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Us er Guide K- 7 Rave[...]
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User Guide for K-7 Rav e TM Phones This manual is based on th e production version of the Kyocera KE433 phone . Software changes may h ave occurred after this printing. Kyocera reserves the righ t to make changes in tech nical and product specifications without prior notice. The produ cts and equipment described in this documentation are manu factu[...]
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All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. FCC/IC N otice This device compli es with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause h armful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferen ce received, including interference tha t may cause un desired[...]
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The FCC has gran ted an Equipment Au thorization for this model phone with all reported SAR level s evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF emission guidelines. SAR information on this model phon e is on file wi th the FCC and can be fou nd un der the Display Grant section http://www.fcc.gov/oet/fccid after searching on th e FCC ID: Additional i[...]
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In health care facilities — T urn you r phon e off i n h ealth care fac ilities wh en ins tru c ted. Ho spit als and health care fac ilities may be u sin g e qu ipme nt th at is sen sit ive t o external RF energy. Potentially unsa fe areas Posted facilities — T ur n y ou r p ho ne off in an y fa cility wh en posted notices require you to do so.[...]
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Radio Frequenc y (RF) energy Y ou r telephone is a radi o transmitter and receiver. W hen it is on, it receives and sends out RF en ergy . Your service provider’s network controls th e power of the RF signal. This power level can range from 0.006 to 0.6 watts. In Augu st 1996, the U.S. Federal Commun icati ons Commission (FCC) adopted RF exposure[...]
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Become a pr oduc t evaluator T o partici pate in the testing and evalua tion of Kyocera W ireless Corp. products, including cell ular or PCS phones, visit beta.kyocera-wireless.com . 093 45 3 037 Kyocera Wireless Corp. 10300 Campus Point Drive, San Diego, CA 92121 U.S.A. Vi sit us a t www.kyoce ra-wireless.com T o purchase accesso ries, vi sit www.[...]
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viii Contents C ONTENTS 1 Getting S tarted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Charging the ba ttery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Using menus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 2 Phone Ac count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Checking you r phone balanc e . . . [...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 1 1G ETTING S T ARTED Y our phone comes with a removable l ithium ion (LiIon) ba tte ry . Ful ly ch arge th e batt ery b efore using the phone. Installing the batter y 1. Hold th e ph one faci ng away fro m yo u. 2. Use your fingernail t o pull the cir cular la tch toward the botto m of th e phone a[...]
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2 Getting Sta rted Caring for the battery General safety guidelines • Do not t ake apart, pun cture, or sh ort-circui t the batte ry . • If you have not us ed the bat tery for mor e than a month, rec harge it befo re using yo ur phone. • A void expos ing the batt ery to extr eme temperat ures, dire ct sunligh t, or high humidity . • Never d[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 3 Getting to k now your phone Flashli ght you can turn on from the T ools me nu or with the Cl ear key . Jack for Hands-free Headset (sold separately) only . Main screen. Press (item 3) to sele ct Menu . OK key selects a me nu item or opt ion. Navigation key scrol l s through lists an d positions cu[...]
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4 Getting Sta rted Using menus • From th e main scr een, pres s to sele ct Me nu . • Press le ft, right, up, or down to see menus. • Press to sele ct a menu o r menu item. • Press up or down to vi ew menu ite ms. • P ress to ba ck up a menu leve l . • Press to return to the main screen. T o ch ange the way the menus ap pear , selec t Me[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 5 In this gu ide , a n arrow → tells y ou to se lect an opti on from a menu. For ex ample, Me nu → Settings means selec t Menu , then selec t the Settings optio n. Understa nding scree n icons These i cons may appear on y our phon e’ s screen . The ph on e i s ope ra tin g in IS 2000 (1 X) di [...]
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6 Phone Accou nt 2P HONE A CCO UNT You can manag e y ou r Virgin Mo bile phone ac count from you r phone. The basic task s are summarize d in this ch apter . For more informat ion about your phone acco un t, cont a ct Virgin Mobil e . Checking y our phone balance Y ou can chec k the amount of mone y rema ining i n your Vir gin Mobile account in one[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 7 3V IRGIN X TRAS Accessi ng Vi rgi nXt ras With V irgi nXtras, you ca n acces s a vari ety of ex clus ive music, e ntertainmen t, and info rmation ser vices from your K- 7 Rave ph one . Y ou ca n f i n d popular fe at u res such as R i ng tones, Re scue Ri ng s, and Wake- U p Calls. Get m u sic n e[...]
