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Opera ting Instructions and Parts M anual 18-Inch, 20-Inch B an d Sa w Model s: JWBS -18 QT, - 18Q T-3, -20Q T-3, -20Q T-5 J WBS-1 8 QT J WBS- 20 QT JET 427 New Sanf or d Road LaVergne, TN 37086-4184, US A Part No . M-710750B Ph.: 800-274-6848 Revi si on C2 04/2014 www.jet tool s.c o m Copyri ght © 2014 JET This .pdf document is bookmarked[...]
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2 Warrant y and Service JET wa r r ants e very produc t it se lls aga i nst manu facture r s’ defe cts. If one of ou r tools nee ds service o r repair, please contact Te chni cal Se r vice by calling 1-800-2 74-6846, 8AM to 5PM CST, M onday throu gh Fr i day . W arranty Pe riod The ge neral warranty l asts for the t ime period s pecified in t he [...]
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3 Ta ble of Cont ents W a rrant y and Ser v ic e .............................................................................................................................. 2 Tab l e o f Con ten ts ............................................................................................................. ....................... 3 Wa r [...]
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4 Wa r n i n g 1. Read and under st and t he enti r e ow ner ' s m anual bef ore attempti ng ass em bl y or operation. 2. Read and understand t he w arni ngs po sted on the m achi ne and in thi s m anual. Failur e to comply wit h all of these warning s may cause s eri ous i nj ury. 3. Replac e the warning l abe l s if t hey become obscured or [...]
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5 20. Make y our workshop chi l d proof wit h padl oc k s, m aster swit c hes or by r em ov i ng s t arter k ey s. 21. G i v e your work undiv ided attenti on. Looking around, c arryi ng on a conversati on and “horse-pl ay” are carel ess ac t s that can r es ul t in seri ous injury . 22. M aint a i n a balanced s tance at all tim es s o t hat y[...]
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6 Introduct ion Thi s manual i s pr o v ided by JET cov ering the safe operati on and m aintenanc e procedures f or JET m ode l JW BS-18QT and J W B S-20QT seri es band sa w s. Thi s m anual contai ns instr uctions on i nstall ati on, saf ety precaut i ons, general operati ng proc edures, mai ntenance i nstructi ons and parts breakdo wn. Thi s m ac[...]
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7 Grounding Instructions Thi s mac h ine must be grou n ded wh ile in us e to prot e c t t he ope r a tor fro m el ectric sho ck. In t he e v ent of a malf unction or breakdown, groundi ng pro v ides a path of least r es i s tanc e f or elec tric curr ent to reduce t he r i sk of elect ric shock. T hi s m achi ne is equipped wi th an el ect ric cor[...]
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8 Models JWBS -18-3, -20Q T-3, -20QT-5 Band saw m odels JW BS-18QT-3, J W BS- 20QT- 3 and JW BS-20QT- 5 are w i red f ro m t he f actory f or 230 volt operat ion only. Re f er to Specif ications f or phase and HP ratings. A pl ug is not incl uded. You may eit her i ns tall a plug or “hard-wir e” the band saw direct ly t o a contr ol panel. If c[...]
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9 Unpacking Rem o v e the cr ate and packi ng m a t eri a l fr o m the band sa w ex cept f or the transport s ki d on the bott o m . Inspect the m achine f or damage. Repor t any dam age to y our distr i butor and shippi ng agent. Mov e the saw to it s permanent w orki ng loc ation. The si te should be dry, well lit, and ha v e enough room t o hand[...]
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10 A ssem bl y Handwh eel Att ach the handl e (A, Fig. 4) to the handwheel (B, Fig . 4 ) . Mount ing th e T abl e Impor ta nt : The table i s hea v y. M ounti ng w i th the help of another per son i s reco m mended. Ref erring to Fi gur es 5 and 6: 1. Rem ove the table ins ert (A) and tapered pin (B). 2. Sli de t he table so the sa w blade (D ) pas[...]
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11 Rail A ssembly Ref erring to Fi gur e 7: 1. Atta ch the front rail ( F) to th e c as t iro n table with t w o 1/ 4” x 5/ 8” hex c ap s crews , tw o 1/4” lock washe rs , and two 1/4” f lat w ashers . The scre ws shoul d be i n approxim ately the center of t he sl ot. Hand-ti ght en only at this time. 2. Atta ch the r ear rail (G) to the t[...]
