Magnat Audio 400 / 1000 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Magnat Audio 400 / 1000, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Magnat Audio 400 / 1000 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Magnat Audio 400 / 1000. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Magnat Audio 400 / 1000 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Magnat Audio 400 / 1000
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Magnat Audio 400 / 1000 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Magnat Audio 400 / 1000 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Magnat Audio 400 / 1000 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Magnat Audio 400 / 1000, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Magnat Audio service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Magnat Audio 400 / 1000.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Magnat Audio 400 / 1000 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    4 D 10 GB 16 F 22 NL 28 I 34 E 40 45 S 50 RUS 56 CHN 61 J 67 Abbildungen/Illustrations P[...]

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    4 D Sehr geehrter MAGNAT - Kunde, mi t dem Besitz des C ar Hi Fi Leis tungsver stärk ers THE ROC K 400 / THE ROCK 100 0 könne n Sie Ihr e hohen Ans prüch e an die Klang wiederga be im Auto auf souver äne W eise erf üllen. Der T HE ROCK 40 0 / TH E ROCK 1000 er öff net neue Q ualitäte n der Car H iFi-W iedergabe im Auto; sei es die beeindruc [...]

  • Page 5

    5 D THE RO CK 1000 Stereo / G ebrück t Max. Aus gangsle istung (1 kHz Sinus Burst 2:8, B+=14 ,4V) 2 x 320 W / 1 x 1000 W an 4 Ohm Nennausga ngsleis tung (DI N 45 342, B+=14,4V) 2 x 165 W / 1 x 540 W an 4 Ohm Max. Aus gangsle istung (1 kHz Sinus Burst 2:8, B+=1 4,4V) 2 x 500 W an 2 Ohm Nennausga ngsleis tung (DI N 45 342, B+=14,4V) 2 x 260 W an 2 O[...]

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    6 D 3. WICHTIGE HINW EISE VOR DEM EINB AU • Diese s Gerät ist ausschl ießli ch zum Ansch luss a n ein 12-V olt-Sy stem mit ne gativer M asse gee i gnet. • Die bei der Leistungs abga be abges trahlte W ärm e erfordert eine n Montag eplat z m it ausreichender Luft zirkulation. Es is t sehr wichti g, dass die Kü hlr ippen d es Kühlk örper s [...]

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    7 D 4.2 A UDIO KA BEL Bei der Installati on des Audiok abels zwis chen dem Cinc h-Ausgan g des A utoradi os und d em Cinch- Eingang des Vers tärk ers im Fahrzeug ist d arauf zu achten, das s das Audio- und das Strom versorgungs kabel m öglichs t nicht auf derselbe n Seite des Fahrze ugs verl egt werd en. Bess er ist eine räum lich getrennte Ins [...]

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    8 D 5.4 B ASS-BOOST Mit Hilf e der Bass -Boost Funktion ( 4) wird ein e Anhebu ng oder e ine Ent zerrung der untere n Bassf requenzen err eicht. 5.5 AU S G ÄNG E Z U M AN S C H L U S S W EIT ERER V ERST ÄRKER Das Eingangs signa l der LI NE INPUT Ansch lüsse L und R (2) wir d direk t an die Ausga ngsbuchse n LINE OU T (1) L und R weitergel eitet.[...]

  • Page 9

    9 D BILD 4 MONO-BET RIEB MIT EINEM AU TORA DIO MI T SU BWOOFE RA USGAN G (1) Zum Autoradio, S ubwooferaus gang (2) Subwoofer BILD 5 BEDI ENUNGSEL EM ENTE UND EIN-/ AUSGÄNGE (1) Ausgänge zum Anschließen weiterer Vers tärker (2) Niederpe gelei ngang (3) Eingangs pegelr egler (4) Bass-Bo os t-Regler (5) Überga ngsfrequen zregler f ür den Hoc hpa[...]

  • Page 10

    10 GB Dear M AGNAT Customer, T he THE ROCK 400 / TH E ROCK 1000 car hi- fi power amplif ier will enabl e you to satis f y y o ur high demands on sound repr oduc tion in your c ar. W ith its impress ive deep-b ass po wer res erves, low ha rm onic c ontent and neutr al reprod uction , the THE RO CK 400 / T HE ROCK 1000 tak es car hi-f i to new height[...]

