Princess Toscana 240301 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Princess Toscana 240301, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Princess Toscana 240301 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Princess Toscana 240301. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Princess Toscana 240301 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Princess Toscana 240301
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Princess Toscana 240301 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Princess Toscana 240301 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Princess Toscana 240301 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Princess Toscana 240301, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Princess service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Princess Toscana 240301.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Princess Toscana 240301 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    12-14 10-12 8-10 6-8 4-6 Coffeemaker Tosc ana Article 2 40301 © Prince ss 2008 • Gebru iksaanw ijzing • User's i nstructio ns • Mo de d'emp loi • Bedien ungsa nleitung • Instruc ciones de uso • Istruzio ni per l 'uso • Bruk sanvis ning • Br ugsanv isning • Bruks anvisni ng • Kä yttöoh je • Inst ruções de us[...]

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    12-14 10-12 8-10 6-8 4-6 12-14 10-12 8-10 6-8 4-6 Nede rl ands 1 Eng lish 5 Français 9 Deut sch 13 Esp añol 17 It ali ano 21 Svenska 25 Dansk 29 Norsk 33 Suomi 36 Português 40 ǼȜȜȘȞȚț Ȑ 44 48 ΓΪΤΘϤϟ΍ ΔϜϠϤϤϟ΍[...]

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    1 5 6 2 1 8 7 3 4 12-14 10-12 8-10 6-8 4-6[...]

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    12-14 10-12 8-10 6-8 4-6 2[...]

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    4 July 2008 V0[...]

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    1 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Algeme ne i nforma tie Dit stijlvolle Princess-k offiezetapp araat is geschikt voor het zetten van 4 tot 14 koppen koffie. Het apparaat heeft een indicator voor het waterniveau en een thermoskan. In de thermoskan blijft de koffie gedurende enkele uren warm en vers. Bediening en onderdelen Zie figuur 1.[...]

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    2 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 10 Het apparaat schakelt na gebruik automatisch uit. Het indicati elampje gaat uit, maar de aan-/uitschakelaar blijft in de stand ON. Zet de aan-/ uitschakelaar handmatig in de s tand OFF . V oordat u de volgende k eer koffie zet, zorgt u ervoor dat de aan-/ uitschakelaar in de stand OFF staat. Tip s v[...]

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    3 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 • Gebruik dit app araat alleen voor huishoud elijk e doelei nden. • Het gebruik v an dit apparaat door kinderen of personen met een fysieke, zintuiglijke, verst an delijke of motorische handicap, of met onvoldoende ervaring en kennis kan gevaarlijke situaties o pleveren. Personen die veran twoordel[...]

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    4 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 verwijdert, of het apparaat na gebruik opbergt . • Gebruik het app araat niet in de buurt van een andere warmtebron. Let er op dat de warme onderdelen van het apparaat niet in contact komen m et licht ontvlambare stoffen zoals een theedoek. • Schakel het app araat pas in nadat u het waterreservoir [...]

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    5 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Gene ral info rmati on This stylish P rincess Coffeemaker is suitable for making 4 to 14 cups of cof f ee. The appliance has a water level indicator and a therm al jar . The thermal jar assures that the coffee st ays hot and fresh for several ho urs. Operation and controls See figure 1. The appliance i[...]

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    6 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Tip s for del icious cof fee: • Keep the appliance clean (see ‘Maintenance and cleaning’). • Use fresh, clean water . • Keep the coffee in a cold, dry location in a sealed container . Mai ntenanc e and cleaning • Clean the appliance on a regular basis. • Remove the plug from the plug sock[...]

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    7 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 explicit instructions or supervise the use of the appliance. • Keep the appliance out of the reach of small children. • Repairs may only be carried o ut by a qualified service technician. Never try to rep air the applian ce your self. • Only use accessories recomm ended by the suppli er . The u s[...]

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    8 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 U.K. WIRING INS TRUCTIONS The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the followi ng code: • BLUE NEUTRAL •B R O W N L I V E • GREEN/Y ELLOW EARTH As the col ours of the wi re in the m ains lead of this appliance m ay not correspond with the colour markings identifying the termina[...]

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    9 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Généralité s V otre élégante c afetière électrique Princess Co ff eemaker v ous préparera de 4 à 14 tasses de café. L'appareil est équipé d'un indicateur de niveau d'eau et d'une verseuse thermique. La verseuse thermique est isolée pour garder le café chaud et frais pe[...]

