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FM SCAN RADIO V1 0M10_IM _EN_122 72006 2.4” TFT Color LCD Video MP3 Player with FM Rad io, Touch Pad and Micro SD Car d Slot Instructio n Man ual JX-MP331 ( 332, 334) Please r ead thi s ma nual careful ly befor e oper ating an d save i t for future refere nce. Have a question? Please visit http://www.j WIN .com[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 1 - USER SAFETY GUIDE INSTRUCTIONS ON ENVIRONME NTAL PROTECTION Do not disp ose of thi s product in t he us ual househol d gar bag e at t he e nd of its lif e cycl e; bring i t to a coll ectio n point f or th e recyc ling of electr ical and el ectr oni c applia nces. This sy mbol on the prod[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 2 - USER SAFETY GUIDE Importan t Safet y Instr uctions – Continued 6. HEAT - The appl ianc e shoul d be situa ted aw ay from heat sources such as radia t ors, he at regi sters, st oves, or other applia nces ( inclu ding am plifi ers) that produc e heat . 7. POWER S OURCES - The appli ance [...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 3 - USER SAFETY GUIDE Importan t Safet y Instr uctions – Continued d. The appli ance h as b ee n drop ped an d suffer e d damag e. e. The appli ance does not appear to oper ate nor mal ly, or exhibi ts a chang e in per formanc e. 13. BATTERY USAG E - To preve nt battery l eak age, whi ch m[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 4 - USER SAFETY GUIDE Do not ch ange or mo dify t his equipm ent. Any changes or modificat ions not e xpressl y approved by the part y responsible for compliance coul d void the user’s authority to operate the equipment . Importan t Notes on Hearing Your hear ing is v ery im portan t to yo[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 5 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Thank y ou for pur chasi ng the J X-MP331 (332 , 334) . Unpac k the unit and m ak e sur e all accessor ies are put aside so they wi ll not be lost . 2.4” TFT C olor LC D Video MP3 Player with FM Radio, To uc h Scr een, a nd Micro S D C ar d Slot • Compact, s li[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 6 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Location of Con trols 1. Power/ PLAY/P AUSE 7. Color LCD sc reen 2. Micr ophone 8. Headp hone jac k 3. FF butto n 9. ON/O FF switch 4. Vol + button 10. MENU button 5. Micr o-SD Car d slot 11. FW butt on 6. Mini USB j ack 12. Vol- button 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 7 - GETT IN G S TART ED Mi ni mu m S y stem R eq ui rem e nts • Intel Pentium 133M or above • Window s 2000/XP • 20M m emory or abov e • CD-ROM Drive r • USB interf ace USB Connection • Connec t one end of the s uppli ed mini U SB c able t o t he player . • Connec t the o ther [...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 8 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Power ON / Power OFF Turn Power ON/OFF s wi tch to ON positio n, p ress and hold th e [ PLAY ] butto n to pow er ON. In any mod e, pr ess a nd hol d the [ PL AY ] button t o power OFF. Set Ke y Loc k Press an d hol d the [ PLA Y ] button and the [ FF ] button f or [...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 9 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Playing M usic-conti nue d Adjusting the Volume During M usic pl aybac k, pr ess th e [ VOL+ ] or [ VOL– ] butt ons t o adju st volume le vel. Note: Pressi ng and ho lding t he [ VOL+ ] or [ VOL– ] button s will also adj ust the v olum e lev el (value s ettin g[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 10 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Playing M usic-conti nue d A-B Repea t During M usic pl aybac k, pr ess and hold th e [ MENU ] butt on. 1. The “A-B Re peat” i ndic ator displ ays “A”. 2. Press and h old t he [ MENU ] butt on again an d “A-B” is displa yed. 3. Music will n ow repe at [...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 11 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Video Playback-continued FW / FF a Video file During Vi deo playbac k, pr ess and hol d th e [ FF ] or [ FW ] b uttons to FW or FF play back. Adjusting the Volum e During Vi deo playbac k, pr ess t he [ VOL+ ] or [ VOL– ] butt ons t o adju st volume le vel. Note[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 12 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Listenin g to the Radio The earph ones must b e connec ted to the play e r w hen using FM m ode. T hey ac t as an antenn a for ra dio fre quency reception. • In Main menu , select FM menu a nd pr ess t he [ MENU ] butt on t o ente r FM mode. Manual Frequen cy S [...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 13 - OPER ATING INSTR UCTIONS Listenin g to the Radio-co ntinue d Auto Frequency Sear ch In FM mod e, touch the [ MENU ] button to enter submenu. 1. Scroll to “Au to” o ption and touc h t he [ MENU ] button . 2. Th e player will au tomatically scan and save any available frequencies in s[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 14 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Listenin g to the Radio-co ntinue d FM Recording During FM playbac k, p ress and hol d [ PL AY ] key to enter FM recording m ode. 1. Press the [ PLAY ] butt on a nd rec ordi ng be gin s automa ticall y. 2. D uring recordin g, pres s the [ PLAY ] butt on t o pause.[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 15 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Viewi ng Ph oto s Displaying a Photo File In Ma in menu, se lect Phot o menu and press t he [ MENU ] button to en ter Pho to mode. 1. When Phot o playl ist i s display ed, t ouch th e [ FF ] or the [ FW ] buttons t o sel ect a Ph oto fi le. Wh en a f older i s sel[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 16 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Text Mode Reading Text In Ma in menu, select Text menu and touc h the [ MENU ] button t o enter T ext m ode. 1. When Tex t playl ist is display ed, t ouch th e [ FF ] or the [ FW ] buttons t o selec t a Tex t file. 2. When a fol der is s elect ed, touc h th e [ ME[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 17 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS To Bookmark a Page The Text fu nction supp orts up to 3 b ookmark pages for quick search p urpose. 