Siemens VS06B1110 manual


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A good user manual

The rules should oblige the seller to give the purchaser an operating instrucion of Siemens VS06B1110, along with an item. The lack of an instruction or false information given to customer shall constitute grounds to apply for a complaint because of nonconformity of goods with the contract. In accordance with the law, a customer can receive an instruction in non-paper form; lately graphic and electronic forms of the manuals, as well as instructional videos have been majorly used. A necessary precondition for this is the unmistakable, legible character of an instruction.

What is an instruction?

The term originates from the Latin word „instructio”, which means organizing. Therefore, in an instruction of Siemens VS06B1110 one could find a process description. An instruction's purpose is to teach, to ease the start-up and an item's use or performance of certain activities. An instruction is a compilation of information about an item/a service, it is a clue.

Unfortunately, only a few customers devote their time to read an instruction of Siemens VS06B1110. A good user manual introduces us to a number of additional functionalities of the purchased item, and also helps us to avoid the formation of most of the defects.

What should a perfect user manual contain?

First and foremost, an user manual of Siemens VS06B1110 should contain:
- informations concerning technical data of Siemens VS06B1110
- name of the manufacturer and a year of construction of the Siemens VS06B1110 item
- rules of operation, control and maintenance of the Siemens VS06B1110 item
- safety signs and mark certificates which confirm compatibility with appropriate standards

Why don't we read the manuals?

Usually it results from the lack of time and certainty about functionalities of purchased items. Unfortunately, networking and start-up of Siemens VS06B1110 alone are not enough. An instruction contains a number of clues concerning respective functionalities, safety rules, maintenance methods (what means should be used), eventual defects of Siemens VS06B1110, and methods of problem resolution. Eventually, when one still can't find the answer to his problems, he will be directed to the Siemens service. Lately animated manuals and instructional videos are quite popular among customers. These kinds of user manuals are effective; they assure that a customer will familiarize himself with the whole material, and won't skip complicated, technical information of Siemens VS06B1110.

Why one should read the manuals?

It is mostly in the manuals where we will find the details concerning construction and possibility of the Siemens VS06B1110 item, and its use of respective accessory, as well as information concerning all the functions and facilities.

After a successful purchase of an item one should find a moment and get to know with every part of an instruction. Currently the manuals are carefully prearranged and translated, so they could be fully understood by its users. The manuals will serve as an informational aid.

Table of contents for the manual

  • Page 1 Re gis te r your pr odu c t online VS 0 6 de Gebrauchs anleitu ng en Inst ru ct io n manu al fr Notice d‘utilisatio n nl Gebruik saanwijzin g da Bru gsanvisning no Brugs anvisning sv Brugs anvisning fi Käyttöohje es Ins tr ucc ion es d e us o pt Ins tr uçõ es d e ut iliz aç ão el Ο δη γίε ς χ ρ[...]

  • Page 2

    1 Di e Ge br a uch sa nwe is ung b it te au fb ew ah re n. B ei We ite rg ab e de s St au bs aug er s an D r it te bi tte G e - brauc hsanweisung mitgebe n. Bestimmungsgemäße V erwendung Di es er S ta ubs au ge r is t für d en G e br au ch im H a ush al t und n ic ht fü r gew er bl ich e Zwe cke b e st immt . D en Staubsauger ausschli eßlich g[...]

  • Page 3

    2 Hinweise zur Entsorgung  Verpackung Di e Ver pa cku ng s chü t zt d en S ta ub sa uge r vo r Be - sc hä dig ung a uf d em Tran sp or t . S ie b es teh t au s umweltfreundlich en Materialien und ist deshalb recycelbar . Entsorgen Sie n icht mehr benö tigte V er - packungs material ien an den Sam melstellen für das Verwertungssystem »Grüne[...]

  • Page 4

    3  Children must nev er play with t he appli - ance.  Cleaning and user maintenance must ne - ver be carried out by childr en without su - per vision.  Plastic bags and films must be k ept out of the reach of c hildren bef ore disposal. > = Risk of suffocation. Proper use  Only connect and use the vacuum cleaner in ac - cordance wit[...]

  • Page 5

    4 fr Co ns er ve z ce tte n ot ice d ' uti lis at ion . Si v ou s rem et te z l' as pir at eu r à une t ie rc e pe rs on ne, v eu ill ez -y j oin dre s a notice d'utilisation. Utilisation conforme aux prescriptions et à l'emploi prévu Ce t a spi ra teu r es t de s tin é à un e uti lis ati on d om es ti - qu e et no n pr ofe[...]

