Jet Tools JWTS-10 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Jet Tools JWTS-10, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Jet Tools JWTS-10 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Jet Tools JWTS-10. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Jet Tools JWTS-10 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Jet Tools JWTS-10
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Jet Tools JWTS-10 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Jet Tools JWTS-10 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Jet Tools JWTS-10 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Jet Tools JWTS-10, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Jet Tools service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Jet Tools JWTS-10.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Jet Tools JWTS-10 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Opera ting Instructions and Parts M anual Table Sa w Model : JW TS -10 WMH T OOL G ROUP 2420 Vantage Dr iv e El g in, I llinoi s 60124 Part No . M - 708100 Ph.: 800-274-6848 Revi s ion B 2 9/06 www.wm ht oolgroup. co m Copyri ght © W MH Tool Group T h is Manu al is Bookmar ked[...]

  • Page 2

    2 W A RR A N TY A N D SERVI CE W M H Too l G rou p, I nc ., warrants e very product it se lls. If one of ou r to ols nee ds service or re pai r, one of our Authorize d S e rvi ce Cente r s located throughou t t he Unit e d States can give you quick se rvi ce . In most cases, any o f these W MH Too l Group Au t hor ize d Service Ce nt e r s can aut [...]

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    3 Ta ble of Contents Tab l e o f Con tents .................................................................................................................................... 3 Warn ings ................................................................................................................................................. 4 As sembly.....[...]

  • Page 4

    4 W a r nings 1. Read and under st and t he enti r e owners manual befor e at tempti ng as sem bly or operat i on. 2. Read and understand t he w ar ning s po sted on the m achine and i n thi s m anual. Fail ure t o co m ply w i t h all of t hes e warning s m ay c ause seri ou s inj ur y. 3. Replac e the warning l abe l s if they bec om e obscured o[...]

  • Page 5

    5 Error! Objects cannot be created from editing fi e l d cod es. 21. Pr ov i de f o r adequat e space s ur r oun di ng work area and non-gl ar e, o v erhead li gh t ing. 22. Keep t he f l oor around t he m achine clean and free of s crap m ater ial, oil and grease. 23. Keep v i sitor s a sa f e di s tanc e from the work area. Keep ch ildren away. 2[...]

  • Page 6

    6 The most co mmo n acciden ts among tabl e saw users, accordi ng to stat istics, can be l inked to k i ckback, t he h igh- s p eed expulsio n of material f rom the tabl e that can st rike the op erator. Kickb ack ca n al s o result in operato r’ s h and s b ein g pu ll ed i nt o th e b l a d e. Kickback Pr evention Ti ps to a v o i d the m ost c[...]

  • Page 7

    7 Features Speci ficat ions Model Nu m ber ............................................................................................................................ J W T S-10 Stoc k Nu m ber ................................................................................................................................ 708100 Bl ade D i a m eter[...]

  • Page 8

    8 Def initions A nd T erminolog y A rbor: Metal shaf t that connect s the driv e m echan ism to the blade. Bevel Edg e Cut: Tilt of t he saw arbor and blade between 0° and 45° t o per f orm an angl ed cutt ing operati on. Blad e Guard: M echanis m m ounted ov er t he saw blade t o pre v ent acc i dental cont ac t w i th the cutti ng edge. Crosscu[...]

  • Page 9

    9 Shippi ng Content s Carton Contents 1 ea Tabl e Saw (not show n) 1 ea Fr ont Ra i l – Long (A) 1 ea Fr ont Ra i l – Short (B) 1 ea Ext ens i on Wing – Left ( C) 1 ea Ext ens i on Wing – Right (D ) 1 ea Support Rod w i th mounti ng s c r ew and washer (E) 1 ea Rear Rai l – Short (F) 1 ea Rear Rai l – Long ( G ) 1 ea Left Leg – Rear ([...]

  • Page 10

    10 Hard wa re The shi pping cart on incl udes two hard ware bag s with par ts for as sem bli ng the J W TS-10 Tabl e Saw. Hardware ba g J W TS 10-HP contai ns si x pack ets of parts and JW T S10-SHP contai ns three packet s of parts. I f either bag is missing t he proper num ber o f packet s , contact customer servi ce (phone number on cov er and b[...]

  • Page 11

    11 A ssem bly Read an d u n derstand al l assembl y inst ructions bef ore attemp t i ng assembl y! F ailure to co m p ly may cause se r ious in jur y ! Un packing an d Cleanu p 1. Rem ove all c ontents fr o m t he s hi pping carton. Keep the sa w t able upsi de do wn (Fi gure 1) and plac e on a two-by- four or simi lar piece o f w ood under the r e[...]