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    11 GB THE RO CK 1000 Stereo / Bridged Max. output power (1 kHz sinus b urst 2:8 , B+=14 .4V) 2 x 320 W / 1 x 1000 W on 4 Ohm Nominal o utput power (DIN 45 3 42, B +=14.4V) 2 x 165 W / 1 x 540 W on 4 O hm Max. output power (1 kHz sinus b urst 2:8 , B+=1 4.4V) 2 x 500 W on 2 Ohm Nominal o utput power (DIN 45 3 42, B +=14.4V) 2 x 260 W on 2 O hm Louds[...]

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    12 GB 3. IMPO RTANT INST ALLATION INFO RM A TION • Th is appliance m ay onl y be connect ed to a 1 2 volt system with neg ative grou nd. • T he heat radi ated wh en the am plif ier is used m eans that suf ficient a ir circ ulation is requ ired at the place of ins tallat ion. It is ve r y im portant that the cooler' s c ooler ribs do n ot c[...]

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    13 GB 4.2 A UDIO CA BLES Wh en i n st al ling the au dio cabl e betwee n the cinch ou tput of your car receiver and the ci nch input of the amplif ier insid e your car, the a udio and p ower s upply cab les sho uld, wherever possible, n ot be rou ted along the sam e side of the vehic le. W e recomm end an isolated ins tal lation, e.g. routing the p[...]

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    14 GB 5.4 BASS -BOOST T he bass-boos t function (4) is used to increas e or equ alize the lower b ass f requencies . 5.5 OUT PUTS FOR CO NNECT ING ADDITION AL A MPL IFIERS T he input signal of the LINE INPUT connections L and R (2) is forwarded dir ectly to the LIN E OUT (1) La nd R jack s. The LIN E OU T co nnections allow t he use of addit ional [...]

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    15 GB FIG. 4 MONO M ODE WITH ONE CA R RADIO WITH SUBWOOFER OUTPUT (1) T o the car radio, sub woofer output (2) Subw oofer FIG. 5 OPER A TI NG ELEM ENT S AND IN/OUT PUTS (1) Ou tputs for connect ing addi tional amplif iers (2) Low-level in put (3) Input le vel c ontr ol (4) Bass -booster c ontrol (5) Cross -over fr equenc y control fo r the high pas[...]

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    16 F Trè s ch er c lient de MAGNA T Avec l’ acquisiti on de l ’amplif icateur de puiss ance T HE ROCK 400 / T HE RO CK 1000 du C ar Hi-F i, vous pouvez s atisf aire à la perf ection vos ha utes ex igences pour la r estitu tion son ore da ns votre voitur e. Le THE RO CK 400 / THE R OCK 1 000 off re de nou vel les qua lités pour la rest itutio[...]

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    17 F THE RO CK 1000 Stéréo / p onté Puissanc e de s ort ie m aximale (1 kHz Sin us Burst 2:8, B+ =14,4V) 2 x 320 W / 1 x 1000 W à 4 Ohm Puissanc e RMS (DIN 45 34 2, B+=14, 4V) 2 x 165 W / 1 x 540 W à 4 Ohm Puissanc e de s ort ie m aximale (1 kHz Sin us Burst 2:8, B+ =14,4V) 2 x 500 W à 2 Ohm Puissanc e RMS (DIN 45 34 2, B+=14, 4V) 2 x 260 W ?[...]

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    18 F 3. RECO MM ANDATION S IMPO RT ANTES AVANT L ’INST ALL ATION • Cet appare il con vient excl usivem ent au branche ment à un s ystèm e de 12 v olts à m asse négative. • La chale ur pro venant de l’uti lisation néces site un espace d e m ontage avec une c irculati on de l’ air su ffisante. Il est im portant que les ca naux de ref r[...]

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    19 F 4.2 CABLES AU D I O Lors de l'ins tallatio n du câbl e audio entr e la sortie cinch de votr e autorad io et l'entr ée cinch de l'amplif icateur à l'int érieur de votre voit ure, a ussi so uvent q ue cela est po ssible, les câb les aud io et alimentat ion ne do ivent pas chem iner sur le m ême côté du véhic ule. Nou[...]

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    20 F 5.4 BASS-BOOST En vous aidan t de la f onction Bas s-Bo ost (4), vo us pouve z obtenir u ne élévat ion ou un é quilibra ge des fr équences de bas ses les plus bas ses. 5.5 SORT IES POUR LE BR ANCHEMENT D’AMPLIFICATEUR S ADDITIONNELS Le signal d ’entrée des branc hements LINE INPUT L et R (2) est dir ectem ent retransm is aux bornes de[...]

