Paxar 9855 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Paxar 9855, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Paxar 9855 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Paxar 9855. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Paxar 9855 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Paxar 9855
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Paxar 9855 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Paxar 9855 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Paxar 9855 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Paxar 9855, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Paxar service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Paxar 9855.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Paxar 9855 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Paxar  9855  Pr inter TC9855OH Rev. AB 4/03 ©2003 Paxar Americas, Inc. All rights reserved.[...]

  • Page 2

    Each pr oduc t and p rogr am carri es a resp ective w ritte n warr anty , the only warra nty on w hich th e custom er can re ly . P axa r reser ves the r ight to make changes in the produc t, the program s, and their av ailability at any time a nd without noti ce. Although P axar has made eve ry effort to provide compl ete and accurate inform ation[...]

  • Page 3

    T ABLE OF CONTENTS GETT ING ST AR TED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 Audi ence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Unpa ckin g the P rinte r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Page 4

    LOADING RIBBON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Load ing Ribbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Usin g a Hig h Ener gy Ri bbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Page 5

    P a ral lel C ommu nica tion s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6 Mod e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7 SETTING [...]

  • Page 6

    PRINTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1 Pri ntin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8- 1 On-D ema nd Mod e Prin ting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Page 7

    SPECIFICA TIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 1 Pri nter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 T ag Cut Di mens ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]

  • Page 8


  • Page 9

    GETTING ST ARTED 1 The P axar ® 9855  printer l e ts you print text, g raphics, and bar codes o n thermal transfer (ri bbon) and ther mal direc t labels or tags. The 98 55 pr inte r print s label s cont inuo usly (in on e stri p) or on-d eman d (one labe l at a time ). Y ou can p rint on aper tur e, die cut, b lack mark, or cont inuou s (non-i [...]

  • Page 10

    Audience The Operat or’s Ha ndbo ok is for the person wh o prints and appli es labels . Unpacking the Pr inter After you unpack the pr inter , you s hould hav e the printer , a power cord, and a ribbon take-up core (may already be on take-up reel). Keep the box and p ackagi ng mat erial in case t he pri nter eve r needs repair . Shipping the Prin[...]

  • Page 11

    9445  Printe r Online Emulation The 98 55 pr inte r using 203 d pi (do ts per inch) p rint ing su pports 94x5 emula tion. Y ou can se nd 94x5 data streams to thi s printer . Refer to you r 9445 Programmer’s Manual for information about 94x5 data stre ams. Ordering Progr ammer ’s Manuals The P acket Refere nce Ma nual , which describes ho w t[...]

  • Page 12

    Establishing Comm unications Before the pri nter can accept print jobs fro m the host, you must: N Connec t the commun ication ca ble to the pri nter and to the host. N Set the com munication val ues on the printe r to match those at the host. ( Only requi red if you are u sing the se rial port.) N Make sure the p rinter is off before co nnecting t[...]

  • Page 13

    The prin ter supports a baud rate up to 115200. Make sure your ho st is capabl e of communicat ing at the sp eed yo u select for the pri nter . Using the Control P anel The co ntrol panel ha s a two-lin e LCD dis p lay , 2 sta tus lights , and five buttons. T he cont rol panel d isplays erro r codes/message s, and al lows yo u to setup/ confi gure [...]

  • Page 14

    Button F unctions Fee d/ C ut : N Prints a la bel in the on-d emand mod e . N When the pri nter is online, feeds a b l ank labe l if t here i s no pr int j ob. N Prints a labe l with error inform ation that is useful to your System Ad ministr ator if an error is displayed. N When the pri nter is online, cuts the supply when pr essed and h eld fo r [...]

  • Page 15

    l and r In online mode, prin ts a test label when you press the button s at the same time. H o ld for one seco nd an d re lease. Display The di splay show s a thr ee-digi t erro r code a nd bri ef messa ge to identify any p roblem the printer m a y have. F or a description of the problem , look up the error code in Chapter 11, "Diagn ostics an[...]

  • Page 16

    MAIN MENU l Diagnostics N When the screen d isplays a left and a righ t arrow , press ei ther l or r to display more o p tions. MAIN MENU l Print Mode r N When you see the menu option you w ant, press Enter/P ause to select it. The M a in M e nu contr ols the prin ter’s setup a nd operation. Thro ugh th e Setu p Menu, you ca n select a sub-m enu [...]

  • Page 17

    LOADING SUPPLIES 2 This chapter d escribes how to load : N a roll of supply N fan-fold su pply N a roll of tag supply . Ther e are t hree types of supp lies: Thermal Direct speciall y treated thermal supp lies that do not use a ri bbon for pr inting. Thermal T ransfer standa rd suppli es that require a ribbon for printi ng. High Energy scratc h, ch[...]

  • Page 18

    Loading L abels or T ags Make sure the p rinter is configure d for the correct sup p ly type. 1. Open the cove r . 2. Unlock the printhead by turnin g the retaining la tch. 3. Lift pri nthead assem bly using the printhead ta b until the assembly lo cks into pla ce. 4. Place the roll of supply on the supply hold er . Fo r labels, the supply un rolls[...]

  • Page 19

    5. Adjust the sup ply holder gui des so the sides ba rely touch the roll. Make sure the supply roll turns freel y . If you are u sing fan-fold supplie s, place the s upply sta ck behind the printer , lab e l side fa cing up. 6. Push down on the su pply lever to unlock the supply g uides. 7. Lay the label strip a cross the su pply guide so that a fe[...]

  • Page 20

    Fo r tag supplies using the option al knife , feed the supp ly through the kn ife. Make sure at least 0 .5 inches of supply is past the knife . 8. Adjust the sup ply guides so the y touch the supply . Push up on the suppl y lever to lock the sup p ly guid es into place. Ta g Nibs Supply Lever Die Cut Sensor 2-4 Lo ading Suppl ies[...]

