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Lexmark Prospect Pro200 Series Quick Refere nce Guide April 2009 www.lexmark.com[...]
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Impor tant Mess age About Cartri dge Recycl ing! Please Re ad Before Openin g Your Inkjet Cartri dge Box At Lex mark, we tak e our com mitment t o the e nvir onmen t seri ously, a nd w e encour age o ur custom ers t o partic ipate in our easy , no- co st method for re turn ing em pty L exmark c artr idges t o Lexmar k fo r proper recyc ling. We wil[...]
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Contents Imp orta nt s af et y i nf orm ati on. .... ..... .. .. ..... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... .. ..... ..... 2 Ab o u t y ou r pri nte r. .. .... ..... .... .. .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... .... .... .... ..... .. .... ..5 Finding inform ation about the p rinter.................... ............................... ..............[...]
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Sc anning. .. .... ..... .. .... .. ..... .. .... .. ..... .... .. .... ... .... .. .... ... .... .... .. ..... .. .... .. ..... .28 Tips for scanning............................ ............. ............................. ............... ......................... . .............. ............................. ........28 Scanning to a l ocal or net[...]
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About your printer Finding infor mation about t he printer The Qu ic k Refe ren ce Gui de cont ain s b asic i nstructi ons on h ow to a ccomp li sh co mmon printer tasks lik e printi n g , copy ing, and s cann ing. It also in cludes inform atio n on trou bles hooti ng com mon pr inter se tup p roblem s. For a ddi tiona l i nf orma tion abo ut the p[...]
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• Shar e your printer . Wireles s/n etwor k pri nters allo w you to sh are a sing le prin ter am ong mu ltipl e comp uter s, thus conserving energy a nd other resources. Conse rving pa per • Activ ate Eco -Mode. On sel ecte d pri nt er mo dels , t h i s fea ture sets the print er to auto mati cally pri nt on both sid e s of the paper (duplex ) [...]
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Pr inte r fe at ure s Your prin ter c omes with ful l fea tures that w il l help you man age and ac comp lis h prin ting and imag ing task s: • Wi reless. Pr int a nd scan fro m vi rtu al l y a ny whe re in y our h o me or off ice o ver a se cur e wi rel ess ne tw ork, as wel l as s hare th e prin ter amo ng mul tiple comput ers. • Print. Print[...]
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Use the To 6 Card reader light Check card reader status. T h e li ght blink s to indica te that a memory card i s being acc essed. 7 Paper exit tra y Hold paper a s it ex its. 8 Prin ter contr ol pa nel Operate the prin ter. 9 Automatic Document F eeder (ADF) paper guide Keep paper straigh t when feedin g it into th e ADF. Note: Adjus t the paper g[...]
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Use the To 4 Duplex unit • Print on both s id es of a sheet of paper. • Remove paper jams. 5 EXT Por t Connect additi onal devices (telephone or answ ering machine) to the printer and the telephone lin e. Us e this por t if you do n ot hav e a ded icated fax li n e for the pr inter, and if this conn ec tion method is supported in your c ou ntr [...]
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Use the : To 1 Power button • Turn the prin ter on and off. • Swit ch to Pow e r Sa ver mode. Note: When the printer i s on, press to switch to Power Save r mod e. Press and ho ld for thr e e secon ds to turn off the prin ter. 2 Copy button Acc ess the copy men u and make copies . 3 Scan button Acc ess th e s can m enu and sc an do cume nts. 4 [...]
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Use the : To 10 Setu p button Access the s etup men u and ch ange printer s ettings. Note: The C opy, S can, Fax, and Photo b u tton lights are of f when this bu tton is selected.. Use the : To 1 Address Bo ok Acce ss fa x nu mbe rs f rom a sa ved l i st of numbe rs. 2 Redial/Pau se In F ax mode: • Insert a three-sec ond paus e in a fax n umber t[...]
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Use the : To 8 Key pa d In Copy mod e or Photo mode: enter th e number of copies or prints you want to ma ke. In Fax mode : • Ent er fax num be rs. • Navigate an au tomate d answering system. • Select letter s when creating a Speed Dial lis t. • Type n umbers to en ter or edit th e date and ti me s hown on the display. Using me mory cards a[...]
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Warn ing—P otent ial D amage : Do not tou ch any ca bles, any n etwork a dapter, any connector, the memor y device, or the pr inter in the areas s hown while actively printing, reading, or writing from the memory d evice. A loss of data can occur. 2 Look for Me mor y Car d D etect ed or S torag e D evic e D etect ed on t he dis play. Not es: • [...]
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Ordering and r eplacing ink cart ridg es Order ing ink cartridge s Page yields a vailabl e at www. lexm ark.c om/ pagey iel ds . For b est resu lt s, use only Lexm ark ink cart ridg es. Lexm ark Pro200 Serie s mo dels ( except Lex mark Pro 208) Item Return Program Cartridge 1 Reg ular cartridge 2 Bl ack ca rt ridge 100 100A Hig h yield black cart r[...]
