Mitsubishi WD-Y57aa manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Mitsubishi WD-Y57aa, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Mitsubishi WD-Y57aa one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Mitsubishi WD-Y57aa. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Mitsubishi WD-Y57aa should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Mitsubishi WD-Y57aa
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Mitsubishi WD-Y57aa item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Mitsubishi WD-Y57aa item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Mitsubishi WD-Y57aa alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Mitsubishi WD-Y57aa, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Mitsubishi service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Mitsubishi WD-Y57aa.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Mitsubishi WD-Y57aa item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    5. DL P ™ HIG H - D EF INITIO N TELE VISION MODEL S W D -Y 5 7 aa W D -Y 6 5 W D-5 7 7 3 2 W D - 6 573 2 W D - 7373 2 O W N E R ’ S GU I DE • Forquestio ns: - CallCons umerRe lationsat 8 0 0 - 3 32-21 19. - E-mailusa tMDE As er vic e@mde - Visi tourwebsiteatw w w .mit subishi -tv .com. ?[...]

  • Page 2

    Thelightni ngflas hwithar rowheadsymb olwithinane quilatera ltrian gleisintende dtoaler ttheu serofthe pres enceofunin sulated“dange rousvoltag e”withintheproduc t’ sencl osurethatm aybesuf fic ientmag ni - tudetoconsti tuteariskofel[...]

  • Page 3

    For Y ou r Rec or ds Rec ordthemod elnumbe r ,ser ialnumb er ,an dpurcha sedateofyourT V .Th emodela ndser ialnumb er sareonthe backoftheT V .R efertothispagewhe nreque stingas sist ancew iththisT V . MOD EL N UM BE R (che ck o ne): W D- Y57 W D[...]

  • Page 4

    Contents Impor tant In forma tion About Y our T V Gen eralWarnin gsandCau tions,NotesonIn stall ationandO per ation ........................... 6 Clea ningRec ommen dations ............................................................. 7 Impor tantS afegua rds ............................................................[...]

  • Page 5

    Chap ter 5: T V Menu Settings 3DGra phica l MenuSy stem .................................................... 6 0 Main Me nu .......................................................................... 6 1 SetupMe nu ......................................................................... 6 2 NetCo mmandM enu ....................[...]

  • Page 6

    6 Impor tant Informat ion Ab out Y our T V Impo r ta nt In format ion A bou t Y o ur T V W ARNING :Thisprod uctco ntainsc hemic alskn owntotheStateofCaliforniatocaus ecanc erand / orbir thdefec tsor otherrep roduc tiveharm. CAU TI O N : TOPRE VENTELECTRICSH OCK ,MA TCH[...]

  • Page 7

    Impor tant Informat ion Ab out Y our T V 7 T V Sof t ware Una uth orized Software Donotat tempttoupdatethesof t wareofthisT Vwi th sof t wareorcar dsthataren otprovidedbyorauth orized byMitsubishiD igit alElec tronic sAme rica ,Inc.Non- autho - rizedsof t ware[...]

  • Page 8

    8 Impor tant Informat ion Ab out Y our T V 8 Impor tant Informat ion Ab out Y our T V Impor tan t Safe guard s Pleasere adthefollowingsafe guard sforyourT Va ndretai nforfuturerefe rence.A lwaysfollowallwarningsan dinstru c - tionsma rkedonthetelevision. 1 . Read, R eta in a nd Fo[...]

  • Page 9

    Impor tant Informat ion Ab out Y our T V 9 Impor tant Informat ion Ab out Y our T V 9 Impor tan t Safeg uards , cont inu ed 1 2 . Power Lin es Anou tsidea ntennasystemshoul dnotbeloc atedinthevicini tyofoverhe adpowerlinesoroth erele ctri clightor powercircuit s,orwhe reitca[...]

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  • Page 11

    1 T e le vis ion Ov er v iew Package Content s .................................. 1 2 Sp ecia l Featur es of Y ou r T V ............................ 1 2 T V Front Panel ..................................... 1 4 T V B ack Panel ..................................... 1 6 Cabl eC ARD ™ T ech nology ............................. 1 8[...]

  • Page 12

    12 Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view Packa ge Contents Pleaset akeamomenttoreviewthefollowinglistofitemstoens ure thatyouhavereceivedever y thing. 1 1 . Rem ote Co nt r ol 2 . T wo A A B at te ri es 3. T wo -E n de d IR E mi t ter 4. Ow ne r ’s Gui de 5. Qu ic k Refe r enc e G ui de 6. T V G ui d[...]

  • Page 13

    Chapter 1 . T el evision Over view 13 one -waydigitalsigna lswiththeuseofaCa bleCAR D secu rit ymodu le.TheCabl eCARDisu sedinp laceofa tradition alcab leboxtoaccessdi gitalc ablepr ogra mming (inclu dinghighdef inition).Contactyourloc alca ble?[...]

  • Page 14

    14 Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view Lif t cover to us e fe atur es on the fr ont pa nel. T V Front P ane l A/ V Rese t IfyouwishtoresettheA / V(Au dio/ V ideo)set tingsba ckto thefactor yd efaults: • T ore setallse tting satonce,pre ss GUIDE and FORMA T on thefrontp[...]

  • Page 15

    Chapter 1 . T el evision Over view 15 F ront-Panel In dic ator s POWER/ TIME R Indicat or LED Color TV Condition Additional Information Non e T Visp ow ere dof f. Normalop eratio n. Gr ee n T Visp ow ere don. Nor malop eration. Gr ee n 1 . T Vju stplugg edintoACoutlet. Waituntilblinkingstopsb ef[...]

  • Page 16

    16 Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view 1$ %7 * "6 %*0 "6%*0 065    $0.10/&/5   */165 .0/*503 065  )%.*%7*"6%*0 "/5."*/ "/5"69 *&&& %*(*5"- "6%*0 065 )%.* 1$%7*   7*%&0 -&'5 3*()5 -&&ap[...]

