Page 1
Operating I nstructions Copy Reference For safe and correct operati on of this machine, pleas e be sure to read the Safety Information in the General Setti ngs Guide before you us e it. Placi ng Origin als Copying Troubl eshoo ting User T ools (Copi er/Docu ment Se rver Fe atures ) Specif icat ions 1 2 3 4 5[...]
Page 2
Introduction This man ual conta ins deta iled i nstructio ns on t he ope ration and maint enance of this mac hine. To g et maximu m versa tility from this ma chine all op erators sho uld care fully read an d follow th e instructi ons in this man ual. Pleas e keep th is manu al in a handy pl ace near the ma chine. Notes Some illu strations in this m[...]
Page 3
In accord ance wi th IEC 60 417, this mach ine uses the followi ng sy mbols fo r the main power s witch: a a a a means POWE R ON. c c c c means STAND BY.[...]
Page 4
i Manuals for This Machine The following manuals describe the operational procedures of this machine. For particular function s, see the relevant parts o f the manual. Note ❒ Manuals provided are specific to machine type. ❒ Adobe Acrobat Reader is n ecessary to view the manuals as a PDF file. ❒ Two CD-ROMs are provided: • CD-ROM 1 “Operat[...]
Page 5
ii ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Manuals for DeskTopBinde r V2 Lite DeskTopBinder V2 Lite is a uti lity included on the CD-ROM labeled “ Scanner Driver & Document Manag ement Utilities ” . • DeskTopBinder V2 Lite Setup Guide (PDF file - CD-ROM2) Describes installation of, and the operating environment for DeskTop- Binder V2 Lite in d etail. This guide [...]
Page 6
iv What You Can Do with This Machine Page 94 Page 101 Page 95 Page 103 Page 98 Page 108 Stamp T ext Introducing New Product in this year Page 86 Page 86 Page 88 Page 89 Page 93 Page 91 Page 92 Insert Designation Sheet Page 74 Page 75 Page 75 Page 81 Page 82 Page 83 Page 85 Page 45 Page 45 Page 109 Page 53 Page 53 Page 56 Page 56 Page 56 Page 56 Pag[...]
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v inch Page 42 Page 46 Page 46 Page 50 Page 56 Page 56 Page 60 Page 60 Page 60 Page 60 Page 60 Page 60 Page 65 Page 65 Page 65 Page 65 Page 71 Mix 1 & 2 Sided Page 63 Page 63 Page 35 Page 36 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 inch inch inch inch inch COPY3E[...]
Page 8
vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Manuals for This Machine ...... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... i What You Can Do with This Machine ........ ....... ....... ......... ........ ....... ......... ....... .... iv How to Read Thi s Manual ...... ......... ......... ....... ......... ......... .......... .[...]
Page 9
vii Scann ing Posi tion ............ ...... ...... ....... ......... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ......... ....... ...... ...... . 72 Margin Adjus tmen t ........ ...... ...... ....... ...... ......... ...... ....... ...... ...... ......... ....... ...... ...... .... 74 Erase ....... ......... ....... ...... ...... ...... .......... ...... [...]
Page 10
viii 5. Specifications Com bina tion Cha rt ...... ..... .... ..... .... ....... .... ..... .... .... ....... .... ..... .... ..... ...... ..... .... ..... 141 Supplementary Speci fications...... ..... ...... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... . 142 INDEX...... .......... .............. ......... .............. ........[...]
Page 11
1 How to Read This Manual Symbols In this manual, the following sy mbols are used: R WARNING: This symb ol indicates a potenti ally hazar dous situation tha t might resu lt in death or serious injury if you use the mach ine without following the instru ctions under this symbol. Be sure to read the instruc tions, all of which are incl uded in the Sa[...]
Page 12
2 Machine Types This machine comes in two models that differ by in copy speed. To determine which model you have, see the inside fro nt cover. Type 1 Type 2 Copy speed 90 copies/minute (A4 K , 8 1 / 2 " × 11" K ) 105 co pie s/mi nut e (A4 K , 8 1 / 2 " × 11" K )[...]