  • Page 21

    9. Hold the printhead assem b ly by th e printhead tab wh ile pressi ng do wn on t he pri nth ead re lease . 10. Clos e the printh ead by press ing down on th e thumb well until you hea r it click into pl ace. 11. Close the co ver . 12. Press Fee d /C u t to position the supply und e r the printhe ad. Thumb Well Loadin g Supplies 2-5[...]

  • Page 22

    Y ou m ay need to a djust the wid e/narrow kn obs depend ing on the width of your supp ly . See "Adjus ting the Wi de/Narrow Knobs" for m ore information. If the printe r will be unused fo r extended period s of time, we r e comm end leavin g the printh ead unlatched . Loading Labe ls for the O ptiona l Peel Mode: Pe el mode is an opti on[...]

  • Page 23

    3. F eed the b a cki ng paper ov er the peel bar . 4. F eed the bac king pape r through the l ower opening of the exit cover . C l ose the e xit cover . Pull down on the backin g paper to remove an y slack. When rem oving the back ing paper , p ull up across the saw-toothed tea r edge. Make sure the backi ng paper tears at the edge. Peel Bar Lower [...]

  • Page 24

    5. Close the p rinter’ s cover . 6. Press Fe e d/ C ut to position the supp ly under the printhead. Using the Optional T ear Bar Note the fo llowing ch ange to loadi ng labels i f you have purc hased the optio n al tear bar . T ear lab e ls ag ainst the tear bar . Y ou cannot tear tags with the tear bar . Slide th e supply b e tween th e tear bar[...]

  • Page 25

    Using Linerles s Supply Liner less printi ng is an opti on that must be purchased separately on th e or iginal print er or der . The lin erless o pti on is not customer or fiel d-install able. Y ou must u se ther mal di rect a nd black m ark supp lies fo r line rless applic ations. T h e line rless pri nter must us e on-dema nd mode. Fo r maximum p[...]

  • Page 26

    5. Press down on the exit cover tabs to ope n the exit co ver . 6. Pull ba ck slightly on the spring latch wi th your thumb or fingerna il and lift the s helf out. CA UTION Be careful w hen inserting or removi ng the shelf . The shelf has sharp poin ts. 2-10 Load ing Sup plie s[...]

  • Page 27

    7. If inserting the p eel bar: Insert the left ed ge of the peel bar into the side slot at an angle . Th en, sli de the peel bar to t he ri ght an d pr ess down until y ou hear it c lick into p lace. The peel bar must be lined up with th e platen rol ler . 8. If inserting the s helf: Insert the left ed ge of the shelf in to the side slot at an ang [...]

  • Page 28

    The sh elf must be pa rallel to the pl aten roller , not at an ang le. See the fo llowing d iagrams. CA UTION Make sure the shelf is not mi saligned with the pl aten roller , or dam a ge to the platen roller could oc cur . Platen R oller Shel f Sprin g L atch Shelf inserted correctly . Platen R oller Shel f Shelf not inser ted correctly . 2-12 Load[...]

  • Page 29

    9. Close t he e xit cover . 10. Load supplies by follow ing the label loading pr ocedures. Yo u may not ice a di ffere nt co lor an d text ure on the plate n roll er . Liner less suppl ies do not stic k to the textu red platen ro ller . 11. Cl ose the printh ead assem bly and the c over . 12. T urn on the p rinter . 13. V erify the alig nment of th[...]

  • Page 30

    Make sure the p rinter is configure d for the correct sup p ly type. 1. Open the cove r . 2. Unlock the printhead by turnin g the retaining la tch. 3. Lift pri nthead assem bly using the printhead ta b until the assembly lo cks into pla ce. 4. Shake the rol l of string tags down to un tangle the roll. 5. Place t he ro ll of su pply o n th e supply [...]

  • Page 31

    6. Adjust the sup ply holder gui des so the sides ba rely touch the roll. Make sure the supply roll turns freel y . 7. Push down on the su pply lever to unlock the supply g uides. The sup ply gu ides h ave be en angl ed sli ghtly f or st ring ta g suppli es. 8. Lay the su pply across th e supply g uide so th at a few in ches extend past the front o[...]

  • Page 32

    10. Hold the printhead assem bly by the prin thead tab whil e pressi ng do wn on t he pri nth ead re lease . 11. Clos e the printh ead by press ing down on th e thumb well until you hea r it click into pl ace. 12. Close the co ver . 13. Press Fee d /C u t to position the supply und e r the printhe ad. If the printer wi ll be unused fo r extended pe[...]

  • Page 33

    LOADING RIBBON 3 This c hapter descr ibes how to load a ribbon roll. There ar e different ri bbon requi rements for th e three types of suppli es: Thermal Direct Supplies do not us e a ribbon for printing. Thermal T ransfer Supplies requ ire a ribb on f or pr intin g. High Energy Supplies requ ire a r ibb on ab le to w ithst and h igh temp eratur e[...]

  • Page 34

    Loading Ribbon Make s ure the printer i s configur ed to use a ri bbon. T o load ri bbon: 1. Open the cove r . 2. Unlock the printhead by turnin g the retaining la tch. 3. Lift pri nthead assem bly using the printhead ta b until the assembly lo cks into pla ce. 4. Push the d e flector tab down. 5. Slide th e extra ribbon core on the take-up ree l a[...]

  • Page 35

    6. Remove the n ew ribbon from the package as shown. Do not wrink le or crus h the new ri bbon. 7. Slide th e ribbon on to the back reel as far as i t will go. Th e ribbon roll on ly fits on the reel one wa y . Careful ly unwind a few inche s of ribbon from the bottom of the ro ll. 8. Carefull y feed the ri bbon under bo th ribbon r o lle rs and pr[...]