  • Page 17

    Chapter 1 . T el evision Over view 17 4. COMPON ENT Inp uts (COM PON ENT 1 a n d 2 on WD - Y57 , W D- Y65 ; COM PON ENT 1– 3 on W D -57 732 , W D - 6 5732 , WD - 7373 2 ) (Au d io an d V id eo) Y Pb Pr (4 8 0 i/48 0 p/ 72 0 p/1 0 8 0 i) Usethes ejackstoconne ctdevic eswithco mpone ntvide o outputs ,sucha sDVD?[...]

  • Page 18

    18 Chapter 1 . T elevision Over view Cabl eCARD ™ T echn ology CableCAR Disanationwidesystems tanda rdthatallows yourloca lcableT Vprovide rtosupplyyouwithana cces s cardc ustomizedtoyouracco unt.Thisc ardallowsyour T Vtorec eive,decode,a ndunsc [...]

  • Page 19

    2 T V Con nec t ions Conn ect ion T yp es ................................... 2 0 Digi tal V id eo an d Home Reco rdi ng ....................... 2 1 HDT V Cabl e Box or Satelli te Recei ver with Co mpon ent V ide o .... 2 1 St and ar d Cabl e Box, Satel lite Rec eiver , or O th er Device w it h S -V i d e o ........................................ [...]

  • Page 20

    20 Chapter 2 . T V Connections Conn ect ion T y pes Video and Combin ed Audio /Video Connection s The sedes cription sapplytoT Vv ideoonl yanddonotc ov ersi gnalsf romper son alcomp uters . Picture Quality (most sources) Name Signal T ype Figures (not to scale) Additional Information Best (carr yhig h- d[...]

  • Page 21

    Chapter 2 . T V Connections 21 Digi tal V id eo and H ome Recording Theta blebel owwillhelpyoudecidew hicht ypeofc onnec tiontousefordigi talvide o.Digita lvideoc ome stoy our homeinaco mpres se dstate,whethe rrece ivedonrec orde dmedia(e.g .,disc)[...]

  • Page 22

    22 Ch apter 2 . T V Connections Standar d Cable B ox, Sate l li te R ec e iv e r , or O t h e r D e v ic e w i t h S -V i d e o Requi red:S-Vide ocablea ndlef t /righta nalo gstereo audioca bles. 1 . Conne ctthec ablefr omtheouts idecab leorsatellite ser v iceto CABLE I N or SA TE[...]

  • Page 23

    Chapter 2 . T V Connections 23 A n t e n n a s w i t h Se p a ra t e U HF a n d VHF Leads Requir ed:UHF / VH Fcombine r Thisisnotin clude dwiththeT V ,b utisavailableatmo st elec tronic sstores. 1 . Conne cttheU HFandVH Fantennale adstotheUHF / VHFco mbiner . 2. [...]

  • Page 24

    24 Chapt er 2 . T V Connections VC R to a n Ant enn a or W all Out le t Cable Requir ed:T wo-wayRFsplit ter ,3coa xi alcab les,ri ghtand lef tana logaudioc able s,eithe rS-vide oorvide ocab le. The searenotinc ludedw iththeT Vbu tareavailableat moste lectr [...]

  • Page 25

    Chapter 2 . T V Connections 25 VC R to a C able B ox (Au dio & Video ) Requir ed:T wo-wayRFsplit ter ,4coa xi alcabl es,ri ghtand lef taudioc able s,S-Vide oorcom positevide ocab le,plus comp onentorS -Videoc able sandaudi ocable srequi red toconnec ttheT [...]

  • Page 26

    26 Ch apter 2 . T V Connections D VI V i d e o D e v i ce ( C a b l e B o x, Sat ellit e Receiv er , D VD Pla yer , or Oth er Devi ce) Ana logstere oaudioca blesa ndaDVI-to-H DMIcab leor DVI/HD MIadapteran dHDMIca blearere quire d.These arenotincl udedwi ththeT V .Th eyma[...]

  • Page 27

    Chapter 2 . T V Connections 27 D VD Pla yer w ith C ompon ent Video Compo nentvid eoca blesa ndanal ogaudioc ablesa re require d.The searenotinc lude dwiththeT V . 1 . Conne ctthec ompon entvide ocab lesfro m Y PB PR VI DEO OU T onthebackoftheDVDplayerto[...]

  • Page 28

    28 Ch apter 2 . T V Connections Older Cab le Bo x Requir ed:3coa xialc able s,onet wo-wayRFsplit ter . The searenotinc ludedw iththeT V . Whenthi ssetupiscom plete,youcanusetheT Vrem ote control,whe nprog ramm ed,tochangec hannel sonthe cable[...]

  • Page 29

    Chapter 2 . T V Connections 29 IEEE 1 3 9 4 Devi ces Compa ti ble IE EE 1 39 4 Device s Compatib leA / Vdevic esincl udesome,bu tnotall,cabl e box es,D -VHSVCRs,A / Vdis cs,a ndfuturep roduc ts. Somedevic esmayhaveIEEE1 3 94conne ctor sbuta renot compa tiblewith?[...]

  • Page 30

    30 Chapter 2 . T V Connections IEEE 1 3 9 4 Devi ces , con tin ued Tips for Con nectin g IEEE 139 4 D evi ces • Donotloo pthelast deviceinthech ainback totheT V .Whenth e devicecha inisloop ed, theT Vmaynotb eable toworkwiththeother devi ce s. • P[...]

  • Page 31

    Chapter 2 . T V Connections 31 IR E m i tt e r Ne t C o m m a n d® a n d TV Guide On Scr een An IR e mi tte r c abl e is in cl ude d with th e T V . TheNe tComm andsystemus esemit ter sconn ecte dto the IR E MIT TE R jacktocontrolothe rdevice ssuch asVCRs,DVDplayers,c ableboxes,ands[...]