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Replacing ink c artridges Mak e sur e you h ave a new ink cartrid ge or cart ri dges befor e yo u begin . You m u st in stall new c artri dges imm ediat ely after removi ng the old ones or the ink r emain ing in the printhea d nozzles may dry out. 1 Tu rn on your pr inter . 2 Open the printer. Not e: The prin thead m oves to t he car tridge in stal[...]
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Maintaining ink cart ridges In a dditio n t o th e foll owi n g tas ks that you can perf o rm, your pr inte r p erfor ms a n auto mati c main tena n ce cyc le ever y week if it is plugg ed int o an elec trical o utlet. It wi ll brief ly come out o f Power Saver mode or wi ll tempo rar ily powe r on if it is t urned off. Ali gning the pri nthea d If[...]
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Cleani ng the prin thead n ozzl es Poor prin t quality is sometimes due to c logged printhead no zz les. Clea n the printhead nozzl es t o improv e the quality of your pri nts. Not es: • Cleaning the printh ead nozzles uses ink, so clean them only when neces sary. • Deep clean ing uses mor e ink, so try the C lean Printh ead option first to s a[...]
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Using the printer software Minimum system requirements The pr inter so ftware req uires up to 5 00 MB of fr ee disk s pace. Suppor ted o pera ting sy stem s • Mi cr oso ft Win dow s 7 (We b on ly) • Mi cr oso ft Wi n dow s Vi s ta • Mi cr oso ft Wi n dow s XP • Micr o s oft Wi ndows 2000 (S P4 or gre ate r) • Maci ntos h Pow erPC OS X v1 [...]
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Using t he W orld W ide We b 1 Go to the Le xmark W eb site at www.l e xma rk.c om . 2 From the D rivers & Down loads menu, c lick Driver F inde r . 3 Sele ct you r print er, and then select your op eratin g sys tem. 4 Down lo ad the driver and inst all the print er sof tware. Using the Windows print er software Softw are inst alle d during pri[...]
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Use the To Lex m ar k Fa x S ol ut io ns (referred to as Fax Solutions) • Send a fax. • Receive a fax in thr ee-in-one prin ters. • Add, edit, or d elete conta cts in th e built-in ph one book. • Access the Lexmark Fax Setup Utili t y in four-in-on e printers. Use the Fax Setup Utility to set the Speed Dial and Group Dia l numbers , set Rin[...]
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Using the Macintosh prin ter so ftware Softw are inst alle d during print er in stallation Sof twar e resi dent in the Ma cin tosh OS Use the To Print dial og Adj ust the pr int sett ing s and sc hed ule print job s. Pr in te r S erv ic es di alo g (not av a ila bl e i n Ma c O S X v1 0. 5 or later) • Access the printer u tility. • Troubleshoot[...]
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Printing Printing a document 1 Loa d the paper in the printer . 2 Send th e pr int job: For Windo ws use rs a With a doc ume nt ope n, click Fil e Prin t . b Cl ick Pro perti es , Pre fer ence s , Optio ns , o r Set up . c Select the print qual ity, the number of copies to print, the type of paper to use, an d how the pages shoul d print . d Cl[...]
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6 Selec t Ext e nd Dr y T i me , an d t he n se l ect a se tt in g. In re gi ons wit h hi gh h um idi ty , sel ect Exte nd ed . 7 Clic k OK to clos e a ny prin ter s oft ware di alog s. 8 Clic k OK or Pr int . Not e: T o ret u r n t o sin gle-si de d pri nt ing, ret u r n to the Ad va nced ta b. F rom the 2- Sided Pri n ting secti o n , s elect Off[...]
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Printing photos using t he printer contr ol panel 1 Loa d photo pa per. 2 From the prin ter control pane l, press . 3 Inser t a memory card, flash driv e, or digita l camer a set to mass stor a ge mode. If im age fi les and doc ument f iles are stored in the m emory devic e, then press to se le ct Phot os . 4 Pres s the u p or dow n arrow button to[...]
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3 Sel ect and pri n t th e docume nt: If th e prin ter is using a USB conn ection a Pr e s s the up or do wn arro w bu tton to s ele ct the file name of the docu men t that yo u wan t to print. b Pre ss to star t prin ting the docu men t. If t he pr inter is using a W ireless conn ectio n (se lected models only) a Pr e s s the up or do wn arro w bu[...]
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Copying ADF Sc anne r gl ass Use th e ADF for multiple-p a ge docum ents. Note: The A DF is av ailable only on selected model s. If you purcha sed a printer without an A DF, t hen load or iginal documents or photos on the scanner glass. Us e the sca nner glas s for s ingle pa ges, s mal l item s (such as postcard s or photos), transp arencies, ph o[...]
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3 From the prin ter control pane l, press . 4 Pres s the u p or dow n arrow button to scroll to P hoto Re print . 5 Pre s s the left or righ t arro w bu tton t o sel ect th e des i r ed pho to s ize . 6 Pre ss . Not e: For b est re sults , a llo w th e pr ints t o dr y at le ast 24 h ou rs b efor e s ta cking , d ispla yi ng, o r stori ng . Making [...]
