Peg-Perego A3 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Peg-Perego A3, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Peg-Perego A3 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Peg-Perego A3. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Peg-Perego A3 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Peg-Perego A3
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Peg-Perego A3 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Peg-Perego A3 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Peg-Perego A3 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Peg-Perego A3, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Peg-Perego service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Peg-Perego A3.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Peg-Perego A3 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    FI000601I54 A3 Istruzioni d ʼ uso IT Instructions for use EN Notice d ʼ emploi FR Gebrauchsanleitung DE Instrucciones de uso ES Instruções para uso PT Gebruiksaanwijzing NL Használati útmutató HU Navodila za uporab SL Инструкции по пользованию RU Kullanim klavuzu TR ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΧΡΗΣΕΩΣ EL[...]

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    A B C OK A click click A B C C 2 1 3 4 5 6[...]

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    2 A B 1 8 7 9 10 11 12[...]

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    14 13 15 16 17 18[...]

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    19 20 21 22 23 24[...]

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    A B 25 A B 1 2 3 28 27 29 30 26[...]

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    31 32 A B C 33 34 35 36[...]

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    37 Ganciomatic System GM Ganciomatic System GM 42 A3+Navetta 41 A3+Primo Viaggio Ganciomatic System GM 39 B Ganciomatic System GM A 40 A A B 38[...]

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    Ganciomatic System GM 43 A3+Porte-Enfant GM 44 Accessory 45 Accessory 46 Accessory 47 Accessory 48 A3+Porte-Enfant Soft[...]

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    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 A3[...]

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    1 ARPI0343• 2 SPST5771DGR SPST5771SGR 3 SPST5149JGR 4 SPST5492D• SPST5492S• 5 ARPI0344D• ARPI0344S• 6 SPST5334D• SPST5334S• 7 SPST5335KDGRS SPST5335KSGRS 8 SPST5638DGR SPST5638SGR 9 SPST5348D• SPST5348S• 10 ARPI0345• 11 ARPI0346DL65• ARPI0346SL65• 12 SAPI5363GR 13 SPST5362• 14 SOTA0209L65 15 SOTA0213L65 16 ARPI0347D• ARP[...]

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    sotto il bracciolo e contemporaneamente estrarre il tappo (procedere da ambo i braccioli). 10• Per montare il frontalino, premere contemporaneamente i pulsanti e infilarlo nella sede dei braccioli come in figura fino al click; il frontalino si posizionerà nella seconda posizione (2). 11• Per posizionare il frontalino nella prima posizione (1) [...]

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    sbloccare i freni, agire in senso contrario. Da fermi, azionare sempre il freno. CINTURA DI SICUREZZA 25• A: Assicurarsi che la bretella sia correttamente inserita spingendo come in figura. B: Agganciare la cintura agendo come in figura. 26• Per sganciare la cintura, premere ai lati della fibbia e contemporaneamente tirare verso l ʼ esterno, i[...]

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    A3 + PORTE-ENFANT GM 43• Per agganciare Porte-Enfant GM al passeggino, occorre: - frenare il passeggino; - togliere la capottina dal passeggino se posizionata dalla parte dello schienale; - abbassare completamente lo schienale del passeggino; - alzare gli attacchi Ganciomatic del passeggino; - togliere il frontalino ed inserire i tappi in dotazio[...]

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    • IMPORTANT: read the instructions carefully before using the stroller. Save the instructions for future reference. • PEG PEREGO reserves the right to make any necessary changes or improvements to the products shown at any time without notice. Peg Perego S.p.A. is an ISO 9001 certified company. The fact that we are certified provides a guarante[...]

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    SAFETY BELT 25• A: Make sure that the brace is properly inserted by pushing as shown in the figure. B: Fasten the belt as shown in the figure. 26• To unfasten the belt, press on the buckle sides and pull out the waist strap. 27• The new safety belt is now easier to fasten thanks to the "snap-open-and-shut" device. Before fastening t[...]

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    - install the hood on the part of the stroller opposite the handlebar; - before fastening the Porte-Enfant GM to the stroller with hood installed (the hood having been installed on the part of the stroller opposite the handlebar), it is necessary to raise the fi rst half of the hood with care so as not to get the material caught up when attaching [...]

