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Safety • Assembl y • Operation • Maintenance • T roubleshooting • P arts Lists • W arranty Warning : This uni t is equip ped wit h an internal co mbusti on engine an d should not b e used on or near any unii proved forest-covered, bru sh- covered or grass -c ov ered lan d unless t he engine’s e xhaust system is e quipp ed with a sp ar[...]
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2 Finding and Recor ding Model Number Please do NO T return the unit to the retailer from whic h it was purc hased, without first contacting Customer Support. T ab le of Contents BE FORE Y OU ST ART A SSE MBLING Y OUR NEW E QUIP MENT , please loca te the model pla te on the eq uipment an d copy the inf ormation t o the sample model pla te pr ovide[...]
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3 1 Safety Labels W ARNING Th is s ymb ol po in ts ou t i mp orta nt sa fe ty in st ruc tio ns wh ich , if no t fo ll ow ed, co ul d en dan ger th e p er son al sa f ety an d / o r p ro pe rty of y our sel f and o th ers . Re a d a nd f oll o w a ll in st ruc tio ns in th is ma nu al be for e a t- t emp ting t o o pe ra t e th is ma chi ne . F ai l[...]
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4 2 Safe Operat ion Practices T raining 1. Read, understand, and f ollow all instructions on the machine and in the manual(s) bef ore attempting to assemble and oper ate. K eep this manual in a saf e place f or future and regular ref erence and for ordering replacement par ts. 2. Be f amiliar with all controls and their proper operation. Know ho w [...]
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5 Operation 1 . Do not p ut hand s or feet ne ar rotati ng par ts, i n the auger / im pell er hous ing or ch ute ass embl y . C onta ct wit h the rotat ing par t s can am putate h ands a nd feet. 2. The aug er / impe ller co ntrol l ever is a safet y devic e. Never bypas s its o perati on. Doi ng so make s the mac hine u nsafe and may c ause per so[...]
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6 5 Setting Up Y our Snow Thr o wer NOTE: Referenc es to right or lef t side of th e snow thrower are determine d from behin d the unit i n the operati ng posit ion (s tandin g direc tly behin d the snow thrower , fac ing the ha ndle panel ). 1 . Obser ve the l ower rear area of the snow thrower to be sure both c ables are al igned wi th roller gu [...]
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7 5 Setting Up Y our Snow Thr ower 5. Remove the flat washer and h airpin c lip from the e nd of the chu te direct ional co ntrol. Insert th e end of the ch ute direct ional co ntrol into the lower bracket and sec ure with the f lat washer and hair - pin cl ip just removed. If nec essar y , the lower brac ket can be ad justed. Refer to Chute Brac k[...]
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8 4 Operating Y our Snow Thr o wer Now that y ou hav e set up your sno w thrower f or operation, get acquainted with its controls and f ea- tures. These are descr ibed below and illustr ated in Figure 1 . This knowledge will allo w you to use y our new equipment to its fullest potential. NOTE : For detailed st art ing instr uctio ns and more inform[...]
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9 4 Operating Y our Snow Thr ower W ARNING The operation of any s now thro wer can result in f oreign objects being thrown int o the eyes, wh ich can damage you r ey es sev erely . Alway s wear safety glasses while operating the snow th rower , or while per form ing an y adjust- ments or repairs on it. Be sure no one other than the operator is stan[...]
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10 Gas & Oil Fill-Up Ser vic e the engin e with gas oline and o il as instr ucted in the T ec umse h Engines manua l packed separately wi th your snow thrower . Re ad instruc tions c arefully . Star ting T he Engine 1 . Attac h spark pl ug wire to spark pl ug. Make cer tain th e metal lo op on the en d of the spark p lug wire ( inside the ru bb[...]
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11 4. Move thrott le contro l to ST OP po sition. 5. Remove the igni tion key and store in a safe plac e . 6. Wipe all s now and moist ure from the area aroun d the engine a s well as the area in an d around the dr ive contro l and auger co ntrol. Also, engage a nd release both co ntrols several time s. Recoil Starter 1 . With eng ine runn ing, pul[...]
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12 4 Making Adjustments A uger Control Refer to Auger Contro l T est on Page 1 1 to ad just the auger cont rol. Drive Control When the d rive control i s released a nd in the di sen- gaged “ up” po sition, t he cabl e should have very lit tle slack . It should N OT be tight. Check t he adjust ment of the dri ve control as foll ows: 1 . With th [...]
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13 4 Making Adjustments W ARNING Loose gravel can be p icked up and thr own by the auger , causing i njur y to the oper ator and bystand ers and / or damage to t he snow thrower and surroun ding pro per ty . Skid Shoes The spac e between t he skid s hoes and th e ground ca n be adjuste d. See Figure 5. • For close sn ow removal on a smooth sur fa[...]
