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Opera ting Instructions and Parts M anual 8-inch Jointer M odel 6 0B WMH T OOL G RO UP 2420 Vantage Dr ive El g in, Illi nois 60124 Part No . M-0460282 Ph.: 800-274-6848 Revi s i on G 12/06 www.wm htoolgr oup.com Copyri ght © WM H Tool G roup This Manual is Bookmarked[...]
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2 Warrant y and Service WMH Tool Group, Inc., warrants every product it sel ls . If one of our tools needs service or repair, one of our Authorized Servi ce Centers l ocated throughout the United St a tes can give you qui ck service. In m ost cases, any of these WMH Tool Group Authorized Service C enters can authorize warranty repair, assist you in[...]
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3 Ta ble of Contents W a rrant y and Ser v ice .............................................................................................................................. 2 Tab l e of C onte nts .................................................................................................................................... 3 Warn ing.........[...]
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4 W arning 1. Read and under s tan d the ent ire owner’ s manual bef or e att e m pti ng as sem bly or operation. Know the li mitati ons and h azards in using t he joi nter. Decal s are placed on eac h mac hine as rem inder s of good s af e ty prac tic e. 2. Read and under stand t he w ar ning s po s t ed on the m achine and i n t his manual. F a[...]
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5 20. Chec k dam aged parts. Bef ore further us e of t he m achine, a guard or ot her part that i s damaged should be car efull y chec ked to det er m ine that it w i ll operat e properl y and perform its i ntended f unction. Check f or ali gn m ent o f mo v i ng parts, bindi ng of m o v ing part s , breakage of par ts, m ounting and any other cond[...]
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6 Fami liarize you rself with th e fol lowing saf ety n otices u sed in t hi s ma n ual : This m eans that if precauti ons are not heeded, it m ay res ul t i n minor injur y and/ or possibl e m achine dam age. This m eans that if precauti ons are not heeded, it m ay res ul t i n serious i n j ury or poss i bl y ev en death. Fami liarize you rself w[...]
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7 Speci fications Model Nu m ber ........................................................................... 60 B ................................................. . . 60B Stoc k Nu m b er .................................................................. 1610077K ......................................... 1610078K Tab l e (in.) ....................[...]
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8 Receivi ng Open bot h shippi ng crat es and check f or shippi ng damage. Report any damage imm ed i ately t o your di s t ri butor and shippi ng agent. Be f ore operati ng your joi nter, read t h i s inst ructi on m anua l t horoughl y f o r assembl y, m a i ntenanc e and s af ety instr uctions. Crate #1 co ntents 1 joi nter s t and w i th mot or[...]
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9 3. The stand c an be s ecured t o the f l oor using two anch or bolt s (not prov ided) t hrough the holes i nside the bot tom o f the stand. A lig n ing Pulley s Pl ace a strai ght edge agai ns t t he m ot or pulley and cut terhead pull ey to m ake sure t hey are ali gned. If adj us tm ent is necessary, l oosen the set scr ews in t he mot or pul [...]
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10 El ectrica l Connections Elect rical co nnecti ons must be mad e by a qu alifi e d electri cian in comp liance wi th all rel evant cod es. Thi s machi ne must b e properl y g rounded t o h e l p preven t elect rical sh ock and po ssible f atal injur y. The J ointer i s equipped wit h eit her a singl e phase, 230 v o l t m o t or; or a three phas[...]
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11 I M PO RT AN T : M ake sure t he elect ri cal charac teri s tic s ar e the same on t he m otor nam eplate and the po wer source, and m ake sure the ci rcui t on w hi ch t he joi n t er will be us ed is proper ly f used and that the wire siz e is correct. Con vert in g fro m 230 Vol t to 460 Vol t (Thre e Phase On l y) Consult the wir ing di agra[...]
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12 A d justments Disco nnect mach i ne f rom pow er source before maki ng a d justmen ts. Tools required for adjustments: 8mm & 12 mm w r enches 4mm hex w renc h m ach i nist's prot ractor or adjustabl e square steel s t rai ght edge Cu tter Gu ard Removi ng Gu ard: Som e adjusti ng procedur es , a s well as rabbet ing operat ions, will re[...]
