Intellinet SOHO Network Camera 503365 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Intellinet SOHO Network Camera 503365, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Intellinet SOHO Network Camera 503365 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Intellinet SOHO Network Camera 503365. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Intellinet SOHO Network Camera 503365 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Intellinet SOHO Network Camera 503365
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Intellinet SOHO Network Camera 503365 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Intellinet SOHO Network Camera 503365 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Intellinet SOHO Network Camera 503365 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Intellinet SOHO Network Camera 503365, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Intellinet service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Intellinet SOHO Network Camera 503365.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Intellinet SOHO Network Camera 503365 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    S O H O N E T W O R K I P C A M E R A U S E R M A N U A L M O D E L 5 0 3 3 6 5 INT-503365-U M- 04 0 7 -02[...]

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    CO NTENTS section page 1 . Int rod uct ion ......................................... 1 2. Package C ont ents ............................... 2 3. System Req uire ment s ......................... 2 4. Har dware I nsta llat ion ........................ 3 4. 1 LED and Focusing ............................ 3 4. 2 Camera Ports ..........................[...]

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    1 Thank y ou for c hoosi ng the INTE LLINET NET W ORK SOL UTIONS S OHO Network IP C amer a . Thi s Camer a send s li ve v ideo thr ough the I nternet to a web br o wser or ca mera viewer a nywhere in the w orld ! Th is com pact , self -contained un i t lets you k eep an e ye on y our home , your k ids , and you r workplace — whate ver i s i mport[...]

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    2 2. P ACK A GE CO NTENTS 3 . SY STEM REQU IR EME NTS • One SOHO Network IP Camer a • C D wi th soft ware & user man ual • Ca mera mounting br ack et & stand • P ower adapter • Net work c able ( 3 ft. / 90 0 mm ) If Any Of The Abov e Items Ar e Miss ing , Please C ontact Y our Suppl ier . Sys tem r equi re ments to acc ess the SOH[...]

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    3 4. HARD W A RE I NS T ALL A TION 4. 1 LE D AND FOC US ING The SOHO Net work IP Ca mera head a nd its f ocus r ing a llow you to m odify the ai m and focus of t he Ca mera . T o adj us t the Camer a ’ s focus , r otate the da rk focus ring . There are t wo L EDs ind ic ati ng the Ca mera status. Monit oring: When someone i s vie wi ng the Ca mer[...]

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    4 4.2 CA MERA PORT S The Camer a f eatures two por ts and a Reset button. Po wer: The P ower port i s wher e you wi ll connect the pow er adapter . L AN: The L AN port i s wher e you w il l connect the E thernet network c able . Reset: The Reset b utton i s what y ou wi ll pr ess if y ou need to reset the Camer a to factor y defa ult settings . Ins[...]

  • Page 7

    5 4.3 INST ALL A TION PR OCE DURE 1 . Unpack the S OHO Network IP C amer a package and v erify that a ll the i tems l isted i n the Cha pter 2 ar e pr o vided . 2 . Connect the Camera to y our network b y attachi ng the network c able fr om the swi tch / r outer to the L AN port of the Ca mera . 3 . Connect the pow er adapter to the C amer a and pl[...]

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    6 2 . The In stall Wiza rd w il l show four selections . Select the pr ogr am you w ant to install o r cli ck “ Exit ” to i nsta ll the pr ogr am la ter . The f ollo win g in stal lation s teps ar e part of “Ins tall Ad mi ni str ator Ut il ity & C amer a Vi ew er” . B&W Screen Captures SOFTW ARE INST ALLA TION[...]

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    7 3 . The system w il l start the in stal lation pr ocedur es aut omatica lly . C lic k “ Next ” to conti nue i nsta llati on . SOFTW ARE INST ALLA TION[...]

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    8 4 . If you w ish to install the soft ware p r ogr am i n an a lternate locati on , cl ic k “ Change ” ; other wise click “ Ne xt ” t o mov e on to the ne xt s tep . B&W Screen Captures SOFTW ARE INST ALLA TION[...]

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    9 5 . Cl ick “ Inst all ” to start in stal li ng the pr ogr am . SOFTW ARE INST ALLA TION[...]