  • Page 32

    32 Chapt er 2 . T V Connections Q. My VCR (or ot he r dev ic e) doe s not h ave t wo set s of s te re o au di o ou tp ut s . How ca n I co nn ec t t hi s dev ic e’ s au di o to bot h t he T V a nd t he A / V Re ce iver ? A.  Y oune edtoconne ctthedevic etotheT Vandth enmakechang estotheA / Vre ce[...]

  • Page 33

    3 T V S etu p Gui del ines for S et t ing Up a nd Usi ng Y ou r New Wid escr een T V ... 3 4 Whe n Y ou Fir st Pow er O n th e T V ........................ 3 6 Using t he T V ’ s S etu p Men u ............................ 3 6 Whe n Y ou Fir st Co nnec t a Device ........................ 3 9 Init ia l NetCo mman d® S etu p .......................[...]

  • Page 34

    34 Ch apter 3 . T V Setup Get t ing S ta r ted 1.  Readthes ectio nentitle d “I mp or t a nt I nfo rm at io n Ab ou t Y o ur T V ” sta r tingonpag e6. 2.  C hoosealo cationforyourT V . • Allowatlea stfourinc hesofspa ceonallsid esof theT Vtohelppr eve[...]

  • Page 35

    Chapter 3. T V Setup 35 Inst allin g th e Remo te Con trol Bat te r ie s 1 . Removetheremotecontro l’ sbackc ov erbygentl y pres singinthet abandlif tingof fth ecover . 2. Loadthebatter ies,ma kingsu rethepola rities(+ )and (- )a recor rec t.Forbest[...]

  • Page 36

    36 Ch apter 3 . T V Setup When Y ou F irst Pow er On th e T V Choosi ng a La nguag e for Men us WhenyoupowerontheT Vforthef irsttim e,youcan sele cteith erEnglisho rSpanis hforallme nus.Y o ucan latercha ngethelang uagethrou ghtheSetupme nu. Figur e 1 . Th e W[...]

  • Page 37

    Chapter 3. T V Setup 37 Note: • IfusingaCab leCARD™ ,theco mpletelistof availablechan nelsispr ovidedthrou ghthe CableCAR Dandthe A NT 1 optionisg rayedout. • IntheT VG uideOnS cree n®system,thecha n - nelsdisp layedandtheord erinwh[...]

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    38 Chapter 3. T V Setup Set Da y Sele ctthedayordaysthattheT Vwilltur nonautomati - cally .Press o r toselec t Daily , Mon-Fri (Monday throughFriday),orindividualdaysofthewee k.Pres s to movet othe Time box. Set Time Withthehou rhighlig[...]

  • Page 39

    Chapter 3. T V Setup 39 When Y ou F irst Conn ect a Devi ce Dur ingtheinitials et -uppr oce ssforadevic e,theT Vwill: a. detec tthecon nec teddevice b. promptyoutoidentif ythedevic ebyname c. promptyoutoper for mNetC omman dset-upfor thedevice,ifapp l[...]

  • Page 40

    40 Ch apter 3 . T V Setup IEE E 1 3 9 4 Conne ct ions TheNew1 394Devic escre enapp ear sifyouconn ected anIEEE1 394d evice.Seef igure7 .I EEE1 3 94device sare automatica llyunde rNetCo mmandc ontrol.TheT Vca n reco gnizeuptosevenIEEE1 39 4dev[...]

  • Page 41

    Chapter 3. T V Setup 41 Chapter 3. T V Setup 41 NetCo mman d Sp ecia lized Devic e K eys Refertothischa r twhen“l ear ning”devicekeys.Writeinfunctionsyouas signtothe F1 – F4 keys. * The se a re p air ed f unctio ns (e.g. Pow er a nd Power Of f ). When th e orig in al r emote co ntrol u se s a[...]

  • Page 42

    42 Chapter 3. T V Setup 3. IntheAutoInputse nsingsc reen(se efigure8),high - lightthe Learn buttonandp res s ENTER toopenthe Lear nscre enforthed evice(seefig ure9). NetC omma nd “L earn” bu tto n Name you s ele ct for the d evice Figur e 8. H igh light th e Auto I[...]

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    Chapter 3. T V Setup 43 I n i t i a l N e t C o mm a n d ® Se t u p , c ont inu e d 7 . Pres sthe keysontheT V ’ sre motecontrol tohighlightotherkeysonthelist.Re peats teps4 and5fore achadditio nalfun ctionyouwishtocontr ol throughN etComm and. 8. [...]

  • Page 44

    44 Chapter 3 . T V Setup A d d i t i o n a l S e t u p U si n g t h e NetC omma nd Men u, contin ued Figur e 1 2. T V Gu ide O n Scr ee n setu p 3. Sele ctpro grams ource sforthelisting s.Y ouc an sele ctoneover -the -airs ourcea ndoneca blesou rce forT VG uideOnS cree n.If ,?[...]

  • Page 45

    Chapter 3. T V Setup 45 soundsu chasD olbyDigita lorDTSdirec tlytotheA / V rece iver ,bypass ingtheT Ve ntirely .ADVDplayeris use dinthisexample. Itisalsop ossib leforyoursetuptoinclud etwo(or more)devicesw ithdigita lsurro undsou[...]

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    46 Ch apter 3 . T V Setup A d d i t i o n a l S e t u p U si n g t h e NetC omma nd Men u, contin ued Part 2 : Learn A/V Receiver Pow er and V olume K eys 1 . Pres s tohighlightthec heckb oxfor Po wer O n . 2. P res s ENTER ontheT V ’ sre motecontrola ndwhilethe text Power O n isfl[...]