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    10 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 10 L'appareil s'éteint automatiquement après l'utilisation. Le témoin lumineux s'éteindra, mais l'interrupteur m arche/ arrêt restera en position marche (ON). Mettez l'interrupteur marche/arrêt en position arrêt (OFF ) pour éteindre l’appareil. Avant de recommen[...]

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    11 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 • Cet appareil est destiné à l'usage domestique exclusivement. • Si l'appareil est utilisé p ar d es enfants, ou par d es personnes ayant un handicap physique, sensoriel, ment al ou moteur , ou p ar des personnes n'ayant pas les connaissances et l'expérience nécessaires, c[...]

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    12 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 • N'utilisez p as l'app arei l près d'une autre source de chaleur . Assurez- vous que les parties échauffées d e l'appareil n' entrent en contact avec des matériaux inflammables comme les torchons. • Ne mettez p as l'app areil en marche avant d'avoir rempli l[...]

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    13 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Allgemeine Informationen Mit dieser stilvollen Kaffeemaschine können Sie zwis chen 4 und 14 T assen Kaffee kochen. Das Gerät ve rfügt über eine W asserstandsanzeige und eine Thermoskanne . In der Thermoskanne bleibt Ihr Kaffee für mehrere S tunden heiß und frisch. Betrieb und Steuer elemente Sie[...]

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    14 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Deckel von der Kanne herunterzunehmen. Das Gerät verfügt über einen T ropfstopp, sodass Sie die Thermoskanne herausnehm en können, während der Brühvorgang noch anhält. S tellen Sie die Thermoskanne rechtzeitig wieder zurück, damit der Filter nicht überläuft. 10 Nach der Benutzung schaltet si[...]

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    15 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 wenn Sie dieses nach dem Entkalken wieder benutzen. • Beschwerden oder P robleme als Folge von Kalkbelag oder K esselstein fallen nicht unter die Garantie. Sicherheit Allgemeine Informationen • Lesen Sie diese An weisungen sorgfält ig du rch und bewahren Sie sie für späteres Nachschlagen auf. ?[...]

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    16 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Das Gerät darf nicht ab gedeckt werden. Während d e r Benutzung • V erwenden Sie das Gerät nicht im Freien. • V erwenden Sie das Gerät nicht in feuc hte n Rä umen. • Stel len Sie da s Gerät auf eine flache, stabile Oberfläche, von der es nicht herunterfallen kann. • Lassen Sie das Kabel[...]

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    17 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Información general Esta elegante cafetera d e Princess le ofrece la posibilidad de preparar ent re 4 y 14 tazas de café. El aparato está provisto de un indicador de nivel del agua y una jarra termo. La jarra termo asegura que el café se m antiene caliente y fresco por varias hor as. Funcionami en[...]

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    18 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 10 El aparato se apaga automáticamente después del uso. Aunque el testigo luminoso se apaga, el interruptor de encendido/apagado permanece en la posición de encendido (O N). Coloque el interruptor de encendido/apagado manualmente en la posición de apagado (OFF). Antes de preparar café la próxima[...]

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    19 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Seguridad Información general • Lea y observe estas instrucciones cuidadosamente y guárdelas como referencia. • Use este aparato únicamente en la forma que se describe en estas instrucciones. • Use este aparato únicamente para fines doméstico s. • El uso de est e ap arato por niños o per[...]

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    20 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 • No deje que el cable quede colgando por el borde del fregad ero, la encimera o la mesa. • Asegúrese de tener las manos secas cuando toque el aparato, el cable o el enchufe. • Ap ag ue el aparato y retire el enchufe de la toma de aliment ación si se presentan fallos durante el uso, cuando qui[...]

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    21 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Informazio ni generali Questa elegante Princess Coffeemaker è adatta per la preparazione di 4-14 t azze di caffé. L ’apparecchio ha un indicatore di livello dell'acqua ed un bricc o termico. I l bricco termico assicura che il caffé resti caldo e fragrante per molte ore. Funzionam ento e coma[...]

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    22 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 la spia luminosa si spenga, l’interruttor e On/Off resta in posizione ON. Portare manualmente l’interruttore On/Off i n posizione OFF . Prima di fare di nuovo il caffé, assicurarsi che l’interruttore On/ Off sia in posizione O FF . Consigl i per un caf fé d elizi oso: • Mantenere pulito l’[...]

