Roberts Gorden 30 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Roberts Gorden 30, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Roberts Gorden 30 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Roberts Gorden 30. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Roberts Gorden 30 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Roberts Gorden 30
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Roberts Gorden 30 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Roberts Gorden 30 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Roberts Gorden 30 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Roberts Gorden 30, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Roberts Gorden service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Roberts Gorden 30.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Roberts Gorden 30 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    Installation, Operation & Ser vice Manual Models UHA[X][S] 30, 45, 60 , 75, 100, 125 P / N B H 11 11 0 0 N A 11 / 0 8 R e v D UHA-Series T ubular Unit Heaters (Low Profile Range) W ARNING Installation must be done b y a contract or qualified in the installation and service of gas-fir ed heating equipment or your gas supplier . Improper installa[...]

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    © 200 8 Ro b er ts-Gor don LLC All rights r eser v ed. N o par t of this w ork co v er ed b y the copyrights herein may b e r eprod u ced or copied in any f orm or b y any means - graphic , electronic , or mechanical, incl u ding photocop y ing, r ecording , taping or inf or mation st orage and r etrie v al sy stems - w itho u t the w ritt en perm[...]

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  • Page 5

    TABLE OF FIGURES Fi gur e 1: UHA 30 - 45 L abel Plac ement ............ ................. ...... 2 Fi gur e 2: UHA 60 - 75 L abel Plac ement ............ ................. ...... 3 Fi gur e 3: UHA 1 00 - 1 25 Labe l Placeme nt ......... ........... ............ 4 F igur e 4: Inst allatio n Clear ances and Cleara nces to C omb ustib les ............[...]

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    SECTION 1: H EATER S AFETY 1 SECTION 1: HEATER SAFETY Y our S af ety is Impor tant t o Us! This s ymbol is used thr oughout the manua l t o notify y ou of possib le f ir e, el ectrical or b urn hazar ds. Please p ay special at tention when r eading and f ollo w ing the warnings in these sections . Inst allation, ser vice a nd annu al inspecti on of[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 2 Fig ure 1: UHA 30 - 45 Label Placement Description Part Number Logo Label 91 033203 Cut Hazard Label 91 0 1 0430 V ent Length Label 91 039505 V ent to Outdoors Label 91 0 1 0427 Warning Label 91 0 1 0429 Rating Plat e Label 91 0 1 0420 Installation Label 91 0 1 [...]

  • Page 9

    SECTION 1: H EATER S AFETY 3 F igure 2: UHA 60 - 75 Label Placement Description Part Number Logo Label 91 033203 Cut Hazard Label 91 0 1 0430 V ent Length Label 91 039505 V ent to Outdoors Label 91 0 1 0427 Warning Label 91 0 1 0429 Rating Plat e Label 91 0 1 0420 Installation Label 91 0 1 0431 Instruction Loc ation Label 91 0 1 0433 Lighting Instr[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 4 Fig ure 3 : UHA 1 0 0 - 1 25 L abel Placement VENT TO OUTDOORS DONNER VENT A DEHORS © 2006 Roberts-Gordon, LLC P/N 91010427 Printed in U.S.A. / Imprimé aux Etats Unis Description P art N umber Logo Label 91 033203 Cut Hazard Label 91 0 1 0430 V ent Length Labe[...]

  • Page 11

    SECTION 1: H EATER S AFETY 5 SECTION 2: INSTALLER RESPONSIBILITY The insta ller is r esponsib le f or the f ollow ing: • T o install th e heater , as well as the g as and electrical supplies , in accor dance with applicab le specif ications and codes . Rob er ts-Gor don r ecommends the instal ler cont act a Local Building Inspect or or Fi re Mars[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 6 SECTION 3: CRI TICAL CONSIDER ATIONS 3.1 Basic Infor mation UHA[X][S] heat er s hav e aut omatic ignit ion burners f or ON/OFF operati on only . 3.2 Manufact ur ed Units Gas-fi red, po wer -v ent ed unit heater wit h tubular heat ex changer . Units sha ll ha ve [...]

