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Samsung ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Operator's and Programming Manual M -ER290 Version 2.0 All specifications are subject to change without notice. 2005 , C RS Inc.[...]
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CRS, Inc. Limited Warranty and Disclaimers of Warranty This manual has been developed by CRS, Inc. It is intended fo r the use of its customers and service personnel and should be re ad in its entirety before attempting to install, use or program the product(s). Nothing contained in this manual shall be deemed to be, and this m anual does not const[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register i Contents Introduction 1 Using This Manual .............................................................................................................. ...... 1 Using Flowcharts ........................................................................................................ 1 Basic Features and Functions .[...]
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ii ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Shifting or Exempting Tax ...................................................................................................... 27 Shifting Tax .............................................................................................................. 27 Exempting Tax ..........................................[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register iii Reports 69 Report Summ ary ................................................................................................................. .... 69 Running a Report ...................................................................................................... 70 Cash-In-Drawer Declaration ...............[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Introduction • 1 Introduction Using This Manual Congratulations! You have select ed a very flexible elect ronic cash register designed for years of rel iable service. The ER-290 will fit many retail stores, shops and rest aurants. It provide s fast transaction processing, security, and detai led sales inform ation.[...]
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2 • Introduction ER- 290 Electron ic Cash Register Using Flowcharts Flowcharts are used to supplem ent step by step instructions throughout this m anual. For example, the following flowchart describes how t o register $1.00 into department 1 : 100 1 This flowchart means: 1. Press numeric key 1. 2. Press numeric key 0. 3. Press numeric key 0. 4. P[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Introduction • 3 Basic Features and Functions Keyboard 9 4 6 PLU PA PER FEED 1 3 #/N O SA L E 7 %2 VO I D @/ FO R CL E A R RT RN MD S E TAX SHIF T 0 - 4 3 2 1 . %1 CA N CE L 5 8 2 00 RE C D A CCT P A ID OUT CHA RG E 1 SUB TO TAL CHA RG E 2 7 6 8 5 CHE CK TE N D CA S H / T E N D 1 1 1 0 1 2 9 Key Descriptions Key De[...]
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4 • Introduction ER- 290 Electron ic Cash Register RTRN MDSE If you wish to return or refund an ite m, press Return M erchandise, then re- enter any item you wish. - (MINUS) Register a negative am ount by entering a price, then pressing the - (MINUS) key. For example, you can en ter bottle returns or coupons using the - (MINUS) key. CANCEL Press [...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Introduction • 5 Control Lock V OID PG M Z X REG OFF VOID Use to void (correct) item s outside of a sale. OFF The register is inoperable. REG Use for normal registrations. X Use to read register reports. Z Use to read register reports and reset to tals to zero. PGM Use to program the register. The ER-290 includes t[...]
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6 • Introduction ER- 290 Electron ic Cash Register Display Front Display A M OUNT DPT RPT DPT Indicates the departm ent number of the registration (1 di gits). RPT Indicates the number of tim es an item has been repeated. AMOUNT Displays the am ount the amount of the item , subtotal or total. Display Messages C Change Due - Negative entry E Error[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Quick Setup • 7 Quick Setup Unpacking 1. Unpack and Unwrap the cash register. 2. Locate in the packing the following items: z 1 roll of paper z 1 ribbon z 1 take up spool z 1 set of control keys 3. Remove the cardboard protect ors from the cash drawer. 4. Plug the register into a grounded outl et (three prong), ins[...]
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8 • Qui ck Se tup ER-290 Electronic Cash Reg ister 2. For proper feeding through the print head, cut or t ear a straight even edge on the end of the paper roll. Place the paper roll in the pa per holder so that the paper will feed from the bottom of the roll. 3. Insert the end of the paper into the paper slot. 4. Press the PAPER FEED key until th[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Quick Setup • 9 5. If you wish to use the p rinter to print a sales jou rnal, insert the paper into the paper take-up spool. Also see “Se tting Receipt/Journal Status” on page 67. Wind the paper two or three turns around the spool shaft and inst all the spool in the m ount. 6. If you wish to use the printer to [...]
