Siemens Gigaset S1 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Siemens Gigaset S1, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Siemens Gigaset S1 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Siemens Gigaset S1. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Siemens Gigaset S1 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Siemens Gigaset S1
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Siemens Gigaset S1 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Siemens Gigaset S1 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Siemens Gigaset S1 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Siemens Gigaset S1, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Siemens service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Siemens Gigaset S1.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Siemens Gigaset S1 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1

    HiPath 3000 V3.0 or later Gigase t SL1 prof ession al Gigase t S1 prof ession al in HiP ath Co rdless Of fic e Oper atin g Manu al[...]

  • Page 2

    Safety note s Safet y no te s Hand set Batterie s Dange r: • Do not use th e hand set in poten tially ex plosiv e at mosph eres. • Do not ins tall the hands et in the vicinit y of el ectronic equipmen t to av oid mut ual interf eren ce. • Do not use th e hands et in w et r ooms! Dev ices a re not splas h- pro of . • A transmit ter signal is[...]

  • Page 3

    Overview of hand sets I Ov erview of handsets Gigaset S 1 pr ofessional 1 R eceiv er in set 9 Hash ke y 2 D is pl ay 1 0 St a r key 3 Display key s 1 1 Speed di alling key 4 Con trol key 1 2 R key 5T a l k k e y 1 3 M i c r o p h o n e 6 On-h ook an d on/off k ey 1 4 At t achment cli p 7 Spe ak erphon e k ey 1 5 Ring er lou dspeak er 8 Mes sage lis[...]

  • Page 4

    Overv iew of handsets II Gigaset SL 1 prof ession al 1 Receiver inset 8 Mess age key 2D i s p l a y 9H a s h k e y 3 D i sp lay keys 1 0 St ar key 4 Contr ol k ey 1 1 S peed d ial k ey 5 T alk key 1 2 R k ey 6 O n-hook and on/o f f ke y 13 M icro phone 7 Spe akerphone ke y 1 4 Connec tion j ack f or head- set and PC interface ( Æ page 30) How to u[...]

  • Page 5

    Contents III Conten ts Overview of handsets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Gigaset S 1 professi onal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Gigaset SL 1 professi onal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Operating instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Page 6

    Conten ts IV Setting the handset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Setting th e handset v olume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Setting th e ringer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Advisory tone s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Page 7

    Contents V Conducting calls – with multiple users . . . . . . . . . . 55 Call wait ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Call wait ing tone off/o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Disabli ng/enabling automatic c all waitin g . . . . . . . . .[...]

  • Page 8

    Conten ts VI Appendix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Troubleshoo ting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Cleaning the handset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Technical data and access ories . . . . . . .[...]

  • Page 9

    Operati ng instruct ions 1 Step by Step Oper ating instructions These ope rating in structions descri be your hand set and its f unctio ns on your comm unic ations sy stem . All functions that can be perf ormed via your handset are described here. If some of the r equired functions ar e not a v ailab le on y our h andset , it ma y be due t o one o [...]

  • Page 10

    Step by Step Conducting calls – the basic f unctions 2 Activat ing/deact ivating the hand set a Pr ess th e On-hook key until the acti vation or deactiva- tion is co nfirmed by a cre scend o tone s eque nce. If your pref erred la nguage for the di splay texts is not set, you ca n set this yourself ( Æ pag e 1 6 ). If a mobile phone that is switc[...]

  • Page 11

    Cond ucti ng ca lls – the ba sic funct ion s 3 Step by Step First seize the line, then dial c or u Pr ess the T alk or Speakerp hone key . o Enter the required ph one num ber . The use r will be called. T ypin g errors cannot be corrected. If you make a typing err or: p ress th e On-h ook k ey . p The user an swers. Conduct the cal l. Dial first,[...]

  • Page 12

    Step by Step Conducting calls – the basic f unctions 4 Callback This functi on ena bles you to c all a us er who does not ans wer or w hose li ne is bus y . The Callb ack funct ion en- ables y ou t o cont act hi m as so on as he ha ngs up or re- uses his teleph one. P lease no te tha t a line i s signal led as bu sy when it is bein g call ed by a[...]

  • Page 13

    Cond ucti ng ca lls – the ba sic funct ion s 5 Step by Step > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. Call the ad dition al menu . > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. a P ress th e On-h ook k ey to e nd the p roce ss. Enquiry Y ou interrupt your call to conduct an enquiry wit[...]

  • Page 14

    Step by Step Conducting calls – the basic f unctions 6 T he second user is busy or do es not a nswer Î Cancel the callback. Y ou are reconnected to the first partn er . During the enquiry you can • book a c allback ( Æ page 4 ), • activate call waiting ( Æ page 5 5) or •o v e r r i d e ( Æ page 57) . Answ ering a call Y our h andset ri [...]

