Jet Tools HBS-814GH manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Jet Tools HBS-814GH, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Jet Tools HBS-814GH one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Jet Tools HBS-814GH. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Jet Tools HBS-814GH should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Jet Tools HBS-814GH
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Jet Tools HBS-814GH item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Jet Tools HBS-814GH item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Jet Tools HBS-814GH alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Jet Tools HBS-814GH, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Jet Tools service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Jet Tools HBS-814GH.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Jet Tools HBS-814GH item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Opera ting Instructions and Parts M anual Geared Head Ho rizon tal Band S a w M odel HB S- 814GH WMH T OOL G ROUP 2420 Vantage Dr iv e El g in, I llinoi s 60123 Part No . M - 414466 Ph.: 800-274-6848 Revi s ion A 6/05 www.wm ht oolgroup. co m Copyri ght © W MH Tool Group This Manual is Bookmarked[...]

  • Page 2

    2 Thi s m anual has been prepared f or the owner and operat ors of a JET Mode l HBS-814GH Band Saw. Its purpose, as i de fr o m m ach i ne operati on, i s t o promot e saf ety using acc epted operati ng and maint enance procedur es . To obtai n m a x im u m lif e and effi ciency f r om your band saw and t o aid i n using i t saf e l y, please read [...]

  • Page 3

    3 Ta ble of Contents W a r r ant y and Ser v ice .............................................................................................................................. 2 Tab l e o f Con tents .................................................................................................................................... 3 Warn ing ......[...]

  • Page 4

    4 W a rning 1. Read and under st and t he enti r e owners manual befor e at tempti ng as sem bly or operat i on. 2. Read and understand t he w ar ning s po sted on the m achine and i n thi s m anual. Fail ure t o co m ply w i t h all of t hes e warning s m ay c ause seri ou s inj ur y. 3. Replac e the warning l abe l s if they bec om e obscured or [...]

  • Page 5

    5 blah bl ahbl ah 20. Make your workshop chi l d proof wit h padl ocks, master switc hes or by r em ov i ng start er k ey s. 21. G i v e your work undiv ided attenti on. Looking around, c arr ying on a conv ers ati on and “horse-play ” are carel ess act s that can r esul t i n serious injur y . 22. Mai nta i n a balanc ed s t ance at all times [...]

  • Page 6

    6 Introduct ion Thi s manual i s provi ded by WM H Tool Group c o v ering the saf e operati on and m aintenanc e procedure s f or a JET Model HBS-814G H Horizontal Band Saw. T his m anual contains instruc tions on i ns t allati on, safet y precaut ions, general operati ng procedur es, m a i ntenance i nstruct ions and part s breakdown. Thi s m ach [...]

  • Page 7

    7 Unpacking Open shi pping cont ainer and acc essory box es, and check for s hi pping dam age. Repor t any dam age immedi a tel y to your distr ibutor and shippi ng agent. Do not discard any shi pping m a t erial until the Band Saw i s assembl ed and runni ng properl y . Com pare t he content s of your cont ai ner with t he f o ll ow i ng parts li [...]

  • Page 8

    8 Instal l ation and A ssembl y Rem o v e a ll crating and plasti c from around t he band sa w . Remove any lag screws or hol ding straps whi ch secure the band saw to the wood pa llet . Unpaint ed areas of the m achine hav e been treat ed w i th a r ust prev ent a t i v e. T h i s should be rem oved wit h a soft cl oth and a mil d solv ent. Do not[...]

  • Page 9

    9 Sh ut-Off Switch Rem o v e the screw and hex nuts w hi ch held t he bow to the base duri ng s hi pm ent. These s houl d be retai ned i n cas e of f ut ure transport ation of the Band S aw. The screw bel ow the l imi t sw i tch, s hown i n Fi gure 4, has been pr e-set at the f actory s o t hat the swi tch will contact the screw and stop the blade [...]

  • Page 10

    10 115 Vo lt Op erati on As receiv ed from the f actor y , your band saw is ready t o operate at 115 v o l t power, using an outl et and a plug that look s im ilar to those il lustrat ed in Fi gure 6 . A tem porary adapt er, which l ooks li ke the adapter i ll us t rated in Fi gure 7, may be used to connect thi s pl ug to a t wo-pole rec eptacl e a[...]

  • Page 11

    11 Ad j u s t m e n t s Vise Ther e are two set s of hol es i n the bed to m ount the ri ght jaw. T he inner hol e and slot ( A, Figur e 10) are used f or mit er cu ts. T he outer hole and slot (B, Fi gure 10) are used f or square, or 90° cuts. Figure 10 sho ws the v i se locat ed i n t he “A” posit ion f or mit er cuts. Us e o n l y po sition[...]

  • Page 12

    12 5. T he qui ck r e l ease f uncti on can al so be us ed to back o f f the movabl e j aw when the cut is fi n ished. Mi ter Cu ts 1. F or mi ter cuts, m o v e the f ix ed jaw to the inner holes, or “ A” position, as s ho w n i n Fi gure 10. 2. Rot ate the f ix ed j aw t o the desi red angle, and ti ghten the cent er hex nut. NOT E : T here is[...]

