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K R A M E R E L E C T R O N I C S L T D . U S E R M A N U A L MODEL: TP - 5 7 8 H D G K a t t o H D M I R e c e i v e r P /N : 29 0 0 - 3 00 1 89 R e v 1[...]
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TP -578H – C ontents i Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Getting Starte d 2 2.1 Achieving the Bes t Perfor mance 2 2.2 Safety Instruction s 2 2.3 Recycling Kra mer Products 3 3 Overview 4 3.1 Using TP cable s 5 4 Defining the TP-578 H DGKat to HDMI Rec eiver 6 5 Connecting the T P- 578H 8 5.1 Connecting a Serial Controller to the TP-578H via R S- 232 9[...]
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TP -578H - In troduction 1 1 1 Introduction Welcome to Kra mer Electroni cs! Since 198 1, Kramer Electronic s has been providing a w orld of unique, creative, and af fordable solu tions to the vast range o f problems that con front video, aud io, presenta tion, and broadca sting pro fessionals on a daily ba sis. In recent year s, we hav e redesigne[...]
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2 TP -578H - Getting Started 2 Getting Start ed We recommend that you: Unpack the equip ment carefully and save the origin al box an d packaging materials for po ssible future shipme nt Review the con tents of this user man ual Go to http://www .kramerelectroni cs.co m/support/prod uct_downloa ds.asp to check for up- to -date user manuals, [...]
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TP -578H - Getting Started 3 3 2.3 Recycling Kramer Prod ucts The Waste Electri cal and Ele ctronic Equip ment ( WEEE) Directive 20 02/96/EC aims to reduce the amount of WEEE sent for dispo sal to landfill or incineration by requiring it to be collected an d recycled. To comply with the WEEE Directive, Kramer Electron ics has made arr angements w i[...]
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4 TP -578H - Overview 3 Overv iew The high quality TP - 578H DGKat to HDMI Receiver a ccepts a DGKat TP (Tw isted Pair) signal fro m a compatible Kramer DGKat trans mitter and decodes it into the following signal s: HDMI IR S/PDIF digital aud io Balanced and un balanced audio RS - 232 The device is designe d to be used in conjun[...]
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TP -578H - Overview 5 5 Note : The TP - 578H can supply po we r to PowerCo nnect dev ices but can only be powered by PowerCo nnectPlus devices. Warning: Using a TP cable that is incorr ectly w ired may cause permanent da mage to the dev ice The TP - 578H supports a range of: Up to 90m (295 ft) at 1080i, or up to 30 m (98ft) at 1080p on shielded[...]
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6 TP -578H - D efining the TP-578H DGK at to HDMI Receiver 4 Defining the TP -578H DGKat to HDMI Receiver Figure 1 defines the front panel of the TP - 578H . Figure 1 : TP -578H D GKat to HDMI Receiver Fro nt Panel # Feature Function 1 IR 3.5mm M ini Jack Connect to the I R blaster or se nsor 2 K-LINK Mode Butt on Press to toggle bet ween the activ[...]
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TP -578H - D ef ining the TP -578H DGKat to HDM I Receiver 7 7 Figure 2 defines the rear panel o f the TP - 578H . Figure 2 : TP -578H D GKat to HDMI Receiver Re ar Panel # Feature Function 1 AUDIO OUT 5- way Terminal Block Connect to the b alanced, stereo audio accepto r (see Section 5.2 ) 2 RS -232 3-wa y Serial Terminal Block Connect to the RS -[...]
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8 TP -578H - C onnecting the TP-578H 5 Conn ecting the TP - 578H Always disconne ct/switch off the pow er to all devices before connecting them to your TP - 578H . After connec ting your TP - 578H , connect its pow er and then reconnect/switch on the pow er to the other devices. Figure 3 : Conne cting the TP -578H DGKat to HD MI Receiver To connect[...]
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TP -578H - C onnecting the TP-578H 9 9 4. Connect the Audio Ou t S/PDIF digital, RCA audio connector on the TP - 578H to t he audio ac ceptor, (for ex ample, an audio a mplifier with speakers). 5. Connect the pow er ada pter to the TP - 578H and to the mains electrici ty (not shown in Figure 3 ). 5.1 Connecting a Ser ial Control ler to the TP - 578[...]
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10 TP -578H - Operating the TP-578H 6 Operating the TP - 578H 6.1 T he K-Link Setup 4- way DIP-switch The Setup 4-w ay dip-sw itch lets you lock the EDID and se t the outp ut timeout. When a swit ch is down it is on and w hen it is up it is off. Switch # Feature Function Switch State 1 Lock EDID Locks the current E DID in memory On — Lock ED I D [...]
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TP -578H - Operating the TP-578H 11 11 6.4 Setting the A ctiv e or Passive Data K-Link Mo de Note : Data is tran smitted even in the absence of video and au dio sign als. The TP - 578H treats RS-232 data in either of the fol lowing manners : Active — The data are treated a s Kramer Pro tocol 3000 commands a nd are processed by the microcon tr[...]