  • Page 15

    Cond ucti ng ca lls – the ba sic funct ion s 7 Step by Step Placing a call in a call pickup group Y ou can use y our hand set to pi ck up calls to telepho nes withi n your call pi c kup g roup (se t by the serv ice engi - neer). This is also possib le when y ou ar e conduct ing a call. Prerequisi te: Y ou he ar tha t a tel ephone i n y our cal l [...]

  • Page 16

    Step by Step Conducting calls – the basic f unctions 8 eithe r: > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. or: > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. or: > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. continue: o Enter the destination phone number . Sa ve t he set tings . a Press the On-ho ok key to end the p rocess. Deactiv ating [...]

  • Page 17

    Cond ucti ng ca lls – the ba sic funct ion s 9 Step by Step Activat ing or deact ivating the keypad loc k This f e ature protects agains t accident ally pressin g but- tons when the handset is in a pock et, f or ex ample. The keypad lock t urns of f auto matica lly wh en a call co mes in and turns back on wh en the c all has en ded. # Press the h[...]

  • Page 18

    De sc r ip t io n of th e key s 10 De scription of the key s Funct ion k eys Th e f ollowin g fun ction k ey s are a vaila ble: Key Name Use a On-hoo k and on/off key • En d a call • Cancel functions • Jum p bac k to the pr ev ious me nu (on ly fo l l o w i n g © ) • Ac tiv ate or deacti va te the handset c Ta l k k e y • Answer a call ?[...]

  • Page 19

    Descrip tion o f the keys 11 R-k ey The R-key provides acces s to the f ollowin g func tions d ependin g on how it is op erated : Control k ey T he cont rol k ey i s assign ed di f f ere nt fun ctions depen ding o n the op erat ing situatio n: Operation Fu nc ti o n Pre ss Enquiry function: Make an en quiry (alter native t o "En- quiry" D[...]

  • Page 20

    De sc r ip t io n of th e key s 12 Dis play ke ys The ha ndset has t wo Dis play key s, each wit h one or t wo fu nction s. W hen the ke y is allocated two functions, press the right or lef t side of the key to select the cor respondi ng func tion. Di spla y ke y assign ment dep ends on t he opera ting stat us. A func tion can b e rep resen ted b y[...]

  • Page 21

    Puttin g the ha ndset into s ervice 13 P utting the handset into service Re mov ing the pro te ct i ve cove r Insert ing the batt eries T wo bat terie s are su pplie d with t he Gigas et S1 pro f ession al wh ile G igase t SL 1 pr of essiona l comes with a si ngle ba t tery pa ck. Th e bat terie s ar e sup- plied un charged. The y are c harge d in [...]

  • Page 22

    Putti ng the handse t into service 14 Clos ing the b attery compartment Put the co ver back in place and slide it onto the battery compartment until it en gages. Charging and using the batt eries T o ch arg e the b at teries, insert th e han dset i nto th e c harging shell with the ke ypad facing forwar ds. The charging st atus is indica ted by the[...]

  • Page 23

    Puttin g the ha ndset into s ervice 15 Operating and c har ging times of the batt eries The operatin g time s are on ly achieved af ter s ev eral charging and di scharg- ing cycles. Gigaset S1 professiona l Gigaset SL 1 profession al P ermitted batteri es The f ollowing batteri es are approved f or use wi th th e Gigaset S1 profes- sional : T he f [...]

  • Page 24

    Step by Step Putti ng the handse t into service 16 Fitting the at tachment clip Pr ess the attac h ment clip onto the back of the handset until the ta bs on th e sides e ngage in the rece sses on the ph one. S etting the handset display language If your pref erred la nguag e f or dis play texts is no t set as the def ault, then y ou can set this yo[...]

  • Page 25

    Puttin g the ha ndset into s ervice 17 Step by Step Sele ct a langua ge D E [ Selec t and conf irm th e languag e you require. a P ress th e On-h ook k ey to e nd the p roce ss. S ett ing the system display language If you wis h to change th e lan guage of the d isplay texts, then you m ust als o change the sy s tem la nguag e on the hand set. A di[...]

  • Page 26

    Step by Step Se tting the hands et 18 S etting the handset Y ou can change th e stan dard settings of the ha ndset if you are not happy w ith them. S etting the handset v olume When se lecting t he men u, the to ne soun ds at the cu r- rent setting in s peakerphon e mode. Y ou can choos e be- tw een fiv e volum e le ve ls in h andset mode an d thr [...]

  • Page 27

    Set ting the handset 19 Step by Step S ett ing th e ringer Setting the ringer v olume and melody When selecti ng the menu , the ring er sound s at the cu r- ren t set ting. Y ou can ch oose betw een thr ee ring er v ol- umes, a s w ell as a cres cendo ring (v olume incr eases graduall y) and n o ring er . The te n ring er mel odies ca nnot be store[...]