  • Page 47

    T V O pe rat io n and Featur es Remote Cont rol .................................... 4 8 Choosi ng a Progra m Sou rce ........................... 5 0 Cha nnel V iew ™ Ch ann el Lis ti ngs ........................ 5 0 St atu s Dis pl ay ..................................... 5 1 Sp lit Sc re en ....................................... 52 T V S ign a[...]

  • Page 48

    48 Chapter 4. T V Op eration and Feat u res Remo te Con trol Overview Figur e 1 , nex t p age 1 . S l id e Sw itc h: S elec tstheA / Vdevicetobecon trolled bytheremotecontrol.Setth eslideswitchto TV for oper ationoftheT V ,N etCom mand- co ntrolledd evices, andIEEE?[...]

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    Chapter 4. T V Oper ation and Fea tures 49 22 28 10 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 24 23 26 27 25 16 17 11 12 13 14 15 5 6 18 19 20 21 Figur e 1 . Re mote Contr ol Ove r view Sl eep Tim er Se t t ing t h e Sl e ep Ti me r 1 . Pres s SLEEP ontherem otecontrol. 2. P res s SLEEP addition altimestoincre asethetim ein 30 -[...]

  • Page 50

    50 Ch apter 4 . T V Op eration and Feat u res Choo sing a P rogram Source NOTE:  Ifyouronlyviewingsourcesar econnectedtothe ANT 1 and ANT 2 antennajacks,youcanswitch inputswithouttheInputSelectionmenu.Press INPUT toswitchbetween ANT 1 and ANT 2 .T [...]

  • Page 51

    Chapter 4. T V Oper ation and Fea tures 51 S t atu s D i s p l ay Theon -scre enst atusdispl ayappea rswh enyouturnon theT V ,cha ngeinpu ts,chan gechan nels,orp res sthe IN FO but tonontheremotecon trol.Themos tcomm ondisplays areshownbe low .Sel dom[...]

  • Page 52

    52 Chapt er 4 . T V O per ation and F eatures Split Scr een SplitSc ree nallowsyoutoviewpicturesfr omtwodif fere nt sourc esatthes ametime.Spli tScre enisavailablewh en youhav evide osourc esco nnec tedtotheT Vinadditio nto  conne ction son ANT [...]

  • Page 53

    Chapter 4. T V Oper ation and Fea tures 53 T V In put s for Sp lit Sc ree n TheavailableS plitScre enpi cturesou rcesa relistedbe low . Dis play c hoic es. Pr es s the FORMA T key re pea tedl y while in S plit Sc re en m ode to view di f fer ent d ispl ays. Sp lit Sc ree n Dis plays Su b -P ic t ur e Main Picture ANT 1 AN[...]

  • Page 54

    54 Ch apter 4 . T V Ope ration and Fea tures T V S ign als an d D ispla y Forma ts Thisisawi desc reenT V ,als oknownasa1 6:9T V .T his shap erefle ctsthenewt ype sofimage savailablefrom HDT Vandm anyDVDs.The rearestillm anyolders ty le nar row-scree [...]

  • Page 55

    Chapter 4. T V Oper ation and Fea tures 55 03*(*/"-4*(/"- /POBOBNPSQIJDPS4% 03*(*/"-4*(/"- "OBNPSQIJD%7% 57%JTQMBZ 4UBOEBSE OPUSFDPNNFOEFEEJTUPSUFE 4USFUDI OPUBWBJMBCMFGPS )%4%PS BOBMPHQJ SFDPNNFOEFEGPSTUB[...]

  • Page 56

    56 Ch apter 4 . T V Op eration and Feat u res Memor y Card Pla yback Memo r y Car d Reade r (mod el s WD - 57732 , WD - 6 573 2 , WD - 73 732 ) Inser tin g a memor y card 1 . Inse r taca rdintoamatchingcards lotonthefro ntof theT V .Besu retousethecor rec tcar dslot.Se et[...]

  • Page 57

    Chapter 4. T V Oper ation and Fea tures 57 Playing Au dio Using t he Au dio Play list Menu 1 . Pres s GUIDE todisplaythePlaylistmenu. 2. P res s tosele ctdif fe renttrac ks; CH  / chang espage softhePlaylist.Use togotothe fir sttracko nthepagean d [...]

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  • Page 59

    5 T V M enu S et t ings 3D G ra ph ical M enu S yst em ..................... 6 0 Mai n Menu ........................................ 61 Set up Me nu ....................................... 62 NetCo mman d Men u ................................. 62 Cha nnel M enu ..................................... 6 4 Capt ions M enu .............................[...]

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    60 Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings Men u Scr eens Apicture( icon)ishighligh tedonthemenu scre enwhe nsele ctedwiththedire ctio nal arr ows .Y oumaythe nmake chang eswithintheme nuoracc es ssub- menus ,ifavailable. Y ouc analsoo pensub -m enusfro ma[...]

  • Page 61

    Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 61 Setup Seec hapter3,“T VSetup, ”foruseoftheS etup me nu.  Sele ctEnglis horSpan ishforme nusand on-s cree ndisplays.  Memo rizetheavailablecha nnelsforthe antennaorc ablese r vic econne ctedtothe ANT 1 and ANT [...]

  • Page 62

    62 Chapt er 5 . T V M enu Settings Set up Menu Seec hapter3,“T VSetup, ”foruseoftheS etupmenu. NetC omma nd Men u Thefeatu resde scrib edinthisse ctio nareavailableevenif youhav enotpe r form edNet Comma ndsetup.Seec hapter 3,“T VS etup, ”foro[...]

  • Page 63

    Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 63 T o R ep lac e On e Dev ic e wi th A no th e r on a n In pu t Jack 1 . Dis conne ctthedevic eyouwishtoremovefromthe T V. 2. Connectth enewdevicetothevacatedjack . 3. Ope ntheInputNa memenuf romtheNet Comma nd men u. 4. Selec tad[...]

