Powermatic PWBS14 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Powermatic PWBS14, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Powermatic PWBS14 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Powermatic PWBS14. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Powermatic PWBS14 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Powermatic PWBS14
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Powermatic PWBS14 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Powermatic PWBS14 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Powermatic PWBS14 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Powermatic PWBS14, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Powermatic service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Powermatic PWBS14.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Powermatic PWBS14 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Operating Instr uctions and Par ts M anual 14” Woodw orking Band Saw Model P WBS 14 WM H TOOL GROU P 2420 Vantage Dr iv e El gin, Ill i nois 60123 Part No . M-1791216 Ph.: 800-274-6848 Rev D 1/ 04 www. wm h to ol g r oup.com Copyri ght © W MH T ool Gr oup[...]

  • Page 2

    2 This manual has been pr epar ed for the owner and oper ator s of a Powerm ati c M odel PW BS- 14 Band Saw. I ts purpos e, aside from proper m achine oper ation, i s to pr om ote safety through the use of acceptable oper ati ng and mai ntenance pr ocedur es. To obtai n m axim um li fe and eff ic iency from y our band s aw, and to ai d in us ing th[...]

  • Page 3

    3 TA BLE OF CONTENT S Safety R ules.................................................................................................................................... 4-5 Safety D ecal....................................................................................................................................... 6 Groundi ng Instr ucti ons .[...]

  • Page 4

    4 SA FET Y RULES As w i th al l m achi nes, there i s a certai n am ount of hazard i nv ol v ed w it h the us e of thi s band s aw. Use the m achine wit h the respect and cauti on demanded where saf ety precaut ions are conc erned. W hen nor mal safet y precaut ions are ov er looked or ignored, personal i njury t o the operat or can result . • RE[...]

  • Page 5

    5 • MA INTAIN T OOLS W IT H C AR E. Keep t ools sharp and cl ean for bes t and saf est perf orm ance. Fol low instr ucti ons f or l ubricat ing and c hanging accessori es . • DISCO NNECT T OOL S bef ore serv i cing; w hen c hanging accessori es , s uch as blades, bi ts cutt ers, and the l ik e. • REDUCE T HE RI SK OF UNINT ENT IONAL ST ART IN[...]

  • Page 6

    6 SAFE TY Fa m ilia rize yo u rs elf w ith the loca tion and cont ent of thi s decal on your machi ne. Fig. 1[...]

  • Page 7

    7 Grounding Instr uctions Ca ution: T his tool m ust be grounded while in use to pr otect the oper ator fr om ele ctric shock . In t he ev ent of a m alf unct ion or breakdown, groundi ng prov ides a path of l east resistanc e for elect ric current to reduc e the ri sk of elect ric s hoc k. Thi s tool is equipped wit h an elect ri c cord hav i ng a[...]

  • Page 8

    8 230 Vol t Operat ion If 230V, s i ngle-phase operati on i s desi red, t he fol lowi ng instruct ions m us t be f ol lowed: 1. Disco nnect the machi ne fro m the p ower so urce. 2. This band saw is suppli ed w it h f our m otor l eads that are connect ed for 115V operati on, as show n i n Fi gure A. Reconnect t hes e f our m otor l eads for 230V o[...]

  • Page 9

    9 SPECIF ICA TIONS: PW BS-14 B and Saw Stoc k Numbe r ........................................................................................................................ 1791216K Cutt ing Capaci ty .......................................................................................................... 6" H x 13- 1/2 " W Mi nim um S[...]

  • Page 10

    10 PW BS-14 Band S aw Dimensions Fig. 1A[...]

  • Page 11

    11 RECEIVING Open shi pping cont ainer and c heck f or s hi pping dam age. Report any dam age im m ediatel y to your di stri butor and shippi ng agent. Read the inst ructi on m anual thor oughly f or ass em bl y, m aint enance and safet y instr ucti ons . Contents: Contai ner #1 1 saw body 1 v -bel t 1 trunni on support 1 m ain t able 1 ex tension [...]

  • Page 12

    12 3. W i th t he aid of a second person, l if t t he saw body out of t he s hi pping cont ainer and pl ace on top of t he s t and. Be sure f ront of saw (w it h Powerm atic logo) f aces curv ed stand f ront. WARNI NG Saw body is h eavy! Use caut ion when li ftin g and s tabilize until fir mly atta che d to the stan d! Fai lure t o comp ly may caus[...]

  • Page 13

    13 9. Loosen the nuts on the f our m otor mount ing bolt s (Fi g. 4), and tension the v -belt by pushing down on the m otor. Ti ghten the f our m otor m ounti ng nuts. The v -belt is properl y tensi oned w hen f i nger pressure between the two pull eys causes approx im atel y 1/ 2" def lect ion (F ig. 4a). 10. Scr ew t he two s m al l knobs (F[...]

