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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medalist 17 240 (ST317240A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medalist 13 030 (ST313030A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Medalist 10 231 (ST310231A) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [...]
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-2 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B © 1999 Seagate T echnol og y , Inc. All ri ghts rese r v ed. Publica tio n Num ber : 21200 130 -00 1, Rev . B, June 19 99 Seagate , Seaga te T echnolog y , the Seagate lo go , Med alist and the Meda list logo are re gistere d trade marks of Seagate T echnol - og y , Inc. DiscWizard [...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B -1 Contents The easie st wa y to install your drive .............. ........... ........... 1 What y ou need ................ ............ ................ ............ ................ 2 Before y ou begin ............ ............ ................ ............ ................ 2 Handling prec[...]
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0 Medali st 1 724 0, 1303 0, 10 23 1, 8420 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B iv[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 1 The easie st way to ins tall y our drive DiscWizard is S eag ate’s e xclus ive Win- dow s progr am, pro vided on a disk ette, that mak es it ea sy to insta ll y our Medal ist dri ve. DiscW iza rd he lps you co nfigu re your new drive and y our compute r . It analyzes y our system [...]
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2 Medali st 1 724 0, 1303 0, 10 23 1, 8420 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B What y ou need • Stra ight-edge and Philli ps scre wdr ivers • F our 6-32 UNC dr ive mounting screws • An A T A interf ace c abl e (max le ngth: 18 i nches) with a v ailab le 40- pin co nnecto r • An unu sed driv e po wer ca ble f or y our ne w driv e Before y ou begin • Mak[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 3 Handling precautions Disc drives are e xtremely fr agil e. Do not dr op or jar you r dr i ve. K eep the dr ive in it s ant ist atic ba g unt il you ar e ready to install it. Prote ct your d r ive from st at ic di scha rge by mak ing sure y ou are well ground ed be fore touchin g the drive .[...]
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4 Medali st 1 724 0, 1303 0, 10 23 1, 8420 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Master/s lave jumpers If yo ur new Seagate drive wil l b e th e onl y dr ive in your co mput er , yo u do not ha ve to chan ge a ny ju mp er s etti ngs . In this case , s ki p ahead to “ Att achi ng C a bles an d Mou nti ng t he Dr i ve,” on pa g e 6. If y ou al ready ha ve one ha[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 5 Figure 1. M aster and sl ave jum per settings pin 1 ATA interface connector 135 24 6 7 8 Slave Master or single drive 4-pin power connector[...]
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6 Medali st 1 724 0, 1303 0, 10 23 1, 8420 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Attaching cabl es and mounting the dri ve 1. If y ou a re attac hing a ne w A T A inter f ace c ab le to a sing le driv e , attach o ne end of the cab le to the int erfa ce conn ector on y our host ad apter or mothe rboa rd. Motherb oar d connec tors c an be identi fied by the IDE or [...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 7 Figure 3. M ounting scre w s 3. Y ou can mo unt the d rive in an y orientation. Usually it is mounted with the c ircuit boa rd dow n. 4. Slide the driv e carefully i nto the d rive b a y . Secure th e driv e with four 6 -32 UN C moun tin g screws i n eith er the side - mount ing hol es or t[...]
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8 Medali st 1 724 0, 1303 0, 10 23 1, 8420 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Figure 4. Ca ble c onnectors Note. If you are mou nting the drive in a 5.25-inch drive ba y , yo u need a m ountin g adapter or f rame kit. Con tact y our com - puter dealer . Some comp uters also require driv e mount- ing r ails, which can be obtained from y our distrib utor or compu[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 9 Configuring y our computer Bef ore yo u f ormat or partition y our ne w driv e, y ou must conf igure your com put er’ s BI OS so t hat the comp ute r can reco gni ze your new dr i ve. 1. T ur n you r compute r on. As y our c omputer starts up , w atch the screen f or a messag e that descr[...]
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10 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Note. Set the wr it e p rec omp or landi ng zo ne param eters to z ero . * The CHS add ressing suppor ts capaciti es up to 8.4 Gbytes. T o se e the full capacity of th ese dri ves, use the LBA addressing mode or Disk Manager, which is found on the DiscWizard di skette. BIOS Setting s[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 11 Recommendation W e recomme nd yo u use Disk Mana ger to diagno se y our BIOS and to det ermine whet her additio nal BIOS su pport is needed. Disk Man ager indic ates when the in stallatio n is complete . If Disk Manage r determines that y our BIO S needs sup por t for d rive s with ca pac [...]
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12 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B The 32 -bi t di sk acc ess feat ure in Wind ows 3. 1 does no t wor k with driv es t hat ha v e capac ities g reater tha n 528 Mb ytes . If yo u want to use 32-b it d isk acce ss wi th Win dows 3. 1, se e t he fi le SEG32BIT .TXT , located on you r DiscWizard diske tte , for further i[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 13 BIOS upgrade s If y ou need to upgr ade y our BIOS , co ntact the ap propriate BIOS manufacture r li sted below: American Mega trends (AMI): 1-80 0-8 28 -9 264 http://www .meg atrends .com A w ard Softw are In ternational, Inc . : 1-80 0-8 00 -2 467 http://www .a wa rd.com Microi d Resea r[...]
