Princess 529200 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Princess 529200, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Princess 529200 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Princess 529200. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Princess 529200 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Princess 529200
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Princess 529200 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Princess 529200 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Princess 529200 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Princess 529200, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Princess service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Princess 529200.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Princess 529200 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    5292 00 P rinc ess Studio Style Curling Iron Nederlands 4 English 8 Français 12 Deutsch 16 Español 20 Italiano 24 Svenska 28 Dansk 31 Norsk 34 Suomi 37 Português 40    51[...]

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    2 A 1 4 8 3 2 7 6 5 A[...]

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    3 8 1 1 2 B D C[...]

  • Page 4

    4 NL 4 Gefeliciteerd! U he eft een huis houd elij k ap para at v an Princess aangeschaft. Ons doel is om kwal itei tspr oduc ten met een smaa kvol ontw erp en t egen een bet aalb are prij s te bied en. We hop en d at u ged uren de v ele jare n plezier zult hebben van dit apparaat. Instructies voor gebruik De i ns t r uc t i es v oo r ge b r ui k zi[...]

  • Page 5

    5 NL Zorg er voor geb ruik voo r da t uw haa r  voll edig dro og i s. H aar is h et m eest kw es tb aa r en b re ek ba ar w an ne er h et n at i s. Indi en u het app araa t ge brui kt o p vo chti g haar , wo rdt de o pper huid geo pend en raak t de cortex beschadigd. Zorg erv oor dat de v erwa rmin gsel emen ten  van het appa raat nie t[...]

  • Page 6

    6 NL Automatische uitschakelfunctie Het appa raat sch akel t au toma tisc h ui t na een periode van 30 minuten. T oermalijntechnologie T o erma lijn is een half edel stee n me t opme rkel ijke ele ktri sche eig ensc happ en, die de m eest neg atie f mo geli jke ione n ui tsto ot wann eer het mate riaa l wo rdt verh it. De ioni sche fun ctie bie dt [...]

  • Page 7

    7 NL Reiniging en onderhoud Het apparaat vereist geen speciaal onderhoud. W aarschuwing! - Scha kel voor rei nigi ng e n on derh oud alti jd het appa raat uit en verw ijde r de net stek ker uit het stopcontact. - Domp el h et a ppar aat voor rei nigi ng n iet onder in water of andere vloeistoffen. Controleer het apparaat regelmatig op  mogeli[...]

  • Page 8

    8 EN excessive humidity . Do n ot o pera te t he a ppli ance if your han ds  are wet. Do not oper ate the appl ianc e if you are barefoot. Do n ot t ouch mov ing part s. K eep long hai r  and loos e cl othi ng a way from the mov ing parts. Care full y gu ide the main s ca ble to m ake  sure tha t it doe s no t ha ng o ver the edge[...]

  • Page 9

    9 EN The wire whi ch i s co lour ed B LUE must be conn ecte d to the ter mina l wh ich is m arke d with the letter N or coloured black. The wire whi ch i s co lour ed B ROWN mus t be conn ecte d to the ter mina l wh ich is m arke d with the letter L or coloured red. The wire whi ch i s co lour ed G REEN /YEL LOW must be conn ecte d to the ter mina [...]

  • Page 10

    10 EN Hair texture Recommended temperature Bleached, fragile, damaged or fine hair Low temperature Normal hair Medium temperature V ery coarse, thick or curly hair High temperature Automatic switch-off function The appl ianc e sw itch es o ff aut omat ical ly a fter a period of 30 minutes. T ourmaline technology T o urma line is a se mi-p reci ous [...]

  • Page 11

    11 Cleaning and maintenance The appl ianc e do es n ot r equi re a ny s peci al maintenance. W arning! - Befo re c lean ing or m aint enan ce, alwa ys swit ch o ff the app lian ce a nd r emov e th e mains plug from the wall socket. - Do n ot i mmer se t he a ppli ance in wate r or any other liquids for cleaning. Regu larl y ch eck the appl ianc e f[...]

  • Page 12

    12 FR Prot égez tou jour s l’ appa reil de l’ea u et  d’une humidité excessive. N’ut ilis ez p as l ’app arei l av ec l es m ains  moui llée s. N ’emp loye z pa s l’ appa reil si vous êtes pieds nus. Ne t ouch ez p as l es p arti es m obil es.  N’ap proc hez pas les chev eux long s et les vêtements amples des [...]

