Neff T42P90X1 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Neff T42P90X1, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Neff T42P90X1 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Neff T42P90X1. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Neff T42P90X1 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Neff T42P90X1
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Neff T42P90X1 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Neff T42P90X1 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Neff T42P90X1 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Neff T42P90X1, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Neff service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Neff T42P90X1.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Neff T42P90X1 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    T4.E .0.. , T4.D.0. ., T4. P90. . *900 05 654 05 * 90005 654 05 [es] In stru cciones de uso ....... .... .... .... .... .... .... 2 [en] I nstr uction manual ....... .... .... .... .... .... .... . 13 [pt] Instruçõ es de serviço ....... .... .... .... .... .... . 23 [e l] Οδηγ í ες χρήσεω ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...[...]

  • Page 2

    2 Ø = cm Û Índice Co nse jos y ad ver ten cias de s egur ida d ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... .... 3 I ndi caci one s de s eguri dad . .... .... ..... .... .. .... .... ..... .... .... .... .. ..... .... .... .... 3 C ausa s de lo s dañ os .. .... .... .. .... ..... .... .... .... .... .. ..... .... .... .... ..... .. .... .... .. 4 Pr [...]

  • Page 3

    3 ã= C onse jos y adv er ten cias de segu rida d Lee r estas in st rucciones con atención. Sólo enton ces podrá manej arse cor rectame nt e el aparato. Co nservar las instrucciones de uso y de monta j e. En caso de entregar el aparato a otra persona, adj unt ar también la docum entación correspond iente. Comprobar el aparato tras sac arlo del[...]

  • Page 4

    4 Caus as d e los daños ¡At ención! ■ L as base s ásper as de los recipient es pue den r ayar la placa de c occión . ■ No c olocar nunca re ci pien tes vacíos en las z onas de cocc ión. Pueden provo car daños . ■ No colocar recipi entes calien tes so bre e l panel de man do, las z onas de indica dores o el marco de la p lac a. Pued en[...]

  • Page 5

    5 diámetro, podría af ect ar tanto a la detección d el recipiente como a los res ult ados de la cocci ón . Recipient es no apropia dos No ut ilizar nunca r ecipientes de: ■ acero fino normal ■ vidr io ■ barro ■ cob r e ■ aluminio Caracter í st ic as de la base del reci piente Las caract eríst icas d e la bas e de los r ecipient es p[...]

  • Page 6

    6 Las zonas d e cocción Indicad or de calo r r esidual La pl aca d e cocc ión cue nta c on un in dicador de ca lor resi dual en cad a zona de cocc ión que mues t ra cuáles aún están calientes. Evitar tocar l a zona de cocción q ue mues t re esta indi cació n. Aunque la p laca esté apagada, la œ / • , s e mant en dr á iluminada m i entr[...]

  • Page 7

    7 Descongel ar y cale ntar Espinacas ultr acongeladas Gulasch ultracon gelado 2.-3. 2.-3. 5-15 min. 20-30 min. Cocer a fuego l ento, hervir a fuego lento Albó nd igas d e p atata Pe scad o Salsas blancas, p.ej. b ech amel Salsas batidas, p . ej. salsa b er nesa, salsa h olandesa 4.-5.* 4-5* 1-2 3-4 20-30 min. 10-15 min. 3-6 min. 8-12 min. Hervir ,[...]

  • Page 8

    8 Seguro para ni ños La p l aca d e cocción se p uede aseg urar cont r a una c onexión involunta ria para impedir que lo s niños encienda n l as zonas de co cción. Ac tiv ar y d esac tiv ar el se guro para n iños La placa d e coc ción d ebe estar apagada. A ctivar: pulsa r el sí mbo l o ‚ durante aprox. 4 segundos. El ind ica dor ‚ s e [...]

  • Page 9

    9 Una v ez t ranscurrid o el ti empo La zona de cocción se apa ga. Suena una señ al de av i so y en la i ndica ción v isua l de l a fun ción p rogr amació n del tiemp o se mue st ra ‹‹ durante 10 seg undos. El indic ador x se ilumin a e n la i n di c ac i ó n v is ua l d e l a z o n a de c o cc i ó n. P ul s a r e l s í m b ol o 3 , lo [...]

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    10 Ajust es básicos El aparato present a div ersos ajustes bá si cos. Estos ajustes pu eden a daptar se a l as nec esidade s prop ias de l usua rio. Ac ceder a lo s ajustes bá sico s La placa d e coc ción d ebe estar apagada. 1. Enc ender la placa de coc ci ón. 2. En l os sigui entes 10 se gundos , mantene r pulsad o e l símbolo ‚ durante 4[...]

