Servis W814FLHDB manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Servis W814FLHDB, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Servis W814FLHDB one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Servis W814FLHDB. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Servis W814FLHDB should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Servis W814FLHDB
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Servis W814FLHDB item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Servis W814FLHDB item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Servis W814FLHDB alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Servis W814FLHDB, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Servis service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Servis W814FLHDB.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Servis W814FLHDB item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    User Manual W ASHING MACHINE Model Numbers: W8 1 4FLHD W W8 1 4FLHD S W8 1 4FLHD B[...]

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    Contents 01 Welcome 02 Safety Instructions 05 Y our Washing Machine 08 T echnical Specifi cation 09 Installation 17 Usage 37 Maintenance 43 Clothing Care 47 T roubleshooting 51 Guarantee 53 Index T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 GUARANTEE NOW 2 YEAR REGISTER TO ACTIV A TE YOUR Parts & Labour for 2 years. Go to www for more inf[...]

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    01 02 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 W EL COME SA F E T Y INS T RUC T IONS T o en sur e you r sa f et y and t he s af e t y o f o th er s , pleas e re ad th e follo wing s a fe t y pr ecau ti ons be f or e you op era t e your Wa shing M achine . Y our Washing Mac hine confor ms to cur ren t saf et y r equiremen ts. In appr opria te use c an, h[...]

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    03 04 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 SA FE T Y IN S T RUC T I ON S Y our Wash ing Machi ne is for domes tic use o nly and is only int ende d to w ash item s which are sp ecifie d by t he manu fac tur er to b e machine wash able on th e label, and tex t iles comp ose d of han d washable w ool or wo ol blend fab ric s as well as satin, lac e, si[...]

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    05 06 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 Y OUR W A SHING M ACHINE 1 4 F RON T V IE W RE A R VIE W Detergent drawer 2 Contr ol pan el Door hand le 5 Pump fi lter cover Drain hose 1 2 Col d water inlet Figure 2 Figure 3 1 Det ergen t dra wer ; Allows yo u to inser t deter gent , fabr ic condit ioner and s tar ch. 2 Pr ogr amme dial; Allows y ou to s[...]

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    07 08 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 Y OUR W A SHING M ACHINE DE T E RGEN T DR AW ER T ECHNIC A L SP ECIF IC A T ION T ECHNICA L SPECIF IC A T ION Voltage V / Fre quenc y (Hz) 22 0 -240 V / 5 0 Hz Elec tric al Cur rent ( A) 1 0 Pow er Ra ting ( W ) 22 0 0 Water C onsump tion (Co t ton 6 0 0 Ful l load ) (L /C ycle) 48 Ener gy C onsump tion (Co[...]

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    09 10 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 INS T A L L A T ION INS T A L L A T ION REQ UIREMEN T S T o avoid r isk of injur y , ple ase t ake car e wh en mov ing your Washing Mac hine. It is hea v y and w e re comm end th at a minimum of t wo pe ople mov e your Washing Mac hine. T o unpa ck your Washing Machine and m anoeu vr e it to t he ins tallat[...]

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    11 12 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 INS T A L L A T ION A D JUS T ING T HE F E E T Fo r saf e oper ation, i t is impor t ant t ha t your Washing Mac hine is level and se curely p osition ed on al l four f eet . Inco rr ec t inst allation may c ause t he Washing Machine to v ibra te and incr eas e your wat er and ele ct ricit y consump tion. T[...]

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    13 14 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 INS T A L L A T ION W A T ER SUP PL Y CONNEC T ION 2 Scr ew t he s tr aight en d of th e hos e clock wis e to a 19mm (3/4’’) cold wa ter t ap un til hand tight (f ig 8). T ake c are n ot to t rap or k ink the h ose. DR A I N HOSE CONNEC T ION Do not c onnec t yo ur Washing Machine to a sur f ace w ate r[...]

