Pentax Optio 33L manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Pentax Optio 33L, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Pentax Optio 33L one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Pentax Optio 33L. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Pentax Optio 33L should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Pentax Optio 33L
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Pentax Optio 33L item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Pentax Optio 33L item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Pentax Optio 33L alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Pentax Optio 33L, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Pentax service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Pentax Optio 33L.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Pentax Optio 33L item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Digital Camera Operat ing Ma nual For op tim um c amera per f ormance, please r ead th e Ope rati ng Manual befor e u sing t he camera.[...]

  • Page 2

    2 Thank you fo r buying t he PENTAX Optio 33L Digi tal Camer a. Please read t his m anual bef ore usi ng the cam era i n order t o get th e most out of all the fe atures and funct ions. Keep this manua l saf e, as i t ca n be a valua ble tool in helpi ng you to under stand all the camera' s capabi lit ies. Re ga r di ng c op yr i g hts Im ages[...]

  • Page 3

    3 We have paid cl ose at tenti on to the safet y of this product. When using thi s p roduct , we r equ est yo ur spe cial atten tion re gardin g it ems mar ked with the followi ng symbols. War nin g • Do no t dis ass emb l e or mo di fy th e ca me ra. High vol tag e are as ar e pre se nt insi de th e camer a , with th e ri sk of ele ct ric s hoc [...]

  • Page 4

    4 • Alway s co nf irm th at th e ca mera is wor ki ng pr op erl y whe n t he c amer a has no t been use d fo r a lo ng time , o r bef ore imp ort an t occ asi on s (w eddi ng s, tri ps , etc. ). PEN TAX is not res po nsi ble f or co ns eq ue ntia l dama ges ( co sts incu r red for phot og raph y, lo st pr ofi t s, et c. ) ar isin g f rom f ai lur[...]

  • Page 5

    5 FOR YO UR SAFETY ..................... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ... 3 Handli ng the Camera ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ... 4 Contents .......... .......... ........... .......... ........... ..................... .......... ........... ....[...]

  • Page 6

    6 Switc hing Betwe en Cap ture Mode and P laybac k Mode ..................... .......... . 48 Selectin g the C apture Mo de .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... . 48 Taking Pic ture s............... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... ........... .......... . 49 Prog ram Mo[...]

  • Page 7

    7 This operati ng man ual c ontains t he fo llowing chap ters. The symbo ls used in this operati ng manual are exp l ained below. Co n te nts of Th i s Ma nu a l 1 Getting Starte d Expl ains your firs t step s, f ro m purc hasi ng t he c amera to ta king pic tures . B e sure to re ad it an d fol l ow the in struc tion s. 2 Quick Start Expl ains the[...]

  • Page 8

    8 ∗ It ems marke d with an ast eri sk are al so avail abl e as opti onal acc ess ori es. For other opti onal ac ces sori es, see “Op tiona l Acce ssor ies” ( p .9 6). Check ing Packag e Contents Ca me ra Optio 33L Strap O-ST5( ∗ ) So ftw a re (CD-ROM) S-S W8 Vi deo ca ble I-VC2 ( ∗ ) USB cable I-USB2 ( ∗ ) 3D i mage vi ewe r O-3DV1 Lith[...]

  • Page 9

    9 Front Back Name s of Part s Shutter rele ase button Pow er sw itch S elf- ti m er la mp Flash Lens Term inal cover USB/V ideo termin al DC input ter minal Tripod s ocket LCD monitor Str ap lug CF c ard co ver Ba ttery co ver LCD mon itor ho od insta llation holes[...]

  • Page 10

    10 Guide disp lay A button operati on guide is disp l ayed on the LCD monitor during operat ion. The bu ttons are i ndica ted as sh own bel ow. Names of Ope r ating P ar ts Four-way co nt rol ler ( 2 ) 2 MEN U b utto n Four-way co nt rol ler ( 3 ) 3 Zo om f / y bu tton (Di git al zo om and magni fi ed play back only ) y Four-way co nt rol ler ( 4 )[...]

  • Page 11

    11 1 Getting Star t ed Getting Started Attachin g the Strap Pass t he narro w end of the strap through t he strap lug, an d attach as shown.[...]

  • Page 12

    12 1 Getting Star t ed Power ing the Ca mera Install b atteries in the came ra. Use on e CR -V3, or us e two AA l ithium ba tteries, AA Ni-MH ba tteries, or AA alkalin e ba tteries. 1 Slide the battery co ver in the direction indicated, and fl ip o pen . 2 Ins ert the batteries acc ording to the +/- ind icator in th e bat tery cha m ber. 3 Clo se t[...]

  • Page 13

    13 Getting Star t ed 1 • Thes e figur e s are b ased on P E NTA X meas uring con ditio ns. May va ry by capt ure mode or sh ooti ng con dit ions . You ca n check the bat t ery l evel on the LCD monit or. Numbe r of Captures and Pl ayback Time (room te m perature, new b atteri es) Num ber of rec ordable ima ges Play back time With th e flash fire [...]