  • Page 28

    Step by Step Se tting the hands et 20 • T ones: 1 to 3 (rec ommended f or internal calls) • Melod ies: 4 to 1 0 (recom mended f or exte rnal call s with Gigaset S1 prof essional) • Melodies: 4 to 26 (recommended f or external calls with Gigase t SL 1 pr of essional ) eithe r: Sa ve the set tings. or: Set ting the time control f o r the ring e[...]

  • Page 29

    Set ting the handset 21 Step by Step Advisor y tones T he ad visory tones hav e the f ollow ing mea ning: © or G Open t he main menu of the mob ile phon e. D E [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. D E [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. F G Fix the setting . D Move the cursor down one l ine. ... Save the settings. a Press and ho ld the On-h[...]

  • Page 30

    Step by Step Se tting the hands et 22 S ett ing the ringer ec ho Th is function enables you to set the tone qu ality f or the longer melodi es (4 t o 1 0). W hen ri nger echo is activat- ed, melodi es will be played with an echo. G Open the mai n menu of the ha ndset. D E [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. D E [ Select and co nfirm the me nu ite[...]

  • Page 31

    Set ting the handset 23 Step by Step S ound Manager Y ou can use the mi crop hone of G igaset SL 1 prof ession - al to reco rd polyph onic mel odies (max. l ength 4 se c- onds) o r download melodi es via a dat a cable ( Æ page 30 ). Up to 1 6 me lodies c an be saved. Recor ding a melody © or G Open t he main m enu of t he hand set. D E [ Select t[...]

  • Page 32

    Step by Step Se tting the hands et 24 Editing an entry © or G Open the mai n menu of the ha ndset. D E [ Select the menu item and confirm . D E [ Select the menu item and confirm . D E Select a mel ody . © Open the sub menu. [ Confi rm to c hange t he v olume . or D E [ Confi rm to c hange t he name. or D E [ Confirm to displa y the file name . o[...]

  • Page 33

    Set ting the handset 25 Step by Step Activating or deactiv ating the ringer Deactiv ating the ring er * Hold do wn the k ey un til a co nfirm ation t one is sound ed. The ringer is deactiv ated. Activ ating the ringer * Hold do wn the k ey un til a co nfirm ation t one is sound ed. Activat ing or deactivat ing the warning ton e When you ac tivate t[...]

  • Page 34

    Step by Step Se tting the hands et 26 Activat ing/deact ivating aut omat ic call answ ering This fu nction allows you to accept calls b y removing the hands et from the charging shel l. © or G Open the mai n menu of the mo bile ph one. D E [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. D E [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. Automatic answ erin g is acti[...]

  • Page 35

    Set ting the handset 27 Step by Step F 24 h G Defi ne the di spla y mode (24 h , 1 2 h). Save the settings. a Press and ho ld the On-h ook key to end th e process. Editing the idle display Y ou can cha nge the b ase stat ion name that is d ispla ye d in id le sta tus. The handse t must be registere d at the cor resp onding base. © or G Ope n the m[...]

  • Page 36

    Se tting the hands et 28 Rese tt ing the default s This f unction allows y ou to reset y our mobile phone to the def aults, e.g. if you wa nt to pa ss it on to some one els e or r eset it. T he f ollowi ng table shows the handset’ s default set tings: Set ting Explanati on/note s Lev els Def ault stat e A udio Set- tings Ring er volume 5 5 Ring e[...]

  • Page 37

    Set ting the handset 29 Step by Step The handset f eatures are ha ndled as f ollows whe n re- set ting the def aults: © or G Open t he main menu of the mob ile phon e. D E [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. D E [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu item. A securi ty check que st io n a pp ea rs. Confi rm the secur ity c hec k qu estion T he hand s[...]

  • Page 38

    Se tting the hands et 30 PC interface (Gigaset SL 1 prof ession al only) Th e Giga set SL 1 pr of essional hands et can b e connect ed to y our c ompute r via a Siemens dat a cable . Y our computer can the n communica te wit h your Giga set SL 1 prof essi onal usi ng the “S iemens Data Su ite ” pro gram (free - war e av ailable f or dow nload a[...]

  • Page 39

    Conducti ng calls – e nhanced functions 31 Step by Step Conducting calls – enhanced function s Speak erphone mode Fea tu res Speak erphone mode of f ers y ou the f ollo wing adv antag - es: • Othe r pers ons ca n liste n to a nd partic ipate in the call. • Y ou r hand s are free. • When dialling, y ou can h ear the ring tone, f or ex am- [...]

  • Page 40

    Step by Step Conduc ting calls – enhanc ed functions 32 Deactiv a ting speak e rphone mode Y ou can de activate speakerphone m ode and switch to handset mode d uring the call : c Press the T alk key . V oice dialling Wi th the voice di alling f uncti on, you can d ial a numbe r simp ly by sa ying the partner’ s name. Y ou do n ot need to manual[...]

  • Page 41

    Conducti ng calls – e nhanced functions 33 Step by Step a Press and ho ld the On-h ook key to end th e process. A mes sage wil l notif y yo u if y our v oice pat tern is to o similar to that o f another user . Î The messag e will en d. R etur n to t he begi nning o f the v oice r ecord ing an d rec ord y our v oice pat tern a gain. Using vo ice [...]