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Scanning ADF Sc anne r gl ass Use th e ADF for multiple-p a ge docum ents. Note: The A DF is av ailable only on selected model s. If you purcha sed a printer without an A DF, t hen load or iginal documents or photos on the scanner glass. Us e the sca nner glas s for s ingle pa ges, s mal l item s (such as postcard s or photos), transp arencies, ph [...]
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6 Pres s the ar row bu ttons to sel ect the res oluti on qual ity an d the or igin al imag e size. P ress each time you make a sel ecti on. 7 Pre ss to sta rt sc an ning . The scan is com plete when the ap plicat ion you selecte d in st ep 5 op ens on t he destina tion co m p uter, and th e scan app ears w ithin the app licat io n as a new fil e. S[...]
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For Macint osh users 1 Loa d an orig inal d ocu ment faceu p in to t he ADF or f aced own on t he sc ann er gl ass. 2 From the Fin der de sktop, dou ble-click t he pr inter pr ogram f older. 3 Doubl e-click the p rinter Cen ter to op en the All- In-One C enter. 4 From the “Wh at is bei ng s c ann ed?” menu on the main s creen, s elect a documen[...]
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Troubles hooting Before you t roubleshoot Use this check list to solve most printer pro blems: • Mak e s ure the power cord is plugged into the prin ter and into a properly groun ded electric al outlet. • Make su re the printer is not plugg ed into an y surge prot ectors, unin terrupted power supp lies, or extensi on cords. • Ma ke sure th e [...]
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• “Prin t job does not print or is missing pages” o n pag e 34 • “Pr inter is prin ting bl ank pag es” o n page 3 5 • “Pr inter is busy o r does not re spond ” on p age 3 5 • “C ann ot del ete d oc ume nts from th e p r int q ueue ” o n pag e 36 • “C ann ot pr in t th rou gh US B” o n pag e 3 6 Incorr ect language appe[...]
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R EM OVE AN D REINSERT THE PR IN T HE AD 1 Op en the pr in ter and l ift the la tc h. 2 Re mov e th e pri nth ea d. 3 Wipe t he printhea d conta cts using a cle an, lint -free clo th. 4 Rein sert the prin thead. Not e: I f re mov i n g and rei n s ert ing the prin thead do es not r eso lve the e rro r, the n conta ct techni cal supp ort. Trou bles [...]
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Soft ware di d not install If you enc ounter ed pro blems while ins tall ing, o r if you r prin te r does not ap pear in th e list in the Prin ters f older or as a prin te r opt ion wh en se ndin g a p rin t j ob, th en tr y r emovin g an d re inst alling th e sof twar e. Before you reinst all th e so ftware, do t he follo wing: M AKE SU RE TH AT Y[...]
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R ECON NECT THE PRINTER POW ER SUPPL Y 1 Turn off the p rinter, a nd then unplu g the po wer cord from the wall o utlet. 2 Gently remove the po wer supply from t he pr inter, an d th en reins ert it. 3 Plu g the powe r c ord in to the w all outl et, and the n tu rn on the pr int er. R EM OVE AN D RECO NNE CT THE USB CABL E CO NNECTE D TO YO UR PRIN[...]
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If t h e pr int er wi ll no t co me ou t o f P ower S av er mod e, t hen r ese t th e p ower : 1 Unplug the power cord from th e wall ou tlet, an d then wait 10 s econ ds. 2 Inse rt the pow e r cord into the wa ll outl et, a n d the n tur n on the pri nter. If this pr obl em per sists , th en che ck ou r Web si te for u p d a t es f or yo ur pr int[...]
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Networ k Troubleshooting I f you are h av ing tr oub le set tin g up you r pr int er on a ne two rk, pr in t a ne two rk s etu p pag e, an d th en s ee the co mple te netw ork t roubl eshoot ing in form ation i n the Network Gettin g Started Guide or t he compre hensive Use r' s Guid e av ailable on the in stall ation s oftw are CD. Printi ng [...]
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No tice s Edit ion noti ce Apri l 2 009 The fo llowing par agraph do es not app ly to an y countr y wher e such pr ovisio ns are in consist ent with l ocal law: LEXM ARK IN TERN ATIO NAL, IN C., PROVI DES TH IS P UBLICA TIO N “AS IS ” WI THOU T WARR A NT Y OF A NY K I ND, EITHER EXP RESS OR IM PLIED, INCLUDI NG, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED [...]
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Feder al C ommuni c atio ns Comm iss ion (FCC ) c omp liance infor mati on stat ement This pro duct c o m p li es wi th the limits fo r a Clas s B di git al d e v ice , p ur suant to Pa rt 1 5 of the F CC Ru les . Ope rati on i s s ubje ct to the fo llo win g t wo cond iti ons : 1 this dev ice may n ot caus e harm ful inter fer e nce , a n d 2 this[...]