Scarlett SC1706 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Scarlett SC1706, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Scarlett SC1706 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Scarlett SC1706. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Scarlett SC1706 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Scarlett SC1706
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Scarlett SC1706 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Scarlett SC1706 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Scarlett SC1706 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Scarlett SC1706, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Scarlett service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Scarlett SC1706.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Scarlett SC1706 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    SC-1706 17 L INSTRUCTION MANUAL РУКОВОДСТВО ПО ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИ ІНСТРУКЦІЯ З ЕКСПЛУАТАЦІЇ GB MICROWAVE OVEN ....................................................................................... 4 RUS МИКРОВОЛНОВАЯ ПЕЧЬ ....................................................................[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 2 GB DESCRIPTION RUS УСТРОЙСТВО ИЗДЕЛИЯ CZ POPIS 1. Door lock system 2. Oven window 3. Waveguide mica shield (Do Not Remove!) 4. Shaft 5. Roller ring 6. Glass tray 7. Power switch 8. Timer switch 9. Door open button 1. Защелки дверцы 2. Окно дверцы 3. Заслонка волно?[...]

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    IM003 IM003 SC-1706 3 SC-1706 3[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 4 GB INSTRUCTION MANUAL IM PO RT ANT S AFE GU ARD S • IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS. READ CAREFULLY AND KEEP FOR FUTURE REFERENCE. Incorrect operation and improper handlin g can lead to malfunction of the appliance and injuries to the user. • Before connecting the appliance for the first time check that voltage indicated on[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 5 • Cover products with special micr owave lids or plastic wrap with one corner folded back to let out excess steam. Lids and glass casseroles are very hot – handle it carefully! • Rearrange food such as meatbal ls halfway through cooking both from the top to the bottom and the center of the dis h to the outside.[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 6 ВНИМАНИЕ : • Продукты следует готовить в специальной посуде , а не выкладывать непосредственно на стеклянное блюдо , за исключением случаев , специально оговоренных в рецепт[...]

  • Page 7

    IM003 SC-1706 7 • Подключите печь к электросети . • Поместите продукты в печь и закройте дверцу . ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ : При открытой д верце печь работать не будет . • Рук овод ству ясь таблицей , пере?[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 8 • Nádobí vhodné pro p ř ípravu pokrm ů v mikrovlnné troub ě bude mít stejnou teplotu, jako p ř ed tím, co jste ho dali do trouby, a voda ve sklenici se oh ř eje. PRAKTICKÉ RADY • Pro rovnom ě rné oh ř ívání pokrm ů obracejte je b ě hem p ř íprav y. • Nepoužívejte nádobí s úzkým hrdl[...]

  • Page 9

    IM003 SC-1706 9 ВНИМАНИЕ ! Течности ил и други продукти да не се затоплят в затворени съдове с цел предотвратяване тяхната експлозия . • При затопляне на течностите с помощта на микровълни , [...]

  • Page 10

    IM003 SC-1706 10 • Размразявайте продуктите без опаковка в плитка чи ния или върху специална решетка за микровълнова печка , задължително с въртящата се стъклена чиния . Когато замразявате [...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 11 • Pami ę taj, ż e w mikrofalówce ż ywno ść grzeje si ę o wiele szybciej, ni ż naczynia, dlatego wyjmuj ą c naczynia z kuchenki zachowuj szczególn ą ostro ż no ść , ż eby unikn ąć oparzenia par ą . • Przed w ł o ż eniem do mikrofalówki usu ń z produktów lub opakowania ta ś my metalowe i fo[...]

  • Page 12

    IM003 SC-1706 12 ZYSZCZENIE I OBS Ł UG A • Piec nale ż y regularnie czy ś ci ć i usuwa ć z jego powierzchni dowolne resztki jedzenia. • Przed czyszczeniem wy łą cz mikrofalówk ę i od łą cz j ą od sieci elektrycznej. • Kuchenka musi ca ł kowicie si ę sch ł odzi ć . • Przetrzyj panel steruj ą cy, powierzchnie [...]

  • Page 13

    IM003 SC-1706 13 – Corectitudinea stabilirii temporizatorului –timerului; – Dac ă u ş i ţ a este bine închis ă . PERTURBA Ţ II RADIO • Microundele pot provoca perturba ţ ii aparatelor de televiziune si de radio. • Pentru a minimaliza perturba ţ iile: – cur ăţ i ţ i permanent usi ţ a si condensatorii metalici;[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 14 • Щоби продукти не лопалися під час готування , перед закладкою до печі протикайте ножем , або вилкою їх шкір ку , чи оболонку , наприклад , картоплі , ябл ук , каштанів , ковбаси[...]