  • Page 36

    12. Remo ve any slack in the ribbon by turning the take-up ree l clockwise . 13. Hold the printhead assem bly by the prin thead tab whil e pressi ng do wn on t he pri nth ead re lease . 14. Clos e the printh ead by press ing down on th e thumb well until you hea r it click into place. Cl ose the cove r . Using a High Ener gy Ribbon High en ergy rib[...]

  • Page 37

    The hi gh energy s e tting is lost when y ou turn off the pri n ter . High Energy Ribbon Li mitations When using the hi gh energy ribbon option : N Use a pr int sp eed o f 2.5I PS (in ches pe r second ). N Printhea d warranty i s reduced to 10 0,000 inches . N Serial bar cod es cann ot b e prin ted. N Do not us e peel mo de. N No more than 20% of t[...]

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    3-6 Loading R ibbon[...]

  • Page 39

    SETTING SUPPL Y OPTIONS 4 This chapter e xplains how to se lect the supply type , ribbon, speed, feed mode, backfee d, p rint positi on, sup ply po sition , mar gin position, cu t position , dispense position, ba ckfeed d istance, separ ators , and ski p index mod e. Thi s chapte r also e xplains h ow to adjust the p rint contrast and enab le the v[...]

  • Page 40

    T o exit an opti on without changi ng the setting, pre ss Escape /Clear . Supply T ype Y ou can p rint on aper tur e, bla ck mark, di e cut, or cont inuou s supplies . Y ou have to tell th e printer which su pplies you are using . If you are using edge aperture supp lies, use the die cut se tting. If you are using ce nter apertu re su pplies, use t[...]

  • Page 41

    Ribbon Y ou have to te ll the printer if your supp lies require a ribbon. T o change the settin g , from the M a in Menu, sele ct Setup, then Supply . Then, follow the se steps. 1. Press l or r un til you see SUPPL Y Ribbon r 2. Press Enter/P ause to set the ribbon o p tion. Th e current setting is d isplayed, for exam ple: RIBBON l Ye s r 3. Press[...]

  • Page 42

    Speed Y ou can ch ange the pri nt speed for ba r codes or gra phics. If yo u select "default" for sp eed, formats with serial b a r codes automati cally print at 2.5 ips and formats with paral l el bar code s print at 6.0 ip s. 12.0 ips printing i s an option that m u st be purc hased sep a ratel y . T o change the setting, from th e Main[...]

  • Page 43

    F eed Mode Y ou can u se continu o us or o n-demand p rinting. On- demand printi ng allows y ou to remove a label befor e printing the next one. T o change the setting, from th e Main Menu, select Setup , then Supply . Then, follow the se steps. 1. Press l or r un til you see SUPPL Y l F eed Mode r 2. Press Enter/P ause to set the feed m o de. The [...]

  • Page 44

    Back feed Back feed works b y advancin g each pri nted label to th e desired dispense po sition. Once that lab e l is remo ved, the next label to be pri n ted is backed up un derneath the pr inthead. In con tinuous mode, on ly the last label in the batch is advan ced to the dispense positi on. Extended backfeed i s availab le on this pri nter with [...]

  • Page 45

    P ositioning This menu i n cludes se lections to change the print, sup ply , margin, cut, and dispense po sitions along with the backfeed d istance . When you se e Enter print pos [-99/99]: +0 Fe e d / C u t acts as a toggle sw itch to change the value by 10 or 1. F or example, to make the print po sition 23 (from the default of 0), press Fe ed / C[...]

  • Page 46

    T o change the setting, from th e Main Menu, select Se tup, Supply , then P ositioning. T hen, follow thes e steps. 1. Press l or r un til you see POSITIONING l Print Pos r 2. Press Enter/P ause . The current setti ng is displayed, for exampl e: Enter print pos [-99/99]: +0 3. Press l or r to change the print po sition. Pressing l decrea ses the va[...]

  • Page 47

    Supply P osition This functi on adjusts the machi n e to print at th e vertical 0,0 point on the sup p ly . The sup ply po siti on adju stme nt shou ld on ly be made on inital printer setup . For format adjust ments, ch ange the pr int p osition. Y ou may need to adju st the supply in or o u t to allo w N tags and l abels to be remo ved. N die cu t[...]

  • Page 48

    3. Press l or r to change the supply posi tion. Pressing l decreases the value (fee ds less supp ly); r increase s it (feeds more supply). 4. Press Enter/P ause when t he n umber you need appe ars. Press Escape/Clear until you se e the Main M enu. Margin Position This functi on adjusts where the form at prints horizonta lly on the supply . The adju[...]

  • Page 49

    T o change the setting, from th e Main Menu, select Se tup, Supply , then P ositioning. T hen, follow thes e steps. 1. Press l or r un til you see POSITIONING l Margin Pos r 2. Press Enter/P ause . The current setti ng is displayed, for exampl e: Ent er margin p os [-99/99]: +0 3. Press l or r to change the margin position. Pressing l decrea ses th[...]

  • Page 50

    2. Press Enter/P ause . The current setti ng is displayed, for exampl e: Enter knife adj [-300/300]: +0 3. Press l or r to change the cut positi on. Pressing l decrea ses the valu e (moves the cut down); r increases it (moves the cut u p). 4. Press Enter/P ause when t he n umber you need appe ars. Press Escape/Clear until you se e the Main M enu. D[...]

  • Page 51

    Backfee d Dista nce This i s the amount to move the lab el backwa rds. The bac kfeed distance ca n not be greater than the dispense position . If you make th e backfeed distance g reater than the di spense po sition, the dispe n se position automatically ch anges to match the backfeed distance. The bac kfeed dis tance should equal the di spense pos[...]