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    10 6 . The sys tem wi ll i nsta ll the pr ogr am a utomatic ally . B&W Screen Captures SOFTW ARE INST ALLA TION[...]

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    11 7 . Cl ic k “ Fini sh ” to c omplete the soft ware installat ion . SOFTW ARE INST ALLA TION[...]

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    12 8 . When the i nsta llati on is completed. The sys tem wi ll au to run the ” Admin i str ator Uti l it y “ . On the Net work IP Ca mera first page , the Cameras f ound i n the network a r e li sted in the left windo w . C hoose the one you w ant to confi gur e and click “ Set ting Wizard ” to pr oceed. B&W Screen Captures “N” m[...]

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    13 9 . Please en ter the defau lt passwor d “ 1 234 ” and c li ck “ OK ” to log in to the IP setup page . SOFTW ARE INST ALLA TION[...]

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    14 1 0 . The SOHO Net work IP Camer a oper ates thr ough the net work (T CP / IP Pr otocol ) . The I P addr ess settin g mus t be c orrect , or you will not be able to access the Ca mera . The wi zar d prog ra m wi ll detect the IP addr ess status of your network automat ical ly and su ggest a fr ee IP addr ess f or the Ca mera . Y ou can accept th[...]

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    15 1 1 . Thi s wi zar d w il l pop u p a wi ndow to ask y ou if y ou wa nt to run the “ Camer a V ie wer ” and see the vi deo of t he Ca mera immediately . Select “ OK ” to run “Camer a V ie wer ” . SOFTW ARE INST ALLA TION[...]

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    16 1 2 . The “ Ca mera Viewe r” will sho w the vi deo a utomati cally . Con gr atulati ons , you c an no w use the Ca mera t hr ough the network to view the vi deo . B&W Screen Captures SOFTW ARE INST ALLA TION[...]

  • Page 19

    17 6 . USIN G THE ADMIN ISTR A TO R UTILIT Y The Adm in is tra tor Uti li t y allo ws user s to sear ch a nd setup the C amer as located wi thi n the Intr anet or on the Internet . F r om the uti l it y , u sers ca n vie w al l the in format ion of the selected Camer a ; furthermore , i t pr ov ides a setting w iza rd to add the Ca mera to the netw[...]

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    18 Once the uti l it y i s started , it w il l sear ch al l the Camer as withi n the network. T o v iew add it ional settings , please r efer to the descri pti on in the fol lowi ng section s. USING THE ADMINISTRA TOR UTILITY[...]

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    20 L AN Aut o Discover Clicking this but ton will search for the Camera within the net work automatically. Came ra List The list shows the Camera name and the setup status of the Camera . means the Camera is in the default set ting. means the Camera is configured before. IN TE RN ET Add C licking the “ Add” but ton will create a wi ndow for yo[...]

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    21 6. 2 DET AIL SET TING When you click the “ Detail Set ting ” , a screen wi ll pop up f or you to enter the “ Administrato r Name ” a nd “ Pas sword ” . The defaul t val ue is a s follo ws : Name : “ ad mi n ” Pas sword : “ 1 2 3 4 ” If the name and p asswor d you en ter ar e corr ect , you ca n start to setup the Camera . USI[...]

  • Page 24

    22 NE T WORK SET T IN G Net wo rk IP Camer a Nam e The default camera name is “IPCamera _ M JPEG” . It is recommen ded to change to a meaningful name for the Camera. IP Address E nter an unused IP Address within the IP address range used on your L AN. If the IP Addres s of your L AN i s from the 1 92 . 1 68 . 2 . 1 to 1 92 . 1 68 . 2 . 2 54 , y[...]

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    24 E- M AI L SE TT IN G E-m ail Account Thi s Camera suppor ts “Snap Shot” functio n. Y ou can take a sti ll i mage and send the picture by E-Mail. Enter the E-Mail Account for receiving the picture . SMTP Se rve r E nter the SMTP Ser ver for the E-Mail account. USING THE ADMINISTRA TOR UTILITY[...]

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    25 RE SO LUT IO N Resolu tio n Selec t the desired video resolution format. Larger resolutio n requires more band width. 640 x 4 80 is “VGA ” f orma t . 3 20 x 2 40 is “ CIF” format. USING THE ADMINISTRA TOR UTILITY[...]