  • Page 13

    SECTION 3: C RITICAL C ONS IDERATION S 7 3.7 Gas Supply It i s impor tant that the gas s upply pipe i s siz ed corr ectly t o pr o vide the inlet pr essure as st at ed on the heat er da ta plat e. The g as supp ly pipe and electrical co nnections m ust not support any o f the heater' s wei ght. See P age 22, Section 8 3.8 Electr ical Supply A [...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 8 SECTION 4: NATIONAL STANDA R DS AND APPLICABLE CODES 4.1 Gas Codes The t ype of g as appearing on the name plat e must be t he type of g as used. Install ation mus t comply with nat ional and local codes and requi rements of the l ocal gas company . Unit ed Stat[...]

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    SECTION 4: N ATI ONAL S TANDARDS AND A PPLICABLE C ODES 9 4.6 High Alt itude These heat er s ar e CS A -appro ved (wi thout modif ications) f or install ations up t o 2000' (6 1 0 m) in US and C anada. CS A appr ov ed heater s inst alled abo v e 2000' ( 61 0 m) must be de- rat ed. For inst allations abov e 2 000' (61 0 m) in US , con[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 10 SECTION 5: MAJOR COMPONENTS 5.1 General Heater s ar e designed f or instal lation abo v e 6' (1 .8 m). These heater s must be i nstall ed w ithin the heated spac e. Du ct deliv ery sy stems ar e not per mit ted w ith axial f an units. W hen handling or sup[...]

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    SECTION 5: M AJOR C OMPONENTS 11 F igure 5: Suspension Methods F igure 6: Shelf- Mounting Methods Cone P oint Set Pin W indo w Clamp Unistr u t 3/ 8 " Threaded Rod Nu t W asher Ri v Nu t S u ppor t P oints Ens u re all s u spension hard w are is t or qu ed t o a minim u m of 20 f t l b s. W asher 3/ 8 " Threaded Rod Nu t Unistr u t Channe[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 12 Fig ure 7: W all Shelf Mounting and Hanging Suspension Description Part Number Qty . Wall Shelf Mountin g Br ack et Kit 120 1 1 0 02K Wall Suspension Mounting Bracket Kit 120 1 1 00 1K 1 Shelf Mount ing Brac ket Kit 1 20 1 1 000K 1 Description P art Number Qty [...]

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    SECTION 5: M AJOR C OMPONENTS 13 F igure 8: V ertical Lou v ers ( Optional) Push in louver and compress spring to remove (opposite end first) Install vertical louvers brackets (top and bottom) with supplied screws. Install vertical louvers and springs into brackets with springs at top. Remove horizontal louvers. Description Part Number Qty . V erti[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 14 SECTION 6: V ENTING 6.1 Changing V ent and Air In tak e Orienta tion The heater is sold with r ear horiz ontal v ent and air intak e connecti ons as standar d (only separ ated combusti on models ha v e air inta ke c onnection). I f vertical v ent and air int ak[...]

  • Page 21

    SECTION 6: V ENTING 15 V ents and air i ntak es m ust be adequat ely supported so t hat the heat er does not bear the w eight of the pipes. F or v ent t ermination See P age 1 7 , F igur e 9 through P age 20, F igur e 1 4 . 6.3.1 Standar d V ented Heater s (Models UHA[X] 30 - 1 25) The v ent must be f it t ed wi th a low r esist ance te r m i na l [...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 16 • In the e v ent that the r equir ements of this subdivision c an not be met at the time of completion of i nstallati on, the owner shall hav e a period of thir ty ( 30) da ys t o comply wi th the abov e requir ements; pro vided, ho we v er , that during said[...]

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    SECTION 6: V ENTING 17 are loc ated and othe r spaces of the bu ilding . T ur n on clothes dryer s and any e xhaust f ans, such as range hoods and bathr oom e xhausts so that the y shall operat e at maximum speed. Do not oper at e a summer e xhaust f an. Close fir eplace dampers . 4. Fo llow the lighting ins tructions. Plac e the appliance bei ng i[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 18 Fig ure 1 1: Standar d V ented Heat er - Common V ertical V ent T ermin ation[...]

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    SECTION 6: V ENTING 19 F igure 12: Separat ed Comb ustion Heater - V er tical and Hor izontal V ent T erminati on F igure 1 3: Concentr ic V ent Bo x V ent T ermination Listed Thim b le thro u gh Com bu sti b le W all 4" (1 0 cm) Diameter V ent 1 2" (31 cm) Minim u m fr om w all to v ent termination. 4" (1 0 cm) Diameter Air Intak e [...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 20 Fig ure 1 4: Concentr ic V ertical and Hor izontal V ent T ermination - Separ ated Comb ustion Heater 6" (1 6 cm) Diameter Single W all 4" (1 0 cm) Diameter Air Int ake Concentric V ent Box V ertical Option 10 ' (3 m) Maxim u m Horizontal Option [...]