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8 Making a nd Answe ring Calls 4M AKING AND A NSWERING C AL LS Making a ca ll 1. Make sure y ou are in an a rea wh ere th e sig nal ca n be r eceiv ed. L ook for the sym bol on th e ma in scre en. Note: The more bars y ou see in th is symbol, th e cleare r the re ception will be. If t here ar e no bars , try to move to where the recep tion is bette[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 9 Calling em ergency ser vices • Dial your 3-di git (911 , et c .) emer gency co de and press . Y ou can call the code even if your p hone is lock ed or your acc ount is re stricted. Wh en you ca ll, your p hone ente rs Emerge ncy mode . This enables the emer ge ncy ser vi c e exclu si v e acces s[...]
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10 Making a nd Answe ring Calls •S e l e c t Menu → Setting s → Sounds → Missed Call → Enabled . • T o turn off the alert when it rings, press or . • T o cancel t he aler t, select Menu → Setti ngs → Sounds → M issed Call → Disabl ed . Viewing rece nt call details Detai ls on the rece nt ca lls you m a de or rec e ived are sto[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 11 Speed dialing Speed dial ing al lows you t o quic kly di al a stored phon e number by entering a one- or tw o-digit sp eed dialin g locat io n. You can spee d di al a numb er once you have sav ed it as a co nt act an d a ssign ed a sp ee d dial nu mber to it. ( See “Savi ng a conta ct entr y”[...]
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12 Making a nd Answe ring Calls If you see the s ymbol 1. Press t o initia te a call to your voice mail numbe r . 2. Follow the promp ts to re trieve the message. Note: Yo u can set the phone to bee p, light up, or play a tune every f ive min utes to re mind you that you have voicemail. Silencing an incoming c all • T o silence an incoming call q[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 13 Using a hands- free hea dset If y ou are usi ng a Ha nds-fre e heads et equi pped with a button, press t he button to answer or end a ca ll. If the Hands-fr ee headse t has no bu tton, answ er with and end wi th on you r phone. Ha nds-fre e headsets are sold separat ely .[...]
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14 Entering Lett ers, Numbers, and Sy mbols 5E NTERING L ET TERS , N UMBERS , AND S YM BOLS Y ou can enter lette rs, numbers, a nd symbols in contacts , text mes sages, and your banner . Und erstan din g te xt ent ry scre ens The curr ent text e ntry mode (an d capitalizat ion setting , when appl icable) ar e indicate d by icons. Text entr y mode s[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 15 1. For ea ch letter o f th e word yo u w ant, press the key once. For exa mple, to enter th e word “a ny” pre ss: → → . 2. If the word doesn ’t matc h what yo u want, pres s to look at other w ord matches. 3. When you see the word you wan t, press . Entering symbols While ente ring tex [...]
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16 Entering L etters, Numbe rs, and Sy mbols Quick refe rence to te xt entry This t able giv es gene ral inst ructions f or enterin g letter s, num bers, and symbols. To... Do this... Enter a lette r Use mode and press a key until you see the letter you wan t. For more info rmat ion, see page 14 . Enter a num ber Use mode an d press a ke y once to [...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 17 6S TORING C ONT ACTS Use yo ur pho ne’ s Contac ts dir ector y to sto re info rmatio n abou t a pers on or compan y . Y our ph one can hol d 20 0 contact s. Saving a conta ct entry T o save a con tact, ta ke these s teps. 1. From the ma in sc re en, e n t er the p hon e numb er you wa nt to sav[...]
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18 Storing Conta cts – Primary Number — Classify thi s number as the primary number f or the contact. – Classify Co ntact —Classify the contact a s Personal or Busines s . (See pa ge 29 to set the phon e t o ri ng diffe r ently for pe rsonal an d busine ss calls . ) 5. Press to select Save . A check ma rk and the word “Saved ” appe ar .[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 19 Editing a phone number 1. Selec t Menu → Contac ts . 2. Selec t View All or Fi nd Name to find the contact you want to e dit. 3. Highli ght the co ntact to e dit and pr ess . 4. Press dow n to highli ght th e phone n umber you want t o edit and pr ess . 5. Highli gh t an optio n for the phon e [...]
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20 Storing Conta cts Checking the Frequent Lis t or the All Contacts List From the main sc reen, pre ss d own to see the la s t 15 of your mo st frequently called contacts (if you have enabled the F requent List setting). You also see the All Contacts list if you s croll down past t he double line. To enabl e the Fre quent Li st setting •S e l e [...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 21 7M ESSAGING This ch apter des crib es how to send , rece ive, and er ase text messages from y our phon e. For i nformatio n on voicema il message s, see page 11 . Important: The fe at u res and me nus des cr ibed in th i s chap ter m ay va ry dep endi ng on serv ices availa ble i n your a rea. In[...]