  • Page 14

    14 13. To m ount the m ain t able, r emov e pin and insert f rom t he tabl e (Fi g. 8). 14. Rotat e the t able so that t he saw bl ade w i l l sli de through t he s l ot i n the t able. Then ori ent th e ta ble s o th e s cr ew s w ill s lide into the ho les on the t runnion support . Att ach l ock knobs to these screws ( Fig. 7). 15. Repl ace pin [...]

  • Page 15

    15 20. The ai r hose, which i s already connected t o the saw body, should be i ns ert ed through the hole i n the stand and c onnected to t he nozzl e of the ai r regul ator (F ig. 10). Use a li ghter or m atch t o brief l y heat t he end of the hose s o th at it w ill slip over t he n oz zle. As it c o o ls , it w ill form a tigh t s e a l over t[...]

  • Page 16

    16 23. Instal l blade tensi on lev er (Fi g. 11a) and ti ghten t he s et screw s, using a 3m m hex wrench. T he mov em ent of t he blade t ens ion lev er i s ex pl ained under “ Changing Bl ades”. 24. Mount the two m iter gauge hooks (A, F ig. 12) to t he s ide of t he s tand wit h two M8 x 16 carr iage bol ts and two fl anged hex nuts. W hen n[...]

  • Page 17

    17 3. Mount fr ont rai l (A , Fi g. 14) t o the band saw tabl e using two M6 x 20 hex cap s crews, two 1/4" lock washers and tw o 1/4" f l at was hers (B, Fi g. 14). Do not ti ghten yet . 4. Mount guide rai l ( A, Fi g. 15) t o the f ront rail using t hree M6 x 20 hex c ap s c rew s, t hree 1/4" lock washers and three 1/4" fl at[...]

  • Page 18

    18 6. Thr ead a hex nut (A, F ig. 17) onto the sl idi ng pad (B, Fi g. 17) and i ns ert t hrough the f ence and rear hook (C, Fi g. 17) . Secure i n pl ace using a hex nut, lock washer and f lat w asher (D, Fig. 17). T he hook (C, F ig. 17) should be adjust ed s o t hat i t ov erl aps the rear r ail by approx im atel y 1/ 8". 7. W hen t he f e[...]

  • Page 19

    19 14. For res awing operat ions attac h the resaw guide ( Fi g. 20) to t he f ence with t he knob. Th ere is a s lott ed ho le in the f e nce th a t w ill accom odate t he resaw ki t. Positi on the r es aw guide so t hat it is cent ered w i th t he f ront edge of the saw blade. The resaw guide w ill g iv e you a tal l er, singl e-poi nt contac t s[...]

  • Page 20

    20 5. Loosen jam nut (C, Fi g. 23) and t urn tabl e stop (B, Fi g. 23) l ef t or ri ght t o raise or l ow er the stop. Ti ghten jam nut to hold t able stop i n plac e. 6. Unloc k the t able and ti l t it back on t o the tabl e stop to c onfi rm tabl e is 90 degrees to t he blade. Repeat t his process as nec es sary unt il tabl e is 90 degrees to t [...]

  • Page 21

    21 A d ju sting Blade Tension 1. Disconnec t m achine f rom power source. 2. Pl ace tension l ev er i n the hi ghest positi on, as show n i n Fi gure 25. T urn blade t ension knob (B, Fi g. 25) cl ockwise to t ens ion bl ade. A gauge on the upper wheel s l ide br acket ( C, Fi g. 25) i ndic ates the approx im at e tension accor ding to t he w i dth[...]

  • Page 22

    22 4. Ti ghten wing nut (D, F ig. 25) aft er bl ade is trac king i n the cent er of the wheel. 5. Close upper wheel guar d. A d ju sting Upper B lade Guide A ssembly 1. Disconnec t m achine f rom power source. 2. Loosen lock knob (A, F ig. 26) and rai s e or lower upper bl ade guide assembl y (B , Fi g. 26) to j ust abov e the m at erial being c ut[...]

  • Page 23

    23 A d ju sting Lower Bl ade Guide an d Blade Su pport Bear ing 1. Disconnec t m achine f rom power source. 2. Bl ade must al ready be t ens ioned and t racki ng properl y. 3. Loosen thum b s crew (A, Fig. 29) and m ov e guide bl ock by turni ng knob (B, Fig. 29) so that the f ront of t he guide wheels (C, F ig. 29) are j us t behi nd the gul let ([...]

