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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of SECO-LARM USA EV-7105-NPEQ, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of SECO-LARM USA EV-7105-NPEQ one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of SECO-LARM USA EV-7105-NPEQ. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of SECO-LARM USA EV-7105-NPEQ should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of SECO-LARM USA EV-7105-NPEQ
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the SECO-LARM USA EV-7105-NPEQ item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the SECO-LARM USA EV-7105-NPEQ item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of SECO-LARM USA EV-7105-NPEQ alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of SECO-LARM USA EV-7105-NPEQ, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the SECO-LARM USA service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of SECO-LARM USA EV-7105-NPEQ.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the SECO-LARM USA EV-7105-NPEQ item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    Note: Model numbers that end wit h “Q” or prod uct s t hat have a roun d green “Q” sticker signif y Ro HS compliance . EV-71 05 - NPEQ (NTSC) EV-71 05 - PPEQ (PAL) Mini PT Z Camera Manual • 10x Optical zoom and 10x d igital zoom • Up to 100x zoom • Up to 360° /sec pan/tilt motion • Outdoor or indoor use • Up to 127 preset target [...]

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    2 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. a Table of Cont e nts Intr oducti on The E V - 7105 - N PE is a fu ll - fe atured P T Z (pan /tilt/ z oom) C CTV c am era w hi ch ca n pan a f ull 36 0 degr ees i n as litt le as a s econ d or tilt up to 95 degre es u nder n ormal operat ion or as muc h as 18 0 de gr ees usi ng aut o - flip. It[...]

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    3 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. EV- 7105 - NPE PTZ Cam era Features and Functio ns Power ful yet fl exi bl e ca mer a : 1 / 4 - inch C CD ca mera w i th Day and Ni ght functi on, u p to 100 X zo om (max . 10 X optic al zo om a nd 1 0X digi t al zo om), m ulti ple foc us mo des, a nd full pr ogr amma bilit y . Powerfu l P a n/[...]

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    4 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. a Video S i gn al Syst em NTSC PAL Came ra CCD 1 / 4 ” Int erli ne T ansf er CC D Max. Pixels 811(H) x 508( V) 41 0K 795(H) x 5 96(V) 470K Effect i ve Pi xel s 768(H) x 494( V) 38 0K 752(H) x 582( V) 44 0K Horizontal Re solution 500 TV Li nes ( Color ), 57 0 TV Li nes (B/ W) S/N Ration 50 dB [...]

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    5 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. Dimensions : Camera Wall - Mount B racket 7” (180mm) 6” (152mm) 3 1 / 8 ” (80mm ) 4 11 / 16 ” (119mm) 6 1 / 2 ” (166mm) Side Bottom Side Bottom 4 13 / 16 ” (122mm)[...]

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    6 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. Safeguards and P r ecautions Befor e S t arting : 1. Ple ase re ad this manu al car efull y and k e ep it for f uture ref erence. 2. Use t he cam era wit hin given te mper atur e and el ect r ical l imit s. 3. Do not point the c amera at the s un. H eat could dama g e the ca mer a, eve n when n[...]

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    7 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. a Wall m ount brack et Ca mera DIP swit ches Lens Dome Turn c ounter - clockwise to rem ove Overview[...]

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    8 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. Communication P r otoc ol and Camer a ID DIP Switch Setup : Befor e the Mi ni PTZ Cam era i s ins tall e d, fi rst s et up the DI P swit ches to conf igur e th e cam er a ID an d th e comm unicat i ons pr otoc ol. a Comm unic at i on Pr otoc ol Camer a ID On Value On Value 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 4[...]

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    9 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. a Installation 1. Conn ect t he cam er a to ei t her t he inc lude d wall mou nt or oth er opt ional brack et. 2. Run a 24VA C pow er suppl y wir e, a vi d eo c able wi t h a mal e BNC c onn ec tor, and a d ata wir e thr ough the wall t o w her e t he cam era is to b e m ount e d. 3. Conn ect t[...]

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    10 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. a Pre - operation Checkl ist Befor e oper atin g this P T Z cam era, plea se not e the f oll ow i ng:  Doubl e - c hec k th at the c ables are pr oper ly r un betw een th e contr oller and ca mer a, and t h at all conn ecti ons ar e correct.  Doubl e - c hec k th at the c amer a ID o n t[...]