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    21 F FIGURE 4 FONCTIONNE MENT MONO A V EC UN AUTORADIO AVEC SORTIE DE SUBWOOFER (1) Vers l’autor adio sor tie de s ubw oofer (2) Subw oofer FIGURE 5 ELEMENTS D’UT ILISATION DE L’ APPAREIL ET ENT REE / SORTIE (1) Sorties pour la conne xion d’ amplific ateurs sup plém entair es (2) Entré e à bas n iveau (3) Régulateur d u niveau d’entr [...]

  • Page 22

    22 NL Geachte MA G N A T - klant, met uw nieu we car hif i eindvers terk er THE RO CK 400 / T HE ROCK 100 0 kunt u op s oever eine wij ze beantwoord en aa n uw ho ge eis en aan d e klank weerg ave in de aut o. De T HE R OCK 4 00 / T HE ROCK 1000 biedt nieu we kwal iteiten o p het gebie d van c ar hif i-weerga ve in d e auto; door de indruk wekk end[...]

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    23 NL THE RO CK 1000 Stereo / Gebrugd Max. uitga ngsverm ogen (1 kHz sinus bur st 2:8, B+=14,4 V) 2 x 320 W / 1 x 1000 W aan 4 ohm Nominaal u itgangs verm ogen (DIN 45 34 2, B+=1 4,4V) 2 x 165 W / 1 x 540 W aan 4 ohm Max. uitga ngsverm ogen (1 kHz sinus bur st 2:8, B+=14,4 V) 2 x 500 W aan 2 ohm Nominaal u itgangs verm ogen (DIN 45 34 2, B+ =14,4V)[...]

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    24 NL 3. BEL ANGRIJKE INSTRUC TIES VOOR DE M ONT A G E • Dit apparaa t is uits luiten d gesc hikt voor de aansl uiting o p een 12 vo lt s ysteem m et negatieve ma ssa. • De warm te die wordt afgeg even bij de krac htafgif te vereist een p laat van m ontage m et voldoende luchtcirc ulatie. H et is v an groot belang dat de k oelri bben van de war[...]

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    25 NL 4.2 A UDIO KABE L Bij ins talla tie van de au dio kabel tus sen de cinch uit ga ng van de aut oradio en de cinching ang va n de versterk er in de auto dient er zo m ogelijk voor ge zorgd te worden dat de audi okabel e n de voedings kabel n iet aan d ezelf de k ant van de auto worden g elegd. Het v erdient de voork eur de k abels ruimte lijk g[...]

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    26 NL 5.3 HOOGDOORLAA TFILTER M ET REGELBARE KANTELFREQUENT IE Als de ver sterk er wordt gebr uik t als vers terk er voor satell ietluids prek ers (midden- /hogetonen luidsp reker s) zet de regela ar (7) da n op „HPF “. St el m et regelaar (5) de g ewens te ka ntelfrequentie in. O p die wijze word en alleen f requenti es boven de ing estelde k [...]

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    27 NL AF B EEL DING 3 BRUGBEDR IJF MET STEREO AUTORADIO Als de versterk er voor het bedr ijf van een su bwoofe r een hog er verm ogen m oet bied en, diene n de aansluit ingen en ins telling en overe enk omstig af beeldi ng 3 te worden door gevoer d. Het gebruik van de diepdoor laatf ilter wordt in hoof dstuk 5.2 beschrev en. (1) Naar de aut orad io[...]

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    28 I Ge ntile cliente M A GN A T, entrando in poss esso del l’am plificatore Car HiFi T HE ROCK 400 / T HE ROCK 1000, Le s ará pos sibile s oddisfar e pienam ente le S ue esigen ze ad alt o live llo per quanto rig uarda la r ipro duzione s onora in a uto. Il THE RO CK 400 / T HE ROCK 10 00 apre nu ove fr ontiere ne lla qual itá della r iprodu z[...]

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    29 I THE RO CK 1000 Stereo / a ponte Potenza d i uscita m ax. (1 kHz burst si nus oidale 2:8, B +=14,4V) 2 x 320 W / 1 x 1000 W su 4 Ohm Potenza i n uscita n om inale (DIN 45 342, B+=14, 4V) 2 x 165 W / 1 x 540 W su 4 Ohm Potenza d i uscita m ax. (1 kHz burst si nus oidale 2:8, B +=14,4V) 2 x 500 W su 2 O hm Potenza i n uscita n om inale (DIN 45 34[...]

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    30 I 3. INDIC AZIONI IM PORT ANTI PRIM A DEL MONT AGGIO • Ques to apparecchi o é adatto unic am ente ad un col legam ento con un s istem a a 12 Volt con m assa negativa. • Il calor e irrad iato d urante l’eroga zione d i pote nza ric hiede un pos to di m ontagg io con una s uffic iente circol a zione d’ aria. É m olto impor tante che l e [...]