  • Page 42

    Step by Step Conduc ting calls – enhanc ed functions 34 Chan ging a use r name D Open the t elephon e directory . D E Selec t the r equ ired e ntry . Press the Displ ay k ey . D E Select the me nu item . Change the settings. o Enter a new n ame. Sa ve the set tings. a P ress and ho ld the On-hook ke y to end t he pr ocess. Number redial Wi th Gig[...]

  • Page 43

    Conducti ng calls – e nhanced functions 35 Step by Step D E [ Selec t and confi rm th e menu ite m. Automat ic redial is activated. eithe r: p The user answers and you condu ct the cal l. or: If you wish to cancel the function: press the Displa y ke y or any key . Deleti ng a p hone nu mber from the redial li st z Call the redial li st. D or E P [...]

  • Page 44

    Step by Step Conduc ting calls – enhanc ed functions 36 S ystem sp eed dialling A s ys tem spe ed dia lling d estin ation i s a call numbe r you dial u sing a cod e, e.g . the external phone nu mber ( 0 28 21) 34 56 78 us ing cod e 243. System s peed di allin g - destinations are defined b y the sy stem administrator . Codes from 000 to 999 c an [...]

  • Page 45

    Conducti ng calls – e nhanced functions 37 Step by Step > < [ Select and co nfir m the menu item. > Call the first destination. > Call the n ext dest ination . Call the ad dition al menu . > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. o Enter the e xternal phone number (with e xternal code). T he ke y "#" mea ns that th [...]

  • Page 46

    Step by Step Conduc ting calls – enhanc ed functions 38 Findin g an en try o Enter the fir st let ters of the name you ar e looking f or . T he name sear ch begins . T he sear c h resu lt becom es mor e prec ise as eac h let ter is ente red, i.e. t he numbe r of name s f ound is reduce d. Only th e first letter of a key can be ent ered. > <[...]

  • Page 47

    Conducti ng calls – e nhanced functions 39 Step by Step eit her (f or te lephone directory) : © Open th e menu. D E [ Sav e the entr y . or (for speed d iallin g list): F 0 G Def ine settings. Save set ti ngs. Findi ng and diall ing an en try D or C Open the te lephone directory or speed di allin g list. E / D or o Y ou can scroll to the require[...]

  • Page 48

    Step by Step Conduc ting calls – enhanc ed functions 40 © Open the men u. D E [ Sa ve the entry . a P ress and ho ld the On-hook ke y to end t he pr ocess. Del eting an entr y or telep hone dir ector y/speed dial- ling li st D or C Open the re dial list or the net carrier list. D or E S elect th e req uired telep hone numb er . © Open the men u[...]

  • Page 49

    Conducti ng calls – e nhanced functions 41 Step by Step o Enter address. © Open th e menu. D E [ Save the settings. a Press and ho ld the On-h ook key to end th e process. Changing an e-mail addr ess D Open the tel ephon e dir ectory . D E [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. D E Select the r equired e ntry . Vie w entry . Chan ge entr y © O[...]

  • Page 50

    Step by Step Conduc ting calls – enhanc ed functions 42 c Press the T alk key . Call the s ystem m enu. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. o Enter t he require d multi ple subsc ribe r number . o Ente r the r equir ed e xterna l phone n umber . T he phon e number is dialle d. Making cal[...]

  • Page 51

    Conducti ng calls – e nhanced functions 43 Step by Step Using the han dset as a sec ond lin e Y ou ca n use y our mobile phone f or an ou tgoin g call as if it were anoth er line ( temporar y phone) . This function can also be called by entering the code ( Æ page 92) . c P ress th e T alk k ey . Call the sy stem menu. > < [ Selec t and con[...]

  • Page 52

    Step by Step Conduc ting calls – enhanc ed functions 44 A ctivating the phone number d isplay c Press the T alk key . Call the s ystem m enu. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. a Press the On-ho ok key to end the p rocess. Directed call t ransfer Y ou c an transfer cal ls to o ther teleph ones t o your han d- set. This is al so possi[...]

  • Page 53

    Conducti ng calls – e nhanced functions 45 Step by Step Activat ing/deact ivating do not d isturb Y ou ca n bloc k calls to y our h andset on a tem pora ry ba- sis, wh ile sti ll being ab le to make calls y ours elf . Intern al callers hear th e busy tone, whil e external callers reach anoth er telep hone d efined by the service engine er (in- te[...]

  • Page 54

    Step by Step Conduc ting calls – enhanc ed functions 46 Th is function can also be called by entering the code ( Æ page 92). c Press the T alk key . Call the s ystem m enu. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. a Press the On-ho ok key to end the p rocess. Call trace Y ou can ap ply to yo[...]

