Kathrein UFD 510 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Kathrein UFD 510, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Kathrein UFD 510 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Kathrein UFD 510. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Kathrein UFD 510 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Kathrein UFD 510
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Kathrein UFD 510 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Kathrein UFD 510 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Kathrein UFD 510 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Kathrein UFD 510, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Kathrein service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Kathrein UFD 510.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Kathrein UFD 510 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Operating Manual DVB Satellite Receiver UFD 510 Order No.: 260 463[...]

  • Page 2

    Controls, dis play s and c onnections 2 Controls, display s and connections.................................................................................4 View of f ront panel ............................................................................................................ ............................. 4 View of rear p anel ..........[...]

  • Page 3

    Contents 3 New digital pro gramm e .......................................................................................................... ...................... 32 Parental loc k .................................................................................................................. .............................. 32 Settings .........[...]

  • Page 4

    Controls, dis play s and connec tions 4 Controls, d isplay s and connections This section cont ains a bri ef descr iption of a ll the contr ol elem ents, displ ays and connections . The k ey symbols pr esented h ere are a lso used when describin g the operating sequences . View of front panel View of rear panel Front panel controls and display s Re[...]

  • Page 5

    Controls, dis play s and connec tions 5 Remote control handset Remote control handset key s ON/OFF (Standby) Attenti on: no mains isol at i o n results! Multilingual audio channels s election Sound muting Read charact er key. Function key. a) Last-f unct i on. All ows you t o switch back to the last programme sel ect ed b) Turns parental lock on an[...]

  • Page 6

    Controls, dis play s and c onnections 6 Safety instructions The f ollowing sect ion conta ins impor tant infor mation rela ting to op eration, place of installa tion and c onnecting- up of the re ceiver. Read these notes car efull y before putting the unit into operation. Important notes regar ding operation Repairs On no account rem ove the h ousi[...]

  • Page 7

    Safety instructions 7 Important notes for siti ng and installation Place of instal lation Ever y electronic d evice gener ates som e heat. T he rise in tem perature, h owever, lies with in safe limits . Nevertheles s, this do es not rule out the pos sibilit y of slight colour cha nges to s ensitive f urniture sur faces and veneers o ver the co urse[...]

  • Page 8

    Connecting up and p utting into operation 8 Connecting up and putt ing into operation The f ollowing sect ion is in tended sp ecifical ly for the s pecialist de aler. If you are not carr ying out the ins tallat ion yourse lf, there is no need t o pay an y attentio n to this section. Sample c onfiguratio ns are to be found i n the “Con nection ex [...]

  • Page 9

    Connecting up and p utting into operation 9 Secondary receiv er connection You can c onnect an an alogue s econdar y receiver to your digita l receiver. • For this, c onnect the Sat IF input of the sec ondar y receiver to t he Sat IF output of y our dig ital receiver . • Connect the AUX Scar t sock et of your digit al receiver to the T V Scart [...]

  • Page 10

    Connecting up and p utting into operation 10 Decoder connection Decoders f or reception of analogu e Pay-TV pr ogramm es can be con nected up on ly via an an alogue s econdar y receiver ( see connec tion diagram 3 in “Con nection exam ples“ chapter.) • Set up the c onnection t o the sec ondary rec eiver as des cribed ab ove. • Using a Sc ar[...]

  • Page 11

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 11 Receiver operation In this chapter, you learn ho w to selec t both T V and radio pr ogramm es using your receiver , how to adjus t the volum e and how to program me the tim er functions . In describ ing the f unctions, it is ass umed that t he receiver has alrea dy been properl y connected u p by th[...]

  • Page 12

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 12 This starting page can be sel ected from all lev els of the s ubmenus by pressing the ke y . W ith the key, one is tak en to the TV pro gramm e or, via the select ion page, to the c orresp onding m enu entry. The m enu selection is displa yed on th e right-ha nd side of th e screen. I t contains the[...]

  • Page 13

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 13 The key - scrolls down a page if you ar e located in the pr ogramm e selection . - decrem ents the program me num ber b y one if you have sel ected a pro gramm e. Exam ple You want to s elect t he TV progr amm e, “Pro 7“. You s tart with the m enu sel ection “Bouquet se lection“ . The order [...]

