Milwaukee Jig Saw manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Milwaukee Jig Saw, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Milwaukee Jig Saw one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Milwaukee Jig Saw. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Milwaukee Jig Saw should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Milwaukee Jig Saw
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Milwaukee Jig Saw item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Milwaukee Jig Saw item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Milwaukee Jig Saw alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Milwaukee Jig Saw, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Milwaukee service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Milwaukee Jig Saw.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Milwaukee Jig Saw item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    2 3 WORK AREA SAFETY ELECTRICAL SAFETY PERSONAL SAFETY W ARNING READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric shock, fi re and/or serious injury . The term "power tool" in all of the warnings listed below refers to your mains-operated (corded) power tool or battery-operated (cordless) power [...]

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    4 5 POWER TOOL USE AND CARE 16. Do not force the power tool. Use the correct power tool for your applica- tion. The correct power tool will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was designed. 17. Do not use the power tool if the switch does not turn it on and off. Any power tool that cannot be controlled with the switch is dangerous [...]

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    6 7 The grounding prong in the plug is connected through the green wire inside the cord to the grounding system in the tool. The green wire in the cord must be the only wire con- nected to the tool's grounding system and must never be attached to an electrically “live” terminal. Y our tool must be plugged into an appropri- ate outlet, prop[...]

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    8 9 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 7 11 5 4 1. T ilt-Lok ™ handle 2. Handle lever release button 3. Handle release lever 4. Bevel scale 5. Bevel pointer 6. Bevel adjusting lever 7. Spindle lock button 8. Depth setting gauge (not shown) 9. T rigger 10. C ord release button 1 1. Depth adjusting lever 12. Front handle 19 18 17 15 20 14 13 12 1 21 22 Cat. No[...]

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    10 11 Adjusting Depth 1. Unplug tool. 2. T o adjust the depth of the cut, hold the saw by the T ilt-Lok™ handle and loosen the depth adjusting lever by lifting it up and away from the shoe (Fig. 5). 3. Raise or lower the shoe to the desired position. Markings in 1/4" increments are located on the inner side of the upper guard for depth setti[...]

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    12 13 Adjusting the Blade to Shoe The shoe has been adjusted at the factory to a 90 degree setting. Inspect the saw regu- larly to make sure the blade is 90 degrees to the shoe. 1. Unplug tool. 2. Set the bevel pointer to zero (Fig. 1 1). Fig. 1 1 3. T o make sure the blade is 90 degrees to the shoe, place saw on the blade side and retract lower gu[...]

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    14 15 General Operation Always clamp the workpiece securely on a saw horse or bench (Fig. 13). See “APPLICA- TIONS” for the correct way to support your work in different situations. 1. Draw a cutting line. Place the front of the shoe on the edge of the workpiece without making blade contact. Hold the T ilt-Lok™ handle with one hand and the fr[...]

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    16 17 Pocket Cutting Pocket cuts are made in the middle of the workpiece when it can not be cut from an edge. We recommend using a Sawzall ® reciprocating saw or jig saw for this type of cut. However , if you must use a circular saw to make a pocket cut, USE EXTREME CAUTION. T o maintain control of the saw during pocket cutting, keep both hands on[...]

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    18 19 W ARNING T o reduce the risk of injury , electric shock and damage to the tool, never immerse your tool in liquid or allow a liquid to fl ow inside the tool. Cleaning Clean dust and debris from vents. Keep the tool handles clean, dry and free of oil or grease. Use only mild soap and a damp cloth to clean your tool since certain cleaning agen[...]

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    20 21 UTILISA TION ET ENTRETIEN DE L ’OUTIL ÉLECTRIQUE 16. Ne pas forcer l’outil électrique. Utiliser l’outil électrique approprié à l’application considérée. L ’outil électrique adapté au projet considéré produira de meilleurs résultats, dans des conditions de sécurité meilleures, à la vitesse pour laquelle il a été con?[...]

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    22 23 • Le silice cristallin contenu dans la brique, le béton et divers produits de maçonnerie. • L ’arsenic et le chrome servant au traite- ment chimique du bois. Les risque associés à l’exposition à ces substances varient, dépendant de la fréquence des travaux. A fi n de minimiser l’exposition à ces substances chimiques, assure[...]

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    24 25 Si l’emploi d’un cordon de rallonge est néces- saire, un cordon à trois fi ls doit être employé pour les outils mis à la terre. Pour les outils à double isolation, on peut employer indif- féremment un cordon de rallonge à deux ou trois fi ls. Plus la longueur du cordron entre l’outil et la prise de courant est grande, plus le [...]

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    26 27 Retrait et remplacement du cordon à verrou Positive-Lok ® (Fig. 1) No de Cat. 6394 Le cordon Positive-Lok ® exclusif à MIL WAUKEE est facile à changer ou rem- placer sur place. Le verrou Positive-Lok ® maintient fermement le cordon fi xé à l’outil. 3. Relevez le garde-lame inférieur en poussant le levier vers le haut. Retirez la l[...]

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    28 29 4. Écartez le levier regleur de profondeur de la lame et abraissez le p our main- tenir la scie á la position désirée. 4. Afin de régler la position de la poi- gnée T ilt-Lok™, empoignez la poignée avant et faîtes pivoter la poignée T ilt- Lok™ jusqu’à ce que vous ayez atteint l’angle dé fi nit par les graduations de régl[...]