  • Page 12

    12 A ssembling th e Saw to the S tand Do not pl ug t he ta ble sa w into th e p ow er source unti l all assembl y h as been comp leted! F ai l ure to comply may cau se se r ious in jur y ! 1. T urn t he stand upside down and pl ace ont o the tabl e saw (F i gure 3) Note: T he s i de w i th the JET logo (A) is the front s i de of the stand and w ill[...]

  • Page 13

    13 Handwh eels Ref erring to Figur e 6: The JW TS-10 Tabl e Saw c om es equipped with t wo handwheel s which l ook i dentic al exc ept f or t he m ounti ng holes as f oll ow s: 1. On the fr ont o f the tabl e s aw sl ide t he bushing (C) ont o shaft (D) f ollowed by the han dwheel (A) w i th the larger mounting h ole , m aki ng s ur e to li ne up t[...]

  • Page 14

    14 Front Gu id e Rail Ref erring to Figur e 9: Requir ed Fasteni ng Har dware (see also i nset) : A – 6 ea – Square Head Bolt ( M8) B – 6 ea – Lock W asher ( M 8) C – 6 ea – Hex Nuts (M8) Requir ed Tool s: – 12mm wrench 1. Pl ace s ix s quare head bolts (A ) t hrough the m ounting hol es on t he f ront of the left extens ion (F), tabl[...]

  • Page 15

    15 Switch Bracket Ref erring to Figur e 11: 1. Insert tw o M 6x12 pan head screws ( A) t hrough the back of the switc h bracket m ounting hol es (B). Place M6 washers (C) and square nut s (D) on the t hr eaded ends of the screws. 2. Mount the switc hbox (C) onto t he rai l (F) su ch that the square nuts ( A) sli de i nto the groove ( E ) on t he l [...]

  • Page 16

    16 I nstallin g /Replacin g th e Blade When in stalli ng or ch angin g the saw b lade, alw ays disconnect t he saw fro m the pow er source! F ailure to comply cay cau se se r ious in jur y ! 1. Usi ng the hand w he els, rai se the blade ar bor f u ll y and l ock the saw at zer o degrees by ti ghtening t he lock k nob in the mi dd l e o f t he hand [...]

  • Page 17

    17 Table In sert Ref erring to Figur e 16: 1. Raise t he bl ade guard ass em bly. 2. Lower the bl ade complet e l y. 3. Pl ace t he table insert (A) int o the openi ng w i th the notched end (B) tow ards the spl itter (C ). A clip under neath the not ch secures the i nsert to t he tabl e at the rear ; an M 5 flat head s crew (E) secures the i nsert[...]

  • Page 18

    18 Thi s f ence i s posit ioned by lif ting up the loc k handle (A, F ig. 19) and slidi ng t o the desir ed l ocation. "Fi ne-tuni ng" is accom plished by pus hing the mi cro-adjust knob in (B, Fig. 19) and at t he s am e time turn ing it ( C, Fi g. 19) unt il the ex act posi ti on i s read on the scal e. Miter Ga uge Operat ion Ref errin[...]

  • Page 19

    19 Grounding Instructions 1. All Gr ounded, Cord-connect ed Tool s: In t he e v ent o f a m alfunc t i on or break dow n, groundi ng prov i des a path of least resi stance f or elec tric current to reduce the ri s k of e l ectri c shock. T his tool is equipped w i t h an el ectric c or d havi ng an equipm ent-gr oundi ng conduct or and a groundi ng[...]

  • Page 20

    20 A d j ustments Blade Raisin g and T il t Mechan ism Never try to force the til tin g mechan ism past the 45º or 90º stops! This may cause the b lade to g o out o f a li gnment! Ref erring to Figur e 22: To raise or lo w er the saw bl ade, l oosen the lock knob (A) and turn t he handw heel (B) on the fr ont of the saw u nti l t he desir ed heig[...]

  • Page 21

    21 Operations Table Saws Famili arize y ours elf wit h t he locati on and operati on of all c ont ro l s and adj ustm ents and the use of ac ces sori es such as the mi ter gauge and ri p f ence . Ki ckbac ks Seri ous inj ury can result f ro m k i ckbac ks which occur when a w or k piec e bi nds on the sa w blade or bi nds bet w een t he saw blade a[...]

  • Page 22

    22 Rip Sawing Rippi ng is w here t he w or k piece i s f ed with t he grai n int o the sa w bl ade using the f ence as a guide and a posi ti on i ng de v ic e t o ens ur e the desired widt h of cut (Figur e 27) . Figur e 27 Before st artin g a rip ping cut, be su re t h e fence is clamp e d securely and alig ned pro perly . • Nev er r i p freehan[...]

  • Page 23

    23 W hen r ipping l ong boards, use a support at the front o f the tabl e, such as a r oll er stand, and a support or "tailm an" a t t he rear as s hown i n Fi gure 30. Nev er use the rip fenc e beyond t he point where the car r i age is fl ush with t he end o f the rails. Hav e the b l ade extend about 1/8" abov e the top of t he w [...]

