LG Force LG370H manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of LG Force LG370H, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of LG Force LG370H one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of LG Force LG370H. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of LG Force LG370H should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of LG Force LG370H
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the LG Force LG370H item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the LG Force LG370H item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of LG Force LG370H alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of LG Force LG370H, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the LG service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of LG Force LG370H.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the LG Force LG370H item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    ENGLISH P/N : MMBB0 3 4 5 5 0 1(1.0) L G3 7 0 H USER GUIDE F or ce Please r ead this manual car efully befor e oper ating y our mobile phone. R et ain it for futur e r efer ence. ESP AÑOL MANU AL DEL USU ARIO F or ce Lea est e manual cuidadosament e ant es de utilizar su t eléfono. Guár delo par a consult arlo en el futur o. USER GUIDE L G3 7 0[...]

  • Page 2

    Copyright ©2009 LG Electr onics, Inc. All rights reserved . LG and the LG logo ar e r egister ed trademarks of LG Gr oup and its r elated entities. All other trademarks ar e the pr operty of their r espective owners.[...]

  • Page 3

    Impor t ant Safe t y Pr ecautions 1 Impor t ant Safe t y Pr ecautions R ead these instructions. Br eaking the rules ma y be danger ous or illegal. F ur ther det ailed information is giv en in this user guide. W ARNING! Violation of the instructions may cause serious injur y or death. 1. Ne v er use an unappr o v ed ba t t ery since this could damag[...]

  • Page 4

    Impor t ant Safe t y Pr ecautions 2 Impor t ant Safe t y Pr ecautions 1. Do no t e xpose the bat t ery char ger or adapt er t o dir ect sunlight or use it in place s with high humidit y , such as a bathr oom. 2. Do no t use har sh chemicals (such as alcohol, benzene, thinner s, e tc.) or det er gent s t o clean y our phone. This could cause a fir e[...]

  • Page 5

    3 Impor t ant Safe t y Pr ecautions 1. Do not place or answ er calls while char ging the phone as it ma y shor t -cir cuit the phone and/or cause electric shock or fir e. 2. Do not hold or le t the ant enna come in cont act with y our body during a call. 3. Mak e sur e that no sharp-edged it ems such as animal’ s t eeth or nails, come int o cont [...]

  • Page 6

    T able of Cont ent s 4 T able of Cont ent s Import ant Safet y Pr ecautions 1 T able of Cont ents 4 W elcome 9 T echnical Det ails 1 0 FCC RF Exposur e Information 1 2 Phone Ov ervie w 1 6 Menus Ov ervie w 1 7 Men us Ov ervie w 1 8 Menu A ccess 2 0 My Menu 2 0 Ge t ting St ar t ed with Y our Phone 2 1 The Ba t t ery 2 1 Inst alling the Ba t t ery 2[...]

  • Page 7

    5 T able of Cont ent s T ext Input 2 8 K e y F unctions 2 8 Cont acts in Y our Phone’ s Memory 2 9 The Basics of St oring Cont acts Entries 2 9 Phone Number s W ith P auses 2 9 St oring a Number with P ause or W ait 30 Adding P ause or W ait t o an Existing Number 3 0 Sear ching Y our Phone’ s Memory 3 0 Sear ching b y Let t er 3 1 Scr olling T[...]

  • Page 8

    T able of Cont ents 6 T able of Cont ent s 7 . Shuffle 5 1 Cont act s 5 2 1. Ne w Cont act 5 2 2. Cont act List 5 2 3. Gr oups 5 3 4. Speed Dials 5 3 5. My Name Car d 5 4 R ecent Calls 5 5 1. Missed Calls 5 5 2. R eceiv ed Calls 5 5 3. Dialed Calls 5 5 4. All Calls 5 5 5. Call T imer 5 5 6. Dat a 56 7 . Da ta C ounter 5 6 Music 5 6 My Schedule 5 7 [...]

  • Page 9

    7 T able of Cont ent s 1.3 Message Alert s 6 4 1.4 Alert T ype 6 5 1.5 Service Alerts 6 5 1.6 P o w er On/Off T one 6 6 1.7 Slide T one 6 6 2. Displa y 6 6 2.1 W allpaper 6 6 2.2 Banner 6 6 2.3 Backlight 6 7 2.4 Menu St yle 6 7 2.5 Languages 6 7 2.6 Clocks & Calendar 6 7 2.7 F ont Se t tings 6 7 2.8 Color Schemes 6 8 2.9 Name Ma tch for Dialing[...]

  • Page 10

    T able of Cont ents 8 T able of Cont ent s Phone Oper ation 7 9 T ips on Efficient Oper ation 7 9 Driving 7 9 Electr onic Device s 7 9 P acemak er s 8 0 P er sons with pacemaker s: 8 0 Hearing Aids 8 0 Other Medical De vices 8 0 Health Car e F acilities 8 1 V ehicles 8 1 P ost ed F acilities 8 1 Air cr aft 8 1 Blasting Ar ea s 8 1 P ot entially Exp[...]

  • Page 11

    W elcome 9 W elcome Thank y ou for choosing the F or ce cellular phone designed t o oper at e with the lat est digit al mobile communica tion t echnology , Code Division Multiple Acce ss (CDMA). Along with the man y adv anced featur e s of the CDMA s y st em, such as gr eatl y enhanced v oice clarit y , this compact phone offer s: ● Music capabil[...]

  • Page 12

    T echnical De t ails 10 T echnical De t ails Impor tant Informa tion This user’ s guide pr o vides import ant information on the use and oper ation of y our phone. Please r ead all the information car efully prior t o using the phone for the best performance and t o pr e v ent an y damage t o or misuse of the phone. An y unappr o v ed changes or [...]

  • Page 13

    11 T echnical De t ails St ation T r ansmission Sy st em), and MS (Mobile St ation). * TSB-7 4: Pr ot ocol bet w een an IS- 9 5A s y st em and ANSI J-S TD- 00 8 It s bat t ery life is t wice as long as IS-9 5. High-speed dat a tr ansmission is also possible. The follo wing t ab lists some major CDMA st andar ds. CDMA St andar d Basic Air Int erface[...]