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    15 16 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 INS T A L L A T ION EL EC T RIC A L CONNEC T ION Y our Was hing Mac hine re quires a 2 2 0 -240 V , 5 0 H z mains suppl y . Do no t use an y oth er supply. Y our Was hing Mac hine may b e fi t te d wi th a m oulded plug, w hich c anno t be r ew ired. If t he fu se co ver be co mes d amage d, you mus t not u[...]

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    17 18 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 1 Pr ogr amme Dial; Allow s you to s elec t a wa sh pro gr amme 2 Elec tr onic Display; Displays w ate r temp erat ure, spin spee d and pr ogr amme s t atus (also used t o rep or t fault s) 3 Water T emper at ure A djustme nt Bu t ton: C hange t he temp er atur e of th e wash 4 RP M Spe ed Adjus tmen t Bu t[...]

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    19 20 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE Clos e zips and fas te n any hoo ks and e yes. It ems su ch as tr ous ers, t-shir t s, s we at shir t s and k nit t ed g arm ent s sho uld be tur ne d inside out. Rem ove an y weight s fr om cur t ains, or plac e in a laundr y b ag. A ny loo se w iring in br as and shir t c ollar stif fene rs sh ould [...]

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    21 22 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE If y our clot hes ar e only slight ly soiled, do no t pre was h and pu t a small amoun t of det er gent , as spe cifie d by t he manu fac t urer , in to c omp ar t ment II o f the d eter gen t dra wer . If y our clot hes ar e exc es sivel y soiled, sele ct a p ro gra mme w ith p re - wash an d pu t ¼[...]

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    23 24 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE Please Note: Af ter s elec tin g the d elay f unc tion, y ou c an sele ct ot her ad dition al fun ct ions bef ore p re ssin g the S t ar t / Paus e but ton t o ac tiv at e th e delay f unc tion. Cancelli ng the Dela y Func tion: If yo u wish to c an cel t he delay f unc tion a f t er you h ave p re ss[...]

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    25 26 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE Programme Modes: Ple ase N o te : Pr ogr amme dur at ion might c hange a cc ordin g to t he load, ambie nt t emper at ure and sele ct ed ad dition al fun ctio ns. Se t tin gs in bold are fa ct or y p re set s. 1. C o t t o n 9 0 0 Washing T em per at ure ( o C) 90 0 , 8 0 0 , 70 0 , 6 0 0 , 5 0 0 , 4 [...]

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    27 28 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE 9. Daily 60 min Washing T em per at ure ( o C) 60 0 , 5 0 0 , 4 0 0 , 30 0 , - - Ma ximum Dr y Lo ad (kg) 4 Deterg ent Comp ar tmen t - Progra mme Du rati on ( mi nutes) 60 L aundr y Type Wash es dir t y cot ton, c oloure ds and te x tiles at 60 0 in 6 0 mins. Pr ogr amm e 9: L aundr y ca n be w ashe [...]

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    29 30 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE 1 4. B aby C ar e Washing T em per at ure ( o C) 60 0 , 5 0 0 , 4 0 0 , 30 0 , - - Ma ximum Dr y Lo ad (kg) 4 Deterg ent Comp ar tmen t II Progra mme Du rati on ( mi nutes) 1 80 L aundr y Type B ab y clot hes w it h a machin e wash able label. 1 5 . Night Wash Washing T em per at ure ( o C) 90 0 , 8 0[...]

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    31 32 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE It c an of ten b e dif f icult to k no w w hich tem per at ure s et t ing is be st . T o h elp wit h this, w e hav e pro vide d a t able wit h co mmon t emp erat ure s and t heir t y pical use s. Te m p e r a t u r e Ty p i c a l U s e 30 0 C T his is the low es t was h temp er atur e t hat we r ec om[...]

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    33 34 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE Additional Functions : T o allow you t o get t he b es t w ashing r esult s po ssible, yo ur Washing Ma chine of fer s t he followin g addi tion al fun ct ions t o com pleme nt t he sele c te d pr ogr amm e. Y ou c an s elec t an addi tional f unc tio n bef ore s t ar t ing a pr ogr amm e: Pr es s th [...]