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    SECTION 7: A IR S UPPLY 21 SECTION 7: AIR SUPPLY 7 .1 Separat ed Combus tion Installati on W hen installed as a separat ed combustion heat er (UHA[X]S), the air f or comb ustion i s dra wn in fr om outside the b uilding . It is important t o ensur e th at ther e is adequate space ar ound heat er t o pro vide air f or the axial ai r distribu tion f [...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 22 SECTION 8: GAS PIPING A ga s meter is connect ed t o the service pipe by the ga s supply company . An e xisting meter should be chec k ed, pref erably b y the compan y , to ensure that the met er i s adequat e f or t he rat e of gas sup ply r equir ed. Inst all[...]

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    SECTION 9: W IRIN G 23 SECTION 9: W IRING All heat er models r equire consta nt 1 20 V/1Ø/ 60 Hz pow er supply . Check heat er ra ting plat e f or electrical rati ng f or pr oper circui t sizing . F or ser vici ng, a disconnect sw itch of proper elect rical rating shoul d be insta lled in the vicinity of the heat er . All heat ers ar e equipped w [...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 24 9.3 Lo w V olta ge Thermostat wit h Multiple Heat er s 30 - 45 Model Rela y T ype Rela y Part Number Max. Number o f Heater s UHA[X][S] 30 - 45 SPST 90417 600 4[...]

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    SECTION 9: W IRIN G 25 9.4 Low V oltage Thermost at w ith Multip le Heat ers 60 - 1 25 Model Rela y T ype Relay P art Number Max. Number of Heaters UHA[X][S] 60 - 1 25 DP S T 90436300 4[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 26 9.5 Inter nal Wi ring Diagr am Bl u e Black Black O r a n ge Y ellow B r ow n Black White White L2 L1 Black Black G r ee n White White G r ee n G r ee n Bl u e Black Black Black White G r ee n Bl u e G r ee n 24 VAC HOT GROUND Flame Black Black Black 6 3 4 5 2 [...]

  • Page 33

    SECTION 9: W IRIN G 27 9.6 Ladder W iri ng Diagr am FLAME SENSOR PRESSURE SWITCH THERMOST A T CONNECTION 6 3 4 5 2 1 1 20 V AC TRANSFORMER FLUE BL O WER AXIAL F AN AXIAL F AN UHA (300, 350, 400 O n ly) GAS VA LV E ELECTRODE IGNITION MODULE Flame S pa r k Limit S witch Limit S witch (UHA 300, 350, 40 0 O n ly) Ma nu al Reset Limit S witch (UHA 30 - [...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 28 9.7 Electr ica l Connection to the Heat er IMPORT ANT : Junc tion bo x is not pro vided w ith heat er . Conduit can al so be at tach ed directly t o heat er wi th wi re junc tion made wi thin the heate r cabinet. BX Connect or Junction Bo x Flexib le Conduit Bu[...]

  • Page 35

    SECTION 1 0: O PERATION AND M AINTENANCE 29 SECTION 1 0: OPERATION AND MAI NTENANCE R ead this man ual car efully bef ore i nstallati on, operat ion, or ser vice of thi s equipment. All components are accessed via the door secured b y f our sheet metal scr ews . Opening the door e xposes liv e electrical connec tions and hot components . 1 0.1 Pr e[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 30 Fig ure 1 6: A utomatic Bur ner Contr ol Sequenc e Fig ure 1 7: Gas V alve f or Model s UHA[X][S] 30 - 45 B u rner Se qu ence for Ignition Contr ol Flame Signal Start Gas V al v e Ignition Spark Thermostat 24 V SHUT DO WN RU N ST ART ts = 1 0 Seconds Signals O [...]

