Planet Technology WAP-1966 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Planet Technology WAP-1966, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Planet Technology WAP-1966 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Planet Technology WAP-1966. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Planet Technology WAP-1966 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Planet Technology WAP-1966
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Planet Technology WAP-1966 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Planet Technology WAP-1966 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Planet Technology WAP-1966 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Planet Technology WAP-1966, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Planet Technology service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Planet Technology WAP-1966.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Planet Technology WAP-1966 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    22Mbps Wir e les s Access Poin t / Bridge W A P-1966 User ’ s Manual[...]

  • Page 2

    Co p y right Copyright  2003 by PLANE T T echnology Corp . A ll righ t s r eserved . No par t of t his publication ma y be reproduced, t r ansmit t ed, t r anscribed, s t ored in a ret r ieval system, or translated into any language or compu t er language , in any form or by any means , electronic, mechanical , magne t ic, optical , chemical, ma[...]

  • Page 3

    Federal Communication Commission (FCC) Radiation Exposu r e Statement This equipment complies w ith FCC radia t ion e x posure set f orth for an uncontrolled envi r onment. In orde r to avoid the possibility of e x ceeding the FCC r adio f r equency e x posure limi t s , human p r o x imity to the an t enna shall not be less than 20 cm(8 inches) du[...]

  • Page 4

    T A BLE OF CONTENTS C H A P T ER 1 IN T RODUC T I O N ................................................................................................. .1 1.1 P ACKAGE C ON T ENTS ........................................................................................................ .1 1.2 S YSTEM R EQUIREME N TS ..................................[...]

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    C H A P T ER 6 T ROUBLES H OO T IN G ...................................................................................... . 51[...]

  • Page 6

    - 1 - Chapter 1 I ntroduction Thank you for purchasing W AP-1966. This device features the latest innovation w ireless technolog y making the w ireless net w orking w orld happened . This manual guides you on ho w to ins t all and properl y use t he W A P-1966 in o r der t o t ake full advan t age of i t s fea t u r es. 1.1 Package Con t ents M ake[...]

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    - 2 - Point-to- M ul t iPoint) • Provi d e W indo w s-bas e d c o n f iguration utili t y an d W eb Con f igur a ti o n 1.4 Speci f ica t ion S t andard IEEE 802. 1 1b Compliant Signal T ype DSSS (Direct Sequence S pread S pect r um ) M odulation QPSK / BPSK / CCK / PBCC Port One 10/100BASE-T X Antenna 1 x Dipole Antenna Da t a Encryption 64 bit [...]

  • Page 8

    - 3 - Chapter 2 H ard w a re Installation Before you p r oceed w ith the ins t allation, it is necessary that you have enough info r ma t ion about the W A P-1966 . 1. Locate an optimum location for the W A P-1966. T h e be s t place f or your WAP-1966 is usually at the center of your w ireless net w ork, w ith line of sight to all of your mobile s[...]

  • Page 9

    - 4 - Chapter 3 C onf i guring the Wire l ess A c ce s s Po i nt 3.1 Configur e t h rough Web Br o w s er W eb configura t ion provides a user-f r iendly graphical user in t erface ( w eb pages ) to manage you r W A P-1966 . An AP w ith an assigned I P address (e . g. http: // 192.168.1 . 1) w ill allo w you to monito r and con f igure via w eb bro[...]

  • Page 10

    - 5 - The default pass w ord for administrator (login name is “ admin ” ) is “ admin ” . Y ou can change the Pass w ord in this step . Click “ N e x t> ” . Step 2. Set the SSID and Channel Enter the SSID of your W LAN and select t he f r equency channel. Click “ Ne x t> ” . Step 3. Set Encr y ption Y ou can enable W E P encryp[...]

  • Page 11

    - 6 - Please click the “ Res t art ” but t on to save the set t ings and r es t art W A P - 1966. In t he follo w ing w e b page , please click “ Close ” to close t he Setup W i z ard w indo w . 3.1.2 S t atus: Y ou can check your W A P - 1966 se t tings and s t a t us in this screen . Y ou can click the “ V ie w Log ” button , and t he[...]