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13 In stalling Knives Use care wh en wo rking wi t h or aro und sh ar p kni ves. Make sure pow er to th e machin e has been di sconnected. W hen i ns t alling new kniv es, remove only one knif e at a t im e . Clean t he knif e slot and i nstall the new kni fe. Adj ust and snug new kni fe in cut terhead befor e proceedi ng t o ne x t knif e. 1. Di s[...]
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14 7. T ight en i ng the gib scr ew s shoul d be done i n inc rements, to prev ent any di storti on to the cutt erhead or buck li ng o f kniv es. W hile holdi ng the gauge do w n on one knif e, snug down the f ive gib screws, beginni ng w i th t he cent er screw and working y our w ay t o the ends. Do not f ully tight en yet. 8. Rot ate the c utter[...]
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15 6. Ti ghten t he gib screws (A, Fi gure 18) then back t hem off approxim ately 1/ 4 turn or until the t able m oves fr eely, and re-set the loc k nuts on the gi b screws. If ta ble will s t ill not l ine up: Rem o v e gib screws and tabl e loc k i ng handl e and rem o v e g i b (#16, page 29). Check gib to see that set scre w s do not go all the[...]
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16 Settin g Ou tfeed Table For accurat e work i n m ost joi n t ing oper ations, the out f eed table m ust be ex ac t ly l e v el wit h the kniv es at their highest point of rev o l ution. 1. Rai se the outf eed table to its hi ghes t poi nt, and plac e a s tr aight edge across it . 2. Rotat e the cut terhead (usi ng the bel t or pull ey) until one[...]
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17 Fence M o v ement To sl ide the f ence for w ar d or backward on t he tabl e, loosen loc k handle (A, Fi gure 24), sli de the f ence to desir ed pos i ti on and tight en l ock handle t o secure fenc e. Lif t up on f ence wh en ti lting o r sliding, to prevent scratchi ng the table. NOT E : T he handle (A, F igure 24) m ay be adjust ed to a m ore[...]
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18 45 deg ree forward stop: 1. T he 45 degree for w ar d s t op is cont rolled by the screw (E, Figure 25). 2. Loosen t he locking handl e (B, Figure 25) and the hex nut on the screw (E, Figure 25). 3. Set t he 45 degree prot ractor on t he tabl e and again st the f enc e, and ti lt t he f ence until it i s f lush against t he 45 degree angl e. 4. [...]
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19 Direction of Grain Av o i d f eeding work i nto the j ointer agai nst the gr ain . Th is will r es ult in ch i pped and spli ntered edges (F igure 27) . Feed wi th the grai n to obtai n a smoot h sur f ace (Fi gure 28). Han d Placemen t At the star t of the cut, the left hand holds the work f irml y against the inf eed tabl e and f ence whil e t[...]
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20 Edge J oin tin g Thi s is t he m ost common oper ation for the joi nter. Set gui de f ence square wit h the table. Depth of cut should be t he mi nimum requi red to obtai n a straight edge. Do not m ake cuts deeper than 1/ 8" i n a singl e pass. Hol d the be s t f ace of the pi ece firmly against t he f ence throughout the f eed. See Fi gur[...]
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21 Taper Cuts A usef ul j ointer oper ati on is cutt ing an edge to a taper . The m et hod can be used on a w i de v ar i ety of w ork . Taper ed legs of f urnitur e are a comm on exampl e. Instead of lay ing t he p i ece on the i n f eed table, lower the f orward end of t he work onto t he outfeed t ab l e. Do th is very carefu lly, a s t he p iec[...]
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22 M a intenance Disco nnect mach i ne f rom pow er source before doin g any ma in tenance. The t able and f ence surf aces m ust be kept cl ean and f r ee o f rust f or best resul ts. Some users pref er a paste wax coating. Another opti on is t alcum powder appli ed w i th a bl ackboard eraser ru bbed in v i gorously once a week; thi s w ill f il [...]
