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Table of Contents - ii - ·[...]
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Table of Contents - iii - INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1 Discl aimer ..................................................................................................................... .... 1 Tradem arks .......................................................[...]
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Table of Contents - iv - A PPLIC A TIONS ...................................................................................................... 12 Sy stem App lica tions ........................................................................................................ 12 Applicat ions Int erfac es .............................................[...]
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Table of Contents - v - SUPERSET 4015 .................................................................................................................. ........ 34 SUPERSET 4025 .................................................................................................................. ........ 35 SUPERSET 4125 ..............................[...]
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Table of Contents - vi - Mul tipl e Site..................................................................................................................... 64 The Custom er ................................................................................................................... ............. 64 The Probl em .............................[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 1 - Introduction Disclaimer The inf ormation c ontaine d in th is docum ent is b elieved to be ac curate in a ll res pects bu t is not warranted b y Mitel N etwork s TM Corporation ( MIT EL ® ). T he inform ation is s ubject t o change without notice an d should not be c onstrued in an y way as a c omm [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 2 Overv iew Product Overview The Mite l Net works ™ 3300 I ntegrate d Comm unicatio ns Platf orm (ICP) is a Voice over IP ( VoIP) solution f or m edium to large ent erprises and for corporat e enterpr ises with branch off ices. T he Mitel Network s 3300 ICP pr ovides a com plete so lution by deli verin[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 3 - System A rchitecture The 3300 I CP is bu ilt up on Mitel Networ ks Data Integrated Voice Applic ations ™ arc hitectur e. T his approac h uses the I P net work f or connecting IP teleph on y devices and provides a supp lementar y TDM (T ime Divis ion Mult iplexin g) bus f or switc hing c alls bet we[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 4 Sy stem Physical System Features The 3300 I CP com ponents have the f ollow ing com m on physical f eatures: • Externa l Casing - all of the com ponents m ay be stack ed or rac k- mounted (in a 19- inch r ack) • Power Su pply - each uni t has its o wn Stan dard Mal e IEC AC i nput con nector f or p[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 5 - Network Services Units Netwo rk Services Un its The Net work Ser vices Units (NSUs ) pro vide con nectivity to digit al trunk s f or public or private network s. Protoco l support i ncludes D ASS II, PRI , BRI, M SDN/DPN SS, R2, T 1/ CAS, Q. Sig, an d XNET. There ar e three var iants of NSU: • Mite[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 6 For detail ed inf orm ation on the har dware s pecif ications , refer to th e Hard ware User Guide. Mitel Netw orks 330 0 BRI Netw ork Serv ices Unit The Mite l Network s 3300 BR I NSU pr ovides c onnect ivity for Basic R ate ISDN ( BRI) trans port for bo th data and v oice tr aff ic. It is avai lable [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 7 - Mitel Netw orks 330 0 Analog Services Unit The Mite l Net works 3300 AS U is th e On-Prem ises Station ( ONS) Lin e unit and supp orts up t o 24 ONS CLAS S ports . It connects to a 3 300 Control ler b y using a C ategor y 5 UTP cabl e that ter minates on an 8-p in modul ar jac k (R J-45). For detail [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 8 Mitel Netw orks 3200 In tegrated Communicatio ns Platf orm (ICP) The Mite l Network s 3200 IC P data base is converted and res tored to a 3300 ICP databas e, and a