  • Page 13

    13 FR Description (fig. A) V otre fe r à fris er 5 2920 0 Pr ince ss a été con çu pour friser et onduler vos cheveux. 1. Bouton de marche/arrêt 2. Bouton de température 3. Témoin de marche/arrêt 4. Levier d’utilisation 5. Poignée 6. Élément chauffant 7. Support 8. Accessoire à friser Contenu de l’emballage Fer à friser  Acces[...]

  • Page 14

    14 FR T echnologie de tourmaline La t ourm alin e es t un e pi erre sem i-pr écie use présentant des propriétés électriques rema rqua bles : e lle émet nat urel leme nt a utan t d’io ns n égat ifs que poss ible dès que le maté riau est cha uf fé. La f onct ion ioni que assu re à vos che veux le summ um d e la bril lanc e, d e la cou le[...]

  • Page 15

    15 Nettoyage et entretien L ’appareil ne requiert aucun entretien particulier . A vertissement ! - Av ant le n etto yage ou l’en tret ien, arr êtez touj ours l’a ppar eil et d ébra nche z la fic he secteur de la prise murale. - Ne p long ez p as l ’app arei l da ns l ’eau ou autres liquides pour le nettoyer . Contrôlez régulièrement [...]

  • Page 16

    16 DE Gebrauch Scha lten Sie das Ger ät a us, bevo r Si e es  an d as N etz ansc hlie ßen oder dav on trennen. Gehe n Si e be im G ebra uch des Gerä ts  stets vorsichtig vor . V erwenden Sie das Gerät nicht im Freien.  Schü tzen Sie das Ger ät s tets vor W as ser  oder übermäßiger Feuchtigkeit. Betreiben Sie das Ger[...]

  • Page 17

    17 DE V ergewis sern Sie sic h vo r de m Ge brau ch,  dass Ihr Haa r vo llko mmen tro cken ist . Nass es H aar ist äuße rst anfä llig und bruc hemp find lich . Fa lls Sie das Gerä t au f feuc htem Haa r ve rwen den, wer den Oberhaut und Hirnrinde angegriffen. V ergewis sern Sie sic h, d ass die  Heiz elem ente des Ger äts nich t mi[...]

  • Page 18

    18 DE Haarbeschaffenheit Empfohlene T emperatur Gebleichtes, sprödes, besc hädig tes oder fein es Ha ar Niedrige T emperatur Normales Haar Mittlere T emperatur Sehr grobes, dickes oder lockiges Haar Hohe T emperatur Automatische Abschaltfunktion Das Gerä t sc halt et s ich nach ein er L aufz eit von 30 Minuten automatisch aus. T urmalin-T echnol[...]

  • Page 19

    19 Kurzzeitige Aufbewahrung des Geräts (Abb. A) Senken Sie den Halter (7).  Stel len Sie das Gerä t mi t de m Ha lter (7)  auf eine flache, gerade Oberfläche. Reinigung und W artung Das Gerät bedarf keinerlei besonderer W artung. Achtung! - Scha lten Sie das Ger ät v or d er R eini gung und W art ung stet s au s un d zi ehen Sie de[...]

  • Page 20

    20 ES Uso Apag ue e l ap arat o an tes de c onec tarl o  o desconectarlo de la red eléctrica. T enga s iemp re c uida do c uand o ut ilic e el  aparato. No utilice el aparato en el exterior .  Prot eja siem pre el a para to d el a gua  o de la humedad excesiva. No u ti l i ce e l a p ar a t o c o n l a s m a no s mo j a da [...]

  • Page 21

    21 ES Descripción (fig. A) El r izad or d e pe lo 5 2920 0 Pr ince ss s e ha diseñado para rizar y ondular el cabello. 1. Interruptor de encendido/apagado 2. T ermostato 3. Indicador de encendido/apagado 4. Palanca de funcionamiento 5. Empuñadura 6. Elemento calefactor 7. Soporte 8. Accesorio rizador Contenido del paquete Rizador de pelo  [...]

  • Page 22

    22 T ecnología de turmalina La t urma lina es una pied ra s emip reci osa con extr aord inar ias prop ieda des eléc tric as, que emit e de for ma n atur al l a ma yor cant idad posi ble de i ones neg ativ os c uand o se cal ient a el m ater ial. La func ión ióni ca p ropo rcio na u n exce lent e br illo , co lor y pr otec ción con tra la hume [...]

  • Page 23

    23 Limpieza y mantenimiento El a para to n o re quie re n ingú n ma nten imie nto especial. ¡Advertencia! - Ante s de la limp ieza o e l ma nten imie nto, ap a g ue s ie m p re e l a p ar a t o y re t i re e l e n ch u f e eléctrico de la toma de pared. - No s umer ja e l ap arat o en agu a ni otr os líquidos de limpieza. Comp rueb e pe riód i[...]