  • Page 6

    5  Ne pas exposer l'aspirateur aux influences atmos - phériques, à l'humidité ni aux sources de c haleur .  Ne pas mettre des substances inflammables ou à base d'alcool sur les filtres (sac aspirateur , filtre de prot ec - tion du moteur , filtre de sortie d'air etc.).  L'aspirateur n'est pas appropri[...]

  • Page 7

    6 De g eb r uik sa an wij zin g goe d b ew are n. W an ne er u d e stofzui ger doorg eeft aan derden de gebrui ksaanwijz ing erbij voegen. Gebruik volgens de voorschriften De ze s tof zui ge r is a lle en v oo r hui sh ou de lijk e n ni et vo or zakelijk gebr uik bestemd . De stofzuiger uitsluitend ge - bruiken zoals aangegeven in deze g ebruiksaan[...]

  • Page 8

    7 Instructies voor recy cling  Verpakking De ve rp ak kin g be s che r mt de s tof zu ige r te gen b e - sc ha dig ing t ijd en s he t tr an spo r t . D eze b e st aa t uit milieuvriendel ijk materiaal en i s daarom recycle - baar . Breng verpakkingsmateriaal dat u ni et meer nodig heeft naar een verzamelplaats voor de verwer - kin g va n af v a[...]

  • Page 9

    8 K orrekt anv endelse  Støvsuger en må kun tilsluttes og an vendes iht. types - kiltet.  Støvsug aldrig uden filt erpose hhv. støvbeholder , mo - torbeskytt elses- og udblæsningsfilter . > = apparatet k an blive beskadiget!  Støvsug aldrig med mundstykk e eller rør i nærheden af hovedet. > = Der er fare for tilsk adekomst![...]

  • Page 10

    9 T a godt vare på bruksanvisni ngen. Bruksanvis ningen må fø lg e me d nå r st ø v su ge ren s ki ft er e ier. Tiltenkt bruk St ø v sug er en e r kun b er eg ne t for b ru k i hu sho ld nin ge r og ik ke ti l nær in gs - og in du st ri for må l. S t ø vs uge re n må ba re b ru kes s om b es kr eve t i de nn e br uk sa nvi sni nge n. Pro [...]

  • Page 11

    10  Kassering av filter og filterpose Fi lte ret o g filt er po se n er f rem st ilt a v mil jø v enn lig e mat er ia ler. Hv is d e ikke i nn eh old er s tof f er s om e r for b udt å k a ste i h ush ol dn ing sa v fa ll, k an d e ka st es i husholdningsav fa llet. Generell informasjon  Støvpose Ap pa ra tet di tt e r en h ø y ef fe k[...]

  • Page 12

    11  Se till så att kontakt en inte slår emo t personer , kroppsdelar , husdjur eller föremål vid automatiskt sladdindrag. => Styr sladden med kont akten.  Slå alltid av och dra ur k ontakten f öre arbet en på dammsugaren.  Använd int e dammsugaren om den är trasig. Dra ut kontakt en ur uttaget om dammsugaren är trasig.  Det[...]

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    12  Laite tta voivat k äyttää 8 vuo tta täyttä - neet lapset ja henkilö t, joiden fyysise t tai henkiset kyvyt ovat rajoittunee t tai joilta puuttuu kok emus ja/tai tieto laitt een kä y - töst ä, valvonnan alaisina tai k un heitä on opaste ttu laitt een käyt össä ja he ovat ym - mär täneet lait een kä ytön v aarat.  Lapset ei[...]

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    13 Co ns er va r la s in st ru cc io ne s de u so. E n c as o de e nt - re ga r el a sp ir ad or a un a te rce r a pe rs on a , adj unt ar l a s instrucciones de uso . Uso de acuerdo con las especificacio - nes E ste a sp ir ad or e s tá in di ca do p ar a e l uso d om és ti co y no p ar a ap lic a cio ne s in du st ri al es . Us ar e l a sp ir [...]

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    14  El aspirador no ha sido diseñado para su empleo en obras. > = La aspiración de escombros puede pr ovocar daños en el aparato.  Desconectar el aparato y e xtraer el cable de conexión a la red cuando no se vaya a aspirar .  Inutilizar inmediatamente los aparat os usados para poder eliminarlos según la normativa. ! Observaciones E[...]

  • Page 16

    15 Indicações de segurança Este aspirador está em conf or midade com as regras t écnicas reconhecidas e cumpr e as instruções de segurança aplicáveis.  Este apar elho não pode ser utilizado por crianças a par tir dos 8 anos e pessoas com capacidades físicas, sensoriais ou mentais reduzidas ou que não disponham de experiência sufic[...]