Page 13
3 Functions that Require Options Available f uncti ons depe nd on the co nfigurat ion of yo ur machine and wh ich op- tions y ou have. See the table below. ❍ Required options *1 To use the Punch function, y ou need the opti onal punch uni t. Functions Copying onto Tab Stock Shift S ort Stack Staple Staple ( Saddle Stitch) Punch Options Large Capa[...]
Page 14
4 Control Panel 1. Status ind icator Machine status is described by this indi- cator. B y defaul t, th is indica tor i s turne d off. You can select to light the status indi- cator. For more informat ion, see “ Cont rol Panel ” , General Setti ngs G uide . 2. { { { { Screen Contrast } } } } knob Adjusts the brightness of the display pan- el. 3.[...]
Page 15
5 8. { { { { Program } } } } key Press to register or recall a progr am. See p.112 “ Progra ms ” . 9. { { { { Stop } } } } key Press to stop a copy job or storing data in the machine in progress. 10. { { { { Start } } } } key Press to st art copying o r storing data in the machine. 11. { { { { Sample Copy } } } } key Press to mak e a si ngle sa[...]
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Page 17
7 1. Placing Originals Originals Sizes and Weights of Recommended Origi nals ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Metric vers ion ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version Non-recommende d originals for the Aut o Document Feede r (ADF) Setting the following types of originals in the ADF can caus e misfeeds or dam- age to the originals . Place these kinds of originals on the exposur[...]
Page 18
Placing Originals 8 1 • Originals with perforated l ines • Originals with indexes, tags, or othe r projecting parts • Sticky originals, such as translucent paper • Thin, highly flexible origi nals • Bound originals, s uch as books • Transparent or trans lucent origi nals, such as OHP tr ansparencies or tracing paper Note ❒ If you plac[...]
Page 19
Originals 9 1 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Exposure glass ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ADF Sizes di fficu lt to de tect It is difficult for the machine to automatically detect the sizes of the following types of originals, so select the paper size manuall y instead. • Originals with indexes, tags, or othe r projecting parts • Transparent or trans lucent origi nals, such[...]
Page 20
Placing Originals 10 1 Placing Originals Note ❒ Place originals only after any correction flui d or ink have completely dried. Not taking this precaution may resu lt in a dirtied exposur e glass and blem- ished copies. Reference For docum ent sizes y ou can se t, see p. 7 “ Originals ” . Original Orient ation When you place the original in to[...]
Page 21
Placing Originals 11 1 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 90 ° ° ° ° Turn This func tion rotates the copy image by 90 ° . If yo u c ann ot pl ace or ig ina ls a s d e s cr i be d b ec a u s e t h e s iz e i s A 3 or A4 , o r b ec au se of s p e c if ic c i r c um st an ce s, you canno t stap le co pies. I n such case s, sele ct [] . Example: When you want to sta[...]
Page 22
Placing Originals 12 1 Reverse orient ation This function rotates the copy image by 180 ° ( o r ) . This is useful f or copying torn originals . For example, if the left side of the orig- inal is damaged and is difficult to set, position it as shown below. A A A A Press [ Reve rse Orientat ion ] . Note ❒ It is recommend ed you use th is function[...]
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Placing Originals 13 1 Placing Origi nals on the Exposu re Glass Reference When you place original s on the exposure glass, you can s pecify the way cop- ies are delivered . See p.139 “ Eject Copy Face Up/Down in Glass ” . A A A A Lift the exposure glass c over or ADF. Important ❒ Do not lift the exposu re glass cover or ADF forcefully. Other[...]
Page 24
Placing Originals 14 1 Placing Orig inals in the Aut o Document Feeder (ADF) Settings should be made in the following situations: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When placing originals of more than 100 pages: See p.15 “ Bat ch mod e ” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When placing originals one by one: See p.16 “ SA DF mo de ” . ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ When copying originals of v[...]
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Placing Originals 15 1 Note ❒ Once the bot tom plate of the ADF rises, do not place or insert originals in the AD F. ❒ Straighten curls in the original before placing i t in the ADF. ❒ To prevent multiple sheets being fed at once, fan stac ks of originals before placing then in the ADF. ❒ Place the original squa rely. ❒ You can set the ri[...]