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12 Fenc e A djus t ment 2. Pl ace the f ence ass em bl y onto t he guide rail (D, Fig. 9) and aga i nst the edge o f the miter slot (C, Fi g. 9). The hook at the rear of t he f ence should f it under t he rear rai l ( s ee Figur e 12). The f ence must ali gn parall el t o the miter sl ot along the ent ire lengt h of the f enc e. If ad j ustm ent i [...]
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13 Adjust ing Clear ance betw een Fence and Table Ref erring to Fi gur es 11 and 12: Check t he clearance bet w een t he table and the f ence. The f ence should not r ub against t he tabl e surf ace but be slightl y abo v e i t . Thi s gap shoul d be the sam e at the front of t he tabl e as i t is at the rear. If the gap between f ence and tabl e i[...]
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14 Ad j u s t m e n t s Table T i lt Ref erring to Fi gur e 14: 1. Di sconnect m achi ne fr o m pow er source. 2. Loos en t he lock k nob( s ) / lock handle (G). 3. Til t tab le up t o 45 degrees to the ri ght, or up to 10 degrees to t he l eft. 4. T ight en the lock knob( s )/loc k handle . Note : T able stop bolt ( F , Fig. 14) m us t be re m o v[...]
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15 In stalling/Changin g Blades Discon nect machin e f rom pow er source. B l ade teeth are sh arp, use care wh en hand ling the blade. Failu re to compl y may cause seri ous inj u ry . 1. Di sconnect m achi ne fr o m pow er source. 2. Pl ace t he mode s election lever (J, Fig. 18) in the Full Release (B lade Change) pos ition . Not e 1: W hen chan[...]
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16 Blade Tension Bl ade tension i s s et wit h the blade t ension handwheel (A, Fi g. 19) and is perf ormed foll owing blade r eplacem ent and periodical ly as the b l ade stret c hes f rom use. Discon nect machin e f rom pow er sou rce b efore making any adju stments. Ref erring to Fi gur e 19: 1. Pl ace t he mode selection l ever (F) in the Full [...]
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17 Overv iew – Bearing A djustmen t s Thru st (back support) bearing are locat ed beh i nd the sa w bl ade and prov ide support to the back of the bl ade w hen the sa w is i n oper ati on. Guide bear ings are located on either side o f the saw blade and prov i de stabi li ty f or the blade when the saw is in operati on. T hese bearings rotat e on[...]
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18 Lower Bear ing A d justmen ts Unplug the mach ine fro m power sou rce before maki ng any adju stments! Bl ade teeth are sh arp - use care when working near th e sa w bl a de. Failu re t o comply may ca use se r ious in jury. Note: B l ade tension and t racki ng m us t be properl y adjust ed prior to beari ng gui de setup. Ref er to the Blade T e[...]
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19 Blade Lead Bl ade drift (a l s o k now n a s lead or f ence drif t ) is a probl em that m ay oc cur when the blade begi ns to wander of f the cutting line ev en w hen the band saw f ence is being used. Figure 24 shows an exam ple of bl ade l ead. Bl ade l ead can be caused by a num ber of factor s , and these should al l be c hecked and corr ect[...]
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20 Ch angin g the Blade S peed Discon n ect machin e from pow er sou rce b efore making any adju stments. The JWB S-18QT and - 20QT band sa w has two blade- speed opti ons which i s determi ned by the posit ion of the pull ey drive belt. Re f er t o t he Specif ications s ec t ion ( page 6) f or s peed spec s. To c hange the blade sp eed (whil e re[...]
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21 Replacing the Poly V-Belt Discon n ect machin e from pow er sou rce b efore making any adju stments. 1. Pl ace t he mode s election lever (J, Fig. 18) i n the Full Release posit ion. Ref erring to Fi gur e 25: 2. Loos en t he lock handle (A) t hat secures the motor (C) . 3. Release bel t tensi on by pulli ng handle (B) up which rai ses the motor[...]
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22 Pu lley A lignment The pull ey ali gnm ent i s done i n c onj uncti on wit h the poly V-belt repl acement. If you are j us t begi nni ng the alignm ent, star t with the Replacing t he Poly V-Belt secti on (previ ous page. If you were direc t ed here, pr oc eed as fol l ows : 1. Uses a strai ght edge placed agai nst t he w heel pull ey and m ot o[...]