  • Page 55

    Conducti ng calls – e nhanced functions 47 Step by Step Ent ran ce telepho ne If the servic e engi neer ha s set up an en trance tele- phone, you can s peak to the doo r inte rcom and activate the do or open er fro m yo ur hand set. If y ou ar e autho rised to rele ase a door , then a user can open the door by enteri ng a 5- digit c ode (e.g . by[...]

  • Page 56

    Step by Step Conduc ting calls – enhanc ed functions 48 A ctivating the door release This functio n only works if it has been c onfigure d by the serv ice engi neer . c Press the T alk key . Call the s ystem m enu. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. o F ollow the user guidance sy stem f[...]

  • Page 57

    Conducti ng calls – e nhanced functions 49 Step by Step TDS t elephone da ta service Y ou ca n use y our mobi le pho ne to contr ol co nnecte d comp uters and th eir program s, e. g . hot el serv ices or inf ormation syste ms. This function can also be called by entering the code ( Æ page 92) . c P ress th e T alk k ey . Call the sy stem menu. &[...]

  • Page 58

    Step by Step Conduc ting calls – enhanc ed functions 50 A ctivating a control re lay c Press the T alk key . Call the s ystem m enu. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. o F ollow the user guidance sy stem f rom t his poin t on- wa rds. Ente r the re quire d switc h code (1 ... 4). a Pres[...]

  • Page 59

    Conducti ng calls – e nhanced functions 51 Step by Step External call forwarding with a multi- ple subscrib er number If your comm unicatio n system is connecte d to an I SDN multi ple device li ne, th en you can forward all incomi ng calls f rom the public network t hrough your m ultip le sub- scriber number (MSN) to an e xternal destination. T [...]

  • Page 60

    Step by Step Conduc ting calls – enhanc ed functions 52 Deactiv ating call fo rward ing to a "t runk" c Press the T alk key . Call the s ystem m enu. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. o F ollow the user guidance sy stem f rom t his poin t on- wa rds ( enter a multip le sub sc[...]

  • Page 61

    Conducti ng calls – e nhanced functions 53 Step by Step Deactiva ting night service c P ress th e T alk k ey . Call the sy stem menu. > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. a P ress th e On-h ook k ey to e nd the p roce ss. Using dual-tone multifrequency signalling Y our handset oper ates on the ba sis of d igital i nf orma- tion trans[...]

  • Page 62

    Step by Step Conduc ting calls – enhanc ed functions 54 P arking/activat ing calls Y ou can par k up to ten ca lls (i .e. pla ce them on hold) an d then react ivate them at othe r teleph ones in your com- municati on system. P arking a call p Y ou are on a call you wish to park. Call the s ystem m enu. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu it[...]

  • Page 63

    Conductin g calls – with multiple users 55 Step by Step Conducting calls – with mu ltiple users Call waiting Y ou nee d to s peak to a user i n yo ur comm unica tion s ys - tem urge ntly , ev en t hough h is line is busy . Y o u can s end a call w ait ing sig nal durin g his ca ll to let him know you wa nt to talk to him. T he us er eithe r ans[...]

  • Page 64

    Step by Step Conductin g calls – with mult iple users 56 Ending the second call eithe r: Call the s ystem m enu. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. or: a P ress the On-ho ok k ey . T he f ollo wing mess age ap pear s on the di splay: "Recalli ng". Y our hand set rin gs. c Press the T alk key to talk to the first ca ller ag [...]

  • Page 65

    Conductin g calls – with multiple users 57 Step by Step Disabling/enabling automat ic call waiting Y ou can disable/ enable autom atic cal l waiting s ignalli ng f or a seco nd call during a tele phone c on ver sat ion. Disa bling th e call wa iting t one c P ress th e T alk k ey . Call the sy stem menu. > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu[...]

  • Page 66

    Step by Step Conductin g calls – with mult iple users 58 Ov erride i s ended wh en you hang up the hand set. T ransferring calls T ran sf erring a call means that you wish to hand over a call you are con ducting on your hands et to anoth er user . T ransferring (with out a nnoun cing the t ransfer) p Y ou can use this function to f orward a call [...]

  • Page 67

    Conductin g calls – with multiple users 59 Step by Step Y ou r ecei ve a reca ll • immed iately if y ou ha ve made a mistak e, • 45 seconds af ter the transf er if the required user does no t answer . If you do n ot answer recalls , anothe r tel ephone defined by the ser vice en gineer is cal led (in terce pt stati on). T ransferring (with an[...]

  • Page 68

    Step by Step Conductin g calls – with mult iple users 60 Placing a call on hold Y ou can in terrupt a call temporar ily if , for e xa mple you wa nt to ta lk to some one el se in th e room . The line i s placed "on h old". p Y ou are on a cal l. R or P ress th e R key or Display key . The current call is placed "on ho ld", the[...]

