Magnavox 51MP6100Ds manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Magnavox 51MP6100Ds, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Magnavox 51MP6100Ds one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Magnavox 51MP6100Ds. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Magnavox 51MP6100Ds should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Magnavox 51MP6100Ds
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Magnavox 51MP6100Ds item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Magnavox 51MP6100Ds item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Magnavox 51MP6100Ds alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Magnavox 51MP6100Ds, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Magnavox service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Magnavox 51MP6100Ds.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Magnavox 51MP6100Ds item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    51MP6100D 51" Rear Projection TV 3139 125 3482 3 -English 2005- 10-03[...]

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    2 Registering your model with MAGNAVOX makes you eligible for all of the valuable benefits listed below, so don't miss out. Complete and return your Product Registration Card at once to ensure: Return your Product Registration Card today to get the very most from your purchase. For Customer Use Enter below the Serial No. which is located on th[...]

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    3 IMPOR T ANT SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS Read befor e operating equipment 1. Read these instructions. 2. Keep these instructions. 3. Heed all warnings. 4. Follow all instructions. 5. Do not use this apparatus near water . 6. Clean only with a dry cloth. 7. Do not block any of the ventilation openings. Install in accordance with the manufacturers instruct[...]

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    4 C ONTENTS Items Included with This TV As you unpack your TV , please note that this Directions for Use manual contains safety-tip information and Factory Service Center locations, as well as a W arranty Registration Card, and remote control. Please take a few minutes to complete your registration card. The serial number for the TV is on the rear [...]

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    5 F EA TURES Y our new projection television and its packaging contain materials that can be recycled and reused. Specialized companies can recy- cle your product to increase the amount of reusable materials and minimize the amounts that need to be properly disposed. The bat- teries used by your product should not be thrown away when depleted but s[...]

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    R EMOTE C ONTROL B UTTONS Using the Remote Control PIP 2 1 3 5 4 6 8 7 9 0 TV SWAP PIP CH DN UP FREEZE SOUN D MUTE SURF A/CH POWER PICTURE STATUS/ EXIT POSITION VCR ACC MENU/ SELECT VOL CH TV/VCR ACTIVE CONTROL 6 Po wer . b utt on – Pr ess to tur n th e TV ON an d OF F . FO RMA T butt on – Pre ss to tog gle th e dif fer ent sc ree n for mat opt[...]

  • Page 7

    7 O PERATING THE T ELEVISION AND R EMOTE C ONTROL Using the Remote Control TV SWAP PIP CH DN UP FREEZE SOUND POWER PICTURE VCR ACC ACTIVE CONTROL U SING THE TV B UTTONS S hould your r emote contr ol be lost or broken, you can still change some of the basic pictur e and sound settings with the buttons on the TV . Follow the steps below to familiariz[...]

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    8 Using the Installation Menu H OW T O U SE L ANGUAGE C ONTROL F or Fr ench and Sp anis h speak ing TV owne rs an ons cr een Lan guag e optio n is pr esent . W ith the Lan guag e co ntr ol you can set th e TV’ s on-s cr een men u to be sho wn in Engl ish, Fr enc h, or Spa nish . 1 Press the MENU button on the remote control to show the on screen [...]

  • Page 9

    9 P ROGRAMMING P ART 1 - H OW TO U SE THE T UNER M ODE C ONTROL Using the Installation Menu When CABLE is selected, channels 1-125 are available. When ANTENNA is selected, channels 2-69 are avail- able. H ELPFUL H INT T he TUNER MODE contr ol allows you to change the TV’ s input signal to ANTENNA or CABLE, mode. It’ s important for the TV to kn[...]

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    10 Using the Installation Menu P ROGRAMMING P ART 2 - A UTOMATIC P ROGRAM Y our TV can automatically set itself for local ar ea (or Cable TV) channels. This makes it easy for you to select only the TV stations in your ar ea when the CHANNEL (+), (–) buttons ar e pr essed. 1 Make sure the antenna or cable signal con nection has been completed befo[...]

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    11 Skipped channel members will be displayed in red. T o switch between Digital and Analog Channels, use the A/D button on the Remote Control. H ELPFUL H INT C HANNEL E DIT ( ADD OR DELETE CHANNELS ) Using the Installation Menu C h an n e l E di t m a k es i t e a s y f o r y o u t o A D D o r D E L E T E c ha n n e l s f r o m t he l i s t o f c h[...]

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    T he channel NAME featur e allows you to list the “call” letters of your favorite stations beside their channel numbers when they appear on the scr een. The TV has in memory a list of the 50 most popular channel names (NBC, ABC, or FOX, for example). Y ou also can enter a custom name (up to five characters). 1 Press the NUMBER buttons, the CH(a[...]

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    13 Using the Installation Menu A UTO C HRON ™ ( SYNCHRONISATION OF TIME ) T h i s m e n u i s p r e s e n t o n l y f o r d i g i t a l s i g n a l s . A u t o C h r o n ™ s e t s t h e c l o c k o f t h e T V a u t o m a t i c a l l y o r m a n u a l l y . F o r a u t o m a t i c s e l e c t i o n , t h e r e w i l l b e q u e r i e s f o r T [...]