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14 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B P a r titioning and formatting y ou r drive One dri ve: F or a q uick install ation, us e the D isk Manag er soft ware to parti- tion and f ormat yo ur Seaga te driv e. Di sk Mana ger als o ensure s that y our compu ter can acces s the full cap acity of y our hard drive . See “Inst[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 15 Installation using Disk Manager 1. Boot y our computer fro m y our DiscWi zard d iskette . Booting from a dis kette en sure s tha t the Disk Mana ger ins talla ti on does n ot confli ct with other soft ware . The Di sk Mana ger so ft- wa re is store d on this disk ette a nd aut omatical ly[...]
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16 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Note. If you r compute r cannot accomm odate hard drives with capaci ties g reater th an 528 Mby tes or 8.4 Gb ytes, Dis k Manage r ins ta lls a Dynamic D riv e Ov erla y (D DO ) on yo ur hard dr ive. If this dr i ver has be en in stall ed, you shou ld see a b lue Disk Manager banner[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 17 Standar d DOS insta llation Caution. P artitioning or f ormatting a driv e erases all data on it . Seagate assu mes no liabi lity if y ou eras e yo ur data. Drive part itioning P ar t it ioni ng a ha rd dr ive divid es i t int o se cti ons (pa r t iti ons ) tha t functio n as sepa rate log[...]
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18 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Drive formatti ng Caution. Mak e sur e to use the correc t drive letters so that y ou do no t f o rmat a drive t hat alre ady cont ains data . At the A: pr ompt, type fo r m at x : /s, where x is the lett er of yo ur first ne w par tition. Repe at the f or mat process f or all the ne[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 19 Additional installation options Figure 5. Non-A T A-c ompatib le and ca ble sele ct jumpe rs Non-A T A-compatible slave jumper If y our co mpute r does not recogn ize y our ne w driv e as a mas ter in a tw o-drive sys tem, the sla ve driv e ma y not be A T A-compati- ble. Y o u may be able[...]
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20 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Cable select jumper Some co mputers diff erent iate be tween m aster and sla v e driv es using sp ecial ly des igned interf ac e cab les that ha v e th e line to pi n 28 (the Cab le Select pin) remov ed or cut at one conn ector . The connec tor that has pin 28 disab led is used fo r [...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 21 Adv a nced Disk Manager options The Disk Mange r online manual Disk Ma nag er co ntain s an extens ive onl ine m anual . This manual includ es detaile d inst allation i nstruction s, troub leshoo ting an d a list of ma ste r/s la ve jumper s etti ngs f or many popul ar ha rd driv es . T o [...]
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22 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Supported operating systems The Di sk Mana ger dynam ic driv e o v erla y prov ides su pport for drive s tha t ha v e capa cities g reater than 528 Mb ytes unde r MS- DOS, Wi ndows 3. x, Wind ows 95 , Wi ndows N T 3.5 1, W ind ows NT 3.50 (requires DM upgra de driv ers), OS /2 V3.0 ([...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 23 Follow these ins tructions to rem ov e a DDO fr om a drive. 1. Boot the c omputer t o drive C . 2. Insert your Dis cWizard disk ette into drive A. 3. Ty p e A:DM to start Disk Manager . 4. Select th e Sele ct In sta lla tio n Opt i ons Menu . 5. Select (M)a int ena nce M enu. 6. Select (M[...]
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24 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B T roubleshooting If y ou ha v e inst alled y our driv e and it does not functio n prope rly , perfor m th e followin g b asic checks: W arning. Alwa ys tur n off the computer bef ore changing jumpers or unplug ging cab l es and c ards. W ear a gro und strap or use other antis tatic p[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 25 • V erify the drive -type settin gs in the system s etup pr o- gram. The drive-ty pe setti ngs in th e system BI OS mus t not e xcee d the ph ysical speci fications of yo ur driv e. Also , the set- tings m ust not e x ceed th e limita tions set b y the operatin g sy s- tem and BIOS . •[...]
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26 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Figure 6. Alternate capacity ju mper 2. Mov e the jumper on the alte r nate-capa city j umper , as sho wn in Figu re 6. This causes the driv e to ap pear to you r BIOS as hav ing a 2.1-Gb yte capacity (4,092 cylinde rs, 16 heads , 63 sectors per trac k). Y ou ma y need third-party pa[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 27 3. Remount y our driv e in the co mpute r and replace the compu ter cover . 4. Insert a bootabl e system di ske tte into driv e A and turn on the comput er . It shoul d boot from driv e A and au tomati cally detec t the ne w drive as a 2.1-G byte driv e. 5. Inser t your Dis cWizard d isk e[...]