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Placing Originals 16 1 SADF mode In SADF mode, each pa ge is automatically fed wh en placed, even w hen an orig- inal is placed page by page. A A A A Press [ Special Or iginal ] . Note ❒ You c an also set to display [ SADF ] in initial se ttings. See p. 129 “ Special Or ig ina l Di sp lay ” . B B B B Press [ SADF ] , and then [ OK ] . C C C C[...]
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Placing Originals 17 1 ❒ The sizes of original s that can be pl aced together with this function are as fol- lows: A A A A Press [ Special Or iginal ] . Note ❒ You can also set to display [ Mi xed Size ] in initial settings. See p.129 “ Special Or ig ina l Di sp lay ” . B B B B Press [ Mixed Sizes ] and t hen [ OK ] . C C C C Align the rear[...]
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Placing Originals 18 1 Placi ng custom si ze origi nals When placing custom size originals in the ADF, specify the si ze of the originals. Note ❒ Paper with a vertical length of 128 – 297 mm (5.1" – 11.6") and a horizontal length of 128 – 432 mm (5.1" – 17.0") can be p laced with this function. A A A A Press [ Special [...]
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19 2. Copying Basic Procedur e A A A A When the machine is set for user codes, enter a user code u sing the number keys, an d then press the { { { { # } } } } key. Reference For User s Cod es, s ee “ User Code s ” , General Settings Guide . B B B B Make sure the machine is in Copy mode. Press the copy function key. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Initial copy [...]
Page 30
Cop ying 20 2 C C C C Make sure no previou s settings remain. Note ❒ To clear pre vious se ttings , press the { { { { Clear Modes } } } } key. D D D D Place originals. Reference See p.10 “ Placing Originals ” . E E E E Make the desired settings. F F F F Enter the required number of cop ies using the nu mber keys. Note ❒ The maximum copy qua[...]
Page 31
Basic Procedure 21 2 Auto Start If you press the { { { { Start } } } } key during the wa rm-up period, the { { { { Start } } } } key will blink and your copies will be made as soon as warm-up finishes. A A A A Make any adju stments to copy settings during the warm-up period. B B B B Place originals. C C C C Press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Copy[...]
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Cop ying 22 2 C When copy ing is complete, remove originals and copies. D Press the { { { { Interrupt } } } } key again. The Interrupt ind icator goes o ut. Left Origi nal Beeper The error mess age appea rs if you leave originals o n the exposu re glass after copyin g. Job Preset You can set up next co py content during cop y. If a long copy jo b i[...]
Page 33
Basic Procedure 23 2 - - - - Job Preset display The preset jobs appear as shown below. 1. Job being prin ted 2. Job number 3. Waiting Job 4. Job set up with other function s 5. Scroll keys Note ❒ When more than ten jobs are set up i ncluding j obs for other functi ons. Editing job preset You can check a nd change the c ontents of preset jobs. You[...]
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Cop ying 24 2 To change job con tents after checking A A A A Check jo b conte nts. B B B B Change contents , and then press [ OK ] . C C C C Press [ Yes ] in the confir mation dialog box. You return to the copy screen. To delete a job after checking its co ntents A A A A Check jo b conte nts. B B B B Press [ Delete Job ] . A confirmation message ap[...]
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Basic Procedure 25 2 Copying onto Sp ecial Paper Copy ing ont o OHP tr anspar enci es To make copies on to OHP transp arencies, you need to s pecify the paper type . For details, see “ Paper Tray Settings ” , General Settings Guide . A A A A Select the pa per tray in which t he OHP transparenc ies are loa ded. Note ❒ You can not set th e OHP [...]
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Cop ying 26 2 Important ❒ Set the tab stock in th e tray placing the tab side outwards. ❒ When you set tab stock in the tray, always use the end fence. ❒ Tab stock s are always brought from top. ❒ When a paper jam has occurred, c heck the order of originals and tab st ock, and then restart copyin g. A A A A Select the paper tray where the t[...]
