Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature All-Tube Amplifier manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature All-Tube Amplifier, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature All-Tube Amplifier one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature All-Tube Amplifier. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature All-Tube Amplifier should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature All-Tube Amplifier
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature All-Tube Amplifier item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature All-Tube Amplifier item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature All-Tube Amplifier alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature All-Tube Amplifier, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Peavey service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature All-Tube Amplifier.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Peavey JSX Joe Satriani Signature All-Tube Amplifier item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    10 J S X Fo r mor e info rmat ion on other great Pea vey prod ucts , visi t you r loca l Pea vey deale r or go on line at www .pea vey .com ™ Joe Satriani Signature All-T ube Amplifier[...]

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    Intended to aler t the user to the presence of uninsulated “ dangerous voltage ” within the product’ s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons. Intended to aler t the user of the presence of impor tant operating and maintenance (ser vicing) instructions in the literature accompanying the[...]

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    IM POR T A NT SAF ETY I NSTRUCTION S WARNING: When using electrical products, basic cautions should always be followed, including the following: 1. Read these instructions. 2. K eep these instructions. 3. Heed all warnings. 4. Follo w all instructions. 5. Do not use this apparatus near water . 6. Clean only with a dry cloth. 7. Do not block any of [...]

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    Congratulations on purchasing a Peavey JSX guitar amplifier . The JSX is a guitar player’ s dream come true, an amp that delivers superior sound quality and high performance for any style of guitar playing. Only the finest materials are used to create this great-sounding, rugged, tour -wor thy and very unique-looking tone machine. I hope you like[...]

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    Congratulations on purchasing a Peavey JSX guitar amplifier . The JSX is a guitar player’ s dream come true, an amp that delivers superior sound quality and high performance for any style of guitar playing. Only the finest materials are used to create this great-sounding, rugged, tour -wor thy and very unique-looking tone machine. I hope you like[...]

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    R E A R P A N E L (9) BA SS This control, on both the Ultra and Crunch channels, varies the low frequency response of the amplifier . It is an active control (shelving type) and allows ˜ 12 dB of boost or cut. (10) VOL U ME This control, on all three channels, sets the overall level of its respective channel. (11) GAIN This control, on both the Ul[...]

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    R E A R P A N E L (9) BA SS This control, on both the Ultra and Crunch channels, varies the low frequency response of the amplifier . It is an active control (shelving type) and allows ˜ 12 dB of boost or cut. (10) VOL U ME This control, on all three channels, sets the overall level of its respective channel. (11) GAIN This control, on both the Ul[...]

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    (27) C ABI NET I MPEDANCE SWITCH This three-position switch allows appropriate selection of speaker cabinet impedance. If two enclosures of equal impedance are used, the switch should be set to half the individual value. For example, two 16 Ohm enclosures necessitate an 8 Ohm setting, while two 8 Ohm enclosures would require a 4 Ohm setting. Minimu[...]

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    (27) C ABI NET I MPEDANCE SWITCH This three-position switch allows appropriate selection of speaker cabinet impedance. If two enclosures of equal impedance are used, the switch should be set to half the individual value. For example, two 16 Ohm enclosures necessitate an 8 Ohm setting, while two 8 Ohm enclosures would require a 4 Ohm setting. Minimu[...]

  • Page 10

    JS X SPECIFIC A TION S J SX Block Diagram Note: For proper ventilation‚ allow 24" clearance from nearest combustible surface. POWER AMPLIFI ER SECT ION: T ubes: Four EL34 tubes with 12A X7 driver Rated P ower & L oad: 120 W atts RMS into 16, 8 or 4 Ohms Pow er @ Clipping: (typically @ 5% THD, 1 kHz, 120 VA C line) 120 W atts RMS into 16,[...]

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    JS X SPECIFIC A TION S J SX Block Diagram Note: For proper ventilation‚ allow 24" clearance from nearest combustible surface. POWER AMPLIFI ER SECT ION: T ubes: Four EL34 tubes with 12A X7 driver Rated P ower & L oad: 120 W atts RMS into 16, 8 or 4 Ohms Pow er @ Clipping: (typically @ 5% THD, 1 kHz, 120 VA C line) 120 W atts RMS into 16,[...]

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    Felicitaciones en la compra de su amplificador para guitarra Peavey JSX. El JSX es para el guitarrista su sueño hecho realidad – el amplificador que le impartirá tanto a su sonido como a cualquiera que sea su estilo de ejecución, una calidad superior . Sólo los materiales más finos se han utilizado en crear esta máquina tonal de gran sonido[...]

