RedMax BT280 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of RedMax BT280, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of RedMax BT280 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of RedMax BT280. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of RedMax BT280 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of RedMax BT280
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the RedMax BT280 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the RedMax BT280 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of RedMax BT280 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of RedMax BT280, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the RedMax service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of RedMax BT280.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the RedMax BT280 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer , birth defects or other reproductive harm. Les échappements du moteur de ce produit contiennent des produits chimiques connus par l’Etat de Californie comme étant responsables de cancers, d’anomalies congénitales et d’autres atteintes [...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 2 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 CONT ENTS Cont ent s CONTENTS Contents 2 .................... .... Note the followi ng before starting 2 .... KEY T O SYMBOLS Symbols 3 ..................... .... SAFETY IN STRUC TIONS Pers onal protectiv e equipment 4 ...... Machine’s safety equipment 4 ........ Cutting equipment 5 ................. C[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 3 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 KEY TO SY MBOLS Only intended for trimmer heads. Us e unleaded or quality leaded 89 or higher octane gas oline and ISO - - L- - E GD c ertified or JAS O FD r egistered two - - st roke oil mixed at a r atio of 2% (50:1) . Ot her symbols/d ecals on the machi ne refe r to special cer tifi cation req uiremen[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 4 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 SAFETY INST RUCTIONS GLOVES Glov es s hould be worn w hen neces sary, e.g., when f itting cutting attac hments. HEARING PROTECTION Wear hearing protec tion that prov ides adequate noise r eduction. EYE PRO TECTION Alway s w ear approved ey e protec tion. If you us e a v isor then y ou must als o wear app[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 5 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 SAFETY INST RUCTIONS Use o f incor rectly wound trimmer line or an incor rect c utting attachment inc reases the level of v ibration. Muffler The muffler is des igned to reduc e the noise level and to direc t the exhaus t gases away from the operator. CAUTION! Muffler is fitted w ith a cat alytic conv er[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 6 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 SAFETY INST RUCTIONS Mu ffler S Nev er us e a machine t hat has a faulty muffler . S Regular ly chec k that the muffler is s ecur ely attac hed to the mac hine. S The muffler on this unit is equipped with a spec ial spar k arres tor mes h. The mes h should be c heck ed and, if nec ess ary . cleaned by a [...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 7 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 SAFETY INST RUCTIONS Sa fety i nst ruc tion s reg ard ing the su rrou nd ing s S Nev er allow c hildren to us e the machine. S Ens ure no one comes c loser than 50 feet (15 meters ) when w orking. S Nev er allow any one else to us e the machine w ithout firs t ensur ing that they have under stood the con[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 8 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 SAFETY INST RUCTIONS S Chec k that the trimmer head and guard are c orrectly sec ured. S When adjus ting the car buretor , make s ure the lower end is suppor ted and that no one is in the immediate v icinity. S Make s ure the cutting head does not r otate when idling. S Make s ure the handle and s afety [...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 9 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 SAFETY INST RUCTIONS 3. Make su re you ca n mo ve an d sta nd sa fe ly . Chec k the ar ea around you for pos si ble ob- stac les (r oots, r ock s, br anches , ditc hes, etc .) in cas e y ou have t o move s uddenly. T ake great c are w hen work ing on s loping ground. 4. Sw itch off the engine bef ore mov[...]

  • Page 10

    E n g l i s h --- 1 0 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 SAFETY INST RUCTIONS Sweeping S The fan effect of t he rotating line can be used for quick and easy clearing up. Hold the tr immer line parallel to and above the ar ea to be sw ept and move the tool to and f ro. S When cut ting and sweeping y ou should use full thr ottle to obtain the best res ults. W [...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 1 1 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 WHA T IS WHA T? 1. Trimmer head 8. Starter handle 2. Cutting attac hment guard 9. Fuel tank 3. Shaft 10. Chok e control 4. Loop handle 1 1. Air purge 5. Throttle c ontrol 12. Air filter c ov er 6. Stop s witc h 13. Handle adjus tment 7. Cy linder cover 14. Operator ’s manual What is wha t? 3 7 4 1 2 [...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 1 2 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 ASSEMBL Y N O TE: Make s ure unit is as sembled cor - rec tly as shown in this manual. Fitting th e loop handle S Pos ition the handle on the s haft. Note that the handle must be mounted be- tween the t wo arrow s on the s haft. S Fit the s cr ew , sec uring plate and wing nut as s hown in the diagr am[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 1 3 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 FUEL HANDLING Fuel Note! The machine is equippe d with a 2- - s trok e engine and mus t alway s be run us - ing a mixture of gasoli ne and two-stroke en - gine oil. It is impor tant to acc urate ly meas ure t h ea m o u n t o fo i lt ob em i x e dt oe n s u r et h a t the c orrec t mixtu re is ob taine[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 1 4 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 FUEL HANDLING Mixing rati o Rec ommended mixing ratio: 50:1 for all engines Gas ol in e 2- -s t r o ke o i l 2% (50:1) Liter Lite r 50 . 1 0 10 0.43/0.20 15 0.30 20 0.40 U.S. gallon U.S. fl. oz. 12 1 / 2 21 / 2 61 / 2 51 2 7 / 8 S Engine problems due to inadequate lubric ation caus ed by failur e to us[...]