  • Page 14

    14 Getting Star t ed 1 When us ing the L C D monitor f or a lon g t ime or whe n connecting t o your PC, we recommend usi ng the AC adapte r kit D-AC5 (sol d separat ely). 1 Make su re the camera is tu rned off b efore o penin g the term inal cover. 2 Connect the DC term inal on th e AC adapter to the DC input termi nal on the camera. 3 Connect the[...]

  • Page 15

    15 1 Getting Star t ed In sta lli ng /Remo ving the CF Car d Captur ed i mag es are recor ded on the compact flash (CF ) card. Make sure the ca mera i s turned off bef ore i nstallin g or removin g a CF card (ma rket pr oduct). 1 Slide the CF card cover in the direction, and flip ope n. 2 Insert the card all the way with the CF card l abel (or 2 sy[...]

  • Page 16

    16 Getting Star t ed 1 • Approx imate Number of Shots , Recorded Pixels, and Q uality Levels • Thes e figur es sho w th e numb er of sho ts whe n usin g a 16MB CF car d. • T hese f igur e s a re ba s ed on PE NTA X st an da rd sh oo ti ng c on dit ions , a nd m ay va r y de pe nd in g o n th e s u bje c t, s h oo tin g co nd iti on s , c ap t[...]

  • Page 17

    17 1 Getting Star t ed Ro ta tin g the LCD Mo ni to r (R ota te LC D) You ca n rotate the LCD m onit or 180 ° verti cally or hori zontal ly. The scree n displa y will change wit h t he rot ation of the LCD monit or. When t aki ng your se lf-port rait , yo u can c heck t he screen while you take the picture. The scr een displ ay ch anges wi t h t h[...]

  • Page 18

    18 1 Getting Star t ed Init ial Set tin gs You can c hoose the language in which t he menus , erro r messages , etc. are dis played f r om the fol lowing : English, French , German, Spani sh, Ital ian and Jap anese. 1 Turn the camera on. 2 Use th e fo ur-way c ontroller ( 45 ) to sel e ct th e d ispl a y l an gua ge. The def ault setti ng i s En gl[...]

  • Page 19

    19 Getting Star t ed 1 2 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 3 ). The scr een f or s etti ng the n ext item will be di spl ayed. You ca n choose whether or not t o displ ay the D. S. T ( Daylight Saving Time) mode. 1 Use th e fo ur-way c ontroller ( 45 ) to sel e ct O (O n) or P (Off). The def ault setting i s P (Off) . 2 Pres s the fo ur-way con tr[...]

  • Page 20

    20 Getting Star t ed 1 Set the cu r rent date and time, and the display st yle. 1 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 23 ) to selec t the date an d time disp lay style . 2 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 5 ). 23 a re di spl ayed ab ove and below " 24h". 3 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 23 ) to selec t 24h (24-hou r di splay) or 12h [...]

  • Page 21

    21 Getting Star t ed 1 7 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 23 ) to set the d ate and press the four-way c ontro ller ( 5 ) again. 23 a re di spl ayed ab ove and below th e year. 8 Repeat step 7 to set the year, hour, a nd mi nutes . 9 Pres s the O K b utton. The camera is r eady to take a picture. Whe n you set the date and time using t he MENU bu[...]

  • Page 22

    22 2 Quick Sta r t Qui ck Start Takin g S til l Pic ture s This i s the simpl est way to tak e still pi cture s. The fla s h dischar ges automat ically based on li ght condit ions by the default sett ing. 1 Pres s the p ow er switch. The camera wil l tu rn on . 2 Confirm the sub ject and shooting information on th e L CD monitor. The f oc us fr ame[...]

  • Page 23

    23 2 Quick Sta r t The sh utter r elease but ton works i n two steps . • Press halfway Light ly pres s (half way) t he shutt er relea se button to loc k the f ocus posit ion, exposure, and white balance. • The shutt er speed an d aperture se ttings ar e only di splayed when pressi ng the s hutter r elease bu tton hal f way. • The fol lowing i[...]

  • Page 24

    24 2 Quick Sta r t Qui ck Start Pla ying Bac k St ill Pi ctur es To play bac k stil l pict ures: 1 Pres s the p laybac k button after ta k i ng a pi ctur e. The cap ture d image is di spl ayed on the LCD mon itor . P res s i ng th e f o ur - wa y co n tro l ler ( 3 ) will rot ate the ima ge 90 ° , 180 ° , an d 270 ° . Y o u can di splay im ages [...]

  • Page 25

    25 2 Quick Sta r t While the image is d isplayed, press the i butt on to dis play the Delet e scr een. Press t he four-way co ntroller ( 2 ) to select Delete, an d pres s OK. T he imag e is del eted. Pre ss th e Pl ayback butt on agai n, or pre ss th e shutter release button h a lfway t o return to ca pt u r e m o de . Delet ing a Displayed Image ?[...]

  • Page 26

    26 2 Quick Sta r t Qui ck Start Usin g Yo ur CF Card Pict ur es t aken with this c amera ar e recorded on the comp act f l ash (CF) ca rd. You can view the pictu res recor ded on t he CF card on th e camera its elf, tran sf er t hem to y our PC, o r print them. One adv antage of a digi tal camera is that you can check th e pic ture as soon as you t[...]