Page 37
Copying from the Multi Bypass Tray (Tray 7) 27 2 Copying from the Multi Bypass Tray (Tray 7) The multi bypass tray (Tray 7) can be used the same way as oth er trays. Also, thick paper of larger than A4 (8 1 / 2 " × 11") size is availab le. Note ❒ You cannot use the label paper in the multi bypass tray (Tray 7). ❒ The sizes of p aper [...]
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Cop ying 28 2 C C C C Fit the side fence to the paper, and then set the end fen ce ( B B B B ). Note ❒ To remove the end fence, slide it to the left. D D D D Press the elevator switch on the multi bypa ss tray (Tray 7) . Note ❒ The green l amp of the elevator switch is blinking while the tray is going up and down, an d keeps l it when i t stop [...]
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Copying from the Multi Bypass Tray (Tray 7) 29 2 E E E E Select Tray 7 on the control panel. Setting the tab stock in multi bypass tray (Tray 7 ) A Set the side fences to the paper size. B Set the tab stock in the multi bypass tray (Tray 7), and fit the side fences to the tab stock. C Attach the back fenc e to the end fence, and th en set the end f[...]
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Cop ying 30 2 C Enter the vertical size of the paper using the n umber keys, and then press [ # ] or t he { { { { # } } } } key. D Enter the horizontal size of the paper using the nu mber keys, and then press [ # ] or t he { { { { # } } } } key. Note ❒ To register the c ustom size entered, press [ Program ] , an d then p ress [ Ex- it ] . When co[...]
Page 41
Copy Functions 31 2 Copy Functions Adjustin g Copy Image Dens ity Three types of adjustment are avai lable: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Auto im age densi ty The machine automatically adjusts image dens ity. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Manual image density You can adjust the density of the original i n nine increments. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Combined auto and ma nual image densit[...]
Page 42
Cop ying 32 2 Selectin g Original Type Setting Select one of the following six types to match originals: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Text Select this mode when originals c ontain only text (no pictures). ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Photo Delicate tones in p hotographs and pictures can be rep roduced with t his mode. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Text/Photo Select Te xt/Phot o when ori [...]
Page 43
Copy Functions 33 2 When t he origi nal type keys are not d isplaye d A A A A Press [ Original Type ] . B B B B Select the type, and then press [ OK ] . When t he dark backg round is select ed A Select the density of the background in three levels. B Press [ OK ] . Selectin g Copy Paper There are two ways to select c opy paper: ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Auto[...]
Page 44
Cop ying 34 2 Auto Pap er Select A A A A Make su re t hat [ Auto Paper Select ] is selected. Note ❒ Trays with a key mark will not be automatically selected. See “ Pa per Tray Setti ngs ” , General Settings Guide . Manual Paper Select A A A A Select the paper tray, multi bypass tray (Tray 7), or LCT. The indicator corre sponding to the select[...]
Page 45
Copy Functions 35 2 Preset Re duce/En large You can sel ect a p reset rati o for c opying. Reference You can display two types of enlarge/reduce ratio. See p. 131 “ Shortcut R/E ” . You can change the displayed ratio from the default to the frequently used one. See p.131 “ Pre set Reduce/Enlarge ” . You can change the priority of Reduce/Enl[...]
Page 46
Cop ying 36 2 - - - - Create Margin Mode Use “ Create Margin ” to reduce the image to 93% of its original siz e and to place the reduced image at the center. By combining it with the Reduce/Enlarge fun c- tion, you ca n also provide the R educe/Enlarge co py with a margin. Reference For setting margins, see p.131 “ Cre ate Ma rgin Ra tio ” [...]
Page 47
Copy Functions 37 2 B B B B Enter the ratio. To select a ratio with [ n n n n ] and [ o o o o ] A Select a preset ratio that is closest to the desired ratio. B Adjust the ratios with [ n n n n ] or [ o o o o ] . Note ❒ To change th e ratio in 1% increments, j ust press [ n n n n ] or [ o o o o ] . To change the ratio in 10% increments, pres s and[...]
