Jata EX1029 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Jata EX1029, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Jata EX1029 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Jata EX1029. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Jata EX1029 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Jata EX1029
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Jata EX1029 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Jata EX1029 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Jata EX1029 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Jata EX1029, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Jata service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Jata EX1029.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Jata EX1029 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    INSTRUCCIONES DE USO INSTRUÇÕES DE UTILIZAÇÃO • INTRUCTIONS OF USE INSTRUCTIONS D’USAGE • ISTRUZIONI PER L ’USO BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNG Mod. EX1029 Electrodomésticos JA T A, S.A. ESP AÑA Zubibitarte , 8 • 48220 ABADIANO - Bizkaia T el. 902 100 110 / 94 621 55 40 • F ax 902 100 111 / 94 681 44 44 PORTUGAL Avenida Engenheiro Duarte P ac[...]

  • Page 2

    2 DA TOS TÉCNICOS • DADOS TECNICOS • TECHNICAL DA T A Mod. EX1029 230 V .~ 50 Hz 160 W Los textos , fotos , colores , figur as y datos corresponden al nivel técnico del momento en que se han impreso . Nos reservamos el derecho a modificaciones , motiv adas por el desarrollo permanente de la técnica en nuestros productos . COMPONENTES PRINC[...]

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    3 ESP AÑOL A TENCIÓN •  Lea atentamente estas instrucciones antes de poner el  aparato en funcionamiento y guárdelas para futuras  consultas . •  Este aparato pueden utilizarlo niños con edad de  8 años y superior  y personas con capacidades  físicas ,  sensoriales o?[...]

  • Page 4

    4 •  Este aparato ha sido diseñado exclusiv amente  para uso doméstico .  No lo debe mantener en  funcionamiento de forma ininterrumpida por períodos  superiores a 1 minuto . •  Debe vigilarse que los niños no jueguen con el  aparato .  Mantenga el exprimidor  fue[...]

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    5 •Encaso de querer continuar haciendo zumo coloquede nuevo un vaso debajo del vertedor y repita el procedimiento. MANTENIMIENTO Y LIMPIEZA •Antesdeprocederasulimpiezaasegúresequeelexprimidorestádesconectadodelared. •El cuerpoprinc[...]

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    6 •  Não deixe sacos de plástico ou partes da embalagem  ao alcance das crianças .  P odem ser potenciais fontes  de perigo . •  Não o ligue sem se certicar que a voltagem indicada  na placa de características e a da rede coincidem. •  Mantenha-o desligado[...]

  • Page 7

    7 •  Se o cabo de alimentação do aparelho se deteriorar ,   deve ser substituído num Serviço de  Assistência  Técnica  Autorizado . INSTRUÇÕES DE UTILIZAÇÃO •Antes da sua utilização retire e limpe os componentes que venham a entrar em contacto com[...]

  • Page 8

    8 ENGLISH A TTENTION •  Carefully read these instructions before using your  appliance for the rst time and k eep it for future  enquires . •  T his appliance can be used by children at the age of 8  or more and people with physical,  sensory or mental  capabi[...]

  • Page 9

    9 •  Don’t allow children play with the appliance .  K eep the  appliance out of the reach of children. •  K eep the appliance and the cable cord out of the  reach of children less than 8 years old. •  T he cleaning and maintenance done by users ,  can not[...]

  • Page 10

    10 •Donotusechemicalorabrasiveproducts,such asmetallicscourers,whichmaydeteriorate thesurfaces oftheappliance. ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION •Disposetheapplianceaccordingtothelocalgarbageregulations. •Neverthrowitawaytotherubbish.Soyouwi[...]

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    11 •  TRÈS IMPOR T ANT :  Ne plongez jamais le corps  principal de l´appareil dans l´eau ou dans tout  autre liquide .   •  Evitez tout contact avec les parties amovibles . •  Cet appareil a été conçu exclusivement pour un usage  domestique .  Ne le faites pas[...]

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    12 •Placer le fruit sur le cône (3) et baisser le bras (1). Le presse-agrume commencera à fonctionner automatiquement.Nepastropappuyersurlebras. •Lorsquevousaurez extraitla quantité dejus souhaitée,remontez le becverseur (6)?[...]

  • Page 13

    13 •  Conserv are fuori dalla portata dei bambini le borse di  plastica o gli elementi d’imballaggio .  P ossono essere  fonti potenziali di pericolo . •  Prima di collegare l’apparecchio ,  accertarsi che il  voltaggio indicato nella targhetta delle caratteristiche  tecnic[...]

  • Page 14

    14 •  La pulizia e la manutenzione non deve essere  realizzata da bambini,  a meno che non siano maggiori  di 8 anni sotto la supervisione di un maggiore . •  Non utilizzare su superci calde . •  Qualora il cavo dell’alimentazione fosse danneggiato ,   rivolgersi[...]

  • Page 15

    15 PROTEZIONE DELL ’AMBIENTE •Quando sia necessario smaltire questo apparecchio, il consumatore, deve consegnarlo ad un appositocentrodiraccoltadiriutiodepositarloinunappositocassonetto. •Mai buttare mai questo apparecchio nella spazzatura. S[...]

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    16 zu trennen,  wenn Sie es zusammen- bzw .  abbauen  oder reinigen. •  SEHR  WICHTIG:  Der Gerätekörper darf niemals  in  W asser oder andere Flüssigk eiten getaucht  werden. •  V ermeiden Sie die Berührung mit den beweglichen  K omponenten. •  Dieses Gerät wurde für?[...]

  • Page 17

    17 GEBRAUCHSANWEISUNG •V or dem Gebrauch entnehmen und reinigen Sie die Komponenten, die mit den Lebensmitteln in Kontakttretenwerden. •Stellen Sie die Saftpresse auf einer ebenen Oberäche auf und setzen Sie auf den Gerätekörper den Behä[...]

  • Page 18

    18 ENGLISH: In the rest of countries , the holder of the guarantee will enjoy all the rights that his legislation in force concedes . IT ALIANO: Negli altri paesi, il titolare della garanzia, si avvarrà dei diritti che la legislazione in vigore prevede e tutela. FRANÇAIS: Dans les autre pays , le titulaire de la garantie jouira de tous les droits[...]

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    19 Resguardo para enviar a JA TA por el S .A.T . como prueba de gar antía en sus liquidaciones . P ara próximas liquidaciones en gar antía, el usuario debe presentar al S .A.T ., el certificado de garantía junto al recibo de la última repar ación. CONDICIONES DE GARANTÍA – 20 DÍAS* •Esta garantía cubre durante 20 dí[...]

  • Page 20

    Mod. EX1029 Mod. EX1029 F echa de compra ________________________________ Recibo S .A.T . Nº. ________________________________________________________________________ F echa de compra ________________________________________________________________________ Certificado de garantía Certificado de garantia Mod. EX1029 Sello del V endedor Carimbo d[...]