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    64 Ch apter 5 . T V Menu Set tings Ch ann el Menu Settings for the Channel Number Shown F AV Memory Banks Signal-Strength (digital channels only) Figur e 6. C han ne l men u Ante nna (Cha nne l Men u) Sele cteith er 1 ( ANT 1 M AI N )or 2 ( ANT 2 AUX )asthe antennaso urceforthec hanne lsyouwishtoed[...]

  • Page 65

    Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 65 F A V (Chann el Me nu) TheF A Vfe atureletsyoustoregr oupsoffavoritechanne ls inuptoninedif ferentFA Vm emor ybanks.Forexample, eachho useh oldmemb erca nstorefavoritechanne lsin theirownbanko ryoucanstoregro u[...]

  • Page 66

    66 Chapter 5 . T V Menu Settings Cap tion s Menu Foranalo gchanne ls,broa dcas tersc ansen deithers tan - dardcl osedc aptionso rtextser v ice.Sta ndardc lose d caption sfollowthedialogu eofthechara cter sonscre en anddisp layinasmallse ctionofthes cr[...]

  • Page 67

    Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 67 Cap tion s Menu, con tin ued Size Sele ctthede siredfo ntsize.Lar geistherec omme nded fontsize. Color Theavailablefon tcolor sarelis tedbelow .T exta ndback - groundc annotb esettothesamec olor . Wh ite Ye l l o w Black Gre en Magent[...]

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    68 Chapter 5. T V Menu Setti ngs Paren tal Lock Men u ThePare ntalLo ckmenugivesyouco ntroloverthreedif - ferentt yp esofpare ntalc ontrols.Y oumus tuseapa ss codetoope nthismenutoena ble/disabletheloc koptions.  Thethre epare ntalc ontrolsavail[...]

  • Page 69

    Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 69 U.S. Ratin gs Menu Usethisme nutoturnU.S.ratingrestri ctionso norof fand tochangethep ermi ttedr atinglevels. U.S. Restric- tions On/Off TV Rating and Supplemental Restrictions Restriction Hours Movie Rating TV Content Categories Figur e 1 0. U.S. Rati ngs m enu 1 .?[...]

  • Page 70

    70 Chapter 5 . T V Menu Set tings Paren tal Lock Men u , con tin ued 1 . Highlightth ebut tonlabelle d O th er R at i ng s onthe Parenta lLockme nu(seefigu re9)andpre ss ENTER to openth eOthe rRatingsme nu(seefig ure1 1 ). 2. P res s toselect On or Of f [...]

  • Page 71

    Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 71 T V Rat in gs TV ratingsa pplytoT Vpr ogra msandm ade -for - T Vmovie s. Y ouc anappl ysupple menta lblock ingtoT Vrating sbase don theT Vc ontentcatego rie sdesc ribe dbelow .T Vrating sare: T V- Y Y outh.Forchil drenu[...]

  • Page 72

    72 Chapter 5 . T V Menu Set tings Audio /Video Menu Figur e 1 2. Audi o/Vide o Me nu A / V M emor y Reset A / VMe mor yR eseta llowsyout ores etaspe cificinp ut’ s A / Vs ettin gstotheorigina lfactor yse ttin gs.Highligh tthe boxandpres s tosele cttheinpu tname[...]

  • Page 73

    Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 73 • T ore ceivethebe stfide lit ywithmusicp rogr ams, chang ethisset tingto Off . • Whenc onne ctingtoanA / Vrece iver ,set Leve l Sound to Off andturnof ftheT Vspe akerstosen d fulldyn amicstotheA / Vrec [...]

  • Page 74

    74 Ch apter 5 . T V Menu Set tings Audio /Video Menu, con tin ued Vi deo S et ti ngs Enterthevide oadjustm entmod eusingei thertheAudio/ Vide omenuo rthe VIDEO key .Pres sthe VIDEO keyrepeatedly tocyclethroughthevide ooptionstotheoneyouwantto chang e.[...]

  • Page 75

    Chapter 5. T V Menu Settings 75 Audio /Video Menu, con tin ued ◊ D ee pFi el d™ Ima ge r (mod el s WD - 57732 , WD - 6 5732 , WD - 7373 2 ): When On issele cted,the blacklevelsared ynami callye nhanc edinpo r tionsof thescre entoprovidestro ngcontr astwithde tailover mixedscre[...]

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  • Page 77

    6 NetComma nd F u nct ion s NetCo mman d- Cont roll ed Devices a nd t he I npu t Sel ect ion M enu . . 78 NetCo mman d- Cont roll ed Recor din g ...................... 79 Using I EEE 1 39 4 Devic es .............................. 8 3[...]

  • Page 78

    78 Chapter 6 . NetCommand F unctions NetC omma nd-Con trolled Devices an d th e Inpu t Selection M enu Fordevicesun derNe tComma ndcontr ol,theInputSe lec - tionmenua llowsyout o: • Sele ctthedevic eforviewing • Switchaudiob etwe entheT Vs peaker sandA / V re c ei ve r ?[...]

  • Page 79

    Chapter 6. N etCommand F unctions 79 NetC omma nd-Con trolled Record in g Thisse ctio ndesc ribe smakingre cor dingsinde pend ently oftheT VGu ideOnS cree nsystem.Forinstruc tionson set tinguprec ording susingT VGuideO nScre en,se ethe sepa rate T V Gu ide O n Scr e[...]

  • Page 80

    80 Chapter 6 . NetCommand F unctions Immediat e Recording from Chan nelView 1 . Pres s IN PUT toopentheInpu tSele ctionme nu.High - lightan ANT 1 or ANT 2 prog ramsou rceandp res s ENTER . 2. P res s GUIDE toopentheCha nnelV iewchann elguidefor thecur renta[...]