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    16 Indicações gerais  Sacos de aspiração O s eu a s pir a dor é u m ap ar elh o de a lt a efi ci ên cia , qu e pro po rc io na os m el hor es r e sult a dos d e lim pe z a ap en a s co m sa cos d e a sp ir aç ão o ri gi nai s. A p en as co m a uti liz aç ã o de s ac os d e as pir a çã o de e le va da qua li da de , co mo os s ac os [...]

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    17  Μην αναρροφάτε ποτέ με το πέλμα κ αι το σωλήνα αναρρόφησης κο ντά στο κ εφάλι. > = Υπάρχ ει κίνδυνος τραυµατισµού!  Κατά την αναρρόφηση σε σκάλ ες πρέπει η συσκευή να βρίσκεται πάντα κάτω ?[...]

  • Page 19

    18 Υποδείξεις για την ενεργ ειακή ετικέτα Αυ τ ή η η λ ε κ τ ρ ι κή σ κ ού π α π ρ ό κε ι τ αι γ ι α μ ι α η λε κ τ ρ ι κ ή σκούπα γενικής χρήσης . Γ ι α τ ην ε πί τ ε υ ξ η τ ης δ η λ ωμ έ ν η ς τ άξ η ς ε ν ε ργ ε ?[...]

  • Page 20

    19 ! Lütfen dikkat Ş eb eke s oke ti e n a z 16A' lı k bir s igo r t a ile e mn iye te alınmış olmalıdır . E ğe r ci ha z ç al ış t ır ıl dı ğ ın da s igo r t a at ac ak o lur - sa , b unu n se be bi , cih a z ile b ir lik te y ük se k ele k tr ik ba ğ la nt ı de ğe r ine s ah ip ba ş ka e le k tr ikl i cih a zla r ın da[...]

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    20 Odkurzacz mo żna eksplo atow ać wyłącznie z:  or yginaln ymi częściami zamiennymi, oryginalnymi akcesoriami lub or yginalnym wyposażeniem dodat - ko wym  W celu uniknięcia r yzyka utraty gwarancji zalecam y użytko wanie urządzenia wyłącznie z or yginalnymi w or - kami na pył. Aby u ni kn ąć u s zko dz eń u rz ą dz en ia l [...]

  • Page 22

    21  Stare ur ządze nia S ta re ur z ą dz eni a c zę sto z aw ie ra ją p e ł now ar t oś ci owe mat er ia ł y. Z teg o w zg lę d u w ys łu żo ne u r z ąd zen ie na le ż y od da wa ć do st awc y w zg lę d nie d o ce nt ru m od - zysku suro wców wtórnych do ponownego wykor zys - ta nia . I nfo rm ac ję n a tem at ak tu al nie o bo [...]

  • Page 23

    22 Megfelelő használat  A porszívót csakis a típustábla szerint csatlak oztassa és helyezze üzembe.  Soha ne használja porzsák, ill. por tar tály , motorvédő szűrő és kifúvószűrő nélkül. > = A készülék kár osodhat!  Soha ne tartsa a szívófejet és a csöve t a fej k özelében porszívózás k özben. > = [...]

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    23 М ол я у к а з а н ия т а з а по л з в а н е д а б ъ д а т с ъ хр а н я в а ни . Пр и п р е д а в а н е н а пр а хо с м у к ач к а т а н а т р е т и ли ц а м ол я д а б ъ д а т пр е д а в а ни и у к а з а н и я т а з а п ол з в[...]

  • Page 25

    24 ! Моля имайте предвид Мр е жо в и я т ко н т а к т т р я б в а д а е о си г у р е н с пр е д па з и т ел н а й - м а л ко 16 A . Ак о п ри в к л юч в а н е н а у ре д а п р е д п а з и т ел я т с е з а д е й с т в а , т о п р ?[...]

  • Page 26

    25 Instrucţiuni de siguranţă Acest aspirator cor espunde regulament elor recunoscut e ale tehnicii şi dispoziţiilor de securitate în vigoar e.  Aparatul poate fi f olosit de copii începând cu vârst e de 8 ani şi de persoane cu dizabilităţi fizice, senzoriale sau mentale sau fără experienţă şi / sau cunoştinţe, dacă acestea [...]

  • Page 27

    26 Instrucţiuni generale  Pungă de praf A p ar atu l dvs . e ste u n a spi ra tor d e pr af c u efi ci en ţ ă ri dic a tă , c a re p oate o b ţin e ce le m ai b un e rez ult ate de c ur ăţ a re nu ma i cu p ung i de p ra f or ig ina le . Val o - ri le in di ca te în et ic he ta d e en er gie U E p en tr u cl as a de e fic ie nţ ă e [...]