  • Page 24

    24 TROUBLE-SHOOTING (PW BS -14 Band Saw) PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAU SE SOLUT ION Sa w st o ps or w ill no t s ta rt 1 . Sa w unpl ugged 1. Check plug connect ions 2. F us e blown or ci rcui t break er tri pped 2. Repl ace f use or reset ci rcuit breaker 3. Cord dam aged 3. Repl ace cord Does not m ake accurat e 1. St op not adj us ted c orrectl y 1. Chec[...]

  • Page 25

    25 OPTI ONAL ACCESSORIES for PW BS-14 B and Saw Part No . Descrip tio n Siz e 709370 ........... B andsaw Bl ade .................... 1/8 x . 020 x 14 hook x 93-1/2" 709371 ........... B andsaw Bl ade .................... 3/1 6 x . 020 x 6 s k ip x 93-1/2" 709372 ........... B andsaw Bl ade .................... 1/4 x . 020 x 6 skip x 93-1[...]

  • Page 26

    26 Replacem ent Parts & S ervice Replac ement parts are l isted on t he fol l ow i ng pages. To order parts or reach our s er v ic e depart m ent, call 1-800-274- 6848 betw een 7:00 a. m. and 6:00 p.m . (CST), Monday through Fri day. Hav i ng t he M odel Num ber and Seri al Num ber of your m achi ne av ail able w hen you call w ill a llow us to[...]

  • Page 27

    27 PARTS LI ST: Body Assembly (PW B S-14 Band Saw) In dex Part No. No. Descrip tion Siz e Qty. 1.......... PW BS1 4-10 1 ................Ba se...................................................... ............................................... 1 2.......... PW BS1 4-10 2 ................Pin ........................................................ [...]

  • Page 28

    28 PARTS LI ST: Body Assembly (PW B S-14 Band Saw) cont inued In dex Part No. No. Descrip tion Siz e Qty. 68 ....... TS- 1551041 .................. Lo ck W a s her ......................................... M6 ...........................................4 69 ....... TS- 1503061 .................. Soc ket H ead Cap S crew ....................... M 6X [...]

  • Page 29

    29 PARTS LI ST: Body Assembly (PW B S-14 Band Saw) cont inued In dex Part No. No. Descrip tion Siz e Qty. 13 1 ...... PW BS14 -231 ................Be aring S heat h ...................................... ............................................... 2 13 2 ...... TS- 1482031 ..................H ex Cap Screw ..................................... M[...]

  • Page 30

    30 Body Assembly (PW BS -14 Band Saw)[...]

  • Page 31

    31 PARTS LI ST: Miter Gauge A ssembly (PW B S-14 Band S aw ) In dex Part No. No. Descrip tion Siz e Qty. ..............PW BS14 -2 51 ..............Miter G auge Ass em bl y (It ems 1 thr u 9) . ............................................... 1 1............ PW B S14 - 251-1 ...........Guide B ar .............................................. .......[...]

  • Page 32

    32 PARTS LI ST: Table & Trunnion Assembly (P W BS-14 B and Saw) In dex Part No. No. Descrip tion Siz e Qty. 41 ....... PW BS14 -141 ............... Table .................................................... ................................................1 42 ....... PW BS14 -142 ............... Table Ins ert ...................................[...]

  • Page 33

    33 Table & Tr unnion A ssembly (PW BS-14 B and Saw)[...]

  • Page 34

    34 PARTS LI ST: Blade Tension Lever (PW BS -14 Band Saw) In dex Part No. No. Descrip tion Siz e Qty. 93 ....... PW BS14 - 193A ............. Adjus ting Blo ck As s embly ( Items 93-1 thru 9 3-13 ) .................................1 93 -1 .... PW BS 14 - 193-1 ............ Side C over ............................................ ....................[...]

  • Page 35

    35 Blade Tension Lever (P W B S-14 Band S aw )[...]

  • Page 36

    36 PARTS LI ST: Closed Stand Assembly (PW BS-14 B and Saw) In dex Part No. No. Descrip tion Siz e Qty. 1 ......... PW BS1 4-30 1 ............... Clos ed S t and Assembl y ........................ ................................................1 ........... PW BS1 4- 301-1 ............ Clos ed Stand ........................................ ........[...]

  • Page 37

    37 Closed S tand A ssembly (P W BS-14 B and Saw)[...]

  • Page 38

    38 PARTS LI ST: Fence & Rail Assembly (PW B S-14 Band S aw ) In dex Part No. No. Descrip tion Siz e Qty. 1 ......... PW BS1 4-F01 ............... Pow er matic Label ................................. ................................................. 1 2 ......... JW BS1 8-43 1 ................ Kn ob ..............................................[...]

  • Page 39

    39 Fence & Rail Assembly (PW BS -14 Band Saw)[...]

  • Page 40

    40 WM H T ool Gr oup 2420 Vantage Drive Elgi n, Ill inoi s 60123 Phone : 800-274- 6848 www. wm h to ol g r oup.com[...]