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Cat. No. 43-1245 OWNER’S MANUAL Pl ease re ad b efo re usin g thi s eq ui pmen t. AFX-300 Del u xe Au to mati c Fax/ D ata S wi t ch 43-1 24 5. fm Page 1 Wedne sda y, Augus t 18, 199 9 9:51 A M[...]
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2 INTRODUC TION Your Radi o Shack AFX-300 Del uxe Automati c Fax/Dat a Swit ch l e ts y ou use your tele phone , an answering m ach ine, a fax machi ne/fax m odem, and a data modem all on t he same tel ephone line , eli m ina ting the ne ed and extra ex pense of two phone l ines. Whe n a call c omes in, you can eit her answer i t yours elf, let you[...]
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3 This fax/d ata switch has been tes ted and fou nd to co mply with appli cable UL and FCC standards. Warnin g : To prev ent fir e or sho ck hazar d, do not expose thi s produc t to r ain o r mois ture. Th is s ymb ol is i nte nd ed to a le rt y o u t o the p res e nce of un- ins ulat ed da nger ous v oltage with in th e prod uct’ s encl o- su re[...]
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4 READ THIS BEFO RE INST ALLING Each dev ice that you connec t to t he phone lin e draws power fro m th e phone li ne. We r ef er t o this po wer draw as the d e- vice ’s ring er equivalen ce number, or REN. The REN is s hown on the bot t om of your AFX- 300. If y ou are using mor e than one device on t he line, add u p all the RENs. If the to ta[...]
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5 CONTEN TS Ins tal la tio n .... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... .. ... ..... .. ..... . 7 Ins tall in g B ack - Up Ba tter ies .... ... .. ..... ... .. ..... .. ..... ... .. ..... . 7 Mak ing t he Connec tions .. ... ...... ...... ....... ....... . .. ..... ....... . . 9 Ini t iali z ing the AFX-300/ Connecti ng [...]
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6 Pro g ra m Co mm a n d D e sc r ip ti ons ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. 3 3 Changi ng the Access Code ... . . .. . ..... .. .. ...... ....... ..... 34 Ch ang ing th e Rin g Nu mb er S ett ing .. .. ..... ... .. ..... .. .. 3 5 Firs t Nu mbe r Dis tinc ti ve Rin g . .. ..... ... ..... .. ... .... ... .. .. 35 Second Number Di stin c[...]
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7 INS TAL L ATIO N Cauti on : Be sure to pe rform the pr ocedures in t his se ction in thi s order, ot herwis e t he AFX-300 migh t not operat e as ex- pecte d: 1. Inst all batteri es 2. Connect to the ph one line 3. Connect your T A D, fax machi ne/fax modem, and/or dat a mode m 4. Ini ti alize the AFX-300 and con nect it to AC power Note : If the[...]
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8 Foll ow the se steps to inst al l the b att eries. 1. Remov e the batt ery compar tment screw wit h a small Ph illip s scr ew driv er , then rem ov e the co ve r by sl idin g it in the di r ec ti on of the arr ow . 2. Inser t the bat t er ies i nto t he compartm ent with the p osi- ti ve ( +) si des facing up. The POWER/IN USE indic at or tur ns [...]
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9 MAKING THE CONNECTIONS Foll ow these st eps to con nect the AF X-300 t o the phone l ine and yo ur answeri ng mac hine ( TAD), f ax machine, f ax mod em, and/o r data modem. 1. Plug on e end of the AFX- 300’s m odul ar cord i nto its LI NE jack , and plug the other end i nto yo ur modular telephone li ne jac k. Notes : • If you r t eleph one [...]
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10 • If you have tw o phone l ines and y ou want to c onnect the AFX- 300 to the se cond line, you must ins tall a tri - plex modular a dapter , such as Radio Shac k Cat. No . 279-46 9, and connect the AFX-300 to L2. Foll ow t he inst allation instruc tions pr ovided wi th the adapter . • Y ou can mount the AFX- 300 on a standar d modula r wall[...]
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11 Notes : • If you con nected a fax/dat a modem ( one tha t rec ei ves bot h fa x and data cal l s ), be sur e to set the AFX- 300 to rout e data m odem c alls to the FA X jack (s ee “Spec ial Featur es” on Page 26). • T o ensure opti m um compati bi li t y with the AFX-300 and av oid disco nnected f ax call s due to l engthy con - necti o[...]
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12 Notes : • If you con nect a T AD to t he AFX- 300, you c an c onnect your telephone to the phone j ack on t he T AD. • If y ou do not connect a T AD to the AFX-30 0’s TA D jack , you can connect your telepho ne’s modul ar plug dir ectly to thi s jack. • If y ou instal led a tr ipl ex adapter , plug your T AD’s or tel ephone’s modul[...]
