é d u i t e s o u p a r d e s p e r s o n n e s s a n s e x p é r i e n c e u n i q[...]

  • Page 21

    FR s ’ a s s ur e r q u e l a s u rf a c e d ’ a p pu i s o i t s t a b l e . L e f e r n e d o i t p a s êt r e ut i l i s é s ’ i l e st t o m b é , s ’ i l y a d e s s i g n e s v i s i b l e s d ’ e n d o m ma g e m e nt o u s ’i l y a d es p e rt e s d ’ ea u . " ! A pr ès a v oi r so rt i l’ ap pa r ei l de l ’e mb [...]

  • Page 22

    FR INDICA TIONS IMPORT ANTES L ’appareil est prédisposé pour fonctionner av ec de l’eau du robinet. Cependant, si l’eau de la région où vous habitez est très calcair e, mélangez l’eau du r obinet (50%) av ec de l’eau distillée et/ou déminéralisée (50%). Dans certains z ones proches de la mer , la concentration de sel dans l’ea[...]

  • Page 23

    FR PREP ARA TION T rier le linge à repasser selon les symboles internationaux indiqués sur l’étiquette appliquée sur les vêtements ou, en cas d’absence, selon le type de tissu. Commencer à repasser les vêtements qui nécessitent de la tempér ature la plus basse, pour réduire les temps d’attente (le fer met moins de temps à se récha[...]

  • Page 24

    FR Remplissage du réservoir pendant le repassage !" Quand l’eau dans le réservoir descend sous le niveau minimum, le v oyant «réser voir d’eau vide» (7) s’allume et le fer arrête de produir e de la vapeur . !" Lev er la trappe du réser v oir d’eau (1) et remplir d’eau le réser voir (2) en évitant de déborder . A la fin[...]

  • Page 25

    FR humide. Ne pas utiliser de solv ants ou d’autres détergents agressifs ou abrasifs. Ceci risquerait d’endommager la surface . Av ant de réutiliser l’appareil, s’assurer que tous les éléments nettoyés à l’eau soient parfaitement secs . FIN DE L'UTILISA TION Eteindre l’appareil en appuy ant sur l’interrupteur d’allumage ([...]

  • Page 26

    FR www . T enacta Group S.p .A. Via Piemonte 5/11 24052 Azzano S. Paolo (BG) IT AL Y C $'I !J>KIL>MINOOI333!!!4 *P!J>KIL>MI>2LI3QK MI000757 1111 (MMYY) La plaque (15) est sale : il y a des impuretés de calcaire. Les impuretés ou les substances chimiques présentes dans l'eau se sont déposées sur la plaque. At[...]

  • Page 27

    ES INS TRUCCIONES DE USO DEL CENTRO DE PLANCHADO Estimado cliente: IMETEC le agradece el haber comprado este producto . Estamos conv encidos de que valorará la calidad y fiabilidad de este aparato , que hemos diseñado y r ealizado poniendo en primer lugar la satisfacción del consumidor . Este manual de instrucciones ha sido redactado en conf orm[...]

  • Page 28

    ES AD VERTENCIA S DE SEGURID AD " ! E s t e ap a r a t o p u e d e s e r u t i l i z a d o p o r m e n o r e s d e e d a d s ie m p r e y cu a n d o t e n ga n má s d e 8 a ñ o s , y p or p e r s o na s c o n c a p a c i da d e s f í s i c a s , s e n s o r i a l e s o D % & . ' $% , ! < % ( 8 5 - ( ', ! , )$ ) ! ,- ! 6 &ap[...]

  • Page 29

    ES ' * ) U ) ! , %' ! % , . ' P $ % 1 ! # ' ! *$ ' & 5 6 ' ! & ) ! ( % P% ! 8 ,' < , % ! , -! , % ! 6 ' ! 5 ' W () X ! , - ! 6 ' U ! , % Y ' , ! R - , -P $ % , ! ( % ! ( 'Y ) , ! ) ! , -! 6 ' U ! * T < ( - ( ' , ! ( % ! '0 8 ' 1 " ! G %, *8 T, ! (% ! [...]

