Planet WNL-U554A manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Planet WNL-U554A, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Planet WNL-U554A one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Planet WNL-U554A. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Planet WNL-U554A should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Planet WNL-U554A
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Planet WNL-U554A item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Planet WNL-U554A item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Planet WNL-U554A alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Planet WNL-U554A, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Planet service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Planet WNL-U554A.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Planet WNL-U554A item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    User ’ s Manual 802.1 1n Wireless USB Adapter WNL-U554A[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 2 ‐ Copyright Copyright  2013 by PLANET T echnology Corp. All right s reserved. No p art of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, st ored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or computer language, in a[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  Safety This equipment is desi gned with the utmost care for the safety of those who inst all and use it. However , special attention must be p aid to the dangers of elec tric shock and static ele ctricity when working with electrical equipment. All guidelines o[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 4 ‐ CONT ENTS  Chapter 1. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................5 1.1 Package content s ............................................................................[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  Chapter 1. PRODUCT INTRODUCTION 1.1 Package content s The following items should be contained in the package:   WNL ‐ U554A(150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  adap ter)  Quick  Installa tion  Guide  CD  (includes  drive[...]

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    150Mbps 802. 11 n W irele ss USB A da pt e r WNL-U554A 1.3 Product Description .3 Product Description High Speed 802.1 1n Wireless Experience High Speed 802.1 1n Wireless Experience The PLANET WNL-U554A Wireless USB adapter offers a reliable and cost effective wireless extending solution. It adopts IEEE 802.1 1n technology and is backward compatibl[...]

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    150Mbps 802.11n W ireles s USB Adapte r WNL-U554A Multiple OS Compliant The WNL-U554A support s most popular operating systems including Windows 2000, XP , Vist a, Win7, Linux, and MAC OS X. With high speed capability , users can have higher wireless transmission speed anywhere and anytime. Sof tware Access Point Function for Wirele ss Connection S[...]

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    150Mbps 802. 11 n W irele ss USB A da pt e r WNL-U554A 1.4 Hardware Description .4 Hardware Description There is a LED equipped on the wireless adapter . When the data i s transmitting, the LED will b e flashing. There is a LED equipped on the wireless adapter . When the data i s transmitting, the LED will b e flashing.  Case Outlook  Case Ou[...]