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    • AVERTISSEMENT: lire attentivement les instructions avant d ʼ utiliser le produit et les conserver pour toute référence ultérieure. • Pour des raisons techniques et commerciales, PEG PEREGO pourra apporter à tout moment des modifications aux modèles décrits dans ce manuel. Peg Perego S.p.A. bénéficie de la certification ISO 9001. La c[...]

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    poussette. • Laver avec une éponge et de l'eau savonneuse sans utiliser de détergent. FREIN 24• Pour ralentir la poussette, abaisser avec le pied la barre située sur les roues arrière. Pour débloquer les freins, relever la barre. A l ʼ arrêt, toujours actionner le frein. CEINTURES DE SECURITE 25• A: Assurez-vous que la bretelle so[...]

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    - se saisir de la poignée de Navetta; - positionner la nacelle Navetta sur les fixations Ganciomatic de la poussette, en mettant le côté de la tête de la nacelle à l ʼ opposé de la poignée de la poussette; - appuyer des deux mains sur les côtés de Navetta jusqu ʼ à entendre un déclic. • Pour démonter la nacelle Navetta de la pousset[...]

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    • ACHTUNG: Die Anleitung vor Gebrauch aufmerksam durchlesen und sorgfältig aufbewahren. • Farbliche und technische Änderungen vorbehalten. Peg Perego S.p.A. ist gemäß ISO 9001 zertifiziert. Die Zertifizierung garantiert den Kunden und Verbrauchern Transparenz und ermöglicht das Vertrauen in die Arbeitsweise unseres Unternehmens. KUNDENDIEN[...]

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    befindet. • Den Regenschutz nicht in geschlossenen Räumen verwenden und immer sicherstellen, dass dem Kind nicht zu warm wird. • Den PVC-Regenschutz nicht in die Nähe von Hitzequellen bringen und mit Zigaretten Acht geben. • Sicherstellen, dass der Regenschutz weder den Boden berührt noch an bewegten Teilen des Sportwagens schleift. • De[...]

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    A3 + PRIMO VIAGGIO 41• Zum Befestigen ders Autokindersitzes am Sportwagen wie folgt vorgehen: - die Feststellbremse des Sportwagens betätigen; - das Sportwagenverdeck abnehmen; - die Rückenlehne des Sportwagens vollständig herunterklappen; - die Ganciomatic-Verbindungsstücke des Sportwagens hochstellen; - Den Autokindersitz in Richtung der Ma[...]

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    • IMPORTANTE: leer detenidamente las instrucciones antes del uso y conservarlas para poder utilizarlas en el futuro. • PEG PEREGO podrá modificar los modelos descritos en este prospecto, por razones técnicas o comerciales. Peg Perego S.p.A. cuenta con la certificación ISO 9001. Dicha certificación ofrece tanto a los clientes como a los cons[...]

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    (conservarlos por si hubiera que utilizar la silla de paseo sin barra frontal). Para quitar los tapones, presionar el botón que hay debajo del brazo y al mismo tiempo sacar el tapón (hacer lo mismo en ambos brazos). 10• Para montar el frontal, presionar al mismo tiempo los pulsadores e introducirlo en el alojamiento de los brazos hasta oír cli[...]

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    entrepierna por debajo del asiento. 38• Desenganchar los botones del saco del asiento y sacarla para extraer el saco de los ganchos del reposapiés. Sacar el saco por arriba. GANCIOMATIC SYSTEM Ganciomatic System es el sistema práctico y rápido que permite enganchar en la silla de paseo una serie de productos que se pueden adquirir por separado[...]

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    ligero. • Secar las partes de metal del producto para evitar que se oxiden. • Limpiar periódicamente las partes de plástico con un paño húmedo, no usar disolventes ni otros productos parecidos. • Cepillar las partes de tejido para quitar el polvo. • Mantener limpias las ruedas quitando polvo y arena. • Proteger el producto contra los [...]

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    cadeira de passeio sem pousa mãos). Para retirar os parafusos, premir o botão debaixo do braço da cadeira e, ao mesmo tempo, extrair o parafuso (proceder em ambos os braços). 10• Para montar o pousa mãos, carregar nos botões ao mesmo tempo e introduzi-lo na lugar próprio, nos braços, como representado na figura, até fazer um clique; o po[...]