  • Page 12

    - 7 - 3.1.3 Basic Settings: Y ou can set t he A P Name , ESSID, Channel and W E P function to this Access P oint. A f te r con f iguration, please click A pply to save you r settings. AP Name : The host name of the W A P-1966. This can be any name f or you to easily identify this access point. SSID : The SSID is the name shared among all poin t s i[...]

  • Page 13

    - 8 - I P address : This address is a unique numbe r s that identi f ies a computer or device on the WAN o r LAN. These numbe r s a r e usually sho w n in grou p s sepa r ated by periods, for e x ample: 123.123.23 . 2. Subnet Mask : Subne t s allo w net w ork tra ff ic bet w een hos t s t o be se p arated based on t he net w ork's con f igurat[...]

  • Page 14

    - 9 - AP Mode: WAP-1966 has f ou r opera t ion modes. By default, it is set to A P mode . A P: This mode is set t o WA P -1966 by default . This connec t s your w ireless PCs t o a w ired net w ork. In most cases, no change is necessar y . Up to 63 w ireless clien t s can be connected through W A P-1966 . AP Client : A WAP - 1966 se t to A P Client[...]

  • Page 15

    - 10 - and 2432 . This value should remain at i t s default setting of 2 , 432. Should you encounter inconsisten t da t a f lo w , only minor modifica t ions are recommended. Fragmen t ation Threshold: This field is used to specify the fragmen t ation threshold . Ente r a value bet w een 256 and 2346. If you e x perience a high p acket error rate, [...]

  • Page 16

    - 11 - Password : Enter the ne w pass w ord in the " AP Pass w ord Ne w " field and again in the ne x t field to con f irm . Click on " A pply" to execu t e t he pass w ord change . The Pass w ord is case - sensi t ive, and can be made up o f any keyboa r d characte r s. The ne w pass w ord mus t be bet w een 0 and 15 characte r[...]

  • Page 17

    - 12 - Enable/D i sable: Enable or disable 802 . 1 X authentication of W A P-1966. Encr y ption K e y: Select one of the Encryp t ion key leng t h options. I t should be set t he same leng t h as W EP ke y . Select one of the Encryp t ion key li f etime options. Once the lifetime e x pires, t he Encryption key w ill be rene w ed by RADIUS serve r .[...]

  • Page 18

    - 13 - devices on a net w ork. It is commonly used f or net w ork administrato r s to communica t e w ith mul t iple devices (hub, s w itch, rou t er …… ) for configuring and moni t oring w hile convenien t fo r troubleshoo t ing bu t no miscellaneous pla t form conside r ation. The built - in SN MP is an agent, w hich w atches t he s t a t us [...]

  • Page 19

    - 14 - 4. Please click “ Finish ” t o complete the so f t w are ins t allation . 3.2.2 22M A P Utili t y c onfiguration A f ter ins t alling utilit y , you can f ound the icon on your desktop, please double click this icon to run t he configura t ion u t ilit y and select each option to se t up you r Access Point as you need . A ft er settings [...]

  • Page 20

    - 15 - 3.2. 2 .1 Link Information W hen the configuration utility s t ar t s, it w ill sho w you the fi r s t option “ Link Information ” . Y ou can view the fi r st A ccess Point ’ s curren t set t ing . Note: If you have many WAP - 1966, all the WAP - 1966s w ill list in “ A vailable AP ” . Y ou can select the W A P-1966 t hat you w ant[...]

  • Page 21

    - 16 - Basic Sett i ngs : ESSID : ESSID is used by all w ireless devices w ithin the w ireless net w ork . The ESSID value mus t be the same on all s t ations and A ccess poin t s in this W LAN. Channel : Select the appropriate channel f r om the list provided to cor r espond w ith your ne tw or k settings, bet w een 1 and 13 (in ETSI). All w irele[...]

  • Page 22

    - 17 - T ransm i ssion Ra t es: Y ou may select transmission rate t o “ 1-2 M bps ” , “ 1-2-5 . 5- 1 1 M bps ” or “ 1-2-5.5- 1 1-22 M bps ” . Preamble T y p e: The preamble defines the length of t he CRC block f or communication bet w een the Access Point and roaming Net w ork C ard. Long preamble ensure the net w o r k card to communic[...]