  • Page 27

    27 2 Quick Sta r t You only i nstal l the USB driver the very f irst ti me. After that , you simpl y connect the camera with the USB cable and read the images into your PC. You can vi ew your pictur es on you PC, or transfer the data and edi t it. Or you can remove th e CF card from the camer a and t rans f er the data with a car d reade r. On a la[...]

  • Page 28

    28 Quick Sta r t 2[...]

  • Page 29

    29 3 Common Operations Comm on O perations Tur ning the Came ra On and Of f 1 Pres s the p ow er switch. The cam era wil l tur n on. Th e lens c over ope ns and the l ens exte nds. Press the p ower switch again to tu rn the camera off. Turni ng the camera on whi l e pres sing the Playback butt on acti vates t he Playba ck Only mode. • When the ca[...]

  • Page 30

    30 3 Common Operations Usi ng Bu tton Fun cti ons 1 b button Change s the fl ash m ode. ( 1 p. 38) 2 ) button Change s the ca pture m ode as f ollows. ( 1 p.36) Macr o mode ( 1 p.36 ) In finit y-la ndscape mo de ( 1 p.3 6) Manu al focus mode ( 1 p .36) 3 Zoom butt o n Change s the siz e of t he sub ject. ( 1 p.6 8) 4 Playba ck button Swi tche s to [...]

  • Page 31

    31 Common Operations 3 1 Z button Pro tects the ima ge from deletio n. ( 1 p .79) 2 i button Deletes the ima ge. ( 1 p.78 ) 3 Zoom / f / y butto n Dis play s nin e images a t once w hen pre ssed in standard Playba ck mod e. Change s the im age size on the LCD monito r in Zoom D isplay m ode. ( 1 p.74 ) 4 Playba ck/ Q b utton S w itc h es t o C a pt[...]

  • Page 32

    32 3 Common Operations Se tti ng t he Me nu s Press t he M ENU button to di splay th e menus on the LCD screen. With these you can set funct ions, save t he setti ngs, and chan ge the camera se ttin gs. A button operati on guide is disp l ayed on the LCD monitor during menu operat ion. 1 Press th e M ENU button. The menu scree n is displ ay ed. Th [...]

  • Page 33

    33 Common Operations 3 Exam ple of menu operat ion (Pressing th e MENU button in Captur e m ode) If you p ress the shutter release button half way or press th e Zoom button t o lea ve a me nu s cree n , you r se tting s w ill be s ave d an d th e ca me ra ret ur ns to Ca pt ure m ode (o r the pla yback s creen i n Playba ck O nly mo de). MENU OK Re[...]

  • Page 34

    34 Common Operations 3 [ A Rec. Mode] Menu { ··· All chang es ar e vali d. × ···Se tting c hanges are invali d. Me nu Li st Item Description Default Setting A Pic ture Mode B F G Dl C Refer enc e Recor ded Pi xel s Select s the nu mber of rec orded pi xels . 2048 × 1536 { Se t to 320 × 240 p. 39 Qual ity Lev el Selec ts the i mage com pre [...]

  • Page 35

    35 Common Operations 3 [ Q Playback ] Menu [ B Set-up ] M enu Ite m Description Default S etting Reference Sli de Show Play s recor ded imag es suc cess ively. 3s ( 3 sec . interval ) p.77 Ite m Description Default S etting Reference Format Formats a CF c ard Cancel p.84 Beep Sets t he but ton ope ration sound. O (on) p.86 Dat e Adjus t Sets t he d[...]

  • Page 36

    36 4 Taking Pic t ures Taki ng P ictures Sett ing th e Ca pture Fu ncti ons Focus M ode 1 Pres sing ) in Ca p t ure m o de wi ll s wi tc h fo cu s modes , and the curren t setting is displayed on the LCD monitor. The camera is r eady to take a p ic ture in the set focu s mode. Changin g Focus S ettings (No i con ) Aut ofoc us mo de Foc uses on ob j[...]

  • Page 37

    37 Taking Pic t ures 4 On the z setti ng, pres s the four -way contr oller ( 45 ) to enlarge t he centr al port ion of th e scre en t o full scr een on the LCD monitor. Adjust t he focus with the four- way contr ol ler while watchi ng t he image on the monit or. Once the focus i s set, pr ess any but t on other t han the fo ur -way contr oller ( 45[...]

  • Page 38

    38 Taking Pic t ures 4 1 Pres s the b butt on in Ca ptur e mode . This will s w itch focus modes, and the c u rrent i con is displayed on th e LCD mo nitor. The camera is r eady to take a p ic ture in the s elected fla sh mode. Se lect i ng the Flas h Mod e (No i con ) A ut omat ic flas h The f lash di s cha rges au t oma t ical ly based o n light [...]

  • Page 39

    39 Taking Pic t ures 4 A Picture M ode B F GDl Select t he numb er of recorded pi xels from 2048 × 1536, 1600 × 1200, 1024 × 76 8, 640 × 480. The m ore p ixels t here are, the l arger t he image si ze an d fi le si ze. The image fi le si ze wi ll also di ffer accor ding to quali ty lev el setting s. 1 Select [Recor ded P ixels] on th e [ A Rec.[...]