ny periphera l cabine ts connecte d to th e FIM por ts on th e 3300 Contr oller . In additio n to the DNIC teleph ones su pported b y the p[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 9 - Redundancy S upport The 3300 I CP can a uto fai l over (r oute) aro und f ailed I P links if provis ioned r edundant ly. Security Toll Control Any com munic ations s ystem that has a com binat ion of Dir ect In ward S ystem Access (DISA), integrate d auto attendant, or RAD gr oups and periph eral int[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 10 Specifications Environment Storage Environme nt for 3300 ICP Components and Peripherals Condition Specification Tem perature 3300 Contr oller: 32 º to 104 º F (0 º to 40 º C) All Other Com ponents: 39 º to 120 º F (4 º to 49 º C) Humidit y 15-95% Rel ative Hum idit y, non-con densing Vibrati o[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 11 - Dimensions and Weights Component Height Width Depth Weight 3300 Contr oller 2.75 in. (7 cm) 19.0 in. (48.3 cm ) 15.5 in. (39.4 cm ) 16.19lbs (7.35k g) 3300 Un iversal N SU 1.75 in. (4.45 cm ) 19 in. (48.3 cm ) 15.5 in. (39.4 cm ) 9.25lb (4.2kg) 3300 R2 N SU 1.75 in. (4.45 cm ) 19 in. (48.3 cm ) 15.5[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 12 A pplications System A pplications Applicatio ns Inte rfaces The f ollowing applicat ion inter faces are sup ported on the 3300 IC P s ystem : • TAP I TM - Microsof t ’ s TAPI ( Telep hony Ap plicati on Program m ing Interf ace) is s upported f or desk top applicat ions or client/s erver a pplic a[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 13 - Management A pplications OPS Manager OPS Man ager is a com plete telec omm unications m anagem ent tool t hat ena bles c ustom ers to contr ol the mainten ance and oper ation of a network of Mitel N etwork s s ystems. Using a s tandar d web browser, an author ized user can perf orm the follo wing fu[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 14 Mitel Netw orks 630 0 Call Record ing So lutions The Mite l Network s 6300 Ca ll Record ing S olutions provide c ontact c enters with the to ols th ey need t o record c alls for liabil ity purpos es and/or eval uate the qua lit y of agents ’ work , measur e perform ance and im prove the r espons e o[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 15 - • Register ed users can program the ir own lis t of f requently c alled num bers and then p lace c alls to those num bers by using spe ech. Mitel Netw orks 650 0 Speech-E nabled Unified M essaging Mitel Net work s 6500 Speech- En ab led Unif ied Mes s agin g is full y integrated with Micr os of t [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 16 Mitel Networks 6100 Contact Center Solutions Mitel Netw orks 610 0 Contact C enter Solution s Mitel N etwork s 6100 Cont act Cent er Soluti ons (CC S) is a su ite of applicat ions that enhanc es the integrate d ACD func tionality of th e 3300 ICP. T hese applic ations en able cust omer s to m aximize [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 17 - Mitel Netw orks 612 0 Contact C enter Schedulin g Mitel N etwork s 6120 Cont act Cent er Schedu ling works in conjunc tion with t he Mit el Netw orks 6110 Contact Cent er Manag em ent applica tion e nabling t he opt im ization of s taffing le vels to matc h busines s needs. Features of this ap plica[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 18 Mitel Netw orks 617 0 Contact C enter Qua lity M onitorin g Mitel N etwork s 6170 Cont act Center Qualit y Monitor ing provi des cont act centers with the tools required to recor d calls f or liabi lity purp oses an d/or evalu ate the qualit y of an ag ents work , meas ure perform ance and impr ove th[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 19 - Desktop A pplicati ons Mitel Netw orks 581 0 PD A A ppli cation The Mite l Net works 5810 PD A Ap plicati on incr eases t he functi onalit y of a Pers onal Di gital As sistant (PDA) with the follo win g applic at ions : • Telepho ny Featur es Integr ation (T FI) gi ves users the f lexibilit y to u[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 20 Peripherals Periphera ls The 3300 I CP s ystem supports an y of the fol lowin g Mitel N etwork s periph eral devices : • Mitel N etwork s 5001 IP Phone • Mitel N etwork s 5005 IP Phone • Mitel N etwork s 5010 IP Phone • Mitel N etwork s 5020 IP Phone • Mitel N etwork s 5140 IP Applianc e •[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 21 - Desktop Mitel Networks 5001 IP Phone The Mite l Network s 5001 I P Phone is a lo w-cost, en try-lev el IP tel ephone that connec ts to a 10/100Bas eT Ethern et network . Features of the telepho ne incl ude: • Three f ixed-f unction k eys • Handset an d Ringer Control • Message W aiting Lamp ?