  • Page 52

    Batch Separator s A batch separator i s an extra tag printe d in between batches w ith a pinstrip e pattern. If you select "Long" for the separator , a double -length (two ta gs) separato r prints. F or non-inde xed supply , the batch se parator is a lways six inche s long. If you have the P axar ® 92 8  stacker instal led, the b atch[...]

  • Page 53

    3. Press l or r to see the other option s. After you display the option you w a nt, press Enter/P ause . Press Escape/Clear unti l you se e the Mai n Menu. Skip Inde x Y ou can u se the ski p index mod e to skip (or ignore) a se nse mark and prin t an image o ver multip le labels, if necessary . For examp le, if you hav e 4.0" long s u pplie s[...]

  • Page 54

    Setting Contrast The pr int co ntra st contr ols the darkne ss of th e prin ting o n your supply . The r ang e is -699 to +6 99 and th e def ault is 0 . Y ou m ay need to incre a se the print contra st for linerless supplies. H aving the correct print contra st setting is important because it affects how wel l your bar c odes sc an and how lo ng yo[...]

  • Page 55

    4. Press l or r to change the contrast. Pressin g r darken s the print; l l i ghtens the p rint. Fe e d / C u t acts as a toggle sw itch to change the value by 10 or 1. F or example, to make the contrast 50 (from the default of 0), press Fe ed / C u t , then press r five tim e s (50). 5. Press Enter/P ause to select eithe r "Y es" or &quo[...]

  • Page 56

    Ve r i f i e r The verifie r scans an d checks the q uality of bar co des as they a re printed. The op tional verifier must be p u rchased separate ly . The verifier scans p arallel bar codes; it can not scan serial bar cod es. The ve rifier mus t be enabl ed and s et up b efore y ou can s can bar code s. Fo r additional set up procedures , refer t[...]

  • Page 57

    COMMUNICA TION V ALUES 5 This chapter te lls you how to set the se rial or parallel commun icatio n valu es. The se valu es pr ovide t he li nk for normal online printing. Y ou need to set your Serial Com m values to match your computer’ s online com munication s. Before enteri ng the communica tio n valu es, see yo ur Syst em Admini strato r . T[...]

  • Page 58

    Baud Rat e T o change t he setting, fr om the Main Menu select Setup, Por t Settings, then Serial Comm. I f password protection in enabled, press F eed/Cut thr ee times, then press Enter/ P ause before you see the Setup Menu options. Then, follow these steps. 1. Press l or r until you see SERIAL COMM Baud Rate r 2. Press Enter/Pause . The curr ent [...]

  • Page 59

    3. Press l or r to display the wor d length you need, then press Enter/Pause . Pre ss Escape/Clear until you see the Main Menu. Stop Bits T o change t he setting, fr om the Main Menu select Setup, Por t Settings, then Serial Comm. Then, follow these steps. 1. Press l or r until you see SERIAL COMM l Stopbits r 2. Press Enter/Pause . The curr ent se[...]

  • Page 60

    2. Press Enter/P ause . The current settin g is displ ayed, for exampl e: PA R I T Y None r 3. Press l or r to display the p a rity you need , then press Enter/P ause . Press E scape/Clear until yo u see th e Main Menu. Flow Control T o change the setti ng, from the Main Menu select Setup, P ort Settings, then Serial Comm. The n , follow these step[...]

  • Page 61

    Reset to Default V alues T o change the setti ng, from the Main Menu select Setup, P ort Settings, then Serial Comm. The n , follow these steps. 1. Press r u ntil you se e SERIAL COMM l Reset 2. Press Enter/P ause . Are you sure? No r 3. Press l or r to make your selectio n, then press Enter/P ause . If you se lect "Y es," the foll owing [...]

  • Page 62

    1. Press l or r un til you see P ARALLEL COMM Po rt r 2. Press Enter/P ause . PORT External r 3. Use l or r to select either "External" or "Intern al." Press Enter/P ause . The internal port is us ed for printer option s installe d inside the printe r , such as the Ethern et commu nication po rt. The extern al port is us ed to c[...]

  • Page 63

    SETTING DEF A UL TS 6 This c hapter expl ains how to select the monetary si gn, second ary sign, d ecimal pla ces, slas hed zero, po wer -up mode , and prompt set. This cha p ter also ex plains how to forma t flash, check the availa ble fl ash memo ry , an d pack fl ash memo ry . Y ou can set your printer con figurations to fit your dai ly operatio[...]

  • Page 64

    The mon e tary formatti ng options are l isted in the table b elow . Option Choices Default Monetary sign None/USA/UK/Japan/ Germany/F rance/S pain/ Italy/Sweden/Finland/ Austria/India/Russia/ Korea/Thailand/China/Euro-Dollar USA Secondary Sign No/Y es No Decimal Places 0/1/2/3 2 Slashed Zero No/Y es No P ower-up Mode Online/Offline Online Prompt S[...]

  • Page 65

    Monetary Sign Y ou can also se lect No ne if you do not want a monetary sign to prin t in pr ice fi elds. T he mone tary signs ava ilable for 1 5 coun trie s are sh own in t he ta ble b elow. Country Currency Description USA $ dollar UK £ pound Japan ¥y e n Germany 1 deutsche mark F rance F franc Spain P peseta Italy L. lira Sweden Kr krona Finla[...]

  • Page 66

    MONET ARY SIGN l USA r 3. Press l or r until you see the country’s mone tary sign you want. 4. Press Enter/P ause . Press Escape /Clear until you se e the Main menu. Secondary Sign If you select USA as the monetary sign, you ca n print amounts less th an $1 .00 ei ther by usin g a do llar sign and d ecimal ( $0.3 0) or by us ing a cent s ign (30?[...]