  • Page 11

    11 Cuidado s y limpi eza Los cons ejos y advertencias que se m encionan en es te c apítul o sir ven de ayu da pa ra la limpiez a y el man teni miento óptimos de l a placa d e cocci ón Placa d e cocció n Limpieza Li mpiar l a p l ac a des pués de cad a cocc ión. De e ste mo do, s e evita q ue los res tos adheridos se qu emen. No limpiar la pla[...]

  • Page 12

    12 Ruid o nor ma l du rante el func iona mie nto del aparat o La tecnología de calent amiento por inducción se basa e n la creación de campos electromagnéticos que hacen que el calor s e gen ere di rectam ente en l a ba se de l reci pien te. És tos, de pendien do de la const r ucci ón de l recipi ente, pu eden originar ci er t os ru i dos o v[...]

  • Page 13

    13 Ú T able of c onte nts Sa fet y wa rning s an d a dvic e .. ..... ..... ..... .. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .. ..... . 13 Sa fe ty in st ructi on s... .... .... .. .... ..... .... .... .... .. .... ..... .... .... .... ..... .. .... .... .... 13 E leme nts t ha t may da ma ge the a ppli anc e .... .... .... .... ..... .. .... .... .. 14 Pr o[...]

  • Page 14

    14 Ri sk of fir e!! ■ Nev er place f l ammable object s on the hob ■ Do not keep flammable items or aerosols in the drawers bene ath t he h ob. We t hot plates a nd pa n ba ses Ri sk of in jur y!! Liquid between the bottom of the pan and t he hob can produce steam p ressure. W hi ch may c ause the pan t o jump. Always ensure that t he hotplate [...]

  • Page 15

    15 Prot ectin g the en vironme nt Unpack t he appliance and d is pose of its p ackag ing in such a w ay t hat no damage is caus ed to the environme nt . En viron mentall y-friendly d isposal of waste prod ucts E ner gy -sav ing ad vi ce ■ Always place the correct lid on t he pan. Cooking with an uncovered pan wi ll result in a four-fold increase [...]

  • Page 16

    16 Fam iliarise y ourself with t he appliance These in st ructions for use are ap p licable to other hobs. O n pag e 2 an ove r view of the m odels is provided, along w i th information on measurements . The co nt rol pa nel Control su r f aces Pr essing a symbol ac tivates its c orres ponding functi on. Notes ■ The se tting s will not chang e if[...]

  • Page 17

    17 Adj usti ng t he hot pl ate Select t he requi red powe r leve l with the + and - sym bol s. Power lev el 1 = min imum power. Power lev el 9 = max imum power . E ach pow er lev el has a n in te rmed iat e se tti ng. This i s m arke d w ith a dot. Se l ect in g t he pow er le vel: The hob must b e s witched on. 1. Press the + or - symbol of the re[...]

  • Page 18

    18 Childpr oof lock The hob can be protected against being accidentally t urned on, to ensu r e that ch ildren do no t swi tch on the h otpla tes. Ac tiv at ing and deacti vatin g the c hil dproof lock. The hob mus t be tu rne d off. To ac tivate : pre ss a nd ho ld the ‚ symbol f or approx. 4 second s. The ‚ indica tor ligh ts up f or 10 sec o[...]

  • Page 19

    19 T o ac ti vate 1. Sel ect t he p owe r le ve l Š . 2. Press the + s ymb ol. O n the hotpl ate, th e ˜ in dica tor w ill appear. The f un ct i on h as b ee n ac tiv ate d . T o de activ a te Pre ss the - symb ol. T he ˜ sym bol wi ll d i sa ppear a nd t he hot pla te w ill ret urn to the Š power level . The Powerboost f unct ion has b een dea[...]

  • Page 20

    20 Clean ing p rot ection Cleaning t he control panel while the hob is on may chan g e the set tin gs. In order to avoid thi s, the hob has a cleaning protection function. Pres s the " symbol . An aud ible sig nal sound s. T he control panel is locked for 35 seconds. The surface of the control pa nel can now b e cleaned without r i sk of c han[...]

  • Page 21

    21 T o acces s the basic s ettings The h ob m u s t be tu rn ed of f. 1. Switch on the hob. 2. Withi n the next 10 seco nds, pr ess t he ‚ symbol a nd hol d for 4 seconds. ™‚ i s displayed on the left of t he screen and ‹ on the right. 3. Pres s th e ‚ symbol seve r a l times u nti l the indicat or for the required function ap pears . 4. [...]

  • Page 22

    22 Normal nois e wh i le the appli ance is w orking I nduc tion heat ing tec hnol ogy is base d on the cre atio n of electromagnetic fields th at generate he at directly at the base of the p an. Depen di ng on how the pan h as been manufac t ured, these m ay produc e certain noises or vibrations such as thos e des crib ed be lo w: A deep humming so[...]