  • Page 14

    T echnical Det ails 12 T echnical De t ails FCC RF Exposur e Information W ARNING! Read this information befor e oper ating the phone. In August 1 9 9 6, the F eder al Communica tions Commission (FCC) of the Unit ed St a t es, with it s action in R eport an d Or der FCC 9 6-3 2 6, adopt ed an updat ed safet y st andard for h uman e xposur e t o Rad[...]

  • Page 15

    13 T echnical De t ails V ehicle-Mount ed the Ext ernal Ant enna (Optional, if a v ailable.) T o satisfy FCC RF e xposur e r equir ements, k eep 8 inche s (2 0 cm) bet ween the user / b y st ander and v ehicle-mount ed the e xt ernal ant enna. F or mor e information about RF e xposur e, visit the FCC w ebsit e at www .fcc.go v . FCC Notice and Caut[...]

  • Page 16

    W elcome 14 W elcome P ar t 1 5.2 1 sta t ement Change or Modifications tha t ar e not e xpr essl y appr o ved b y the manufactur er could v oid the user's authorit y t o oper a t e the equipment. P ar t 1 5.1 9 st at ement This de vice and its acce ssories compl y with part1 5 of FCC rules. Oper ation is subject t o the follo wing t w o condi[...]

  • Page 17

    15 W elcome - Incr ease the separ ation be t w een the equipment and r eceiv er . - Connect the equipment int o an outlet on a cir cuit differ ent fr om that t o which the r eceiv er is connect ed. - Consult the dealer or an e xperienced r adio/TV t echnician for help.[...]

  • Page 18

    Phone Ov ervie w 16 Phone Ov ervie w 1. Earpiece let s you hear the caller and aut omat ed promp ts. 2. Displa y Screen Displa y s all the information needed t o oper at e y our phone, such as the call st atus, the Cont acts list, the da te and time, and the signal and bat t ery strength. 3. Left Soft K ey (C ontact s) Use to acce ss Contact s from[...]

  • Page 19

    Men us Ov ervie w 17 Menus Ov ervie w Me ssaging 1. Ne w T e xt Me ssage 2. Ne w Pictur e Message 3. Inbo x 4. Sent 5. Dr afts 6. V oicemail 7 . T empla t es 8. Se t tings 1. All Message s 2. T e xt Me ssage 3. Pictur e Message 4. Edit V oicemail# 9. Dele t e All 1. Delet e Inbo x 2. Delet e Sent 3. Delet e Dr afts 4. Delet e All Message s BREW 1. [...]

  • Page 20

    18 Menus Ov ervie w Music 1. All Songs 2. Pla ylists 3. R ecently Pla y ed 4. Artists 5. Genr e s 6. Albums My Schedule 1. Calendar 2. Not epad 3. Alarm Clock My Menu T ools 1. V oice Command 2. Ez T ip Calc 3. Calculat or 4. W orld Clock 5. St op wa tch 6. Unit Conv ert er Blue t ooth 1. P air ed De vices 2. P ow er 3. My V isibilit y 4. My Bluet [...]

  • Page 21

    19 Menus Ov ervie w 9. Name Ma tch for Dialing 3. Securit y 1. Lock Phone 2. R estrictions 3. Emer gency #s 4. Change Lock Code 5. R eset Default 4. Call Set tings 1. Answ er Options 2. End Call Options 3. Aut o R e try 4. One- T ouch Dial 5. V oice Privacy 6. Airplane Mode 7. TTY Mode 5. PC Connection 1. USB Modem 2. USB Mass St or age 3. Set ting[...]

  • Page 22

    Menus Ov ervie w 20 Menus Ov ervie w Men u A c c e s s Pr ess Men u t o access the 1 2 phone menus. Ther e ar e t w o methods of acce ssing menus and submenus: ● Use the na vigation k e y t o highlight and t o select. ● Pr ess the n umber k e y that corr esponds t o the menu (or submenu). My Men u Y our phone offer s y ou the option of assignin[...]

  • Page 23

    Ge t ting St ar t ed with Y our Phone 21 Ge t ting St ar t ed with Y our Phone The Ba t t e r y The phone comes with a r echar geable bat t ery . Th e bat t ery char ge le v el is sho wn a t the t op of the L CD scr een. Inst alling the Bat t er y T o inst all, insert the bat t ery int o the opening on the back of the phone and gentl y pr e ss do w[...]

  • Page 24

    3. The char ge time v aries depending upon the bat t ery le v el and usage. B a t tery Char g e L e v e l The bat t ery char ge lev el is sho wn at the t op right of the L CD scr een. When the bat t ery char ge le v el becomes lo w , the lo w bat t ery sensor alerts y ou in up t o thr ee w a y s: sounding an audible t one, blinking the bat t ery ic[...]

  • Page 25

    23 Ge t ting St ar t ed with Y our Phone ar e in a building, the r ecept ion ma y be be t t er near a windo w . Scr een Icons T o see the icon glossary , go t o Menu - > Set tings - > Phone Info - > Icon Glossary on y our phone. Making Calls 1. Slide the phone open. 2. Ent er the phone n umber (include the ar ea code if needed). 3. Pr ess [...]

  • Page 26

    C o r r ecting Dialing Mist ak e s If y ou mak e a mist ak e while dialing a number , pr ess once t o er ase the last digit ent er ed, or hold do wn for a t least 2 seconds t o go t o the st andb y mode. R edialing Calls 1. Pr ess t wice t o r edial the last n umber y ou dialed. The la st 1 2 0 calls (4 0 Missed, 4 0 R eceiv ed and 4 0 Dialed) ar e[...]

  • Page 27

    Quick Acce ss t o Con v enient F ea tur e s 25 Quick Acce ss t o Con v enient F ea tur e s M u t e F unction The Mut e F unction is used during a phone call. T o quickly activ at e Mut e pr ess Left Soft K e y Mut e , then t o cancel pr ess Left Soft K e y Unmut e . V olume Quick Adjustmen t Use the side k e y s t o adjust the ringer v olume while [...]

  • Page 28

    Caller ID Caller ID displa y s the phone number or name of the incoming call. If the caller’ s identit y is st or ed in Cont act s, the name will appear along with the phone number . Check with y our service pr o vider t o ensur e the y offer this featur e. Speed Dialing Speed dialing is a con venient featur e that allo w s y ou t o mak e phone c[...]

