Liebherr 7082 135-00 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Liebherr 7082 135-00, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Liebherr 7082 135-00 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Liebherr 7082 135-00. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Liebherr 7082 135-00 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Liebherr 7082 135-00
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Liebherr 7082 135-00 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Liebherr 7082 135-00 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Liebherr 7082 135-00 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Liebherr 7082 135-00, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Liebherr service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Liebherr 7082 135-00.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Liebherr 7082 135-00 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    7082 135-00 ECN 6 1 1 1 1 Operating instructions Page 12 Com bin ed r efri ger ato r- fre eze r GB[...]

  • Page 2

    Safety instructions and w arnings • T o pre vent injur y or damage to the unit, the appliance should be unpacked and set up b y two people. • In the ev ent that the appliance is damaged on delivery , contact the supplier immediately bef ore connecting to the mains. • T o guarantee saf e operation, ensure that the appliance is set up and conne[...]

  • Page 3

    GB Des cri ptio n of app li ance and equi pmen t 1 Op erat ing an d con trol e lem ents 2 Adjus tab le do or rac ks 3 Adjus tab le sto rage s hel ves 4 Bot tl e rack 5 T y pe pl ate (beh ind t he veg eta ble d rawer on the l ef t-h and s ide) 6 Drawer 7 V e geta ble d rawers 8 Water filter 9 Upp er fre ezer drawer b l Lower fre ezer dr awer bm Ice [...]

  • Page 4

    Repl ace the fi lter when t he wate rdro p s y m b o l a p p e a r s i n t h e te m p e r a t u r e dis play . Filte rs can b e obt ain ed f rom you r dea ler . The d rop sym bol m ust b e c anc ell ed af ter the f ilte r has bee n cha nge d. For det ail ed ins tru cti ons see sec tio n e nti tled " Se tup mod e " . W ater filter Befor e [...]

  • Page 5

    Po wer failure/F rostControl displa y If th e LED lig hts up o n the c ontr ol pan el, th is mea ns th at the free zer tem per ature ha s ri sen to o h igh d uri ng t he l ast few hou rs or days du e to a power fa ilur e. If you t ouch the ALARM icon now , the highest temperature registered during the power failure wil l b e displayed. Chec k the q[...]

  • Page 6

    = Confirm water f ilter change After the water filter has be en changed, t he drop symb ol on t he di splay m ust b e reset . Res et ting t he dro p symbol • A c t i v a t e s e t u p m o d e b y t o u c h i n g t h e Supe rFros t ico n for 5 se con ds. • T ou ch th e f reezer co mpa r tme nt Down ic on unti l appe ars i n the d isp lay . • T[...]

  • Page 7

    GB = Display br ightnes s Adjust ing th e displ ay brightn ess • Acti vate s etup mod e by touc hin g t he S upe rFros t i con for 5 sec - ond s. • T ou ch t he fre ezer co mpar tme nt Dow n ico n unt il app ear s in the d isp lay . • T ou ch th e Sup erFro st ic on. - The d isp lay read s • T ou ch th e free zer com par t ment Up/D own ic [...]

  • Page 8

    Removin g the veg eta ble dr awer Pull t he dr awer str aig ht out , gri p at the b ack an d lif t o ut. Inse r ting the vege tab le drawer Plac e t he d rawer o n t he p ull - out ra ils. The rails must be ful ly extend ed a nd a ligned wi th t he fron t o f t he drawer . S lide t he drawer i n. Rep osit ionin g the sh elves 1 . Hold th e shelf un[...]

  • Page 9

    Notes on freezing and storage • Alwa ys store identical f ood items together. • P ack food which you are freezing yourse lf in quantities appropriate to y our household. T o ensure that the food freez es right through, the follo wing quantities should not be ex ceeded per package: fruit, vegetables: up to 1 kg, meat: up to 2.5 kg. • P ack fro[...]

  • Page 10

    Acti vating t he ice m aker ho liday mod e Be s ure t he u pper freezer drawer is com- p le t el y c l o s e d an d t h e i c e - c ub e b i n i s ins tal led c orre ct ly . • Activ ate setup mode by touching the Su- perFr ost icon for 5 seconds. • T ouch the freez er compartm ent Do wn icon until appears in the displa y . • T ouch the SuperF[...]

  • Page 11

    Malfunctions Y ou r app lianc e i s des igned an d ma nufactu red for a len gthy , r eliabl e ope rati ng li fe wit h no ma lfu nct ion s. If a m alf unc tio n non ethe les s oc cur s duri ng ope rati on, ch eck w heth er it is du e to a n o per atin g err or . Pleas e n ote t hat even dur ing the warran t y p eri od the r esul t- ant ser v ic ing [...]