Konftel 55 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Konftel 55, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Konftel 55 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Konftel 55. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Konftel 55 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Konftel 55
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Konftel 55 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Konftel 55 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Konftel 55 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Konftel 55, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Konftel service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Konftel 55.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Konftel 55 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    T h e K o n f t e l 5 5 U s e r G u i d e ENGLI SH[...]

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    2 OmniSound ® HD – super ior sound qua lity The pate nted O mniSound ® audio t echno log y guarantees an impressive and cry stal- clear ful l- dup lex aud io, a l lowi ng you to speak in two di rections for effective partic ipat ion i n virtual meeti ng s. The sound is transmitted c learly and powerfull y to al l at tendees thanks to a hypersen[...]

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    1 CO NTENTS Introduction 2 Maintenan ce ................................................................................... 2 De scrip tio n 3 Genera l ........................................................................................... 4 Bridge connecti on ............................................................................ 6 Bat te[...]

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    2 The Konftel 55 i s a conference u ni t that can be connected t o your desk top phone, you r mobi le phone and you r computer to ob tain c ry stal- clear , power ful Omn iSound ® HD audi o in you r virtual meeti ng s. • Omni Sound ® HD aud io technology with fu l l du plex, echo cance ll ation and static reduc- tion i n ful l bandwidt h (20 ?[...]

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    3 DESCR I PTION SD memor y ca rd por t Co mpute r (mini USB) Desk phone adapter Heads et (3.5 mm) Power supply Mobile phone Conne ctions : LEDs Steady blue ligh t Sound chann el on / call in pro gres s Steady r ed light Mute, microph one turn ed off Flashing red Hold, microphon e and spe aker turned of f T ouch screen Battery cover On / O ff (long [...]

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    4 DESCR I PTION GENER A L The Konftel 55 automatical ly detec ts the connections you make. Despite the un it 's mu lti ple connectiv ity options, it is s im ple t o use and understand be cause it onl y dis plays the buttons that can be used in th at par tic ul a r sit uati on. The firs t ti me the K onftel 55 is star ted up , the displ ay onl[...]

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    5 DESCR I PTION With a comp uter connecti on, th e LEDs fir st lig ht up when a comm un ication prog ram that use s the m icrophone starts. Mute button  Pres s the button (the actu al button on the ri ght) to t urn the m icrophone off during a cal l. T he L EDs show a steady r ed ligh t and two but tons are d ispla yed.  Pres s the button if[...]

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    6 BR IDGE CONNE CTION It is possible t o est abl ish an audio con ference bridge between a connected phone and the computer . Thi s means that you can make a ca l l with you r connected mobi le or de sktop phone and combi ne it with, f or example, a Skype ® c al l on the computer . Aud io bridge comb in ation s other than a p hone and comput er ar[...]

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    7 The Konftel 55 tran sforms your desk top phone to a conf erence phone wit h Omni S ound ® HD . U nl ike the i ntegra ted speaker funct ion of many desk top phones, you enjoy a h igh sound level , ful l du plex (two -way audio) and efficient echo cance l lat ion and static reduc- tion .  Om niS oun d ® HD perfo rms over the fu ll aud io band[...]

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    8 MAKI NG CALLS Y ou can make a cal l with t he phone as usual a nd then transfer the cal l to the Kon ftel 55, or transfer the sound before the cal l is conn ected.  Pres s the button on the K onftel 55 to transfer th e sound from the phone to t he Konf tel 55. Th e button and t he L EDs ligh t up .  Lift the handset and d ia l the nu mber o[...]

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    9 The Konftel 55 tran sforms your mobi le phone to a con ference phone wit h Omn iSound ® HD , ens uri ng hi gh sound leve l, f ul l duplex (two -way audio) and e f ficie nt echo cancel lation and static reduct ion.  Om niS oun d ® HD perfo rms over the fu ll aud io bandwi dth ( 1 00 – 2 400 0 Hz), but li mita- tions i n mobile t elecommu n[...]

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    10 U S I NG T HE K ON FTE L W I T H A MOB I L E PH ON E MAKI NG CALLS  Check that t he b utton on the Kon ftel 55 is l it up blue. I f it is not lit u p, pre ss the but to n.  Dial t he nu mber on the mobi le phone.  If you have a cal l in prog res s on your mobi le and want to transfer it to t he Kon ftel 55, sim ply con nect the cable. A[...]

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    11 The Konftel 55 tran sforms your computer to t eleconf erenci ng e qu i pment wit h Om niS oun d ® HD . U nl ike normal com puter speakers and microphones, the Kon ftel 55 provides ful l duplex (two -way audio) and efficient ec ho cancel lat ion and static reduct ion. The computer iden tifies the Kon ftel 55 as an echo cancel lation device wh [...]

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    12 US ING THE K ONF TEL WITH A CO MPUTER US ING THE K ONF TEL WITH A C OMPUTER Usi ng as a compute r spe aker USB is i mmediatel y activated on con nection ( li ghts up). The computer normal ly only activat es the spe aker i n the Konftel 55 if t here is no other progr am run ni ng that can use the microphone. Th is me ans that t he Kon ftel 55 act[...]

  • Page 15

    13 It is possible t o have a desktop phone and a mobi le phone con nected at the same time. Buttons for both the phones are displ ayed on the Konftel 55. Cal ls can be made or answered from either phone. However , it is not pos si ble t o bridge cal ls. You m ust choose which of t he connecti ons you wish to speak to. The ot her connection i s park[...]

