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Di gi ta l P i ct ur e Ke y Ch ai n NS-DKEYBK10/ NS -D KEYRD1 0 Us er G u id e NS-DKEYBK10.fm Page 1 Tu esday, June 30, 2009 3:17 PM[...]
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2 www.ins igniaproducts .com Digital Pic ture Key Chain Con t en t s Intro duc tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sa fety in formatio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 F eatures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 P ackag e con te nts . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 3 www.insigniap roducts.com Introduction Congratu lations on your purchase of a high-quality Insignia pr oduct. Y our new dig ital picture key chain is designed for reliable and trouble-free per formance. Saf ety info rma tion Always follow these basic safety prec autions when using yo ur digital pictur e key chain. This wi[...]
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4 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com • Objec t and liquid entr y : Never push objec ts of any kind into this product, thro ugh op enin gs or other w ise. Th is may result in objects touching dangerous voltage points or shor ting out par ts that coul d resul t in a personal injury or pr operty damage , includ ing fire or electri c[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 5 www.insigniap roducts.com • Saf ety c he ck : Upon c ompletion of an y ser vice or repairs to this product, ask the service technician to perform safe ty checks to ensure that the produc t is in proper op erati ng con dit ion . F eatures The digital p icture key chain includ es these key features : • Displays d igital[...]
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6 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com P ackage con ten ts • Digi tal photo vie wer •K e y c h a i n • Mini USB cabl e •U s e r G u i d e Iden tifying components NS-DKEYBK10.fm Page 6 Tu esday, June 30, 2009 3:17 PM[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 7 www.insigniap roducts.com Ite m Desc ri pti on 1 L CD disp lay screen 2 Mi n i U S B Po r t — Con n ec t to yo ur c om pu te r to tr an s fe r pictur es to the k ey cha in and to char ge the ba ttery . 3 Po wer/Menu—Press and hold to turn the key chain on or off . Press and r ele ase to ent er the Options menu. 4 R ev[...]
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8 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com Using the k ey chain Y ou ca n use your k ey chain t o: •P l a y a s l i d e s h o w o f p h o t o s • Displa y a single photo • Change display settings Charging the battery Y ou must charge the battery before using the ke y chain. T o char ge the k ey chai n ’ s ba ttery: 1 Connec t the[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 9 www.insigniap roducts.com The battery charging indicator appears on the L C D . The batter y indi cator shows th e status of the battery charging process . Leav e the key chain connected until the batter y indicator shows that the batter y is fully charged. NS-DKEYBK10.fm Page 9 Tu esday, June 30, 2009 3:17 PM[...]
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10 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com C opying photos to the vie wer T o copy photos from your computer to the key ch ain: Ite m Des crip tio n Animate d icon—T he b attery is being ch arged. Solid ic on— The bat tery is fully char ged. Blinkin g icon— The battery is l ow and requires charging. Note The key chain ’ s built-[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 11 www.insigniap roducts.com 1 Connect the smaller plug of the supplied USB cable to the key chain ’ s USB port, then co nn ec t t he la rge r p lu g to yo ur co mpu te r ’ s US B p ort. A “ Con ne cting .. . ” m ess age appear s on the k ey chain’ s di splay . F or Mac OS X s yste ms onl y : a Click K ey Chain CD[...]
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12 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com b Click Mac_ImageViewer4.dmg to open the inst all wi ndow. c Click ImageV iew er4 to install the software f or transferring p hotos. The program star ts automatically the next ti me the key chai n is plugged in. T o check for updates av a ilable onli ne, click insi gni aprodu cts. we bloc . NS-[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 13 www.insigniap roducts.com The phot o view er pro gram scr een o pens . ( Windows v ersion shown) 2 On the lef t side of the screen, cl ick the folde r that y ou wan t to co py phot os from . Thum bnail i mages of th e phot os are shown in the My Compute r Browse r window . 3 Click the thumbnail image s of the photos you [...]
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14 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com 4 Aft er y ou ’v e sel ected the imag es y ou wi sh to cop y , click Add to begin transf erring the images to the ke y chain. The photos appear under the Dev ic e Browser window after they have been transferred to the key chain. 5 Clic k OK to close the pr ogram. Y ou can now disconnect the k[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 15 www.insigniap roducts.com V iewin g a slideshow T o start a slidesh ow: • Pr e s s a nd h o l d to t u r n o n t he ke y c h a i n . A sl ideshow o f the photos s tored in t he key chain begins aut omatically . T o skip for wa rd or backward thoug h photos: • Press to sk ip forward o r to skip backward. T o p ause a [...]
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16 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com T o change t he clock di splay setting : 1 Pr ess to enter the op tions menu, then press to highlight Cl oc k Display . 2 Pr ess and to highlight Normal or W ater Mark . Normal Mode displ ays the time and date only . Wa ter Mark m ode displays the tim e along with photos d uring slide shows. NS[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 17 www.insigniap roducts.com Deleting photos T o delet e individua l images : 1 Connect the key chain to your computer using the includ ed USB cable. The bu ilt-in softwar e starts. 2 Selec t the photos that you want to delete fro m the Devi ce Br owse area on the right side o f the screen, then click Del ete . The phot os [...]
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18 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com T o delete al l photos: 1 Clic k Format Device . All photos are removed from the ke y chain. NS-DKEYBK10.fm Page 18 Tu esday, June 30, 2009 3:17 PM[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 19 www.insigniap roducts.com Editing pho tos Y ou can change the way your phot os are display e d on the key chain by us ing zoom, r otate, and fli p. Zooming in on a photo T o zoom in on a selected area of a photo: 1 Selec t the pho to in the I mageViewer . NS-DKEYBK10.fm Page 19 Tu esday, June 30, 2009 3:17 PM[...]