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    P A N E L F R O N T A L (1) INTERRUPTOR DE PO TE NCIA Este interruptor de dos posiciones aplica corriente a la unidad. La lámpara de estatus roja (3) se iluminará cuando el interruptor de encuentre en la posición de encendido (ON). (2) INTERRUPT O R DE ST ANDBY Este interruptor de dos posiciones permite poner al amplificador en modo ST AN DB Y .[...]

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    9) GRA VES Este control, tanto en el canal Crunch como en el Ultra, varia la respuesta de frecuencias graves del amplificador . Es un control activo y permite ˜ 12 dB de recor te o aumento. (10) VOL U MEN Este control, en los tres canales, ajusta el nivel de su respectivo canal. (11) GANA NCIA Este control, tanto en el canal Ultra como Crunch, con[...]

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    P A N E L T R A S E R O (21) NIVE L DE ENVIO DE E FECT OS Este control calibrado (0-10) ajusta el nivel de señal que se manda a una unidad externa de efectos o procesador . La rotación en dirección de las manecillas del reloj incrementa la cantidad de señal que se manda, contrarreloj la reduce. Para la operación más silenciosa el N IVEL DE EN[...]

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    (27) I NTERRUPT OR DE IMPE DANCIA IM PEDANCIA Este interruptor de tres posiciones permite seleccionar la impedancia del gabinete de altavoces. Si se usan dos gabinetes de distintas impedancias, el interruptor debe estar en la mitad de su valor individual. Por ejemplo, dos altavoces de 16 ohmios necesitan una posición de 8 ohmios, mientras que dos [...]

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    P E D A L (30) CONECTOR DE C ABLE Este conector tipo DIN de 7 agujas se pro vee para conectar una pedalera en el CONTROL R E MO T O (25) vía el cable incluido en el paquete. Las conexiones de la pedalera y amplificador deben llevarse a cabo antes de encenderlo. (31) S ELECT OR UL TRA / CRUNCH Este interruptor selecciona entre los canales Ultra y C[...]

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    J SX Diagrama en Bloque ™ 18[...]

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    JS X ESPECIFIC ACIONES Note: For proper ventilation‚ allow 24" clearance from nearest combustible surface. POWER AMPLIFI ER SECT ION: Bulbos: Cuatro tubos EL34 con 12A X7 impulsor Potencia Nominal & Car ga: 120 W ats (V atios) RMS a 16, 8, ó 4 Ohmios Capacidad @ Clipping: Potencial @ Mutilación de Señales (t íp ic am e nt e @ 5 % THD[...]

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    Nous vous félicitons d’avoir fait l’acquisition d’un amplificateur guitare Peavey JSX . L e J SX est le rêve d’un guitariste devenu réalité, un ampli qui fournit une qualité sonore supérieure et une haute performance quel que soit le jeu de guitare. Seuls les matériaux les plus nobles ont été utilisés pour créer cette machine sol[...]

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    F R O N T P A N E L (1) S ELECTEUR D’ALIMENT A TION Cet interrupteur 2-positions contrôle l’alimentation électrique pour votre unité. Une lampe de statut (3) s’illumine lorsque l’unité est sous tension. 2) SELECTEUR DE CIRCU IT DE CHAUFFE (ST ANDB Y) Cet interrupteur 2-positions permet à votre unité d’alimenter les lampes sans les r[...]

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    (9) BA SSE S Ce contrôle, sur les canaux Ultra et Crunch, permet de modifier la réponse en basses fréquences de votre unité sur ces canaux. Ce c o n t r ôl e e s t a c t i f e t v o us p e r m e t j u s qu ’à ˜ 12 d B de m o di f ic a t i o n (b o o s t o u c ut ) . (10) VOL U ME Ce contrôle, sur chacun des canaux, permet de régler le ni[...]

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    R E A R P A N E L (21) CONTROL E DE NIVE AU D’ENVOI D’EFF ETS (EFFECTS SEN D LEVEL) Ce contrôle calibré (0 –10) détermine le niveau du signal envoyé par la sor tie E FF ECTS S EN D(24) à une unité externe d’effets ou autre (Pédale de volume,...). Le tourner horairement augmentera ce niveau et vice-versa. Sa position est déterminée [...]

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    (28) SORTIES HAUTS-P ARLEUR S Ces jack 1/4" mono (TS) sont montés en parallèles et vous permettent de connecter vos enceintes à votre unité. Le sélecteur d’impédance (27) doit ëtre positionné sur la position donnée par le nombre et l’impédance des enceintes que vous comptez utiliser . La charge de travail minimum de votre unité [...]