  • Page 29

    27 Quick Acce ss t o Con v enient F ea tur e s Dialing Single Digit Speed Dials (fr om 2 t o 9) Pr ess and hold the Speed Dial number . OR Ent er the Speed Dial number and pr ess . Dialing Double Digit Speed Dials (fr om 1 0 t o 99) Pr ess the fir st digit and then pr ess and hold the k e y of the second digit. OR Ent er the fir st and second digit[...]

  • Page 30

    T ext Input Y ou can cust omize and ent er t e xt in man y of the functions in y our phone. Including, but not limit ed t o: the Banner , Calendar , Cont acts and mor e. While ent ering t e xt, the follo wing ar e y our options: K e y F unc tions Left Soft K ey : Pr ess t o scr oll thr ough the follo wing t e xt input mode s: T9W or d (T9W ORD/T9W [...]

  • Page 31

    Cont act s in Y our Phone’ s Memory 29 Cont acts in Y our Phone’ s Memory T h e B a sics of St o r i n g C o n t ac t s Entrie s 1. F r om st andb y mode ent er the phone number y ou w ant t o sa v e (up t o 4 8 digit s). 2. Pr ess Left Soft K e y Sav e . 3. Select either Sav e New or Updat e Existing . 4. Use t o highlight a Label and pr ess .[...]

  • Page 32

    St oring a Number with P ause or W ait 1. Pr ess Menu . 2. Pr ess Cont act s . 3. Pr ess Ne w Cont act . 4. E nt er a name (up t o 2 2 char act er s) and ent er a number . 5. Ent er the number in an y of the labels pr e sent ed (Mobile 1, Home, W ork, Mobile 2 and F ax). 6. Pr e ss Right Soft K ey Options and select P ause or W ait . 7 . Ent er add[...]

  • Page 33

    31 Cont acts in Y our Phone’ s Memory Sear ching b y Let t er 1. Pr ess Left Soft K e y Cont act s . 2. St art ent ering the Cont act name. Scr olling Thr ough Y our C ont ac t s 1. Pr ess Left Soft K e y Cont act s t o displa y y our Cont act s alphabe tically . 2. Use t o scr oll thr ough the list. C ontac t Options 1. Pr ess Left Soft K e y C [...]

  • Page 34

    Making a Call F r om Y o u r Ph one ’ s Memory Once y ou ha v e st or ed phone number s in y our Cont acts, y ou can place calls t o those number s quickl y and easil y . ● By pr e ssing the Left Soft K e y Cont act s , highlighting a number and pr e ssing . ● By using Speed Dialing F r om Cont acts 1. Pr ess Left Soft K e y Cont act s t o di[...]

  • Page 35

    Me ssaging 33 Me ssaging Me ssaging The F or ce suppor ts up t o 1 6 0 char act er s in a t e xt me ssage. The information st or ed in the message is de t ermined b y phone mode and service capabilit y . Other limit s such a s a v ailable char act er s per message ma y e xist, please check with y our service pr o vider for s y st em featur es and c[...]

  • Page 36

    R ecent Calls T o select a r ecipient fr om y our R ecent calls. R ecent Message s Inbo x / Sent Gr oups Select a r ecipient fr om y our Gr oups. Cancel Cancels editing y our message. 4. Complet e y our message and send or sa v e it. Cust omize Y our T e xt Message Using Options While y ou ar e composing the t e xt of a message y ou can inser t cus[...]

  • Page 37

    35 Me ssaging Message Icon R efer ence Inbo x Ne w/Unread T ext/Pictur e Message Opened/R ead T ext/Pictur e Message Ne w/Unread No tification Me ssage Opened/R ead Notification Me ssage Priorit y High Sent F ailed T ext/Pictur e Message s F ailed Multi T ext/Pictur e Message s Multi T e xt/Pictur e Messages in tr ansfer T e xt/Pictur e Me ssage de[...]

  • Page 38

    Me ssaging 36 Me ssaging 7 . W ith the highlight on Audio, pr ess Left Soft K e y Add . 8 . Use t o highlight a sound, then pr ess Left Soft K e y Set . 9. Use Right Soft K e y Options t o cust omize the me ssage. The op tions (belo w) ar e a vailable: * Editing the R eceiv er C ont act s/ R ecent Calls/ R ecent Message s/ Gr oups/ Cancel * Editing[...]

  • Page 39

    37 Me ssaging ● Displa ying the message icon (It blinks when the message is ur gent). R eceiv ed message s are displa yed fr om ne w est t o oldest. V ie wing Y our Inbo x Up t o 2 00 (1 00 SMS and 1 00 MMS) r eceiv ed messages can be st or ed in the Inbo x. 1. Pr ess , , . 2. Use t o highlight an Inbo x message. 3. Pr ess Left Soft K e y R eply [...]

  • Page 40

    Me ssaging 38 Me ssaging R esend t o re send pr ess Right Soft K e y Options . Options v ary depending on the t ype of me ssage: Pla y Again Dele t e Dele t es the select ed message. F orw ar d F orw ar ds a r eceive d message t o o ther destina tion addr ess(e s). Sa v e Cont act Sa v e New / Updat e Existing Sa v e as T emplat es Sa v e Media Ima[...]

  • Page 41

    39 Me ssaging Add/ Sa v e As/ Priorit y Le v el/ Callback #/ Deliv ery Notice/ Cancel 4. Pr e ss t o send the edit ed message. 6. V oicemail Allo w s y ou t o view ne w v oice message s r ecor ded in y our v oice mail bo x. Y our phone will alert y ou when y ou r eceive a ne w v oice message. Checking Y our V oicemail Bo x 1. Pr e ss , , . 2. Choos[...]

  • Page 42

    Me ssaging 40 Me ssaging 2. Select All Message s / Te x t Me ssage / Pictur e Message / Edit V oicemail # then pr e ss . 3. Use t o highlight one of the set tings and pr ess t o select it. Me ssage Set tings Sub-Menu Descrip tions All Message s 1. Aut o Sa v e (Aut o Sa ve/ Pr ompt/ Do No t Sa v e) W ith this fea tur e on, message s ar e aut oma ti[...]

