Schwinn SB13 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Schwinn SB13, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Schwinn SB13 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Schwinn SB13. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Schwinn SB13 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Schwinn SB13
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Schwinn SB13 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Schwinn SB13 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Schwinn SB13 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Schwinn SB13, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Schwinn service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Schwinn SB13.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Schwinn SB13 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    EXERCISE BIKE O WNER’S MANUAL O WNER’S MANUAL PN 001 -7087 Rev A (04/1 1/2007) SB13 Upr ight SR23 Recumbent[...]

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    CONGRA TULA TIONS! Thank you for making the Sc hwinn ® bik e a part of your exercise and fitness ac tiv iti es. F or y ea rs to come , y ou’ ll be able to rel y on Sc hw in n ® cr af tsm ans hip and durability as you pursue your personal fitness goals. T his Sc hwin n ® bi k e sho uld enab le y ou to sha pe an d mo nit or y our wo rk ou ts to [...]

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    T ABLE OF C ONTENTS Saf ety Pr ecautions .................................................................................. 4 Important Saf ety Instr uctions ............................................ 4 Saf ety W arning Labels ........................................................ 5 Feat ures ....................................................[...]

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    IM POR T A NT SAFE T Y INST RUCT ION S T he fo llo wi ng de fini t ion app lie s to t he wo rd “ Wa rnin g ” fou nd t hrou ghou t t his manu al : Ind icat es a po te nt iall y ha zard ous si t uat ion w hich , if no t avo ided , could r esu lt i n deat h or se rio us in jur y. PR IOR T O USING T HIS EQ UIP MEN T , OBSE RV E THE F OL LO WIN G W[...]

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    SA FE T Y WAR NING L A BEL S BEFORE USING YOUR PRODUCT : The following safety warnings are located in site-specific areas on the Schwinn Exercise Bike Models SB13 and SR23. Please read all safety precautions and warning information prior to using your product. Be sure to replace any warning label if damaged, illegible or missing. If you do not hav[...]

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    Model SR23 Label 1 Ser ial # SAFE GUARDS 6[...]

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    THE REV OLUTIONARY SCHwINN ® BIOFIT ™ C OMFORT S Y STEM The unique and rev olutionar y Sc hwinn ® BioFit ™ Comfort System is designed specifically to ensure that eac h point of contact and user -interface with the bik e pro vi des the us er wi th pr op er er gon omi c and bio- me c ha nic al po sit ion ing, superior comfort, the ultimate in f[...]

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    Other f eatures: n The Schwinn ® BioFit ™ console is tilt-adjustable f or a customizable vie wing angle to accommodate various work out en vironments, positions an d int en sit ies . n Sc hwinn ® BioFit ™ wide seats of f er stability , comfort, and support. n Sc hwinn ® BioFit ™ pedals provide proper alignment f or ef ficient pedaling . n [...]

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    n Seat adjustment Proper seat adjustment helps ensure maximum exercise efficiency and com- fort, while reducing the risk of injur y . 1 . Pla ce on e peda l in th e f or w ar d pos itio n and cent er the ball of y our foot o ver the center of the pedal. Y our leg should be slightly bent at the knee. 2. If your leg is too straight or your f oot cann[...]

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    n Console A djustment T he up ri gh t a nd re cu mb en t b ik es b ot h f ea t ur e a til t -a dj us tab le co ns ol e t ha t e na bl es y ou to cu st om iz e y ou r o wn vi e wi ng an gl e. T o adjust the console tilt position, loosen the knob, move the console to one of the three a vailable tilt p os it io ns an d r e- ti gh te n. n Resistance ad[...]

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    HO w T O U SE TH E SCH wIN N ® E XER CI SE BI KE COMPUTER Using the Computer Y our Sc hwinn ® bike is equipped with a versatile computer console whic h includes: • Quic k St art • 1 Manual program • 1 0 P rofile programs • 3 Heart Rate Control programs • 2 Custom user -defined programs • Time T rial program • Fitness T est • Calor[...]

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    Computer Feat ures n LCD Display The large LCD (Liquid Cr y stal Display) screen located in the center of the console is your information center . This display is divided into sections that provide information about y our w orkout and any preset inf ormation y ou m ay ha v e in put into the co mpu te r . T he di spl ay pro vi des a lar ge ma in wi [...]

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    USING THE SB1 3/SR23 C OMPUTER n LCD Display Descr iptions TIME Display s the work out TIME. The TIME will count down from the TIME you entered when beginning the program and shows the TIME remaining for y our w orkout. INTERV AL TIME Display s the INTERV AL TIME. The INTERV AL TIME will count down sho wing the TIME remaining before the program mov[...]