  • Page 81

    Chapter 6. N etCommand F unctions 81 Defa ult Digital (Recording ) Device Ifyouhav emoretha nonedigit alrec ordingdevic econ - nec ted,thisoptionletsyousp ecif yw hichtouseasth e default.T hedevicesp ecif iedhe reisthedigi talre cord - ingdevicetousew[...]

  • Page 82

    82 Chap ter 6 . NetCommand Functions Dire ct VC R Recording from an Ant enna or Cable Source WhenyourVCRisthecur rentdevic e, ( RECORD )onthe T V ’ sre motecontrolfun ctionsthes amea sthereco rd but tonontheVCR’ sremotecon trolorfron tpanel. T ore corddire[...]

  • Page 83

    Chapter 6. N etCommand F unctions 83 Usin g IEEE 1 3 9 4 Devi ces IEE E 1 3 9 4 Devices an d th e Inp ut Se lect ion Menu Whenyouco nnec tanIEEE1 39 4devicetotheT Vne twork andpoweriton,thenewdevic eisautomatic allydetec ted.  Someno n-audio/ videoo rincomp atibleIEEE1[...]

  • Page 84

    84 Chapter 6 . NetCommand F unctions The T V Remote Cont rol a nd IEE E 1 3 9 4 Devi ces • Forcompatibl esatelliterece iversa ndsomec able box es,theT Vremoteco ntrol GUIDE keydisplaysthe on-s cree nprog rammin gguideforthere ceiverorc able box.Press and ENT[...]

  • Page 85

    Chapter 6. N etCommand F unctions 85 Copy ing A/V Disc Recordings T r acksyoureco rdtodiscmayhavecopyrestric tions ass ignedtothe m.T olea rnatrac k’ sco pystatus,high - lightthetrac kintheT r ackLis tandpre ss IN FO .T r acksare ass ignedo neof?[...]

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    86 Ch apter 6 . NetCommand F unctions 86 Ch apter 6 . NetCommand F unctions[...]

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    Using t he T V wit h a P er sonal Com puter Setup ........................................... 8 8 Vi deo Adju st ment s .................................. 8 8 Conn ect ing a Com put er to th e T V ....................... 8 9 Adjus ti ng Image Re solut ion ............................ 91 Compu ter D isp lay Format s ............................ 92 7[...]

  • Page 88

    88 Chapter 7 . Usi ng th e T V with a Per sonal Computer S etu p 1 . Seeth eT Vsp ecif ication sinApp endixBtoconf irm thatyourcomp utervide osigna liscompatib lewiththe T V. 2. Not ewhethe rthecomp utersuppli esadigit alor analo gvide osignal.Y ouwil[...]

  • Page 89

    Chapter 7 . Usi ng th e T V with a Per sonal Computer 89 Compu ter wi th HD MI Digi tal M onitor O ut put Requir ed:HDMI-to- DVIcableo ranHDMIc ablewi than HDMI /DVIadapter ,stere oaudioc able s Ifthecompu ter’ sau diooutputi sasingleminijac k,amini audio -to-RCA-m ale?[...]

  • Page 90

    90 Chapter 7 . Usi ng th e T V with a Per sonal Computer Compu ter wi th VGA 1 5 -Pin Mon itor Ou tp ut (A nalog V id eo) Requir ed:1 5 -pincom puterVGA-to-DVIc ableoraVGA compu tercablea ndaDVI/ VGAadapter ,s tereoaudio ca ble. Ifthecompu ter’ sau diooutputi sasinglemini?[...]

  • Page 91

    Chapter 7 . Usi ng th e T V with a Per sonal Computer 91 Adjus tin g I ma ge Resol ut ion Y ourM itsubis hiT Vca ndisplayres olution sfromst anda rd VGA(640x48 0)through1 920x1 0 80sign alsatarefre sh rateof60Hz.Notethat1 280x1 0 2 4and1 9 20x1 08 0?[...]

  • Page 92

    92 Chapt er 7 . Usi ng th e T V with a Per sonal Computer 92 Chapt er 7 . Usi ng th e T V with a Per sonal Computer Comp uter Displ a y Form ats Repe atedlypre ssthe F O R M AT keyt ocyclethroughtheT V displaysavailableforyourc omputer’ svide osigna l. Computer Signal As Displayed on TV Screen Forma[...]

  • Page 93

    Ap pendice s Ap pen dix A : By pas sing t he Par ent al Lock .................. 9 5 Ap pen dix B: S pe cif icat ion s ............................ 97 Ap pen dix C: L amp Ca r t ri dge Rep lacem ent ................. 9 9 Ap pen dix D : Progra mmi ng th e Remote Cont rol ............. 10 1 Ap pen dix E : T r oubl eshoot ing ......................... [...]

  • Page 94


  • Page 95

    Appendices 95 Byp ass ing t he Pare nta l Lock Af teryousetthelock ,youmustus eyourpassc odeto viewalockedpro gra m,viewthelockedT V ,c ance lthe lock,o renterthePare ntalLo ckmenus . Ifyouforgetyourpas scode,youca nviewthelocked T V[...]

  • Page 96

    96 Appendices 96 Appendices This p ag e int en tion ally left blank[...]

  • Page 97

    Appendices 97 A ppendices 97 Appendix B: S pecifications Inputs Description Qty . Signal T ype Input Specifications An te nn a /Cabl e in pu t 2 RF Fconn ector ,75- ohm HDM I (di git a l vi de o/ a ud io) 2 HDMIEIA- 861 Bsta n - dardfordi gitalau dio andvid eo HDMIst anda rdconne ctor Vide o: 60Hz:480i,[...]

  • Page 98

    98 Appendices 98 Appendices Appendix B: S pecifica tions, cont in ued IE EE 139 4 S ys tem C om pat i bi lit y • Thistelevisio nisdes ignedtoconfo rmtoIEEE1 394A V /CSoft waresta ndard sinef fecta tthetimeofdevelopment. Thisne twork ingandc ontroltechn ologyi sdesig [...]