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    23 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 • L ’utili zzo di questo elett rodomestico da p arte di bambini o di persone c on disabilità fisiche, sensoriali, ment ali o motorie, che non possiedono la necessaria conoscenza ed esperien z a, pu ò dare luog o a situazioni pericolose. Le persone responsabili della loro sicurezza dovranno f orn[...]

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    24 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 • Non usare l’apparecchio vicino ad un’altra fonte di calore. Assicurarsi che le parti calde dell’app arecchio non entrino in contatto con tessuti infiammabile, come strofinacci. • Non accendere l’elettrodomestico f ino a che il co ntenitore per l’acqua non è stato riempito. Riempire il[...]

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    25 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Allmä n inform ation Denna snygga P rincess Coffeemaker passar för att brygga 4 till 14 koppar kaf fe. Apparaten har en vattennivåindikator och en termokanna. T ermokannan garanterar att kaffet förblir varmt oc h färskt i f lera timmar . Anv ändn ing oc h regl age Se fi gur 1. Apparaten innehål[...]

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    26 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Tip s för gott kaffe: • Håll apparaten ren (se ”Underhåll och rengöring”). • Använd färskt, r ent vatten. • Förvara kaffet på en kall, torr plats i en försluten behållare. Underhåll och rengöring • R engör app araten regel bundet. • D rag ur k ont akten ur väggutt aget nä [...]

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    27 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 • Reparationer får endast utföras av en kvalificerad servicetekniker . Försök aldrig reparera ap paraten sj älv! • Använd endast de til lbehör som rekommenderas av tillverkaren. Användning av andra tillbehör kan skada apparaten och faror kan uppstå för användaren. • Apparaten är int[...]

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    28 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Miljö n Kasta förpackningsmaterial, som plast och kartong, i containrar avsedda för dett a. Om du vill kassera apparaten när den fortfarande fungerar eller enkelt kan repareras, se då till att apparaten återvinns. När apparaten inte längre kan användas ska den kas seras på ett ans varsfullt [...]

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    29 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Gene rel info rmati on Denne stilfulde Princess-kaffemaskine er designet til at brygge 4 til 14 kopper kaffe. Apparatet er udstyret med en vandstandsindikator og en termokande. T ermokanden holder kaffen varm og f risk i flere time r . Funktion og betjening Se fig. 1. Apparatet er udstyret med følgen[...]

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    30 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Tip s til god kaffe: • Hold apparatet rent (se afsnittet ‘V edligeholdelse og rengøring’). • Brug rent, f risk vand. • Opbevar kaffen køligt og tø rt i en luf ttæt beholder . V e dlig ehold els e og reng øring • R engør jævnl igt app aratet. • T ag altid stikket ud af stikkon t ak[...]

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    31 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 • Brug kun ti lbehør , som er anbefalet a f forhandleren. Hvis der anvendes andet tilbehør , kan der op s tå skader på apparatet med ef terføl gende risiko for br ugeren. • Apparatet er i kke beregnet til at blive styret af en ek stern timer elle r et separat fjernbetjeningssystem. V arme o g[...]

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    32 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Miljø et Bortskaf emballagen, herunder plastmaterialer og æsker , på en miljørigtig måde. Hvis du ønsker at k assere apparatet, mens det stadig fungerer korrekt eller let kan repareres, skal du sø rge for at apparatet bliver genbrugt. V ed afslut ningen af apparatets levetid skal apparatet kass[...]

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    33 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Genere ll inform asjon Denne stilige kaffemaskinen fra Princess kan lage fra 4 til 14 kopper kaffe. Maskinen har vannivåindikator og termokanne. T ermokannen sørger for at kaffen holder seg varm og fersk i flere timer . Bruk Se fi gur 1. Følgende utstyr følger m ed: 1 Deksel til filterholderen 2 F[...]

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    34 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 V edlikehold og reng jøring • Rengjør maskinen regelmessig. • T rekk ut støp sel et når du rengjør maskinen. • Ikke rengjør maskinen når den er slått på. • Pass på at de elektriske delene av maskinen ikke blir utsatt for fuktighet. • Maskinen, kabelen eller støpselet må aldri leg[...]