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    USING THE SB1 3/SR23 C OMPUTER n A ut o Shut-Of f (Sleep Mode) The console will automatically shut of f in approximately 2 minutes without use or input. There is no on/of f switc h. (P ress an y but ton to power up the console and “ENTER P ROGR AM” appears in the alphanumeric display .) n Infor mation Mode The computer enables you to switc h be[...]

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    SOFTwARE FEA TURES Quick Start: This is a “ one-touc h” way of starting the Manual P rogram. 1 Manual Progr am: Y ou manually adjust the resist ance level during y our w orkout to mak e the pro- gram easier or more c hallenging. 1 0 Profile progr ams: The computer of fers a v ariet y of fun and e xciting profile programs to keep you motivated a[...]

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    2 Cust om User -defined Pr ograms These programs enable you to set up, store into memor y and then work out in 2 dif f erent course profiles that you customize. Time T r ial This program enables you to work out against a “pacer” to determine how long it takes you to co ver a preset dist ance. Y ou preset the speed of the “pacer” as the base[...]

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    Calor ie Goal: The Calorie Goal f eature lets you select an amount of Calories y ou w ould lik e to burn during your work out. When selecting “CAL ORIE GOAL ” , use the UP and DOWN but tons to select the amount of Calories you wish to “burn ” from 1 0 to 990. Each increment will c hange the Calories by 1 0. Confirm your selected v alue b y [...]

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    rate. When both of these situations occur , then the console will perf orm the Reco very T est. The console will show “0 1:00 ST OP” and the time will begin to count do wn. St op e x erc isi ng bu t con tin ue t o gri p th e hea rt ra te se nso rs . Af ter 5 sec ond s, the display will sho w “00:55 RELAX” and will continue to count down to [...]

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    your work out. The display will show “PRESS RESUL T OR PRESS S T ART” . Then if y ou press the RESUL TS but ton the computer will show y our w orkout results and end the program, or if y ou press ST ART / P AUSE the computer will resume the program where y ou lef t of f . In R esults Mode the console will displa y: “GREA T JOB” This will ho[...]

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    mis-readings and interf erence. Y ou may , from time to time find inconsistencies with the heart rate displa y on your display console. T her e are man y e xt ern al f act ors tha t can af f ect th e he art rate disp la y . Some f actors that influence the reliability of the heart rate signal include the environment where the equipment is used and [...]

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    CONSOLE OPERA TION n Console Operation – Quick Start QUICK S T ART : Press QUICK S T ART to take y ou immediately to the Manual program. R esistance lev el will be L ev el 1 . Time will st art from 00:0 0 and count up. Changing Lev els: Y ou can increase or decrease the resist ance level by pressing the UP or DOWN but tons at any time. Once the r[...]

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    Changing Lev els: Y ou can increase or decrease the resist ance lev el b y pressing the UP or DOWN but tons at any time. T o S T OP or P AUSE the pr ogram: P ress the ST ART / P AUSE but ton to stop or pause y our w orkout. The display will show “PRESS RESUL T OR PRESS S T ART” . Then if y ou press the RESUL TS but ton the computer will show yo[...]

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    Select Pr ogram: Press any but ton to pow er up the console and “ENTER PROGRM” appears in the alphanumeric display . T o access the heart rate co n- trol programs, scroll through the displa y b y using the UP or DOWN b ut tons until y ou reach “H R C” then press ENTER . Enter Age: Y ou will then be prompted in the alphanumeric display to ?[...]

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    Changing Lev els: Y ou can only increase or decrease the resistance le vel by pressing the UP or DOWN but tons when in the first inter v al column whic h is the “w arm-up column ” . This enables y ou to set y our starting w arm-up le vel. A longer warm-up at lo wer resist ance can burn more Calories than a shorter warm-up at higher resist ance.[...]

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    Start: Y ou will then be prompted in the alphanumeric displa y to “PRESS ST ART” . Depending on y our c hoice when entering “CUST OM PROGS” , “CUST OM 0 1” or “CUS T OM 02” will displa y confirming your selection. Y ou can now begin ex ercising, set up, or c hange your custom program. T o set up a custom progr am: Y ou can set up y [...]

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    Changing Lev els: Y ou can increase or decrease the resist ance lev el b y pressing the UP or DOW N buttons at an y time. Changing lev els in this pr ogram is like c hanging gears on a bike. T o increase or decrease your speed use the UP and DO WN but tons. END OF PROGRAM: The program ends when you complete y our preset distance. T o S T OP or P AU[...]

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    another person ’ s score. This is because the test protocol only “ estimates” your “Maximum Heart Rate. ” ***Please not e: T he Fitness T est program is a special program that re qui res un-i nte rr upte d ex erci se. Af ter the in iti al Fi tn ess T est prog ra m set -up , certain but ton functions become inoperative af ter st arting the[...]