  • Page 67

    3. Press l or r until you see the o ption you want. Then p ress Enter/P ause . Press Es cape/Clear u ntil you see th e Main menu. Decima l Places Y ou can set the pri n ter for 0, 1, 2, or 3 places after the de cimal in a price field . In U.S. currency , you might print price s like this: $24.00 ( 2 de cimal pl aces) or l ike this: $2 4 ( 0 decimal[...]

  • Page 68

    Slashed Zero The sla shed ze ro fe atur e lets yo u sele ct how yo u wan t the zero character pri n ted; either w ithout a slash, 0 o r , with a sla sh, ø. Stan dard o r red uced fo nts pr int t he slas hed zer o chara cter ( ø). Bold and O CR fonts print the sta n dard zero (0) o n ly . The slashed zero sele ction w ill not be in effect until th[...]

  • Page 69

    1. Press l or r un til you see DEF A UL TS l P owerup Mode r 2. Press Enter/P ause . The current setti ng is displayed, for exampl e: POWER UP MODE Online r 3. Press l or r until you see the o ption you want. Then p ress Enter/P ause . Press Es cape/Clear u ntil you see th e Main menu. Prompt Set Promp t set determine s which lang uage displ ays on[...]

  • Page 70

    3. Press l or r until you see the o ption you want. Then p ress Enter/P ause . Press Esca pe/Clear unti l you see the M ain menu. This op tion only affects the displ ayed prompt s. It does not chan ge wh at is pri nted by the prin ter . Flash Storage Flash st orag e allow s packets (with "R" o r "N" se lectors) to be stored in f[...]

  • Page 71

    Using Flash Mem or y The flas h memory options are l isted in the ta ble below . Option Choice s Default F ormat Flash No/Y es No Unused Flash NA NA P a ck Flash No/Y es N o For matting Flash Memor y Before stori n g packets in fl ash memory , down loading a script, or i f the printer’s fi rmware is updated, you m u st format the fla sh memory . [...]

  • Page 72

    Are you sure? No r 4. Press r to display "Y es" and press Enter /Pause . CREA TI NG FL ASH FILE SYSTEM 1 The pr inte r’s flash memory is cl eared and re form atted. This process may take several minu tes. The prin ter reboots automati cally after formatting flash memory . Y ou need to resend any fonts you wa nt to use to flash memo ry a[...]

  • Page 73

    3. Press l or r un til you see FL ASH MEMORY l Unused Flash r 4. Press Enter/P ause . Y ou see the n umber (in byte s) of availa ble f lash me mory . Unused Flash l 1006216_ 5. Press Escape/Clear until you se e the Main m enu. P acking Flash Memor y P acking fl ash memo ry permane ntly remove s any dele ted files from memo ry . Peri odically select[...]

  • Page 74

    4. Press r to display "Y es" and press Enter /Pause . All the d eleted files in flash mem ory are perm anently eras ed. 5. Press Escape/Clear until you se e the Main m enu. Memory Guidelines Use the se basic gu idelines w h en sto ring files in your printer’s memory . N Y our printer may have vol atile RAM (packets de leted when the pri[...]

  • Page 75

    N Use te mporar y stora ge for g rap hics tha t are only used once o r twice. Ho wever , i f you have a logo tha t is used on multi ple formats, save the graphic in flash. Once again, try to create the smallest file size possib le for your gr aphic. N Each li ne in a packe t requi res th e same am ount o f memo ry . The smaller th e format, the les[...]

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    6-14 Setti ng D efa ults[...]

  • Page 77

    USING SCRIPTS 7 This chapter e xplains how to l oad, enable, and dele te scripts. Y ou can also enab le st atus po llin g and immedi ate com mands. Using the Scri pts menu requires custom so ftware from P axar . It allows yo u to print data streams writte n for other printers. Igno re th ese menu s if you d o not use Scr ipts. Initial Script Startu[...]

  • Page 78

    Viewing Script Inform ation 1. T o see if your printe r has a script loaded from the M a in menu, press l or r un til you see MAIN MENU l Scripts r 2. Press Enter/P ause . If passw ord protecti on in enable d, press Fee d/ C ut three times, then press Enter/Pause before you see th e Scrip ts Menu op tions. 3. Press l or r un til you see SCRIPTS l S[...]

  • Page 79

    Downloading a Scr ipt Fo llow these i n structions to do wnload a script from th e MS DOS prompt. Se t the communicati on parameters using the MODE command . Then, prepare the prin ter to accept a script. 1. F rom the printer’s Scri pt Menu, press l or r unti l you see SCRIPTS Load Script r 2. Press Enter/P ause . Script Load Ready Only one scrip[...]

  • Page 80

    Enabling a Script The scr ipt mu st be en able d befo re yo u can us e it. T o enab le or d isable a scrip t: 1. F rom the Script Me nu, press l or r until you see SCRIPTS l Enable Script r 2. Press Enter/P ause . Enable Script? l Ye s 3. Use l or r to select either "Y es" or "N o" and press Enter/P ause . Sel e cting "Y es[...]

  • Page 81

    Deleting a Scr ipt Y ou can de lete a script from the pri nter’s memory . T o delete a script: 1. F rom the Script Me nu, press l or r until you see SCRIPTS l Delete Script r 2. Press Enter/P ause . Are you sure? l Ye s 3. Use l or r to select either "Y es" or "N o" and press Enter/P ause . Sel e cting "Y es" del e t[...]

  • Page 82

    Enabling Status P olling Status polli ng allows you to ob tain information about the readiness of the printer and the current (or last received) print job. Y our Syst em Admini strator can en able status polling whi le the p rin ter i s run ning in Scri pt mod e. T o en able statu s poll ing: 1. F rom the Script Me nu, press l or r until you see SC[...]