  • Page 24

    24 IT Uso Speg nere l’e lett rodo mest ico prim a di  coll egar lo/s coll egar lo a lla/ dall a re te d i alimentazione elettrica. Porr e se mpre att enzi one nell ’uti lizz are  l’elettrodomestico. Non usar e l’ elet trod omes tico in ambi enti  esterni. Prot egge re s empr e l’ elet trod omes tico dal  contatto c[...]

  • Page 25

    25 IT Istruzioni di sicurezza per arricciacapelli Non usate l’elettrodomestico con una  rego lazi one dell a te mper atur a pi ù al ta d el nece ssar io. Dura nte l’ut iliz zo, dimi nuit e il livello di regolazione della temperatura. Prim a d ell’ uso, acc erta tevi di ave re i ca pell i  comp leta ment e as ciut ti. Se s ono bag[...]

  • Page 26

    26 IT Usat e l’ inte rrut tore del la t empe ratu ra ( 2)  per impo star e la tem pera tura di eser cizi o desi dera ta. Cons ulta te l a ta bell a so tto per conoscere le regolazioni corrette. Struttura dei capelli T emperatura raccomandata Capelli decolorati, fragili, danneggiati o sottili T emperatura bassa Capelli normali T emperatura m[...]

  • Page 27

    27 Le p arti cell e ul tra fini d’a rgen to s ono prod otte nel rive stim ento in nano sil ver . Il Nano sil ver è sicuro e non irritante. Stoccaggio temporaneo dell’elettrodomestico (fig. A) Abbassare il supporto (7).  Posa re l ’ele ttro dome stic o co n il sup port o  (7) su una superficie piatta e orizzontale. Pulizia e manut[...]

  • Page 28

    28 SV Anvä nd i nte appa rate n om hän dern a är  våta . Använd int e ap para ten om h ände rna är våta. Rö r in t e n å g ra r ör l i ga d el a r . H å ll l ån g t h å r o c h  lösa kläder borta från de rörliga delarna. Dra nätk abel n me d om sorg så att den inte  häng er ö ver vass a ka nter och så att de[...]

  • Page 29

    29 SV Montering av locktillbehöret (fig. B) Mont era lock till behö ret (8) på a ppar aten s  främ re d el ( se p ilen hög st u pp p å locktillbehöret). Användning Tips för optimal användning Anvä nd s cham po f ör a tt t vätt a di tt h år . Om  ditt hår är kemi skt beha ndla t el ler skad at, använd hårbalsam för att[...]

  • Page 30

    30 SV Tillfällig förvaring av apparaten (fig. A) Sänkt stödet (7).  Plac era appa rate n me d st ödet (7) på en  platt och jämn yta. Rengöring och underhåll Apparaten kräver inget speciellt underhåll. Advarsel! - Inna n re ngör ning ell er u nder håll påb örja s bör du a llti d sl å av app arat en o ch d ra u t kontakte[...]

  • Page 31

    31 Appa rate t sk al a ltid bes kytt es m od v and  eller for høj fugtighed. Appa rate t må ikk e be tjen es m ed v åde  hænd er . Ap para tet må i kke betj enes , hv is du er barfodet. Undg å at ber øre de b evæg elig e de le. Hold  lang t hå r og løs tsid dend e tø j væ k fr a de bevægelige dele. Hold øje med net l[...]

  • Page 32

    32 DA 6. V armeelement 7. Støtteanordning 8. Krølningstilbehør Indhold af pakken Krøllejern  Krølningstilbehør  Montering Advarsel! T ag alti d ne tsti kket ud af stikkontakten før montering. Montering af krølningstilbehør (fig. B) Mont er k røln ings tilb ehør et ( 8) p å fo rsid en  af a ppar atet (se pil en p å to [...]

  • Page 33

    33 DA Nano-sølvteknologi Nano -søl vtek nolo gi b estå r af søl vpar tikl er , som måle s af et nano mete r , for a t vi dere give sølvets fantastiske mikrobielle effekter . Nano- sølv er natu rlig t an tiba kter ielt og elim iner er ba k t er i e r f r a a p pa r a te t fo r at s ka b e a n ba k t er i e fr i zone for at besk ytte din sun d[...]