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    SECTION 1 0: O PERATION AND M AINTENANCE 31 F igure 1 8: Gas V alve for Models UHA[X][S] 60 - 1 25 1 0.2.2 Start-Up the Gas V alve ( All Gases) 1 Chec k Burner Gas P ressur e 1 . Re mov e the pl ug in the out let (b urner) pre ssure test point a nd connect a pres sure tap and a man omet er . 2. With t he burner firing , measure the pressur [...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 32 Heat e x changer could be dama ged. W arr anty w ill not co v er damage t o the he at ex changer if operat ed impr operly . Only use the disconnect sw itc h for t urning of f heater f or service or duri ng of f-season. 1 0 .2.5 E xternal Cont r ols External con[...]

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    SECTION 1 1: U SER I NSTRUCTIONS 33 SECTION 1 1: USER INSTRUCTIONS 1 1 .1 User Instr uctions The UHA[X][S] Series heat er s are fully aut omati c and oper ate fr om the e xt ernal contr ols f it t ed on si te . The only user contr ol at the heat er is the Man ual R eset Limit S w itch - See P age 33, Section 1 1 .3.1 1 1 .2 Heat er Operati on W hen[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 34 2. The aut omatic f iring sequence w ill be gin as described on P age 30, F igure 16 . The heat er w ill no w operat e aut omatical ly under the c ontr ol of the o n sit e contr ols . 1 1 .4.2 T o T ur n the Heater Of f Set the thermostat to the "OFF"[...]

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    SECTION 1 2: S ERVICING 35 SECTION 1 2: SERVICING 1 2.1 Ser vici ng Instructio ns Af t er st ar t-up , the heat er will r equir e maint enance t o be carried out annual ly . If the heat er is used in a dir ty or dusty area, mor e fr equent maint enance may be req uir ed. IMPORT ANT : Af t er any maint enance or repair w ork, al wa ys test fir e the[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 36 1 2.7 V enting and A ir Intak e Pipe Inspect all v enti ng and air int ake pipe . Ensur e that all seams ar e sealed and suspension points secur e. Rep air suspension points i f any par t of the vent ing or combust ion air pipe is sagging . Check t o mak e sure[...]

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    SECTION 1 2: S ERVICING 37 Combust ion Air Intake Pip e Intak e pipe and inlet mus t be intact . Look f or obstructions , cra cks on t he pipe, gaps in the se aled ar eas o r corr osion. The area mus t be fre e of dir t and dust. Clean and rei nstal l as requir ed. Hea t Exchang er Make s ure ther e ar e no cr acks . Mak e sure ther e is no sagging[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 38 SECTION 1 3: T R OUBLESHOOTING 1 3.1 Gener al Ens u re pr oper air flo w clearance f or axial fan. Open lo uv er s slightly . Replace axial f an if it does not operate . If pro b lems persist, cont act Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC at www Heater Operating T[...]

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    SECTION 1 3: T ROUBLE SHOOTING 39 1 3.2 T rou bleshootin g F or A utomatic Igni tion Bur ner S yst ems F or optimu m heater perf or mance , use only repl acement par ts sold and supplied b y R ober ts-Gor don. Conduct start-up pr ocedur e as shown on Pag e 29, Section 1 0 .[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 40 1 3.3 T r oubleshooti ng for Fla me Super visi on Sy ste m NO TE: Minimum fl ame probe curr ent 1 μA DC . T ypical f lame pr obe curr ent 3-5 μA DC. Repair or r eplace as re qu ired. If pro b lems persist, cont act Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC at www Rep[...]

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    SECTION 1 3: T ROUBLE SHOOTING 41 1 3.4 T r oubleshootin g fo r Gas V alv es 1 3.5 T r oubleshootin g fo r Flue Blo wer V al v e f a u lty . Replace w ith one of correct type. Fa u lt else w her e. Corr ect press u re pr o b lem. If pro b lems persist, cont act Ro b er ts-Gordon LLC at www V al v e Operating TROUBLESHOO T ENDS. N o Ye s[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 42 SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P ARTS See w ar nings and notes on P age 35, Section 1 2 bef or e re moving o r r eplacing parts. Burner Component s All serviceable burner par ts are acc essed b y the door on the side of the heat er . Remo v e the sheetmetal scre ws.[...]