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    11 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. Understanding a nd O pera ting Prese t and Pattern Functions Stand ard P el co - c o mpat i ble c ontrol l ers allow t h e cam era op erat or to d o sever al fu n cti ons wit hout g oing t hrou gh the ful l OSD m enu, d epe ndi ng on t he capabil i ties of th e D VR to which t he ca mer a i s [...]

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    12 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. Configuring Mini PTZ Came ra settings with an ENFORCER DR - 1 Serie s DVR Step 1 Press Dome on the DVR f ront panel to access DVR cont rols. Step 2 Press 1 to acc ess the D VR pr eset menu Step 3 Use the Up , Down , Le ft , Right , and Enter buttons t o make a selec tion. Step 4 Go to Prese t [...]

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    13 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. <Go Pr eset> [95] :Enters into OSD menu <Go Pr eset> [ 131~ 134] :Runs Patter n Func tio n 1~4 <Go Pr eset> [ 141~ 148] :Runs Swi ng Fu nct ion 1~ 8 <Go Pr eset> [ 151~ 158] :Runs Grou p F unc t ion 1~ 8 <Go Pr eset> [ 170] :Sets Camer a BLC m ode to OFF <Go Pr[...]

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    14 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. OSD Main Screen The O S D m ain s c reen s hows inf or mati on ab out the c urre nt si t uatio n of th e camer a whil e it i s operat ing. This scr een is NO T seen as part of the pr ogr ammin g pr oc ess . Preset Lab el The la bel of t h e sp ecif i c pres et. Action T itle Will be o ne of t [...]

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    15 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. For operating t he OSD menus, pleas e note the foll owing: • To access t he OSD menu from your DVR, go to Preset 95 . F or more informati on on DVR presets and their functions for t he ENFORCER M ini PT Z Camera , please s ee page 13, Reserv ed Presets . • Most commands are done on PELCO -[...]

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    ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. 16 17 OSD Mai n Scre en (page 1 4) SPEED DO ME CAMER A (page 18) ZOOM CAMERA SETUP (page 22) SYSTEM INF ORMATIO N (page 18) DISPL AY SETUP (page 19) DOME C AM ERA SETUP (page 21) SYSTEM INITIALIZE (page 32) SET NOR TH DIR ECTION (page 19) PRIVA[...]

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    18 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. SPEED DO ME CAMERA Menu • <SY S T EM IN FORM ATIO N > : Di s plays sy st em infor mati on and conf igur ati o n (s ee m enu o n page 18). • <DISP LAY S ETU P>: C onfig ures t h e displ ay inform at ion shown o n th e O SD Mai n Sc r een as s how n on pag e 16 (s ee menu on pa g[...]

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    19 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. DISPLAY SETU P Menu From SP EED DOM E CAM ERA This m enu e na bles or dis ables the inf orm ation s hown on the OSD Mai n Scr een (s ee pag e 14 ). Note t hat set tin g a n item t o "A U TO" me an s that i tem wil l be displ ay ed o nly wh en it s value c han ges . This m enu accesse[...]

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    20 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. PRIVACY ZO NE Menu From DISPL AY SE TU P This m enu c onf igur es an area of the c amer a’ s fi el d of vi sion s o that i t is c overed by a gray mas k , hidi n g it. For ins tanc e, this would be us ed t o cov er a nei ghbor’s wi n dow, or a sensitive windo w of th e offi ce. Once co nfi[...]

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    21 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. DOME CAMERA SE T UP Menu From SP EED DOM E CAM ERA < CAMER A SET UP > Goes t o the ZO OM CA M ERA S ETU P menu for config urin g many of th e g ener al func tio ns of the z oom ca mer a modul e. Se e pag e 2 2. < MOTI ON SET UP > Confi gures the ge neral func tions of th e p an and[...]

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    22 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. FOCUS MO DE [AUTO / MA NUA L / SEMI - AUT O] Sets t he cam er a foc us m od e. "SE MI - AUTO" m ode -- In this m ode, t he cam era s w i tch es bet ween th e "man ual foc us mo de " an d "aut o focus mode " d epe ndi ng on the cur r ent operat ion of t he c am era[...]