  • Page 23

    - 18 - A ntenna T ransmi t power : Used to control the transmit po w er of the WAP-1966. Four options are available: 100%, 50%, 25% and 12.5% . 3.2. 2 .3 I P Settings DHCP : DHC P is a p r otocol for dynamically assigning I P addresses to net w orked compu t ers. W ith DHC P , a compute r can au t omatically be given an e x clusive I P add r ess ea[...]

  • Page 24

    - 19 - 3.2. 2 .4 WEP Settings Da t a Encr y ption : Select this option w hen you w ant to enable W EP f unction. A uth. Mode : Open A uthentication: W i t h t his set t ing , any s t ation in the W LAN can receives and transmi t s da t a f r om the A ccess Point (null authentication). Shared A uthenticat i on : W i t h this set t ing, only s t atio[...]

  • Page 25

    - 20 - 3.2. 2 .5 8 02 . 1x Settings 802.1X Funct i on: Enable or disable 802.1 X authentica t ion o f WAP-1966. Encr y ption K e y: Select one of the Encryp t ion key leng t h options. I t should be set t he same leng t h as W EP ke y . Select one of the Encryp t ion key li f etime options. Once the lifetime e x pires, t he Encryption key w ill be [...]

  • Page 26

    - 21 - Chapter 4 8 0 2. 1 X A uthenticat i on Setup 4.1 8 02. 1 X Infra s tructure An 802.1 X Infrastructu r e is composed o f three majo r componen t s: Authenticato r , Au t hen t ication serve r , and Supplicant. A uthentication server: An entity tha t provides an authentication service to an authenticator . This service determines, from the cre[...]

  • Page 27

    - 22 - 5. The RADIUS server r esponds to the clien t w ith i t s digi t al certifica t e. 6. The client validates the digi t al cer t ificate, and replies i t s o w n digi t al cer t ifica t e to t he R A DIUS serve r . 7. The RADIUS server valida t es client ’ s digi t al cer t ificate. 8. The client and RADIUS se r ver derive encryption keys. 9[...]

  • Page 28

    - 23 - 6. Enter the info r ma t ion tha t you w ant for your Ce r tifica t e Service, and click “ Next ” to continue . 7. Go to S t art > Program > A dministra t ive Tools > Certif i cate A uthori t y . 8. Right-click on the “ Poli c y S etting ” , select “ new ” . 9. Select “ Certi f ica t e to Issue ” . 10. Selec t “ A [...]

  • Page 29

    - 24 - 11. Go to Start > Program > A dministrative Tools > A ctive Director y Users and Computers . 12. Right-click on domain, and select ” Properties ” to con t inue. 13. Selec t “ Group Pol i cy ” tab and click “ Properties ” to con t inue .[...]

  • Page 30

    - 25 - 14. Go to “ Compu t er Configuration ” > “ Securi t y Settings ” > “ Public K e y Policies ” 15. Right-click “ A utomatic Certificate Request S etting ” , and select “ New ” 16. Click “ A utomatic Certif i cate Request ... ”[...]

  • Page 31

    - 26 - 17. The Au t oma t ic C erti f icate Request Setup W iza r d w ill guide you th r ough the Automa t ic Certi f icate Request setup , simply click “ Next ” th r ough to t he last step. 18. Click “ Fin i sh ” to complete the Au t omatic Certi f icate Request Setup 19. Go to Start > Run , and type “ command ” and click “ Enter [...]

  • Page 32

    - 27 - Setting In t ernet Authenticat i on Service 24. Go to Start > Program > A dministrative Tools > Inte r net A uthentication Service . 25. Right-click “ Cl i ent ” , and select “ N e w C l ient ” . 26. En t er the IP address of W AP-1966 in the Client address te x t field, a memorable name for W A P-1966 in t he Cl i ent-Vendo[...]

  • Page 33

    - 28 - 27. Click “ F i nish ” . 28. In the Inte r net Authentication Service, right - click “ R emo t e A ccess Pol i cies ” 29. Selec t “ New Remote A ccess Pol i cy ” . 30. Selec t “ D a y - A nd-Time-Restriction ” , and click “ A dd ” to continue .[...]

