Mpman TS302 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Mpman TS302, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Mpman TS302 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Mpman TS302. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Mpman TS302 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Mpman TS302
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Mpman TS302 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Mpman TS302 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Mpman TS302 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Mpman TS302, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Mpman service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Mpman TS302.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Mpman TS302 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    EN MP 3 & Vi deo P la y er w ith T ou chsc reen Co ntro l Instruc tion Manual Please read this instruc tion caref ully before the oper ation F or Mod el No . TS 3 0 2[...]

  • Page 2

    Page 2 T ab l e Of Conten t s Engli sh  T able o f C ontent s THANK Y OU ..................................................................................................................................... 5 P ack ag e Con ten ts .....................................................................................................................[...]

  • Page 3

    Page 3 T ab l e Of Conten t s Engli sh VIDE O MODE ................................................................................................................................ 1 5 Mo vi e Browser Con t rols ................................................................................................................ 1 5 Mo vi e Playback Con t[...]

  • Page 4

    Page 4 T ab l e Of Conten t s Engli sh D V MODE ............................................................................ .......................................................... 29 CAM ER A MOD E ........................................................................................................................... 3 0 CALEND AR MODE .....[...]

  • Page 5

    Page 5 Th an k Y ou Engli sh  Thank Y ou C ongra tula tion s on you r purc hase of t he Video & MP  play er . This m anua l is des igned t o help y ou eas ily set up a nd begin u sing y our ne w pla yer rig ht a way . Plea se rea d this m anua l carefu lly an d retai n it for futu re ref erenc e. P acka ge C ont ents Pl ease m ake s ure th[...]

  • Page 6

    Page 6 C o ntro l s At A Gla nce Engli sh  C ont r ol s a t a G lanc e Le f t V i ew 1 . V olume U p but ton <UP> 2. V olume D own but ton <DO WN > 3. micr oSD Car d slot Load a micr oSD mem or y car d here to upg rade the memor y c apaci ty of the p lay er . Fron t V iew 4. Speaker 5. LCD touchscreen T ap the disp lay with your ng[...]

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    Page 7 C o ntro l s At A Gla nce Engli sh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 1 1[...]

  • Page 8

    Page 8 Gett in g Star ted Engli sh  Ge t t ing Sta r ted C harg ing t he Ba t tery Y our pla ye r has an i nteg rat e d rec harg eable ba t tery . Upon i niti al use , the ba t tery shou ld be char ged full y to e nsu re opti mal performa nce a nd battery life . If th e play er ha s not been used i n a whil e, the batte r y may need t o be rech a[...]

  • Page 9

    Page 9 Gett in g Star ted Engli sh Re settin g the P la yer Rese t the pla yer i f it shou ld freeze a nd not r espond or ot herwise ma lfunction . 1 . Dis con nec t you r pla yer if i t is co nnected to a c omput er . 2. Us e a paper cl ip to ge ntly p ress t he < RESET > button l ocated o n the re ar of the p lay er . U sin g the T ou ch sc[...]

  • Page 10

    Page 1 0 Ma i n Menu Engli sh  Ma i n Menu When y ou tur n on the pl aye r , yo u will see t he Main men u. F rom t he Main me nu, y ou can ac ces s eac h of you r MP p lay er’ s function m odes. These m odes are : Music Bro wse an d pla y musi c Video Bro wse an d pla y movie s Photo Bro wse an d view pi c tur es Radio List en to F M radio [...]

  • Page 11

    Page 1 1 Mus ic M ode Engli sh  Music Mode Browse for and pl ay yo ur music les. For info r mati on abou t loadi ng mu sic ont o you r pla yer , plea se refe r to the sec - tion “T ransf err ing F iles to t he Pla ye r ”. Mu sic Br ow ser C on trol s When y ou choo se MU SIC mode fr om the Ma in men u, you wi ll see th e Musi c Brow ser sc[...]

  • Page 12

    Page 1 2 Mus ic M ode Engli sh No w Pl a ying C ont rol s ( Musi c P la ybac k) T o start play ing mus ic, br owse f or a song and t hen tap t he song ti tle t o star t pla yback, or y ou can pre ss < ENTE R> to sta r t pla yback. When a s ong is pl ayin g, the No w Pla ying sc reen appe ars ( see below ) . Quick Option Icon Time Display Batt[...]

  • Page 13

    Page 1 3 Mus ic M ode Engli sh Quick Option Menu T o acc ess t he qui ck opt ion menu , tap < > on th e Now P la ying sc reen.  T o bro wse thr ough t he setting s, pres s the < UP > or < DOWN > button.  T o select a setting, p ress t he < ENTER > button or tap t he desi red selectio n on scree n.  T o retu rn to th[...]

  • Page 14

    Page 1 4 Mus ic M ode Engli sh L yri c d is play re quir es a “.LR C” lyr ic file wh ich may be f ound on the int ernet or may be cr eat ed wi th a L yri c file e dit or . L yric files c an c ont ain syn chr oniz ed tim ing inf orma tion as w ell a s lyri c inf orma tion . L yri c file s mu st hav e t he sam e name as its c orr espon ding m[...]