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    F O O T S W I T C H (34) CONN ECTEUR C ABLE DIN Ce connecteurs 7-pins DIN vous permet de connecter le pédalier à votre unité via un cable 7-pins DIN (fourni). Le branchement du pédalier doit se faire av ant la mise sous tension de votre unité. (35) S ELECTEUR UL TRA / CRUNCH Ce sélecteur vous permet de choisir entre les canaux Ultra et Crunch[...]

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    J SX Block Diagram ™ 26[...]

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    JS X SPECIFIC A TION S Note: For proper ventilation‚ allow 24" clearance from nearest combustible surface. SECTION AMPLI FIC A TE UR DE PUISSA NCE Lampes: Quatre lampes EL34 combinées à des 12AX7 Puissance Nominale et Charge: 120 W atts RMS sous16, 8 ou 4 Ohms. Puissance en crête: (typiquement à 5% THD, 1 kHz, 120 V en courant alternatif[...]

  • Page 28

    Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Sie haben gerade einen Peavey J SX Gitarrenverstärker erworben. Mit dem JSX wird ein Gitarristentraum wahr , denn der V erstärker liefert her vorr agende Soundqualität und viel Leistung für jede Ar t von Gitarrenspiel. Für den Bau dieses robusten V erstärkers, der sich durch tollen Klang und ein einzigartiges Design a[...]

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    F R O N T P L A T T E ((1) POWER Mit diesem Knebelschalter schalten Sie den Strom für das Gerät ein oder aus. In der Schalterstellung ON leuchtet die rote Statusanzeige (3). (2) ST ANDB Y Mit diesem Knebelschalter schalten Sie den V erstärker in den ST AN DB Y -Betrieb, d.h. die Betriebstemperatur der Röhren bleibt erhalten, der V erstärker al[...]

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    (9) BA SS Mit diesem Regler stellen Sie in den Kanälen Ultra und Crunch den Bassanteil ein (aktiver Shelving- Regler für bis zu ˜ 12 dB Anhebung oder Absenkung). (10) VOL U ME Mit diesem Regler bestimmen Sie in allen drei Kanälen die Lautstärke des jeweiligen V erstärkerkanals. (11) GAIN Mit diesem Regler bestimmen Sie den Eingangspegel für [...]

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    R Ü C K S E I T E (21) EFFECTS SEN D-REGLER Mit diesem kalibrier ten T rimregler (0 –10) stellen Sie den an ein externes Effektgerät oder anderen Signalprozessor ausgegebenen Pegel ein. Mit dem Uhrzeigersinn gedreht erhöht sich der Signalanteil, gegen den Uhrzeigersinn gedreht verringert er sich. Für ein möglichst rauschfreies Signal empfieh[...]

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    (27) C ABI NET I MPEDANCE Mit diesem Dreifach-Schalter stellen Sie die Lautsprecherimpedanz ein. Bei Anschluss zweier Lautsprecherbox en mit identischen Impedanzwer ten setzen Sie diesen Schalter auf den halben Wert einer Box. Bei zwei 16-Ohm-Boxen stellen Sie den Impedanzwahlschalter also auf 8 Ohm ein, bei zwei 8-Ohm-Boxen auf 4 Ohm (Mindestimped[...]

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    F U S S S C H A L T E R (34) R EMO TE C ABLE An diese 7-polige DIN-Buchse schließen Sie das im Lieferumfang enthaltene Fußschalter - Anschlusskabel an und verbinden es mit dem Fußschaltereingang des V erstärkers (RE MO T E SWITCH, 25). Beachten Sie, dass die Kabelverbindung bei Einschalten des V erstärkers bereits bestehen sollte. (35) U L TRA[...]

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    JS X TECHNISCHE DA TEN J SX Block Diagram Note: For proper ventilation‚ allow 24" clearance from nearest combustible surface. EN DSTUFE: Röhren: Vier E L34-Röhren mit 12A X7-T reiber Nennleistung und Nennlast: 120 W att RMS an 16, 8 oder 4 Ohm Leistung bei Clipping: (typisch bei 5% THD, 1 kHz, 120 V Wechselstr omleitung) 120 W att RMS an 1[...]

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    JS X TECHNISCHE DA TEN J SX Block Diagram Note: For proper ventilation‚ allow 24" clearance from nearest combustible surface. EN DSTUFE: Röhren: Vier E L34-Röhren mit 12A X7-T reiber Nennleistung und Nennlast: 120 W att RMS an 16, 8 oder 4 Ohm Leistung bei Clipping: (typisch bei 5% THD, 1 kHz, 120 V Wechselstr omleitung) 120 W att RMS an 1[...]

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    Featur es and specifications subject to change without notice. Peav ey Electronics Corporation • 711 A Street • Meridian • MS • 39301 (601) 483-5365 • F AX (601) 486-1278 • www .peavey .com ©2004 Printed in the U.S.A. 6/04 80304994[...]