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13 INITIALIZING THE AFX-300/ CONNECTING TO POWER Foll ow these st eps to i ni t ialize t he AFX-300 and conn ect i t to AC power. Cauti ons : • Be su re you inst all t he batter ies then connec t all of the modu lar jacks before you connec t the AFX-300 to power . • Y ou must f ol low al l of th ese steps, in or der , to initi a lize your AFX-3[...]
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14 2. Plug t he adapter’ s other end int o a standar d 120-volt AC power out l e t. Cauti on : Y ou must use a Clas s II, 12 0V AC/12V DC adapt er that del ivers at least 400 milli amps . Its center t ip mus t be set to negati ve and it s plug mus t corr ectly f i t t he AFX-300’ s DC 12 V jack. The s uppli ed adapter meets these requir ements [...]
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15 PREPARING A T AD FOR USE WIT H THE AFX-300 Setting t he T AD’ s Ring Number The AFX-3 00 is preset to direct a cal l to ei ther the FA X or MO- DEM jack after fiv e r ing s. When you use a TAD wi t h the AFX- 300, b e sure the TAD is set to answer withi n four r i ngs. If i t is not, eith er change the ring n umber on the TAD t o 4, or cha nge[...]
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16 For exampl e: “Hel lo. You have reached 555-45 67. Please leave your name and phone number a t the tone, a nd we will retur n your call . If you want t o send us a fax and you have a t ouch-tone phone , press one, the poun d sign, t hen one on your t elephon e to ac - ti vate our f ax machine , t hen pres s STA RT on your fax mach ine. Th anks[...]
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17 OPTIONAL V O ICE DATA GUARD If an ext ensi on telephone on the same line as the AFX-3 00 is in use , the AFX-3 00 does not let y our fax mach ine/f ax modem or dat a m odem acces s t he telephon e line or inter rupt the cal l in p r ogr ess . However , to prev ent an extensi on tel ephone (on e not plugged int o the AF X-300) from interru pt ing[...]
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18 OPERATION An inco m ing ca ll on the phone l i ne connected to t he AFX-300 can be an s w e re d i n a n y of t h e f o ll ow i n g w a ys : • If y ou connected an answer ing machine (TAD) t o the AFX-300, you can let t he TAD answ er t he call (s ee “Usi ng a T AD wi t h th e AFX-300” on Page 19). • You can answ er the cal l in per son [...]
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19 • If you subs cribe to first number dist i n ctive ring service fro m your t elephone company , the AFX-3 00 is preset t o au tomat ical l y transfer calls to yo ur fax mach ine/f ax mode m , whe t her t he call is a voic e call or a call f rom a fax m ach ine/fax m odem or data mode m (see “ First Num - ber Dis ti nct ive Ring” on Page 35[...]
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20 T AD Operation with a Fax Machine/Fa x Modem When t he TAD a nswers a ca ll , t he AFX-300 li st ens during t he outgo ing message for either fax alert t on es or touc h-tone com- mand s. If t he AFX-300 detects f ax alert tones , i t automatical ly dis- connec ts the TAD and di rects the c all to you r f ax m ach ine/fax mode m . If t he AFX-30[...]
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21 T AD Operation with a Fax Machine/Fa x Modem and a Data Modem When t he TAD a nswers a ca ll , t he AFX-300 li st ens during t he fi r st 20 secon ds of the outgoing message f or eit her fax alert tones or touch-t one co mmands. I f the AFX-300 det ects fax a lert tone s , i t automati call y dis- connec ts the TAD and di rects the c all to you [...]
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22 ANSWERING CALLS IN PERSON You ca n answer a call in pers on by s imply picking up any phone on the line (i ncludi ng one connect ed to the PHO NE ja ck on your TAD) before the TAD or AFX-300 answers t he cal l . Note : Beca use the AFX-30 0 automat ical ly di sables your fax mac hine when a call is recei ved, you canno t use i ts bui l t-i n tel[...]
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23 LETTING THE AFX-300 ANSWER CALLS If yo u did not conne ct a TAD, or if you tu rned off the connect ed TAD or th e AFX- 30 0’s TA D jac k (see “Speci al Features” on Page 2 6), and you do not answer t he call in person, t he AFX- 300 aut omatical ly answe rs th e call af ter t he pr eset numbe r of ri ngs . Note : The AFX- 300 is pres et to[...]
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24 SWITCHING FAX CALLS MANUALLY Using either a touch- tone or r otary ( pulse) p hone, y ou can manu all y set t he AFX-300 t o ac cept a tr ansmissio n from a f ax mac hine t hat does not s ound a nor m al fax a lert t one. Note : The follo wing proce dure s appl y only to incomi ng faxes. Using a T ouch-T one Phone Duri ng your convers ation or w[...]