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    35 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 • Maskinen er ikke b eregnet for bruk sammen me d eksternt tidsur eller fjernkon troll. V arme o g elektr isitet • Før bruk må du kon troll ere at spenninge n på app arat et st emmer overens med spenningen der du skal bruke det . • Sett støpselet i en jordet kontakt. • Fjern alltid støpse[...]

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    36 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Yleist ä Tällä tyylikk äällä Princess- kahvinkeittimellä voi keittää 414 kupillista kahvia. Laitteessa on vesimäärän osoitin ja lämpöpannu. Lämpöpannu varmis taa, että kahvi pysyy kuumana ja tuoreena useita tunteja. Käyttö ja säätimet Kat so kuva 1. Laite sisältää seuraava t os[...]

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    37 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Huolto ja puhdistus • Puhdist a laite säännöllisesti. • Irrota pistoke pistorasiast a kun puhdist at lait ett a. • Älä koskaan p uhdist a laitett a, kun se on kytketty päälle. • V armista, että kosteutta ei pääse laitteen sähköos iin. • Älä koskaan upot a laitetta, virt ajohtoa[...]

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    38 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 • Käytä ainoastaan valmist ajan suosittelemia lisävarusteita. Muiden lisävarusteiden käyttö voi johtaa laitteen vaurioitumiseen ja siten aiheuttaa vaaratilanteit a käyttäjälle. • Laitett a ei ole tarkoitettu käytettäväksi ulkoisella ajastimella t ai erillisellä kauko-ohjatulla järjes[...]

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    39 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Ympäristö Vie p akkausmateriaalit, kuten muovi ja pahvirasiat, asianmukaisiin jätteidenkeräyspisteisiin. Jos haluat häv ittää laitteen kun se vi elä toimii tai on helposti korjattavissa, varmista että laite kierrätetään. Kun laite saavuttaa käyttöikänsä pään , se tulisi hävittää v[...]

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    40 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 Informa ção geral Esta elegante máquina de caf é Princess tem capacidade para 4 a 14 chávenas de café. Com um indicador do nível de água e um jarro térmico. O jarro térmico mantém o café quente e fresco durante várias horas. Funcioname nto e manuseamento V eja a figura 1. O aparelho inclu[...]

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    41 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 interruptor para ligar/desligar se encontra desligado. Dicas para uma café delicioso: • Mantenha o aparelho limpo (veja “Manutenção e limpeza ”). • Use água fresca e limpa. • Guarde o café num local fresco e seco, num recipiente fecha do. Manutenção e limpeza • Limpe o aparelho regu[...]

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    42 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 pessoas com falta d e conhecimento ou experiên cia pode result ar numa situação perigosa. As pessoas responsáveis pela segurança de t ais pessoas têm que dar as instruções explíc it as ou super visiona r o uso do aparelho. • Mantenha o ap arel ho fora do alcance de crianças pequenas. • A[...]

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    43 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 • Não ligue o aparelho antes d e encher o reservatório de água. Deve ench er o reservatório de água só com água fria. • Nunca deve encher o reservatório de água acima da marca máxima. • Não use o j arro térmico se esti ver par t id o . O ambiente Coloque o material de embalagem, como[...]

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    44 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 īİȞȚțȑ Ȣ ʌ ȜȘȡ Ƞij Ƞȡȓ İȢ ǹȣIJȒ Ș țȠȝȥȒ țĮijİIJ ȚȑȡĮ Prin cess Coffeemaker İȓȞĮȚ țĮIJȐȜȜȘȜȘ ȖȚĮ IJȘȞ ʌĮȡ Įıț İȣȒ 4 ȑȦȢ 14 ijȜ ȚIJȗ ĮȞȚ ȫȞ țĮ ijȑ . Ǿ ıȣıțİȣȒ įȚĮșȑIJİȚ ȑȞįİ ȚȟȘ ıIJ ȐșȝȘȢ ȞİȡȠȪ ț?[...]

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    45 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 șİȡȝȩȢ Įț ȩȝȘ țĮȚ țĮIJȐ IJȘȞ ʌĮȡĮı țİ ȣȒ țĮij ȑ . ȂȘȞ țĮșȣıIJİȡȒıİIJİ ȞĮ IJȠ ʌȠșİIJȒıİIJİ ȟĮȞ Ȑ IJȘȞ țĮ ȞȐ IJĮ șİȡȝȩȢ ıIJȘ șȑıȘ IJȘȢ , İʌİ ȚįȒ IJȠ ijȓȜIJȡȠ ȝʌȠȡİȓ ȞĮ ȣʌİȡȤİȚȜȓıİȚ . 10 Ǿ ı?[...]