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10 • Qui ck S etup ER-290 Electronic Cash Regi ster Installing the Ribbon 1. Remove the pri n ter cover. 2. Insert the new ribbon firmly into place. 3. Replace the printer cover[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Regi ster Quick Setup • 11 Clearing Memory This step insures that the cash regist er is cleared of any t o tals or program ming. After this procedure, the cash register is ready for program ming and operation. WARNING: This is a one time procedure. Do not repeat this procedure after the cash register is programmed, it cause[...]
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12 • Qui ck S etup ER-290 Electronic Cash Regi ster Basic Programming This section covers the basic program ming necessary to get your cash register running qui ckly. See “Advanced Programm ing” on page 43 for if you wish to program options that are not included in this section. Setting the Date The date sequence is Month-Day-Year. 1. Turn th[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Regi ster Quick Setup • 13 Programming Tax Most sales taxes can be program med by entering a tax percenta ge rate. However, in some cases y ou may find that tax that is entered as a percentag e does not follow exactly th e tax chart that applies in your area. If this is the case, you must enter y our tax using tax table pro[...]
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14 • Qui ck S etup ER-290 Electronic Cash Regi ster Tax Rate Programming Example If tax 1 is 6 percent, ente r: . TA X SHIFT 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 If tax 2 is 7.5 percent, ente r: . TA X SHIFT 0 2 0 5 0 0 7 If tax 3 is 10 percent, ente r: 0 . TA X SHIFT 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 If tax 4 is 15 percent, ente r: 5 . TAX SH IFT 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 Press the CASH/TEND key to [...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Regi ster Quick Setup • 15 Programming a Taxable Department 1. Turn the control lock to the PGM position. 2. Complete the tax status table below by adding the st atus digits for each tax. Then enter the resulting tax stat us code. Taxable by Rate 1? Yes = 1 No = 0 + Taxable by Rate 2? Yes = 2 No = 0 + Taxable by Rate 3? Yes[...]
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16 • Qui ck S etup ER-290 Electronic Cash Regi ster Basic Operations Registering Items 1. Enter an amount on t he ten key pad. Do not use the decimal key. For exam ple, for $2.99, enter: 299 2. Press a department key . For example, press department 1 : 1 Repeating an Item 3. To register a second item exactly as the first, press the department key[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Regi ster Quick Setup • 17 Totaling a Cash Sale 1. Register the items you wish to sell. 2. To display and print t h e subtotal of the sale including tax, press SUBTOTAL : SUB TO TAL 3. To total a cash sale, press CASH/TEND : CASH / TEN D 4. The display will indicate “=” for total, the drawer will open and the receipt wi[...]
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18 • Qui ck S etup ER-290 Electronic Cash Regi ster Tendering a Check Sale Total Charge Sale 5. Register the items you wish to sell. 6. To display and print t h e subtotal of the sale including tax, press SUBTOTAL : SUB TO TA L 7. Press CHARGE1 : CHA RGE 1 8. The display will indicate “=” for total, th e drawer will open and the receipt will [...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Adv anced Operating Instru ctions • 19 Advanced Operating Instructions[...]
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20 • Adv anced Operating Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Reg ister Department Registrations As you make departm ent registrations, you can follow y our entries by viewing t h e display. The digits ma rked “DPT” indicate the departm ent used. The digit marked “RPT” counts item s as they are repeated. Open Department 1. Enter an amount [...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Adv anced Operating Instru ctions • 21 Department Repeat Entry Open or preset price departme nts may be repeat ed as many tim es as necessary by pressing the same department agai n. (Likewise open or preset PLUs may be repeated by pressing the PLU key again.) 1. Enter an amount on the ten key pad. Do not use the de[...]
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22 • Adv anced Operating Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Reg ister Department Multiplication With Decimal Point If you are selling items by weight, or if you are selling yard goods, you can multiply a fraction of a unit. 1. Enter the with the decimal point, press th e @/FOR key. For example, for 3 ¾ pounds of produce, enter: 5 @/ FOR 3 . 7 2[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Adv anced Operating Instru ctions • 23 Single Item Department Single item departments automatically total as a cash sale immediately after registration. Use single item depart ments for speedy one item sale s. For example if you are selling admi ssion tickets, and all ticket sales are one it em sales, you can assi [...]