  • Page 40

    40 Taking Pic t ures 4 A Pictu r e Mode B C F GDl Select t he image com pressi on rate. The m ore E ther e ar e, th e better the qual ity and the large r the file. The image fi le si ze will also di ffer accordi ng t o Recorded Pixels se ttin gs. 1 Select [Qualit y Level ] on the [ A Rec. Mo de] m enu . 2 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 45 ) to[...]

  • Page 41

    41 Taking Pic t ures 4 A Picture M ode B F GDl Adjust s for natural col oring in your pic t ure, accordi ng t o the light ing. 1 Select [White Balance] on the [ A Re c. Mode ] me n u. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 5 ). The White Bala nce selecti on screen i s displ ayed. 3 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 23 ) to chan ge the setti ng. 4 P[...]

  • Page 42

    42 Taking Pic t ures 4 1 Select [ K ] (M anual) on the W hit e Balan ce selection scree n. 2 Po int your camera at white pa per to fill the screen. 3 Pres s the O K b utton. The LCD monitor w ill displa y "Adjustin g", and retu rn to the menu scre en whe n the wh ite bala nce is ad just ed. 4 Pres s the O K b utton. The cam era is r eady [...]

  • Page 43

    43 Taking Pic t ures 4 A Picture M ode B F GDl You ca n changes the ar ea for a utofocus (Focusing Area). 1 Selec t [ F ocus ing Area] on the [ A Re c. Mo de] me nu . 2 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 45 ) to chan ge the focusing area . 3 Pres s the O K b utton. The cam era is r eady to take a p icture. Se ttin g the Focusin g Ar ea Wid e No rm[...]

  • Page 44

    44 Taking Pic t ures 4 A Picture M ode B F GDl You ca n choose the par t of t he screen to us e for measuring brightn ess and de termining exposure. 1 Sel ect [AE M et ering] on the [ A Rec. Mod e] me nu. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 45 ) to c han ge the met ering mo de. 3 Pres s the O K b utton. The cam era is r eady to take a p icture. S[...]

  • Page 45

    45 Taking Pic t ures 4 A Picture M ode B F GDl You can set t he Sensiti vit y t o match the br ightn ess of the sur roundi ngs. 1 Select [Sensi tivity] on the [ A Rec . Mo de ] m enu . 2 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 45 ) to chan ge the sensitivity. 3 Pres s the O K b utton. The cam era is r eady to take a p icture. Settin g Sen siti vity AUT[...]

  • Page 46

    46 Taking Pic t ures 4 A Picture M ode B F GDl You can sele ct the Instan t Review displ ay time from 0.5 sec, 1 sec, 2 sec, 3 sec , 5 sec, or OFF (no di splay). 1 Select [Instant Review] on the [ A Rec. M ode ] men u. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 45 ) to chan ge the display time. 3 Pres s the O K b utton. The cam era is r eady to take a p[...]

  • Page 47

    47 Taking Pic t ures 4 A Picture M ode B F GDl Th is se ts t he colo r s atu ra ti on . 1 Select [Saturation] on the [ A Rec. M ode] me nu. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 45 ) to sel e ct z (Hi g h), x ( No rm al ) , or y (Low). 3 Pres s the O K b utton. The cam era is r eady to take a p icture. A Picture M ode B F GDl You ca n set the image[...]

  • Page 48

    48 4 Taking Pic t ures Swit ching B etw een Mode s Captur e m ode is for ta king pic tures, and Playbac k mode is for playi ng back or er asing images. • Press the Playback button t o s witch f rom Captur e mo de to P l ay back m ode. • Press t he Playback button or pr ess t he shutter release button hal fway to swit ch from Playb ack mode to C[...]

  • Page 49

    49 4 Taking Pic t ures Taki ng Pict ures In P rogram Mode ( A ) , you can set all the fu nctions and ta ke pictur es. 1 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 3 ) in Capt ur e Mo de. The vi rt ual mod e di al is displaye d. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 23 ) to sel e ct th e [ Pr ogr am A ]. 3 Pres s the O K b utton. The cam era is r eady to ta[...]

  • Page 50

    50 Taking Pic t ures 4 You ca n match your settings to the si tuation . Pictu r e Mode There ar e eight modes ava ilable. 1 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 3 ) in Capt ur e Mo de. The vi rt ual mod e di al is displaye d. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 23 ) to select the [Picture M ode ( H )] di a l , and p ress the fou r-way contro ller ([...]

  • Page 51

    51 Taking Pic t ures 4 3 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 23 ) to selec t the ico n for the desired picture mode. 4 Pres s the O K b utton. T h e P ict u r e m od e is s e le c t ed . 5 Pres s the s hutter rel eas e button. The p icture will b e taken. You can set t he softnes s f or sof t mode in Picture mode. 1 Select [Soft setting] on the [ A[...]

  • Page 52

    52 Taking Pic t ures 4 You ca n rever se t he LCD monit or whil e you tak e a se lf-port r ait or a coupl e-shot, chec king your self in the LCD monitor whil e you take th e pict ure. 1 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 3 ) to select [Pi c ture Mode] on the virtual mode dial, and set it t o [Self- po rt rai t ( M )] . 2 Rotate th e LCD Monitor. Yo[...]

