Siemens SN 25E270 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Siemens SN 25E270, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Siemens SN 25E270 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Siemens SN 25E270. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Siemens SN 25E270 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Siemens SN 25E270
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Siemens SN 25E270 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Siemens SN 25E270 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Siemens SN 25E270 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Siemens SN 25E270, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Siemens service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Siemens SN 25E270.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Siemens SN 25E270 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

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    6WDUW        5HVHWVHF              [...]

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    en T abl e of c onte n ts Sa fety instr uctio ns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Before you s wit ch O N the appli ance . . 4 De liver y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Inst a ll ati o n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 In d a il y u s e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Chi ld re n in th e ho us eho l d[...]

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    en 4 Be fore you sw itch ON the appliance Plea s e r ea d the o per ati ng a nd ins ta lla t ion in s t r u ct i o ns c ar e fu l l y . The y c o nt a i n important information on how to install, us e and maintain the appli ance. Retain all do cuments for su bsequent use or for the next owner. De liver y – Ch eck t he p a ckag ing and di shwa she[...]

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    en 5 Childproof lock (door loc k) D o o r lo c k * The description of the chi ldproof lock is at the ba ck in the env elope. * dep end in g on mo del Damage – The ap plian ce m ay b e repa ir ed an d op ened up by a te c h ni cia n o n ly . T o d o this, disconnec t the applian ce from t he po wer su ppl y. Pu ll out t h e m a in s pl u g or swit[...]

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    en 6 To ens ure goo d w ash ing re sults , t he dish w asher re qu ires so ft w ater , i. e. containing low amou nts of lime, otherwise white limescale will be deposited on the utensi ls and i nner container. Tap water above 9° Clarke must be softened. The water is softened with salt (regeneration salt) in the wat er softening system of the d ishw[...]

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    en 7 Using s pecial s alt Always refill with special salt immediately b efo r e sw i tch ing o n the ap pl ia n ce. Th is ens ure s tha t ov erru n sp ecia l salt sol ution is immedi ately washed out and doe s not cor ro de the rins in g tank . – O pen the scre w-ty p e ca p of the co mp artm e nt 1J . – F ill the tan k w ith wate r (on ly req [...]

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    en 8 As soon as t he rinse-aid refill indicator ` is li t on the f asc ia, th er e is st i ll a r i nse -a id reserve of 1 – 2 rinsing processes. Refi ll with rinse ai d. The rinse aid is required for stain-free utensils and clear glasses. U se only rinse ai d f or do me sti c d ishw ashe rs . Combined detergents with r inse-aid co mp on ent may [...]

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    en 9 No t su it a b l e – Cutlery and ut ensils made of wood . – Delicate decorativ e glasses, craf t and antique ut ensils. These de cors are not dish wa sher- proof. – Plas ti c p arts not r esi stan t t o hea t . –C o p p e r a n d t i n u t e n s i l s . – Utensils which are soil ed with ash, wax, lub ric at ing g reas e o r i nk. Alu[...]

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    en 10 Pan s Bo ttom b ask et 1Z Tip Heavi ly so iled ute nsils (pans) should be placed in the bottom basket. The more powerful s pray j et provides a b etter dish w ashi ng res ul t. Tip Other examples, s uch as the b est way of loading your dish washe r, can be found on our hom epage as a free downloa d. The corr esp on din g In te rne t ad dr ess[...]

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    en 11 Sma ll ac ce ss o ries hold e r * S m a ll a c c e s s o r ie s h o ld e r * dep end in g on mo del Li gh t- wei gh t p la s ti c a cce sso r ies , e . g. cu ps , lid s, etc. can b e hel d s ecure ly in t he sm al l accessories holder. Adju sti ng the h e ight o f the ba sket The height of the up per utensils basket 1* can be ad ju sted in 3 [...]

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    en 12 You can use tablets as we ll as powder or l i qui d d ete rg e nts fo r d is hw ash er s, bu t never use washing up liquid. The dosage can be individ ually adjusted w ith powder or a l iq ui d d ete rg e nt a c cor di ng to the deg re e o f s o ilin g . Ta b le ts c o nta i n an adeq uately large amount of active ingredient s for al l cl eani[...]

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    en 13 Tip If the ut ensils are only l ightly soiled, slightly le ss than the ind ic a ted amou nt of detergent i s usually adequate. Suitable detergents and care products can be purchased online via our w ebsite or via customer service (see b ack page). Combination de tergent Ap ar t fro m con v enti o nal d ete rge nts (S olo) , a numb er of pr od[...]