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23 Operating Controls Sta rt/St op Sw itch The switc h shown in Fi gure 30 i s used on model JBW S-18QT band saw. Press the green on but ton (A, Fi g. 4) to start . Press t he red saf ety sw i tch off but ton (B, Fig. 4) to s top . Figur e 30 – S t art/Stop Swit ch The switc h s ho wn in Figur e 31 is a magneti c swit ch used on the JBW S - 18QT-[...]
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24 Operation Note: The follow ing Figur es may or m ay not show y our partic ular band saw model, but the procedur es ar e ident ical. Gener al Procedure 1. M ake sure the bl ade and upper and lower beari ngs are properl y adjusted f or tensi on and tr ac k i ng. 2. A djust bl ade gui de ass em bly so that the guide bear ings are j us t abo v e t h[...]
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25 Resawing Resawing i s the process of slicing stoc k to reduce i ts thi ckness, or t o produce board s that are t hinner t han the ori g i nal workpi ece. Fi gure 36 demonstr at es res awing. The ideal blade for resaw ing i s the widest one the m achine can handl e, as the wider the bl ade the bet t er it can hold a strai ght l i ne. W hen resawi[...]
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26 Set The t erm "set" re f ers to t he w ay i n whi ch the saw teeth ar e bent or positi oned. Set patt erns are usuall y selected dependi ng on the type o f m ater i al that needs to be cut. Three comm on set patt erns are shown in Fi gure 39. Gener ally, the Ra ker set i s us ed f or cutt ing m e t al w orkpi eces; the Wave set, w hen [...]
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27 Blade S election Guide Ident if y the materi al and thickness of your w ork piece. The chart will show t he recomm ended P I TCH, blade T YPE, and FEED RATE. Key: H – Hook L – Low S – Sk i p M – Med ium R – Regular H – High Ex a m p l e: 10/H/ M means 10 teet h per inch / Hook Type Blade / Medium Feed Materia l/ s W o rkpi ece Thickn[...]
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28 Tr oubleshoot ing Trou ble Proba ble Ca use Rem edy Sa w st ops o r w ill no t st ar t Saw unplugged Check pl ug connecti ons Fuse bl own, or c i rcuit break er tri pped Replace f use, or r eset ci rcuit breaker Cord dam aged Replac e c ord Does not m ake accura te 45 o or 90 o cuts Stop not ad j usted c or r ec tl y Check bl ade with square and[...]
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29 Part s Replacemen t Parts Replac em ent parts are li sted on the f ollowing page s. To order par ts or reac h our ser v i ce departm ent, call 1-800-274- 6848, Monday t hrough Friday (see our website f or business hours, www.j ettool s .com ) . Havi ng the M odel Nu m ber and Ser i al Nu m ber o f your machi ne av ailabl e when you call will all[...]
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30 Upper Wh eel Assem bly (18Q T ) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ............... J WBS18 DX A- 101A .. Saw B ody .............................................................................................. 1 2 ............... TS- 0152011 .............Carri age Bolt ......................................................5/1 6-1 8 x[...]
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31 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 60 ............. TS- 1533052 .............Scre w .................................................................M5 x 1 6 ...................... 1 61 ............. JW L1220VS-146 ......Star Was he r .......................................................M 5 .............................. 1 62 .......[...]
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32 Lower Wh eel and M o t o r A ssembly (18Q T ) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ............... J WBS18 - 201N .........Be arin g Bas e ......................................................................................... 1 2 ............... J WBS20 -62 ..............Ad jus ting Bo lt ............................................[...]
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33 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 52 ............. TS- 1550031 .............Fla t W as her ........................................................M5 .............................. 2 53 ............. TS- 0560071 .............He x Nu t .............................................................. #10-24 ........................ 2 54 .[...]
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34 Blade Guide A ssembly (18Q T) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ............... TS- 0051051 .............Hex Cap Sc rew ..................................................5/1 6-18 x 1 ................. 4 2 ............... TS- 0720081 .............Lock Was he r ......................................................5 /1 6 .............[...]
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35 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 59 ............. JWBS1 8DX - 359 .......Lockin g H andle ...................................................................................... 1 60 ............. JWBS1 8DX - 360 .......Shaft ..................................................................................................... 1 61 ...[...]
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36 Table an d Fence A ssembly (18QT) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ............... J WBS18 -40 1 ............L ock H andle .......................................................................................... 1 2 ............... TS- 0680021 .............Fl a t W as h er ........................................................1[...]
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37 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 59 ............. JWBS1 8DX - 459 .......C-Ring ................................................................S-10 ........................... 1 60 ............. JWBS1 8DX - 460 .......Link Ch ain ............................................................................................. 1 61 .....[...]