  • Page 43

    41 Me ssaging T e xt Message 1. Aut o V ie w (On/ Off) When set t o On, ne w message s will aut oma ticall y displa y on y our scr een when the y are r eceiv ed. 2. Aut o Pla y (On/ Off) Allo w s the displa y t o aut oma ticall y scr oll do wn while vie wing message s. 3. Callback # (On/ Off/ Edit) W ith this fea tur e on, you can input the callbac[...]

  • Page 44

    BREW 42 BREW BREW BREW allo w s y ou t o do more than just t alk on y our phone. Br e w is a t echnology and service that allo ws y ou t o do wnload and use applications on y our phone. W ith BREW, it is quick and ea s y t o per sonalize y our phone t o suit y our lifest yle and t ast es. Just do wnload the applications tha t appeal t o y ou. W ith[...]

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    43 BREW 2. R ead the notification, and pr ess t o continue. 3. Highlight m y apps and pr ess . - or - Pr e ss t o switch bet w een the t abs, then highlight Br o w se Cat alog or Sear ch , and pr ess . 2. BREW Info Allo w s y ou t o set the Airtime Char ge W arning message tha t pops up when BREW Apps is st art ed t o ON or OFF . 1. Pr ess an d Me [...]

  • Page 46

    We b 44 W eb 1. N a vigat e t o Br e w Apps . 2. Highlight the application y ou wish t o dele t e and pr ess Left Soft K e y Options . 3. Use t o highlight Delet e and pr ess . 4. Pr e ss Left Soft K e y Y e s . W eb The W eb featur e allow s you t o vie w Int erne t cont ent. A cce ss and selections within this featur e ar e dependent upon y our s[...]

  • Page 47

    45 W eb ● Links embedded in cont ent Y ou can act on the op tions or the links b y using the Soft K e y s at the bo t t om of the displa y scr een. ● T e xt or number s Y ou can select the it ems b y mo ving the cur sor and pr essing the appr opria t e Soft K e y s. Scr olling Use t o scr oll thr ough the cont ent if the curr ent page does no t[...]

  • Page 48

    We b 46 W eb Ent ering T e xt, Number s, or S ymbols When pr ompt ed t o ent er t e xt, the curr ent t e xt entry method appear s abo ve the Right Soft K e y as abc, S ym, 1 2 3, etc . T o change the input mode, pr ess the Right Soft K e y . T o change t o upper ca se, pr ess . Clearing Out T e xt/Number Ent er ed When ent ering t e xt or number s,[...]

  • Page 49

    Multimedia 47 Multimedia Multimedia V ie w , t ak e, and tr ade your digit al pictur es and video right fr om y our wir eless phone. 1. T ak e Phot o 1. Pr ess , , . 2. Set the brightne ss using , zoom using and pr ess Right Soft K e y Options t o change other set tings. Select fr om the a vailable op tions (belo w): Switch t o Camcor der Changes f[...]

  • Page 50

    Multimedia 48 Multimedia Whit e Balance Aut o/ Sunn y/ T ungst en/ Cloudy/ Fluor escent Color Effects Color/ Sepia/ Mono/ Negati v e T emplat e On/ Off Shut t er Sound None/ Sound 1/ Sound 2/ Sound 3/ Sa y Chees e Multishot Off/ 3 sho ts/ 6 shot s Memory St or age Phone Memory/ Car d Memory Aut o-Sa v e Enable/ Disable 3. T ak e a pictur e b y pr e[...]

  • Page 51

    49 Multimedia Zoom Brightness Whit e Balance Aut o / Sunn y / T ungst en / Cloudy / Fluor escent R ecor d T ime 1 5 sec/ 1 hour Memory St or age Phone Memory/ Car d Memory 3. Pr ess Re c t o begin r ecor ding. 4. Pr ess St op t o st op r ecor ding. 5. Pr e ss Right Soft K e y Dele t e , Send , or Left Soft K e y Sa v e . Choose fr om the follo wing[...]

  • Page 52

    Multimedia 50 Multimedia 3. Highlight the image y ou w ant t o displa y . ● Pr ess Right Soft K e y Options t o access and apply op tions. ● Pr ess V iew t o vie w the select ed image. ● Pr ess Left Soft K e y Send t o send the select ed image t o somebod y else. (This option is onl y a v ailable in My Images). 5. V ideos Allo w s y ou t o ac[...]

  • Page 53

    51 Multimedia 7 . Shuffle Allo w s y ou t o setup the Shuffle function for W allpaper s and Ringt one s. See pages 6 4 and 6 6 for instructions on ho w t o activ at e Shuffle. 1. Pr ess , , . 2. Highlight the option y ou wish t o select, then pre ss . Ringt one List/ W allpaper List Not es Be sur e t o use only r ecommended micr oSD TM car ds. Usin[...]

  • Page 54

    Cont act s 52 Cont act s C ont acts The Cont acts Men u allow s yo u t o st or e names, phone number s and o ther information in y our phone’ s memory . When y ou access y our Cont act s, the number in par enthe ses r epr e s ent s the number of entries y ou ha v e st or ed (up t o 1 000). 1. Ne w C ont act Allo w s y ou t o add a new cont act t [...]

  • Page 55

    53 Cont act s ● Pr ess t o scr oll thr ough y our Cont act s alphabeticall y . ● Pr ess Right Soft K e y Options t o select one of the follo wing: Cont act List Sear ch/ Send Me ssage/ Dele t e/ Edit/ Delet e Multiple/ Send via Bluet ooth/ Se t Speed Dial ● Pr ess Left Soft K e y Ne w t o st or e ne w cont act informa tion. 3. Gr oups Allo w [...]

  • Page 56

    Cont act s 54 Cont act s 2. Use t o highlight the de sir ed Speed Dial location (or ent er the Speed Dial digit), and pr ess Assign . 3. Use t o highlight the Cont act. 4. Use t o highlight the number , then pr ess . A confirmation me ssage is displa y ed. 5. My Name Car d Allo w s y ou t o view all of y our per sonal Cont act information including[...]

  • Page 57

    R ecent Calls 55 R ecent Calls R ecent Calls The R ecent Calls Menu is a list of the last phone n umber s or Cont act entries for calls y ou missed, r eceiv ed or dialed. It is continuall y updat ed as ne w entrie s ar e added t o the beginning of the list and the oldest entrie s ar e r emo ved fr om the bot t om of the list. 1. Missed Calls Allo w[...]