  • Page 53

    53 Taking Pic t ures 4 The sett ings in this mod e are appr opriate f or taking dar k scenes . 1 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 3 ) in Capt ur e Mo de. The vi rt ual mod e di al is displaye d. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 23 ) to sel e ct th e [ Ni g ht Sc en e Mo de( B )]. 3 Pres s the O K b utton. The cam era is r eady to take a p ic[...]

  • Page 54

    54 Taking Pic t ures 4 You ca n take movie pict ures. The maxim um leng th of one r ecording (1 set) is about 30 seco nds. Sound cann ot be recorded. 1 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 3 ) in Capt ur e Mo de. The vi rt ual mod e di al is displaye d. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 23 ) to sel e ct th e [ Mo vie ( C )]. 3 Pres s the O K b ut[...]

  • Page 55

    55 Taking Pic t ures 4 If y ou hold down t he shutter re lease butt on for one s econd or more, the came ra wi l l r ecord while yo u hold do wn the button. Recordi ng stops when yo u rel ease t he shutt er relea se button . Recordi ng by holding down the shutter relea se button Playing Back Movie Pictu res 1 p.75 • The fl as h w il l n ot fi re [...]

  • Page 56

    56 Taking Pic t ures 4 ACD photost itcher is only for the English ver si on and the Ja panese versi on. You can joi n several image s together t o form one panor ama pict ure. Use a Windows PC and the pr ovided software to join the images. 1 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 3 ) in Capt ur e Mo de. The vi rt ual mod e di al is displaye d. 2 Pres s[...]

  • Page 57

    57 Taking Pic t ures 4 6 Mov e the camera to the righ t, and take th e se cond picture . Repeat t his proc edur e f or th e third a nd follo wing pic ture s. 7 Pres s the O K b utton. The scr een ret ur ns t o s tep 4 . To canc el Pa norama Assis t m ode, s witch to any othe r m ode. • The c am er a ca nn ot jo in th e i m ag es. Us e th e s o ft[...]

  • Page 58

    58 Taking Pic t ures 4 Using t he LCD m onitor, you can take 3D picture s to be vie wed by the pa rallel metho d or cross met hod ( p.60 ). Print ou t the 3D pictur e and look at it throug h the 3D i mage view er provide d. It will a ppear in th ree dimen sions. The de fault s et ting is Paral l el to view with the 3D Image Viewer. If you do not ne[...]

  • Page 59

    59 Taking Pic t ures 4 7 Pres s the O K b utton. The scr een f or t akin g the fir st image appear s on the left side of the LCD mo nitor. 8 Take the first image. Posi tion the subjec t at t he cen ter of t he left side of th e scree n, and p ress the shut ter release butt on. The image is display ed on th e left si de of the LCD m onitor. The r ig[...]

  • Page 60

    60 Taking Pic t ures 4 Viewing 3D Pictures with the Parall el method and Cross meth od Because our e y es ar e posi tione d about 6 t o 7cm ap art, eac h eye sees at a slight ly diffe rent angl e. The b rain pro cesses this differ ence t o produc e a t hree-d i mensio nal image. This pr incipl e is applied t o t aking and viewi ng 3D pictu res. 3D [...]

  • Page 61

    61 Taking Pic t ures 4 How to view 3D pictu res with the 3D Image Viewer Prin t out the pict ur es so they are 11cm to 12cm wide. Place the 3D Image Vie wer divider between the two images. The distan ce be t we en the eyes d iff er fr om pe rson to p erson. Some m ay no t se e a t hre e-d im e ns io na l e ffe c t e ve n w ith th e sa m e s ize pr [...]

  • Page 62

    62 Taking Pic t ures 4 Example of a 3D Pict ure[...]

  • Page 63

    63 Taking Pic t ures 4 You can t ake pictur es with dig ital fi lters with a variet y of col ors, such as red, blue, and gre en. Filt ers Eight color filt ers are pr ovided: black- and-white , sepia, red , green, blue , black -and-whit e+red, black -and-whit e+green, and bla ck-and- whit e+blue. When you sele ct a filte r in Digital Filter Mode, t [...]

  • Page 64

    64 Taking Pic t ures 4 You can au tomatical l y ta ke three pi ctures i n a r ow wi th di ffer ent set tings for exposure, saturat ion, sha rpness, a nd cont r ast. F or expo sure a nd whit e balance, the bracket step must be set i n advance. 1 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 3 ) in Capt ur e Mo de. The vi rt ual mod e di al is displaye d. 2 Pre[...]

  • Page 65

    65 Taking Pic t ures 4 You ca n set the brac ket step to use when select ing Ex. Bracke ting in Au to B r a cke t Mo de. S ele c t fr om ± 03, ± 0. 7, ± 1 .0, ±1 . 3, ± 1.7 , o r ±2 . 0 1 Select [Ex. Bracket St ep] on th e [ A Rec. Mode ] me nu. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 45 ) to set the step. 3 Pres s the O K b utton. The cam era [...]