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    38• Solte os botões da vestidura do assento e puxe para retirá-la dos ganchos do repousa pés. Retire a vestidura por cima. GANCIOMATIC SYSTEM O Ganciomatic System é um sistema prático e rápido que permite enganchar a cadeira de passeio, graças aos encaixes Ganciomatic, os seguintes produtos que podem ser comprados separadamente, estes tamb[...]

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    • BELANGRIJK: lees vóór het gebruik deze handleiding met instructies met aandacht. Bewaar de handleiding voor een toekomstige raadpleging. • Peg Perego kan op ieder gewenst moment wijzigingen aanbrengen op de modellen die in deze publicatie beschreven worden, om reden van technische of commerciële aard. Peg Perego S.p.A. heeft een ISO 9001- [...]

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    VOORZETSTUK 9• De wandelwagen heeft twee sluitdoppen op de armleuningen. Om het voorzetstuk te bevestigen moeten deze doppen eerst worden weggenomen (bewaar de doppen voor wanneer u de wandelwagen zonder voorzetstuk wilt gebruiken). Om de doppen te verwijderen drukt u op de knop onder de armleuning en trekt u op hetzelfde moment de dop naar buite[...]

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    losgezet en de eventueel omlaag geplaatste rugleuning omhoog geplaatst worden. 33• Het is mogelijk de wandelwagen met één hand te sluiten: breng de wandelwagen in positie zoals de afbeelding toont, trek aan het hendeltje, draai aan de knop en plaats de handgreep omlaag. De wandelwagen zal automatisch dichtgaan. 34• Controleer de correcte slui[...]

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    stuurstang van de wandelwagen door en schuif hem over de rugleuning tot de Ganciomatic aansluitpunten bereikt worden; - druk met beide handen op de zijkanten van de Porte-Enfant GM, tot u de klik hoort. • Om de Porte-Enfant GM van de wandelwagen los te koppelen, raadpleegt u de instructiehandleiding van de wandelwagen. ACCESSOIRES 44• Tas Versc[...]

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    • FONTOS: a használat el ő tt figyelmesen olvassák el az utasításokat és azokat ő rizzék meg a kés ő bbiekben történ ő tanulmányozás céljából. • A Peg Perego az ebben a kiadásban ismertetett modelleknél m ű szaki vagy kereskedelmi jelleg ű okokból kifolyólag bármikor végrehajthat módosításokat. Peg Perego R.t. ISO 9[...]

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    • Gy[ ő z[ ő djenek meg arról, hogy az es[ ő véd[ ő nem ütközik a kocsiváz vagy a sportkocsi egyik mozgásban lév[ ő szerkezetével sem. • Mindig vegyék le az es[ ő véd[ ő t, miel[ ő tt összecsukják a kocsivázat vagy a sportkocsit. • Szivaccsal és szappanos vízzel, mosószer alkalmazása nélkül mossák le. FÉK 24• A [...]

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    - a sportkocsi háttámlájának teljes lehajtása; - a sportkocsi Ganciomatic kapcsainak felemelése; - a biztosítópánt eltávolítása és a tartozékként átadott dugók beillesztése a sportkocsi kartámláinak összecsukásához; - a sportkocsi lábtartójának a legmagasabb pozícióba történ ő megemelése; - a Navetta fogantyújának [...]

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    • POMEMBNO: skrbno preberite navodila pred uporabo in jih shranite, da jih boste lahko še kdaj prebrali. • Peg Perego se lahko kadarkoli odlo č i, da bo spremenil modele, objavljene v katalogu, najsi bo to zaradi tehni č nih ali tržnih razlogov. Peg Perego S.p.A. ima certifikat ISO 9001. Certifikat za stranke in porabnike pomeni garancijo t[...]

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    so č asno jermen č ek okoli pasu potegnite navzven. 27• Novi varnostni pas je zaradi sistema "pripni in odpni" še laže uporabljati. Preden pas zapnete, pripnite sponko na hrbtni naslon, tako da vstavite jezi č ek v ustrezno režo, kot je prikazano na risbi; ko zapnete pas otroku, ga odpnite z naslona, da se otrok laže premika. Spo[...]

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    - z obema rokama pritisnite ob straneh Porte- Enfant GM, dokler priklju č ki ne kliknejo. • Da bi odpeli Porte-Enfant GM s športnega vozi č ka, preberite njegov priro č nik z navodili. DODATKI 44• Torba za previjanje: Torba s podlogo za previjanje otroka, ki jo je mogo č e pripeti na vozi č ek. 45• Sen č nik: Sen č nik, ki ga namestim[...]