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24 • Adv anced Operating Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Reg ister PLU (Price Look Up) Registrations PLUs must be program med before they may be operate d. See “PLU (Price Look Up) Programm ing” on page 61 to program open or preset PLUs. Open PLU 1. Enter the PLU number, press t he PLU key. For example, enter: 2 PLU 2. Enter an amount on [...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Adv anced Operating Instru ctions • 25 PLU Multiplication When several of the same items are to be entered into the same PLU, you can use multiplication. You may enter a quantity up to 4 figures (1 to 9999) using the @/FOR key. You may m ultiply open or preset PLUs. 1. Enter the quantity of items being purchased, p[...]
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26 • Adv anced Operating Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Reg ister Split Pricing PLU When items are priced in groups, i.e. 3 for $1.00, you can enter the quantity purchased and let the register calculate the correct price. 1. Enter the quantity pur chased, press the @/FOR key. For example, enter: 2 @/ FOR 2. Enter the quantity of the group pr[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Adv anced Operating Instru ctions • 27 Shifting or Exempting Tax Shifting Tax Taxable Department s and PLUs can be programmed to automatically add the approp riate tax or taxes. Occasionally, you may need to sell a nor m ally taxable item without tax, or a normally non- taxable item with tax. You can perform this t[...]
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28 • Adv anced Operating Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Reg ister Exempting Tax Occasionally, you may need to exem pt tax from an entire sale. For exam ple, you might remove all state and local taxes when yo u sell to a church o r charitable institution. 1. Enter an amount on the ten key pad. Do not use the decimal key. For exam ple, for $2.[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Adv anced Operating Instru ctions • 29 Percent Key (%1 and %2) Operations Use the Percent keys to add a percentage surcharge or subtract a percentage from an item or the subtotal of a sale. You can enter t h e amount of the percenta ge before pressing the %1 or %2 keys, or you can program a preset percenta ge if yo[...]
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30 • Adv anced Operating Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Reg ister Percent On Sale Total In this example a surcharge of 15% i s applied. 1. Register the items you wish to sell. 2. Press SUBTOTAL : SUB TO TAL 3. Enter the percentage. For example, for 15% enter: 5 1 4. Press the %2 key: %2 5. The surcharge is automatically added. YOUR RECEIPT T[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Adv anced Operating Instru ctions • 31 Voids and Corrections Void Last Item This function corrects the last item entered. 1. Register the item you wish to sell. 2. Press the VOID key. VOID YOUR RECEIPT THANK YOU 0 3 - 0 1 - 1 9 9 9 1 . . . . . . 2 . 2 9 T 1 2 . . . . . . 1 . 2 9 - - - - - - - - - - V 1 2 . . . . . [...]
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32 • Adv anced Operating Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Reg ister Cancel The CANCEL key allows you to stop any transaction. Anything registered within the transact ion before the CANCEL key is pressed is automatically corrected. The CANCEL k ey may be inactivated through program ming, see “CANCEL Key Programm ing” on page 60. 1. Register[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Adv anced Operating Instru ctions • 33 - (Minus) Key Registrations You can register a negative am ount by entering a price, t he pressing the - (Minus) key. For example, you can enter bottle returns or coupons using the - (Minus) key. Note: You can program the minus key so that tax is charged on the gross amount, o[...]
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34 • Adv anced Operating Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Reg ister No Sale Operations Open Drawer The #/NO SALE key will open the cash drawer when you have n ot already started a transaction. 1. Press #/NO SALE : #/NO SALE 2. The drawer will open and the receipt will print as in the example on the right. YOUR RECEIPT THANK YOU 0 3 - 0 1 - 1 9[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Adv anced Operating Instru ctions • 35 Received On Account Operations You can use the Received on Account key to accept cash into the cash drawer when you are not actually selling merchandise. For example, use th e Received on Account key to accept payments for previously sold m erchandise, or record loans to the c[...]
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36 • Adv anced Operating Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Reg ister Totaling and Tendering Three keys may be used to total a sale: CHECK TEND , CHARGE1,2 , CASH/TEND key. The CHECK TEND and CASH/TEND keys can also be used for change calculation. Subtotaling a Sale 1. Register the items you wish to sell. 2. To display and print t h e subtotal o[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Adv anced Operating Instru ctions • 37 Tendering a Cash Sale 1. Register the items you wish to sell. 2. Enter the amount tendered by the customer. For exam ple, for $20.00 enter: 0 0 0 2 3. Press CASH/TEND : CASH / TEN D 4. The display will indicate “C” for chang e, the drawer will open and the receipt will pri[...]