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    14 I NFORMATION B ANNER - C HANNEL B ANNER S IZE W EAK D IGITAL S IGNAL Using the Installation Menu This menu is pr esent only for digital mode. W e a k D i g i t a l S i g n a l f ea t u r e m a k e s i t e a s y f o r y o u t o A D D o r D E L E T E c ha n n e l s w it h w e ak d i g i t al s i g n a l f r o m t h e l is t o f c h a n n e l s s t[...]

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    15 F ACTORY C HANNEL R ESET E MERGENCY A LERT Using the Installation Menu This menu is pr esent only for digital mode. E m er g en c y Al e r t a l lo w s y o u t o d i sp l a y o r d i s c a r d e m e r ge n c y a le r t f o r L o w o r M e d i u m p ri o r i t y . 1 Press the MENU button on the remote control to show the onscreen menu. 2 Pr ess t[...]

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    16 A DJUSTING THE P ICTURE C ONTROLS Pi ct ure -a dju stm en t Op tio ns Re mem ber , wh en th e ba r sca le is cent ere d , th e c on tr ol se tt in gs ar e a t mi d-r ang e lev els . Pic tur e ad jus tmen ts a re de scr ibe d as fo llo ws: BR IGH TNE SS ad ds or sub tra cts li ght from th e dar kes t par t of th e pi ctur e. CO LOR ad ds o r eli [...]

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    17 A DJUSTING THE M ANUAL C ONVERGE C ONTROLS Adjusting the Manual Converge Controls C ONVERGE R ED /B LUE C o nv e r ge nc e i s t h e c o rr ec t li n in g up o f t he r e d a nd b lu e l ig h t p at hs on t he TV sc r ee n. If th e pa t hs d on ’ t l in e up , c ol o r f ri ng es w il l ap pe ar ar ou nd ob je ct s o n sc r e en . If no c ol o[...]

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    M ULTIPOINT R ED /B LUE T h e M ul ti po i nt R ed / Bl u e C on ve r g en c e c on tr ol s e n ab le yo u t o ad j us t t he c on ve r ge nc e at s pe c if i c p oi nt s o n th e T V s cr ee n . N OT E : T he o ns c r ee n di sp la y wi ll le av e th e s c r ee n af te r 2 0 s e co n ds o f i na c ti v it y . I f th is h ap p en s, si mp ly pr es [...]

  • Page 19

    S OUND M ENU C ONTROLS Using the Sound Menu Contr ol T o adjust your TV sound, select and use the Sound Menu Contr ols listed below: 1 T r eble : Press the CURSOR ˙ or ˝ buttons to adjust the control. The control will enhance the high frequency sounds. 2 Bass : Press the CURSOR ˙ or ˝ buttons to adjust the control. The control will enhance the [...]

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    20 H OW TO USE THE T IMER M ENU C ONTROLS Using the Features Menu Y our television comes with an onscr een clock. The TV can also be set to turn on or off at a specific time and tune to a specific channel when it powers itself on. 1 Press the MENU button on the remote control to display the onscreen menu. 2 Press the CURSOR DOWN w button until Feat[...]

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    21 U NDERSTANDING A UTO L OCK ™ Using the Features Menu TV -Y (Al l Chi ldr en) — de sig ned to be app rop ria te fo r all chil dre n, es pec ial ly on es ag es 2 –6. Pr ogr ams ra ted TV -Y ar e not expe cte d to fr igh ten yo ung er ch ild ren . TV -Y 7 (Di re cte d to Ol der Ch ild re n)— des ign ed fo r chi ldr en ag es 7 an d ol der . [...]

  • Page 22

    22 B LOCK C HANNELS P ART 1 - S ETTING U P A N A CCESS C ODE Using the Features Menu • An X appears on screen to confirm the receipt of each digit by the TV as you input your AutoLock™ access code. • Parents, it isn’t possible for your child to unblock a channel without knowing your access code or changing it to a new one. If you discover t[...]

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    23 B LOCK C HANNELS P ART 2 Using the Features Menu A fter your personal access code has been set (see pr evious page), you ar e now r eady to select the channels you want to block out or censor . Once you’ve entered your access code and the AutoLock™ featur es are displayed on the screen: 1 Press the CUR SOR UP v or DOW N w but ton s until the[...]

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    24 B LOCK /C LEAR A LL C HANNELS A T T HE S AME T IME Using the Features Menu A fter blocking specific channels ther e may come a time when you want to block or clear all the channels at the same time. Once you’ve entered your access code and the AutoLock™ featur es are displayed on the screen: 1 For digital mode: Press the CUR SOR DOW N w butt[...]