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    46 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 • ȆĮȡȐʌȠȞĮ țĮȚ ʌȡȠȕȜȒȝĮIJ Į ʌȠ ȣ ĮijȠȡȠȪȞ IJȘ ıȣȖțȑ ȞIJȡȦıȘ ĮȜ ȐIJȦȞ Ȓ IJȠ ʌȠȣȡȓ įİȞ țĮ ȜȪ ʌ IJȠ ȞIJĮ Ț Įʌȩ IJȘ Ȟ İȖȖȪȘıȘ . ǹıijȐȜİȚĮ īİȞȚțȑȢ ʌ ȜȘȡȠijȠȡȓİȢ • ǻȚĮȕȐıIJİ ʌȡȠıİțIJȚț Ȑ ?[...]

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    47 Princess Coffeemaker T oscana Article 240301 İȪijȜİ țIJ Į ȣȜȚț Ȑ . Ǿ ıȣ ıțİ ȣȒ įİȞ ʌȡȑʌİȚ ȞĮ țĮȜȪ ʌ IJ İ IJĮ Ț Įʌ ' Ƞʌ ȠȚĮįȒʌȠ IJİ ĮȞIJȚțİȓȝİȞĮ . ȀĮ IJȐ IJȘȞ ȤȡȒıȘ • ȂȘȞ ȤȡȘı ȚȝȠʌ ȠȚİȓIJİ ʌȠIJȑ IJȘ ıȣıțİȣȒ ıİ İȟȦ IJİȡȚț ȠȪȢ Ȥȫȡ?[...]

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    48 Princess Coffe emaker Tosc ana Article 240301 ȳƾŸ ǚƵƯŽ Princess ǜžȚnjƀȜǞƷƲŽȚȢȚNjŸȘȥƾƷűƿŴƾƶƁ ǟƴŸȥƾƷƐȚȸǞƄƇƁȜǞƷƲŽȚǜžțǞżȈȋǟŽȘțȚǞżȖȋ ǔƱƇŮȸȤȚǍƑȚȔƾſȁȚȳǞƲƁȔƾƵƴŽǍŵƻžȶȸȤȚǍŲȔ[...]

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    49 Princess Coffe emaker Toscana A rticle 240301  ȹ ƾƁȶNjƁǚƸưƪůȯƾƲƁȘǚƸưƪůȤȥǚƁǞƇƄŮǛŻ ȳǞƲůȴȖǚƃŻǚƸưƪůȯƾƲƁȘǕǤǞŽȚǟƴŸ ȤǎŽȚǜžNjżƺůȆǀžȢƾƲŽȚȜǍƓȚǠźȜǞƷƲŽȚǚƵƯŮ ȯƾƲƁȘǕǤǞŽȚǟƴŸǚ[...]

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    50 Princess Coffe emaker Tosc ana Article 240301 ȲȶƾƶƄžǜŸȚ ȹ NjƸƯŮȥƾƷƐƾŮȫƾƱƄŲǽƾŮǛŻ ȤƾưƫŽȚȲƾƱŶLjȚ ǓƲźǀžȥǾŽȚȝƾƇƸƴƫƄŽƾŮȳƾƸƲŽȚƿƆƁ Ț ȹ NjŮȖȲȶƾƎǽǚƀƻžǀžNjųǠƶźǀƭŴȚǞŮ ǙƉƱƶŮȥƾƷƐȚȠǾǧ?[...]

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    51 Princess Coffe emaker Toscana A rticle 240301 ǀƂƸƃŽȚ ǙƸƄŴǾƃŽȚǚƅžȆǗƸƴưƄŽȚȢȚǞžǜžǑ ȿ ƴƈů ǀƃŴƾƶƓȚȝƾƁƾƱƶŽȚȝƾƁȶƾŲǠźȆƿƴƯŽȚȶ ȲȚǎƁǽǝſȖƞŲǠźȥƾƷƐȚǜžǑƴƈƄŽȚȝȢȤȖȚȣȘ ȆǀŽǞƷƉŮǝŲǾǧȘ[...]

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    52 Princess Coffe emaker Tosc ana Article 240301[...]