  • Page 58

    R ecent Calls/ Music 56 R ecent Calls/ Music 6. Da ta Allo w s y ou t o view the list of da t a calls. 1. Pr ess , , . 2. Use t o highlight an entry . 7 . Da t a Count er Allo w s y ou t o view t ot al amount r eceiv ed and tr ansmit t ed da t a fr om dat a calls. 1. Pr e ss , , . 2 . Use t o highlight a cat egory (fr om belo w) list, then pr ess .[...]

  • Page 59

    My Schedule 57 My Schedule My Schedule Allo w s y ou t o access y our Calendar , No t epad, Alarm Clock. 1. Calendar Allo w s y ou t o st or e and access y our agenda(s). Simply ent er y our appointments in the Calendar , and y our phone will alert y ou with a r eminder . 1. Pr ess , , . 2. Use t o highlight the scheduled da y . Mo v es cur sor t o[...]

  • Page 60

    My Schedule 58 My Schedule V ie wing a Not epad Entry 1. Acce ss Not epad and highlight the entry . 2. T o delet e or edit the not epad entry , pr ess Right Soft K e y Options. Then: ● Delet e ● Edit ● Dele t e All 3. Alarm Clock Allo w s y ou t o set up t o fiv e alarms. A t the alarm time, an y se t alarm will alert y ou accor ding t o y ou[...]

  • Page 61

    Blue t oo th ® 59 Blue t oo th ® Blue t oo th ® The F or ce is compatible with de vices tha t suppor t the Bluet ooth ® headset, hands-fr ee pr ofiles, object push, DUN, F ile T r ansfer , and phonebook access. Y ou ma y cr ea t e and st or e se v er al pairings within the F orce and connect t o one de vice at a time. The appr o ximat e communi[...]

  • Page 62

    Blue t oo th ® 60 Blue t oo th ® 3. Pr ess Left Soft K e y Sear ch t o search for de vices t o pair . If Bluet ooth ® po w er is set t o off, y ou will be pr omp t ed t o turn po w er on. Select Ye s and pr ess . 4. The device will appear in the A dd New De vice menu once it has been loca t ed. Highlight the de vice and pr ess . 5. The handset m[...]

  • Page 63

    T ools 61 T ools 4. My Blue t ooth Name Allo w s y ou t o edit the name of the Blue t ooth ® de vice. 1. Pr ess , , . 2. Hold do wn t o clear the e xisting name. 3. Use the alphanumeric k e ypad t o ent er a ne w alias. 4. Pr ess t o sa v e and e xit. 5. My Blue t ooth Info Allo w s y ou t o view the Blue t ooth ® informa tion on y our de vice. 1[...]

  • Page 64

    T ools 62 T ools that y ou ma ybe pr ompt ed for additional input, as nece ssary: Call <Name> or <Number>/ V oicemail / Missed Calls / Message s / T ime & Da t e / Help 2. Ez T ip Calc Allo w s y ou t o quickly and easil y estima t e the tip and t ot al amount of a bill b y input ting the bill amount befor e tip, the tip per cent ag[...]

  • Page 65

    63 T ools 1. Pr ess , , . 2. Pr ess Right Soft K e y Cities t o select a specific cit y and displa y the dat e/time in tha t loca tion. 3. Use t o scr oll thr ough all a vailable citie s on the map. 4. Pr e ss t o select the highlight ed cit y . 5. Pr e ss Left Soft K e y Se t DS T t o select Da ylight Sa vings T ime set tings. 5. St op w a tch All[...]

  • Page 66

    Se t tings 64 Se t tings Se t tings 1. Sound Op tions t o cust omize y our phone's sounds: 1.1 Ringer s Allo w s y ou t o a ssign ringt ones for incoming calls. 1. Pr e ss , , , . 2. Select All Calls / Caller ID / No Caller ID / R e strict ed Calls/ Shuffle . See page 5 1 for instructions on ho w t o cr eat e a Shuffle list. 3. Select My Ringe[...]

  • Page 67

    65 Se t tings 1.4 Ale rt T ype Allo w s y ou t o select the aler t t ype s. 1. Pr ess , , , . 2. Use t o highlight the aler t y ou wish t o edit. Call Aler t/ Message Aler ts/ Calendar Aler t/ Alarm Aler t 3. Use t o scroll thr ough the alert t ypes. Ring Only/ V ibr at e Only/ Ring & V ib 4. Pr ess t o sa ve. 1. 5 Service Aler t s Allo w s y o[...]

  • Page 68

    Se t tings 66 Se t tings 1 .6 P o w er On/Off T o n e Allo w s y ou t o set the phone t o sound a t one when the phone is po w er ed on and off . 1. Pr ess , , , . 2. Use t o set t o On / Off , then pr ess . 1.7 Slide T one Allo w s you t o set a slide t one that will pla y when y ou slide your phone. 1. Pr ess , , , . 2. Use t o set t o On / Off ,[...]

  • Page 69

    67 Se t tings 1. Pr ess , , , . 2. Select On/ Off . 3. Ent er y our banner t e xt, then pr ess Sa v e . 2.3 Backlight Allo w s y ou t o set the dur ation for illumina ting the backlight. 1. Pr ess , , , . 2. Select a submenu, then pr ess . Displa y/ K e ypad 3. Use t o select a set ting, then pr ess . 2.4 M enu S t y le Allo w s y ou t o view the m[...]

  • Page 70

    Se t tings 68 Se t tings 1. Pr ess , , , . 2. Choose a sub-menu and pr ess . F ont T ype/ Dial F ont St yle/ Dial F ont Size 3. Use t o highlight an op tion, then pr ess . Options for F ont T ype L G Arial/ L G Scrip t/ L G Serif Options for Dial F onts St yle R obot/ Gr een Lawn/ P aint er/ Basic Options for Dial F onts Size Normal / Lar ge 2.8 Co[...]

  • Page 71

    69 Se t tings calls and still mak e emer gency calls. Y ou can modify the lock code b y set ting a Ne w Lock code within the Securit y menu. 1. Pr ess , , . 2. Ent er the four -digit lock code and pr ess . The default lock code is commonl y the la st 4 digits of y our phone number . 3. Pr ess Lock Phone . 4. Use t o select an option, then pr e ss .[...]