  • Page 15

    Page 1 5 V id eo Mo de Engli sh  Video Mode B ro wse fo r and p lay your movie l es. Y our pla yer sup por ts A VI file s. Vide os may need to be enc oded wit h the inc luded soft - wa re fo r devi ce pl aybac k. Mo vie B row ser C on tro ls When y ou choo se Video mode fr om the Ma in men u, you wi ll see th e Movie B rows er scree n. Us e t[...]

  • Page 16

    Page 1 6 V id eo Mo de Engli sh Mo vie P la ybac k Co nt rols When a vi deo is pla ying, hol d the pla yer h orizo n - tal ly , the Now P la ying sc reen appe ars: mv oie tes t.a vi 00:03:00 00:45:00 Video playing window Elapsed time T otal time File name T ap th e scr een onc e to vi ew the c ontr ol s. The fol lowi ng function s ma y be p erforme[...]

  • Page 17

    Page 1 7 Photo Mode Engli sh  P hoto Mode B ro wse fo r and vi ew y our p hoto  les. P hot o Bro wse r Co nt rols When y ou choo se Pho to mode fr om the Ma in men u, you wi ll see th e Phot o Bro wser sc reen. Y our Ph oto wi ll be di spla yed a s thum bnai l images . Us e the P hoto B rows er to fin d all P hoto fi les load ed on y our pla[...]

  • Page 18

    Page 1 8 Photo Mode Engli sh Fun c tion Ke y Ac tion T o view the next or previous Ph oto P r e s s < U P > o r < D O W N > , o r t a p o r o n scr ee n T o s tart or s top sl ideshow mod e T ap or T o rotate the P hoto Press < ENTER > or tap on screen T o access the Qu ick Option menu T ap on screen T o return to the Pho to Brows[...]

  • Page 19

    Page 1 9 Radi o Mod e Engli sh  R ad io Mode Lis ten to FM radio b roadcasts. Y ou mu st hav e a pai r of headp hones c on- nect ed to the head phone jac k t o r ece ive F M br oadc asts ; y our play er wi ll uti liz e the hea dphone c ord a s an an ten na. Rad io T un ing C ont rol s When y ou choo se RADIO from t he Main m enu, y ou wil l see t[...]

  • Page 20

    Page 20 Rad io M ode Engli sh Quick Option Menu T o acc ess t he qui ck opt ion menu , tap < > on th e Rad io scree n.  T o bro wse thr ough t he setting s, pres s the < UP > or < DOWN > button.  T o select a setting, p ress t he < ENTER > button or tap t he desi red selectio n on scree n.  T o retu rn to th e previ[...]

  • Page 21

    Page 2 1 Rad i o Mod e Engli sh Del ete A ll S t ati on s Inf o Delet e all sta tion s from th e Pre set St ation l ist.[...]

  • Page 22

    Page 22 T ex t Mod e Engli sh  T e x t Mode Read . T X T  l es loaded on your pl ayer . T ex t Bro ws er C ont rol s Wh en yo u c hoo se T ext fr om th e M ai n me nu , y ou wi ll se e t he T ext B ro ws er Scr ee n. Us e the T ex t Bro wser t o find al l tex t file s loaded on yo ur pla yer . Fun c tion Ke y Ac tion T o browse through t he [...]

  • Page 23

    Page 23 T ex t Mod e Engli sh A PIGEON, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a signboard. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew towards it with a loud whir and unwittingly dashed against the signboard, jarring herself terribly . Having broken her wings by the blow , she fell to the ground, and was caught Fun c t[...]

  • Page 24

    Page 24 T ex t Mod e Engli sh  Pr ess < UP> an d <DO WN > or tap and t o adju st the t ime in sec ond.  Pr ess < ENTER > or tap to c onfir m the settin g.  Pr ess < MEN U> o r tap< > to ex it the setti ng with out sav ing. Sc rol l E xten t Set t he t ype of Au to Scr oll wit h One Lin e or One Pag e.[...]

  • Page 25

    Page 25 Ex pl o re r Mod e Engli sh  Explor e r Mo de En te r E xpl o rer mode to b ro wse a l l fol de rs and  les l oaded on your pl ayer . T o ent er Explorer m ode, sel e ct and c onfirm EX PL ORER fr om the Ma in Menu . Explor er C ont rol s Wh en y ou c hoo se EXP L ORE R mod e fro m th e Ma in me nu , y ou wi ll see th e F il e Ex plo [...]

  • Page 26

    Page 26 Ex pl o re r Mod e Engli sh Add a udi o to L is t Add t he cur rent s ong to t he F av orit e li st. Th is add iti onal s et ti ng jus t av aila ble whe n yo u sele cted a m usi c file. Del ete Delet e the sel ec ted fil e or folder Del ete A ll Delet e all fi les in t he selected fol der . C opy C opy the s elec ted fi le to a nothe r [...]