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    en 14 The max. possibl e number of programmes is il lustrat ed in thi s ov erview . The cor resp ondin g progra mmes for y our a pplianc e ca n be found on the f asc ia. Pr og ram me se le ction You can select a suitab le program me acc o rdin g t o th e typ e o f uten s ils an d deg ree of so il ing . Info rma ti on for tes t ins titu tes Test ins[...]

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    en 15 * dep end in g on mo del Ad ditio n a l o ptio ns ca n b e se t w i th the bu tton s X . E x p r e s s W a s h / S p e e d P e rf e c t ( V a r io S p e e d ) Ÿ Ex pr es s Wash / Spe ed Pe r fe ct/ (V a r ioS pee d ) * This fun ction can reduc e the runni ng ti me by approx. 20% to 50% depending on the selected rinse programme. The c hange i[...]

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    en 16 T im e r p r o g r a m m in g Timer pr ogramming * * dep end in g on mo del You ca n del ay th e st ar t of the progr am me in 1-hour steps up to 2 4 hours. – Close t he door. –S w i t c h o n O N / O F F s w i t c h ( . – Pr ess b utt on P un t il th e d ig ital di spl ay H jump s to œ : ‹‚ . – Pr ess b utt on P unt il the d isp[...]

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    en 17 Changing the programme When th e ST ART b utton @ has been pressed, the p rogramme cannot be ch anged . The on ly way a programme can be changed i s by Canc el programme (Reset). Intensi ve drying The final rinse us es a higher temp erature which improves t he drying r esult. The running time m ay i ncreas e slig htly. (Caution if ut ensils a[...]

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    en 18 Filt ers The filters 1R keep large foreign objects in th e rin s ing wat e r aw ay from th e pu mp . These foreign ob jects may oc casionally block th e fi lters. The filter system consists of a coarse filter, a flat fine filter and a m icrofilter. – Afte r eac h was hing cy cle che ck th e filt ers fo r r es idu e. – Uns cre w f ilt er c[...]

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    en 19 The m ajor it y o f f au lt s w hic h c ou ld occu r in da il y o pe ra t ion ca n b e re ct ifi e d by t he user. Thi s ensures that the appliance i s quickly available f or use a gain. The fol lo w ing o ve r vi e w w i ll h e lp y o u lo ca t in g the cau ses and gives h elpful advise to eliminate them. Note If the app liance stop s d urin[...]

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    en 20 ... when t he a ppliance is swi t c hed o n The appli ance does no t start. – The ma in s fu se h as tr i pp ed. – The applian ce plug has not been ins ert ed. – The applian ce door has not been s hut pr o per l y . ... on t he a ppliance Lower spra y ar m rotates sluggishl y . – Spray ar m blocked. The door i s difficult to ope n. * [...]

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    en 21 ... dur ing the wash cy c le Unusual f oam for mation. – Handwash liquid i n the rinse ai d disp ense r. Spilled rinse aid cau ses exces sive frothing, t herefore please rem ove with a cloth. Applia nce stops dur ing the w ash cyc le. – Power supply interrupted. – Water supply interrupted. Fil ling val v es maki ng str ik ing noises –[...]

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    en 22 If the adv ice given does not res olve your prob lem , ple ase c o ntac t yo u r cust ome r se rvi c e. C o nta ct d e tai ls can be fo und on th e b ack cov er of t his in struc tion man ua l or in the enc losed customer service list. When calling , please quote the app liance number (1) an d the pr oduction date (FD = 2) whic h can be foun [...]

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    en 23 – A fter in st alli ng t he appli ance, ensu re that the plug is e asily accessible. (see Electrical connection) –S o m e m o d e l s : Th e p las t ic hou sin g o n the w ate r connection c ontains an electric va lve, the con necting cab les are in the su ppl y hos e. Do not cut th rough t hi s hos e, d o not im mer se th e pl asti c hou[...]

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    en 24 W a r m wa t e r c o n n e c ti o n War m water c onnection * dep end in g on mo del The dishwasher can be connected to c old or h o t wa t er up to ma x . 60 °C. Co nnec t io n to hot w at e r is reco mme nd e d if th e hot w ate r can b e su ppl ie d by energe tically favourable means and from a su itable installation, e. g. solar heating [...]

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    en 25 T ransportation Emp ty t he d ishw ashe r a nd s ecure l oo se part s. Drain the appl iance acco rdi ng to the fol low ing steps: – Turn on th e tap. – Close t he door. –S w i t c h o n O N / O F F s w i t c h ( . – Select prog ramme with t he highest temperature. The expected prog ramme duration is in dica ted on the n ume ri cal dis[...]

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