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    31 I 4.2 CAVI AUDIO Per l'al lacciam ento del c avo audi o fra il jack di usc ita dell'aut oradio e il jac k d'ent rata a ll'inter no de ll'auto, se possibile, il c avo audio e il cavo di al imenta zione non vanno fatti c orrere lu ngo lo s tesso lato de lla vettura. Co nsigli am o di eff ettuare un'ins talla zione is [...]

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    32 I 5.4 B ASS -BOOST Con l’aiut o della f unzione Bass Bos t (4) v iene rag giunta un’ esalt azione o u na com pensa zione delle fr equenze bas se profonde . 5.5 USCITE PER COLL EG ARE ALTRI AMPLIFIC ATORI Il segnal e d’ingr esso d ei coll egamenti LINE IN PUT L e R (2) viene trasm esso direttam ente a i connettori d’uscit a LINE OUT (1) L[...]

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    33 I FIGURA 4 FUNZION A M ENTO M ONO CON UN‘AUTOR ADIO CON USCITA SUBWOOFER (1) Per l’autoradio, uscita sub woofer (2) Subw oofer FIGURA 5 EL EM ENTI DI COM ANDO E INGR ESSI/U SCITE (1) Uscite per il c o lleg amenti di ult eriori am plif icatori (2) Ingresso a basso li vello (3) Regolatore livello d’ingresso (4) Regolatore Bass Boost (5) Rego[...]

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    34 E Estima do clie nte de M AGNAT: Con el am plif icador HiFi pa ra coches THE ROC K 400 / T HE ROCK 1 000 po drá h acer rea lidad sus altas exigenc ias ref erentes al s onido en su coc he. El TH E ROCK 400 / THE R OCK 1 000 hac e posib le c onseguir una c alidad de r eproducc ión del soni do sin par; bien s ea me diante su im pres ionante reser[...]

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    35 E THE RO CK 1000 Estéreo / Conexi ón en puente Potencia de sali da m áx. (1 kHz Sinus Burst 2:8, B+ =14,4V) 2 x 320 W / 1 x 1000 W en 4 ohm ios Potencia de sali da nom inal ( DIN 45 342, B+=14, 4V) 2 x 165 W / 1 x 540 W en 4 ohmios Potencia de sali da m áx. (1 kHz Sin us Burst 2:8, B+ =14,4V) 2 x 500 W en 2 ohmios Potencia de sali da nom ina[...]

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    36 E 3. INDICACIONE S IM PORT ANTES PREV IAS AL M ONTAJE • Este equi po es ad ecuado s ólo para la conex ión a un s is tema de 12 v oltios c on tier ra negati va. • El calor irrad iado h ace que s ea im portante que in stale el aparato en un lugar c on sufic iente circul ació n de aire. Es m uy important e que las aleta s ref rigeradoras del[...]

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    37 E 4.3 CONEX IÓN DE ALT AVOCES • En el m odo de func ionamie nto norm al (es dec ir, cuand o cada uno de l os altav oces está conectado a un canal am plificador ) la re sistenc ia term inal m ás peq ueña ser á de 2 ohm ios por canal. • En el m odo de funcionam iento de con exió n en puente ( dos salid as de am plific ador interc onectad[...]

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    38 E 5.5 SA LIDA S PA RA LA CO NE XIÓN DE AMPLIFIC ADORES ADICION ALES La señal de entr ada de las tom as LINE INPUT L y R ( 2) se tr ansm ite direc tament e a los pern os de s alida LINE OUT (1) L y R. Las tom as LINE OUT posibil itan la con exión de am plif icadores ad icio nales sin necesid ad de enc hufes en T ni c ables. ILUSTR ACIÓN 1 CO [...]

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    39 E ILUSTR ACIÓN 5 ELEM ENT OS DE M ANDO, ENT RAD AS Y S ALIDAS (1) Salid as para c onectar con am plificador es adic ionales (2) Entrada de bajo nivel (3) Regulador de ni vel de e ntr ada (4) Regulador Bass-Boost (5) Regulad or de f recuenc ia de tr ansición para el paso alto (6) Regulad or de f recuenc ia de tr ansición para el paso b ajo (7)[...]