  • Page 66

    66 Taking Pic t ures 4 A Pictu re Mode BDl Pict ur es ar e tak en conti nua lly wh ile the sh utte r rele as e but ton is pres sed . There is Conti nuous Shooting a nd High - Speed Sh ooting av ailable. 1 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 2 ) to dis play j or q on t h e L CD m o nit or. 2 Pres s the s hutter rel eas e button. Pict ures are taken c[...]

  • Page 67

    67 Taking Pic t ures 4 A Pictu r e Mode B C F GDl The pict ure wil l be taken eith er 10 seconds or 2 seconds after th e shutt er rel ease button is press ed. 1 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 2 ) to dis play g or r on the LC D mo nitor. 2 Pres s the s hutter rel eas e button. g The se lf-tim er is en gaged, and the self- time r lamp l igh ts fo[...]

  • Page 68

    68 Taking Pic t ures 4 A Picture M ode B F GDl You can use the Zoo m to take pict ures in Tele or Wide mod e. 1 Pr ess the Zoom bu tto n in Capt u re mode. x Tel e: Subje ct beco mes larg er. w W i de: S ub j ec t be c om e s s ma l le r. When th e digi ta l zoo m func tion is di sabled, ther e is an opti cal zoom ava ilabl e up to 3 times . When t[...]

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    69 Taking Pic t ures 4 1 Pres s th e M E NU but to n in Ca pt ure mo de. The [ A Rec. Mode] m enu wi ll be display ed. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 3 ) to sel e ct [D ig it al Z oo m]. 3 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 5 ) to sel e ct O (on). 4 Pres s the O K b utton. The cam era is r eady to take a p icture. Enabli ng the Di gital Zoom [...]

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    70 Taking Pic t ures 4 A Pictu r e Mode B C F GDl Use EV Compens ation when you want to intenti onall y over expo se (bri ghten) or under expos e (darken ) your pic t ure. 1 Pres s the four-wa y controller ( 45 ) in Ca ptur e M od e. 5 Adju sts the expo sure to over-ex pose (+ sid e). 4 Adju sts the expo sure to under-e xpose (- sid e). The EV Comp[...]

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    71 Taking Pic t ures 4[...]

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    72 4 Taking Pic t ures Sa vin g th e Setti ng s You can choose whether to save the set val ues when the camera is turn ed of f. If you selec t On, the camer a saves the set t ings in effect jus t befor e the ca m era is tur ned off. If yo u select Off, t he set tings r eturn t o defaul t setti ngs when the c amera is turned of f. Saving the Me nu I[...]

  • Page 73

    73 Taking Pic t ures 4 1 Pres s th e M E NU but to n in Ca pt ure mo de. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 23 ) to sel e ct [Me mo r y] . 3 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 5 ). The Me mory menu is di spla yed. 4 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 23 ) to sel e ct th e it em. 5 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 45 ) to sel e ct O (o n) or [...]

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    74 5 Playbac k/Deleting Playba ck/Deleting Pl ayi ng Ba ck Im ages See “ Playing Ba ck Imag es” ( p.24), o r “Pl aying Bac k Previous or Next Images” (p.24) . You can play back i mages magni fied up to 12 t i mes. A button operation guide is displ ayed on the LCD monit or duri ng magnificat ion. 1 In Play back mode, use the four-way control[...]

  • Page 75

    75 5 Playbac k/Deleting To play bac k movie pict ures: A button opera tion guide is disp l ayed on the LCD monitor during pl aybac k. 1 In Play back mode, use the four-way controll er ( 45 ) to selec t th e image to play back. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 2 ). Playback will st art. • Ope rati ons ava ila ble dur ing Playb ac k: Four-w ay [...]

  • Page 76

    76 5 Playbac k/Deleting You ca n disp l ay n ine im ages at the sam e time. 1 In Play back mode, use the four-way controll er ( 45 ) to selec t the image. 2 Pres s w / f on th e Zo om f / y bu tto n. Up t o ni ne smal l images will be disp laye d at once. Pre ss th e fo ur-w ay cont rolle r ( 2345 ) t o sele ct th e image . If there ar e 10 or m or[...]

  • Page 77

    77 5 Playbac k/Deleting You can p lay back al l recor ded images on your CF card succ essive l y. 1 In Play back mode, use the four-way controll er ( 45 ) to selec t the i mages for th e slidesh ow. 2 Press th e M ENU button. The Pl ayback M ode me nu i s dis played. 3 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 3 ) to sel e ct [Sl id esh ow] . 4 Pres s the[...]

  • Page 78

    78 5 Playbac k/Deleting Delet in g Imag es 1 In Play back mode, use the four-way controll er ( 45 ) to sele ct th e image to d elete. 2 Pres s the i butt on. The Delete screen will b e displayed. 3 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 2 ) to select [Delete]. 4 Pres s the O K b utton. You ca n erase all s aved images at on ce. 1 In Playback mo de, pr [...]

  • Page 79

    79 5 Playbac k/Deleting You ca n prot ect i mages fro m bei ng acc identall y er ased. 1 In Playback mode, select the image to protect with the four-way c on troller ( 45 ). 2 Pres s the Z bu t ton. The Pr ot ect screen is d isplayed . 3 Select [Protect] w ith the fo ur-way c ontro ller ( 2 ). 4 Pres s the O K b utton. You ca n prot ect a l l of th[...]