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    150Mbps 802.11n W ireles s USB Adapte r WNL-U554A Chapter 2. INSTALLATION 2.1 Microsoft W indows Driver Inst allation Bef ore inst alling the driver and lity of wir eless adapt er , do not in sert the device into the USB port of your compute r . 1. If y ou ha ve ever ins talled ot her wireless a dapters bef ore, please unins tall the exis ng driver[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A   Step  3. Click  “Next ”  button  to  st a rt  installing  the  driv er  and  utility .     If  the  screen  below  appear s  during  installa tion,  please  click  “ Continue  Any[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A     Step  5. Af te r  resta rt ing  the  computer ,  insert  the  wireless  USB  adapte r  into  an  empty  USB  port  of  your  computer .  Nev er  fo rc e  to  insert  the  ada pte r[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A    Step  7. Choose  “ Install  the  software  automatically  (Recommende d) ”,  and  click  “Ne xt ”  butto n  to  install  the  driver .      If  the  screen  below  appears  [...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A     Step  8. Once  the  inst allation  is  finished,  click  “F inish”  button.    Af t e r  the  driver  of  wireless  adap ter  has  been  installed  succe ssfully ,  you ’l l  se[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  Left ‐ click  the  new  icon  to  launch  PL ANET  11n  USB  Wi r e l e s s  LAN  Uti lity ,  and  right ‐ click  the  icon  to  show  the  quick  menu  of  configura tion  uti lity .  [...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 15 ‐ 2.2 MAC OS X 10.x Driver Installation The  WNL ‐ U554A  supports  MAC  OS  X  10.4  /  10.5  /  10.6.  To  install  in  MAC  OS  X  op eration  syst e m ,  please  fo ll ow  th[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A    Step  5. Click  “ Agree ”  and  then  click  “ Continue ”.    Step  6. Click  “ Install ”.  ‐ 16 ‐[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A    Step  7. Enter  your  Username  and  Pa ssword  of  the  System .  The n,  click  “ OK ”.    Step  8. The  window  pops  up  the  notice  to  rem ind  you  that  computer [...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A     Step  9. When  the  inst allation  is  successful,  click  “ Restart ”  to  restar t  yo ur  computer .    Step  10.  Af te r  rest ar t in g  the  com puter ,  plug  the  wireles[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  Step  11.  Go  to  the  admi ni strator ’ s  fo l d er .  Click  “ Applications ”.  Then,  click  “ Wi r e l e s s  Network  Utility ”.    Step  12.  Click  “ Ava i la b l e  Network ”. ?[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A     ‐ 20 ‐[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A   2.3 Linux Driver Installation The  WNL ‐ U554A  supports  the  f ollowing  Linux  platf orm:    Linux  Ker ne l  2.6.18~2.6.35   To  install  in  Linux  operation  sys te m ,  please  refer ?[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  Chapter 3. CONNECTING TO WIRELESS NETWORK To  use  wireless  ne twork,  you  have  to  connect  to  a  wireless  access  poin t  first.  Yo u  can  either  use  PL ANET  11n  USB  Wi r e l e s s [...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A   Step  3. When  the  access  poin t  yo u’re  looking  fo r  is  on  the  list,  left ‐ click  it  and  then  double  click  it  or  click  “ Add  to  Profile ”.   Step  4.[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 24 ‐  Channel Select  wireless  channel  for  ad  hoc  connection.  This  option  only  appear s  when  you ’re  using  ad ‐ hoc  connection.   Network authentication Select  the  ne[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 25 ‐    If  you  are  connected  to  an  access  point  but  the  connection  is  droppe d  soon,  please  check  security  settings  and  re ‐ check  passw ord  spelling. [...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  Step  2. Check  “ Wi n d o w s  Ze ro  Config ”  box.    Step  3. Ther e  is  message  appe are d  indicating  tha t  you ’ve  been  already  switched  to  W indows  Zero  Config  mode. [...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A     Step  5. Double  click  “ Netw ork  Connections ”.    ‐ 27 ‐[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A   Step  6. Righ t ‐ click  “ Wi r e l e s s  Network  Connection ”  (it  may  have  a  number  as  suffix  if  yo u  hav e  more  than  one  wireless  netw ork  adapte r ,  plea se  mak e[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A   Step  8. If  the  access  point  is  prot ected  by  encryption,  you  have  to  input  its  Network  ke y  or  passphr ase  here.  It  must  match  the  enc ryption  setting  on [...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A   3.2.2 Windows 7 - Use Window s 7 WLAN AutoConfig  WLAN  AutoConfig  service  is  built ‐ in  in  W indows  7  that  can  be  used  to  detec t  and  connect  to  wirele ss  network.  This  bui[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  If  the  access  point  is  protect ed  by  encryption,  you  hav e  to  input  its  Network  key  or  passphr ase  here.  It  must  ma tch  the  encryption  setting  on  the  acce ss[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A   ‐ 32 ‐[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  Chapter 4. PLANET USB WIRELESS LAN UTILITY 4.1 Connection Profile Management If you need to connect to dif ferent wireless acce ss points at dif ferent times, like access point at home, office, cybe r-cafe, or public wireless service, you can save the connectio[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  Y ou’ll be prompted to input connection parameters for the wi reless access point you wish to connect: Required parameters are as follows: Profile name Y ou can give a name to this profile, so you can remember it s purpose easily . It can be in any phrase to [...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 35 ‐ wish to connect. This is a computer-to-computer (ad-hoc ) network Check this box if you wish to connect to anothe r computer/ network device by ad-hoc method. Whe n not accessing to wireless access point, you have to check this box. Channel [...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  4.1.3 Edit an existing profile If you have added a profile before, and now you wish to change the settings of the profile, you can u se this function. Please select the profile from the list first , and then click “ Edit ” button. The conte nts of the selec[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  4.1.4 Make a copy of existing profile If you need to create a new profile in which parameters are similar to any existing profile, you can make a copy of a specific profile and edit t he copy to save as a new profile. T o do this, select an existing profile, an[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  4.2 General Information, S t atus, and Network St atistics The PLANET wireless utility provi des the det ailed inform ation about the wirele ss connection you’re using. 4.2.1 General Information If you want to know the general information of the access point [...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  All general information like signal strengt h and link qu ality will be displayed here. The information is very useful when you encounter some problems in connecting to access point. If you wish to get a new IP address from DHCP server , you can click “ ReNew[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  4.2.3 Network Transmission Statistics T o view the statistical dat a of wireless adapter , click “ Sta t i s t i c s ” label, and the statistics of wireless connection will be displayed: ‐ 40 ‐[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 41 ‐ 4.3 All connection-related st atistics ar e displayed here. Y ou can click “ Reset ” button t o reset the statistics of all items back to 0. Miscellaneous Settings There are some other functions provided by PL ANET wireless utility , and[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  Step 2. Click “ Wi-Fi Protect Setup ” label. Step 3. Y ou can choose which WPS method to use, PIN Input Config (PIN) or Push Butt on Config (PBC), and WPS-supported wirele ss access poi nt must use the same method. See the next two chapters for det ailed in[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  If you select “ No ”, wi reless adapter will prompt you to enter 8-digit PIN code into your access point, without selecting an access point in advance. Afte r you select “ Ye s ” or “ No ” in the previous step, wireless adapter will attempt to conne[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  Then a message window will appear: Please activate WPS function of wireless access point now , and the secure connection between wireless adapter and the WPS-sup ported access point will be est ablished automatically . ‐ 44 ‐[...]