  • Page 14

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 14 Leading zeros m ust be om itted. After the programm e changeo ver, the pr ogramm e slot, program me nam e and time are super impos ed on the upper part of the screen f or approxim ately. 3 sec onds. If the part icular progr amm e is encr y pted, the char acter appears on th e left next to the progra[...]

  • Page 15

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 15 Selecting TV programmes using bouquet selecti on A bouquet is a selec tion of pr ogramm es put together by the br oadcastin g instituti on. This s electio n is disp layed und er a comm on nam e, e.g. “ZDF. vision“. • Choose “ Bouquet sel ection“ on t he right-hand side in the Navigat or. ?[...]

  • Page 16

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 16 After this The inf ormation f or the curr ent program me shows the title and broadcas ting time of the subsequ ent program me. T he lettering of the m enu entr y changes into “no w“. This a llows you to switch back to the c urrent pr ogramm e. Thes e menu entries in the selec tion bar c an be s [...]

  • Page 17

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 17 Multili ngual programmes Certain T V programm es are broadc ast in a num ber of different lan guages. In the case of a film , both the origin al sound and the E nglish tra nslation, f or exam ple, ma y be broadc ast. • You can s witch bet ween the var ious langu ages b y pressing the key on the re[...]

  • Page 18

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 18 • Using the ke y s select th e TV or r adio program me, e.g. “ Das Erste“ a nd confirm the select ion wit h . The s elected progr amm e is identif ied by means of a sm all am ber double ar row on the right-h and side of the screen. • Move the s elected pr ogramm e using the k ey s to the pos[...]

  • Page 19

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 19 • By pr essing the ke y, the program me is moved to the programm e slot sele cted. • W hilst you rem ain in the TV or radio l ist, you can s ort progr amm es using the ke y or the key • Exit fr om the “T V list“ or “ Radio list“ menu b y pressing the key . • Then res pond to the f ol[...]

  • Page 20

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 20 The s creen shows the “ Parental lock“ m enu. This menu contains only a sing le quer y: You can s witch bet ween the two entries “YES“ or “NO“ . • Select th e “YES“ entry using the key . • End the “ Parental l ock“ menu by pressing the key . • Respond to the quer y “Do yo[...]

  • Page 21

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 21 A ctivating par ental lock After loc king T V or radio pro gramm es the follo wing steps are neces sary: • Press the key . • In the m ain menu, s elect the “Ins tallation“ menu entr y using the k ey and confirm with . The “I nstallation“ m enu (s ee “Installa tion“).is displa yed on [...]

  • Page 22

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 22 Electronic progra mm e guide and a pplications The UFD 510 r eceiver works in ac cordance with the Ope nTV stand ard. This al lows for r eception of the Electro nic Program me G uide (EPG) , the ARD On line cha nnel and other additiona l functions . W hen one of the progr amm e provider‘s applicat[...]

  • Page 23

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 23 “tip“ The s creen for selecting tips on the T V program mes is displayed. F or exam ple, here you can select tips on fi lms, series, special t hem es etc. The f ollowing picture shows tips on topic “Series, Talk , Show“: “previe w“ W ith this menu entr y you can ob tain inf ormation on t[...]

  • Page 24

    Electronic progra mme guide a nd applic ations 24 “mem o“ The f ollowing pic ture sho ws an exam ple for c ompilatio n of pers onal TV programm es: Read char acter The read c haracter is a spec ial feature of the EPG. W ith this r ead charac ter you obtain add itional inform ation on the cur rent broa dcast or br oadcasts c an be note d down. Y[...]

  • Page 25

    Initial settings 25 Initia l setti ngs The “ Installation“ menu entry in the m ain m enu is used for initia l setting of the satellit e receiver and for m atching it to the sate llite s y stem . The rec eiver has a lread y been f actor y preprogramm ed for standard sate llite receiving system s with a uni versal LN B. Thus c hanges are r equire[...]

  • Page 26

    Initial settings 26 You can s elect the m enu entries using th e k eys and action them with t he ke y . T he k ey is used t o leave the “Ins tallat ion“ menu. You can ex it from a menu or s ubmenu at an y time with t he ke y . N o further refer ence will be m ade to this i n descr ibing the m enu entries . The key ex i ts you fr om all subm enu[...]

  • Page 27

    Initial settings 27 A selec ted program me is displayed i n white t ypeface, a T V progr amm e is shown in black typeface and a radio pro gramm e in dark blue. The progr amm e name and the number of the program me s lot is indicated f or each pr ogramm e. Deleting a transponder or a progra mme In the trans ponder l ist, you can de lete a tr anspond[...]