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38 • Adv anced Operating Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Reg ister Totaling a Charge Sale 1. Register the items you wish to sell. 2. Press CHARGE1 : CHA RGE 1 3. The display will indicate “=” for total, the drawer will open and the receipt will print as in the example on the right. Note: Charge tendering is not allowed. YOUR RECEIPT THANK[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Adv anced Operating Instru ctions • 39 Split Tender Split tendering means paying for one sale by different paym ent met hods. For example, a $20.00 sale could be split so $10.00 is paid in cash, and the remaining $10.00 is charged. If necessary, you can make several different payments. Note: If a portion of a sale [...]
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40 • Adv anced Operating Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Reg ister Post Tender Post tendering m eans computing change after the sale has been totaled and t h e drawer is open. This feature is useful when a custom er changes the am ount of the tender or the clerk becomes confused counting change manual ly. Normally, this funct i on is not all [...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Adv anced Operating Instru ctions • 41 Receipt On/Off and Receipt on Request If the receipt is off, you can still issue a receipt af ter the sale has been completed. Norm ally, this function is not allowed. If you wish to allow after sale receipts, you m ust set system option #16 to a value of 1 . See “System Opt[...]
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42 • Adv anced Operating Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Reg ister[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register A dvanced Programming Instructions • 43 Advanced Programming Instructions Department Programming Programming Department Status There are two parts to departm ent programm ing. Department status is set here. Depending on whether you select open or preset departm ent status is this section, you can also program eithe[...]
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44 • Adv anced Prog ramming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Programming Department Status 1. Turn the control lock to the PGM position. 2. Decide if you want a negati ve, enforced non-add entry, or disabled departm ent. If you do not want any of these departm ent options, enter 0 . If you wish to select any of these options, complete[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register A dvanced Programming Instructions • 45 Department Status Programming Flowchart Ta x Sta tus Co de DEPT KEY R ep eat f or eac h Depa r tment P r es et ? Single ite m? Ne ga tiv e ? Non-Add? Disa ble d? CAS H/ TEN D @/ FOR Department Status Programming Examples For example, set: z department 1 open, t axable by rate[...]
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46 • Adv anced Prog ramming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Programming Department Entry Limit or Price Note: Open departments are automatically assigned a 7 digit entry limit. You do not need to program this section for open departments, unless you wish to set a different limit. If you are programm ing a open department: z You can l[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register A dvanced Programming Instructions • 47 Department Entry Limit or Price Programming Flowchart DEPT KEY R ep eat f or eac h P r es et D ep ar t m en t P r es et P r i c e or Hi g h Amount Lo c k Out ( L eadi n g z er os ar e not n ec es s ar y) CAS H/ TEN D Department Entry Limit or Price Programming Examples For ex[...]
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48 • Adv anced Prog ramming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register System Option Programming Nineteen system options are provided so that you can configure the ER-290 to your exact requirements. R efer to the “System Option Table” on page 50 to review t h e system opt ions. Read each option carefully to determine if you wish to m ake an[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register A dvanced Programming Instructions • 49 System Option Programming Examples Set the following op tions z Option 15: Allow check cashing. z Option 17: Enforce cash or check tender at t o taling. To set option 15: PAI D OUT RECT A CCT 1 5 1 To set option 17: PAI D OUT 1 7 1 RECT A CCT Press the CASH/TEND key to end pr[...]
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50 • Adv anced Prog ramming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register System Option Table NOTE: Shaded areas are the default settings, in other words, the shaded area indicates the way the register is automatically set up. Option No. SYSTEM OPTION STATUS 1 Print the grand total on X,/Z report. YES = 0 NO = 1 2 Print the gross total on X,/Z rep[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register A dvanced Programming Instructions • 51 Option No. SYSTEM OPTION STATUS Do not p rint Taxable Total. Print tax amounts se p aratel y .3 Do not p rint Taxable Total. Print onl y total of all taxes. 4 Do not p rint Taxable Total. Do not p rint tax amounts. 5 12 Rounding method for Round up at 0.50 0 percentage key an[...]