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38 Upper Wh eel Assem bly (20Q T ) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ............... JWBS20 QT-5 01 .......Saw Bo dy ...........................................................for 3H P ............... ........ 1 ................. J W BS2 0 QT- 501A ....S aw Bod y ...........................................................f or 5HP .....[...]
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39 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 56 ............. TS- 0560071 .............He x Nu t .............................................................. #10-24 ........................ 2 57 ............. 2013-333 .................Spac er................................................................................................... 1 5[...]
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40 Lower Wh eel and M o t o r A ssembly (20Q T ) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ............... J WBS20 -20 1 ............Be aring Bas e ......................................................................................... 1 2 ............... J WBS20 -62 ..............Ad jus ting Bo lt ...........................................[...]
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41 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 38 ............. TS- 081C082 ............Pan H ead Machi ne S crew .................................. #10-24x 1-1/ 2 .............. 2 39 ............. TS- 069204 ...............Fla t W as her ........................................................#1 0 ............................. 4 40 ............. [...]
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42 Lower Wh eel and M o t o r A ssembly (20Q T )[...]
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43 Blade Guide A ssembly (20Q T) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ............... TS- 0051051 .............Hex C a p Sc re w ..................................................5/1 6 - 1 8 x1 ................... 4 2 ............... TS- 0720081 .............Lock Was he r ......................................................5 /1 6 ......[...]
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44 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 60 ............. JWBS2 0-36 0 ............Brac ket .................................................................................................. 1 61 ............. JWBS1 8DX - 361 .......Adjus ting Sc rew ..................................................................................... 1 62 .[...]
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45 Blade Guide A ssembly Upper Bearing Gu i de Lower Bearing Guide[...]
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46 Table an d Fence A ssembly (20QT) Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ............... J WBS18 -40 1 ............L ock ing H andl e ...................................................................................... 1 2 ............... TS- 0680021 .............Fl a t W as h er ........................................................[...]
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47 Ind ex No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 57 ............. TS- 0051091 .............He x C a p Sc re w ..................................................5 /1 6 -1 8 x2 ................... 2 58 ............. 40- 0260 ...................W r enc h.................................................................................................. 1[...]
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48 Electri ca l Connections 1 3/4 HP, 1P h, 115V B a n d S aw Mod el N o.: JW B S-18QT -1 (S N 7107 50B) 3HP, 1 P hase 1-3/4 HP, 1P h, 230V B a n d S aw Mod el N o.: JW B S-18QT -1 (S N 7107 50B)[...]
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49 3 HP, 1P h, 230V B a n d S aw Mod el N o.: JW B S-18QT -3 (S N 7107 51B) 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 A2 GROUND GR EEN GREEN BLACK WHIET 95 96 98 97 60uF 250WV AC GREEN BLACK WHITE 300M FD 125V AC 5 L3 A1 3 L2 13 NO 1 L2 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 14 NO WHITE BLACK WHITE BLACK GREEN LED RED WHIT E YE LLOW BLACK RED YELLO W BLACK WHI TE GREEN Magnet ic Switch Elect r ical[...]
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50 3 HP, 1P h, 230V B a n d S aw Mod el N o.: JW B S-20QT -3 (S N 7087 54B) WHITE BLACK WHITE BLACK GREEN LED RED WHI TE YELLOW BLACK RED YELLOW BLACK WHI TE GREEN Magn etic Swit ch E lec tri ca l Boa rd Motor C R 5 L3 A1 3 L2 13 NO 1 L2 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 14 NO 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 A2 GROUND GREEN GREEN BLACK WHIET 95 96 98 97 60uF 250W VAC GREEN BLACK WHIT[...]
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51 5 HP, 1P h, 230V B a n d S aw Mod el N o.: JW B S-20QT -5 (S N 7087 55B) WHITE BLACK WHITE BLACK GREEN LE D RED WHI TE YELLOW BL ACK RED YELLOW BLA CK WHITE GREEN Magnetic Switch Electrical Board Motor CR 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 A2 GROUND GRE EN GREEN BLACK WHIET 95 96 98 97 50uF 450W VAC GREEN BLACK WHITE 300M F D 250V AC 5 L3 A1 3 L2 13 NO 1 L2 2 T1 4 [...]
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52 427 New Sanf or d Road LaVergne, TN 37086-4184, US A Phone: 800- 274-6848 ww w.jetto ols .co m[...]