  • Page 28

    27 لا تقم أبدا بالشفط باستخدام فوهة التنظيف والماسورة بالقرب من الرأس. في حالة التشغيل لمدة تزيد على 30 دقيقة اسحب كابل التوصيل الكهربائي بالكامل للخارج. احرص على مراعاة ألا يندفع القابس الكهربا[...]

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    28 لتجنب المجازفة بحقوق وخدمات الضمان، ننصح بتشغيل جهازك مع استخدام أكياس الفلتر الأصلية فقط . Sicherheit_Bosch_Staubbeutelgeraet_E-Label-P1_Sicherheit 22.1.2014 11:52 Seite 32[...]

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    29 DE Deutschland, Ger man y BSH Hausgerä te Service GmbH Zentralwerksta tt für kleine Hausgeräte Trautskirchene r Strasse 6-8 90431 Nürnber g Online Auftrags status, Filte rbeutel- Konfigurator und viele w eitere Infos unter: Reparaturse rvice, E rsatzteile & Zubehör, Produ kt-Informatio nen: Tel.: 09 11 70 440 04 4 ma[...]

  • Page 31

    30 FI Suomi, Finland BSH Kodinkon eet Oy Itälahdenk atu 18 A PL 123 00201 Helsinki Tel.: 0207 510 700 Fax: 0207 510 780 mailto:Siemen s-Service-FI@ Lankapuhelimesta 8,28 snt/puhelu + 7 snt/min (alv 23%) Matkapuhelimesta 8, 28 snt/puhelu + 17 snt/min (alv 23%) FR France BSH Electromé nager S.A.S. 50 rue Ardoi n – BP [...]

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    31 MK M acedonia, Make д o ния GORENEC Jane Sandansk i 69 lok. 3 1000 Skopje Tel.: 022 454 600 Mobil: 070 697 46 3 mailto:gorenec@y MT Malta A plan Limited The Atrium Mriehel by Pass BKR3000 Bir kirkara Tel.: 025 495 122 Fax: 021 480 598 mailto:lapap@ NL Nederland, Neth erlands BSH Huishoudap paraten B.V. Taurusavenu e 36 [...]

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    32 de en fr it nl da no sv fi es Dieses G erät ist entsprechend der europäischen Richtlinie 2012/19/EU über Elektro- und Elektronikaltgeräte (waste electrical and electronic equipment - WEEE) gekennzeichnet. Die Richtlinie gibt den Rahmen für eine EU-weit gültige Rücknahme und Verwertung der Altgeräte vor . This appliance is labelled in acc[...]

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    33 pt el tr pl hu bg ru ro uk ar Este aparelho está marcado em conformidade com a Directiva 2012/19/UE relativa aos resíduos de equipa- mentos eléctricos e electrónicos (waste electrical and electronic equipment - WEEE). A directiva estabelece o quadro para a criação de um sistema de recolha e valorização dos equipamentos usados válido em [...]

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    34 AE DE Garantie Bundesrepublik Deutschland siehe letzte Seite. Ausland: Für dieses Gerät gelten die von der V ertretung unser es Hauses in dem Kaufland herausgegebenen Garantiebedingungen. Einzelheiten hierüber teilt Ihnen der Händler , bei dem Sie das Gerät gekauft haben, auf Anfrage jederzeit mit. Zur Inanspruchnahme von Garantieleistungen[...]

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    35 RU ìÒÎÓ‚Ëfl „‡‡ÌÚËÈÌÓ„Ó Ó·ÒÎÛÊË‚‡ÌËfl èÓÎÛ˜ËÚ¸ ËÒ˜ÂÔ˚‚‡˛˘Û˛ ËÌÙÓχˆË˛ Ó· ÛÒÎÓ‚Ëflı „‡‡ÌÚËÈÌÓ„Ó Ó·cÎyÊË‚aÌËfl Ç˚ ÏÓÊeÚe ‚ Ça¯eÏ ·ÎËÊaȯeÏ a‚ÚopËÁo‚aÌÌoÏ cep‚ËcÌoÏ ˆeÌÚpe ËÎË ‚ cep‚ËcÌoÏ[...]

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    36    1.                        (24)     [...]

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    or or 1[...]

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    * * * * * *   1    2   3   4   5    6   ?[...]

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    3 or or[...]

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    4 VZ41FGALL[...]

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    5 24h Dr ying[...]

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    6 VZ153HFB * * VZ41FGALL[...]

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    © Sie mens - Ele c tro ge räte Gm bH, 201 3. 0 2 / 13 ww  5 1 0 0 0 03 0 4 8 Siemens-Elec trogeräte  GmbH  Carl-Wery-Str .  34,  81 739  München 130208_VS06_Titel.indd 2 12.02.2013 15:56:14 05/14 9000 953 240[...]