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    40 P Prezado cliente da M AGNAT, Ao possuir o amplificador de potência para sistemas de Car HiFi THE ROCK 400 / THE ROCK 1000, poderá satisfazer de modo soberano às suas exigências de qualidade de so m no seu veículo. O THE RO CK 400 / THE ROCK 1000 traz uma nova qualidade para Car HiFi em ca rros, sej a através da impressionante reserva de p[...]

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    41 P TH E ROCK 1000 Estéreo / Em brigde Potência máx. de saída (1 kHz sinus burst 2:8, B+=14,4V) 2 x 320 W / 1 x 1000 W em 4 Ohm Potência nominal de saída (DIN 45 342, b+=14,4V) 2 x 165 W / 1 x 540 W em 4 Ohm Potência máx. de saída (1 kHz sinus burst 2:8, B+=14,4V) 2 x 500 W em 2 Ohm Potência nominal de saída (DIN 45 342, b+=14,4V) 2 x 2[...]

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    42 P 3. INFORMAÇÕES IMPORTANTES A SEREM OBSERVADA S ANTES DA MONTAGEM • Este aparelho é apropriado somente pa ra a ligação em um sistema de 12 V com massa negativa. • Oc alor dissipado pela potência exige um local de mo nt agem com suficiente circulação de ar. É m uito importante que as aletas de refri geração do dissipador de calor [...]

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    43 P 4.3 LIGAÇÃO DOS AL TIFALANT ES • No modo operacional normal (que corre sponde à ligação de um altifalante a cada ca nal do am plificador), am enor resistência de terminação por canal é de 2 Ohm. • No regime em brigde (duas saídas do amplificador interconectadas), o valor da menor resistência de terminação é dobrado para 4 Ohm[...]

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    44 P FIG. 1 LIGAÇÕES DE ALIMENTAÇÃO DE ENERGI A / DO ACCIONAMENTO À DISTÂNCI A (1) Terminal de ligação GND para a ma ss a, ligado ao pólo negativo da bateria (2) Terminal de ligação REM par a o accionamento à distânci a (3) Terminal de ligação para a t ensão de +12V da bateria (4) Bateria (5) Fusível integrado no cabo (6) Para a li[...]

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    45 S Bäste M AGNAT – kund ! Ge nom köpet av Car HiFi ef fek tförstärk aren THE ROCK 40 0 / THE RO CK 1000 kan ni til lfredss tälla era höga anspr åk på lj udåtergivn ingen på e tt suver änt sätt. T HE ROCK 400 / T HE ROCK 10 00 öppnar n ya kva lité er inom Car HiFi- ljudåter givni ngen i b ilen, oa vsett om det g äller den enorm a[...]

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    46 S THE RO CK 1000 Stereo / Bryggad Max. utgån gseff ekt (1 k Hz Sinus B urst 2:8, B +=14,4V) 2 x 320 W / 1 x 1000 W på 4 Ohm Nominell utgångsef fek t (DIN 45 342, B+=14, 4V) 2 x 165 W / 1 x 540 W på 4 Ohm Max. utgån gseff ekt (1 k Hz Sinus B urst 2:8, B+=14,4V) 2 x 500 W på 2 Ohm Nominell utgångsef fek t (DIN 45 342, B+=14, 4V) 2 x 260 W p[...]

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    47 S 3. VIKT IGA HÄNVISNING AR FÖRE MO NTAGE • Denna appar at läm par sig endast för anslut ning til l ett 12-Vo lt-s ystem med neg ativ m assa. • Med tank e på strå lnings värm en som utveck las und er drift k rävs det en m ontageplats m ed go d luftcir kulation . Det är m y ck et vik tigt att k ylkroppens kylfläns ar int e liggar an[...]

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    48 S 4.3 HÖGT A LARANSLUT NINGAR • I norm alt driftsläge (d .v.s. e n högtalare p å varje ensk ild förs tärkark anal) är det m insta slutm otståndet 2O hm per kanal. • Ib ryg gad drift (två f örstär karutgån gar ihopk opplade) dubblas det mins ta slutm otståndet till 4 O hm . • It ri -d ri ft sl äge får im pedansen p er k anal [...]

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    49 S BILD 1 STRÖM FÖRSÖRJNINGS- / FJ ÄRRSTYRNINGS ANSLUTNINGAR (1) Anslutn i ngsk lämm a GND för m assa, till b atteriets m inuspol (2) Anslutn i ngsk lämm a REM för fj ärrpåsättning (3) Anslutn i ngsk lämm a för + 12 V batteris pänning (4) Batteri (5) Kabelsäkring (6) T ill aut om atik- antennanslut ningen av bilrad ion Om bilr adio[...]