  • Page 30

    ES INDICA CIONES IMPORT ANTES El aparato está preparado para funcionar con agua corriente, sin embargo , si el agua de la región donde vive posee demasiado calcio , mezcle el agua corriente (50%) con agua destilada y/o desmineralizada (50%); en algunas zonas cercanas al mar , la concentración de sal en el agua es demasiado elev ada: en estos cas[...]

  • Page 31

    ES PREP ARA CIÓN Subdivida la ropa que v a a planchar según los símbolos internacionales detallados en la etiqueta aplicada en la prenda o , a falta de la misma, por tipo de tejido . Comience a planchar las prendas que requieren la temperatura más baja para reducir los tiempos de espera (la plancha emplea menos tiempo para calentarse que para e[...]

  • Page 32

    ES #$%&'()!(%$!(%*+,-.)!(8<'&.%!%$!*$'&56'() !" Cuando el agua del depósito desciende por debajo del nivel mínimo , se enciende el indicador de agua agotada (7) y la plancha deja de producir v apor . !" Lev ante la puer ta del depósito de agua (1) y llene este último (2) con agua evitando desbordes. [...]

  • Page 33

    ES FIN DE USO Apague el aparato presionando el interruptor de encendido (13). !" Quite el enchufe (14) de la toma de corriente. !" Espere que el producto se enfríe completamente antes de guardarlo; no es necesario vaciar el depósito de agua. NO T A S: "! Si se pre vé que el apar ato no se v a a utili za r por var ias semana s, va [...]

  • Page 34

    ES www . B %&'5.'!N<)8*!I1* 1@1 !!! a-'!4-%D)&.%!bcFF!!!2d>b2!@EE'&)!I1 !4')$)!^KN`!!!CB @# L B %$1 !e=31>=b1_ff1FFF!!!7 'Z!e=31>=b1=2>1Fd3 MI000757 1111 (MMYY) El indicador de vapor listo (5) no se enciende o el tapón de limpieza de la caldera (12) pierde agua. El tapón de limpi[...]

  • Page 35

    PT INS TRUÇÕES P ARA O USO DO FERRO COM C ALDEIRA Estimado cliente, IMETEC gostaria de agradecer-lhe por ter adquirido este produto . Estamos certos de que irá apreciar a qualidade e fiabilidade deste aparelho que foi desenv olvido e fabricado para colocar a satisfação do cliente em primeiro lugar . O presente manual de instruções foi r edig[...]

  • Page 36

    PT AD VERTÊNCIA S SOBRE A SEGURANÇA " ! E s t e a p a r el h o p o d e s e r u t i l i z a d o p o r m e n o r es co m ( 0 ' . ! , ) ! > ! 0 $ + . Q ! 2 + - ! 2) . . + 0 . ! % +( ! % 0 2 0 % ' , 0 , ) .! f í s i c as , s e n s o r i a i s o u m e n t a i s r e d u zi d a s o u p o r p e s s o a s i n e x pe r i e n te s s o m e[...]

  • Page 37

    PT c a s o te n h a s o f r i d o u ma q u e d a , n a p r e s e n ç a d e s i n a i s e v i d e n t e s d e d an o s o u d e f ug a s d e á g u a. "! @21.! ,).)(T0H0-! +! 020-)H&+ Q! %+$*-+H)! 0! '$*)4-',0,)! ,)! *+,+.! +.! %+(2+$)$*).Q! utilizando a ilustração como ref erência, e controle se há danos causados pelo transpo[...]

  • Page 38

    PT INDICAÇÕES IMPOR T ANTES O aparelho está preparado para funcionar com água da torneira, no entanto , se a água da sua região f or muito calcária, misture a água da torneira (50%) com a água destilada e ou desmineralizada (50%); em algumas zonas próximas ao mar , a concentração de sal na água é muito elev ada: Nesses casos, é neces[...]