  • Page 28

    Initial settings 28 TV list A list com prising a ll the T V program mes that c an be recei ved is dis played o n the screen. You can scr oll throug h the TV lis t using th e keys and key s. Programm e nam e and number of the program me s lot are shown in each case. T he order of the programm es c an be changed (see “Sort pr ogramm es“ sect ion)[...]

  • Page 29

    Initial settings 29 Automatic search ru n An autom atic searc h is carr ied out f or TV and ra dio progr amm es. After selec ting this subm enu entr y the settin gs for the s earch run c an be entere d: The m eaning of the entries is as follo ws: Search ru n on sate llite The par ticular sate llite on which a s earch is to be carried out for TV pro[...]

  • Page 30

    Initial settings 30 A conve yor belt in dicatin g the progr ess of the s earch appe ars in the lower part of the screen. Below it are displ ayed the num ber of new transponders found, n umber of ser vices found a nd num ber of new bouqu ets found. The s ervices found c ompr ise all TV pr ogramm es, all rad io programm es and al l data ser vices. Af[...]

  • Page 31

    Initial settings 31 Optional oth er symbol rate Enter an option al s ymbol rate using the num eric k e ys to . Encr ypted program m es NO No encrypte d program mes are rec orded. the def ault sett ing is “NO “. YES Encrypted programm es are r ecorded. Search ru n on sate llite The k eys can be use d to select t he satel lite on which a s earch [...]

  • Page 32

    Initial settings 32 • Select th e desired s atellit e using t he keys, e.g. “E UTELSAT 13“. Satellite frequenc y MHz The frequenc y of the ne w transponder is entered in this line. • Enter the f requenc y using th e numeric keys to , e.g. 12379. Polarisat ion The polar isation of the new trans ponder is selec ted in this line. • Select th[...]

  • Page 33

    Initial settings 33 Settings This menu entry conta ins the f ollowing su bmenu entr ies: SATELL ITE MEN U This submenu entr y contains a list of the predef ined satellit es. DiSEqC M ENU W ith this submenu the settings c an be carri ed out for the DiSEqC signal. TV T YPE This submenu conta ins settings for the t ype of T V set used. TIME This subme[...]

  • Page 34

    Initial settings 34 DiSEqC MENU The s ettings for the DiSEqC si gnal are dis pla yed on the scree n: The s ettings have th e following m eaning: 22 KHz Settings: High/Low Switchov er from low band to h igh band o n LNB. Pos A/B Switchov er bet ween two sate llite pos itions. OFF No 22kH z-controll ed LNB is present in th e system . The def ault set[...]

  • Page 35

    Initial settings 35 TV T YP E The settings for the TV set are d isplayed on t he screen: The s ettings have th e following m eaning: Screen f ormat T he screen f ormat for the TV set is determined b y this set ting. 4:3 The as pect ratio of the s creen is 4:3. 16:9 The aspec t ratio of the s creen is 16:9. The def ault settin g is “4:3“ . TV st[...]

  • Page 36

    Initial settings 36 If an ope n envelope is disp layed in th e main m enu, this indicates t hat a new versio n of the sof tware can b e downloa ded from the satellit e. The d ownload process takes appr oxim ately 10 m inutes. T he result is displayed on t he screen. The s oftware updat e operation is entire ly menu-dri ven. SYST EM DI A G NOSIS The[...]

  • Page 37

    Initial settings 37 out. That is, if a sig nal level is sho wn and the E b/No disp lay indic ates “not l ocked on“, ther e is inadeq uate rec eption of the digita l satellit e signals . Timer W ith the “Timer“ m enu entry, TV or radio pro gramm es can be prepr ogramm ed for automatic switch-on of the rec eiver. T he ke y takes you straig ht[...]

  • Page 38

    Initial settings 38 PROGRA MME The programm e slot is enter ed in this colum n using the n umeric keys to and the ke y s are us ed to selec t the t ype of programm e. TV TV progr amm e RADIO Radio progr amme NO No program me If a tim er event is being proc essed, al l the rem ote contro l handset k eys are barr ed except th e Standb y key. After pr[...]