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22 Messagin g Including Emoticons and text 1. Creat e a text m es sage an d enter ad dresse s. (See page 21 .) 2. Selec t Next to advance to the mess age text ent ry screen. 3. From th e text en try scr een, press right t wice, selec t Options → Insert and select f rom the options : – Emot icon s —Select a smil ey face icon. If the rec ipient[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 23 AutoEr ase, and e nables yo u to send th e mess ag e to oth er s. – Save AutoText — Save th e message you h ave just entered a s a prewr itten mess age, th en return to the m essage ent ry scre en so you can send th e mess ag e. 2. When yo u have f i n i s hed se t ting o pt ions , p ress to [...]
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24 Messagin g 2. Press up o r down throug h the list of message s. One of the following s ymbols appe ars next to each m es sage: Retri evin g text messag es When a te xt messag e is rec eived, you r screen will display text simil ar to: “New message 1 T ext Msg” . This text will remai n for about five minutes . After tha t, look for t he sy mb[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 25 If you see the symbo l If the symbol is flashing, the message is urgent. 1. Selec t Menu → Messag ing → InBox . A list of all your rece ived mes sages ap pears. New , un read mes sages app ear in bold . indicat es an “Urgent” mess ag e. 2. Press u p or down to scroll thro ugh the list of [...]
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26 Messagin g Erasing single messages 1. Selec t Menu → Messag ing . 2. Press do wn and press to select the type of t ext messa ge you want to erase ( In Box or Saved ). 3. Press to select th e message to erase. 4. Selec t Erase to erase the message. A notifi ca tio n appears : “Erase th is messag e?” 5. Selec t Yes to er ase th e m essag e. [...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 27 – New Address — Enter the phon e numb er or email ad dress you rself. T o learn how to enter text , see page 1 4 . – Contacts Li st —Sele ct co nt acts fro m your phone bo ok. 5. T o enter the next addr ess, en te r a spac e or com ma after t he first nu mber or emai l address. (I f you i[...]
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28 Customizing Yo ur Phone 8C USTOMIZING Y OUR P HONE The con tents of th e Settin gs menu are as follows. Silent Mod e Vib rat e On ly Vib r at e, R in g Lights Only Norm. So unds Keyguard Guard No w 30 s auto guard 1 m auto guard 5 m auto guard Disable d Sounds Ringtone V ol. Rington e My Ringtones Busine s s Ring Person al Ring Earpiece V olume [...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 29 Silencing all sounds Your phone is se t to make soun ds when y ou receive calls, p ress ke ys, navig at e through m en u s, and re ce ive aler ts (suc h as ne w mess ages). You can silenc e all s ounds a nd set the phon e to vib rate or lig ht up when you re ce ive ca ll s and aler ts. Setting th[...]
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30 Customizing Yo ur Phone • T o assi gn a Rin gt o n e to a clas s of cont ac ts: a. Selec t Menu → Setting s → Sounds . b. Η ighligh t Busines s Ring or Personal Ring and press . c. Select a Ringtone an d pre ss . Note: To classify a co ntact as Busine ss or Person al, se e page 18 . Downloading additional Ringtones Hundred s of unique Rin[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 31 1. Selec t Menu → Setting s → Dis play → Main Menu View , then the opti on you want: 2. Press to return to the main sc reen. T he next time y ou press , you will see t he menu vie w you sel ected . Adjusting the backlig hting Y our scre en ligh ts up whi le you are in a call o r when you p [...]
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32 Customizing Yo ur Phone 3. Press to select yo ur option . Caution : A sm al l percen tage of us er s may b e ph oto sensit ive to flas hing lights . In rar e cases, e xposure t o flas hing light s, unde r certai n cir cumsta nces, may produ ce sei zur es. Whil e su ch an ev ent is no t know n to occ ur with m ob i l e phone use, an d the K -7 Ra[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 33 3. Selec t Yes and enter a new four -digit c ode. Enter your ne w lock co de again. Locking your phone When your phone is lo cked, you c an call on ly emer gency n umber s o r your Virg in Mob ile num ber . Y ou can still receiv e incoming calls. 1. Selec t Menu → Setting s → Security . 2. En[...]