  • Page 39

    PT PREP ARA TIV OS Separe a roupa a engomar de acordo com os símbolos internacionais impr essos nas etiquetas aplicadas em cada peça ou segundo o tipo de tecido . Inicie a engomar as peças que r equerem a temperatur a mais baixa par a reduzir o tempo de espera (o f erro emprega um tempo menor para esquentar em r elação ao tempo necessário par[...]

  • Page 40

    PT #$%&'()$*+!,+!-).)-/0*1-'+!,9-0$*)!0!)$4+(04)( !" Quando a água no reser v atório alcançar um nív el inferior ao mínimo admitido, acende- se o indicador luminoso de fim de água (7) e o ferro par a de produzir vapor . !" Lev ante a tampa do reser v atório de água (1) e encha o reser v atório de água (2), evitando[...]

  • Page 41

    PT contrário , a superfície pode ser danificada. Antes de reutilizar o aparelho , certifique-se de que todas as peças limpas com pano húmido estejam completamente secas. A O TERMINAR A UTILIZAÇÃO Desligue o aparelho pressionando o interruptor de acendimento (13). !" Retire a ficha (14) da tomada de energia elétrica. !" Aguarde até[...]

  • Page 42

    PT www . T enacta Group S.p .A. Via Piemonte 5/11 24052 Azzano S. Paolo (BG) IT AL Y C )H5 !^6I5_6`5a>>5bbb!!!8 0U!^6I5_6`56Z_5bcI MI000757 1111 (MMYY) A placa (15) está suja: Há impurezas ou r esíduos de calcário . As impurezas ou substâncias presentes na água depositaram-se na placa. Aguarde até que a placa esteja arref ec[...]

  • Page 43

    SL NA VODILA ZA UPORABO P ARNE LIKALNE POS T AJE Spoštov ani kupec, IMETEC se vam z ahvaljuje za nakup tega izdelka. Pri z asnovi in izdelavi !"#$% $&$'$!$% ()*%+)",+% -%)+(,+.% &'"/-(")% 0$/* -*,1(!-*% 2&*'$34+5$6% 0$!*%()*% &'"&'+7$4+6%/$% boste s kako vostjo in zanesljivostjo[...]

  • Page 44

    SL OPO ZORILA GLEDE V ARNOS TI ?% M2'( ','% )'/% )#% 12*(';"/'/*% *+#;#.% 9"'/3#% *$% X% "#,% -)% *+#;#% 8% 89')/3')-9-% Z-8-6)-9-.% +#)8 *(-6)-9-% '"-% 19+7-9-% 89*:)*+,9-% [&7"/16)*% 8% *,( *7-% *8-( *9'% +% 2(#9'"*%-8713)/'9-% '"-%8)&apo[...]

  • Page 45

    SL 12*(';"/'/,# .% 6#% & '9% /#% 2'$#".% 6#% +*% )'% )/#9% &-$)-%8)'7-%2*37 *$;%'"-%6#%-8%)/#!'%2136'%&*$'4 ?% @*,#9.% 7*% +,#% )'2('& *% &8#"-% -8% #9;'"':#.% )'% 2*$"'!-% +"-7#% 2(#& #(-,#.% '"-% /#%[...]

  • Page 46

    SL POMEMBNA OPOZ ORILA ! "#$"%&" '"# ()#*+ ,)-"$"#+ "#,)-.' "$()#+#' .,.#*+#%*%) / #0)# %"#1*# '.,"# '#'"2)3# .4&"(5#'6)1. '"-"# ')-*4 .# "%$)$7"8# %&*3)2"(9)# 4# '.,*# *+# %*%)# :;<=># ,)69*-*&[...]

  • Page 47

    SL PRIPRA V A J )&*-.8# 4*# (*A#H)-*9)# +-*4"9*8# &"+,)-*9)# %.#3),$"& .,$*A# .+$"4"A# $"# $"2*94*A# .1-"G*-8#G)# 9)A#. +$"4# $*8#%"#%.#'&69*#1-"E"/ # J&*G$*9)#+# -*4"$()3#94"$*$8# 4*#+"A9)' "(.# $"($*H(.#9)3%)&"95&. 8#9&q[...]