  • Page 39

    Menue struc ture 39 Menu structure Bouquet selectio n Displa y of bouquets TV sele ction Displa y of TV progr amm es Radio sel ection Displa y of radio pr ogramm es Installat ion Bouquet orga nisatio n Program me organis ation Auto matic sea r ch run New digita l transpond er Parental lock Settings Ti mer Applicat ion contr ol Language s election C[...]

  • Page 40

    Features 40 Features of the UFD 510 T he UFD 510 recei ver in equippe d with the f ollowing features: • Based on t he Open-T V standar d • Reception of electron ic progr amm e guides( EPG) (currentl y ARD and ZDF) • Reception of additi onal inf ormation ch annels (e.g . ARD online c hannel) • Prepare d for futur e applicatio ns such as thos[...]

  • Page 41

    Specifications 41 Specifications UHF character istics Sat IF fr equency ran ge 950 to 2150 M Hz Input level r ange 44 to 84 dBµV IF frequency 479.5 MH z Reception threshold (Eb /No) 4.8 dB Input conne ctor F socket Input impedance 75 Ω Video Frequency ran ge 20 Hz to 5 M Hz Output volt age 1 V ss / 75 Ω S/N 53 dB typ. Input data rate s 2-45 M [...]

  • Page 42

    Specifications 42 General Unit di mensions (B/H/T) 370 / 71 / 285 mm Weight Approx. 2.5 kg Temperature range Ambient temperatur e +5 °C to + 40 °C A ccessories Infrared remote control 2 x 1.5 V batter i es, type: LR 03, size: AAA (Micro) 1 Scart ca ble Scart socket pin as signments Signal Pin No. TV VCR AUX AUDIO Output Rig ht 1 X X AUDIO Input R[...]

  • Page 43

    Connectio n examples 43 Connection examples Connection scheme 1 : Reception of digita l program mes from the AST RA satelli te s y s tem via a m ulti- subscr iber system or via a s ingle s ystem Connectio n of the UFD 51 0 digita l receiver t o a TV set , VCR and a hi-fi s ystem for receptio n and recor ding of digital Sat T V- and r adio progr amm[...]

  • Page 44

    Connectio n examples 44 Connection scheme 2 : Reception of digita l program mes from the AST RA and EUT ELSAT satellite system s via a m ulti-feed a ntenna with t wo quattro f eeder s ystems. T he UFD 510 receiver supplies the requ ired DiSEq C signals t o the DiS EqC multi-s witch EX R 904 for s witching over bot h satell ite positio ns. The DiS E[...]

  • Page 45

    Connectio n examples 45 Connection scheme 3 : Connectio n of an ana logue seco ndar y receiver an d analogu e decoder f or the further reception of encrypte d analogue T V program mes. This configuratio n allo ws reception and VCR r ecording of digital pr ogram mes via the UFD 510 receiver as well as ana logue, encr ypted and un encrypted program m[...]

  • Page 46

    Service and dealer settin g s 46 Service and dealer settings If the inst aller cha nges the rec eiver’s basic s ettings, we r ecomm end that a recor d be k ept of the ne w settings by mark ing the entr ies with a c ross on t his page. In you sh ould happen t o change the basic s ettings by mis take, you can t hen call upo n the refer ence data at[...]

  • Page 47

    Glossary, abbre viations 47 Glossary, abbreviations ASIUS Astra Service I nformation Up date System Audio output Sound outp ut on the rec eiver AV programme chan nel TV‘s preferr ed programm e channel f or Scart input Bouquet Package of progra mme s Common In terface Standard interface f or card readers Decoder Decoding device for P ay-TV DiSEqC [...]

  • Page 48

    Glossary, abbre viations 48 Glossary, abbreviations DiSEqC DiSEqC ( D ig ital S atellite E quipm ent C ontrol) is a EUTELS AT-spec ified com munic ations system between sat . receiver ( master ) and the per ipheral sat. com ponents (s laves) suc h as, for ex ample, LNBs, m ultiswitches , rotatab le antenna s ystems . DiSEqC is a single m aster / mu[...]

  • Page 49

    Notes 49[...]

  • Page 50

    KATHR EIN- W erke KG  telephone +49 (0 80 31) 18 40  fax (0 80 31) 18 43 06 Anton-Kat hrei n-Straße 1-3  P.O.B. 10 04 44  D-83004 Rosenheim 9985.725/E/ 0599/1/SKS/PF Subject to alteraion![...]