  • Page 34

    - 29 - 31. Unless you w ant to specif y the active dura t ion for 802.1 X authentication, click “ OK ” to accept for having 802.1 x authentication enabled a t all times. 32. Selec t “ Grant remo t e access pe r miss i on ” , and click “ Next ” to continue.[...]

  • Page 35

    - 30 - 33. C lic k “ Edit Profile ” . For TLS Authenticat i on Setup (Steps 34 ~ 35 ) 34. Selec t “ A uthentication ” Tab. 35. Enable “ Extensible A uthentication Protocol ” , and select “ Smart C ard or other Cert i ficate ” f or TLS au t hen t ication. Click “ OK ” . Then go t o step 38.[...]

  • Page 36

    - 31 - For M D5 Authentication S e t up (Steps 36 ~ 37 ) 36. Selec t “ A uthentication ” Tab. 37. Enable “ Extensible A uthentication Protocol ” . Select “ MD5-Challenge ” and enable “ E ncr y pted A uthentication (CH A P) ” for MD5 authentication. Click “ OK ” .[...]

  • Page 37

    - 32 - 38. Selec t “ Internet A uthentication Service (Local) ” , click on “ Action ” f r om t op panel. Then click “ Register Service i n A ctive Directory ” . 39. Go to Start > Program > A dministrative Tools > A ctive Director y Users and Computers. 40. Right click on the domain, and select “ Properties ” . 41. Selec t ?[...]

  • Page 38

    - 33 - 42. Go to “ Computer Conf i guration ” > “ Windows S ettings ” > “ Securi t y Settings ” > “ A ccount Policies ” > “ Password Pol i c i es ” . D ouble click on “ S t ore password us i ng reversib l e enc r y ption for all users in the domain ” .[...]

  • Page 39

    - 34 - 43. Click “ Define this poli c y s etting ” , select “ E nab l ed ” , and click “ OK ” to continue . 44. Go to Start > Program > A dministrative Tools > A ctive Director y Users and Computers . 45. Go to Users . R ight - click on the use r tha t you are granting access, and selec t “ Propert i es ” . 46. Go to “ A [...]

  • Page 40

    - 35 - 48. Go to the “ Dial-in ” tab , and check “ A llo w access ” op t ion for Remote Access Pe r mission and “ No Call-back ” for Callback Options. Then click “ OK ” .[...]

  • Page 41

    - 36 - 4.3 A uthenticator Setup 1. For E A P-MD5 Au t hen t ication, W E P key must be set previously. Go t o Bas i c Sett i ngs. Enable W E P key, and en t er a desired key s t ring. Y ou can skip this step if using E A P-TLS Authen t ication . 2. Click on 802.1X for detailed con f iguration. 3. Enable 802 . 1 X Authentica t ion by selecting “ E[...]

  • Page 42

    - 37 - by RADIUS server. 5. Enter the IP address, Port number, and Shared Secret K e y used by the Primar y Rad i us Server . 6. En t er the IP address, Por t number, and S hared Secre t K e y used by the Secondar y Radius Server. 7. Click “ A pp ly ” . The 802.1 x settings w ill t ake effect r igh t af t er W A P-1966 reboo t s i t self. Y ou [...]

  • Page 43

    - 38 - 5. Click “ Properties ” of one a v ailable w ireless net w ork, w hich you w ant to associate w ith . 6. Select “ Da t a encr y ption (WEP enabled ) ” option, but leave othe r op t ions unselected .[...]

  • Page 44

    - 39 - 7. Enter the net w ork key in “ N e t w ork k ey ” t e x t bo x . The string must be t he same as the fi r st set o f W E P key w hich you set t o W A P-1966. 8. Click “ OK ” . 9. Select “ A uthentication ” tab. 10. Selec t “ Enab l e ne t work access contro l using IEEE 802.1X ” to enable 802 . 1 x authentica t ion. 11. Sele[...]