  • Page 69

    Conductin g calls – with multiple users 61 Step by Step Conducting a confer ence Y ou can connect up to 5 internal or e xternal partners with e ach other in a tel ephon e conf ere nce. Y ou ca n in- clud e up to 4 exter nal us ers in the co nf eren ce. F or inf ormation purposes, you will hear a w arning tone ev ery 30 seconds during a conf eren [...]

  • Page 70

    Step by Step Conductin g calls – with mult iple users 62 Expand ing a c onf erence Y ou can e xpa nd an ex isting conf eren ce to i nclud e up to fiv e user s. p Y ou are co nnected wi th t wo or more part ners in a con - f erence cal l. Call the s ystem m enu. > < [ Select and conf irm the menu it em. Conference is placed "on h old&qu[...]

  • Page 71

    Conductin g calls – with multiple users 63 Step by Step Viewing the conference parties li st Call the ad dition al menu . > < [ Select and confir m the m enu it em. T he fir st p arty is dis - play ed. > View other par ties. Closing the conf e re nce party list Call the ad dition al menu . > < [ Selec t and confi rm the menu item .[...]

  • Page 72

    Step by Step Conductin g calls – with mult iple users 64 Using the second call fun ction The second cal l is an in coming ca ll that is si gnalled on your handset during a call and tha t can be queried by yo u (e.g. Æ page 55). A second cal l can be answered in the f ollowing call state s: • Y ou a re on a sing le call, • Y ou are on an en q[...]

  • Page 73

    Group functions 65 Step by Step Group func ti ons Activat ing/deact ivating group calls If thi s has be en conf igured by the servi ce engi neer , yo u belong to one o r more grou ps of users wh o can be reached by means of a hunt grou p or group cal l phon e numb er . Calls are signal led on all t elepho nes in th e group eith er in succ essio n ([...]

  • Page 74

    Step by Step Group fu nctions 66 Y ou are a membe r of sev eral gr oups A ctiva ting/deactiv ating indiv idual group s c Press the T alk key . Call the s ystem m enu. eithe r: > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. or: > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. continue: > Select the required group and ca ll the addi tional me nu. [...]

  • Page 75

    Group functions 67 Step by Step Ringing g roup on Y ou can have calls to your h andse t signa lled a coustic ally on up to five othe r teleph ones. The ca ll is rece ived by the p erso n who a nsw er s the ca ll fir st. Ad ding users t o a gr oup First use r c P ress th e T alk k ey . Call the sy stem menu. > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e men[...]

  • Page 76

    Step by Step Group fu nctions 68 > < [ Select and c onfirm the menu i tem. The first u ser a dded is d isplayed. > Scroll to the requi red user . Call the additional menu. > < [ Select and conf irm the menu it em. The additi on of t he first user is cleared. a Press the On-ho ok key to end the p rocess. UCD (Universal Call Distributi[...]

  • Page 77

    Group functions 69 Step by Step > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. a P ress th e On-h ook k ey to e nd the p roce ss. Logging on /off temporarily Y ou can log on or of f at the s yst em temp orar ily , e.g. dur- ing b reak times . Logg[...]

  • Page 78

    Step by Step Group fu nctions 70 Requesting time c Press the T alk key . Call the s ystem m enu. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. a Press the On-ho ok key to end the p rocess. Logging b ack on c Press the T alk key . Call the s ystem m enu[...]

  • Page 79

    Group functions 71 Step by Step Night destina tion o ff c P ress th e T alk k ey . Call the sy stem menu. > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. a P ress th e On-h ook k ey to e nd the p roce ss. Checkin g the num ber of waitin g calls Y o[...]

  • Page 80

    Step by Step Group fu nctions 72 A ctiva ting/deactiv ating group calls c Press the T alk key . Call the s ystem m enu. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. eithe r: > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. or: > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. continue: a Press the On-[...]

  • Page 81

    Group functions 73 Step by Step or: > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. or: > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. o Ente r the desti nat ion numb er . Save the settings. a P ress th e On-h ook k ey to e nd the p roce ss. For war di ng off c P ress th e T alk k ey . Call the sy stem menu. > < [ Selec t and conf irm th[...]

  • Page 82

    Step by Step Message f unctions 74 Messag e functions T he mess age func tions e nable y ou to react to v oice mail/ ca ll back servi ces of t he comm unicat ion system or of other users or to init iate in f o rmat ion featur es your - self . Leaving a messa ge/advisory message A numb er of adviso ry messa ges a re sto red in your com- munication s[...]

  • Page 83

    Messag e functions 75 Step by Step o Enter the required advis ory me ssage. T ypin g errors cannot be corrected. Save the messa ge. continue: a P ress th e On-h ook k ey to e nd the p roce ss. Deactivating an advisory me ssage c P ress th e T alk k ey . Call the sy stem menu. > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. a P ress th e On-h ook [...]

  • Page 84

    Step by Step Message f unctions 76 Send a text me ssag e c Press the T alk key . Call the s ystem m enu. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. o Enter the phone number f or the required i nternal user . eithe r: > < [ Sele ct the requi red advisory m essag e. or: > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. o Enter the req uired [...]