[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 22 Mitel Networks 5005 IP Phone The Mite l Network s 5005 I P Phone is a lo w-cost IP telephon e that con nects to a 10/100B aseT Ethernet network . Features of the te lephone include : • Twent y-character a lpha-num eric liquid cr ystal d ispla y (LCD) • Twent y feature ke ys (6 pre- assigned) • T[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 23 - Mitel Networks 5010 IP Phone The Mite l Network s 5010 I P Phone is a dig ital telep hone th at connec ts direc tly to a 1 0/100Bas eT Ethernet network . Features of the tel ephone include • Twent y-character a lpha-num eric liquid cr ystal d ispla y (LCD) • Seven li ne ke ys, each with a bu ilt[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 24 Mitel Networks 5020 IP Phone The Mite l Network s 5020 I P Phone is a dig ital telep hone th at connec ts to a 1 0/100Bas eT Ethern et network . Features of the tele phone include • Twent y -ch aracter a lpha-num eric LCD with contr ast contr ol • Three s oftke ys for feature ac cess • Fourteen [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 25 - Mitel Netw orks 514 0 IP Appliance The Mite l Net works 5140 I P Applia nce is an exc iting new IP tele phony of fering. It c ombines prove n, high-qua lit y comm unications with sup erior f eatures access for eas y inform ation retr ieva l. This device adds IP v alue to th e desk top by off ering i[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 26[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 27 - Mitel Networks 5410 Progr ammable Key Module The Mite l Net works 5410 Pr ogram mable K ey Modul e provides 12 a dditiona l persona l k eys for a 5020 IP Phone. T hey c an be prog ramm ed as f eature k eys, speedca ll ke ys, Direct S tation Select k eys, or as a line ap pearanc e ke y. Each ke y has[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 28 Mitel Networks 5415 Progr ammable Key Module The Mite l Network s 5415 Pr ogram mable K ey Modul e provides 48 addi tiona l feature k eys for a 5020 IP Phone. T hey c an be prog ramm ed as f eature k eys, speedca ll keys, D irect S tation Select k eys, or as a line ap pearanc e ke y. Each ke y has a L[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 29 - Mitel Networks 5423 IrD A Module The Mite l Net works 5423 Ir DA (Inf rared D ispla y Adapter) M odule is an op tiona l module t hat attac hes to a 5020 IP Phon e. Softwar e mus t also be ins talled on the Palm Personal Digital Assis tant (PD A) operatin g system . A wire less con nection b etween t[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 30 Mitel Networks 5303 Conference Phone The Mite l Network s 5303 Co nferenc e Phone us es Mit el Net work s acoustic beam- forming techno log y to produc e superior perfor manc e. Features of this un it inc lude: • Full Duplex operat ion • Acoustic b eam - form ing that contro ls ne ar end, f ar end[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 31 - Mitel Netw orks 5305 I P Office Con ferenc e Unit The Mite l Network s 5305 I P Off ice Confer ence Unit is a high qualit y confer ence unit that uses acoustic b eam form ing technolog y to ensure s uperi or perfor manc e. The unit is used in conj unction with the 502 0 IP P hone and c onnects b y u[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 32 Mitel Netw orks 5310 I P Board Roo m Conferen ce Unit The Mite l Network s 5310 I P Board Room Conf erence Un it is a h igh qual it y conference unit that us es acoustic b eam form ing technolog y to ensure s uperi or perfor manc e. The unit is used in conj unction with the 502 0 IP P hone and c onnec[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 33 - SUPERSET 4001 The SUP ERSET 400 1 telep hone con nects to t he DNI card in the periphera l cabin et. It is a s ingle-lin e, digital te lepho ne that gives user s bas ic acces s to s ystem f unctionalit y. The SUPERS ET 40 01 telephone has • Seven Speed Ca ll k eys • Four fix ed-func