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52 • Adv anced Prog ramming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Advanced Tax Programming Use the instructions in th is chapter only if you wish to d etermine tax program entries yourself. See “Programm ing Tax” on page 13 to enter a sim ple tax rate. Important Note: After you have entered your tax program, test for accuracy by enteri[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register A dvanced Programming Instructions • 53 1 to set tax rate 1 2 to set tax rate 2 3 to set tax rate 3 4 to set tax rate 4 6. Press the TAX SHIFT key. 7. Press the CASH/TEND key to end programm ing. Tax Rate Programming Flowchart . TA X SHIFT Tax R ate Tax # (1-4) GST tax Info Tax ty pe CAS H/ TEN D Tax Rate Examples [...]
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54 • Adv anced Prog ramming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Tax Table Programming In some cases, a tax that is entered as a percenta ge does not follow exactly the tax charts that app ly in your area (even if the tax chart i s based on a pe rcentage). In these cases, we recomm end that you enter your tax using tax table pr ogramm ing[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register A dvanced Programming Instructions • 55 Tax Table Programming Example - Illinois 6% Tax Table Tax Charged Sale Dollar Range Break point Differences $0.00 $0.00 - $0.10 $0.01 $0.11 - $0.21 11 $0.02 $0.22 - $0.38 17 $0.03 $0.39 - $0.56 18 Non-Repeat $0.04 $0.57 - $0.73 17 $0.05 $0.74 - $0.91 18 $0.06 $0.92 - $1.08 17[...]
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56 • Adv anced Prog ramming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register %1 and %2 Key Programming There are two percentage keys on the keyboard: %1 and %2 . The %1 key applies a surcharge. The %2 key applies a discount. Without any further program ming, you can apply a discount or surcharge to an individual it em or to the subtot al of a sale by[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register A dvanced Programming Instructions • 57 %1or % 2Key Programming Flowchart Tax Status Code Preset Percentage CA SH/ TEND %1 or %2 Ove r - ride? Inactive? -%/+% % 1 or %2 Key Programming Example Set the %1 (discount) Key preset for 50% and so that tax 1 is calculated after the discount is applied and override is allo[...]
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58 • Adv anced Prog ramming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register - (Minus) Key Programming The - (Minus) key is used to enter the am ount of a coupon that is subtracted from the sale. z The - (Minus) key can programm ed to be taxable or non-taxable. In other words, when you are subtracting a coupon, you can calcul ate sales tax on the net[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register A dvanced Programming Instructions • 59 6. Press the CASH/TEND key to end programm ing. Minus (-) Key Programming Flowchart HDL O CAS H/ TEN D - Tax Sta tu s Code Inactiv e? Minus (-) Key Programming Example Set the Minus (-) key with a three digit HDLO ($9.99) and so that tax 1 i s calculated after t he Minus (-) [...]
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60 • Adv anced Prog ramming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register CANCEL Key Programming The CANCEL key can be made inactive. Normally th e key is active, however, you may wish to inactivate it for security reasons. Programming the CANCEL Key 1. Enter: 0 to activate the CANCEL key 1 to inactivate the CANCEL key 2. Press the CANCEL key. 3. [...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register A dvanced Programming Instructions • 61 PLU (Price Look Up) Programming The ER-290 offers 200 PLUs (Price Look Ups) as a standa rd feature. Like departm ents PLUs (Price Look Ups) may be open or preset . z Preset PLUs are used to register preset items. The m o st significant difference between a preset department a[...]
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62 • Adv anced Prog ramming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Programming PLU Status 1. Turn the control lock to the PGM position. 2. Enter the number of t h e PLU you wish to program (1-200), press the PLU key. 3. Decide if you want a negati ve, enforced non-add entry, or disabled PLU. If you do not want any of these options, enter 0 [...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register A dvanced Programming Instructions • 63 PLU Status Programming Flowchart DEPT KEY R ep eat f or eac h PLU P r es et ? Single ite m? Ta x Sta tus Co de Ne ga tiv e ? Non-Add? Disa ble d? CAS H/ TEN D PLU PLU # PLU Status Programming Examples For example, set: z PLU#1 preset, not single ite m, taxable by rate 1, with[...]