  • Page 28

    26 ADV ANC E D SE T TI NG UPnP When the UPnP functio n is enabl ed, the Camera can be detect ed by UPnP compliant systems such as Wi ndows XP . The Camera will be d ispla yed in the Neighbo rhoo d of Windows XP , so you can di rectl y click the Camera to view the video through a web bro wser . DDN S M any Internet connec tions use a “Dy namic IP [...]

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    28 PASS WORD Curr ent Password E nter the current pas sword of the Camera. New Password E nter the new pas sword you want to use f or the Camera. New Password R et yp e the new pass word to confirm the setting. USING THE ADMINISTRA TOR UTILITY[...]

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    29 RE SO LUT IO N Firmware V ersion Di spla ys current firmwar e version. Firmware Upda te C lick “F irmware Update” to update new firmware for the Camera . Thi s may take a fe w m inutes. Reset to Defau lt If you want to reset the Camera, click this butto n. The default set tings of the Camera ar e as f ollows. Camera Name: “ IPCa mer a_ M[...]

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    30 6. 3 SET TING WIZARD When you click the “ Setting W iz ar d” , a scr een wi ll pop up for y ou to enter the “ Administrato r Name ” a nd “ Pas sword ” . The defaul t val ue is a s follo ws : Name : “ Admi n ” Pas sword : “ 1 2 3 4 ” If the name and p asswor d you en ter ar e corr ect , you ca n start to setup the Camera . USI[...]

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    32 NE T WORK SET T IN G Net wo rk IP Camer a Nam e The default camera name is “IPCamera _ M JPEG” . It is recommen ded to change to a meaningful name for the Camera. IP Address The wizard will auto setup an available IP Address to the Camera . For example: if the IP addres s of the net work is 1 92 . 1 6 8. 2 .x, the wizard will search an unuse[...]

  • Page 35

    33 When you finis h the Camer a settin g , you c an cl ick “ OK ” to run the “ Ca mer a Vi ewe r” immed iately or cl ic k “ C ancel ” to ru n the “ Camer a V ie wer ” later . USING THE ADMINISTRA TOR UTILITY[...]

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    34 7 . US IN G THE C A M ER A VI EWE R The Camer a V ie wer Ut il ity al lows u sers to v iew video fr om up to f our camer as . It a lso allo ws users to manual / sche dule r ecor d vi deo a nd playback the r ecor di ng fi le . The sta tus of camer a vie wi ng such a s fra me r ate , video r ecei ved , a nd etc . ar e al so recor ded in time . Th[...]

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    35 7 . 1 P ANE L INTRODUCTION In the begin ni ng when you sta rt the Ca mera View er , you w ould see a Contr ol P anel a nd a f our div is ion V ie wer w indo w . USING THE CAMERA VIEWER[...]

  • Page 38

    36 7 .2 CAM E RA BUT T O NS Cl ic king o ne of the f our ca mera b uttons wi ll connect y ou to the Ca mera t hat y ou wan t to vie w and c onfigu re . If you wa nt to r emo ve the Camera fr om the v iew er , please ri ght cl ic k the icon and select “ Cancel Camera x ” . Cancel Camera 1 USING THE CAMERA VIEWER[...]

  • Page 39

    37 7 .3 CA MERA ST A TU S There is a status bar s howi ng d iffer ent color to indica te the status of each SOHO Net work IP Camer a . C AM E R A STA TUS Y e llow No camera set to connec t . Blue Camera is connec ted and pla ying the live video. Pink Camera is not conne cted. Red Camera is r ecording. USING THE CAMERA VIEWER[...]

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    38 7 .4 C O NTROL BUT T O NS Snapshot Pause Forward Record Stop Play Close Camera Viewer Minimize Window USING THE CAMERA VIEWER[...]

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    39 CO NT ROL BUT TO NS Play The “Play” but ton is an intelligent play user-interfa ce. In the normal di spla y mod e with the SOHO Net wor k IP Camera disconnect ed, clicking on “Play” will conne ct the viewer to the Camera. In the playb ack mode, clicking on “Play” will play the video i n the normal spe ed. Sto p The “Stop ” butt o[...]