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28 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B • Reboo t the compute r and list en to mak e sure th e drive mo tor starts up. If the driv e is ve ry quiet, it may be diff icult to hear its discs reach oper ating speed. If t he driv e mo tor does no t start up , re check al l dr ive cables. • V erify tha t f or each driv e , a[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 29 • If Di sk Man ager has ins talled t he DD O on your hard drive and yo u ha v e booted d irectly fro m a disk ette , the inf or mation in th e boot rec ord f or the driv e m a y no t ha v e b een lo aded. Mak e sure there is n o disk ette in driv e A and reboot. If y ou w ant to boot fro[...]
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30 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B • Some BIO S ha ve a T rac k 0 protec tion f eature that protects T rac k 0 fro m viruse s. Thi s ma y cause FD ISK to hang th e sys- tem. Y ou must disab le thi s f eature in the sy stem set up pro- gr am bef ore y ou can u se FDISK. See y ou r comp uter ref er ence guide for ass [...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 31 Caution. If you c hange the drive-ty pe v alues i n the system setup pr ogram , you mus t partition and f ormat the driv e ag ain. This er ases da ta on th e drive . • If y ou h av e par titioned the d rive i nto i ndividua l log ical driv es, yo u ma y ne ed to mak e the par titions sm [...]
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32 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Seagate T echnolog y support services Online ser vices Internet F or onlin e inf ormation abou t Seagate product s, vis it www .seagate .com o r e-mail y o ur disc or tap e questio ns to: Presales support: DiscPreSales @Seagate .com or T ape_Sales_Sup por t@Seag ate.co m http:/ /www [...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 33 SeaF AX ® is Seagat e’ s automated F AX deliv er y system . Using a touch-to ne phone , yo u can obtain tec hnica l support info rmation by retu rn F AX 24 hours dai ly . This s ervice is a vailab le w orldwide . Presales Suppor t Presales Su pport Our Presal es support staff can help y[...]
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34 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Customer Ser vice ( CSO) W arranty repair Seagate o ff ers w orldwide cu stomer support fo r Seagate dri ves . Seagate direct O EM, D istributi on and System Integr ator c ustom- ers shou ld conta ct their Seagate s ervice center representa tiv e f or w arrant y inf or mation. Ot her[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 35 USA/Canada/Latin Amer ica suppor t serv ices Presales s upport Disc: 1-877-271-3285 or +1-405-936-1210 F AX: +1-405-936-1683 T ape: 1-800-626-6637 or +1-714-641-2500 F AX: +1-714-641-2410 T echnica l Support (SeaFONE) 1-800-SEAGA TE or +1-405-936-1234 (specific product phone number) F AX: [...]
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36 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Eur opean suppor t services F or Europe an customer s upport, dial the toll-free number f or yo ur spe cific c ountry for presa les supp or t, techn ical su pport, SeaF AX and warra nty repair . If you r country is not liste d here, dial ou r European c all cente r at +31 -20-316-722[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 37 Africa/Middle East suppor t servic es F or pres ales , technic al suppo r t, warr anty re pair and F AX ser- vices in Africa and t he Mi ddl e Eas t, dia l o ur Eur opean cal l c en ter at +31 -20 -316 -7 222 fr om 8: 30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M . (European cent ral time) M onda y through F riday [...]
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38 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Asia/Pacific support ser vices T echnic al support A ustral ia +61-2-9725-3366 F AX: +61-2-9725-4052 Hong K ong +852-2368 9918 F AX: +852-2368 7173 Japan — F AX: +81-3-5462-2979 Singapore +65-488-7584 F AX: +65-488-7528 T aiwan +886-2-2514-2237 F AX: +886-2-2715-2923 SeaF AX A ustr[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 39 Storing and shipping y our drive K eep y our origin al bo x and pac king materials f or storing or s hip- ping y our d rive . The bo x has a Seagate App ro v ed P acka ge label. Shipping a driv e in an unap prov ed container v oids the w arran ty . Call your authorize d Seagate d istribut [...]
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40 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B W arra nty See y our authoriz ed Seagat e distribu tor or dealer . Preinsta lled or b undled s oftware is prov ided “as is .” There are no warr anties of merc hantabil ity or f itness f or a par ticular purpose. All such wa rranti es are e xpressly an d specif ically d isclaim ed[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 41 nung muss SEL V entsp rechen. 5. All e Arbeiten auf de m F est- platte d ürf en n ur v on A usgebildetem Servicepersonal durchge führt werden. Bitte entfe rnen Sie nicht die Au fschriftens- childe r des L aufwe rkes . 6. Der Einba u des Lauf wer kes muss den Anf orde rungen gemäss DIN I[...]
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42 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B[...]
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Medalis t 17240, 1 3030, 10231, 842 0 and 4310, R e v. B 43[...]
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44 Medali st 1 7240, 1 303 0, 10 231, 84 20 a nd 4 310 , R e v. B Seagate T echnolog y , Inc. 920 Di sc Drive, Scott s V alle y , CA 95066-4544 , USA Publication Num ber: 21200 130-0 01, R ev . B, Prin ted in U SA[...]