  • Page 83

    PRINTING 8 This c hapter expl ains how to N use on -demand mo de printi ng. N prin t an erro r la bel. N prin t, pa use, r estar t, can cel, an d repe at a batch. Y ou can sen d format, batch, and graphic d a ta to the prin ter from a host. When the printer receives the da ta, batches begin printing autom a ticall y . Th e optional P ack et Referen[...]

  • Page 84

    If the printe r will be unused fo r extended period s of time, we r e comm end leavin g the printh ead unlatched . An opt ional keyboa rd is al so avai lable t o en ter of fline batch d ata . The keyboard must be purchased separa tely . If there are offline batches in the print queue, the offlin e batches print after the downlo aded batche s have p[...]

  • Page 85

    P ausing a Batch Y ou can pause printing by pressing Enter/P ause . Y ou m a y want to interrupt a b a tch to make ad justments for: N Loadin g a different ro ll of supply or a ribbon . See Chapter 2, "Load ing S upplie s" or C hapt er 3, "Loa ding Ribbon ." N Adjusting th e supply position or con trast using the Setu p menu. Se[...]

  • Page 86

    2. Press l or r un til you see P AUSE MENU l Res tart Batc h r 3. Press Enter/P ause . The batch star ts printing from the begi nning. Canceling a P ause d Batch Y ou can ca ncel a pa used b atch, dele te a f ormat, grap hic, or f ont in memory , or al l the batches waiting to print. Before any forma t, graphic, or font in memory can b e delete d, [...]

  • Page 87

    N If you want to cancel only the paused ba tch, skip st ep 3. N If you want to can cel all the batch e s, skip step 2. 2. T o cancel on ly th e paus ed bat ch, pr ess l or r until you see P AUSE MENU Cancel Batch r Then pr ess Enter/P ause . T he batch is de leted and the p rinter prin ts any r emaini ng bat ches. 3. T o cancel al l th e batch es ([...]

  • Page 88

    If passw ord protectio n is en abled, you w ill be prom pted to enter a passwo rd before the formats, graphics, a nd fonts are deleted. Pre ss Fe e d/ C ut three ti mes and then press Enter/P ause . All forma ts are deleted. If you en ter the wrong password , you return to the Ma in menu. Fo r more information about passw ord protecti on, see "[...]

  • Page 89

    1. F rom the Main Menu, p ress l or r until yo u see MAIN MENU l Repeat Batch r 2. Press Enter/P ause . Printing xxxx o f x xxx The num b er increm ents until the en tire batch has printed . When it is finish ed, you will see PRINT MODE Ready Offline Printing Offline p rinting requires the optional keyboard, which must be purchased sep a rately . R[...]

  • Page 90

    Special Printing Cons iderations Kee p in mind the fo llowing s pecial pri nting cons iderations. Maximum Print Speed Printing Method Printhead Densit y Kni fe Peel Mode 2.5/4.0/6.0 ips (inches per second) Thermal Direct Thermal T ransfer 203/300 dpi dots per inch Supported Supported 8.0 ips T hermal Direct Thermal T ransfer 203/300 dpi Not Support[...]

  • Page 91

    Printing T rueT ype® F onts T rueT ype® fo nts are a vaila ble o n this p rint er . T rueT ype f onts ar e scalable an d the characters prin t smoothly , without the jagge d edges yo u see o n bitm ap fon ts. Wh en do wnlo ading a T r ueT ype font, you down load the entire fon t. Y ou cannot spec ify a subset (particular cha racters or point size[...]

  • Page 92

    Licensing Y our Fonts W e provide th e Font Uti lity to hel p you create an d download international code pages/characters. However , it is your respon sibility to li cense the fo nts you purch a se an d download to your printer . Contact your font supp lier for licensin g information. Additio n al fonts that a re compatible with this printer can b[...]

  • Page 93

    CARE AND MAINTENANCE 9 This chapter te lls you how to N clear labe l jams an d clea n the p rin ter N repl ace a p rint head N adjus t print contras t. CA UTION Do not u se sharp ob jects to cl ean the prin thead or touch the pri nthead with your fin gers. This may dama ge the printe r and require a service charge. Clearing Label Jams When you are [...]

  • Page 94

    Y ou m ay need to c lean the prin thead, sens or , and pla ten rolle r: N if the re is any adhe sive bu ild-u p in t he supp ly path. N after pri nting approx imately 3 r o lls o f thermal transf er/t hermal direct /lin erless su pplies o r after eac h ribbon. N daily if your pri nter is in an excessi vely dirty , hot, or hum id enviro nment. N whe[...]

  • Page 95

    4. Clean the pl aten r oller whe n you see si gnif icant adhe sive build- up or a label is wrappe d around the pl aten roller . Use a dry , soft-bristle b rush, such as a toothbrush , to clean either the stan dard (blac k) or linerl ess (red/o range textu red) platen roller . If the brush does not remo ve all the adhesive N Use is opropyl al cohol [...]

  • Page 96

    7. Rub the c otton swab ac ross the su pply senso r and die c u t sens or and remov e any buil d-up. 8. Clean th e build-up in the suppl y path. 9. Let the pri n ter dry before you re load supplies. 10. Close the exit cover by pushing fi rmly on it. Both latches wi ll click into pl ace. 11. Close the co ver a nd print hea d assembl y . 12. T urn on[...]

  • Page 97

    Re placing the Printhea d Y ou may have to re place the pr inth ead if it is da maged o r worn-out. F or ex ample, you m ay see 616 ( b ad dot or dots) or 768 (printhead failure) error codes. See Appendix B, "Accessories and O p tions " for the prin thead part num ber . CA UTION The pr inth ead i s sensit ive to stati c electr icity , whi[...]