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    Changing Lev els: Y ou can increase or decrease the resist ance level by pressing the UP or DOWN but tons at any time. T o S T OP or P AUSE the pr ogram: P ress the ST ART / P AUSE but ton to pause y our workout. The display will show “PRESS RESUL T OR PRESS ST ART” . Then if y ou press the RESUL TS but ton the computer will sho w your work out[...]

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    MAINTENANCE OF Y OUR SCHwINN ® EXERCISE BIKE n Moving your Exercise Bik e T o mo ve the recumbent bike, carefully but secu rel y lif t the rear end of the bi ke and sl ow ly steer the bik e to the desired location (Fig A). T o mo ve the upright bike, carefully but securely pull the handlebars tow ard y ou while gently pushing the front of the bike[...]

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    FITNESS GUIDELINES n Exer cise and Health It is not a secret that lac k of ex ercise is increasingly becoming a major health issu e. Obe sity is on th e ris e, an d bei ng o ve r w eig ht ca n con trib ute to an in cre ase d ris k i n h ea rt at tac k, d ia be te s, hi gh bl oo d p re ss ur e a nd ot he r l if e t hr ea te ni ng il ln es se s. Most[...]

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    STEPS TO GETTING ST ARTED Once y ou have made the commitment to st art exercising at home, here are some suggestions that ma y help you st a y motiv ated. The first step is the most dif ficult. Any new habit is dif ficult to est ablish at first, but it can be done. Be patient, and plan to start slow and easy . Less is more when you are first st art[...]

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    COMPONENTS OF FITNESS O v er th e pa st 25 y ea rs , ma n y p eo pl e h a v e fo c us ed on w al k in g, r un ni ng, cy cl in g, sw imm ing and ot her types of aer obi c act ivi ty as th eir onl y mea ns of ex er cis e. How ev er , we hav e learned that two other components of fitness are just as important. These other two components are muscle str[...]

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    W e ha ve learned through a v ariet y of st udies that those individuals who just train aerobically (without strength training) do maint ain their cardio vascular endurance over the y ears, but they generally lose lean muscle mass as the y get older . Howe ver , those individuals who combine strength training and car - di ov as cul ar training can [...]

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    NUTRITION Of course, ev er y good health and fitness program will also include a good nutrition component. Good nutrition is lik ely the most important f actor in maintaining ideal body weight and managing weight loss. There are a variety of sc hools of thought regarding whic h nutrition program, di et or eati ng pl an i s bes t. Whi le w e do not [...]

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    MONIT ORING Y OUR INTENSITY When y ou are doing cardio vascular work outs, it is important that you work at the ap pro pri ate int ens iti es wh en y ou are fi rst start ing out. It is also impo r - tant t hat yo u wo rk ou t at a v ar iety o f int en sit ies af te r y ou ha v e bu ilt a fit nes s ba se. Researc h in recent years has indicated that[...]

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    shown the best wa y to do this is not to establish heart rate numbers based upon age, but rather based upon how you f eel. The follo wing c hart will allow you to log y our heart rate numbers based upon how you feel when w orking out. Simply log the heart rate numbers you find when y ou feel you are working at eac h of the specific intensities. As [...]

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    BEA TING THE DROPOUT ODDS The Surgeon General’ s R eport on Phy sical Activity and Health summarizes a f ew main points: 1 . Regular phy sical activity of fers subst antial improv ements in health and w ell-being for a majorit y of Americans. 2. If you e xercise regularly , you’ll reduce y our risk of heart at t ac k, cancer , diabetes, high bl[...]

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    so that you keep your interest high and your boredom lo w . Th e bot to m lin e is you must be cr eat iv e an d inn ov ativ e to ke ep up yo ur fi tne ss program. With some imagination and planning, it is easy to do. Exercise is one of lif e ’ s jo ys. It energiz es y ou, helps you look and feel bet ter and puts you on the road to bet ter health.[...]

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    SCHwINN ® EXERCISE BIKE w ORK OUT L OG K eep ing a log o f y our wor k out s is a g ood wa y to trac k y our prog res s to w ar d your goals and is an excellent visual indicator of y our increased lev el of phy sical fitness. A work out log is also an outstanding tool to help ke e p y o u motivated! Seeing y our w eekly , monthly or ev en y early [...]

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    LIMITED wARRANTY ON EXERCISE EqUIPMENT F rom the date of purc hase for the time periods listed below , the following parts will be replaced free of charge if they are def ective in material or workmanship. Af ter the six months from the date of purc hase, you pay the labor cost to have them inst alled. • T en Y ears: F rame • One Y ear: All non[...]

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    ©2007. Nautilus, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nautilus and the Nautilus logo are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Nautilus, Inc. Schwinn and the Schwinn Quality Seal are registered trademarks. Nautilus, Inc., World Headquarters, 16400 SE Nautilus Dr ., Vancouver , W ashington, USA 98683 Printed in China[...]