  • Page 72

    Se t tings 70 Se t tings 1. Pr ess , , . 2. Ent er the four -digit lock code and pr ess . 3. Pr ess Emer gency #s . 4. Pr ess t o edit the emer gency number s. 3. 4 Change Lock Code Allo w s y ou t o ent er a ne w four - digit lock code. 1. Pr e ss , , . 2. Ent er the four -digit lock code and pr e ss . 3. Pr e ss Change Lock C ode . 4. Select Phon[...]

  • Page 73

    71 Se t tings y ou t o de signat e ho w the phone handles bo th incoming and outgoing calls. 4. 1 A nsw e r O ptions Allo w s y ou t o det ermine ho w t o handle an incoming call. 1. Pr ess , , , . 2. Use t o select a set ting, then pr ess . Slide Open/ T ALK K e y Onl y/ Slide Open & An y K e y / Aut o Answ er 4.2 End Call Op tions Allo w s y [...]

  • Page 74

    Se t tings 72 Se t tings 4 . 5 V oice Priva c y Allo w s y ou t o set the v oice priv acy featur e for CDMA calls as Enhanced or St andar d. CDMA offer s inher ent v oice privacy . Check with y our service pr o vider for a vailabilit y . 1. Pr ess , , , . 2. Use t o select a set ting, then pr e ss . Enhanced / St andar d 4.6 Airplane Mode Only allo[...]

  • Page 75

    73 Se t tings then pr ess . USB Modem/ USB Mass St or age/ Set ting R eminder Using F F o o r r c c e e USB Driv e Mode R equir ements: ● F or ce Phone ● F or ce USB Cable ● micr oSD TM car d inst alled on the phone ● W indo w s XP ® / V ist a Comput er St eps t o using USB Mass St or age mode: 1. Mak e sur e tha t USB Cable driv er s ar e[...]

  • Page 76

    Se t tings 74 Se t tings st ating “PC Connection Se t” . Pr ess END k e y t o r eturn t o st andb y scr een. Aft er a few seconds, a ne w e xplor er windo w should pop up on the comput er scr een. If ther e ar e differ ent t ypes of file s on the memory car d, a R emov able Disk windo w will pop-up. If this occur s, select the Open folder t o v[...]

  • Page 77

    75 Se t tings My_V ideos 6. The music pla yer file s will need t o be copied int o the music folder . Please no t e that the Music Pla y er onl y supports MP3 file s, AA C files, AA C+ file s. (Not enhanced AA C file s) 7 . Once y ou ar e done tr ansferring files, disconnect the phone. When y ou launch Music Pla y er or go int o My Media folder s, [...]

  • Page 78

    Se t tings 76 Se t tings 2 . Use t o select NAM1 or NAM2 , then pr ess . 6.1.3 Aut o NAM Allo w s the phone t o aut omaticall y switch bet w een pr ogr ammed t elephone number s corr esponding t o the service pr o vider ar ea. 1. Pr ess , , , , . 2. Use t o select On or Off , then pr ess . 6.1.4 Serving S y st em Identifies the channel n umber of a[...]

  • Page 79

    77 Se t tings 7 . Memory Allo w s y ou t o check memory and se t memory -r elat ed options. 1. Pr ess , , . 2. Select Sa v e Options/ Phone Memory / Car d Memory . 8. BREW & W eb Allo w s y ou t o view and choose BREW and W eb info and set tings. 1. Pr e ss , , . 2. Select BREW Info/ W eb Set tings. 9. Phone Info The Phone Info menu pr o vide s[...]

  • Page 80

    Safe t y 78 Safe t y TIA Safe t y Information The follo wing is the complet e TIA Safet y Information for wir eless handheld phones. Exposur e t o Radio F r equenc y Signal Y our wir eless handheld port able phone is a lo w po w er r adio tr ansmit t er and r eceiv er . When ON, it r eceiv e s and sends out Radio F r equency (RF) signals. In August[...]

  • Page 81

    79 Safe t y Unauthorized ant enna s, modifications, or a t t achment s could damage the phone and ma y violat e FCC r egulations. Phone Oper ation NORMAL POSITION: Hold the phone a s y ou w ould an y other t elephone with the ant enna point ed up and o v er y our shoulder . T ips on Efficient Oper a tion For your phone to operate most efficiently: [...]

  • Page 82

    Safe t y 80 Safe t y P acemak er s The Health Industry Manufactur ers A ssociation r ecommends that a minim um separ ation of six (6) inche s be maint ained bet w een a handheld wir eless phone and a pacemak er t o a v oid po t ential int er fer ence with the pacemak er . These r ecommendations ar e consist ent with the independent r e sear ch b y [...]

  • Page 83

    81 Safe t y Health Car e F acilities T urn your phone OFF in health car e facilities when an y r egulations post ed in these ar eas instruct y ou t o do so. Hospit als or health car e facilities ma y use equipment that could be sensitiv e t o e xt ernal RF ener gy . V ehicles RF signals ma y affect impr operl y inst alled or inadequat el y shielded[...]

  • Page 84

    Safe t y 82 Safe t y atmospher e ar e oft en, but not alw a y s mark ed clearly . P o t ential ar eas ma y include: fueling are as (such as ga soline st ations); belo w deck on boat s; fuel or chemical tr ansfer or st or age facilities; v ehicles using liquefied pe tr oleum gas (such a s pr opane or but ane); ar eas wher e the air cont ains chemica[...]

  • Page 85

    83 Safe t y y our phone when using the ba t t ery pack char ger abr oad. ● Only use the appr o v ed bat t ery char ger . Otherwise, y ou ma y cause serious damage t o y our phone. Ba t t er y Information and Car e ● Plea se dispose of y our bat t ery pr operl y or t ak e it t o y our local wir eless carrier for r ecy cling. ● The bat t ery do[...]

  • Page 86

    Safe t y 84 Safe t y Explosion, Shock, and F ir e Hazar ds ● Do not put y our phone in a place subject t o e x cessi v e dust and k eep the minimum r equir ed dist ance bet w een the po wer cor d and heat sour ces. ● Unplug the po w er cor d prior t o cleaning your phone, and clean the po w er plug pin when it’ s dirt y . ● When using the p[...]