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    150Mbps 802. 11 n W irele ss USB A da pt e r WNL-U554A Chapter 5. SOFT ACCESS POINT MODE Beside s being a wi reless c li ent of other wi reless access poi n ts , the PL AN ET wi reless adapter can also act as a wi reless ser vice provider . Y ou can switch the op er a  on mode of wi reless adapter t o “ Access P oint ” mode to simulate the f[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 46 ‐ 5.1 Switch between Access Point Mode and St ation Mode The default operating mode of the wireless ada pter is “S tation Mo de” (being a client of other wireless access point s). Please follow the instructions below to switch to Access Po[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  S tation mode icon: Access Point icon: 5.1.1 Configure SSID and Channel T o configure software Access Point, click “ Config ” button, and the “ Wireless Net w ork Properties ” will be displayed. ‐ 47 ‐[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  Please note that Ad-Hoc mode is not available when the wireless adapter i s in Access Point mode. The setup options are listed below: Network Name (SSID) Please input the SSID (the name used to identify this wireless access point) here. Up to 32 numerical chara[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  The setup items regarding wirel ess security are listed below: Network Authentication Select network aut hentication mode from dropdown menu. Data Encrypti on Select data encryption met hod from dropdown menu. ASCII / P ASSPHRASE If the encryption method is WEP[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  The setup items are listed below: Beacon Interval Please input wireless beacon time interval here. DTIM Period Please input DTIM (Delivery T raffic Indication Me ssage) here. Preamble Mode Select wireless frame preamble mode (long or sho rt) from dropdown menu.[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  Click “ Reset ” button to rese t the value of every item back to “0”. 5.4 Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) Y ou can assign a network adapter on your computer as the p ath for all wireless client s to get connected to Internet. If you have only one netw[...]

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    150Mbps 802. 11 n W irele ss USB A da pt e r WNL-U554A Click “ Appl y ” button to save changes (“ Appl y ” button is grayed out when no changes are made in this label). If you ha ve more than on e netw ork adapt er , select th e on e you wish to be us ed a s Interne t gat ewa y . For ex am ple, th e 3G USB don gle is connecte d to the lap t[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 53 ‐    [...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 54 ‐ Appendix A: Specifications  Product 150Mbp s 802.1 1n Wireless USB Adapter Model WNL-U554A Hard ware  Specification  Interf ace  USB  2.0,  Ty p e ‐ A  Antenna  Ty p e  Detachable  RP ‐ SMA  connector [...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 55 ‐ Certification  Emission  CE,  FCC  Environmen t  Oper ating  Te m p e r a t u r e  0°C ‐ 40°C  (32°F ‐ 104°F)  Humidity  10% ‐ 90%,  non  co ndensing   Pac ka ge  Conte[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 56 ‐ Appendix B: Troubleshooting  Symptom : The LED is off. Remedy : Make sure the PC Card is inserted prop erly. Otherwise conta ct your vendor. Symptom : The LED is always on but not blinking. Remedy : Make sure that you have installed the d[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 57 ‐ Appendix C: Glossary 1.  IEEE  802.11  Standar d  The  IEEE  802.11  Wi r e l e s s  LA N  standar ds  subcommitt ee,  which  is  fo r m u l a t i n g  a  standar d  fo r  the  industry .[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 58 ‐ 11.  ISM  Band  The  FCC  and  their  counterparts  outside  of  the  U. S.  have  set  asi de  bandwidth  fo r  unlicensed  use  in  the  so ‐ called  ISM  (Industrial, [...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 59 ‐  21.  Wi ‐ Fi  Protecte d  Ac ces s  (WP A)  The  Wi ‐ Fi  Alliance  put  togeth er  WP A  as  a  data  encr yption  method  fo r  802.11  wireless  LAN s.  WP A  is  an ?[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 60 ‐  the  data  pac ket  size  ex ceeds  the  define d  RTS  threshold.  Wi t h  the  CSMA/CA  transmission  mechanism,  the  transmitti ng  stat io n  sends  out  an  RTS  packet ?[...]

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    150Mbps  802.11n  Wi r e l e s s  USB  Adapte r   WNL ‐ U554A  ‐ 61 ‐  Appendix D: FAQ 1. What  is  WMM?  Wi ‐ Fi  Multimedia  (WMM),  a  group  of  fea t u r es  fo r  wireless  network s  that  improv e  the  user  exp e ri e nc e  fo r  audio,  v[...]

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    PLANET TECHNOLOGY CORPORA TION e-mail: http://www 10F ., No.96, Minquan Rd., Xindian Dist., New T aipei City , T aiwan, R.O.C. T el:886-2-2219-9518 Fax:886- 2-2219-9528 EC Declaration of Conformity For the following equipment: *T ype of Product : 802.1 1n Wireless USB Adapter *Model Number : WNL-U554A * Produced b[...]

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      EC Declaration of Conformity English Hereby , PLANET T echnolog y Corporation, declares that this 802.1 1n Wireless USB Adapter is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Lietuviškai Šiuo PLANET T echnology Corporation, skelbia, kad 802.1 1n Wireless U SB A d apter tenkina visus [...]