Page 48
Cop ying 38 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Metr ic version ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version Reference For originals whose size i s difficult to detect automatically, see p.9 “ Sizes dif- ficult to detect ” . A A A A Press [ Auto Reduce/Enlar ge ] . B B B B Select t he paper tray. C C C C Place originals, an d then press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Wher e ori[...]
Page 49
Copy Functions 39 2 Size Magnif ication This function cal culates an enlargement or re duction ratio based on the lengths of the original and copy. Note ❒ Measure and specif y the lengths of the original and copy by comparing “ A ” with “ a. ” ❒ You can en ter sizes within th e following ranges. A A A A Press [ Reduce /Enlarge ] . B B B[...]
Page 50
Cop ying 40 2 Directi onal Magnifica tion (%) Copies can b e reduced or enl arged at different reproduction ratios, horizontall y and vertically. a: Horizontal ratio b: Vertical ratio Note ❒ You can also select a preset ratio closest to the desired ratio using [ Reduce ] or [ Enla rge ] , and then a djust with [ n n n n ] or [ o o o o ] . ❒ You[...]
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Copy Functions 41 2 B Adjust the horizontal ratio using [ n n n n ] or [ o o o o ] . Note ❒ Pres sin g [ n n n n ] or [ o o o o ] changes the ratio in 1% increments. Pres sing and hold ing dow n [ n n n n ] or [ o o o o ] changes it i n 10% increments. ❒ If you have entered a ratio inc orrectly, readjust usin g [ n n n n ] or [ o o o o ] . C Ad[...]
Page 52
Cop ying 42 2 C C C C Enter the horizontal size of the original us ing the number keys, and then press [ # ] or t he { { { { # } } } } key. D D D D Enter the horizontal s ize of the copy us ing the number keys, and the n press [ # ] or the { { { { # } } } } key. E E E E Enter the vertical size of the original using the number keys, and then press {[...]
Page 53
Copy Functions 43 2 A A A A Press [] . B B B B Enter the number of copy sets using the nu mber keys. Note ❒ The maximum number of sets is 9999. ❒ To confirm the type of finishing, p ress the { { { { Sampl e Copy } } } } key. See p.43 “ Sampl e copy ” . C C C C Place originals, an d then press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ When pla[...]
Page 54
Cop ying 44 2 Changing the number of sets You can ch ange the n umber of copy se ts du ring cop ying. Note ❒ This function can only be used when the Sort function is operative. A A A A When “ Copying ” is displayed, press the { { { { Stop } } } } key. B B B B Press [ Change Quantity ] . Note ❒ If you set one set o f copy, you c annot c hang[...]
Page 55
Copy Functions 45 2 Shift tra y off in sort/ stack A A A A Press [ Output/Cstmz. Function ] . B B B B Press [ Sort/Stack Shift Tray Off ] . C C C C Place originals, an d then press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Separation Use this functi on to have separation sheets in serted between sets. Preparation Before s electin g thi s func tion, set the tr[...]
Page 56
Cop ying 46 2 Stack This function collates copi es of pages from a multi-page original. Stacks of each page's copies ar e shifte d for ease of separation. A A A A Press [] . B B B B Enter the number of copi es usi ng the n umber ke ys. C C C C Place originals, an d then press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ When placing origin als on t[...]
Page 57
Copy Functions 47 2 Note ❒ The follo wing types of paper cannot be stapled: • Transluc ent paper • OHP transparencies • Label paper (adhesive labels) • Coated pa per • Curled pa per • Highly flexible paper • Paper of mixed si zes (differing horizontal dimens ions, such as A4 L and A3 L ) Reference You can change the stap ling positi[...]
Page 58
Cop ying 48 2 Stapling position an d original setting Place all original s in the ADF in the orientation in which they can be read nor- mally. When placing the ori ginal on the exposure glass, keep the same orienta- tion, but set the o riginal f acing do wnward s. Whe n ther e is co py pa per that is identical in size and orientation to the origina[...]
Page 59
Copy Functions 49 2 A A A A Select one of the stapling positions. Note ❒ When you select the stapling position, Sort mode is automatically selected. Reference p.48 “ Stapling positi on and original setting ” B B B B Enter the number of copy sets using the nu mber keys. C C C C Place originals, an d then press the { { { { Start } } } } key. No[...]