tion ke ys: [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 34 SUPERSET 4015 The SUP ERSET 401 5 telep hone con nects to t he DNI card in the periphera l cabin et. It is a m ultiline, digital te lepho ne with • Twent y-character a lpha-num eric liquid cr ystal d ispla y (LCD) • Seven li ne ke ys, each with a bu ilt-in line sta tus ind icator • Six fix ed-fu[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 35 - SUPERSET 4025 The SUP ERSET 402 5 telep hone con nects to t he DNI card in the periphera l cabin et. It is a m ultiline, digital te lepho ne with • Twent y-character a lpha-num eric liquid cr ystal d isplay (LCD) with co ntrast c ontrol • Three s oftke ys for feature ac cess • Fourteen l ine k[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 36 SUPERSET 4125 The SUP ERSET 412 5 telep hone con nects to t he DNI card in the periphera l cabin et. It is a m ultiline, digital te lepho ne with • Twent y-character a lpha-num eric liquid cr ystal d isplay (LCD) with co ntrast c ontrol • Three s oftke ys for feature ac cess • Fourteen l ine k e[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 37 - SUPERSET 4150 The SUP ERSET 415 0 telep hone con nects to t he DNI card in the periphera l cabin et. It is a m ultiline, digital te lepho ne with • Forty-char acter alp ha-num eric liquid cr ystal displ ay (LCD) with contr ast con trol and s ix touch- sensitive s oftk ey areas for feature access ?[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 38 Consoles SUPERCO N SO L E 100 0 The SUP ERCONSOLE 1000 a ttendant c onsole is used to perf orm c all handlin g func tions as well as some m aintenanc e and adm inistr ative f unctio ns (suc h as m oves and ch anges) . The 4-lin e b y 80- character alphanum eric displa y shows sour ce and destinat ion [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 39 - Mitel Netw orks 5550 I P Consol e The Mite l Network s 5550 I P Consol e is an a dvanced PC-bas ed consol e and a dminis tration applicat ion. It has a hig hly int uitiv e Graphic al User Interf ace (GUI) including s creen based c all stat us and call handlin g prom pts. A te lephon y keypad and dua[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 40[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 41 - A ccessories Mitel Netw orks 330 0 In-Line Power Un it The Mite l Net works 3300 In- Line P ower U nit pro vides power and data c omm unicatio n over an Ethernet network ; it elim inates the need f or AC out lets and AC ada pters for IP tele phones. Each uni t can be us ed to pro vide r emote po wer[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 42 Mitel Netw orks 5485 I P Paging Un it The Mite l Net works 5485 I P Paging Unit is a n opti onal m odule tha t provides paging f unct ionalit y on the syst em. The 5485 IP Pa ging U nit can be a stand- alone or a wall- mounted unit. T here ar e two LEDs that pr ovide basic stat us inf ormation. T he u[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 43 - Network Lines and Trunks Lines The s ystem suppor ts the f ollowing t ypes of internal voice lines: • A 10/100B aseT Ethernet c onnecti on is requ ired for Mitel Ne twork s IP teleph ones t o connect through a n Ethern et LAN to a 3300 Co ntroller. Thes e lines ar e supp orted b y the 3300 c ontro[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 44 • E&M trunk s interf ace to the s ystem using th e E&M tr unk car d in the periphera l cabinet. T he card can be co nfigure d for eit her 2-wir e or 4-wir e operat ion. T ype 1 thr ough T ype V circui ts are supporte d. • Direct In ward Dial an d Tie tru nks interfac e to the s ystem throu[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 45 - ISDN Prim ary Rate Interfac e ISDN Prim ar y Rat e Interf ace (PRI) has becom e the m ost cos t-effec tive enterpris e solu tion for IT manager s respondi ng to inc reased dem ands f or rem ote LAN acces s, Intern et and intr anet ac cess, off-s ite desktop and group v ideo co nferences , and a hos [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 46 Traffic and Performance Specifications Traffic and Performa nce Criteria Result Busy Hour Call Com pletions ( BHCC)* 1.5197 per second 5471 per hour Response T im e Specific ation Dela y to Dial T one 1 s Dial T one Cut Of f Dela y 500 m s Post-Di aling De lay 1.5 s Connectin g Dela y 400 m s Data Blo[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 