  • Page 24

    24 To im prove t he effectiv enes s of the mi ter gauge in c ross cut ti ng, some users m ount an aux ili ary wooden ex tension f ace (w i th a g l ued-on stri p o f sandpaper) to the m it er gauge as s ho w n i n Fi gure 34. Provi de auxili ary s uppor t f or any w ork piece ex tending beyond t he table top wit h a t endency to sag and l if t up o[...]

  • Page 25

    25 Dado Cutting – Dadoi ng i s cutt ing a wide groov e i nto a workpi ece or cutting a r abbet along t he edge o f a w or kpiece. A dado insert, shown in F igure 38, i s neces s ary for th i s type of operati on. A dado i ns er t ( s t ock # 708 098) desi gned to f it the JW TS- 10 Tab le S aw can be or dered f rom your deal er or W MH Tool Group[...]

  • Page 26

    26 Filler Piece A fil ler piece (Figur e 40) i s nec es sary f or narr ow ri pping and permi t s the blade guar d t o re m ain on the m achine. It a l so pro v ides space f or the saf e use of a push sti ck. Figur e 40 – F iller Piece Pu sh Stick & P ush Block The use of a pus h block or push s ti ck prov ides an added lev el of sa f ety f or[...]

  • Page 27

    27 M a intenance Always d isc onnec t powe r to t he ma chine before pe rform ing ma inte nanc e. Fai lure to do th is ma y res ult i n ser ious per sona l in jury . Clean ing Clean t he JWTS- 10 according to t he s chedul e below to ensure m a x im u m per f orm ance . Note— T he follow ing maintenance s chedule assum es t he sa w is being us ed[...]

  • Page 28

    28 Tr oubleshoot ing Sympt om Po ssible Cause Correcti on Low vol tage. Check power line for proper vo l tage. Motor wi l l n ot start Open circuit in motor or loose connecti o n . Inspect all lead connections on motor f or loose or open connections. Short circuit in line cord or plug. Inspect cord or plug for dam aged in sulatio n and sh orted wir[...]

  • Page 29

    29 Part s JWTS-10 Table and C abinet Parts Lis t Index No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ............... JWTS1 0-3 01 ........... Tab le ................................................................. ................................... 1 2 ............... JWTS1 0 - 3 0 2 ........... Exte n s ion Wing , Le ft ...............................[...]

  • Page 30

    30 JWTS-10 Table and C abinet Explo ded V iew[...]

  • Page 31

    31 Mot or a nd T runnio n A ssembly Parts List Index No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ............... VB-A3 1 ................... Belt .................................................................... A-3 1 ........................... 1 2 ............... JWTS1 0-1 02 ........... Be lt ......................................................[...]

  • Page 32

    32 Mot or a nd T runnio n A ssembly Parts List Index No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 55 ............. JWTS1 0-1 55 ........... W a ve W as he r .................................................... WW - 16 ....................... 1 56 ............. TS- 1532042 ............ Pan H ead Sc rew ................................................ M4x12[...]

  • Page 33

    33 Mot or a nd T runnio n A ssembly Exploded V i ew[...]

  • Page 34

    34 Fence an d Rail Par ts List Index No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty ................. JWTS1 0-FA ............ Fence Ass embly (#1 th ru #39) ........................... ................................... 1 1 ............... JWTS1 0-2 01 ........... H andle Cap ....................................................... .........................[...]

  • Page 35

    35 Fence an d Rail Par ts List Index No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 53 ............. JWTS1 0-25 3 ........... Re ar Ra i l, Long .................................................. ................................... 1 54 ............. TS- 1550041 ............ Fl a t W a s her ....................................................... M6 .......[...]

  • Page 36

    36 Stan d Assem bly Par ts List and Ex pl ode d View Index No. Part No . Descrip t ion Siz e Qty 1 ............... TS- 1540061 ............ He x N u t 1 * * ......................................................... M8 ............................ 28 2 ............... JWTS1 0-4 02 ........... Le g ....................................................[...]

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  • Page 38

    38 Order ing Replacemen t Parts To or der par t s or reac h our servi ce departm ent, c all 1-800-274-6848 bet w een 7: 30am and 5: 30pm ( CS T ), Monday t hrough Fri day. Ha v ing t he Model Nu m ber and Seri al Nu m ber of y our m achine avail able when you call w il l allow us to ser v e you quickly and ac curately.[...]

  • Page 39

    39 Notes[...]

  • Page 40

    40 WM H Tool Gr ou p 2420 Van t age Drive Elgin, Il linois 60124 Phone : 800 - 274-6848 www.wm htoolgr[...]