  • Page 80

    80 5 Playbac k/Deleting Vie win g Im ag es o n a TV By using the vi deo cable, you can capture and play back images using a TV or other equip m ent wit h a video I N jack as your moni tor. Make sure that bot h t he T V and the cam era are t urned off befor e connecting the cable. 1 Open the terminal cover and conn ect the video cable. 2 Conn ect th[...]

  • Page 81

    81 5 Playbac k/Deleting Print ing Se rvi ce Settin gs (DPOF) You ca n print the image s on t he CF card u s ing a DPOF (Digi t al Pr int Order For mat) compatib l e prin ter, or at a print i ng serv i ce. Set the f ollowing i t ems for eac h image. • Cop ies : Se t t he nu m ber o f p rin ts up to 9 9. • Date : Sp ecify w heth er or n ot to imp[...]

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    82 5 Playbac k/Deleting 6 Pres s the O K b utton. Prin ts can b e made acc ordi ng to the setting s. • If DPO F setti ng s alre a dy ex ist f or a n i ma ge, t he numb er of p rin ts an d the o n/o ff date se tt ing w i ll be d is play ed. • To ca ncel DP OF s ettin g s, se t th e n umb er o f p rints to 0 a nd pre ss th e OK bu tto n. • DPOF[...]

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    83 5 Playbac k/Deleting 1 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 2 ) in Playback Mo de. The DP OF scre en i s dis played. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 45 ) to se lect [All] and press the four-way co ntroller ( 3 ). The frame will mov e to Number of Copi e s. 3 Pres s the fo ur-way c on troller ( 45 ) to set th e num ber of prin ts . The ma ximu[...]

  • Page 84

    84 6 Sett i ngs Settings Camera Se ttin gs Format ting will delete al l the data on the CF card . 1 Select [Form at] on t h e [ B S et- u p] m e nu . 2 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 5 ). The f ormat scr een i s dis pla yed. 3 Select [For mat] with the four-way controller ( 2 ). 4 Pres s the O K b utton. For matt ing be gins . W hen f or matt i[...]

  • Page 85

    85 6 Sett i ngs You can change t he i nit i al dat e and time set tings . You can also set the date di splay styl e. Choose fr om y/m/d, m/d/ y, and d/m/ y. 1 Select [Date Adjust] on the [ B Set- u p] m en u . 2 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 5 ). The Da te Adjus t screen is di spl ayed. See “Initial S e ttings ” (p.18) for instru ctions on[...]

  • Page 86

    86 6 Sett i ngs You can select the outpu t format (NTSC or PAL) for capturing or play ing back image s on a TV monito r. 1 Select [Video O ut] on the [ B Set- up] menu . 2 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 45 ) to se lect NTSC or PA L, to m at ch yo ur TV out p ut form at. 3 Pres s the O K b utton. The cam era is r eady for captur e or pl ay back.[...]

  • Page 87

    87 6 Sett i ngs The date and t i me set in “Ini tial Setti ngs” (p.18) are the Home Time (your usual time zone) setti ng. Sett i ng W orld Time enabl es you to d isplay t he local date an d time on the m oni tor wh en travel ing overseas. 1 Sel ect [Worl d Ti me] on the [ B Set -up] me nu . 2 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 5 ). The Wo rld t[...]

  • Page 88

    88 6 Sett i ngs This det ermines the content displayed on the LCD monit or. You can choose N ormal , Hist ogram, G rid, or No Infor mation. Captur e mode and Playba ck mode display di f fer ent inf ormatio n on the screen . Normal Captur e i nfor mation i s displ ayed. 1 F lash 2 F ocu s M ode 3 Cap tur e meth od 4 Captu re mode 5 Aut ofoc us fr am[...]

  • Page 89

    89 6 Sett i ngs Histo gram Brig ht ness di stributio n is displ ayed. The ho r izont al axis shows br ightness (dark to b right l eft to r ight), an d the ver t ical axis shows the pixel s . Grid The gr id is not dis pl ayed in Playba ck mode. No I nfo rm atio n Captur e i nfor mation i s not displ ayed. • Duri ng Auto focu s, th e Aut o foc us f[...]

  • Page 90

    90 6 Sett i ngs You ca n use various a nimated effe ct s whe n switchi ng displ ay sc reens on the LCD monit or. 1 Select [Scr een Effect] on t he [ B S et -u p] m e nu . 2 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 45 ) to se lect O (o n) or P (off). 3 Pres s the O K b utton. The cam era is r eady for captur e or pl ay back. This sets the backg round desi[...]

  • Page 91

    91 6 Sett i ngs You can set the camera to turn off automati c all y after a cert ain length of inact ivity . 1 Sel ect [Aut o Pow er Off] on the [ B Se t-u p] me nu. 2 Pres s the fo ur-way con troller ( 45 ) to se lect 3 min, 5 mi n, or OF F. 3 Pres s the O K b utton. The cam era is r eady for captur e or pl ay back. You ca n set the b rightness fo[...]