  • Page 15

    IM003 SC-1706 15 РОБОТА • Підключіть піч до електромережі . • Помістіть продукти у піч та закрийте дверцята . ПРИМІТКА : При відкритих дверцятах піч працювати не бу де • Керуючись таблицею , [...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 16 • * Може да се користи за увијање поједини х делова продуката у један слој ради избегавања прегревања и прегоревања . Избегавајте контакт са зидовима , одстојање од зидова тр[...]

  • Page 17

    IM003 SC-1706 17 TÄHELEPANU! Laste poolt mikrolaineahju kasutamine täiskasvanute järelvalveta on lubatud ainult sel juhul, kui on antud vastavad ja lastele arusaadavad juhendid ohutust ahju kasutamisest ning nendest ohtudest, mis võivad tekkida selle valel kasutamisel. • Ärge jätke töötavat seadet järelvalveta. • Ärge [...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 18 MÄRKUS : Avatud uksega ahi ei hakka tööle. • Järgides tabelit, valige ümberlü litiga vajalik töötlemisrežiim. Töö režiim Otstarve Võimsuse tase Low Järelsoojendus 17% M.Low (Defrost) Lahtisulatamine 33% Med. Omletid, küpsetis, kreemid 55% M.High Võileivad, pitsa 77% High Küpsetised, liha ja kala, [...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 19 • Trauks, kas ir der ī gs ē diena pagatavošanai mikrovi ļņ u kr ā sn ī paliks t ā d ā paš ā temperat ū r ā , k ā pirms ievietošanas kr ā sn ī , taj ā laik ā , kad uzsils ū dens. DER Ī GI PADOMI: • Vienm ē r ī gai produktu uzsild ī šanai apmaisiet tos gatavošanas laik ā . • Neizmantoj[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 20 • Produktai su vientis ą odel ę (pvz.: bulv ė s, obuoliai, kaštonai, dešra it t.t.) gali sprogti j ų ruošimo metu, tod ė l prieš d ė dami juos į krosnel ę subadykite kiet ą žievel ę arba odel ę peiliu arba šakute. • Šildydami krosnel ė je maisto produktus induose iš degi ų medžiag ų (pvz.,[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 21 • Nor ė dami į jungti krosnel ę , pasukite laikma č io ranken ė l ę pagal laikrodžio rodykl ę . • Nustatykite norim ą laik ą , sukdami ranken ė l ę toliau. • Nusta č ius laikmat į , krosnel ė į sijungia ir pradeda veikti jos vidinis apšvietimas ir ventiliacija. • Nor ė dami nutraukti maisto[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 22 HA SZNO S TA NÁCS OK • Az élelmiszerek egyenletes me legítése érdekében elkészítés közben forgassa azokat. • Ne használjon keskeny szájú edényt, üveget, mivel felrobbanhat. • Az élelmiszerek h ő mérsékletének kiderítése érdekében ne használjon h ő mér ő t. Csak speciális, mikrohull[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 23 • Сусын дардлы қысқа толқындар көмегімен қыздырған жағдайда бүлкілдеп қайнауға ұласуы мүмк ін , сондықтан , ыдыстарды қолданған кезде байқап жəне сақ болу керек . • Өнімдер[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 24 • Попкорн – өндірушінің нұсқау ларын қатал ұстаныңыз жəне микротолқынды пешті қар у сыз қалдырмаңыз . Егер азық тиісті уақытта дайын болмаса , пісіріуді тоқтатыңыз . Өте ұз?[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 25 MIKROWELLENGESCHIRR ACHTUNG! Lassen Sie sich von Markierungen auf dem Geschirr o der Hinweisen des Herstellers leiten. MIKROWELLENGEEIGNET: • Glas, feuerfest – dieser Stoff eignet sich am besten für Essenzubereitung in einer Mikrowelle. • Hitzebeständiger Kuns tstoff – es ist nicht empfehlenswert, das Esse[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 26 • Die Zubereitung kann durch einfache Öffnung der Tür unt erbrochen werden. Nachdem die Tür wieder zugemacht ist, wird der Zubereitungsprozess fortgesetzt. AUFTAUEN UNTER BERÜCKSICHTI GUNG DES GEWICHTS “WEIGHT DEFR OST”. • Bringen Sie den Betriebsarten schalter in die Position “ “. • Stellen Sie mi[...]

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    IM003 SC-1706 27 RADIO-SMETNJE • Mikrovalovi mogu izazvati smetnje u prijemu televizijs kih ili radijskih signala. • Radi minimiziranja smetnji: – regularno č istite vrata i metalne zaptiva č e; – postavite televizor i radio što dalje od mikrovalne pe ć nice; – orijentirajte prijemnu antenu kako biste postigli najbolji[...]