  • Page 87

    85 Safe t y damage the dat a st or ed in the magnetic strip. ● T alking on your phone for a long period of time ma y r educe call qualit y due t o hea t gener at ed during use. ● When the phone is not used for a long period time, st or e it in a safe place with the po w er cor d unplug ged. ● Using the phone in pr o ximit y t o receiving equi[...]

  • Page 88

    Safe t y 86 Safe t y caution. Ensur e that cable s ar e tuck ed a w a y safel y and do not t ouch the ant enna unnecessaril y . W arning! Impor t ant safe t y information A voiding hearing damage P ermanent hearing loss ma y occur if y ou use y our phone and/or headset a t a high v olume. Se t the v olume t o a safe le vel. Y ou can adapt o v er ti[...]

  • Page 89

    87 Safe t y performing an y other activit y that r equir es y our full at t ention. A voiding hearing damage P ermanent hearing loss ma y occur if y ou use y our headset a t a high v olume. Set the v olume t o a safe le v el. Y ou can adapt o v er time t o a higher v olume of sound that ma y sound normal but can be damaging t o y our hearing. If y [...]

  • Page 90

    Safe t y 88 Safe t y FD A Consumer Upda t e The U.S. F ood and Drug Administr ation’ s Cent er for De vices and R adiological Health Consumer Upda t e on Mobile Phones: 1. Do wir ele ss phone s pose a health hazar d? The a vailable scientific e vidence doe s not sho w that an y health pr oblems ar e associa t ed with using wir eless phone s. Ther[...]

  • Page 91

    89 Safe t y emit Radio F r equency (RF) ener gy at a le v el that is hazar dous t o the user . In such a case, the FD A could r equir e the manufactur ers of wir eless phone s t o notify user s of the health hazar d and t o r epair , r eplace, or r ecall the phones so tha t the hazar d no longer e xists. Although the e xisting scientific da t a do [...]

  • Page 92

    Safe t y 90 Safe t y The National Institut es of Health participat es in some int er agency w orking gr oup activities, a s well. The FD A shar es r egula t ory r esponsibilitie s for wir eless phones with the F eder al Communica tions Commission (FCC). All phones tha t ar e sold in the Unit ed St a t e s must compl y with FCC safet y guidelines th[...]

  • Page 93

    91 Safe t y e xposur e decr ease s r apidly with incr easing dist ance fr om the sour ce. The so-called “cor dless phones,” which ha v e a base unit connect ed t o the t elephone wiring in a house, t ypicall y oper at e at far lo w er po w er le v els, and thus pr oduce RF e xposur es far belo w the FCC safet y limits. 4. What ar e the r e sult[...]

  • Page 94

    Safe t y 92 Safe t y saliv ary gland, leuk emia, or other cancer s. None of the studies demonstr at ed the e xist ence of an y harmful health effect s fr om wir eless phone RF e xposur es. Ho w ev er , none of the studies can answ er questions about long - t erm exposur es, since the a v er age period of phone use in these studie s w a s ar ound th[...]

  • Page 95

    93 Safe t y wir eless phone RF? The FD A is w orking with the U.S. National T o xicology Pr ogr am and with gr oups of inv estiga t or s ar ound the w orld t o ensur e that high priorit y animal studie s ar e conduct ed t o addr ess import ant que stions about the effect s of e xposur e t o R adio F r equency (RF) ener gy . The FD A has been a lead[...]

  • Page 96

    Safe t y 94 Safe t y All phones sold in the Unit ed St at es m ust comply with F eder al Communica tions Commission (FCC) guidelines tha t limit Radio F r equency (RF) ener gy e xposur es. The FCC es t ablished these guidelines in consult ation with the FD A and the other feder al health and safet y agencies. The FCC limit for RF e xposur e fr om w[...]

  • Page 97

    95 Safe t y Pr actice for Det ermining the Spatial-P eak Specific Absorption Ra t e (S AR) in the Human Body Due t o W ir eless Communica tions De vices: Experiment al T echniques” , set s forth the fir st consist ent t est me thodology for measuring the r at e at which RF is deposit ed in the heads of wir eless phone user s. The t est me thod us[...]

  • Page 98

    Safe t y 96 Safe t y dr amaticall y with dist ance. F or e xample, y ou could use a headset and carry the wir eless phone a wa y fr om y our body or use a wir eless phone connect ed t o a re mo t e ant enna. Again, the scientific dat a do not demonstr at e that wir eless phones ar e harmful. But if y ou ar e concerned about the RF e xposur e fr om [...]

  • Page 99

    97 Safe t y 1 1. What about wir eless phone int erfer ence with medical equipment? Radio F r equency (RF) ener gy fr om wir eless phone s can int er act with some electr onic de vices. F or this r eason, the FD A helped de v elop a det ailed t e st method t o measur e Electr o Magnetic Int er fer ence (EMI) of implant ed car diac pacemak er s and d[...]

  • Page 100

    Safe t y 98 Safe t y 1 2. Wher e can I find additional information? F or additional informa tion, pleas e r efer t o the follo wing r esour ce s: FD A w eb page on wir eless phones (ht tp://www .fda.gov/cellphone s/) F eder al Communica tions Commission (FCC) RF Safet y Pr ogr am (ht tp://www .fcc.gov /oe t/rfsafet y) Int ernational Commission on N[...]

  • Page 101

    99 Safe t y speed dial function without t aking y our at t ention off the r oad. 2. When a v ailable, use a hands- fr ee de vice. A number of hands-fr ee wir eless phone accessorie s ar e r eadily a v ailable t oda y . Whether y ou choose an inst alled mount ed de vice for y our wir eless phone or a speak er phone accessory , t ak e adv ant age of [...]

  • Page 102

    Safe t y 100 Safe t y or nearb y vehicle s. 6. Dial sensibly and a sse ss the tr affic; if possible, place calls when y ou ar e not mo ving or befor e pulling int o tr affic. T ry t o plan your calls befor e y ou begin y our trip or at t empt t o coincide y our calls with times y ou ma y be st opped at a st op sign, r ed light, or otherwise st atio[...]