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    25 M OVIE R ATINGS Using the Features Menu T he AutoLock™ featur e can block programming based on the Movie Industry ratings. Once you’ve entered your access code and the AutoLock™ featur es are displayed on the screen: 1 For digital mode: Press the CUR SOR DOW N w butt on to high- light the words Block by Rating. Press the CUR SOR UP v or DO[...]

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    26 TV R ATINGS Using the Features Menu T he AutoLock™ featur e can block programming based on the TV Industry ratings. Once you’ve entered your access code and the AutoLock™ featur es are displayed on the screen: 1 For digital mode: Press the CUR SOR DOW N w butt on to high- light the words Bl oc k b y R at in g. For analog mode: 2 Press the [...]

  • Page 27

    B LOCKING O PTIONS Using the Features Menu A utoLock™ offers the viewer other blocking fea- tur es as well. W ith these Blocking Options, the censoring can be turned ON or OFF . Once you’ve entered your access code and the AutoLock™ featur es are displayed on the screen: 1 Fo r d ig it al mo de : Press the CUR SOR DOW N w bu tton to high- lig[...]

  • Page 28

    H OW TO USE THE F ORMAT C ONTROL 28 Using the Features Menu M any times while watching movies fr om a DVD player the image is shown in “letter box” format. This is the format that is shown in movie theaters. when shown on a TV scr een, the image will have ar eas of black on top and bottom of the screen. For format 16:9 Zoom and 16:9, after the [...]

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    C LOSE C APTIONING - A NALOG C losed Captioning (CC) allows you to r ead the voice content of television pr ograms on the TV scr een. Designed to help the hearing impair ed, this featur e uses onscr een “text boxes” to show dialogue and conversations while the TV pr ogram is in progr ess. 1 Press the MENU button on the remote control to show th[...]

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    30 C LOSE C APTIONING S ERVICES -D IGITAL Using the Features Menu W hen in digital mode, you can assign display options to your closed captioning options. 1 Pr ess t he ME NU bu tto n on t he re mot e to d isp lay the on scr een menu . 2 Pr ess t he CUR SOR DOW N w butt on un ti l th e wor d F ea tur es is hi ghl igh ted . 3 Pr ess t he CURSOR RIGH[...]

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    31 S MART S OUND ™ Y ou can use the SmartSound™ options to automatically tailor the TV’ s sound for the type of program you ar e watching. The factory has set the VOICE, MUSIC, and THEA TRE options. The settings for the PERSONAL option ar e the ones you select thr ough the onscreen SOUND submenu. See descriptions of the options below , right.[...]

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    32 T ROUBLESHOOTING General Information: Troubleshooting Check This List of Symptoms and Possible Solutions Before Requesting Service Y ou may be able to solve the problem yourself. Charges for TV installation and adjustment of customer controls are not cov- ered under your warranty . If you need to call a customer service representative, please kn[...]

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    33 T ROUBLESHOOTING ( CONTINUED ) Difficulties and Possible Solutions. The picture has no color or colors are not correct • Check to ensure that you have made connections correctly . See pages Connection Guide. • If the picture has red or blue fringes, you may need to adjust the convergence. See page 16. You are not able to get sound • Check [...]

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    34 C ARE AND C LEANING General Information: Care and Cleaning WARNING Concerning Stationary Images on the TV Screen: Do not leave picture border bars or station- ary images on screen for extended periods of time. This can cause uneven picture-tube aging. Normal use of the TV should involve the showing of pictures that contain constantly moving and [...]

  • Page 35

    35 M ODEL S PECIFICATIONS Appendix B Product Type Rear-projection HDTV Television System NTSC standard Channel Coverage VHF: 2–13 UHF: 14–69 Cable TV: Midband Superband Hyperband Ultraband Power Source AC 110V ±10%, 60 Hz Power Consumption 255 W (average), standby <1W Audio Power 2 x 5 W, 100 Hz–10 kHz at 5% THD (flat response), 8-ohm loa[...]

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    36 G LOSSARY OF T ELEVISION T ERMS General Information: Index Alternate Channel • The feature that allows you to toggle between the last two channels viewed by pressing the A/CH but- ton on the remote control. Audio/V ideo Inputs • Jacks (standard RCA), located on the rear of the TV , used for the input of audio and video signals. These jacks a[...]

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    37 I NDEX *Q refers to the Quick Use and Setup Guide that came with your TV . General Information: Glossary of Television Terms A Alternate Channel (A/CH), 6 AP AC™, 5 Audio/V ideo Inputs, 35 AutoChron™ 13 AutoLock™ Control Access code, 22 Blocking channels, 23 Clear All, 24 Movie ratings, 25 No rating broadcasts, 27 On/off control, 27 Setup [...]

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    38 Magna vo x, P .O . Box 520890, Miami, FL 33152 (402) 536-4171 One (1) Y ear Labor & One (1) Y ear P ar ts & One (1) Y ear Displa y Repair MA GNA V O X LIMITED W ARRANTY MA GNA V O X warrants this pr oduct against defect in material or w orkmanship, subject to any conditions set forth as follows: PROOF OF PURCHASE: Y ou must ha ve proof o[...]