  • Page 23

    23 ì Índ ice C onse lhos e adver tê ncia s de se gura nça ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .. .... 23 I ndi caçõ es de seg ura nça .. .. ..... .... .... .... .... .. ..... .... .... .... ..... .. .... .... .... 2 3 C ausa s dos dano s ... .... .. .... .... ..... .... .... .. .... ..... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... .. 2 4 Pr otec ção [...]

  • Page 24

    24 Perig o de incêndi o! ■ Nunc a colocar objectos inflamáveis sobre a p l aca de coze dura ■ Não g uard ar objectos inflamáveis nem aeross ói s nas gav etas que e stão deb aixo da plac a de coz edura. Bases dos recipi ent es e zonas de cozedura m olhadas Perig o de lesões ! Se ho uv er líquido entr e a base do recipiente e a zona de co[...]

  • Page 25

    25 Prot ecção do me io ambien te Desem b alar o aparelho e de i tar fora a embalage m de forma não po lu ent e . Eliminação d e resíduo s não p oluen te Conselho s para pou par en ergia ■ Colo car se mpre a s tam pas cor resp ondente s nos recipient es. Cozinhar sem tam p a quad rup lica o con sumo de energia. ■ Utilizar recipientes com [...]

  • Page 26

    26 Fam iliarizar -se c om o aparel ho Estas instruções d e utilização podem aplicar-se a diferent es placas d e c ozedura. Na pá gina 2 é apre sent ada uma v ista ge ral do s mode los com inf ormaçõ es sob re a s med idas. O pa inel de c om and os Superfícies de com ando Ao press i onar um s í mbolo, a funç ão corresp ondente é activad[...]

  • Page 27

    27 Programar a pla ca de co zed ura Ne ste capí tulo mo stra -se como a just ar uma zona de co zedura . Na tabe la es tão indi cado s os níveis de potên cia e tem pos de c ozedur a pa r a difer entes prato s. Ligar e desligar a placa d e c o zed ura A placa de cozedur a lig a-se e des l iga- se co m o i nterru ptor pri nci p al . Ligar: pressio[...]

  • Page 28

    28 Ferv er , cozer a v apor , re fogar Arroz (com o dobro da q uant idade da águ a) Arroz d oce Bata tas com casca Bata tas desca scada s com sal Mas sa Cozido, sopas Le gu me s Le gum e s, u lt ra con ge lad os Cozido e m panela d e pressã o 2-3 2-3 4-5 4-5 6 -7* 3.  4. 2.  3. 3.-4. 4.-5. 15-30 min. 25-35 min. 25-30 min. 15-25 min. 6-10 mi[...]

  • Page 29

    29 Segurança para c rian ças É possível impedir que a placa de c oz edura se ligue de forma involuntária, para ev i tar que as crianças liguem as zo nas de coz edu ra . Acti var e d e sact iv ar o di sposit ivo d e segurança p ara crianç as A placa de cozedura deve estar desligada. Activar: pressionar o símbolo ‚ durante aprox. 4 segundo[...]

  • Page 30

    30 Depois d e terminado o t empo A zon a d e coz ed ura desliga-se. O aparelho emite um sinal de aviso e na i ndicação da função de prog ramação do tem p o aparece ‹‹ durante 1 0 segundos. O indicado r x acend e-se na indicação d a zona de cozedura. Ao press ionar o símbolo 3 , os ind icadore s apagam -se e o sinal sonoro d esliga -se.[...]

  • Page 31

    31 Regula ções de base O aparelho inclui várias regulações de base. Estas regulações podem ad aptar-se às necessidades específicas do utilizador. Ace der às r egulaçõ es de b ase A placa de cozedura deve estar desligada. 1. Ligar a placa de cozedura. 2. Nos 10 segund os seguintes, manter o símbolo ‚ pressionado dura nt e 4 segundos. [...]

  • Page 32

    32 Cuidados e limpeza Os c onselhos e advertências mencionados ne ste capí t ulo servem de ajuda para a limpeza e manutenção perfeitas da placa de c ozedura Placa d e cozedu ra Limpeza Limpar a placa depois de cada utili zação. Deste modo, evita-s e que os res íduos aderidos se queimem. N ão deve limpar a placa de cozedura até que es t eja[...]

  • Page 33

    33 Ruído nor mal durant e o fu nci onamen to d o aparelh o A te cnolog ia de aqu eci mento por indu ção baseia-se na criação de c ampos electromagnéticos que fazem c o m que o calor se gere dire cta men te n a ba s e do re ci pi en te. Estes campos , dep enden do da estr utu ra do re ci pie n te, p ode m dar or i gem a c ertos r uído s e v i[...]