  • Page 85

    Messag e functions 77 Step by Step Answering a messa ge or v oice-ma il message An advisory message appe ars when you have r ecei ved a messag e or voice ma il. Viewing a n ew message eithe r: ? P ress th e messag e ke y . or: c P ress th e T alk k ey . Call the sy stem menu. > < [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. > [ Sele ct the req [...]

  • Page 86

    Step by Step Message f unctions 78 Chec k for a new v oice-m ail mes sage eithe r: ? Press the mes sage key . or: c Press the T alk key . Call the s ystem m enu. > < [ Select and displ ay menu item . o F ollow the user guidance sy stem f rom t his poin t on- ward s . a Press the On-ho ok key to end the p rocess. Callin g an ol d message Old m[...]

  • Page 87

    Messag e functions 79 Step by Step or: > < [ Select and c onfirm t he menu it em. T he en try is d eleted . continue: a P ress th e On-h ook k ey to e nd the p roce ss. Caller list If you are unable to answer an external and/o r internal call , this call request is sto red in a ca ller l ist. I f you be- long t o a hunt grou p or gr oup cal l[...]

  • Page 88

    Step by Step Message f unctions 80 Callin g back a calle r Call t he me nu. > < [ Sel ect and c onfirm t he men u item. The connec tion is set u p. A dding a caller to the caller list Durin g a ca ll, y ou can sav e the othe r party’ s phone number in your caller list, e. g. to remind you to cal l again later . Call the s ystem m enu. > [...]

  • Page 89

    Add itio nal func tions 81 Step by Step Additi onal fu nctions Handse t alar m cloc k func tion When the alarm clock is activated, it rings e very day at the set time. Th e alarm clock is deactiv ated during au- tomatic number redial. Activ ating the a larm clock T he hand set is i n idle stat us. © Open th e menu. D E [ Selec t and conf irm th e [...]

  • Page 90

    Step by Step Additional fun ctions 82 Deactiv ating the alarm cloc k T he hand set is i n idle stat us. © Open the men u. D E [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. D E [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. F Of f G Fi x the set ting. Save setting . a P ress and ho ld the On-hook ke y to end t he pr ocess. Handset ap pointment re minder function Y [...]

  • Page 91

    Add itio nal func tions 83 Step by Step Activ ating the appointment reminder function T he hand set is i n idle stat us. © Open th e menu. D E [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. D E [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. D E [ Sele ct and confirm the r equi red a ppoin tment . F On G Fix the setting . D Move the cursor down one l ine. o E n [...]

  • Page 92

    Step by Step Additional fun ctions 84 Deactiv a ting the ap pointment reminder fun ction T he hand set is i n idle stat us. © Open the men u. D E [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. D E [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. F OFF G F ix the set ting. Save setting . a P ress and ho ld the On-hook ke y to end t he pr ocess. Displa ying an unconfir[...]

  • Page 93

    Add itio nal func tions 85 Step by Step S yst em appoint ment function Y ou can use your ha ndset t o enter a singl e appoin tment f or the next 2 4 hours or an appointment that recur s on a daily bas is. When the appointment is due, y our handset rings f or appr ox . 20 secon ds to re mind y ou of yo ur appoi ntment . The entered appointment appea[...]

  • Page 94

    Step by Step Additional fun ctions 86 > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. Call the additional menu. eithe r: > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. or: > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. a Press the On-ho ok key to end the p rocess. Confirming an appo intment The ha n[...]

  • Page 95

    Add itio nal func tions 87 Step by Step D E [ Selec t and conf irm th e menu it em. Pr edictive te xt is activated. a Pr ess the On-hook k ey to r eturn to th e text field. o Enter text. # Pr ess function ke y to select a c haracter . Th en press the next letter . © Open men u. D E [ Save set ti ngs. a Press and ho ld the On-h ook key to end th e [...]

  • Page 96

    Step by Step T elephone blocking 88 T elephone bloc king Handset telephone lock Y ou can pro tect your h andset against unauthor ised ac- cess by entering a 4-digit numerical code to loc k it. T he PI N i s pr ese t to "0000" ( de f au lt) . T he h an ds et d oe s not prompt f or a PIN in this setting. As soon as you hav e c hange d the P[...]

  • Page 97

    T elephone blocking 89 Step by Step T elephone lock code pr ogramming Y ou ca n pr otect y our hand set aga inst u nauth orised ac- cess (the reb y saf eguar ding per sonal data) b y enteri ng a 5-digit code to lock and unloc k it. T o c hange a code, first enter the old code and then key in the new code twice. c P ress th e T alk k ey . Call the s[...]

  • Page 98

    Step by Step T elephone blocking 90 Loc king/unloc king the handset Y ou can loc k your handset to pre vent e xternal dialling and pro gramm ing, ther eb y pre venti ng unau thori sed use in your absenc e, for e xampl e. P rere quisit e: Y ou hav e defined a pers onal co de or us e th e d ef aul t cod e "00000" . Locking t he h andse t c [...]