  • Page 48

    SL @ *")/#)/#%(#8#(&*'(/'%9#$%"-7')/#9 _# I.# 6)# '.,)# '# &)+)&'."&(5# 6%569*# %.,# $"($*H(.# &" ')$8# 6)# %&*dE)# 6*E$"-$"# -5G4"# %.&"1)# '.,)#:S>#*$#-*4 "-$*4#%&)$)A"#%&.*+' "("9*#%"&. / _[...]

  • Page 49

    SL Q GNEF%R@GKMSE J&*9*6$*9)#69*4"-.#+ "#'4-.%#KF?Kcc#:LM>8#,"#*+4-(5G*9)#"%"&"9/ _# @9*G#:LQ>#*+'-)7*9)#*+#' 9*G$*7)/ _# J.G"4"(9) 8# ,.4-)&# 6)# "%"&"9# %.%.-$.3"# $)# .A-",*8# %&),)$# E"# %.6%&"'*9) / # @ .,$)E"# &[...]

  • Page 50

    SL iii / #*3)9)7/7.3 5 #)'=,'%W(*12%U42 4M4 %%% <-'%@-#9*),#%Ba^^%%%_AbB_%M88')*%U4 %@'*"*%[SW%%%T5 MC c 5 #"4 %def4beB4HXX4^^^%%%D 'g%def4beB4e_b4^Af We<<<S;S LLLL#:WWjj> N*E$"-$"#-5G4"#%&*%&" '-()$.69*# "%%"&"9"#+"#1&*+ E"[...]

  • Page 51

    EL ! "#$%&'($%)(*#(+,#'#(* ! -('%"&,! -(.&(/&0#* ) ! "#$% &'() $*+,&*-.) %) /01213) 4#-) *56 #784&*() "8#) &% 9) #" '7,) &'5) $#7:9&'-) $7';:9&'-< ) =(>#4&*)4(" '57'8):&8)?#) *@&8>A4* &*)&% 9)[...]

  • Page 52

    EL 1,!&%" !1!%#'&%'($%)(*#V()' M)/&%) b ( # ( @ E @ 9 7 E ?( : E D? ( A < > = 7 6 ( G : ( H = 4 @ ; A> < > ; 4 U7 6 ( : < L ( < : ; 3; K( K G Q ( D Q G ( j ( 7 D SG I ( : <L ( K D > A : ( A 7 ( A 7 ; Q A P G 7 8 ( @ Q A : D ; 9 P 8 I( : ; @ U 4 D ? = ; 7 8 ( ? ( 3 ; : G > 4 D ;9 P 8( ; 9[...]

  • Page 53

    EL D 4 8 ( J K @ 4 8 ( 7 6 G : ; ( @ D : U 7 = ? F ( * > ( @ 6 3 7 => ( 3 7 G ( < =P < 7 ;( G : ( H = 4 @; A > < > ;7 6 D : ; ( : G ( < P @ 7 ; I ( : G ( E < K = H > E G ( > = : D K( @ 4 A K 3 ; : ( O 4 A ; K 8 ( ?( : G( E < K = H > E G ( 3 ; : = = > P 8 ( G 7 = > RF b ( ) B> R (: B: ;= P@ 7D 7 (D 4( [...]

  • Page 54

    EL '#.)V*%_&'(! "#$%&'( !"#$#%&$'" () &*"#) &+*,#-&."/*,"0,"1&*-2$3 /&."4&"0&35" 637#89:",11;" , 0" - 2" 0&35"-89" <&3*2 )'9" 5<2$" 4&.0 &-&"&.0,*" <2 1[...]

