Klipsch Reference Series RT-10D manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Klipsch Reference Series RT-10D, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Klipsch Reference Series RT-10D one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Klipsch Reference Series RT-10D. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Klipsch Reference Series RT-10D should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Klipsch Reference Series RT-10D
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Klipsch Reference Series RT-10D item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Klipsch Reference Series RT-10D item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Klipsch Reference Series RT-10D alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Klipsch Reference Series RT-10D, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Klipsch service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Klipsch Reference Series RT-10D.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Klipsch Reference Series RT-10D item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    IMPORT ANT SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS 1. READ these instructions. 2. KEEP these instructions. 3. HEED all warnings. 4. FOLLOW all instructions. 5. DO NOT use this apparatus near water . 6. CLEAN ONL Y with dry cloth. 7. DO NOT block any ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 8. DO NOT install near any heat [...]

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    in the selected preset the display will read “Preset Empty .” From this screen press the down or up cursor key to access other control settings. “EQ Mode:” - This screen is used to select two different Bass emphasis settings, titled “Punch” and “Depth”. They are designed to complement different types of program material, such as mov[...]

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    “Phase” - This screen is used to adjust the subwoofer’ s acoustic phase to match that of your main speakers. Use the Left/Right cursor keys to adjust the subwoofer’ s phase from 0° to 180°. The proper setting of this control is highly dependant on room acoustics and the position of your subwoofer in the room. After setting the volume and [...]

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    interface with A/V Control systems that can utilize a USB hookup. Please contact your authorized Klipsch dealer or Klipsch T echnical support for more information. “MIC IN” – Plug the supplied microphone into this jack when using the “ROOM CORRECTION” feature during setup. It is rec- ommended that the microphone be disconnected and stored[...]

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    R T -10d, RT -12d WARRANTY OUTSIDE THE UNITED ST A TES AND CANAD A The Warranty on this product if it is sold to a consumer outside of the United States or Canada shall comply with applicable law and shall be the sole responsibility of the distributor that supplied this product. T o obtain any a pplicable warranty service, please contact the dealer[...]

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    CONSIGNES DE SÉCURITÉ IMPORT ANTES 1. LIRE ces instructions. 2. CONSERVER ces instructions. 3. RESPECTER tous les avertissements. 4. SUIVRE toutes les instructions. 5. NE P AS utiliser cet appareil à proximité de l’eau. 6. NETTOYER UNIQUEMENT avec un chiffon sec. 7. NE P AS OBSTRUER les orifices de ventilation. Installer confor- mément aux i[...]

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    RACCORDEMENTS A TTENTION : A vant tout raccordement, mettr e l’amplificateur et le caisson de graves hors tension ! « LINE IN » (entrée ligne) – Le caisson de graves amplifié Klipsch Reference RT n’est raccordé que par les entrées de niveau ligne. Utilisez les sorties « Subwoofer » (caisson de graves), « LFE » ou « Pre-amp » de l?[...]

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    le manuel d’utilisation du processeur ambiophonique. À partir de cet écran, appuyez sur la flèche descendante ou montante pour accéder aux autres réglages. « Lowpass Slope » (pente filtre passe-bas) – Cet écran permet de régler l’importance de l’atténuation par le caisson de graves des fréquences supérieures au seuil de réglage[...]

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    « System Info Press » (infos système : appuyer sur ) Cet écran permet d’accéder à la fonction « System Reset » (réinitialisation système) pour effacer toutes les mémoires et tous les réglages de l’utilisateur (voir la section « Save Settings » dans ce manuel). Si cette fonction est activée, toutes les mémoires de préréglage so[...]

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    KLIPSCH. Pour vérifier que votre produit a été acheté auprès d’un détaillant agréé KLIPSCH et que son numéro de série n’a pas été modifié, téléphonez au 1-800-KLIPSCH. Cette garantie ne couvre que l’acheteur initial et se termine automatiquement avant expiration si ce produit est vendu ou cédé à un tiers. Cette garantie ne c[...]

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    WICHTIGE SICHERHEITSHINWEISE 1. LESEN Sie diese Anweisungen durch. 2. BEHAL TEN Sie diese Anweisungen. 3. BEACHTEN Sie alle Warnhinweise. 4. FOLGEN Sie allen Anleitungen. 5. Verwenden Sie diese Geräte NICHT in der Nähe von W asser . 6. Reinigen Sie sie NUR mit einem trockenen T uch. 7. Blockieren Sie KEINE Lüftungsöffnungen. Installieren Sie di[...]

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    Sie die Ausgänge „Subwoofer“, „LFE“ oder „Pre-amp“ Ihrer Systemelektronik zum Anschluss an den Eingang „LINE IN“ an Ihrem Subwoofer . Verwenden Sie für diese Verbindung hochwertige, abgeschirmte Line-Level-Kabel (siehe Abbildung 3). „ LINE OUT “ – Diese Buchsen können als Alternativmethode zum Anschluss eines zweiten Subwoo[...]

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    Filters einzustellen. Beginnen Sie entweder mit 24 oder 36dB/Oktave und passen Sie die Einstellung dann ggf. an. Eine Anpassung dieses Parameters kann dabei helfen, den akustischen Übergang zu Ihren Hauptlautsprechern zu optimieren. Die korrekte Einstellung hängt von Ihrer Raumakustik, der Leistung Ihrer Hauptlautsprecher und der Platzierung der [...]