  • Page 13

    13 While perf orm ing the fo llowing step s, keep the bl ade f rom rubbing excessivel y on t he s houl der of the whe el. Excessive ru bbing wil l damage the wheel and/ or t he bla de . 4. Star t the saw . T urn the set screw (Fi gure 14) to t ilt the i d l er w heel unti l t he blade i s touchi ng the shoul der of t he idler wheel. 5. T urn the se[...]

  • Page 14

    14 Mater ial chips or sha v i ngs are t he bes t indicat or of proper bl ade s peed and do wnfeed r ate. T he ideal chi p i s thin, tightly curled and warm to t he touch. Chips that range f ro m gol den brow n t o blac k indi cate ex ces siv e f o r ce. Bl ue chips indi cate ext re m e heat f ro m t oo high a bl ade s pe ed, w hic h w ill s ho rte [...]

  • Page 15

    15 Blade Re placemen t A general -use v ariable-t ooth blade is prov ided with t his m et a l cu t ting band saw. Addi tional blades can be u s e d and are av ail ab l e f ro m your JET d i stri but or . The choi ce of bl ade p i tch is go v erned by t he thi ckness of t he w or k to be cut: t he t hinner t he workpiec e, the mor e teeth advi sed. [...]

  • Page 16

    16 Operation Fi gure 22 shows t he contr ol panel f unctions. The Emerg ency Stop shuts down all f uncti ons on the band saw. T he m achi ne will not s t art if the em er gency stop is still engaged. To star t t he m achine, t wist t he e m er gency stop but ton until it pops back out. I MP ORT AN T: W hen cutting m agnesium , ne v er use solubl e [...]

  • Page 17

    17 7. Open the valve on the hy draulic cylinder t o all ow the bow t o desce nd in a gradual and contr olled m anner. 8. The m achine will shut o f f at the compl e t ion of t he cut. Tur n o f f the coolant f low, and rem o v e the workpiec e. 9. Ret urn the bow to v ertic a l pos i tion f or the nex t cu t. M a intenance Be fore doin g main tena [...]

  • Page 18

    18 Tr oubleshoot ing Trou ble Pr obable Ca use Re medy No inc o mi ng power. Check pl ug connecti on. Bl ow n el ectri c al panel fuses. Replac e f uses. Therm al o v erl oad has t ri pped. W a it s e v eral m inut es for o v erl oad to res et its elf. Moto r w i ll n ot s tart. Def ecti v e m otor, sw i tch, pow er c abl e, or pl ug. Qualif i ed e[...]

  • Page 19

    19 Trou ble Pr obable Ca use Re medy Incor rect blade t ens i on. Adj us t accordi ng l y (see page 12). Incor rect blade speed or downf eed rate . Adjust a cccord i ngly. W o r k pi ece loose in v i se. Clam p w ork pi ece securel y. Bl ade rubs on w heel shoul der. Adj us t blade trac ki ng. Teet h t oo c oar se f or m aterial. Use appropri at e [...]

  • Page 20

    20 Base A ssembly[...]

  • Page 21

    21 Bow A ssembly 202[...]

  • Page 22

    22 Par t s List: HBS -814GH Ban d Saw Index No. P art No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ............... HB S 814G H-001 .............Ba se............................................................ ................................... 1 2 ............... HB S 814G H-002 .............St and Co m plet e Assembl y ........................... ............[...]

  • Page 23

    23 82 ............. TS- 069204 .....................Fla t W as he r ................................................. #10 ............................. 2 83 ............. HBS 814G H-083 .............Sca le ........................................................... ................................... 1 84 ............. HBS 814G H-084 .............S[...]

  • Page 24

    24 166-2 ........ HBS 814GH-166-2 ..........B ea ring C o v er ............................................. ................................... 1 166-3 ........ HBS 814GH-211 .............Was he r........................................................ 8 x 1 8 x 1.5 ................. 1 166-4 ........ TS- 0051031 ...................H e x C a p S cr[...]

  • Page 25

    25 202-5 ........ TS- 1540071 ...................H ex Nu t ....................................................... M10 -1.5 x P1 .............. 2 202-6 ........ TS- 2361101 ...................L o ck Was h e r ............................................... M10 ............................ 2 202-13 ...... HB S 814G H-202-13 ........Ca rbide Guid e .[...]

  • Page 26

    26 Gear Box A ssembly[...]

  • Page 27

    27 Par t s List: Gear Box A ssembly Index No. Part No. Descrip t ion Siz e Qty .................. HB S 814G H-800 ............Gea r Bo x As se m b l y ..................................... ................................... 1 800-1 ......... HBS 814GH-800-1 .........Gea r Bo x En clos ure .................................... ......................[...]

  • Page 28

    28 Electr ical Control B ox Assembly[...]

  • Page 29

    29 Par ts List: Electr ical Contr ol Box Assem bly Index No. P art No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty ................. HBS 814GH-271A ...........Elect rica l Con tr ol Bo x As s embly .................. ................................... 1 271-1 ........ HBS 814GH-271-1 ..........R elay........................................................... .......[...]

  • Page 30

    30 El ectri cal Connections[...]

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  • Page 32

    32 WM H Tool Gr ou p 2420 Van t age Drive Elgin, Il linois 60123 Phone : 800 - 274-6848 www.wm htoolgr[...]