  • Page 34

    34 Gratulerer! Du h ar k jøpt et Prin cess hus hold ning sapp arat . Måle t vå rt e r å prod user e kv alit etsp rodu kter med smak full t de sign til en rime lig pris . Vi håp er d u vi l gl ede deg over det te a ppar atet i mange år . Bruksanvisning Bruk sanv isni ngen e er sam let i de n ti lsva rend e dele n. B li k jent med sik kerh etsi[...]

  • Page 35

    35 Pr ø v a l d ri å f j e rn e el l e r b y tt e an d r e d e le r en n  de som er angitt i denne bruksanvisningen. Før bruk må du k ontr olle re o m ne ttka bele n  er slitt eller skadet. Ikke bru k ap para tet ders om n ettk abel en  elle r ne ttpl ugge n er ska det elle r de fekt . Ders om n ettk abel en e ller net tplu gg[...]

  • Page 36

    36 NO Rengjøring og vedlikehold Apparatet krever ikke spesielt vedlikehold. Advarsel! - Før reng jøri ng e ller ved like hold må du a llti d slå av a ppar atet og trek ke u t ne ttpl ugge n fr a stikkontakten. - Ikke sen k ap para tet i va nn e ller and re væsker for å rense det. Kontroller jevnlig om det er skader på  apparatet. Bruk[...]

  • Page 37

    37 Onnittelut! Olet han kkin ut P rinc ess- kodi nkon een. T avoitt eemm e on tar jota tyy likk ääst i suun nite ltuj a la atut uott eita koh tuul lise en hint aan. T oiv omme , et tä n auti t la itte en käytöstä monen vuoden ajan. Käyttöohjeet Käyt töoh jeet on kerä tty vast aava an o sioo n. Lue lait teen tur vall isuu sohj eet käyt t[...]

  • Page 38

    38 T utkinta ja korjaukset T ark as ta l ai te e nn en k äy tt öä v au ri oi tu ne id en  tai vial list en o sien var alta . T utk i la ite rikkoutuneiden osien, vaurioituneiden kytk imie n ta i mu iden vau rioi den osal ta, jotka saattavat vaikuttaa sen toimintaan. Älä käyt ä la itet ta, mikä li j okin osa on  vaurioitunut tai [...]

  • Page 39

    39 FI Lämpötilan säätö (kuva D) T oimint oläm pöti la t äyty y as etta a hi usty ypin mukaan. Käyt ä lä mpöt ilak ytki ntä (2) aset taak sesi  vaad itun läm pöti lan. Oik eat aset ukse t on esitetty alla olevassa taulukossa. Hiusrakenne Suositeltu lämpötila V alk ai stu t, h ei kot , va uri oi tu ne et ta i hienorakenteiset h[...]

  • Page 40

    40 Utilização De sl ig ue o a pa re lh o no i nt er ru pt or a nt es d e  liga r ou des liga r da tom ada de c orre nte eléctrica. T enha s empr e cu idad o du rant e a util izaç ão  do aparelho. Não utilize o aparelho no exterior .  Prot eja semp re o apa relh o de águ a ou  humidade excessiva. Não util ize o ap are[...]

  • Page 41

    41 Descrição (fig. A) O se u mo dela dor de c abel o 52 9200 Pri nces s foi concebido para encaracolar e ondular cabelo. 1. Interruptor de ligar/desligar 2. Interruptor da temperatura 3. Indicador de ligado/desligado 4. Alavanca 5. Pega 6. Elemento calefactor 7. Suporte 8. Acessório de encaracolar Conteúdo da embalagem Modelador de cabelo ?[...]

  • Page 42

    42 PT Se p re te nd e ca ra có is s ol to s, d iv id a o ca be lo  em secções planas e maiores e passe várias vezes o modelador em cada secção. Sacu da o s ca racó is e pen teie o c abel o  com os dedos. Ap l i qu e la c a p a r a f i xa r os c ar a c ói s . U t i li z e  uma laca anti-humidade em climas húmidos. Ligaçã[...]

  • Page 43

    43 PT Limpeza e manutenção O ap arel ho n ão r eque r qu alqu er t ipo de manutenção especial. Advertência! - Ante s de lim par ou p roce der à ma nute nção , desl igue sem pre o ap arel ho n o in terr upto r e retire a ficha da tomada. - Não merg ulhe o a pare lho em á gua ou e m quaisquer outros líquidos para limpeza. V erifiqu e re g[...]

  • Page 44

    44 PT                                            ?[...]

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    45 PT                     [...]

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    46 EL                                     ?[...]

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    47 EL                                             [...]

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    48 AR (A   .(  7          7          ?[...]

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    49 AR                            ?[...]

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    50 AR                             ?[...]

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    51 AR      Princess                     ?[...]

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