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25 Using a Rot a ry (Puls e) Phone If y ou are using a rotary (p ul se) p hone, you c an activat e your fax mac hine/fax m o dem durin g an incoming call usi ng a phone on the s ame l ine as t he AFX-300. Dial 3 on the e xtensi on tele - phone t o dir ect th e incoming ca ll to you r fax mac hine/fax m o- dem. Note : You ca n only dir ect the cal l[...]
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26 SPECIAL FE ATURES The AFX-30 0 has sever al speci al featur es that l et you cust om- ize its oper at ion to fit your n eeds. By enter ing a pres et acce ss code f rom any touch-to ne telepho ne — either from an exten - sion on the sam e lin e as the AFX-30 0, or aft er call ing fr om a remot e phone — you can d o any of th e fol lowing: Cha[...]
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27 PROGRAMMING QUICK START This section p rovides a quick ref er ence fo r e xperienced users to st art pr ogram ming the AFX- 300. See t he “Q uick St art Com- mand Chart” on Page 2 8 for a list of al l defa ult s etti ngs and re - mot e com m ands. Programming f rom an Extensio n Phone 1. Pick up any phone on the same li ne as the AFX-300. 2.[...]
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28 Quick St a rt Command Chart Command Default Sett ing Y ou Press Nu mbe r o f Tim es t he AFX-300 Beeps Change the Access Code (New co de ca n be fro m 00-99) 99 1, New Code 2 Change the Ring Number Setti ng (Rin g number can be from 1- 7) 5 2, Ri ng Number 2 Fir s t Number Di s- tinc ti ve R in g On 3 2 = On 3 = Off Second Num ber Dist inctive R[...]
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29 Command Default Setti ng Yo u P ress Number of Ti m es t he AFX-300 Beeps Tur n O n/ Off th e TA D Jack On 6 2 = On 3 = O ff Tur n O n/ Off th e Fax Pa ssword (The preset p ass- word, if on, is 1 # 9 9 ) Off 7 2 = On 3 = O ff Route Dat a Mode m Calls to the FA X Jack Off 8 2 = On 3 = O ff Tur n O n/ Off Au to - matic Modem Detect ion (AMD) Off 9[...]
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30 BASIC PROGRAMMING STEPS The fo llowing se ct ions provi de you with t he basic ins truct ions for progr amming the AFX-300’ s special f eatures from a local (ext ension) or re mo te t ouch-tone phone. Notes : • Y ou mus t cor rectly ent er a 2-digi t access code each time you pro gram the AFX-300. The AFX-30 0’s access code is pr eset to 9[...]
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31 Programming f rom an Extensio n Phone Note : I t is not unusual to hear beeping/buz zing or t he opera- tor ’ s voice on t he line as y ou program the AFX-300 from an ex - tensi on pho ne. 1. Pick up any phon e on the same l ine as the AF X-300, except the built-i n phone (i f any) on you r f ax mac hin e. 2. Press 1, , then t he 2-digi t acce[...]
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32 Programming f rom a Remote Phone 1. Dial t he pho ne number of t he line co nnected to the AFX- 300. 2. Withi n 10 seconds a f ter t he T AD answers, or withi n 5 second s afte r t he AFX-300 an swers, pre ss 1, , th en the 2-di git access cod e. The AFX- 300 beeps once. Notes : • If t he AFX- 30 0 answers , the phone s tops ring ing and you m[...]
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33 PROGRAM COMMAND DESCRIPTIO NS Each of t he f o l l owing sections de scribe s a diff erent AFX- 300 speci al featur e and explai ns how t o turn on, t urn off, or cha nge that feature when you foll ow the steps li sted in “ Bas i c Pro- gramm i n g Instr ucti ons.” The begi nning of each secti on i n - clud es this basic inf ormat ion: Touch[...]
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34 Changing the Access Code Touch-T one Command : 1, then any 2-digi t number f rom 00-99 AFX-300 Respo nse : 2 beeps De fau lt Se ttin g : 9 9 For bui lt-in secur ity agai nst a ccident al or unwant ed changes to i t s set ting s, the AFX- 300 r equires yo u t o ent er a 2- digit ac - cess c ode each t ime you pr ogram i t. The ac cess code i s pr[...]
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35 Changing the Ring Number Setti ng Touch-T one Command : 2, t he n any num ber f rom 1-7 (ri ngs) AFX-300 Respo nse : 2 beeps De fau lt Se ttin g : 5 r ing s The AFX- 300 is preset to answer incoming c alls af ter 5 ri ngs, but you can set i t t o answer after as f e w as 1 or as many as 7 rin gs. This i s espec ially u seful if y ou connect ed a[...]