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    40 7 .5 VIDEO RE C ORDING Thi s uti l it y al lows y ou to r ecor d the video i n A VI f ormat fi les. Ther e a re t w o ways of vi deo recor d ing – M anual R ecor di ng and Schedule Record ing . USING THE CAMERA VIEWER[...]

  • Page 43

    41 Manual R ecording: Y ou can ma nually r ecor d the vi deo s tream to an as si gned vi deo file . C l ick “ Recor d” , and the “R ecord t o Dis k ” wi ndow wi ll p op up . Assi gn the path and file na me and cl ick “Save ” , then the vie wer ut il ity wi ll s tart to record the v ideo str eam . If y ou wan t to stop record ing , cl [...]

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    42 7 .6 C HANGE R E SOL UTION The SOHO Net work IP Camer a s uppor ts t wo le vels of resolution , 640x4 8 0 (V G A) and 3 2 0x2 40 (C IF) . Y ou can cha nge the r esoluti on of each Ca mera by cl ick ing the “Resoluti on ” button. Note: Be fo r e cha ng i n g the r e sol ut i on of t he Cam er a , y ou ha v e to se lect t he Cam er a b y cli c[...]

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    43 7 .7 VIEW FOUR CA MERAS SIMUL T ANEOUSL Y By cl ic king o n the f our -divi s ion button to vie w 4 ca mera s si mul taneously in a four -di vis ion w indo w . Four-division Button USING THE CAMERA VIEWER[...]

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    44 7 .8 VIEWE R SETTI NG UTILIT Y Cl ic k “ Sett ing ” , in order for the settin g wi ndow of the Network IP C amer a to pop up . Note : W hen you w ant to change se ttings suc h as IP Addr ess , Vi deo P ort , etc . i n the “Setting ” option , you must di sconnect the Network IP Ca mer a fir st by c li ckin g “ Stop ” . Setting Button[...]

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    46 7 .8. 1 SE T TING Nam e It is not required to fill i n the Camera name in order to connect camera. It is for users to identif y the Camera . IP Address IP address/ Domain name of the Camera. Vid eo Port The numbe r of service por t used by the Camera . Mod el Selec t “ MJPEG Camera ” (This camera only suppor ts Motion JPEG) . Usern ame The [...]

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    47 7 .8. 2 RE C ORDING Y ou can setup a schedule f or r ecord in g her e . Th is ut il ity wi ll r ecor d the vi deo str eam in the as- si gned file f older accor d ing t o the schedule au tomatic ally . The r ecorded v ideo files ar e A VI f ormat . Note : 1 . The uti li t y wi ll only s tart to record the v ideo str eam when th is utili t y is [...]

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    48 One-Time Schedule W eekly Schedule USING THE CAMERA VIEWER[...]

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    49 7 .8.2 RECORDIN G Cycl e Recor ding Selec t this item to enable cycle recording. When the C ycle Recording is enable d and the storage usage has already reache d the maximum reser ved storage space, the utility will automaticall y delete the oldest recorded video file and use the spa ce to store the newly recorde d video stream. One -Time Sche [...]

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    50 7 .8.3 ST A T US Vi ew the c urr ent sta tus in format ion of the c onnection sessi on bet ween the uti li t y and the SOHO Network IP C amer a . USING THE CAMERA VIEWER[...]

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    51 7 .8.3 ST A TUS Conn ect ed Di spla ys “Y es ” when the utili t y i s connecte d to the Net wor k IP Camera and display s “No” when the utility is not conne cte d to the Net work IP Camera . Str eam Sta rt ed At T he beginning time of the current conne ction session bet ween the utility and the Net wor k IP Camera . Tim e Elapse d The el[...]

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    52 7 .8.4 GE NE RAL Manage s tora ge usage f or the SOHO Net work IP Ca mera her e . USING THE CAMERA VIEWER[...]

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    53 7 .8.4 GENE RAL Sna p Shot Dire ct or y This lets you assign the di rector y where bitmap files will be stored when you click “Snapsho t” to take pictures. The default folder is where the soft ware program is installe d , for ex ample: “C : Program F iles Net work IP Camera ” . Reco rd Direc tor y This lets you assign the di rector y [...]