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    23 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. AE SETUP Menu (Auto Exposure ) Fro m ZOOM CAMERA SETUP BACKLI GHT [ON / OFF] Sets t he back lig ht comp ens at ion. DAY/NI GHT [AUTO 1 / AUTO 2DAY / NIG HT] AUTO 1 flips bet we en t he day and nig ht modes f aster than AUTO 2. BRIGHT NESS [0~1 00] Adjus ts t he brig htnes s of t he i mag e. Th[...]

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    24 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. MOTION SETUP Menu From DOME CA ME RA SE TUP MOT ION LOC K [ON / OFF] If ON, the us er is prevent ed fro m conf igur i ng or delet ing PRESET, SWING, P ATTERN, or GROUP settings. Howev er, t hose set tin gs can s till be us ed durin g operat ions . If OF F, the us er is allowe d to c onfig ure [...]

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    25 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. PARKING ACTIO N S ETUP Menu From MOTI ON SET UP PARK ENABLE [ON / OFF] If set to ON , the cam er a runs an ass igne d funct ion aut omat ical l y if there is no PT Z comm and dur ing t he conf igur e d "WAI T TI ME.” WAIT T IME [1 min ute to 4 hours ] The ti me the P TZ c amera w aits b[...]

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    26 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. PRESET MENU From DOME CA ME RA SE TUP PRESET NO. [1~ 94, 96~ 128 ] If t he PR ESET num ber has alre ady be en defin ed, t he c amer a imm ediat ely m oves to the pre - s et PRE SET p osit ion an d characte ristics. If not, "UNDEF I NED " is shown o n th e s creen N ote : If a PR ESET[...]

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    27 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. EDIT SCENE M enu Fro m PRESET MENU This m enu re defin es the c urr ent PR E SET scene p osit ion. 1. Use t he joy sti c k or ar row key s to m ov e the c amer a t o the desir e d pos ition. 2. Press the "N EAR" k ey to s ave t he ne w c amer a posi tio n, or press the "F AR&quo[...]

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    28 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. SWING SETU P Menu From DOME CA ME RA SE TUP SWI NG NO. [1 ~ 8] Selec ts whi ch SWI NG m ot ion t o edit . Cho os e 1 throu gh 8. I f a sel ec ted SW ING m otio n ha s not been def ine d, "N O T USE D" is di splay ed i n the fi r st and sec ond pos iti ons f or that m otio n 1ST POS. [...]

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    29 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. PATTERN SETUP Menu From DOME CA ME RA SE TUP PATTERN N O. 1 UNDEFINED CLR PATT ERN CANCEL <EDIT PAT TERN> PATTERN SET UP EXIT BACK Confi gures up to f our pa n/ti l t patt er ns, with e ach pat tern c onsi sti ng of a star ting p os iti on, an e nding posit i on, a nd the c ompl ete pan/[...]

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    30 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. GROUP SETU P Menu From DOME CA ME RA SE TUP GROUP NO. 1 UNDEFINED CLEAR GROUP CANCEL <EDIT GROUP> GROUP SET UP EXIT BACK Confi gures up to ei ght gr oups of mot ions , wit h each gr oup consi sti ng of any c ombin atio n of up t o 20 ac tions , inc l udin g PRESET S, SWI NGS, PA TTERN S,[...]

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    31 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. NO ACTION ### D W ELL OPT 1 PRESET 1 00 : 03 : 360 2 NONE 3 NONE 4 NONE 5 NONE EDIT GROUP 1 CANCEL [FAR : EDIT :END ] SAVE [NEAR:EDI T ACT ] 4. Conf igur e each ACTI O N, ## #, DWE LL, and O PT. In the s ampl e scr een on t he left , ACTI ON #1 is t he comm and for t he P T Z c amer a to g o t[...]

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    32 ENFORCER Min i PTZ Camera SECO - LARM, U.S.A., IN C. MiEV - 7105 - NPEQ_1111.docx PISCN4 IMPORT ANT Users and ins tall er s of t his pr oduc t are r e spons i ble f or ens urin g t h at use of thi s pro duct c ompl i es wit h all nat ion al, s tate, an d local l aws a n d stat utes r elat ed t o monitori ng an d recor din g a udi o a nd vid eo s[...]