  • Page 92

    92 7 Appendix Appendix List of Cit y Names There are the cities and code numbers availabl e for setti ng the world ti me . PPG Pago pag o TH R T e hran HNL Ho nol u lu D XB D ub ai ANC Anchorag e KHI Karach i YVR Va ncouv e r KBL Kabul SFO S an Fra nci sco MLE M a le LAX Los Ange les DEL D elhi Y YC C a lg ary CMB Col ombo DEN De nv er KTM Kathm an[...]

  • Page 93

    93 7 Appendix Mess ages The f ollowing messages may be displ ayed on t he LCD mon i tor du ring came ra operat i on. Memory full The CF c ard memory is f ull, and n o more i mages can be saved . Inser t a ne w CF car d or de let e unw an ted i mage s. (p.15 , p.78 ) You ma y be ab le t o sa ve t he im age by c ha ngin g t he qu alit y l evel or rec[...]

  • Page 94

    94 7 Appendix Tr ou bl es ho ot i n g Pro ble m Cau se Remed y The camera will not turn on. No ba tt eri es are installed Chec k wh et he r batt ery is ins t alled. I f not, install battery. CF c a rd cover is o pe n Cl o se the CF car d cove r. Battery is installed in co r re ct ly Ch eck or ient at ion of ba tte ry . Rei ns ert batt er y acco rd [...]

  • Page 95

    95 7 Appendix Out of focu s Subje ct is d if ficul t for Au to focu s to han dl e Sub jects diffic u lt for Auto focus in clude t h os e w ith low c ontr ast (b lu e s ki es, w hit e wa lls) , da rk o bjec ts, fin e-p at terne d obje cts , fas t-m ovi ng ob jec ts, and land scap es s ee n thro ugh a w indo w or ne t. Focus on some thi ng at th e sa[...]

  • Page 96

    96 7 Appendix Op tion al A cce ssor ies The fol l owing optional accessorie s are avail able fo r this camer a. AC Adapter D -AC5 USB Cable I -USB2 (included) Vi deo c able I-V C2 ( inc lud ed ) Camera Case O-CC5 Stra p O-S T5 (inc lu de d) 3D Im ag e V i ewe r O- 3 DV1[...]

  • Page 97

    97 7 Appendix Main Sp ec ifi cat io ns Image Storage Capacity • These figures s how the number of shots when us ing a 16MB CF card. Model F ully automatic c ompact-type digit al still camera with built-in zoom Effective Pixels 3.2 megapixels Sensor 3.34 megapixels (total pixels), 1/2.7 inch int erline transfer CCD with a primary color filter Reco[...]

  • Page 98

    98 7 Appendix Manual Focus 0.1m ~ ∞ Exposure Mechanism AE Metering TTL metering by sensor (multi-segment, center- weighted, spot) Exposure modes Standard, PIC T, Night-scene, M ovie, 3D EV compensat ion ±2EV (Can be set in 1/3EV s teps) Movie Pict ure Recording time approx. 1 s ec - 30 sec. Auto Bracket av ailable Shutter Model Electronic/Mechan[...]

  • Page 99

    99 7 Appendix WARRANTY POLICY All PE NTA X ca m era s pu rch a se d thr o ug h au th ori ze d bo na fide phot og r ap hi c dis tribu tio n chan nels a r e gu arant eed ag ains t def ec ts of mater ial or w or kma nshi p for a peri od of tw elve mont hs fr om date o f purch ase. S er vice wi ll be re ndere d, and de f e cti v e p art s w ill b e r e[...]

  • Page 100

    100 7 Appendix • Thi s warra nty po lic y does n ot affe ct th e custo mer’ s statu to ry righ ts. • T he lo cal w a rranty p olicie s avail ab le from PENT AX d istri but or s in s om e coun tries can super sed e t his warra nty p olic y. The refo re, w e r ecommen d th at you r evie w t h e wa rran ty car d s upplie d w i th y ou r prod uc [...]

  • Page 101

    101 7 Appendix For custo m ers in USA STATEMENT OF FCC COMPLI ANCE This device c ompl ies with Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subje ct to the f ollowi ng two condi t ions : (1) Thi s devi ce may not cause harmfu l interfere nce, and (2) thi s device must accept any i nterfere nce recei ved, in cluding i nter ferenc e that m ay c ause und e[...]

  • Page 102

    102 7 Appendix De claratio n of Con formity According to 47CFR, Parts 2 and 15 for Class B P ersonal Com puters and P eripher als We: PENTAX U .S. A., Inc . Located at: 35 Inverness Drive East Englew ood, Co lorado 80112 US A Phone : 303-799-8000 FA X: 303-790-1131 Declar e under sole resp onsibi lit y that the produ ct identifi ed herein, comp lie[...]

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    • Pr int ed on r ecyc led p ape r • Sp ec ific ati ons and ext er na l dime nsi ons are sub jec t to ch ang e wit ho ut noti ce. 57255 Cop yr ight © PE NTAX Co rpo ra tio n 200 3 01- 200 305 P r int ed i n Japa n PENTAX Cor porat ion 2-36-9 ,M aen o-c ho , Ita bas hi- ku , Toky o 174 -8 639 , JAPAN (h ttp://ww w.pen ta x.c PENTAX Eur op[...]