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    • ВАЖНО : перед применением изделия внимательно прочтите инструкции , и храните их для использования в будущем . • Пег Перего имеет право внести в любой момент изменения в модели , описанные в[...]

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    дождя . • Не используйте дождевик в закрытых помещениях , и всегда проверяйте , чтобы ребенку не было жарко . • Не держите дождевик из ПВХ рядом с источниками тепла , будьте осторожными с сигар?[...]

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    - полностью опустить спинку прогулочной коляски ; - поднять крепления Ganciomatic прогулочной коляски ; - Установите автомобильное кресло в сторону мамы , и сместите его вниз до щелчка . - Рекомендуе?[...]

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    • ÖNEML İ : Kullan ı mdan önce talimatlar ı dikkatlice okuyunuz ve ilerde tekrar kullanmak üzere muhafaza ediniz. • Pegperego ihbarsiz olarak herhangi bir zamanda üründe de ğ i ş iklik yapmak ve islah etmek haklarini sakli tutar. Peg Perego S.p.A. ISO 9001 sertifikal ı d ı r. Bu sertifika ile mü ş terilere ve tüketicilere kurumun[...]

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    t ı pay ı ç ı kar ı n (kollar ı n her ikisine de ayn ı i ş lemi uygulay ı n). 10• Al ı nl ı ğ ı takmak için dü ğ melere ayn ı anda bast ı r ı n ve ş ekildeki gibi, al ı nl ı ğ ı , t ı k sesini duyana dek iterek kol yerlerine iyice oturtun. Bu haliyle al ı nl ı k ikinci konumda durmaktad ı r (2). 11• Al ı nl ı ğ ı[...]

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    GANCIOMATIC S İ STEM Ganciomatic System ayn ı sisteme sahip olan ve ayr ı olarak sat ı n al ı nabilecek olan a ş a ğ ı daki ürünleri pratik ve h ı zl ı bir ş ekilde pusete takabilmenizi sa ğ lar. • Primo Viaggio: temel k ı s ı ml ı araba kunda ğ ı , temelinden (arabada kal ı yor) ayr ı l ı p pusetin Ganciomatic kancalar ı n[...]

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    μέσα στην έδρα του μέχρι να ακουστεί το κλικ . 8• Περάστε τα μπροστινά ανοίγματα του καλαθιού στους πλευρικούς γάντζους που βρίσκονται κάτω από το κάθισμα του καροτσιού όπως φαίνεται στην εικ[...]

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    ΠΕΡΙΣΤΡΕΦΟΜΕΝΟΙ ΤΡΟΧΟΙ 30• Για να γίνουν περιστρεφόμενοι οι μπροστινοί τροχοί , χρειάζεται να χαμηλώσετε το μοχλό όπως φαίνεται στην εικόνα . Για να τους σταθεροποιήσετε , ενεργείστε επάνω στ[...]

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    περιπάτου εάν είναι τοποθετημένη από την πλευρά της πλάτης ; - να κατεβάσετε τελείως την πλάτη του καροτσιού περιπάτου ; - να σηκώσετε τους συνδέσμους Ganciomatic του καροτσιού περιπάτου ; - να αφαιρ?[...]

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    PEG PEREGO SpA Via De Gasperi, 50 20043 Arcore (MI) Italy ΠΑΙΔΙΚΑ ΕΙΔΗ ΒΡΕΦΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΑΙΧΝΙΔΙΑ ΕΓΓΥΗΣΗ Η PEG – PEREGO εγγυάται για τυχόν εργοστασιακά ελαττώματα των προιόντων της για διάστημα έξι μηνών από ?[...]

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    PEG PEREGO S.p.A. VIA DE GASPERI 50 20043 ARCORE MI ITALIA tel. 0039•039•60881 fax 0039•039•615869-616454 Servizio Post Vendita - After Sale: tel. 0039•039•6088213 fax: 0039•039•3309992 PEG PEREGO U.S.A. Inc. 3625 INDEPENDENCE DRIVE FORT WAYNE INDIANA 46808 phone 260•482•8191 fax 260•484•2940 Call us toll free 1•800•671?[...]