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    35 36 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 USAGE Extr a R in se - T his allows you t o add up t o 3 addit ional rins es to y our laundr y . P res s th e but ton un til the re quired numb er is show n. F or ex ample th e sy mb ol indic at es t hat 1 addi tional r inse ha s be en sele ct ed . Anti- al le rgi c - Y o u can a dd t his additio nal rins e[...]

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    37 38 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 MAI NTENAN CE Fr om time t o time i t may b e ne ce ss ar y t o car r y out s ome r ou tine m ainte nan ce of y our Washing Mac hine to en sure t hat i t op era te s as int ende d. B efor e cle aning your Was hing Mac hine: 1 T urn y our mains p owe r supply o f f and r emo ve th e plug fr om t he so cket .[...]

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    39 40 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 MAI NTENAN CE 3 Clean t he filter t hor oughl y wit h a so f t br ush, wa sh wit h so apy w at er and rins e th orou ghly. 4 Re -inser t the f ilter b y gen tly p ushing it b ac k into pla ce. A se con d wa ter inle t filt er is loc at ed in t he t ap end o f th e wa ter inle t hos e. T o re mov e th e sec [...]

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    41 42 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 MAI NTENAN CE 3 Remov e any for eign mat erials fr om th e filter w ith a s of t br ush. 4 Move t he p ump by h and to c hec k th at it r ot at es f reel y . 5 Clean th e pump wi th a s of t br ush. Af ter Cleani ng: 1 Re-f it t he f ilter b y inse r tin g it an d tur ning clo ck w ise. 2 Close t he filter [...]

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    43 44 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 T he sipho n plug is loc at ed in t he c omp ar t ment o f the de ter gen t dra wer . Remo ve t he det ergen t dra wer f ully and pull the plug upwar ds. Clean t he plug w ith a s of t b rush an d repla ce, che ck ing th at it is f irmly in p osit ion. W hen s elec ting y our w ashing p ro gram me t ake c a[...]

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    45 46 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 CL OT HING CA RE If c an of t en b e har d to k now t he b es t way t o tr ea t a st ubbo rn s t ain. T o help wit h t his we’ve pr ovid ed yo u wit h a fe w tips on de aling wit h th e mos t co mmo n t y pe s be for e ru nning your w ash cycl e. Alcohol: Wash th e st ain in cold w ate r , wip e wi th gl [...]

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    47 48 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 TR O U B LES H O OTI N G If y our Washing M achine is n ot op era ting as e xp ec t ed, y ou may f ind a simp le solut ion liste d in th e table b elow. If y our Washing M achine is no t wor k ing and o ne or mo re of t he in dica tor light s are f lashing, t his mean s th at th e aut oma tic er ror d ete c[...]

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    49 50 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 TR O U B LES H O OTI N G Y our Was hing Ma chine is eq uippe d wit h a built-in fault d et ec tion s y st em w hich sho ws an y fault de tails on th e elec tr onic display. The m os t com mon f ail ure c ode s are sh ow n belo w. If your mac hine displays a c od e not sh ow n, or if t he p roble m per sis t[...]

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    51 52 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 GUA R A N T E E All pa ckagin g and ma ter ials used are e nvir onme nt ally frie ndly and r ec y clable. Ple ase dispo se of any p ack aging in an en viro nmen t ally frien dly ma nner . Co nsult yo ur loc al coun cil for fur th er details. T o ensur e sa fet y w hen disp osing of an old m achine, cu t of [...]

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    53 54 T : 0800 0124 382 T : 0800 0124 382 INDE X F Fab ric co ndition er ...................................... ...2 2 Fe et , adjustm ent ........................................... 1 1 Filter s .............................................................3 8 Fir st w ash ...................................................... 1 8 Fr ont v iew ....[...]

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    T : 0800 0124 382 E: 0000000000 The symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as household waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly, you will he[...]