  • Page 16

    14 When bridgi ng a co mput er and a phone, al l you need to do is activate both sources of so und. O mniS ound ® HD can hand le ful l du plex, echo cance ll ation and static reducti on for both the sound sources simu ltaneously .  Pr ess and (depending on wh ich phone is connected) pres s or . Both but tons are l it up and the sound f r om the[...]

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    15  Adj us ti ng the sound i ndivid ual ly for ea ch sound source.  Ret urn to j ust one volu me control by pres si ng the button on the t op of the up per volu me control .  The Konftel 55 saves the set level when a sound source is turned off . The nex t time the same sound source is activated , it is star ted at the most recently used vo[...]

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    16 The Konftel 55 h as a headset p or t (3.5 mm p l ug) .  S ee the headi ng Headset under set ti ngs (page 22) if your headset do es not work with the K onftel 55.  The re is al so a heads et sound level setti ng, whi ch al lows the level of sound t o be adj usted so that it seems as powe rful as from the speakers. War nin g ! Use of headpho[...]

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    17 The Konftel 55 can be used to record your meeti ngs and for dictat ions. The recordings are saved on a memor y c ard. F olders are automat ical ly created on the card wit h the dat e of the recordi ngs. The se are s aved i n WA V format with the t ime when the recording started. The Konftel 55 s uppor ts SD and SDHC cards. Recordi ng c apacity i[...]

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    18 L I S T E NI NG T O A R E COR DI NG Y ou can transfer the card to a computer to pl ay back and ed it the recordi ng, or you c an play i t back on the K onftel 55 .  Pr ess MENU an d select Recordings . A list of t he recordi ngs on the SD car d is disp layed .  Pres s the recording you wan t to l is ten t o. Y ou can pause the playback by [...]

  • Page 21

    19  Pr ess MENU . T he menu opens. CHANG ING L ANGU AG ES  Pr ess Language in the men u.  Select a language from the l ist and pre ss the back arrow . SE T TIN G S[...]

  • Page 22

    20 SE T TIN G S AD JUSTING SO UND EFF ECT S  Pr ess Sound in t he menu .  Make you r set ti ng s by pres sing t he buttons and end wi th the back arrow . Ke ypad tone There is a choice o f off, d iscre et and a sl ightly lou der cl ick sound. Reco r ding indic ato r T o let people know that a cal l is being recorded when you cal l them, an a [...]

  • Page 23

    21 SE T TIN G S CHANG ING CONNE CTI ON SET T I NGS  Pr ess Connection in t he menu .  Make you r set ti ng s by pres sing t he buttons and end wi th the back arrow . Connecti ng a mob il e phone The Konftel 55 can normal ly detect when a mobi le phone is con nected via a cab le. Some mobi le phones do not activate th e connection u ntil a cal[...]

  • Page 24

    22 The set ti ng is saved in t he Kon ftel 55 and is used each ti me a phone is con nected via th e phone adapter .  Activate and make a test call w ith your p hone.  Open the Connection setting i n the menu a nd adj us t the outgoing soun d unt i l you find the opt im al leve l.  When sp eaki ng di rectly i nto you r phone, use the sound[...]

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    23 He adse t level Sensit ivity (audio vo lu me) can var y from he adset to headset. It is therefore possible t o adj ust the vol ume so that the soun d heard se ems to be about the same level as when heard via the speakers. War nin g ! Use of headphones /e arbuds at hi gh vol umes can damage your hearing. A high er volu me may be harmfu l to heari[...]

  • Page 26

    24 CHANG ING SY STE M SET TI NGS  Pres s the System button on the menu.  Make you r set ti ng s by pres sing t he buttons and end wi th the back arrow . Here you can : • Change the n ame of your K onftel 55 • Set the ti me and date f or recordings • Check soft ware ver sions • In itiate soft ware upgrade s • Restore your Konftel 55 [...]

  • Page 27

    25 The Konftel 55 i s conti nual ly bei ng developed wit h smart fe atures and the soft ware can be upgraded to ensure the un it is always run ni ng the latest s oft ware ver sion . Y ou can upgrade via a US B or via an SD card.  Note that in u pgrade mo de, the t ext is always in Eng li sh whatev er language has been selected in t he the K onft[...]

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    26 UPGR ADI N G SOF T W ARE  We recommend that you let K onftel Upgrade Uti lity automati cal ly downl oad and instal l the lat es t version from Kon ftel’ s websit e. Y ou can also instal l a Kon ftel firmware file that has al ready been downloaded to the PC’s hard dri ve. U PG RAD I NG V IA A N SD C AR D This met hod requi res a P C with[...]

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    27 Siz e Width 22 2 mm, dept h 206 mm, heigh t 68 mm. Wei ght 64 0 g. Colour Liquori ce blac k and si lver . Displ ay Colour LCD, 2 40 x320 pix els. Buttons T ouch screen pl us on / off and microphone swi tch-of f . Memor y SD (SDHC) m emor y card suppor t. Upgradi ng Kon ftel upgrade uti li ty (for Microsoft ® Windows ® ) upgrade s Kon ftel 55 s[...]

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    1 10 159 R ev 4A Head office: Konftel AB, Box 268, 901 06 Umeå, Sweden T el: +46 (0)90-70 64 89, Fax: +46 (0)90-13 14 35, info@konftel.com www .konftel.com Konftel is a leading company and the world’ s fastest growing brand, within audio conferencing equipment. Since 1988, our mission has been to help people around the world to conduct meetings[...]