  • Page 49

    SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 43 1 4.2 Burner Compartment 1 4.2.1 Burner I nject ors Remo v e f lexi b le air d u ct from spigot V ie w ing por t f or flame pr o b e Flame P r o b e B u rner Compartment Co v er Ignition Electrode Rem o v e scr e w s and p u ll of f bu r ner co v er NO TE: Separat ed com bu stion model sho w n. The burn er compa[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 44 1 4.3 Ignit ion Electr ode and Flame Pr obe Inshot B u rners .1 20 (3 mm) spark gap Ignition Electrode Burner Compartment Front Views Man u al R eset Limit S w itch (P osition ma y v ary .) Ignition Electrode Flame Pr o b e Limit S w itch Flame Pr o b e Inshot [...]

  • Page 51

    SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 45 1 4.4 Heat Exc hanger The heat e x changer consists of a f our -pass design w ith 1 .5" oute r diamet er [aluminize d steel ][409 st ainless st eel] tube . The tube plat es ar e made of [aluminized steel][ 409 stainless st eel] . The tube suppor ts ar e made of [ga lv annealed steel] [ 409 stainless st eel][...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 46 1 4.6 Flue Blo w er V ertical Install ation IT IS IMPORT A NT THA T ONL Y TH E CORRECT FLUE BL OWER SPECIFIED FOR EA CH MODEL TYPE IS USED WHEN RE PLA CING THESE ITEMS. C arr y out a st ar t-up af t er working on or changing an fl ue blo wer . See P age 33, Sec[...]

  • Page 53

    SECTION 1 4: R EPLACEMENT P AR TS 47 1 4.7 Pr essure S w itch P ull of f 3 w a y connect or . Spring open plastic c lips of mounting cradle . R eplace w ith corr ect type of pressur e s w itch f or model . The pr essur e s witches ar e color coded f or each pr essure set ting . C arry out a start-up af ter w orking on or changi ng a pr essur e s w [...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 48 1 4.9.1 F an R emov al and Repl acement 1 4.9.2 T o Replace the F an A ssembly T o repla ce the f an assembly , re ver se the proced ure shown abo v e. • Chec k that the f an b lades ar e fr ee t o r otat e bef or e turning on the po wer t o the f an. • Str[...]

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    SECTION 1 5: S PECIF ICATIONS 49 SECTION 1 5: SPECIFICATI ONS 1 5.1 Dimension Data MODEL UHA[X][S] 30 UHA[X][S] 45 UHA[X][S] 60 UHA[X][S] 75 UHA[X][S] 10 0 UHA[X][S] 12 5 'A' Height in (cm) 12 (30.48) 12 (30.48) 17 . 75 (45.09) 17 . 75 (45.09) 23 (58.42) 23 (58.42) 'C' Center o f Flue [T op Option] in (cm) 5.2 (1 3.21) 5.2 (1 3.[...]

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    UHA L OW P ROF IL E U NI T H EAT ER I NSTALL ATION O PER ATION AND S ERVI CE M AN UAL 50 1 5.2 Gener al T echnical Data T able (All Models) *Do not e x ceed the maxim um length of f lue st ated o r heat er ma y not oper ate pr oper ly . 1 5.3 T echnical Data T able (Al l Models) Model UHA[X][S] 30 UHA[X][S]4 5 UHA[X][S] 60 UHA[X][S] 75 UHA[X][S] 10[...]

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    SECTION 1 6: ROBERTS GORDON ® BLA CKHEA T ™ UHA-S ERIES W ARRANTY 51 SECTION 1 6: ROBER TS GORDON ® BLACKHEA T ™ UHA -SER IES W ARR ANTY ROBER TS GORDON ® WILL P A Y FOR: Within 24 mont hs from date of purchase by b uyer or 27 months from the da t e of shi pment by R ober ts -Gordon (whichever comes first), replacement p ar ts will be pro vi[...]

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    ® O WNER W ARRANTY RE GISTR A TION C ARD Abou t t he Owner: Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Add r ess:______________________________________City:_________________________ S tate:__________Zip Code:________ Pho n e:_________________________ Fax:_________________________ E-mail:[...]

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  • Page 62

    10 ' (3 m) W ARNING © 2007 Roberts-Gordon, LLC Printed in U .S.A. P/N 91 040031 Rev B At tach this infor mation to the w all near the ROBER TS GORDON ® heater Read the Installation, Operation and Service Manual thoroughly before installation, operation or service . OPERA TING INSTR UCTIONS 1 . ST OP! Read all saf ety instructi[...]