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    54 7 . 9 PLA YBA CK Cl ic k “ Open F ile ” and a “Load F ile ” wi ndow will pop up . Select the file that you w ant to pl ay . USING THE CAMERA VIEWER[...]

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    55 The vie wer w il l start to play the selected vi deo fi le . USING THE CAMERA VIEWER[...]

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    56 PL A YI NG CON TRO L Play When the video playb ack is in Stop state, click “Play” and the view er will play the video file from the beginning point. When the video play back is in P ause state, click “Play” and the viewer will play the video file fr om the current pause point. When the viewer is pla ying with fast spee d , click “Pla[...]

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    57 7 . 1 0 R O T A TE VIDEO The "Rotate " function l ets y ou r otate the vi deo fr ame 90˚ coun ter clockwise each t ime y ou cli ck the “R otate ” button . With th is fu nction , you ca n vi ew the l iv e video at normal , 90˚ , 1 80˚ and 2 7 0˚ angles c ounter clockwi se . Below i s the vi deo w ith 90˚ counterc lockwise r ota[...]

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    58 8 . WEB C ON N ECTION A ND S ETU P Y ou can use the W eb br owser to connect to t he Ca mera for v iew ing or setting . Open the web br ow ser and en ter the IP Addr ess of the Ca mera to establ ish a connecti on . The defa ult IP Addr ess of the Camera i s “ 1 92 . 1 68 .2.3 ” . When the w elcome scr een appears , en ter the “ User Name ?[...]

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    59 When the Ca mer a is c onnected , the vi deo i mage wi ll be sho wn on the w eb scr een di r ectly . The menu opti ons f or the web control scr een ar e a s follo ws . Camera Sett ing – V iew live v ideo and ad jus t the vi deo f ormat fr om the men u . Net work Set ting – S etup the Ca mera f uncti ons i n the menu . Pas sword Set ting – [...]

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    60 8. 1 CA M E R A SET TING Cl ic k “ Open F ile ” and a “Load F ile ” wi ndow will pop up . Select the file that you w ant to pl ay . WEB CONNECTION AND SETUP[...]

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    61 8. 1 CA M ERA SET TING Dig ita l Zoom Allows you to zoom in or zoom out. Click “ x2” and the image size in the display area will be magnified twice the original size . In 640x480 resolution, only the central area of the screen will be magnified twice. C lick “ x 1 ” and the image s ize in the display area will return to the original si[...]

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    62 8. 2 NET W ORK SET TING C HA NG E ADMI N PASS WORD Curr ent Password Enter current password. New Password S pecif y the new passwo rd you want to change to. Con firm Password Enter the new passwo rd again for confirmatio n. App ly Wh en you fini sh the “C hange Admin P assword” , click “ Ap ply” . E- M AI L SE TT IN G E-m ail Address [...]

  • Page 65

    63 IP IN FOR M ATIO N IP Address Enter an unused IP Addres s within the IP address range used on your L AN. If the IP Addres s of your L AN i s from the 1 92 . 1 68 . 2 . 0 to 1 92 . 1 6 8 .2 .25 0 , you can set an unuse d IP Address withi n that range for the Camera, f or example : 1 92 . 1 68. 2 . 2 50 . Sub net Mask The Subne t Mask field must [...]

  • Page 66

    64 DD NS SE RVIC E Ena ble/ Disab le Enable or disable DDNS funct ion of the Camera. Provid er Several companies provide DD NS ser vice. This camera supp or ts the ser vice provided by Dy nDNS. Dom ain Name The domain name given by DynD NS is “ r egisternam e. ” . E nter the domain name that you r egister the Camera with the DynD NS [...]

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    65 8.3 P ASSW ORD SET TING The “P as sw ord Setting ” allo ws the add it ion of up to f our user acc ounts to view vi deo fr om Camer a V iew er and W eb Management . These user s , unl i ke t he Adm in i str ator , ar e not allowed to confi gur e the Ca mera . US ER 1 / 2/ 3 / 4 User Name Up to four sets of user names and passwords can be add[...]