  • Page 99

    Appendices 99 Appendices 99 CAUTION BURN DANGER! During normal operation, the surfaces inside the TV near the lamp are extr emely hot. TOUCH THE LAMP CARTRIDGE BY THE HANDLE ONL Y Do not touch the glass parts of the lamp cartridge. CA UTION: If th e televisi on is on , pres s POWER to tur n it of f. Unpl ug th e televis ion an d allow it to cool fo[...]

  • Page 100

    10 0 A ppendices Ap p e n di x C : La m p Ca rt r id g e R e p l a c e m e n t , co n t i n u e d Figur e 1 . W ARNING THECOVERISPROVIDEDWITHANINTER LOCKT O REDUCET HERISKOFE XCESSIVEUL TR A VIOL ET R ADI A T ION.DON OTDEFEA TITSPURPOS E ORA T TEMP TTOSERVICETHET VWIT [...]

  • Page 101

    Appendices 10 1 Thisap pendi xexplainshowtoprogr amtheT V’ sremote controltoope rateotherA / Vdevice s.Thisi sdistinctf rom NetCo mmand“ Lear ning. ”T osumma rize:theT V’ sremote controlc anbema detoopera teotherdevicesbyt wo[...]

  • Page 102

    10 2 Appendices IMP ORT ANT Y ou ma y ne ed to r ep ro gr am t h e re mot e co nt ro l af t er c ha ng ing t h e ba t te ri es . Progra mmi ng th e Remote Cont rol Met hod 1 : Code Ent r y 1 . Movetheslideswitchatthetopoftheremotetothe positi onforthepro ductyouwanttocontrol.Refe r?[...]

  • Page 103

    Appendices 10 3 Audio Amplifiers Brand Code Acuru s 30 7 65 Adcom 3 1 1 0 0, 30577 AltecL an sing 3 174 2 Aragon 307 65 BelCa ntoDe sign 3 15 8 3 Bose 3 0 6 74 Ca r ve r 30 892 Classe 31 462,3 1 461 Cur tisMath es 3030 0 Durabrand 315 6 1 Elan 3 0 6 47 GE 3 0 078 Harman /Kardon 30892 J VC 3 0 3 31 Klips ch 307 65 Lef tCoa st 308 [...]

  • Page 104

    10 4 Ap pendices A/V Receivers Brand Code Audiotron ic 3 11 8 9 Au di ovox 3 162 7 ,3 1 39 0 B&K 308 40,308 20,30 70 1 BelCantoDe sign 3 15 8 4 BK 3 070 2 Bose 3 1 253,3 1 229,3063 9 Brix 316 0 2 Cambr idgeSou ndworks 3 147 7 Capetronic 3 0 5 31 Ca r ve r 31 289, 3 1 1 89, 301 8 9, 30 1 21 Co by 312 6 3 Cur ti s 3 [...]

  • Page 105

    Appendices 10 5 Cable Boxes Brand Code ABC 1 0 01 7 ,1 001 4,1 001 3,1 0 01 1 , 1 0 0 08, 1 0 007 , 1 0 0 03, 1 00 01 All egro 1 031 5, 1 01 53 Americ ast 10 8 9 9 Antro nix 1 0207 , 1 0 022 Arche r 1 079 7 , 102 07 , 1 01 5 3, 1 0 022 BBT 10 2 6 7 Belcor 10 0 5 6 Bell&Howell 10 0 14 BellSou th 10 8 9 9 CableSt ar 10 0 5[...]

  • Page 106

    10 6 A ppendices DVD Players/Recorders Brand Code Adcom 210 9 4 Ai wa 2 0 6 41 Akai 21 089, 207 70 Alco 2 079 0 All egro 208 69 Amp hionMe diaWorks 20 872 AMW 20 872 ApexDi gital 21 1 00,21 061 ,2 1 0 56,21 0 20, 2 1 0 04,207 97 ,20 796,20794, 20 7 55,20 7 1 7 ,20 67 2 Aspi reDigit al 21 407 ,2 1 1 68 Au[...]

  • Page 107

    Appendices 10 7 DVD Players/Recorders Brand Code Memorex 2 1 270 ,20831 ,20 695 Microso f t 2052 2 Mintek 20839, 20 7 1 7 Mitsubishi 2 1 52 1 , 2052 1 Momitsu 210 8 2 My r ya d 208 9 4 NAD 20 7 4 1 ,206 92,2 0591 Nakamichi 2 1 222 NEC 2 078 5 Nesa 2 0 7 17 NextBa se 20 826 N e x xTe c h 2 14 0 2 Norcent 2 1 265,2 1 1 07 ,2 1 0 [...]

  • Page 108

    10 8 A ppendices Laser Disc Players Brand Code Ai wa 2020 3 Ca r ve r 20323,201 94,20 06 4 Denon 202 43,202 4 1 ,20 1 72,2 0 059 Disc oVisi on 20 023 F unai 20 203 Harman /Kardon 2 0 19 4 Hitachi 20 0 23 K enw ood 20 258 Magnav ox 2 02 43,202 4 1 ,202 1 7 ,20 1 94 Marant z 201 94,20 06 4 Mitsubishi 200 59 NAD 20 05 9 O[...]

  • Page 109

    Appendices 10 9 VCRs and DVRs Brand Code Harman /Kardon 200 8 1 , 2007 5, 2003 8 Har wood 2 0 0 72 ,200 68 Headquar ter 200 46 Hewlet tPackard 2 19 7 2 HI- Q 2 0 0 47 Hitachi 201 05,200 89,20042,2004 1 , 2 0000 HowardCompu ters 2 19 7 2 HP 219 7 2 Hughe sNet workSystem s 20 739,2 0 042 Huma x 2073 9 Hush 2 197 2 iBUYPO[...]