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    IR-SENSOR – Auf der Rückseite des Subwoofers befindet sich ein Infrarot-Sensor zur Integration mit AV -Fernbedienungssystemen. Sie finden die IR-Codes für diesen Subwoofer auf www .klipsch.com. Es gibt für diese Modelle keine spezielle Fernbedienung. „ USB “ – Diese Computerschnittstelle ermöglicht Zugriff auf erweit- erte Funktionen in[...]

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    ISTRUZIONI IMPORT ANTI PER LA SICUREZZA 1. LEGGERE queste istruzioni. 2. CONSERV ARE queste istruzioni. 3. PREST ARE A TTENZIONE alle a vvertenze. 4. A TTENERSI a tutte le istruzioni. 5. NON utilizzare questo apparecchio in prossimità di acqua. 6. PULIRE SOLO con un panno asciutto. 7. NON bloccare le aperture per la ventilazione. Installare second[...]

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    dell'elettronica di sistema per collegarsi ai collegamenti d'ingres- so “LINE IN” del subwoofer . Usare cavi di segnale schermati di ottima qualità per questi collegamenti (vedere la figura 3). “ LINE OUT ” (linea in uscita) – Questa coppia di spinotti può essere usata come metodo alternativo per il collegamento di un secondo [...]

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    Da questa schermata premere il tasto in basso o in alto per accedere alle altre impostazioni di controllo. “ Lowpass Slope ” (pendenza filtro passa basso) - Questa scher- mata viene utilizzata per selezionare l'intensità della reiezione delle frequenze al di sopra dell'impostazione del filtro passa basso da parte del subwoofer . Ques[...]

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    “ System Info Press ” (per informazioni sul sistema premere ) - Questa schermata viene utilizzata per accedere alla funzione “System Reset” che permette di cancellare tutte le impostazioni definite dall'utente e tutte le memorie (consultare la sezione “Save Settings” in questo manuale). Se la funzione “System Reset” viene attiv[...]

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    INSTRUÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA IMPORT ANTES 1. LEIA estas instruções. 2. GUARDE estas instruções. 3. FIQUE A TENTO a todos os avisos. 4. SIGA todas as instruções. 5. NÃO use este aparelho perto de água. 6. LIMPE APENAS com um pano seco. 7. NÃO bloqueie nenhuma abertura de ventilação. Instale de acordo com as instruções do fabricante. 8. N?[...]

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    saídas "Subwoofer", "LFE" ou "Pre-amp" do seu sistema de som para estabelecer a conexão às entradas "LINE IN" do subwoofer . Use cabos de nível de linha blindados de qualidade para fazer estas conexões (consulte a figura 3). “ LINE OUT ” – Estas duas tomadas podem ser usadas como método alternativ[...]

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    “ Lowpass Slope ” – Esta tela é utilizada para ajustar o limite do subwoofer para rejeição de freqüências situadas acima do ajuste do filtro passa-baixa. Esta tela não é visível se o filtro passa-baixa acima for configurado para "Lowpass OFF LFE Mode" (Passa- baixa desativado para modo de efeitos de baixa freqüência). Há [...]

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    Para obter mais informações sobre os controles mencionados neste manual e sobre os ajustes de controle de graves de seu equipamento, consulte o revendedor autorizado Klipsch ou visite o site www .klipsch.com. RECURSOS DO P AINEL TRASEIR O “POWER” ON/OFF Esta é a chave liga/desliga principal do subwoofer . Esta chave deve permanecer na posiç[...]

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    INSTRUCCIONES IMPORT ANTES DE SEGURID AD 1. LEA estas instrucciones. 2. GUARDE estas instrucciones. 3. RESPETE todas las advertencias. 4. SIGA todas las instrucciones. 5. NO use este aparato cerca del agua. 6. LÍMPIELO SOLAMENTE con un paño seco. 7. NO bloquee las aberturas de ventilación. Instale el aparato de acuerdo con las instrucciones del [...]

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    Línea de entrada . (LINE IN). Su subwoofer alimentado RT Reference de Klipsch se conecta sólo a nivel de línea. Conecte las salidas de "Subwoofer", "Efectos de Baja Frecuencia (Low Frequency Effects, LFE)" o "Preamplificador " de sus compo- nentes electrónicos a las entradas LINE IN del subwoofer . Utilice cables d[...]

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    Para anular este filtro, oprima y mantenga oprimida la tecla de cursor Derecha hasta que aparezca en pantalla la frase "Modalidad LFE con pasabajas desactivado" (Lowpass OFF LFE Mode). Consulte el manual del propietario del procesador de surround para obtener más información sobre administración de bajos. En esta pantalla, oprima la te[...]

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    teclas y para desbloquear" (Keypad Locked Hold and to unlock) aparecerá en pantalla. Luego la pantalla pasa a la visualización de volumen (Volume) después de aproximada- mente 20 segundos. Para desbloquear el teclado, oprima y mantenga oprimida las teclas Derecha e Izquierda hasta que la pantalla regrese a la visualización de volumen (Volu[...]

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    R T -10d, RT -12d Chinese[...]

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    R T -10d, RT -12d[...]

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    R T -10d, RT -12d Japanese[...]

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    R T -10d, RT -12d[...]

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    RT -10d/RT -12d LINE LEVEL CONNECTIONS FIGURE 3 [OR] STEREO PLACEMENT MUL TICHANNEL PLACEMENT FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 3502 Woodview T race, Suite 200 Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 • 1 . 800 . KLIPSCH • www .klipsch.com[...]