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    66 9 . FR EQUE NTL Y A S KE D QUES TION S Q 1 : What is a Net work IP Camera? A: A Net work IP Ca mera is a standalone system con necting d i rectly to an Ethernet or F ast Ethernet network. It i s di fferen t fr om a con ven tiona l PC or W e b Camer a ; the Network IP Camer a i s an al l-in-one sy stem wi th bui lt-i n C PU and w eb-b ased soluti[...]

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    67 Q4: What network c abling is required for the Net work IP Camera? A: The Net work IP Ca mera uses Category 5 UTP T wisted-pair cable al lowi ng 1 0 B ase- T and 1 00 Base - T networking . Q5 : Can the Net work IP Camera be setup a s a PC-cam on the compute r? A: N o , the Net work IP Ca mer a operates only on E thernet and Fast E thernet network[...]

  • Page 70

    68 1 0 . TE C HN IC AL S PEC IF IC A TION S Gene ral • Video : Dig ital 2 4-bit Color • Includes Easy- to- Use Viewer & R ecorder Utility; View Up to 4 Camer as Simultaneously • Pr ovides Admi n Util it y & W eb Bro wser Manag ement • Manual/ Sche dule Record , Vi deo Play back/ Stop /F or ward /P ause • Suppo rts four additional [...]

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    69 LEDs • LED Indic ators : Monitoring LE D (Green ) , Ready LED (Amber) Hard ware • CPU & DSP : RI SC & JPEG • 2 MB Flash Me mor y • 1 6 MB SDR A M • P ower Supply: 5 V DC , 1 . 0 A Imag e Sensor & L ens • Ma xim um resolution : 640 x 4 80 Pixels • Sensor: Micron MI -3 60 300 , 00 0 Pixels CMOS Sensor • Exp osure : Auto[...]

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    70 APP EN DIx A ROUTE R / GA TEW A Y SET UP FOR INTER NET VIEWING T o vi ew the SOHO Net work I P Camer a ac r oss the Internet , the R outer / Gate way mus t be config ur ed t o pass i ncom ing T CP / UDP c onnection s fr om the r emote PC to the C amer a . The R outer / Gateway s hould be set for port f or war d in g or vi rtu al server for the [...]

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    71 PO RT DEF IN IT IO N Se tup 1 W eb por t . Configure the protoco l to “T CP” . Se tup 2 Video por t. Configure the protocol to “T CP” . Se tup 3 SOH O Net work IP Camera and Admin istrator Utility communication. The protoco l set ting must be “UD P” . Se tup 4 SOH O Net work IP Camera and Camera Viewer Utility communication. The pr[...]

  • Page 74

    72 APP EN DIx B VIEWING VIA UPNP IN WINDOW S XP When the UP nP functi on is ena bled , the SOHO Net work IP Camer a c an be detected by a UPnP c ompli ant sy stems suc h as W indo ws XP . The camer a w il l be d i splayed i n the Neigh borhood of W indo ws XP , so y ou can d i rectly double cl ick the Camera or right click the Camera and sele ct ?[...]

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    73 APPENDIX B[...]

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    74 Enable UPnP in W indow s XP SP2 If you ca n ’t fi nd the Camer a i n the Nei ghborhood of Wi ndow s XP SP 2 or you hav e seen the follo wi ng message when y ou double cli ck the Ca mer a , check t o see i f UP nP function is bei ng block ed b y the fir e wal l . If thi s i s the case , then please f ollow the steps below to enable it : APPEN[...]

  • Page 77

    75 1 . Go to “ Start Sett ings Net w ork Connect ions ” . 2 . R igh t cl ick “ Local Area Connect ion ” a nd select “ P roper ties ” . 3 . In the “ Local Area Connect ion Proper ties ” , select “ Advanced ” opti on menu and cl ick “ Set tings ” . APPENDIX B[...]

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    76 4 . The “ Windows F irew all ” screen wi ll pop up , select “ Ex ceptions ” opt ion menu APPENDIX B[...]

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    77 5 . E nable “ UPnP F ramew ork ” fr om the “P r ogr ams a nd Ser vices l is t” and c li ck “ OK ” . APPENDIX B[...]

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    www Are you completely satisfied with this product? Please contact your INTELLINET NETWORK SOLUTIONS ™ dealer with comments or questions. All products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.[...]