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23 I M PO RT AN T : If t he bearings need repl acem ent, thi s s houl d be done by qual if ied servi ce personnel . T he bearings are pr es s f i tted and m us t be r e m oved w i th an ar bor press . To r e-install cutt erhead, r e v erse the abov e procedur e. Bef ore re-i ns talli ng, mak e s ure t he m ach i ne's cur v ed seats of the base[...]
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24 Troubleshoot ing – Operat ing Proble ms Trou ble Pr obab le Ca use Re medy Fi n i s hed st ock is concav e on back end. Knif e i s hi gher t han outf eed tabl e. Raise out feed tabl e un til it a l i gns wi th ti p o f k n if e. See page 16. Fi n i s hed st ock is concav e on front end. Outf eed tabl e i s hi gher than knife. Lower out feed ta[...]
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25 Tr oubleshoot ing – Mechanica l and Electrica l Problems Trou ble Pr obab le Ca use Re medy No inc o m ing power. Verif y unit is connect ed to power, on- butt on is pushed in compl etely, and stop-but ton is di sengaged. Ov erload aut o m atic reset has not res et. W hen j o i nter o v erl oads on t he circuit breaker bui lt i nto the m ot or[...]
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26 Trou ble Pr obab le Ca use Re medy Motor failure. If e lectr i c moto r is su s pect, h ave i t tested by qualifi ed s erv ic e personnel. Repair or replace as needed. El ectric a l leads are att ached incorrect ly. Double c heck to confirm all electri cal connect ions are cor rect. Refer t o appropri ate wir ing diagram s on pages 36 thr ough 3[...]
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27 Par t s List : Base Assem b ly Ind ex No . Part No. Descrip tion Siz e Qty ................. 2365022 ...................Jointer Ba s e Ass embly (I te m s 1 thr u 78 and fence & cut terhead ass y s .) 1 1............... 6296000 ...................R ea r Table ...................................................................................[...]
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28 57............. 6296166 ...................Fla t W ash er ........................................................5/16 ” ........................... 6 59............. 6296167 ...................De pth Sc ale........................................................................................... 1 60............. VS 020500 ................Ri[...]
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29 Base A ssembly[...]
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30 Par t s List : F en ce Assem bly Ind ex No. Part No . Descript ion Size Qty ................. 60B- 10 0 ...................Fen ce A ss embly (Ite m s 1 thru 3 3) ......................................................... 1 1............... 6296143 ...................L ock i n g Bo l t...............................................................[...]
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31 Fence A ssembly[...]
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32 Par t s List : Cutterh ead Assem b ly Ind ex No . Part No. Descrip tion Siz e Qty ................. 60 B-30 0 ...................C utter head As sem bly ( It e m s 1 thr u 5, and 10 thru 13) ............................ 1 1............... 6296046 ...................Kn if e .........................................................................[...]
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33 Par t s List : Stand A ssembly Ind ex No . Part No. Descrip tion Siz e Qty ................. 2365021 ...................St and Assembl y (It e m s 1 t hru 47) .......................2HP , 1Ph , 230V .......... 1 ................. 2365023 ...................St and Assembl y (It e m s 1 t hru 47) .......................3HP , 3Ph , 230/460V ... 1 1[...]
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34 39............. 6823013 ...................Str ipe ................................................................................................ 8 ft. 40............. 60 B-44 0 ...................Stra i n Re lief........................................................................................... 1 ................. 60 B- 440A .........[...]
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35 Stan d Assem bly[...]
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36 El ectrica l Connections – 230 Volt , S i ngle Phase[...]
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37 El ectrica l Connections – 230 Volt, 3 Phase[...]
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38 El ectrica l Connections – 460 Volt , Three Phase[...]
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39 Preventi ve Maintenance Checkl ist for Mod e l 60B J o inter [ ] Wor k ar ea around m achine m a r ked o f f clear ly. [ ] Non-ski d f loor str ips in area where operator norm a l ly stands . [ ] Kickback pat h no t a im ed at other work areas, ai sles or doorways. [ ] Vari ous types of push pads and bl ocks readil y a v ail ab le t o operator .[...]
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40 WM H T o ol Grou p 2420 Van tage D ri ve Elgin, Il linois 60124 Phone : 800-274-6848 www.wm htoolgr oup.com[...]