  • Page 45

    - 40 - 13. W hen w ireless client has associated w ith W A P - 19665, a user authentica t ion notice appears in system tray. Click on t he notice to con t inue. 14. En t er the user name , pass w ord and the logon domain t hat your account belongs. 15. Click “ OK ” to comple t e the valida t ion process. 4.4.2 E A P-TLS A u thentication Get Dig[...]

  • Page 46

    - 41 - dialog bo x w ill prompt you t o enter user name and pass w ord . 2. Enter a valid user name and password , then click “ OK ” t o continue . 3. Select “ Reques t a certificate ” , and click “ Next ” to con t inue. 4. Select “ User Certificate request ” , and click “ Next ” t o continue.[...]

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    - 42 - 5. Click “ Submit > ” to con t inue. 6. The Certi f icate Service is no w processing the cer t ificate request.[...]

  • Page 48

    - 43 - 7. The cer t ifica t e is issued by t he server, click “ Install t his certificate ” t o do w nload and sto r e the certi f icate t o your local compu t er. 8. Click “ Y es ” to s t ore the certifica t e to your local computer . 9. Certi f icate is no w installed. Wireless Adapter S etup 1. Go to S t art > Control P anel, double -[...]

  • Page 49

    - 44 - 2. Right-click on the W ireless Net w ork Connection w hich using W L - 3555. 3. Click “ Properties ” to open up the P r oper t ies setting w indo w . 4. Click on the “ Wireless Ne t work ” t ab. 5. Click “ Properties ” of one a v ailable w ireless net w ork, w hich you w ant to associate w ith .[...]

  • Page 50

    - 45 - 6. Select “ The k e y is provided for me automatica l ly ” option. 7. Click “ OK ” . 8. Click “ A uthentication ” tab 9. Select “ Enable ne t work access control using IEEE 802 . 1X ” op t ion t o enable 802.1 x authen t ica t ion.[...]

  • Page 51

    - 46 - 10. Selec t “ Smart Card or other Certificate ” from the drop-do w n list bo x for EAP type. 11. Click “ OK ” . 12. W hen w ireless client has associated w ith W A P - 1966, W i ndo w s X P w ill prompt you to select a certi f icate f or w ireless net w ork connec t ion. If you only have one certi f ica t e in local compute r , syste[...]

  • Page 52

    - 47 - 14. M ake su r e this cer t ificate is issued by correct server, and click “ OK ” to complete the au t hentica t ion process.[...]

  • Page 53

    - 48 - Chapter 5 A ppl i cation This chapter describe the four opera t ing mode of your W A P-1966 . The four w orking modes of W A P-1966 are Access P oint , Access Point Client M ode, W ireless Bridge mode and M ultiple B r idge mode. 5.1 A ccess Point mode W i t h t his mode, you r W ireless net w ork connection could act as follo w ing. Any of [...]

  • Page 54

    - 49 - 5.3 W ireles s Bridge mode The W i r eless Bridge mode help to make the t w o Ethernet ne tw orks connected w ithout any w ire. W i t h t w o W A P-1966s in this mode, the tw o LANs in dis t ance can communica t e to each o t he r . This could be deployed if the net w orks are hard to make t he w ire in bet w een. Please be noted, please key[...]

  • Page 55

    - 50 - transmission rate t o communicate w ith each othe r . In a la r ge net w ork, please consider using management device to r educe the net w ork broadcast to the w ireless net w ork. 5.5 Repeat e r mode W hen W A P-1966 w orks in repeater mode, i t w ill repeat the w ireless signal from A P to w ireless client or from w ireless client to A P .[...]

  • Page 56

    Chapter 6 Troubleshooting This chapter gives ti p s on ho w to configure the communication so f t w are. This chapter p r ovides solutions to problems usually encounte r ed du r ing the ins t allation and operation of the Wireless Network Access Point . Read t he descrip t ion belo w to solve your problems. Can I run an applicat i on from a remote [...]

  • Page 57

    - 52 - An integra t ed w ireless and w ired LAN is called an Infrast r uc t ure configura t ion . Inf r astructu r e is applicable to enterp r ise scale f or w ireless access to cent r al da t abase, or w ireless application for mobile w orke r s. What is Roaming? Roaming is the ability of a por t able compu t er user t o communicate con t inuously[...]