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34 Customizing Yo ur Phone Erasing all contacts 1. Selec t Menu → Setting s → Security . 2. Enter your four -digit l ock code . 3. Selec t Eras e Con tact s . 4. Selec t Yes to erase all cont acts. A messag e appe ar s: “ Erase ALL conta cts? ” 5. Selec t Yes to erase all cont acts. Setting position location This s etting allo ws you to sha[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 35 9U SING V OICE R ECOGNITION Voice re cognit ion a llows y ou to mak e and answ er ca lls by spea king co m m a nds into t he phone’ s mi cr ophone . Note: Yo u can not use voi ce re cognition to end a call; you mu st pres s . Setting up voice dia ling T o make or receiv e calls using voice r ec[...]
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36 Using Voice Reco gnition when you hear th e corre ct name. Sa y “ No ” wh en you he a r an inco rrect name. 5. When you are fini shed, p ress . Yo u cann ot end the call wit h a voice comman d. Usin g vo ice f eatur es wit h accesso ries Some of the followin g features can only be used wit h access or ies, s uch as a h ands -fr ee ca r kit o[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 37 T o activate the V oice Answer se tting: 1. Make sur e the phone is not in Silenc e All mode. Y our phone is in Silence All mode if one of t he se icons ap pears on your screen . Press an d hold righ t until t he icon disa ppears. 2. Selec t Menu → Setting s → Vo ice Se rvic es → Voice Answ[...]
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38 Using Tools 10 U SING T OOLS Scheduler The Sched uler allows y ou to schedule e vents and se t remi nd er aler t s. Note: You cannot a ccess Schedu ler if yo ur phon e does not ha ve a sig nal. Adding an event 1. Selec t Menu → Tools → Scheduler . 2. Selec t Add Event and pre ss . 3. Enter a name for the ev ent and pres s . For help ente rin[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 39 – Press lef t or rig ht to switc h between hours, minute s, an d a.m./ p. m . – Use th e phone key pad to ente r numbers. 2. Press to select Done and sa ve the setting. 3. When th e alarm ri ngs, se lect Off to turn off the alarm o r Snooze to silence the alarm fo r 10 min utes. Tip Calculato[...]
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40 Using Tools Timer qÜáë=íáãÉê= Å çìåíë=Ççïå= Ñçê=~= ë éÉÅáÑáÉÇ=~ãçìåí= çÑ= íáãÉK= fí=ÄÉÉéë=ï ÜÉå=íÜ~í=~ãçì åí=çÑ=íáãÉ=Ü~ë=Éä~éë ÉÇK 1. pÉäÉÅí= Menu = → = Tools = → = Timer K 2. mêÉëë = =íç= Set K 3. mêÉëë = =ìé=çê=Ççï å=íç=ëÉí=íÜÉ=Üçìê [...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 41 11 G AMES If you r eceiv e an inc oming ca ll al ert[...]
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42 Game s Navigation: Use t he following k eys to gui de the block s down t he screen : Brick A ttack The goa l of this ga me is to elimin ate brick s arranged in leve ls. Y ou se nd a moving ball upward using a padd le at the b ottom of the scr een. 1. Selec t Menu → Games → Brick Attack . 2. Press to select Ye s a t the prompt , “T ur n off[...]
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rëÉê=dìáÇÉ= Ñçê=hJT=o~îÉ=m ÜçåÉë 43 Using the Doodler tool kit T o change be tween the tools in t he toolkit , highli ght Tools and pres s repeate dly to c ycle throug h the opt i ons . Tip: For a sho rtcut to th e Move fe ature, press . Modifying the dood le T o modify your do odle, press right or left to hig hlight an option at t[...]
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User Guide f or K-7 Rave Phones 45 I NDEX Numeri cs 1-Tou ch dial i ng , 11 911, 111, or 000 ca lls , 9 A airp lane mode , 9 Alarm Clock , 5, 38 alerts for missed call s , 9 auto- hyphena tion , 3 2 AutoText , 2 2, 23, 27 B backlighting , 31 banne r , 30 battery , 1 block i ng ou t goi n g call s , 33 Brick Attack , 42 C Calc ulator , 39 call count[...]
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46 Inde x M memory, saving , 25 menu view , 30 messaging , 21 N number m ode , 1 4 number t ype , 17 O OutBox , 23 P phone boo k (Conta cts dir ector y) , 17 phone num ber s editing , 19 finding , 20 savi ng , 17 ve rify ing y our o wn , 2 phone, unlock ing , 33 position location , 5, 34 prepend , 10, 19 R redialing a number , 8 resetting the phone[...]
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Kyo cera Wireless Corp. 10300 Campus P oint Drive San Diego, California 92121 US A www .kyocer a-wireless.com 82-K5474-1EN, Rev . 002[...]