  • Page 98

    6. Carefull y unplug the cab le from the printh ead as shown. Th e printhea d is sens itive to stati c electric ity , which can damage the printhea d or reduce its life. Groun d yourself by touching some metal, su ch as the printer’s m etal base, before touchi ng the pri nthead. 7. Carefull y plug the cable into the new pri n thead. 8. Align th e[...]

  • Page 99

    Make sure the pr inth ead ca ble doe s not t ouch the r ibbon roll. 10. Cl ean the new pri nthead with a c otton swab d ipped in isopr opyl a lcoho l to r emove an y salt or oil le ft from ha ndli ng. 11. Let the printhead d ry and relo ad your suppl ies. 12. Clos e the printh ead assembl y and the co ver . T urn on the printer . 13. Press Fee d/ C[...]

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    9-8 Ca re and Ma inte nanc e[...]

  • Page 101

    DIAGNOSTIC S & TROUBLESHOOTING 10 This c hapter expl ains how to p erform si mple diag nostic functi ons such as che cking the so ftware ve rsion, the su pply qua lity , printin g test lab els, and us ing passwor d protecti on. It also conta ins basic troubl eshooting i nformation. F actory Set P assw ord Y ou nee d a passwo rd to access di agn[...]

  • Page 102

    Line one lists the pr inter model number (M9855) and line two gives the version of software in the printer . Printing a T est L abel 1. F rom the Diagnostics Menu, press l or r until you see DIAGNOSTIC S l User Diag r 2. Press Enter/Pause and r until you see USER DIAG l T est Label 3. Press Enter/Pause . The following t est labels print. The first [...]

  • Page 103

    Checking Supply Q uality The printer co ntinuously stores data from the most recent 16 supplies pri nted to check the reflectivity o f the sensor marks on the supply . Before you ch eck your supply quality , print a batch of supplies or test labels. 1. F r om the Diag nostics menu, p ress l or r until you see DIAGNOSTIC S l User Diag r 2. Press Ent[...]

  • Page 104

    Using P assword Protec tion The pas sword pro tection fea ture preven ts formats, g raphics or fonts from accide ntally bein g deleted from th e printer’s memory . It also lim its access to the Setup and S cripts menus. Enab ling th e Password (Sy stem A dminis tra tors onl y) A Sys tem Admini strator can enable the pa ssword that m ust be entere[...]

  • Page 105

    The defa ult for passw ord protecti on is "No," s o you will always se e "No" e ven if passwor ds are enab led. 7. If you do no t want the user to en ter a password before th ey can delete fo rmats, graphics, fonts, or access to the S e tup and S cripts me nus, pre ss Enter/P ause . Y ou return to the User Di agnostics Menu. OR [...]

  • Page 106

    T roubleshooting This section he lps you correct some prob lems that may o ccur . Problem Action Error message appears during startup. T urn off the printer , wait fifteen seconds and then turn on the printer . Call T echnica l Support if the error message reappears. Does not print. Check supply . Check ribbon. Send a corrected format and batch pac[...]

  • Page 107

    Problem Action Backing paper is wrapped around platen or peel roller . Carefully remove the backing paper . Make sure the backing paper tears at the saw-toothed tear edge when using backfeed and peel mode. Blank labels print or 750 series errors. Clean supply sensor s. When downloading a script, the printer errors. Check the available flash memory [...]

  • Page 108

    Common Error s Errors 001 to 405 and 42 9 to 435 are d a ta erro rs. This type o f error indi cates that incorrect data was sent to the printer , and the printer is ign o ring it. Y our System Admi nistrator should correct the packet and send it back to the prin ter . E r r o r Description/Action 002 Name must b e 1 to 8 chara cters insi de quotes.[...]

  • Page 109

    611 Fo n t, bar code, or den sity in the batch does not fi t the format. 612 The data in thi s line of the batch is either missing or does not m a tch the form at. 613 Refere nce point off su pply . 614 Portion of fiel d off supply or ther e may be an in valid character in the packet. 703 The printe r sen sed a ca libra tion o f di ffere nt-si zed [...]

  • Page 110

    757 Load s upplies (s upply leng th mismatc h), becau se the calibrate d supply len g th differs b y plus or minus .25 inches from the format. Press Fee d /C u t . 758 Eithe r the supply is not seen or the on-dem and senso r is broken. Check for a label jam, clear the su pply path, or reload supplies. This error may occur if you rem o ve a labe l t[...]

  • Page 111

    SPECIFICA TIONS A Printer Height: 12.5 inch es (318 mm ) Width: 12 inch es (305 mm) Depth: 13 i nches (3 30 mm) with the optional metal cover (H x W x D) 13.0" (330 mm) x 12.5" (318 mm) x 17.3" (439 mm ) W eight: 21 lb. (9.5 kg) W eight w/metal cover: 29 lb. (13 .2 kg) Shipping W eight : 25 lb. (11.4 kg ) Shipping W eight w/metal cov[...]

  • Page 112

    Print Speed: 2.5 ips (64 mm) default for all seria l bar codes, 4.0 ips (102 mm), 6.0 i ps (152 mm) defa ult f or para llel bar cod es, 8. 0 ips (2 03 mm), and 10.0 ips (254 m m). 12.0 ips (305 mm) printi ng is an option that mu st be purc hased sep a ratel y . See Cha p ter 8, "P rinting" for spe cial conside rati ons wh en pri nting at [...]

  • Page 113

    Supplies Fo r high tem perature or hi gh humidi ty enviro nments, con tact P a xar fo r suppl y reco mmendat ions. C ontin uous (n on-in dexed ) suppl y does not hav e perforatio ns or blac k marks a nd must be used i n continuous mode. W e recomm end using co ntinuous supply wi th a tear bar or the opti onal knife. If you p urchased the opti onal [...]