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    50 RUS У важаемый пок упа тель MA GNA T а , приобретен ие ус и л ителя мощности для автомоб иля св ы с о к о к ачес твенным воспро изведен ием звука THE RO CK 400 / T HE ROC K 1000 даё т Вам возможнос ть уд овл етво ри?[...]

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    51 RUS THE RO CK 1000 Стерео / через перемычк у Макс . выхо дная мощност ь (1 кГц Sinus Burst 2 :8, B+= 14,4 В )2 x 320 Вт / 1 x 1 000 Вт к 4 Ом Номинальная выходн ая мощно сть (DIN 45 342, B +=14,4 В )2 x 165 Вт / 1 x 540 Вт к 4 Ом Макс . выхо дная м[...]

  • Page 52

    52 RUS 3. ВАЖ Н А Я ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ПЕРЕ Д УСТАНОВКОЙ • Это уст р ой с тв о пред назн ач ено исключите льно для подключен ия к 12- вольтной сист еме с отрицате льной массой . • Всвязи св ы д е л е н и е м тепл [...]

  • Page 53

    53 RUS 4.2 АУ Д И О К АБ ЕЛ Ь При мо нта же ау ди ок абеля межд у выходом Cinch автом обильного радио п ри емника ив х о д о м Cinch ус и ли т ел я ва в т о м об иле следи ть за тем , чтобы ау диок абел ь ит о к опо?[...]

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    54 RUS 5.3 ФИЛ ЬТР ВЕРХНИХ ЧА СТОТ СР Е Г У Л И РУ ЕМ ОЙ ПЕР ЕХОДН ОЙ ЧАС Т ОТОЙ Если ус и л итель предназначен для использ ован ия вк а ч еств е ус ил ит еля для сп ут никовых громко говорите лей ( громк?[...]

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    55 RUS РИС .3 РЕЖИМ ПЕРЕМЫЧКИ СА В Т О М ОБИЛЬНЫМ СТ ЕРЕО РАДИО П РИ ЁМН ИКОМ Если ус и л ит е ле м до лжн а быть дост игн ута бол ьш ая мощность дл я эксплу атации громко говор ителя для низк их частот [...]

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    56 CHN ᇞᭀⱘ Mag na t - ⫼᠋ , ᳝њ䕓䔺䷇ડࡳ⥛ᬒ໻ ఼ THE ROCK 400 / T HE ROCK 1000 ˈᙼ֓㛑 ೼䔺ݙ䱣 ᖗ᠔℆ˈএ䗑∖᳔Շⱘ ᪁ ᬒ䷇䋼DŽ᮴䆎ᰃ಴ᅗϡ ৠ޵ડⱘ䍙Ԣ ䷇᠔䳔ࡳ⥛ټ໛ˈ Ԣ༅ⳳ಴᭄ˈ䖬 ᰃخ᱂䗮ⱘ᪁ᬒˈ THE RO CK 400 / THE RO CK 1000 䌟ќ䔺ݙ䷇ડ᪁ᬒ᳔Ӭᮄ䋼䞣DŽᬒ໻఼ҹ?[...]

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    57 CHN THE RO CK 1000 ゟԧໄ / ḹ᥹ ᳔໻䕧ߎࡳ⥛ (1 ग䌿ℷᓺ さথ 2:8, B+ =14,4 ӣ )2 x 320 ⪺ /1x1 0 0 0 ⪺᥹ 4 ⃻ 乱ᅮ䕧ߎࡳ⥛ (DIN 45 324, B+=14,4 ӣ )2 x 165 ⪺ /1x 5 4 0 ⪺᥹ 4 ⃻ ᳔໻䕧ߎࡳ⥛ (1 ग䌿ℷᓺ さথ 2:8, B+ =1 4,4 ӣ )2 x 500 ⪺᥹ 2 ⃻ 乱ᅮ䕧ߎࡳ⥛ (DIN 45 324, B+=14,4 ӣ )2 x 260 ⪺?[...]

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    58 CHN 3. ᅝ㺙ࠡ ⱘ䞡㽕⊼ᛣ џ乍 • ᴀᴎা㛑Ϣ䋳᥹ഄⱘ 12 ӣ⬉ ⑤㋏㒳䖲᥹Փ ⫼DŽ • 䡈Ѣࡳ⥛⍜㗫㗠ᬷ⛁ˈ ᠔ҹ䳔㽕᳝ぎ ⇨⌕䗮㡃དⱘᅝ㺙 എഄDŽ䖬᳝ᵕЎ 䞡㽕ⱘϔ⚍ᰃ : ϡ 㽕䅽ދै఼ⱘ ދै৊⠛䌈 ೼ 䪕Ⲃᵓ៪ϔϾ㸼 䴶Ϟˈ಴Ў䖭ḋ Ӯ䰤ࠊぎ⇨ⱘ⌕䗮DŽϡᕫᇚ ᬒ໻఼ᅝ㺙[...]