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12 TP -578H - Operating the TP-578H 6.5.1 K-Link LED K-Link LED Color K-Link Mode Red Passive mode Green Active mode 6.5.2 On LED On LED Color Power Stat us Green Power is connect ed Flashes green/red The device is n e gotiating th e power requireme nt[...]
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TP -578H - W iring the TP RJ-45 Ether net Connector 13 13 7 Wiring the TP RJ-45 Ethe rnet Connecto r Connect/solder the cable shield to the RJ-45 connec tor shield at bo th ends of the cable. Do not use a crosse d TP cable with this product . Using a TP cable that is incorr ectly w ired may cause per manent damage to the dev ice. Do not use un shie[...]
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14 TP -578H - Technical Specifications 8 Technical Sp ecifications INPUTS: 1 DGKat TP on a n RJ-45 co n n ector OUTPUTS: 1 HDMI on a n HD MI connector 1 S/PDIF digital au d io on an RCA connecto r 1 Analog unbalanc ed stereo audio on a 3.5mm m ini jack 1 Analog balanced stereo audio on a 5-wa y t erminal block PORTS: 1 RS-232 serial p o rt on a 3-w[...]
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TP -578H - D efault EDID 15 15 9 Default ED I D Monitor Model name............... TP-578H Manufacturer............. KMR Plug and Play ID......... KMR1200 Serial number............ 505-709990100 Manufacture date......... 2011, ISO week 255 Filter driver............ None ------------------------- EDID revision............ 1.3 Input signal type.......[...]
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16 TP -578H - D efault EDID IT underscan............. Supported Basic audio.............. Supported YCbCr 4:4:4.............. Not supported YCbCr 4:2:2.............. Not supported Native formats........... 1 Detailed timing #1....... 1920x1080p at 60Hz (16:10) Modeline............... "1920x1080" 148.500 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 [...]
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TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 17 17 10 Protocol 3000 The TP - 578H can be operated usi ng serial commands fro m a P C , rem o te controller or touch screen using the Kra m er Protocol 30 0 0. This section des c r ibes the: Kramer Protocol 3000 syntax (see Section 10.1 ) Kramer Protocol 3000 commands (see Section 10.2 ) 10.1 Kramer Protoco l 300[...]
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18 TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 10.1.3 Command Terms Command A sequence of A SC II letters ('A'-'Z', 'a'-'z' and '-') . Command and par ameters must be separated by a t least one space. Parameters A sequence of alpha numeric ASCII cha ract er s ('0'- ' 9 ' ,' A '-' Z&[...]
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TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 19 19 10.1.4 Entering Commands You can directly en t er all commands u s ing a terminal with ASCII c o mmunications softwar e, such as HyperTerminal, Hercules, et c . C onnect the termina l to t he serial or Ethernet por t on the Kramer device. To enter CR press the Enter key. ( LF is also sent bu t is ign ored by command [...]
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20 TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 10.2 Kramer Protoco l 3000 Commands Command Description # Protocol handshak ing BUILD-DATE? Read device buil d date CPEDID Copy EDID data fr o m the output to the input EEPRO M DEF-RES? Assign custom define d scaled video output r e solution to “vic ” in dex DISPLAY? Read if output is vali d GEDID Read EDID data HDC[...]
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TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 21 21 Command - BUILD -DATE Command Type - System-m andatory Co mma nd Na me Pe rmi ss ion T rans pa ren cy Set: - - - Get: BUILD-DATE? End User Public De sc rip tio n Sy nt ax Set: Get device build da te # BUILD-DATE ␍ Get: - - Re spo ns e ~ nn @ BUILD - D ATE ␠ date ␠ time ␍␊ Pa ra met ers date - Format: YYY Y [...]
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22 TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 Command - DE F- RE S Command Type - Video Co mma nd Na me Pe rmi ss ion T rans pa ren cy Set DEF-RES Administrator Public Get DEF-RES? End User Public De sc rip tio n Sy nt ax Set: Set custom defined scaled video outp ut resolution to “vic” i ndex # DEF-RES ␠ Table_id,W idth,Height,Htotal,VTotal,HS ync W ,HSyncBac[...]
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TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 23 23 Command - DISP LAY? Command Type - System Co mma nd Na me Pe rmi ss ion T rans pa ren cy S et : - - - Get DISPLAY? End User Public De sc rip tio n Sy nt ax Set: - - Get: Get output HPD st a tu s # DISPLAY? ␠ out _id ␍ Re spo ns e ~ nn @ DISPLAY ␠ out_id,status ␍␊ Pa ra met ers out_id - output num ber status[...]
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24 TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 Command - GED ID Command Type - System Co mma nd Na me Pe rmi ss ion T rans pa ren cy Set: GEDID Administrator Public Get: GEDID? End User Public De sc rip tio n Sy nt ax Set: Set EDID data from d evice # GEDID ␠ stage, sta ge_id ␍ Get: Get EDID support o n certain input/output # GEDID? ␠ stage, s tage_id ␍ Re s[...]
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TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 25 25 Command - HDCP - S TAT Command Type - System Co mma nd Na me Pe rmi ss ion T rans pa ren cy Set: - - - Get: HDCP -STAT? End User Public De sc rip tio n Sy nt ax Set: None - Get: Get HDCP signal sta t us # HDCP -STAT? ␠ sta ge,stage_id ␍ Re spo ns e Set / Get: ~ nn @ HDCP -STAT ␠ stage,stage_id, mode ␍␊ Pa r[...]