  • Page 27

    Page 27 Sett in g Mod e Engli sh  Se t t ing Mode En te r the Set up mode to set your pl ayer’ s system opt i ons. T o ent er Setu p mode, se lec t SETUP in t he Mai n menu. Fun c tion Ke y Ac tion T o browse through t he options Press < UP > or <DO WN > T o selec t an item Press < ENT ER> , or tap the desired sel ec tion on t[...]

  • Page 28

    Page 28 Sett in g Mod e Engli sh Item Description -- View used a nd avail able memory info. V er s ion -- View the p laye r's firmwa re version. Fac to r y Se tu p -- Restore a ll of the pla yer' s set tings to the ir fac tory-def ault stat e. Per sona l Se tup Aut o Pow er Off Time Se t the d ura tio n of tim e (in minu tes) t hat t he[...]

  • Page 29

    Page 29 Dv Mod e Engli sh  D V Mode Rec o rd video cl ips f rom y ou r p layer . Vid eo Rec ordi ng C ont rol s Wh en yo u c hoo se D V fr om th e Ma in me nu , y ou wi ll se e t he V ide o R eco rd in g s cr een .  Pr ess t he <E NTER > but to n to start rec ordi ng.  Pr ess t he <E NTER > but to n again t o stop a nd sa ve the[...]

  • Page 30

    Page 30 C a me ra Mo de Engli sh  C am er a Mo de Capture st i l l im ages f rom y ou r pl ayer . Im age Ca ptu rin g Co nt rols Wh en yo u c hoo se Ca mer a fr om th e M ai n me nu , y ou wi ll se e t he I ma ge Cap tu ri ng sc ree n.  Hold t he pla yer st eady , the n press t he < ENTE R> button t o tak e a image .  The im ages we r[...]

  • Page 31

    Page 3 1 C a l enda r Mode Engli sh  C ale nd ar Mo de View the Ca lend ar. Befo re using Calend ar Mode, be sure that you ha ve set the correct dat e and time in Clock Mode. Ca lend ar Vie win g Co nt rols Wh en yo u c hoo se Ca len da r f rom t he M ai n m en u, y ou w il l s ee t he Ca le nda r s cr een .  Pr ess t he < UP> or < DO[...]

  • Page 32

    Page 32 Clock M ode Engli sh  C lo c k Mo de T o set th e inte r nal d ate an d ti me. C lock Se t tin g Co nt rol s Wh en yo u c hoo se Cl oc k fr om th e Ma i n me nu , y ou wi ll se e t he C loc k d is pl a y sc re en. T ou ch t o a c ce ss th e c loc k se tti ng scr ee n.  T ap or to a dju st the c orres pondin g field.  F rom u p to d[...]

  • Page 33

    Page 33 Mpm an age r Engli sh  MP M A NA GER Fo r movie a nd mus ic synch roni sati on and c onv ersi on, plea se use MP MAN A GER soft war e supp lied in t he CD R OM. Thi s sof tware ca n b e used a lso for U PD A TE of y our pla yer . MP MAN AG ER man ual i s incl uded in y our CDR OM.[...]

  • Page 34

    Page 3 4  Spe ci cati on s Engli sh  Spec i c a t ions Des ign, spec ificat ions , and man ual ar e sub ject to cha nge wit hout no tic e. Displa y T ype 2.8” TF T L CD @ 2 40x 3 20 Memor y In tegra ted F las h Memor y Audio F ormat Support MP 3, W MA Video For mat Support A VI: 3 20x2 4 0, 2 5fp s Photo F ormat Support JP EG, BMP Son[...]

  • Page 35

    Page 35 Troubl esh ooti ng & Supp o r t Engli sh  T r oubl esho ot i ng & S uppo r t If yo u hav e a pro blem wit h this d evic e, ple ase ch e ck t he trou blesh ootin g guide bel ow . The p layer does not tu rn o n.  En sur e tha t the pla ye r is full y char ged. T r y c harg ing the pl ay er ov erni ght (  hours ).  Rese t th[...]

  • Page 36

    Page 36 Troubl esh ooti ng & Supp o r t Engli sh  En sur e tha t the hea dphone s are attac hed secu rely t o the pla yer . The sound qua l it y of t he musi c is poo r .  T r y play ing the fi le on yo ur com pute r . If the sou nd qual it y is st ill poor , tr y down loadi ng the file a gain o r re - enc oding t he file y oursel f. ?[...]

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    Page 37 Troubl esh ooti ng & Supp o r t Engli sh[...]

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    Page 38 Troubl esh ooti ng & Supp o r t Engli sh[...]

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    Page 39 Troubl esh ooti ng & Supp o r t Engli sh[...]

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    For m ore in fo rm at ion p le ase chec k ou r website w w w .mp maneu rope. c om[...]