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    59 CHN 5. ᪡԰䚼 ӊ੠䕧ܹ / 䕧ߎষ 5.1 䇗㡖䕧ܹ♉ ᬣᑺ 䕧ܹ♉ᬣᑺৃ㒣䇗㡖㗠䗖 䜡৘Ͼ䔺ݙᬊ䷇ᴎ៪ᔩ䷇ᴎDŽᇚᙼᬊ䷇ᴎⱘ ䷇䞣䇗㡖䪂䕀ࠄЁ䯈ԡ㕂ˈ✊ৢ䇗㡖 䕧ܹ⬉ᑇ䇗㡖 ఼ (3) Ⳉࠄ㦋ᕫЁ ㄝ䷇䞣DŽ೼䖭Ͼ 䇗㡖ԡ㕂ϔ㠀㛑ֱ䆕೼᳔Շ ా䷇⬉य़䯈䎱⢊ᗕϟ݋໛䎇 ໳ ⱘࡳ⥛ټ໛DŽ[...]

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    60 CHN ೒ 2 ゟԧໄ䖤԰ ᮍᓣ བᵰ㽕䗮䖛䜡᳝ 2 Ͼ䕧ߎໄ 䘧ⱘᬊ䷇ᴎᴹ᪡ 㒉ᬒ໻఼ˈ㗠Ϩᬒ໻ ఼偅ࡼ 2 Ͼ䷇ㆅˈ 䇋ᣝ೒ 2 ᠔⼎خ৘乍䖲 ᥹੠䇗㡖DŽབᵰЎि᯳ ䷇ㆅՓ⫼ᬒ໻ ఼ˈ䖬᳝঺໪᥹䗮 催䗮Ⓒ⊶఼ˈখ 㾕 5.3 㡖DŽ (1) ᥹ᬊ䷇ᴎ , Ꮊ䕧 ߎ (2) ᥹ᬊ䷇ᴎ , ে䕧 ߎ (3) Ꮊ䷇ㆅ (4[...]

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    61 J ߅ቴ᭽ฦ૏ ࠞ࡯࡮ࠝ࡯࠺ࠖ ࠝ↪ࡄࡢ࡯ࠕ ࡦࡊޔ THE RO CK 400 / THE ROCK 10 00 ߪゞౝߢ ߩ㖸ߩౣ↢ ߦኻߔࠆ㜞 ᐲߥⷐ᳞ߦ૛ߔ ߣߎࠈߥߊᔕ ߃ߡߊࠇࠆ㜞ᕈ⢻ᯏ ߢߔޕ THE RO CK 400 / THE R OCK 1000 ߪૐ㖸ࡃࠬ ↪ߩ಴ജ૛⵨ߩ ᄢ߈ߐޔ㜞⺞ ᵄᱡߩૐߐޔਛ┙⊛ ߥౣ↢ߥߤ⥄ േゞ↪ࡂࠗࡈࠔ[...]

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    62 J THE RO CK 1000 ࠬ࠹࡟ࠝ / ࡉ࡝࠶ࠫ ᦨᄢ಴ജ (1 k Hz ࠨࠗࡦࡃ࡯ࠬ ࠻ 2:8, B +=14.4V) 2 x 320 W / 1 x 1000 W 4 Ohm ቯᩰ಴ജ ( ࠼ࠗ࠷Ꮏᬺⷙᩰ DIN 45 342, B+ =14.4V) 2 x 165 W / 1 x 540 W 4 O hm ᦨᄢ಴ജ (1 k Hz ࠨࠗࡦࡃ࡯ࠬ ࠻ 2:8, B +=14.4V) 2 x 500 W 2 Ohm ቯᩰ಴ജ ( ࠼ࠗ࠷Ꮏᬺⷙᩰ DIN 45 342,[...]