  • Page 55

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  • Page 59

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  • Page 61

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  • Page 62

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  • Page 64

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  • Page 65

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  • Page 66

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  • Page 67

    SQ UDHEZIME PERDORIMI TE HEKURIT ME KALD AJE I dashur klient, IMETEC Ju f alënderon për blerjen e ketij produkti. Jemi të sigurt që Ju do të vlerësoni cilësinë dhe sigurinë e kësaj pajisjeje, e projektuar dhe prodhuar , duk e vënë në vend të parë kënaqësinë e klientit. K y manual përdorimi është redaktuar në përputhje me norm[...]

  • Page 68

    SQ RREGULLA T E SIGURIMIT " ! K j o p a j i s j e m u n d t ë p ë r do r e t n g a t ë m i t u r m e m o s h ë m b i 8 v j e ç , n g a p e r s o n a m e a f t ë s i f i z i k e , s h q i s or e a p o m en d o r e t ë k u f i z u a r a , s ik u r s e e d h e n g a pe r s o n a p a p ë rv o j ë , v et ë m n ë q of t ë s e j a n ë i [...]

  • Page 69

    SQ n e q of t e s e m e p a r e e s h t e r r e z u a r , p o te k e t e s h en j a t e d u k s h m e de m t i m i, a p o n e q o f t e s e k a r r j e d h j e u j i . " ! M ba si t e nx ir rn i p aj is je n ng a am ba la z hi , si gu ro hu ni q ë pa j is ja t ë je të e pa pr ek ur , si pa s v iz at im i t, dh e në se k a pë s ua r d ëm [...]

  • Page 70

    SQ UDHEZIME TE RENDESISHME P ajisja eshte pr ojektuar qe te funksonoje me uje rubineti, por ne qofte se uji i zones ku banoni permban shume gelqere perzieni ujin e rubinetit (50%) me uje te distiluar dhe/ose te demineralizuar (50%); ne disa zona prane detit, perqendrimi i kripes ne uje eshte shume i lar te: ne keto raste eshte i domosdoshem perdori[...]

  • Page 71

    SQ PERGA TIT JA Seleksiononi rrobat per te hekurosur duke ndjekur simbolet nderkombetar e qe ndodhen mbi etiketat e v eshjeve ose , ne mungese, simbas llojit te stofit. Filloni duk e hekurosur v eshjet qe kerk ojne temperature me te ulet ne menyre te tille qe mos te humbisni kohe (duhet me pak k ohe qe te nxehet hekuri se sa te ftohet) dhe per te m[...]

  • Page 72

    SQ Mbushja e rez er vuarit me uje gjate hekurosjes !" Kur uji ne rezervuar ka zbritur nen nivelin minimal, ndizet llamba e k ontrollit e mbarimit te ujit (7) dhe hekuri nderpret nxjerrjen e a vullit. !" Ngreni dericken (1) e rezervuarit (2) dhe mbusheni me uje, duk e menjanuar derdhjet. P as mbushjes ulni plotesisht dericken (1). !" [...]

  • Page 73

    SQ MBA S PERDORIMIT Fikni pajisjen me ane te celesit (13). !" Shkeputni spinen (14) nga priza e k orentit. !" Prisni ftohjen e plote te pajisjes, para se ta vendosni per pushim; nuk eshte e nevojshme qe te boshatiset rezervauri nga uji. KUJ DES: "! Neq ofte se para shik ohet qe paj isja te mos pe rdo re t per shume ja ve , bosh ati s[...]

  • Page 74

    SQ www . D *8)Y/)!O+6%I!KTI TBT !!! ].)!E.*F68/*!^_JJ!!!R`>^R!B,,)86!KT !E)6G6!WAOX!!!?D BM a D *GT !bc3T>c^T2ddTJJJ!!!7 )V!bc3T>c^TcR>TJ`3 MI000757 1111 (MMYY) Llamba e kontrollit e a vullit te gatshem (5) nuk ndizet apo tapa e pastrimit te kaldajes (12) rrjedh uje. T apa e pastrimit (12) nuk eshte e vidhosur ne menyre korre[...]