  • Page 99

    T elephone blocking 91 Step by Step Central telephone loc k/locking/un- locking ot her hands et s If you hav e the ap propriate au thorisatio n, you can lock and unlo ck other handset s to prev ent un autho rised use. If the us er has lo ck ed his handset and has forgotten the indiv idual p assw or d he ha s set, y ou can un loc k the phone ag ain [...]

  • Page 100

    Step by Step Sy st e m f u n c t i o n s 92 Sy s t e m f u n c t i o n s The s ystem functions can be called up vi a the menu or directly by entering codes. Calling functions via the m enu c Press the T alk key . Call the s ystem m enu. eithe r: > < [ Select and co nfirm the func tion. or: > < [ Select and co nfirm the me nu item. > [...]

  • Page 101

    Sy s tem functions 93 Fu ncti ons and co des Functio ns Codes Automatic call wait.te rm.on * 490 Automatic call w ait.trm.of f # 490 W ait ing to ne off * 87 W ait ing to ne on # 87 Call waiting * 55 Call er list -C a l l # 82 - Sa ve phone number * 82 Advisory ms g. on * 69 Advisory ms g. of f # 69 DND on * 97 DND of f # 97 UCD: - L og on * 40 1 -[...]

  • Page 102

    Sy st e m f u n c t i o n s 94 Conference: -O n * 3 -O f f # 3 Call Charge Displa y * 65 Use s peed d ialin g * 7 Chan ge Speed Dial * 92 To g g l e * 2 To n e d i a l l i n g * 53 Night S ervic e ON * 44 Night S ervic e OFF # 44 Pa r k - P ar k call * 56 - Retrie ve call # 56 Account code * 60 Callback * 58 View callbacks # 58 Suppress ph one num [...]

  • Page 103

    Sy s tem functions 95 T imed r eminder on * 46 T imed r eminder of f # 46 Door re lease ON * 89 Door re lease OFF # 89 Door o pener * 61 Pickup grou p * 57 Pic kup, di rected * 59 F orwarding on * 1 F orwarding off # 1 T run k FWD on * 64 T run k FWD of f # 64 T eleph one Lock * 943 Ret urn to held call * 0 Functio ns Codes[...]

  • Page 104

    Appendi x 96 Appendix T roubleshooting Some malfun ctions can be resolved without outsi de inte rvention. The f ol- low ing tabl e pro vides a li st of su ch malfun ctions. Error Possible cau se Remed y No displa y . H andset not switc hed on. Press the On-hook key until confirmation i s re- ceived. Bat tery is empt y . Charge or replace the bat te[...]

  • Page 105

    Appendix 97 Cleani ng the hand set T o cl ean the ha ndset an d the charging shell, simply wip e them with a damp or antis tat ic cloth. Never use a dry clot h. Do not us e abras ive cleani ng agen ts. T echnical data and acce ssories Gigaset S1 prof essional Gigaset SL 1 professional Maximu m sound pressure level as per TBR1 0, Annex D 1 18 dB (A)[...]

  • Page 106

    Appendi x 98 EU-guidelines Declaration of conformity Y our handset is suppl ied for use within a specif ic coun try , which is di s- pla ye d on the unders ide of the de vice. Coun try-s pecifi c f eat ure s must be obser ved. Th e dev ice c omplies with th e bas ic req uir ements of the R&TTE Dir ecti ve and th eref ore displ ay s the CE symbo[...]

  • Page 107

    99 Index Index A Activating ....... ...... ....... ........ ...... ....... ...... ...... .. 2 Advi sory mess age ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... 74 Advi sory ton es ......... ...... ...... ....... ...... ........ .. 21 Anniversary function .... ...... ....... ...... ...... .... 38 Anon ymous cal ling . ...... ...... ....... ...... ......[...]

  • Page 108

    100 Index Diallin g Aft er line seizur e ..... ....... ...... ...... ....... ....... 3 Before line se izure ..... ...... ...... ...... ....... ..... 3 Prep arati on ..... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... ..... 3 Direct ed answe ring of calls ........ ....... ...... . 44 Direc ted assi gnment of an MSN . ....... ..... 41 Direct ed trans f[...]

  • Page 109

    101 Index O On hold .... ...... ......... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... 60 On/Off key .. ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ........ .... II On/off key ... ...... ....... ........ ...... ....... ...... ..... I , 10 On-hook k ey ........ ....... ...... ........ ....... ..... I , II , 10 Opening/closin g battery compartment .. 1[...]

  • Page 110

    © Siemens AG 2003 Info rmati on and Commu nic ation Netwo rks Hofmannstr. 51 • D-81359 München Order no.: A31003 -G1531-B800-2 -7619 The information in this document contains only general descriptions and features that may not always apply as described in specific cases o r that may cha nge as a result of the further development of the prod- uc[...]