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    63 J 3. ขࠅઃ ߌ೨ߩ㊀ⷐ ߥᵈᗧ • ߎߩ⵾ຠߪࡑࠗ ࠽ࠬࠕ࡯ࠬဳ 12 ࡏ࡞࠻ ࠪࠬ࠹ࡓ߳ߩធ ⛯ኾ↪ߦ⸳⸘ߐࠇߚ ߽ߩߢߔޕ • ಴ജᤨߦ᡼಴ߐ ࠇࠆᾲߩߚ߼ චಽߥⓨ᳇ᓴⅣ߇⏕ ଻ߢ߈ࠆ⸳⟎ ႐ᚲ߇ᔅⷐߣߥࠅ߹ ߔޕ಄ළ↪࡝ ࡉ ߇㊄ዻ᧼߿ߘߩ ઁߩ㕙ߦ⸅ࠇ ߡ޿ࠆߣⓨ᳇ᓴⅣ߇ ៊ߥࠊࠇ[...]

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    64 J 4.3 ࠬ ࡇ࡯ࠞ࡯ ߩធ⛯ • ㅢᏱߩㆇォࡕ࡯ ࠼㧔ߟ߹ࠅฦ ࠕࡦࡊ࠴ࡖࡦࡀ࡞Ფ ߦࠬࡇ࡯ࠞ࡯ ৻ߟࠍធ⛯ߔࠆ႐ว 㧕ߪ࠴ࡖࡦࡀ ࡞ᒰ ࠅߩᦨૐ┵ሶᛶ ᛫ߪ 2O h m ߢߔޕ • ࡉ࡝࠶ࠫࡕ࡯࠼ 㧔ฦޘੑߟߩ ࠕࡦࡊ಴ജࠍ࡚ࠫࠗ ࡦ࠻ߔࠆ႐ว 㧕ߢߪᦨૐ┵ሶᛶ᛫ ߪ୚ߩ 4O h m ߦ ߥ?[...]

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    65 J 5.5 ㅊടࠕࡦࡊ ធ⛯↪಴ജ LINE INPUT ߩਔធ⛯┵ሶ L ߅ࠃ߮ R( 2 ) ߩ౉ജାภߪޔ⋥ធ ޔ಴ജ┵ሶ LINE OU T (1 ) L ߅ࠃ߮ R ߦォ ㅍߐࠇ߹ߔޕ LINE OUT ┵ሶߪㅊട ߩࠕࡦࡊࠍ೎ㅜߩ T ࠦࡀࠢ ࠲࡯ࡊ࡜ࠣ߿ ࠤ࡯ࡉ࡞ߥߒߢធ⛯ ߔࠆߎ ߣࠍน⢻ߦߒ߹ ߔޕ ࿑ 1 㔚Ḯ߅ࠃ߮ ࡝ࡕ࡯࠻ࠬ ࠗ࠶[...]

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    66 J ࿑ 5 ᠲ૞ࠬࠗ࠶ ࠴♽ߣ౉಴ ജ┵ሶ (1) ઁ䬽䭩䮺䮞䬽ធ⛯ (2) ࡠ࡯࡟ࡌ ࡞౉ജ ↪಴ജ (3) ౉ജ࡟ࡌ ࡞⺞ᢛ࠳ࠗࡗ ࡞ (4) ࡃࠬࡉ࡯ ࠬ࠻ࠦࡦ࠻ࡠ ࡯࡜࡯ (5) 䮖䭫䮘䮀↪䭶䮴䮀䭱䯃 䮗䯃๟ᵄᢙ䭺䮺䮏䮴䯃 䮰䯃 (6) 䮴䯃䮘䮀↪䭶䮴䮀䭱䯃䮗䯃๟ ᵄᢙ䭺䮺䮏䮴䯃䮰䯃 ([...]

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    67 1[...]

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    GB F D Wir gratulieren Ihnen! Durch Ihre kluge Wahl sind Sie Besitzer eines MAGNAT HiFi-Produktes geworden. MAGNAT HiFi-Produkte erfreuen sich aufgrund der hohen Qualität eines ausgezeichneten Rufes weltweit. Dieser hohe Qualitätsstandard ermöglicht es für MAGNA T HiFi-Elektronik 2 Jahre Garantie zu gewähren. Die Produkte werden wäh- rend des[...]

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    G ARANTIEKA R TE W ARRANTY C ARD Ty p /T ype Serien-Nr . / Serial-No. Name und Anschrift des Händlers / Stempel Name and address of the dealer / stamp Käufer / Customer Nam e / Name Straße / Street PLZ, Ort / City Land / Country Nur gültig in V erbindung mit Ihrer Kaufquittung! No warranty without receipt! Kaufdatum / buying date[...]

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    Magnat Audio-Produkte GmbH, Lise-Meitner-Str .9, D-50259 Pulheim Te l. ++49 2234 807 0 , Fax ++49 2234 807 399 www[...]