1. During Tex t pl ayback, t ouch the [ FF ] or the [ FW ] buttons to scrol l backw ard or f orward to v iew Tex t. 2. At the desi red pag e to cr eate a bookmar k, [...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 18 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Using the Recorder Record Mode In Ma in menu, sele ct Record m enu a nd touc h the [ MENU ] button to enter Rec ord mo de. 1. In Record mode, touch th e [ PL AY ] button and recording be gins automa ticall y. 2. D uring recordin g, pres s the [ PLAY ] butt on t o [...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 19 - OPER ATING INSTR UCTIONS Explorer Mo de The Expl orer mode di spl ays all t he f olders and fi les st ored in th e player. 1. In Main m enu, select Ex pl orer menu a nd touc h t he [ MENU ] button to enter. 2. W hen Explorer playl ist is display ed, touch th e [ FF ] or the [ FW ] but t[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 20 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Settings M ode There are 7 s ettings availabl e in t he Se tting s mode. • In Mai n menu, select Sett ings menu a nd touc h the [ MENU ] button t o enter Settings m ode. • Touch the [ FF ] or t he [ FW ] buttons to s elect t he d esired settings in e ach opti [...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 21 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Music Settings- continu ed EQ Select • Norm al / 3D / Rock / P op / Clas sic/ Bass / Jazz / User EQ • User EQ M ode (U ser c an cus tom ize thei r fav ori te EQ settings). In the User E Q setting s, press [ VOL + ] or [ VOL – ] buttons to adjust on eac h ind[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 22 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Music Settings- continu ed Record Settings • REC Quality: Record ing quality & file size setting s 1. High Qual ity: Better re cording quality wit h larger file size. 2. General Quality: Norm al recor ding q ualit y wit h smaller file size. • REC Volum e: [...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 23 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Music Settings- continu ed Power Off Time Settings OFF/10 Min utes/15 M i nutes/30 Minutes /60 Mi nutes/12 0 Mi nutes Language Settings To change the d esir e lang uage s ettings on th e play er. Using the AVI C onverter Software This play er supp orts AVI form at[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 24 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Installation the A VI Co nverter Softwar e 1. Connec t the pl ayer to PC and ex ecute th e prel oaded AVI Converter s etup pr ogram (EXE fi le) bundl ed in th e play er to begin. 2. Follow the on-scree n i nstructions to complet e the installat ion. 3. Upon a succ[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 25 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Installation the A VI Converter Softwar e-cont inued 7. Select the Targe t Fil e Path button to save the conv erted video fil e. ( Keep t he re st of t he setti ngs as defaul t and Cli ck on Save button, f ollowed by Close but ton) 8. Clic k on Conv ert N ow butt [...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM _EN_011 82008 - 26 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Installation the A VI Converter Softwar e-cont inued Conversion i s c omplet e when th e st atus i nfor mation sh ows 100% and OK. Clic k on Close button to quit. Finally , transf er (using copy & pas te) th e conv erted vi deo file (AVI format) into t he play[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM_EN_011 82008 - 27 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Making Video Fi les-conti nued (02) Appears the convert: 1. Select the v ideo file t hat yo u want to convert: Click the “source fi le” b utton t o select t he video file or MTV . 2. Select output file pat h: click the “outpu t file” p ath button. (03) Sele[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM_EN_011 82008 - 28 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Firmwear Upgra de Y ou can upgrade th e fir mware by usi ng the Fi rmware Upgrade T ool. Note: to upgra de the fir mware, need you m aster cer t ain computer k nowledge , and bef ore you u pgrad ing read th e instruction c arefully. The improp er upgrad e may c aus[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM_EN_011 82008 - 29 - OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ( 03 ) Firm w a re U pda t e : After t he instal latio n then c an upgrade: ,c hoose the upgrad e tool. ( 04 ) Open the com puter: start=>proc essing=> Consumer Update= >Fir mwar e Update ) ,then s elect the *.rfw file. ( 05 ) Open the MP4, e[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM_EN_011 82008 - 30 - TROUBLESHOOTIN G • No power: Pleas e check i f it is pow er ON • No sound from the earphone: 1. Mak e sure th e volume level i s not set to “0” . 2. C heck if the earpho ne is proper ly connecte d to the play er. 3. Chec k if t h e music file is corrupte d . Try again wi th other[...]
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Color LCD M P3 w/ FM/Touch Pad V10M 10_IM_EN_011 82008 - 31 - SPECIFICATIONS • Memory: ( 1GB / 2GB / 4GB), Flas h • Display: 2. 4" TFT Colo r LCD (320 x 240) • Audio frequency : 20 – 20kHz • Headp hone O utput: 5mW ( L) + 5mW (R), 32 Ω • Supported fi le for mat: M P 3, WMA, AV I, BMP, JPEG, T XT • Connec tivity o 3.5mm stere o h[...]
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FM SCAN RADIO V1 0M10_IM _EN_122 72006 © 2008 jW IN Elec tronics Corp. All ri ghts res erved. No portion of this printe d mater ial or product enclosed herewi t h includi ng design, shape and gra phics, m ay be r eproduc ed or transm itted in any form without the prior wri tten conse nt of jWIN Electronics Corp. by any means , e lectronic or mec h[...]