  • Page 110

    11 0 Appendices VCRs and DVRs Brand Code Op ton ic a 20 0 6 2 Orion 204 79 ,20295,20209,20 1 84, 2 0002 Pan a so ni c 2 1 262,2 1 1 62,2 1 0 62,2 061 6, 20225 ,20 1 6 2 ,20077 ,200 35 Penney 2 02 40,200 54,20042,20040, 200 38, 200 37 , 2 0 035 Pen t a x 201 0 5,20042 Philc o 20 0 35 Philips 21 1 81 ,?[...]

  • Page 111

    Appendices 111 Ser vice a nd S upp or t Se r vi ce Ifyouareunabl etocorre ctaprob lemwithyourT V , consu ltyourMitsubi shidea leroraMi tsubis hiConsum er Relation sat(80 0)332- 21 1 9. • DONOTadjus tanycontrolsothe rthantho se desc ribe dinthisOw[...]

  • Page 112

    11 2 A ppendices 11 2 Appendices Appendix E: T roublesh oo tin g, cont i n ued T V Ch a nn els Sy mptom R ema rks 1. TheT Vtakessevera lsec ondstoresp ondto chann elchan ges. • Itisnor malfordigit alcha nnelstotakelonge rtotunein. • PressEN TERaf terachann elnumbe [...]

  • Page 113

    Appendices 11 3 Appendices 11 3 Picture Sy mptom R ema rks 1. Picturedoe snotlooklikeahigh- def inition picture. Notallsig nalsarehi gh- definitio nsignal s.T ore ceivehigh- defi ni - tionpro gramm ingfromyourca bleors atelliteprovider ,youmust subsc ribetothepro[...]

  • Page 114

    11 4 Appendices 11 4 Appendices Sound Sy mptom R ema rks 1. The reisnosoun devenwhenthevolumeis turne dup. • Checki ftheMUTEbu ttoniso n. • TheT V’ s“Lis tento :”set tingmaybesettoSAP . • Checkth attheT VS peaker sset tingisO nin?[...]

  • Page 115

    Appendices 11 5 Appendices 11 5 IE EE 139 4 Dev ic es Sy mptom R ema rks 1. Exces sivedigita lar tifac tsapp earwh en viewinganIEEE1 3 94device. • TheIEEE1 3 94cabl eistoolong;1 5feetb etwe endevice sis thema ximum. • The remaybeaslowdeviceinthemi dd[...]

  • Page 116

    11 6 Appendices 11 6 A ppendices Appendix E: T roublesh oo tin g, cont inued IE EE 139 4 Dev ic es Sy mptom R ema rks 3. The reisnoaudioa ndvide ofromtheIEEE 1 394d evice. • Thedevic eisnotturne don.T u rnthedevic epoweron. • Nome dia(tapeo rdisc)isinser ted?[...]

  • Page 117

    Appendices 11 7 A ppendices 117 T V G ui de O n Sc r ee n (se e the se pa rate T V Gu ide O n Scr ee n® Inter active Pro gr am G uide U se r’ s Ma nua l for d etail ed info rm ation) Sy mptom R ema rks 1. T VGu ideOnSc ree n®systemshowsno progr amlisting s. • Progra mlistingsa redownloade dwhilethe[...]

  • Page 118


  • Page 119

    T rade mark and License Information 11 9 T rade mark and License Information 11 9 Mit su bis hi T V S of t ware EN D- US ER LI CEN SE AGRE E MEN T FOR EM BED DE D SOF T WARE IM PO RT AN T – RE A D CAR EF ULL Y: ThisL ic ens eAgr ee men tisale ga lagre em entb et wee nyou(eit hera nind ivid ualo rane nt[...]

  • Page 120

    12 0 12 0 Mit su bis hi DLP ™ Project ion T elevision Lim ited W ar ra nt y MITSUBIS HIDIGIT A LELECTRONICSAM ERICA,I NC.(“MDE A ”)war ran tsasfollowstotheorigina lpurcha serofthis televisionfro manautho rizedMITSU BISHIAudio/ Vi deoDe ale r ,s houlditp rov edefec tive[...]

  • Page 121

    12 1 121 d.T oobta inareplac emen tlampdur ingthewarr ant yper iod,ple aseco ntactth eMDE ACon sumerR elationsD epar tment at(80 0)332- 21 1 9.Af terthewarra nt yper iodyoumayorde rthelampdire ctlyf romtheMDE APar tsDep ar tme ntat(80 0)?[...]

  • Page 122

    12 2 Ind ex I n d ex A A / VD iscs 8 5 A / VMe mor yR eset. S ee Reset A / VRe ceiver AddingNet Comma ndControl4 4 Conne cting 27 A / VRe set. See Re set AdjustKeys(Up/Down /Le f t /Ri ght)4 8, 6 0 Ana morp hicPictureForm at 8 1 DVDDenition s 5 4 Playback 8[...]

  • Page 123

    Ind ex 12 3 MP3Audio 1 3, 1 4 , 29, 32 andMe mor yCa rds 57 Playback 5 6 Mu te Audio andCl ose dCaptio ns66 ands tatusD ispl ay 5 1 MUTEkey4 8 Vide oMute 72 N NetCommand® A / VRe ceiverC ontrol4 3 andtheInpu tSele ctionM enu 78 Compa redtoProgr[...]

  • Page 124

    ©200 6Mi tsub ishiD igi talEl ec troni csA me ric a,Inc. Wri t tenandPr inte dinU.S. A . 853 B54 1 B 60 v3 V33Y / V3 3+ We b s i t e : w w w .mit subis hi-tv .com E-m ai l: MDEA ser vice@md For quest io ns, ca ll Cons ume r Relat ion s at 800- 33 2 - 2 1 1 9 T o ord er r eplac eme nt or ad dit ion al r[...]