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14 5 Maintaining Y our Snow Thr o wer W ARNING Before lubr icating, repairing, or in spect- ing, disengage al l controls and s top engine. W ait until all mo ving parts have come to a complete stop. A void oi l spillage on rubber friction w heel and alum inum driv e plat e. Engine Refer to the separate T e cums eh Engines manu al packed with your u[...]
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15 5 Maintaining Y our Snow Thr ower A uger Belt Replacement T o remove and replac e your snow thrower’s a uger b elt, proce ed as follows : 1 . Remove the plast ic belt c over on the front of the engine by rem oving the t wo self-tap ping screws. NOTE: Drai n the gaso line from the s now thrower , or place a p iece of pla stic un der the ga s ca[...]
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16 A ugers • The auger s are secured to th e spiral sh aft wit h two shear pins a nd cot ter pins. If the aug er should str ike a foreign ob ject or i ce jam, the s now thrower is desig ned so that th e pins may shear . Refer to Figure 9. • If the aug ers will not tur n, check to se e if the pin s hav e sheared. O ne set of replac ement shear p[...]
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17 Friction Wheel Remov al If the snow t hrower fails to drive with t he drive contro l engage d, and per forming t he drive cont rol cabl e adjust- ment on page 1 4 fails to c orrect t he proble m, the fric tion wheel may need to be r eplace d. Follow the instr ucti ons below. Examine the fri ctio n wheel for sig ns of wear or crack ing and rep la[...]
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18 7 Off-Season Storage Never st ore snow throw er with fuel in tank indoors or in poorly v entilated areas, where fuel fumes ma y reach an open flame, spark or pilot l ight as on a furnace, w ater heater , clothes dryer or gas appliance. W ARNING Drain fuel int o an approv ed container outdoors, aw ay from any open flame. Be cer tain engi ne is co[...]
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19 NO TE: This section addre sses minor service issues. F or further deta ils, contact a MTD a uthoriz ed service cente r or call 1 ( 800 ) 80 0 - 73 1 0 for assistance . 8 T r ouble- Shooting Cause Pr oblem Remed y En gine fails t o start 1 . Choke not in ON po sition. 2. Spark pl ug wire disc onnec ted. 3. Fuel tank empt y or stal e fuel. 4. Engi[...]
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20 [...]
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21 1 . 73 1- 263 5 Snow Removal T ool M ount 2. 68 4- 04 057 Impell er Assemb ly , 1 2 ” Dia. 3. 71 0 - 0347 Hex Screw, 3 / 8 - 1 6, 1 . 75, Gr5 4. 7 10- 04 5 1 Bolt, Carri age, 5 /1 6 - 1 8, .7 50 Gr1 5. 7 10- 06 04A Screw, 5/16- 18, 0.625 6. 7 10- 0703 Screw, Carriage, 1/4 -20, . 750, Gr5 7 . 7 1 2- 040 63 Nut, Fla nge Lock , 5 /1 6 - 1 8, Nylo[...]
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22 Styles C & D[...]
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23 1 . 631 - 0 4 1 33 H andle As s’y , Loc k LH 2. 631 - 0 4 1 34A Hand le Ass’y , Lock, R H 3. 68 4- 04 1 06A Hand le Ass’y , Engagement LH 4. 68 4- 04 1 05A Hand le Ass’y , Engagement , RH 5. 7 10- 0376 Screw, Self-tappi ng, 5 /1 6 - 1 8, .625 6. 7 10- 06 04A S crew , Self-t apping, 5 /1 6 - 1 8 , 1 .0 7 . 7 10- 06 06 S crew , Self-ta ppi[...]
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24 [...]
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25 1 . 756- 0 4 1 7 7 Di sc, F ri ction W heel 2. 68 4- 04 1 53 Frict ion Wheel As sembly, 5.5 OD 3. 68 4- 04 1 54 Sup por t Bracket, Frict ion Wheel 4. 68 4- 04 1 56 Shi ft As sembly , Rod 5. 7 10- 06 27 Hex Sc rew , 5 /1 6 -24, . 750, Gr5 6. 7 10- 0788 Screw, 1/4-20, 1 .00 0 7 . 7 10- 1652 Screw 1/ 4-20x.625 8. 7 1 2- 040 65 Nut , Flange Loc k, 3[...]
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NO TES 26[...]
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NO TES 27[...]
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The limi ted warranty set for th b elow is given by MTD LLC with res pect to new merchan dise purc hased and u sed in the Un ited States, its p osses- sions an d territorie s. “ MTD” warrant s this prod uct agai nst defec ts in material an d workmansh ip for a perio d of two ( 2 ) years commen cing on t he date of origi nal purch ase and will, [...]