  • Page 34

    34 Ù Πί νακας περ ιεχομ έν ων Συμ βου λές και υπ οδείξε ις ασφαλ είας .... ............. ............. ...... ... 3 4 Εν δε ίξε ις ασφαλείας .................................. ........................ .................... 3 4 Αιτίες βλαβ ών ............................[...]

  • Page 35

    35 Κίν δυν ος πυρκαγι άς ! ■ Πότε μην τοποθετείτε εύφ λεκτα αντικείμενα πάν ω στ ην βάσ η εστ ιών ■ Μην φυλ άσσ ετε εύφ λεκτα αντικείμενα ή αεροζόλ στ α συρτάρια κάτω από τη βά ση εστιώ ν , Υγρέ ς β?[...]

  • Page 36

    36 Πρ οστα σία του περιβ άλλον τος Ξετυλίξτε τη συ σκ ευή κα ι πε τάξτ ε τη συσκευασ ία με σε βασμό προς το πε ριβά λλον . Διάθεση τω ν απ οβ λήτων με σεβασμό προς το περιβά λλον Συμβ ουλές για την ε?[...]

  • Page 37

    37 Γνωρ ίστ ε τη συ σκευ ή Αυτές οι οδ ηγί ε ς χρήσης μπορούν να χρησιμ οποιη θο ύν σε διάφορε ς βά σε ις εστ ιών . Στη σελίδα 2 υπ άρχει μια γενική ει κό να των μοντέλων με πληροφ ορίες σχ ετικά με τα[...]

  • Page 38

    38 Ρύθμιση της εστί ας Επ ιλ έξ τε το επ ίπε δο ισχύος πο υ θέλετε με τα σ ύμβολα + και - . Επ ίπ εδο ισχύος 1 = ελ άχισ τη ισχύς . Επ ίπ εδο ισχύος 9 = μέ γι στ η ισχύς . Κάθε επί πεδ ο ισχύος διαθέτει εν δι[...]

  • Page 39

    39 Ασφά λει α για π αιδιά Η βάση εστ ιών μπ ορεί να διασφ αλιστ εί ενάν τια μιας ακ ούσιας σύνδεσης στο ηλεκτρικό ρεύμα για να εμπ ο δί ζει τα παιδιά να ανάβουν τις εστί ε ς . Ενεργοπο ίηση κα ι απ ε?[...]

  • Page 40

    40 Λειτ ουργί α P ow erb oos t Με τη λε ιτουργία Po w erb oost μπορείτε να ζεσ τ αί νετ ε τις τροφές πιο γρήγορα από το επί πεδο ισχύος Š . Πε ρι ορ ισ μο ί χρήσ ης Αυτή η λειτου ργία είναι διαθέ σιμη σε όλες τις [...]

  • Page 41

    41 Υπενθυμιστ ής χρόν ου Ο υπενθυμισ τής χρ όνο υ της κο υζί ν ας σας επ ιτρέ πει να ρυθμίσετε χρό ν ο μαγειρέματος μέχρι 99 λε πτά . Δεν εξαρτάται από τις άλλε ς ρυθ μί σει ς . Η λειτουργ ία αυτή δε ν [...]

  • Page 42

    42 Πρ όσβ αση στι ς βασικέ ς ρυ θμί σεις Η βάση εστι ών πρ έπει να εί να ι σ βησμένη . 1. Άναμμα της βάσ ης εστι ών . 2. Μέσα στα επό μενα 10 δευ τερόλε π τα , κρα τήστ ε πατημένο το σύμβολο ‚ για 4 δε υτ ερ [...]

  • Page 43

    43 Επ ιδιόρθ ωση βλάβ ης Κανο νικ ά οι βλά βε ς οφ είλ ον τα ι σε μικρές λεπ το μέρε ιες . Πρ ιν ειδοποι ήσετ ε το Τε χνικ ό Σέρβις , πρέπ ει να λάβ ετ ε υπόψη τις ακόλουθε ς συμβουλές κα ι υποδείξει ς .[...]

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    Ne ff GmbH Carl-Wery-St raße 34 81739 München DEU T SCHLAN D ( 901025)[...]

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    it 51 Dotazione Dopo il disimballo controllare l’apparecchio per accertare eventuali danni di trasporto. In caso di contestazioni rivolgersi al Vs. fornitore, presso il quale l’apparecchio è stato acquistato. La dotazione comprende i seguenti componenti: ■ Apparecchio ■ Accessori (a secondo del modello) ■ Busta con il materiale utile al [...]