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    30 31 MANIEMENT A VERTISSEMENT Pour minimiser les risques de bles- sures, portez des lunettes à coques latérales. Débranchez l’outil avant de changer les accessoires ou d’effectuer des réglages. Causes du retour d’outil et prévention par l’utilisateur : Le « retour d’outil » est une brusque réac- tion au pincement, au coincement o[...]

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    32 33 APPLICA TIONS Sélection des différentes positions de la poignée Tilt-lok™ Grâce aux réglages de la poignée T ilt- Lok™, l’utilisateur peut obtenir des angles d’attaque optimum. Elle est équipée de huit (8) crans de positionnement rapide (Fig. 15). Consultez la section intitulée « Réglage de la poignée T ilt-lok™ » pour [...]

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    34 35 Lorsque vous coupez dans la maçonnerie, utilisez un disque de coupe en carbure de si- licium. Faites successivement des rainures de 6 mm (1/4") jusqu’à ce que la profondeur désirée soit atteinte. Si vous faites des rain- ures plus profondes que 6 mm (1/4") à la fois, vous risquez d’endommager le disque. Nettoyez fréquemmen[...]

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    36 37 ACCESSOIRES A VERTISSEMENT Pour minimiser les risques de bles- sures, débranchez toujours l’outil avant d’y installer ou d’en enlever les accessoires. L ’emploi d’accessoires autres que ceux qui sont expressé- ment recommandés pour cet outil peut présenter des risques. GARANTIE LIMITÉE DE L ’OUTIL DE CINQ ANS Pour une liste c[...]

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    38 39 16. No fuerce la herramienta eléctrica. Use la herramienta eléctrica correcta para la aplicación. La herramienta eléctrica correcta funcionará mejor y de manera más segura a la velocidad para la que se diseñó. 17. No use la herramienta eléctrica si el interruptor no la enciende ni la apaga. Cualquier herramienta eléctrica que no se [...]

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    40 41 13. Causas del contragolpe y formas en que el operador puede prevenirlo: El contragolpe es una reacción repen- tina ocasionada por una cuchilla mal alineada, atascada o apretada que hará que una sierra sin control se levante y se salga del corte, y salte en dirección del operario. Cuando el corte se cierra, la cuchilla se aprieta o se atas[...]

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    42 43 Las herramientas que deben conectarse a tierra cuentan con clavijas de tres patas y requieren que las extensiones que se utili- cen con ellas sean también de tres cables. Las herramientas con doble aislamiento y clavijas de dos patas pueden utilizarse in- distintamente con extensiones de dos a tres cables. El calibre de la extensión depende[...]

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    44 45 ENSAMBLAJE DE LA HERRAMIENT A Para reducir el riesgo de una lesión, desconecte siempre la herramienta antes de fi jar o retirar accesorios, o antes de efectuar ajustes. Utilice sólo los accesorios especí fi camente recomendados. El uso de otros ac- cesorios puede ser peligroso. ADVERTENCIA Fig. 2 Fig. 1 2 1 Remoción y reemplazo de Cable[...]

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    46 47 Fig. 9 Fig. 10 4. Para ajustar la posición de la empuña- dura, sujete la empuñadura frontal y gire la empuñadura T ilt-Lok™ (inclinable- fi - jable) hasta el ángulo deseado, indicado por las marcas de ajuste de rotación de la empuñadura (Fig. 10). La empuña- dura T ilt-Lok™ (inclinable- fi jable) tiene ocho (8) retenes que permi[...]

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    48 49 OPERACION Para reducir el riesgo de una lesión, use siempre lentes de seguridad o anteojos con protectores laterales. Desconecte la herramienta antes de cambiar algún accesorio o de hacerle algún ajuste. ADVERTENCIA Causas del contragolpe y formas en que el operador puede prevenirlo: El contragolpe es una reacción repentina ocasionada por[...]

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    50 51 Freno eléctrico (Cat. No. 6394) Modelos especi fi cas vienen con freno eléc- trico. Los frenos se activan al soltar el gatillo, deteniendo el disco de corte para permitirle continuar con su trabajo. Por lo general, el disco de corte de la sierra se detiene en dos segundos. Sin embargo, el tiempo que transcurra desde que suelte el gatillo y[...]

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    52 53 Fig. 20 Fig. 19 Fig. 18 Cortes interiores Este tipo de cortes se realizan en la mitad del material cuando no puede ni debe cortarse partiendo de una orilla. Reco- mendamos usar una sierra caladora o sierra sable para este tipo de trabajo. Sin embargo, si debe usted usar una sierra cir- cular para hacer este tipo de corte, TENGA EXTREMO CUIDAD[...]

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    54 55 Mantenimiento de las herramientas Adopte un programa regular de manten- imiento y mantenga su herramienta en bue- nas condiciones. Antes de usarla, examine las condiciones generales de la misma. Inspeccione guardas, interruptores, el cable de la herramienta y el cable de extensión. Busque tornillos sueltos o fl ojos, defectos de alineación[...]

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    MIL W AUKEE ELECTRIC TOOL CORPORA TION 13135 West Lisbon Road • Brook fi eld, Wisconsin, U.S.A. 53005 58-14-6390d7 09/05 Printed in USA UNITED ST A TES - MIL W AUKEE Service MIL WAUKEE prides itself in producing a premium quality product that is N OTHING B UT H EA VY D UTY ® . Y our satisfaction with our products is very important to us! If you[...]