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64 • Adv anced Prog ramming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Programming PLU Entry Limit or Price Note: Open PLUs are automatically assigned a 7 digit entry limit. You do not need to program this section for open PLUs, unless you wish to set a different limit. If you are programm ing a open PLU: z You can limit errors by setting the m[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register A dvanced Programming Instructions • 65 PLU Entry Limit or Price Programming Flowchart R ep eat f or eac h P r es et P L U P r es et P r i c e or Hi g h Amount Lo c k Out @/ FOR ( L ead in g z er os ar e n ot n ec es s ar y) CAS H/ TEN D PLU PLU # PLU Entry Limit or Price Programming Examples For example, set: z PL[...]
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66 • Adv anced Prog ramming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Setting a Register Number You can program a two digit register number that will print on the lower right corner of each transaction. If you are using m ore than one cash register, the register number can be used to identify the register where the transaction was entered. YOU[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register A dvanced Programming Instructions • 67 Setting Receipt/Journal Status The printer can be set to generate customer receipts, or print a sales journal. In the receipt m ode, the printer will print the logo and feed the paper a sufficient length so that a receipt can be torn off. In the journal mode, there i s no add[...]
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68 • Adv anced Prog ramming Instructions ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Program Report Example: Department Status -> Department Price or Limit -> (Department Status and Price/Limit is listed for each department) Tax 1 Status -> Tax 1 Rate -> Tax 2 Status -> Tax 2 Rate -> Tax 3 Status -> Tax 3 Rate -> Tax 4 Status -> Ta[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Reports • 69 Reports Report Summary There are two basic types of reports: "X", or read -only and "Z", or read & reset to zero. Some reports are available in both t ypes. The following table summa ries the reports available on the ER-290 : Report Control Lock Position Key Financial X or Z CA [...]
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70 • Reports ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Running a Report 1. Find the report you wish t o run from the tabl e on the previous page. 2. Turn the control lock to the X or the Z position. 3. Press the appropriate key for t he report you wish to run. Cash-In-Drawer Declaration Cash-In-Drawer Declaration is an opt ional feature th at forces you t [...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Reports • 71 Report Samples Financial Report Note: This sample report is shown with items of z ero value listed on the report. Your report may only show totals with values other than z ero, depending on the setting for system option #5. Report Type/Reset (Z) Counter -> Department Activity Counter -> Departmen[...]
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72 • Reports ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Total of non-taxable sales -> Taxable sales for tax rate 1 -> Tax 1 amount collected -> : Taxable sales for tax rate 4 -> Tax 4 amount collected -> Activity count for discount key -> Dollar amount of discounts -> Activity count for surcharge key -> Dollar amount of surcharges -&[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Reports • 73 # of Paid Out transactions -> Total of Paid Out transactions -> Cash in drawer amount -> Check in drawer amount -> Count of no sales -> Customer Count -> Non-reset table Grand Total -> Transaction Counter -> Time/Register Number -> @ . . . . . . . . . 1 * . . . . . 1 0 . 0 0 [...]
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74 • Reports ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Hourly Sales Report The Hourly sales report lists the number of transac tion and their dollar total for each hour of the day. Report Type/Reset (Z) Counter -> Time -> Time Period Activity Counter - > Time Period Sales Total -> (Counters and Totals are listed for each time period) Activity c[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Reports • 75 PLU Report The PLU report lists the activity and sale total for each PLU. Report Type/Reset (Z) Counter -> PLU Activity Counter -> DEPT/PLU price or limit/tax status - > PLU Sales Total -> (PLU Counters and Totals are listed for each PLU) Activity count of all PLUs -> Total of all PLUs -[...]
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76 • Reports ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Cash-in-Drawer Report Run a Cash-in-Drawer report to quickl y verify the amount of cash that should be in t he cash drawer. Cash in drawer amount -> Transaction Counter -> Time/Register Number -> YOUR RECEIPT THANK YOU 0 3 - 0 1 - 1 9 9 9 * . . . . . 8 1 . 5 8 C D 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 7 . 4 0 0 0 Che[...]
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ER-290 Electronic Cash Register Reports • 77 System Balancing Department Sales Total + +DEPT TTL (Add All Positive Departm e nts) - -DEPT TTL (Add All Negative Departments) = ADJST DEPT TTL Net Total + ADJST DEPT TTL + TAX1 AMOUNT + TAX2 AMOUNT + TAX3 AMOUNT + TAX4 AMOUNT + +% (Surcharge Total) - -% (Discount Total) - - (Minus Key Total) = NET TT[...]
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