Page 60
Cop ying 50 2 Punch The opt ional fini sher and pun ch unit are r equired t o use t his functi on. This func tion ma kes punc h hol es in c opie s. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 holes ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 3 holes ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 4 holes Note ❒ The 4 - hole p unch type is on ly capable of p unching in th e 4 - hole for mat.[...]
Page 61
Copy Functions 51 2 Reference You can change th e punch type set on the pu nch keys. See p.140 “ Sele ct Pun ch Type ” . When you want to punch on the right, see p.130 “ Customize Function: Cop y ” . Punch hole posit ions Orient ation in which origi nal is set Punch hole pos itions Exposure glas s ADF Stand ard 2 holes K L K L 3 holes K L K[...]
Page 62
Cop ying 52 2 The above table shows the punch ho le positions. The orientati on of the paper does not indicate direction of delivery. A A A A Select the pu nch po siti on. 90 º Turn 2 holes K L K L 3 holes K L K L 4 holes K L K L Orient ation in which origi nal is set Punch hole pos itions Exposure glas s ADF[...]
Page 63
Copy Functions 53 2 B B B B Place the originals , and then press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ For 9 0 ° tur n punch type, press [] . Duplex There are two types of duplex. Note ❒ You cannot use t he following co py paper wit h this functi on: • Paper smaller than A5, 5 1 / 2 " × 8 1 / 2 " • Paper thicker than 163 g/m 2 ,[...]
Page 64
Cop ying 54 2 Originals and c opy orientation You can select the orien tation to copy two-sided originals onto two-sided pages. • Top to Top • Top to B ottom Note ❒ The Default is [ Top to Top ] . You can change t he default orientation w ith the User Tools. See p.126 “ Ori ginal Orientation in Duplex Mode ” . A A A A Press [ Dup./Combi n[...]
Page 65
Copy Functions 55 2 Original orientation and completed copies The resulting c opy image will differ according to the orientation in which you place originals (wi dthwise K , or lengthwise L ). The above table shows the orientation of images on the front and back of copies, not the direction of delivery. Note ❒ The paper us ed for duplex i s 64 to[...]
Page 66
Cop ying 56 2 F F F F Place originals, an d then press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ When placing origin als on the exposure glass, s tart with the first page to be copied. When placing original s in the ADF, set so that the last page is on the b otto m. ❒ When placing originals on the exposure glass or in the ADF us ing batch or SADF m[...]
Page 67
Copy Functions 57 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 1 Sided, 8 Pages → → → → Combine 1 Side Copies 8 one-sid ed originals to on e side of a sheet. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 Sided, 1 Page → → → → Combine 1 Side Copies 1 two-si ded original to one side of a s heet. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 Sided, 2 Pages → → → → Combine 1 Side Copies 2 two-s ided originals [...]
Page 68
Cop ying 58 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 Sided, 4 Pages → → → → Combine 1 Side Copies 4 two – sid ed originals to one side of a s heet. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Orientation of the Original a nd Image Position of Combine • Open to Le ft R Originals • Open to T op S Original s Reference You can insert lines to separate images. See p.134 “ S e p a r a t[...]
Page 69
Copy Functions 59 2 B B B B Press [ Combi ne ] . C C C C Check that [ Combi ne 1 Si ded ] is selecte d, and then press [ 1 Sided ] or [ 2 Sided ] . To change the copy order A Press [ Copy Orde r ] . B Select co py orde r, and th en pre ss [ OK ] . D D D D Select the number of originals to combine. E E E E Select t he paper size. F F F F Place origi[...]
Page 70
Cop ying 60 2 2 Sided Combine Com bines vari ous pa ges of o rigina ls ont o one sheet side s. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 1 Sided, 4 Pages → → → → Combine 2 Side Copies 4 one-sided originals to one sheet with two pages p er side. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 1 Sided, 8 Pages → → → → Combine 2 Side Copies 8 one-sided originals to one sheet with four pages p[...]