  • Page 114

    Linerless Supplies For Supply Width greater than or equal to Use Suppl y L ength 1.5 inches (38 mm) 1.5 inches to 16 inches (38 mm to 406 mm) 2.0 inches (51 mm) 1.5 inches to 16 inches (38 mm to 406 mm) 3.0 inches (76 mm) 2.0 inches to 16 inches (51 mm to 406 mm) 4.0 inches (102 mm) 2.5 inches to 16 inches (64 mm to 406 mm) A 0.50 in ch non-print z[...]

  • Page 115

    Ribbon Specification Do not leav e ribb on in sun ligh t, hi gh tem peratu res o r humidi ty . Ribbon T ype: S tan dard o r Hi gh En ergy Ribbon Widths Use wi th Max. s upply width 1.5 inches (38 mm) 1.3 inches (33 mm) 1.8 inches (46 mm) 1.5 inches (38 mm) 2.3 inches (58 mm) standard or high energy 2.0 inches (51 mm) 3.3 inches (84 mm) 3.0 inches ([...]

  • Page 116

    Cable Pinouts The f ollowing tab les show th e conn ector pins fo r a 9- pin to 25-pi n (118364 ) cable or a 25-pin to 25 -pin cable ( 118366). 9-Pin (F) T o 25-Pin (M) CD 1 20 DTR RD 2 2 TD TD 3 3 RD DTR 4 8 CD SGND 5 7 SGND DSR 6 6 DSR RTS 7 4 RTS CTS 8 5 CTS N/C 9 1 Shield Drain Wire 25-Pin (F) T o 25-Pin (M) FG 1 1 FS TD 2 2 TD RD 3 3 RD RTS 4 [...]

  • Page 117

    ACCES SORIES & OPTIONS B Access ories N 926  Knife N 928  Stacker N 935  Rewi nd N 938  V e rifier (Can not be used w ith 92 6 Knif e and /or 9 28 Sta cker) N 939  Key bo a r d N Repla cemen t Pri nthea d Kits: 120551 01 203 dpi 120552 01 300 dpi N High En ergy Suppli es (TUFFM ARK®) N Ribbon T ake-Up C ore (117961 2 0, 30, or 4[...]

  • Page 118

    P a ckaging Ma terials If you need to sh ip the printer to a di fferent location and do not have the o riginal pa ckaging, us e the followin g part numbers to order th e appropria te packa ging materi als. Plas tic Co ver Printers Descri ption and Qty . Metal Cove r Printers Descripti on and Qty . 00065501 Car ton (1) 00066101 Carton (1) 00065502 C[...]

  • Page 119

    Ethernet I nformation P axar® offers internal an d external Ethernet co nnectivity solution s. These solutions make i t easy to set up, manage , and moni tor a printer li nked to an Ethern et connecti on. The print server provid es multiprotocol cap a bilities fo r users with Wind ows® 95/98 /2000 or Win dows NT®, T CP/IP , and N e tW are®. Sof[...]

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    B- 4 Access ories & Options[...]

  • Page 121

    GLOS SARY The foll owing terms will help y ou use this m anual. continuous mode Mo de in which the pri nter prints all the la bels in the batch w ithout stop ping. download (send) T ransmissi on of data from the ho st to your printer . forma t Supply l ayout or des ign, which th e System Administrator do wnloads as a format p acket to your printer [...]

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    2 Glos sar y[...]

  • Page 123

    INDEX A about f ont s 8- 9 accessor i es B - 1 adj ust i ng backf eed di st ance 4- 13 cut posi t i on 4- 11 di s pense posi t i on 4-12 m argi n posi t i on 4-10 pr i nt posi t i on 4- 7 suppl y posi t i on 4-9 suppl y w i dt h 2- 16 B backf eed 4- 6 bat ch r epeat i ng 8- 6 r est ar t i ng 8- 3 baud r at e 5- 1 opt i ons 5-2 C cancel paused bat c[...]

  • Page 124

    E em ul at i ng 9445 1- 3 er r or l abel , pr i nt i ng 8-2 er r ors com m on 10- 8 com m uni cat i on 10- 7 sum m ar y of t ypes 10-7 et her net B - 4 exi t i ng an opt i on 1- 8 F fla s h me mo r y 6 - 8 f l ow cont rol opt i ons 5-5 f unct i on, sel ect i ng 1- 7 H hi gh ener gy r i bbon 3- 4 I I E EE - 1284 5-6 in fo rm a tio n Et hernet B - 4 [...]

  • Page 125

    P par al l el com m uni cat i ons 5- 6 par al l el com m uni cat i on 5- 6 - 5- 7 par i t y 5- 1 opt i ons 5-5 passwords set t i ng 10-1 paused bat ch cancel 8- 4 peel bar cl eani ng 9- 3 por t set t i ngs 5- 1, 5- 6 pr i nt adj us t i ng posi t i on 4- 7 of f l i ne m ode 8- 7 onl i ne m ode 8- 1 set t i ng cont r a st 4- 16 pr i nt speed 4- 4 pr [...]

  • Page 126

    st r i ng t ags 2- 13 suppl y opt i ons r i bbon 4- 3 separ at or s 4- 14 s e tti n g 4 -1 suppl y sensor 9-4 l oc at i ng 9- 4 T t ag speci f i cat i ons A- 3 t ear bar 2-8 t ear edge 2- 7 t est l abel s pr i nt i ng 10-2 t r oubl eshoot i ng 10-6 t r ueT ype f ont s pr i nt i ng 8-9 V val ues com m uni cat i on 5- 1, 5- 6 def aul t 5- 1, 5- 6 ver[...]

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    GOMARO s.a. - La Rosaire 5 - CH 1123 Aclens - Suisse Tel: 021 869 97 70 - Fax: 021 869 96 02 Fournitures et assistance en Suisse:[...]