47 - A ttendant Console Specifications Number of O perators required (at differ ent s ystem traffic rates) ag ainst nu mber of lin es System T raffic 4CC S (Low ) System T raffic 6CC S (M ediu m) System Traff ic 12CCS (High) Lines 25% 55% (typical) 85% 25% 55% (typical) 85% 25% 55% (typical) 85% 1 0 0 12[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 48 LAN/W AN Networ k Confi guration Network G uidelines To m aintain opt imum voice q ualit y, voic e and data traf fic s hould be sep arated as m uch as poss ible. To s eparate voice and d ata traff ic, you can • Run Voic e and Da ta on separ ate Virt ual L ANs (VLAN) • Use a sep arate su bnet for v[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 49 - Features Features of the 3300 ICP Feature N ame: Descriptio n: Account C odes - Default Default Account Codes are e ntered a utom atically b y the s ystem each tim e a user dia ls an ex ternal number . The y may be used to segregat e groups i n SMDR for b illing. Account C odes - Verified an d Non-V[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 50 Feature N ame: Descriptio n: Attendant Ac c es s See Attend ant Direc tor y Number. Attendant Alar m Indications See Attendant Console Stat us Disp la y. Attenda nt Bullet in Bo ar d Bulletin Board is shared by all 5 550 IP Consoles o n the s ystem that have a net work connection. Us e it to post inf [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 51 - Feature N ame: Descriptio n: Attendant L ock out Attendant L ock out prevents the atten dant f rom r e-entering a c all once the at tendant has releas ed. Attendant M essagi ng Attendant M essagi ng lets you acti vate a m essage waiting c onditi on on a stati on from the atten dant conso le. The c o[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 52 Feature N ame: Descriptio n: BRI (Basic Rate In terface) BRI is a b asic ISDN s ervic e consis ting of two 64 Kbps chann els a nd a single 16Kbps c hannel. T his f eature is suppor ted on th e 3300 ICP with the 3300 BRI Network Services Unit. Broadcast G roups See Gro ups - Ke y System and M ultical l[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 53 - Feature N ame: Descriptio n: Call Release See Release. Call Rerouti ng Call Rerouti ng lets t he system redirec t calls to alter nate ans wering points or de vices under s pecifie d con ditions . Call R eroutin g m ay be used to redir ect c alls alwa ys (in Da y, Night 1, a nd/or Nig ht 2 m ode) or [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 54 Feature N ame: Descriptio n: Day/Night Ser v ice C ontro l See Night Ser vice. Dial T one You will norm ally hear co ntinuo us dial tone when you lif t the handset. You wi ll hear disc r im inating dia l tone (a lso cal le d interrupted dial tone) or tr ansfer dial ton e under c ertain co nditions . D[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 55 - Feature N ame: Descriptio n: Emer gency Serv ices Allows a n Em ergenc y Services num ber to be di aled, whic h sends a Custom er Emergenc y Servic es ID (C ESID) f rom the s ystem to the Public Safet y Answer ing P oint (P SAP). T he CESI D is use d as a ke y in th e Autom atic Locat ion Infor mati[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 56 Feature N ame: Descriptio n: Hotline Hotline l imits your access to a designa ted ans wer point. T he system autom atically dials the answer p oint when you go of f-hook . The design ated ans wer po int can b e another station, an attenda nt, a trunk , or a hunt group. Hunt Groups Hunt Gr oups l et yo[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 57 - Feature N ame: Descriptio n: MSDN Re lease Li nk Tr unk This feature allo ws the at tendant to m ak e a call b y using the sam e incom ing trunk. It he lps t o provide c entrali zed attend ant ser vice b y allowing t he atte ndants on the attend ant s ystem to r eroute ca lls without t ying up add i[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 58 Feature N ame: Descriptio n: Off- Hook Voice Announc e Off- Hook Voice Annou nce lets you rece ive a Dir ect Page durin g a handset or headse t call. See Direct Pa ge. Overlap O utpu lsing Overlap Outpu lsing r educes post-dial ing de lay when trunk calls are originat ed. Onc e a route has been determ[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 59 - Feature N ame: Descriptio n: Redial - Saved Num ber Redial - Sa ved Num ber lets you sav e a num ber for future dia ling. The num ber r emains s aved until a replac ement n um ber is saved . Release Release l ets you f orcib ly releas e from an attem pted connect ion to an extern al part y without g[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 60 Feature N ame: Descriptio n: Suite Ser vice Suite Service provides the ab ility to group a n um ber of teleph one lines thr ough int erconn ected hote l/motel r oom s, or s uites, for the purposes of bil ling and s hared t eleph one ser vice. Swap Swap le ts you tem porari ly suspend a tele phone c al[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 61 - Feature N ame: Descriptio n: Trunk Answer From An y Station (TAF AS) Trunk Answer From Any Sta tion (T AFAS) lets you answer an y call that rings a night bell. O nce you answer t he call, you can use an y of the f eatures that ar e norm all y available at the stati on. Trunk Busy-out Trunk Busy-Out [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 62 Solutions Solutio n Ov erv ie w The purpos e of th is sectio n is t o provide exam ples of differ ent custom er r equirem ents and a poss ible solution that coul d be pro vided b y the 3 300 ICP an d Mitel Net work s applica tions . • Standalon e S ite • Multip le S ystem Site • Installed Bas e [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 63 - Managem ent team ed with a M itel Net work s VAR to ev aluate an d implem ent an integrat ed comm unications so lutio n that wo uld m eet their needs toda y and into the f uture. T he found ation of the solution was the M itel Net works 3300 Integra ted Comm unic ations Pl atform (ICP). T he 3300 IC[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 64 Multip le S ite The Cu stomer Excell ent Adver tisin g (EA) is a Par k Av enue adver tisin g firm with a r eputat ion for putting tog ether innovati ve, cutti ng edge a dvertis ing cam paigns. In add ition to its head of fice in N ew Yor k, the y have a large branc h of fice in San F rancis co that ta[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 65 - The So lu ti on Central to the solu tion th at EA ’ s c omm unications servic e provider recom mended was the Mitel Network s 3300 ICP. T he 3300 ICP s upports f lexible n etwork ing as well as natur al speec h reco gnition technolog y, which deli ver tan gible business adva ntages. EA ’ s solu [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 66 Installed Base Migration The Cu stomer Reall y Good Real Estate (R GRE) is a Tor onto based com pany that pr ovides com m ercial real es tate managem ent and l easing. T he busin ess has s een stead y gro wth in the pas t 5 years and n ow managem ent has decided to expand to Europ e. The Pro blem Init[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 67 - Central to RGRE ’ s s olutio n is the Mitel Network s 3300 ICP . The ne w switch in London will be a 3300 ICP with int egrat ed voic e m ail. This system will pro vide hig h qual ity voic e com m unications a nd advanced , integrated appl ications th at scal e as need ed. Sinc e the 3300 ICP is a [...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 68[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 69 - Index 3 3300 ICP Com ponents and Per ipherals ............................................................................................ ... 10 3300 In-L ine Power Unit ........................................................................................................ ............... 41 A ACD[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 70 L LAN/W AN ........................................................................................................................ ...................... 48 3300 ICP as a Back up W AN ....................................................................................................... ...... 48 Net[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 71 - U User Guid es .................................................................................................................... ...................... 19 Guides .......................................................................................................................................[...]
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General Inf orm ation Guide - Releas e 3.1 - 72[...]