  • Page 15

    E n g l i s h --- 1 5 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 ST ARTING AND STOPPING Check befo re starting S Inspec t the unit before eac h use. Re- place damaged parts . Chec k for fuel leaks . Make s ure all fastener s are in place and s ec ure. Make s ure the c utting attachment is properly installed and s e- cur ely fas tened. Use only flexible, non- metalli[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 1 6 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 ST ARTING AND STOPPING W ar m engin e With a war m engine, move the blue engine chok e lever t o the ½ position. Pull s tarter rope until engine runs . Move t he blue engine chok e lever t o the opened position. W ARNING : When the engine is start ed wit h the choke in t he closed position the c uttin[...]

  • Page 17

    E n g l i s h --- 1 7 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 MAINTENANCE W ARNING: I f the id le speed can - not be adjus ted so that the cutting attach ment stops, co ntact your se r - vicing deal er . Do not use the ma - chine unt il it has bee n correct ly ad - justed or repaired . Uni t/ Mai nten an ce Safet y Dis connec t the spark plug before per form- ing[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 1 8 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 MAINTENANCE Air f il ter The air filter mus t be regularly cleaned t o remove dus t and dirt in order to avoid: S Carburet or malfunctions S Starting pr oblems S Loss of engine power S Unnec ess ary w ear to engine part s S Ex ces sive fuel c onsumption Clean the filter every 25 hours , or more regular[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 1 9 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 T rimm er H e ad Line Loa ding Instr uct ions 20 i 10 i 3m 6m 1 23 45 6 78 9[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 2 0 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 TECHNICAL DA T A T ec hnic al da ta BT280 Engine Cy linder volume, cu. in. /cm 3 1.7/28 Cy linder bore, inch/mm 1.4/35 Strok e, inch/mm 1.130/28.7 Idle speed, r pm 2,800- - 3,200 Rec ommended max. speed, rpm 10,000 Speed of output shaft, r pm 8,000 Max. engine output, ac c. to ISO 8893, hp/kW 1.1/0.8 C[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 2 1 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 LIM ITED W ARRANTY ST A TEM ENT warr anty s tatement. “Lifet ime” f ree o f char ge parts is only for a period of seven (7) year s after the las t date of the c omp l ete unit’s final produc tion. This warranty does not cov er damage other than that res ulting from defects in mat erial or w orkma[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 2 2 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 LIM ITED W ARRANTY ST A TEM ENT Gas ohol whic h contains a maximum 10% ethanol (grain alc ohol) or 15% MTBE (methy l/tertiary /buty l/ether) is also appr oved. The p r es cri b e d mi xin g ra t io o f g as o li n e to o i l i s 50:1 and is listed on the RedM a x oil label and cov ered in your operat o[...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 2 4 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 U.S. EP A / CALI FORNIA / ENVIRONMENT CANADA EMISSIONS CONTROL W ARRANTY ST A T EMENT IMP O RT ANT : This produc t is compliant with U .S. EPA Phase 3 regulat ions for e x - haust and ev aporativ e emiss ions. T o ens ure EP A Phas e 3 c ompliance, we r ecommend using o nly genuine RedMax brand replac [...]

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    E n g l i s h --- 2 5 115391427 Rev. 4 5/15/12 U.S. EP A / CALI FORNIA / ENVIRONMENT CANADA EMISSIONS CONTROL W ARRANTY ST A T EMENT MAINTENANCE, REPLACEMENT AND REP AIR OF EMI SSION RE- LA TED P ARTS: Any RedMax approv ed replacement part used in t he performance of any warr anty maintenance or r epair on emission r elated parts w ill be provi ded[...]