  • Page 103

    101 Safe t y pr ogr ess or o ther serious emer gency wher e live s ar e in danger , call 9 1 1 or o ther local emer gency number , as y ou w ould wa nt o thers t o do for y ou. 1 0. Call r oadside assist ance or a special wir eless non- emer gency a ssist ance number when nece ssary . Cert ain situations y ou encount er while driving ma y r equir e[...]

  • Page 104

    Safe t y 102 Safe t y de signed and manufactur ed no t t o ex ceed the emission limits for e xposur e t o r adiofr equency (RF) ener gy set b y the F eder al Communica tions Commission (FCC) of the U.S. Go v ernment. These FCC e xposur e limits ar e deriv ed fr om the r ecommendations of t w o e xper t or ganizations, the Na tional Counsel on R adi[...]

  • Page 105

    103 Safe t y the maximum v alue. Because the phone is designed t o oper at e at multiple po w er le vels t o use only the po w er r equir ed t o r each the ne t w ork, in gener al, the closer y ou ar e t o a wir eless ba se st ation ant enna, the low er the pow er output. Befor e a phone model is a v ailable for sale t o the public, it must be t es[...]

  • Page 106

    Safe t y 104 Safe t y model phone when t e st ed for use at the ear is 1.4 1 W/kg and when w orn on the body , as de scribed in this user’ s manual, is 0.6 8 6 W/kg. While ther e ma y be differ ences be t w een S AR le v els of v arious phones and a t v arious positions, the y all meet the go v ernment r equir ement for safe e xposur e. S AR info[...]

  • Page 107

    105 Safe t y FCC Hearing -Aid C ompatibilit y (HA C) R egulations for W ir eless De vices On July 1 0, 2 00 3, the U.S. F eder al Communica tions Commission (FCC) R eport and Or der in WT Dock et 0 1-3 0 9 modified the e x ception of wir eless phone s under the Hearing Aid Compa tibilit y Act of 1 9 8 8 (HA C Act) t o r equir e digit al wir ele ss [...]

  • Page 108

    Safe t y 106 Safe t y M-R a tings: Phones r at ed M3 or M4 meet FCC r equir ements and ar e lik ely t o gener at e less int er fer ence t o hearing de vices than phone s that ar e no t labeled. M4 is the bet t er/higher of the t w o r a tings. T -Ra tings: Phones r at ed T3 or T4 mee t FCC r equir ement s and ar e lik ely t o gener at e less int er[...]

  • Page 109

    107 Safe t y F or informa tion about hearing aids and digit a l w ir e le ss phone s FCC Hearing Aid Compa tibilit y and V olume C ontr ol ht tp://www .fcc.go v/cgb/dr o/hearing.html Gallaude t Univ er sit y , RER C ht tp://t ap.Gallaudet.edu/DigW ir eless.KS/DigW ir eless.htm Hearing Loss Association of America [HLAA] ht tp://www .hearingloss.or g[...]

  • Page 110

    A cce ssorie s 108 A ccessorie s Ther e ar e a v ariet y of accessorie s a v ailable for y our mobile phone. Consult y our local dealer for a v ailabilit y . Optional it ems ar e sold separ at ely . W all/USB Char ger B a t tery St andar d ba t t ery is a v ailable. V ehicle P o w er Char ger The v ehicle po w er char ger allo w s y ou t o oper a t[...]

  • Page 111

    109 Limit ed W arr ant y St a t ement Limit ed W arr ant y St a t ement 1. WHAT THIS WARRANTY COVERS: L G offer s you a limit ed w arr ant y that the enclosed subscriber unit and its enclosed acce ssories will be fr ee fr om defects in ma t erial and w orkmanship, accor ding t o the follo wing t erms and conditions: (1) The limit ed w arr ant y for[...]

  • Page 112

    Limit ed W arr ant y St a t ement 110 Limit ed W arr ant y St a t ement Department of L G. L G shall bear the cost of shipping the pr oduct back t o the consumer aft er the completion of service under this limit ed w arr ant y . 2. WHAT THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER: (1) Defects or damage s r esulting fr om use of the pr oduct in other than it s nor[...]

  • Page 113

    111 Limit ed W arr ant y St a t ement including, but not limit ed t o an y implied w arr ant y of mark et abilit y or fitness for a particular use. (7) Damage r esulting fr om use of non-L G appr ov ed accessorie s. (8) All plastic sur face s and all o ther e xt ernall y e xposed parts tha t ar e scr atched or damaged due t o normal cust omer use. [...]

  • Page 114


  • Page 115

    Inde x 113 Inde x 1 1 0 Driver Safe t y T ips 98 A Acce ssories 1 0 8 Airplane Mode 7 2 Alarm Clock 5 8 Alert T ype 6 5 All Calls 5 5 Answ er Op tions 7 1 Audios 5 0 Aut o R etry 7 1 B Backlight 6 7 Banner 6 6 Bat t ery Char ge Le vel 22 Blue t ooth ® 5 9 BREW 4 2 BREW & W eb 7 7 Br e w Info 43 C Calculat or 6 2 Calendar 5 7 Call Set tings 7 0[...]

  • Page 116

    Inde x 114 Inde x L Languages 6 7 Limit ed W arr ant y St at ement 1 0 9 Location 7 6 Lock Phone 6 8 M Making a Call F r om Y our Phone’ s Memory 32 Making Calls 2 3 Memory 7 7 Menu St yle 6 7 Men us Ov ervie w 1 8 Message Alert s 6 4 Messaging 3 3 Missed Calls 5 5 Multimedia 4 7 Music 5 6 Mut e F unction 2 5 My Bluet ooth Info 6 1 My Blue t oo t[...]

  • Page 117

    Shuffle 5 1 Signal Str ength 2 2 Slide T one 6 6 Sound 6 4 Speed Dialing 2 6 Speed Dials 53 St art Br o w ser 4 4 St op wa tch 6 3 S y st em 7 5 T T ak e Phot o 4 7 T echnical De t ails 10 T emplat es 3 9 T e xt Input 2 8 The Basics of St oring Cont acts Entrie s 2 9 The Bat t ery 2 1 TIA Safet y Information 7 8 T ools 6 1 TTY Mode 7 2 T urning the[...]

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  • Page 119