Page 71
Copy Functions 61 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 Sided, 4 Pages → → → → Combine 2 Side Copies 2 two-s ided originals to on e sheet with two p ages per side. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 Sided, 8 Pages → → → → Combine 2 Side Copies 4 two- sided originals t o one sheet wit h four pages p er side. 1. Front 2. Back ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 Sided, 16 Page s → → [...]
Page 72
Cop ying 62 2 A A A A Press [ Dup./Combi ne/Series ] . B B B B Press [ Combi ne ] . C C C C Press [ Combin e 2 Sid ed ] , and then press [ 1 Sided ] or [ 2 Sided ] for originals. Reference To change the orientation of original and copy, press [ Orientation ] . See p.54 “ Originals and copy orientation ” . To change the copy order A Press [ Copy[...]
Page 73
Copy Functions 63 2 Series Co pies Separately copies the front and back of a two-sided original, or the two facing pages of a bound ori ginal onto two s heet s. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ 2 Sided → → → → 1 Sided You can m ake one-sided copies from two-sided o riginals. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Book → → → → 1 Sided You can make one-sided copies from two[...]
Page 74
Cop ying 64 2 ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version A A A A Press [ Dup./Combi ne/Series ] . B B B B Press [ Series ] . C C C C Press [ 2 Side d → → → → 1 Sided ] or [ B ook → → → → 1 Sided ] . Reference If you sele ct [ 2 Side d → → → → 1 Sided ] and want to c hange the orientation, press [ Orientation ] . See p.54 “ Originals and[...]
Page 75
Copy Functions 65 2 Copying Bo ok Ori ginals A book is made by copying two or more originals in page order. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Book → → → → 2 Sided Copies a two-page spread original onto both sides of a sheet. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Multi → → → → 2 Sided Copies each two-page spread original as it is onto both sides of a sheet. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖[...]
Page 76
Cop ying 66 2 • 2 Sided → Booklet 1. Open to Left 2. Open t o Righ t ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Magazine Copies two or more originals to make copies in page order (for when they are folded and stacked). • 1 Sided → Booklet 1. Open to Left 2. Open t o Righ t • 2 Sided → Magazine 1. Open to Left 2. Open t o Righ t GCBOOK7E 4 3 2 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 4 3 2 [...]
Page 77
Copy Functions 67 2 Note ❒ The machine sets the reproduction ratio automatically to match th e paper size and copies the originals tog ether onto the paper. ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Metr ic version ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Inch version Book → → → → 2 Sided A A A A Press [ Dup./Combi ne/Series ] . B B B B Press [ Book ] . C C C C Press [ Left and Rig ht →[...]
Page 78
Cop ying 68 2 Mult i → → → → 2 Sided A A A A Press [ Dup./Combi ne/Series ] . B B B B Press [ Book ] . C C C C Press [ Front and B ack → → → → 2 Sided ] . Reference To change the orientation of original and copy, press [ Orientation ] . See p.54 “ Originals and copy orientation ” . D D D D Place originals, an d press the { { { {[...]
Page 79
Copy Functions 69 2 B B B B Press [ Dup./Combi ne/Series ] . C C C C Press [ Book ] . D D D D Press [ 1 Side d ] or [ 2 Sided ] for o rigin als . E E E E Press [ Booklet ] . F F F F Select t he paper size. G G G G Place originals, an d then press the { { { { Start } } } } key. Note ❒ When placing originals on the exposure glass or in the ADF in B[...]
Page 80
Cop ying 70 2 • Ope n to ri ght Note ❒ In this mode, th e machine sets the reprodu ction ratio automatically to match the paper s ize and copies the originals together onto the p aper. Reference You can erase a 3 mm (0.1 inch) boundary margin around all four edges of originals in Combine mode. See p.132 “ Erase Original Shadow in Combine ” [...]
Page 81
Copy Functions 71 2 Mix 1 & 2 Sided You can copy t wo types of origin al, one-sided an d two-sid ed, onto on e or both sides of a sheet . Note ❒ You can scan originals from the exposure glass , batch mode or SAD F mode. ❒ You cannot combine with s ample cop y or desi gnate funct ion. A A A A Press [ Dup./Combi ne/Series ] . B B B B Press [ [...]