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26 TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 Command – KLINK _INF Command Type – System Co mma nd Na me Pe rmi ss ion T rans pa ren cy Set: KLINK_INF Admin Internal Get: - - - De sc rip tio n Sy nt ax Set: Set K-Link M CU dir ect mode (DGKat only) # KLINK_INF ␍ Get : - - Re spo ns e ~ nn @ KLINK_IN F ␍ Pa ra met ers None Re spo ns e T rig ge rs After recei[...]
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TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 27 27 Command - LDEDID Command Type - System Co mma nd Na me Pe rmi ss ion T rans pa ren cy Set: LDEDID End User Public Get: - - - De sc rip tio n Sy nt ax Set: W r ite EDID data fr om external application to devic e Multi-step synta x (s ee following steps) Get: None None Co mmu nic at ion St eps ( Com man d a nd Res pon [...]
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28 TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 Command - LDFW System - Pack ets Co mma nd Na me Pe rmi ss ion T rans pa ren cy Set: LDFW Internal SW Public Get: - - - De sc rip tio n Sy nt ax Set: Load new firm wa r e file Step 1: # LDFW ␠ si ze ␍ Step 2: If read y w a s received, send F I R M W ARE_DATA Get: - - Re spo ns e Response 1: ~ nn @ LDFW ␠ size ␠ [...]
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TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 29 29 Command – NAME ? Command Type - System (Et h er net) Co mma nd Na me Pe rmi ss ion T rans pa ren cy Get: NAME? End User Public De sc rip tio n Sy nt ax Set: Set machine (DNS ) name # NAME ␠ machi ne _ name ␍ Get: Get machine (DNS) name # NAME? ␍ Re spo ns e Set: ~ nn @ NAME ␠ machin e_name ␠ OK ␍␊ Get[...]
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30 TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 Co mmand - RESET Command Type - System-m andatory Co mma nd Na me Pe rmi ss ion T rans pa ren cy Set: RESET Administrator Public Get: - - - De sc rip tio n Sy nt ax Set: Reset device # RESET ␍ Get: - - Re spo ns e ~ nn @ RESE T ␠ OK ␍␊ Pa ra met ers Re spo ns e T rig ge rs No tes To avoid lock ing th e port due [...]
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TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 31 31 Co mmand - SN? Command Type - System-m andatory Co mma nd Na me Pe rmi ss ion T rans pa ren cy Set: - - - Get: SN? End User Public De sc rip tio n Sy nt ax Set: - - Get: Get device serial n umber # SN? ␍ Re spo ns e ~ nn @ SN ␠ serial_ number ␍␊ Pa ra met ers serial_number - 11 decimal digits, facto ry assign[...]
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32 TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 Co mmand - VERSIO N? Command Type - System-m andatory Co mma nd Na me Pe rmi ss ion T rans pa ren cy Set: - - - Get: VERSION? End User Public De sc rip tio n Sy nt ax Set: - - Get: Get firmware versi on number # VERSION? ␍ Re spo ns e ~ nn @ VERSION ␠ firmware_v e rsi on ␍␊ Pa ra met ers firmware_version - XX.XX[...]
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TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 33 33 10.2.3 Video Resolutions VI C Num ber Re sol ut ion 0 No Signal (for input ) / Native - EDID (for outp ut) 1 640x480p @59.9 4Hz/60Hz 2 720x480p @59.9 4Hz/60Hz 3 720x480p @59.9 4Hz/60Hz 4 1280x720p @59. 94 H z/60Hz 5 1920x1080i @59. 94 H z/60Hz 6 720(1440)x480i @5 9.94Hz/60Hz 7 720(1440)x480i @5 9.94Hz/60Hz 8 720(1440[...]
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34 TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 VI C Num ber Re sol ut ion 40 1920x1080i @10 0Hz 41 1280x720p @10 0Hz 42 720x576p @100Hz 43 720x576p @100Hz 44 720(1440)x576i @1 00Hz 45 720(1440)x576i @1 00Hz 46 1920x1080i @11 9.88/120Hz 47 1280x720p @11 9.88/120Hz 48 720x480p @119.88/120Hz 49 720x480p @119.88/120Hz 50 720(1440)x480i @1 19.88/120Hz 51 720(1440)x480i @[...]
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TP -578H - Pr otocol 3000 35 35 10.2.5 Signal Validation Nu mb er Va lu e 0 Signal or sink is n ot v alid 1 Signal or sink is vali d 2 Sink and EDID is v alid 10.2.6 Ethernet Port Types Number Value 0 TCP 1 UDP[...]
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For the latest inf ormation on our products and a list of Kramer dist r ibut ors, visit our Web site where updat es to this user manual may be found. We welcome your quest i ons, c o mments, and feedback. Web site: w w w. kramerelectronics.com E-mail: info@kramerel. c o m SAFETY WA RN IN G Dis co n ne ct t he u nit f rom t he po w er supply befor e[...]