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36 Second Number Di s tinctive Rin g Touch-T one Com mand : 4 AFX-300 Respo nse : 2 beeps = On 3 beeps = Off De fau lt Se ttin g : O ff If you sub scribe t o secon d nu mber disti ncti ve ring service thr ough your phone com pany, the AFX- 300 is pr eset to auto - mati cally swi tc h calls to your dat a modem i f it det ec ts the sec - ond numb er [...]
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37 T urn On/Off the T AD Jack Touch-T one Com mand : 6 AFX-300 Respo nse : 2 beeps = On 3 beeps = Off De fau lt Se ttin g : O n The AFX- 300’s TA D j a ck i s a ut o m ati call y tur ned on, so you can easi ly plug in a TAD and begin usi ng the AFX-300. If the TAD you con nected is al so program mable (b y touch-ton es), the AFX-3 00 lets you tur[...]
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38 T urn On/Off the Fa x Password Touch-T one Com mand : 7 AFX-300 Respo nse : 2 beeps = On 3 beeps = Off De fau lt Se ttin g : O ff Preset Password ( when tur ned on) = 1 # 9 9 The AFX- 300 is preset to auto m ati cally s wi tch incomin g fax call s t o yo ur fa x machi ne/fax modem. For pri va cy or selecti ve use, y ou can set th e AFX-300 to re[...]
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39 Route Data Mode m Calls t o the F AX Jack Touch-T one Com mand : 8 AFX-300 Respo nse : 2 beeps = On 3 beeps = Off De fau lt Se ttin g : O ff The AFX-3 00 is preset to route i ncom i ng data mode m c al l s to its MODEM jack , but you can s et it so bo th inc oming fax and data modem calls are routed onl y to the FA X ja ck. T his i s e s- peci a[...]
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40 QUESTIONS AN D ANSWERS Here ar e some common qu estio ns and answe rs about how your AFX- 300 operates. What is li ne shar ing? Line sh aring lets you use one tel ephone line for mo re than one purpos e. For exampl e, y ou can use on e t elephon e li ne for reg- ular calls, f ax or mode m transm issi ons, or call s to your an- swe ring machi ne.[...]
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41 Can I share my resi dentia l line with my f ax mach ine? Yes. You can inst all the AFX-300 at an y availabl e modula r tel ephon e jack on the t elephon e li ne. To pre vent ca lls on othe r exten sions in y our home ( or off ice) f r om interr upting your fax tra nsmissions, we recommend y ou install a v oice data guar d (avai lable at you l oc[...]
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42 Does the AFX- 300 work with an ans wering machi ne that has a toll-s aver f eature? Yes, b ut auto-di aling f ax mac hines mus t connec t wit h the re - ceiv i n g f a x mach ine usua lly wit hin abou t 35 sec onds. Ot her- wise, the tran smission en ds. This means that if the tol l - saver feat ure requi res f our rin gs, yo u must s et t he f [...]
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43 CARE AND MAINTENANCE Your Radi o Shack AFX-300 Del uxe Automati c Fax/Dat a Swit ch is an exampl e of super ior desig n and cr aftsmans hi p . The f ollowing suggestio ns will help you c are for t he AFX-300 so you can enj oy it for year s. • Kee p the AFX-3 00 dry . If it gets wet , wi pe it dry im medi- atel y . Liqu ids can c ontain miner a[...]
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44 IF Y OU HAVE PROBLEMS If your AF X-30 0 doe s not work or wor ks poo rly, che ck the co n- necti on to t he telepho ne line. If the recepti on is noi sy when you m ake a ca ll, hang up the phone’s hands et . Then pick up the handset and r edial t he number . If a power fa ilure oc curs whil e y our fa x mac hine/fax modem is operat ing, th e A[...]
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45 THE FCC W ANT S Y OU TO KNOW In t he unlikel y event that your AFX- 300 causes pr oblems on the phone l i ne, the phone comp any can discon nect your ser- vice . The phone company at tempts t o noti fy you i n adv ance. I f advanc e notice is not pr actical , the pho ne company notifi es you of your r ight to fil e a complai nt w it h t he FCC. [...]
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46 NOTES 43-1 245. fm Page 46 Wedn e s day, Aug ust 18, 1999 9:5 1 A M[...]
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47 43-1 245. fm Page 47 Wedn e s day, Aug ust 18, 1999 9:5 1 A M[...]
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RADIO SHACK A Divi sion o f T a ndy C orpor ation Fort W orth, T exas 7610 2 Pri nt ed in H ong Ko ng RADIO SHACK LI MITED W ARRANTY Thi s te lephon e pr oduct i s wa rr ante d ag ainst m anuf actur ing d efect s in mat er ial an d wo rk mans hip for one ( 1) ye ar f rom th e date of pu rch ase fr om Rad io S hack c ompan y ow n ed st ore s and aut[...]