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20 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com 2 Clic k Edi t . The editin g screen app ears. NS-DKEYBK10.fm Page 20 Tu esday, June 30, 2009 3:17 PM[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 21 www.insigniap roducts.com 3 Click + (zoom) to zoom in on the area of the screen yo u want. After yo u zoom in, you can use the mo use to drag a rec tangle around the area you want to see o n the center of the screen. 4 Click OK to save your changes. NS-DKEYBK10.fm Page 21 Tu esday, June 30, 2009 3:17 PM[...]
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22 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com Rot at in g a n i ma ge T o rotat e an im age: • With the editing screen ac tive, click or (rotate) to rotate the image coun ter-cloc kwise or clockwise in 90° in crem ents . NS-DKEYBK10.fm Page 22 Tu esday, June 30, 2009 3:17 PM[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 23 www.insigniap roducts.com Flippi ng or mirroring an image T o flip or mirror an image: • T o vertically flip an imag e, click (flip) . T o horizontall y mirror the image , click (mirror). NS-DKEYBK10.fm Page 23 Tu esday, June 30, 2009 3:17 PM[...]
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24 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com Setting viewing options Y ou can change photo display du ration, bri ghtness, clock di splay , and ot her optio ns. T o set vie win g opti ons: 1 Pr ess to enter the o ptions menu. Availa ble option s are shown : 2 Use the and keys to select the prev ious or ne xt item. NS-DKEYBK10.fm Page 24 T[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 25 www.insigniap roducts.com The follo wing table lists all possible Setup menu o ptions , submenu op tions, and a description of their actions in all viewing screens. 3 T o co nfir m your sele ct ion, press . Menu optio n De scr ipti on Cloc k displ ay Enters clock/ calendar d isplay mo de. Normal Displays the time and dat[...]
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26 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com T roubles hooting Problem The key chain won’t turn on. Solu tion • Make sure that you press and hold the button f o r a fe w seconds. • If the key chain still does not turn on, connect it to your co mputer ’ s USB port with the sup plied USB ca ble and c harge the battery. Specifica tio[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 27 www.insigniap roducts.com Le gal notic es FCC Par t 15 This device comp lies with Part 1 5 of the FCC Rules. Operation of this product is subje ct to the following two conditions: ( 1) this device may not cause harmful inter ference, and (2) this de vice must accept any inte r fer e nce r eceiv ed, includi ng inte r fer [...]
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28 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com Th is eq uipme nt has been te st ed and fou nd t o co mply within the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 o f the FCC Ru les. These li mits are des igned to provide reasonable protection against harmful inte r fer ence in a r esidential ins tallati on. This equip ment gene [...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 29 www.insigniap roducts.com FCC warn in g Changes or modificati ons not expr essly approv ed by the pa rt y re spo nsi ble for co mpl ian ce wi th t he FCC Rules could void the use r ’ s author ity to operate this equipm ent. Canada ICES-003 statement This Class B digital ap paratus complies with Canadian ICES-003. NS-DK[...]
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30 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com 90- day limite d warranty Insignia Products (“In signia ” ) warrants to you, the origin al purcha ser of this new NS-DKEYBK10 and NS-DKEYRD10 (“Pr oduc t”), that the Product shall be free o f defec ts in t he o riginal manufa ctu re of th e material o r workmanship for a period of 90 da[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 31 www.insigniap roducts.com What does this warranty cov er? During the W arranty Perio d, if the origi nal manu facture of the ma terial or workmanship of th e Pr oduct is de termined t o be defe ctive by an authori zed Insig nia r epair c ente r or sto re personne l, Insignia wi ll (at its sole option ): (1) repair the Pr[...]
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32 NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 www.ins igniaproducts .com How to obtain warranty ser vice? If you purchased the Product at a retail store location, take your original receipt and the Produc t to the sto re you purchased it from. Make su re that you place the Produc t i n its or igina l pa ck aging or p ack ag ing t hat pro vides the sa me amou nt of p[...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 33 www.insigniap roducts.com What does the w arranty not c ov er? This warranty does not cover: • Cus tomer instruction • Installation •S e t u p a d j u s t m e n t s • C osmet ic d amag e • Damage d ue to acts of God, such as lightning stri kes •A c c i d e n t •M i s u s e •A b u s e •N e g l i g e n c [...]
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NS-DKEYBK10/ NS-DKEYRD10 35 www.insigniap roducts.com Contac t I nsig nia: F or customer se rvice please call 1-877-467-4289 ww w .insigniapr oducts.com Dist ributed by Best Buy Purchas ing, LLC 7601 Penn Av enue South, Richfield , Minnesota, U.S.A. 55423-3645 © 2009 B est Buy Enterprise Ser vices, Inc. All rights r ese rved. INSIGNIA is a tr adem[...]
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www .insi gniapr oduct s.co m (87 7) 46 7-428 9 Distri buted by Best Buy Purchasing, LLC 7601 Penn Av enue South, R ichfi eld, MN USA 5 5423-364 5 © 20 09 Best Bu y Enterpri se Ser vices, In c. All rights reser ved. INSIGNIA is a trademar k of Best Buy Enterprise Serv ices, Inc. Registered in some countries. All other produc ts and brand name s ar[...]